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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 18

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PAGE GRTEE TI~ ANADI M ~TA~ M A M~~~ WM NU7i.?.Y l .VP Dl U..irais oi i naxS Dorothy and Lawrence Lea- men would like ta thank the Sunday School teachers, Com- panions of the Forest, friends and neighbours for their lovely sbower gifts and wedding pres- ents. 50-1 I wish to thank Dr. H. B. Rundie, the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for care and kindness and my relatives and friends for the lovely gifts and cards sent me during my stay in hospital. Carol Yeo, Antioch. 50-1 I wish ta thank my frîends, neighbours and relatives for their kindness and help during my recent illness, also the cards and flowers received and the lavely basket of fruit from my co-workers and my thanks ta Dr. Fergýuson, also. Verna Fowler. 50-1* Bradcy nd e~dy sdýttIg We wisb ta express aur ap- 1 preciation and sincere thanks ta joaur neighbours, friends and DEATHS1 relatives for the beautiful gifts, ________________________cards and flowers. A special BRADLEY, Peter F.-On Friday, thanks toalal those who bheipcd Dec. 9, 1955, Peter F. Bradleyi n a amaearfry frirmerly of Toronto, belaved fîfth wedding anniversary such iiusband of Harriet May Bradley an enjoyable occasion. of Bowmanville, and dear father Mm. and Mms. Neil Mutton. oi Lloyd af Toronto, in bis 73rd 50-1* ycar. Rested at Northcutt & Smiîth Funeral Home, 53 Division W'e wish ta extcnd aur beart- St., Bowmanvilic. Service was icît thanks and appreciation for beld Monday, December 12, at the acts aif kindness, messages 2:30 pan. Intemment Lakeview of sympathy and beautiful floral Cemnetery, Newtonville. 50)-1 offerings eceived frorn aur kind friends and neighbours in Orona, CALDWELL, Edith Rawcna- Newcastle, Ncwtonviiie, Lake At thc Port Hoè Hospital, Sat- Shore and Bowmanville, in aur urday, December ltb, 1955, sad bereavement. Edith Rowena Tamblyn, beiov' Mms. Annabeile E. Hendry ed wife of the late Erastus (Ras) and family. 50-1 Caldwell. Service was held in the George Funeral Chapel, Wai- I wisb ta take this opportun- ton Street, Part Hope, Monday, ity of expressing my special December 12th at 2 p.m. Inter- tbanks ta Dms. 0. G. Milis, A. P. ment Welcomc Church Cerne- Fulton, W. E. Blair and E. Klotz, tery. 50-1 nurses and staff of the Oshawa ________General Hospital, blood donors, GRAY MevinOn TursayHarry Davey, Rev. John Kitch- GRAY MevinOn Tursayen, Sr.-Major V. Macîcan, 1.0.0. December 8tb, 1955, Meivin F., No. 436, and ail my many Gray, beioved husband of Ethel friends who sent flowers, fruit, Masters, in his 6lst year. Rest- cards, letters and enquiries dur- ed at Northcutt & Smith Funerai ing ny long stay in the baspital. Home, 53 Division St. Bowman- Again thank you, anc and ahl. ville, until naon,,Saturday, Dec. Lamne Rabbins. 1t, thence ta United Church, 50-1 Ponitypool, for service at 2 p.m. ____ Interynent Ballyduff Cemcterv. "TO THE SOLINA GANG" 501Here's aur special tbanks toalal, Who gatbered at Sauina Hall; HUDSON-At St. Joscph's Hos- To present us with a lifetirne gift rital, Peterborough on Sunday, From you-who always show December 11, 1955, Andrew Nel- sucb tbrift. son iHudson, aged 86 ycars, Ixus- band of the late Susan Elizabeth Wattcn and dear father of A. Gardon Hudson, Hastings. Serv- ice was held at the Morris Fun- iral Chapel, Bawmanville, on Tueaday, Dec. 13 at 2 p.m. In- termien t Hampton Cemetery. 50-1 MOBRSON.Clarke Raymnd- Suddenly. et bis residence, 188 Lee Ave. Toronto,. an Friday, Dec. bi 1955, Clarke Raymond Morrison, bcloved busband ai Ethel Wills and dear father ai the late Raymond Morrison. Service was beld at the funemal home ai Austin J. Mack, 1986 Qucen St. E., Toronto. on Mon- ciay. Intemment Pine Hilis Cern- etery. 50-1 PEARCE-At St. Joseph's Hos- pital, .Toronto, on Fiday, Dec. 9th. 1955, Mary Pearce (Living- stan, New Jersey), in ber 72nd year. Wife ai the late Arcbibald T. Pearce and dear mather ai Darothy (Mrs. Robt. Pollison), Maywood, N.J.; Lawrence, Liv- ingston, N.J., and Patricia (Mrs. Stanley -Laddie). Avenel. N.J. Service was held at the Morris Funcral Chapel, Bowrnanville, on Monday. December l2th at 10 a.m. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 50-1 STRIKE, Ella-At Strathaven Rest Home, Bowrnanville, on Sunday, December Ilth, 1955, Ella Strike, wife ai the late Rev. A. J. H. Strike, dear motheroa W. Ross Strike ai Bawmanville and Magi*itrrte Glenn E_' We know yoo must bave sbopped witb came, For the piliow and the hostess chair: WeIli not forget from where tbcy came,, Even wben we'rc aid and getting lame. Sa please accept aur thanks again, Take note ai this refrain: You neyer need ta weam a frown, For the "Sauina Gang" won 't. let yau down. Helmier and Elma Freitag. 50-_1 Help Wanted START youm own business in Bawmanvilie, Port Hope, Betb- any, NewtDnvilie. You can easily make $75 weekly. For sales plan and free catalogue write ta: Familex, Dept. B, Sta- tion C, Montreal. 50-1 WANTED -Reliable *man as dealer in Bowrnanville. Exper- ience not necessary. A fine op- portunity ta step into aid prof- itable business where Rawleigb poducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products fumnisbed on credit. Write Raw. ieigh's Dept. L-140-163, Montreai, P.Q. 50-1 PERMANENT JOB FOR YOUNG MEN ý.. -asatituuiri r-Diim 1TAKE A IIEALTHY outdoor lufe,1 ai Ottawa. Rested at Northcutt combined with fine pay, securityl & Smith Funeral Home, 5;n3 pogesv pninplnac Division Street. Bowma adnvillev enin ln n Service was held on Tuealvil.avu end up with \vorking con- December l3th at 2 p.m. Inter' dition a ntaedia. n fn m en t Beechwood Cernetery a n n aaa Ottawa. 50-1 FFor pbysically fit, forward-look- BIRTHS MUNDAY-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Munday (nee Joan Waaliey) are happy ta annaunce the arrivai cf their. daughter, Nancy Gale, on Friday, December 9th. 1955, at Memnoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. 50-1 PIPER-Kari and Betty (nec Brock) are happy ta announce the arrivai ai their daughter Judy Elaine, 7 lbs., 4 ozs., on Dec. 8, 1955, at Memarjai Hos-1 pital, Bowmanvilie. 50-1*1 PORTER-Keitb and Anne Par-i ter announce the arrivai af Catherine Anne, a sister for Jerry, on Dcc. 10. 1955, lit Me- marial Haspital, Bowmanvil]e. 50-1w WILSON-Tommy and Jonc Wilson, Newcastle, are bappy ta announce the bith of their son, Cameron Richard (Cam) at Me- marial Hospital, Bawmanville, Monday, December l2tb, 1955, a brother for WylleneT.pîçii, away. God took him borne - it was His wiil; Within aur beamts he livctb still. -Ever remernbered by Nina, George, Russell, Roy, Anne and f amily. 50-1l Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and deiivery. Lamne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf ANY make television or radio. Professional, prompt. courteaus service. Television Service Ca., 3' King St. West. MA 3-3883. 46-tf REAIRS toalal makes of refrig- eratars, domestic and commer-, cial; "mîlkîng coolers. Higgon 1 Electrie Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25t WATCH 'REPAIRING Reception Mrs. Fred Cowan wili receive at her residence, Main Strpet, Orano, Wednesday, December 28, s1955, from 3 to 6 p.m., on the roccasion of ber 9Oth birthday. .Neighbours, friends and rela- Ltives, kindly acecpt a cordial in- vitation to eall. 50-1* IN MEMORIAM BICKELL-In loving memory of a dear mother, Hattie Irene Bickell, wha passed away Dec. 15, 1954.1 Years of striving, littie play. Loving and giving the wholel o f the way Acherished smile, a heart of gold, Ta the dearest mother the world ceuld hald. Happy iemaries, fond and true.1 From us who thougbt thel world of you.' -Sadly missed by sQn Keith, daughter-in-law Audrey and grandchildren Dale, David and Donald. 50-1* BICKELL-In loving memory of a dear wife and mather, Irene Bickell, who passed away Dec. 15. 1954. We littie knew when we woke that morn, The sorrow the day would bring, For the caîl was sudden, the shock severe Ta part with one we Iaved sa dear. Sometimes it's bard ta under- stand Wby some things bave ta be, But in His wisdom Gad bh.s planned Beyond aur pawer ta see. God giveth strength ta fight it, And courage ta bear the biow; But what it meant ta lase you No one will ever know. -Sadly missed by husband and f amily. 50-1* STORMS-In laving memory ofI aur dear mother and grandmath-j er, Dorcas Storms, who left us Dec. 17, 1950. She left us sweet memories. -Rememhered by ber daugb- ters, Edith and Myrtle, grand- children Ernest and Betty. 50-1 THOMPSON-In loving memory of aur dear mother, Lillian Maud Yellowlees, wha passed away Dec. 15, 1947. Tenderly we treasure tbe past With memories that will always iast, And when we cease ta tbink of yau Will be when God bas called us taa. -Ever remembered by sons and daughters. 50-if WILKINS-In loving memary of1 Samuel George Wilkins who diedC December 17, 1954.'E His cbarming ways and smiiing2 face Are a pleasure ta recali: E-e bad a kindly word for each And died beloved by ail. E -Sadly missed and lovingly re-1 nembered by sister, brother, sîster-in-iaw and brother-jn-law. 0 50-1* WILKINS, Samuel George-In L oving memory of dear Sam who leparted this life Dec. 17, 1954. One year has passed since that sad dayS When one we loved was cailed , KEYS cut automaticaily, whiie you wait, at-Mason & Dale Hàrd- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SPRUCE Christmas trees for sale. Wc will cut yaur chaice. Can be seen at 55 Liberty St. N. Mr. J. C. Alidread. 49-2* PLANTATION of about 4,000 Christmnas trees, Scotch Pine, far sale; Planted two years. Write Box M, Kendai, Ont. 47-tf SAVE on lumber, direct fram miii ta yau. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r1l. 13-tf REASO)NABLE, galvanizcd laun- dry tub, 120 ft. famm fencing, asb siftcr, fibreboard wamdrabe. MA 3-5008. 50-1* HARDWOOD slabs, $45 per load, 1 approximately tbrec cords, saw- ed and delivemed. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. 47-tf CHRISTMAS trees, top quaiity Scotch pine and sprucc* Free deiivery. Donald Myles, 124 Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-5887. 48-4 NEW machines-Sevemai electrie hammer milîs at bargain prices. S. S. Morton & Son, Farrn Equip- nent, Maple Grave, Bowman- ville. . 50-1 SCOTCH pine Christmas trees,i all sizes. Walter Frank, Kurvi nn, or Chas. Frank, Manvers Road. Phone Newcastle 2114 or MIA 3-2403. 49-3 CHRISTMAS trees, top quality Scotch pine and spmuce, free de- livery; also pair ai giri's figure skates, size 4. Appiy 123 Ontario t.~~~ orP-eM -35 50- A~rticles For Sale SET of farm sleigbs, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2194. 50-1 TWO six-piy 14" tires. Phone MA 3-3603. 50-1' ELECTRIC train, in good con- dition. Phone MA 3-2112. 50-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, deiivered in Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf ONE washîng machine in ex- cellent candition. Phane MA 3- 5590. 50-1* EASY wasbing machine with dryer, $55 or best offer. Phone MA 3-3178. 50-1 THREE-pjece bedroom suite, in good condition. Phone New- castle 2108. 50-1* ONE and a baîf acres of sugar- cane (stooked). Neil Malcolm. Phone Blackstock 66 r 4. 50-1* BODY bardwaod and softwood, sawed and deiivered. Phone' Newcastle 3776. 50-1 THOR automatic Gladiron prac- tically new, with folcf-away table. Phone MA 3-3125. 50-1* FORMAL gown, pale green, ny- ]on lace, size 14. Best offer. Phone Newcastle 2153. 50-1 LARGE Quaker space heater, fawn colour. Phone Orona 1618. 50-1* CAPONS, 50c lb., rough dressed, average weight 8 lbs. Phone MA 3-2722. 50-1 CHRISTMAS trees, No. 1 spruce and balsam. Cabin 1. Cream of Barley Park, King East, Bow- manville. 50-2* NEW Mail chain saws $196.00. S. S. Morton & Son, Farm Equip- ment. Maple Grave, Bowman- ville. 50-1 VENETIAN blinds-Newest cal ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instail. Marris Co. Phane MA 3-5480. 6-tf ONE eigbt-foot Pram Kit-boat; one twelve foot Standard Runa- bout Kit-boat. Ideal for the home hobbyist. Sùippiied cam- piete with easy instructions. Apply Simpkîn Marine Manu- facturing, 160 Church Street. 50-1 WE have the used spreader you are looking for: InteiFnational on rubber, 2 Cockshutt on rubber, Massey-Harris on rubber, two International on steel; also trac- tar grain grinder, 10",, like new. S. S. Morton & Son, Farm Equip- ment. Mapie Grave, Bowman- DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cail at your borne any time with a complete range af sampies and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609. Bowman- ville. 48-tf USEDj appliances-Easy wasbîng machines cornpletely ovcrbaui- ed and reconditioned, $301 and up; General Electmic reimigerat- or only $35; Grahamette rang- ette, $10; Beech 4-borner elec- trie mange only $15, at Farrn Equiprnent and Autornotive, 134 King St. E., Bawmanvillc. Phone MA 3-5689. 50-1 Singer Sewing Centre For Used on New Sewing Machines RentaIs or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service Tu I YS 44t HEARING aid service, testing T. I service and complete stock aif Choice Br batteries and cards at Higgon Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E.,j Drcssei *Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438.!L er TYPEWRITER clearance - An PHC ideal lasting gift: Rernington ______ Underwood, Rayai, Smith Stan: j dard, reconditioned, regul arly; $79.50, reduced $39.50. *Also,, new 1956 portable with case, rc- Ceramie duced $59.50. Adding machines, lialls adds ta $99,999.99, subtracts, only $19.50. Each fuliy goaranýteed. H erad-breasted Bronze ;d and Deivced s Turkey Farm DINE MA 3-5049 .50-1 TILaed uar Ail Kinds Floons --ing you ng Canadi ans, the Canad- at 'epost $5.00, baalance C.O.D.' - ian egulr Amy ofer extns-Immediate shipmcnt. Crown, Phonie MA 3-2902 Ba'îmanvillh COMING EVENTS ive opportunity . . . a reafly out- M AR R 'S 1011 Bieury, Montreal, Que.'1-t standing career. 49-3LR LUMI Sacred Christmas Cantata, Full information without obliga- 13 King St. WV., Phone MA 3-5163 Zion United Church, Sonday. tion - Sec the . BOWMANVILLE DECORU.ATING Windowsan Doors December 18, 7:30 pni. 50-11 Armyr Information -1-»tfj * For the Latest Papers Reasonable Dance and draw ta be bcld in WEd elknd fm pnty *Forth ie aîsRO SC A K Enniskiiin Hall, Friday 'c1Team work. Repairs on buildings, * eor the Fest WFkanshiR O S S C LlAR j I ~~garages, barns. We shingle oHNrM -30 16. Ruth Wilson's Orchestra.; %Vatch local advertising for time 1 repair roofs, build cuphoards andte et oPHnhi OEMAn3-3801 Enniskillen Athîctie Club. 50-1 and location or clip this Coupon! Pot down bardwood and tule j Ç*Prsto & So and Mail ta floors. We also repair fumniture. '"S.G.PRetoK&'on Dance, Friday, Dec. 16 at the Kingston Armny Information Womk done at your «home or at Phones I T.UR EYV Newtonvilie Communit-v Hall. Centre, aur shop. Lowest price in town. MA 3.591% MA 3-3701 DRESSED and DELIVERED Music by Doug Dasti and the! 164IVWlington St., Dept. A, Free estirnate. Phone MA 3- 44-tf frm1 I.u Northerrn Ramblers. 50-1~ Kingston, Ontario 2011 or MA 3-2740. 50-1 Bct*uit BaseLineNo.3 Chistms 1Please let nie have fu informa- U K YSCmeivlyPcd concert will be beld on Fridav 1TAYLOR CI T UNGK E Y S C.mctticiO Red Decemnber l6- at 8:00 parm. Ad" Name ("k I CHOICSE n E YUN IRD HAMPON MA3-293 mnission, adults 35c, childrcn 15c. Street -________ pi iO RSE n EIEB APO A323 50-1__CityRADIATORS and HEATERS .ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS _________ 48-4 Cit ~REPAIRED and CLEANED NOW! Dance to George Wade and bis I arnm ----Yeams Old RECORING Regular Cornhuskers at Newv-1~~ General Solderinc Repains HL]INYALSC0 castie CommunitNv Hall. Newi Qucen ît. W. BowmanvillePHN LIFE-TIME GIFT Year's Eve, Saturday, December Ls Phone MA 3-3459 P2~, ALUMINUM STORM DOORS 3lstLs 195 0i32-tf1MA ~u8AND WINDOWS i ONE small female and one mal e 47-T Bake sale in Hydro Sbap. 19 beagle, lost north af Leskard Cars For Sale .- L1 Cali borne Allun King St. W., Tuesday aiternoon, Saturday, Dec. 10., Phone RA For Canada's FinestMA387 Dec. 20 at 2 o'clock. Home- 5-0568, collect. 50lV' 1950 THRÉE-ton dump truck, 49-inow2A -37 cooked Christmas cakes andi Blackstock 72 r 12. 501*AIuminum Windows___________ 9- cookies, etc. Sponsored by the 1 SPANIEL, blonde, maie, ch il CRM ice sets, bunk Wlnter Club and the Skatingl dren's pet. answers ta "Tiny 19,53 HILLMAN. directionai sig- nd D osbCsRObEdrom sit escetr ______ do fo Chrstras.Piine M jiîelds, space-savers, continental 49-2 fir ChriPmas.belp us finc u asdeaer ianvd rio:e1953 Triple Tnack - Scif-storin Ne Ya'sEe ace ia-3-3903. 5().l heater: 1950 Pontiac caach, lau Aiso SHIELDALL n beds, iloor covering, vacuurn milcgeancounr cr: 148 LUMNUMAWNNGS cîcaners. wasbers. ranges, 9.7 New ears Ev daceEla--' om-er ar,1948AWNNGS Norge Jet-Defrost refrigerator Stock Reereational Centre, spon- HOUND. maie, white with tax i Int ernatianal 3-tan truck, ca bWn 1d R rrh $259, space beaters. Trade-iiî 3ored by O.N.O. Club. Doug bead.. dark on rîgbt side. An - jand chassis; 1951 International Warwik & riuh wasbers, anc large Norge space DM"'s Orchestra. Dancing tram anc iinding this dog write 3-ton stake at Farm Equipment PHONE MA 3-2677 beater, four chairs, table andi 9Sto 12, Saturday, December 71. Harvey Harnilton. Whitbv. or and A1ýutomative, 134 King St. E., Easy Terinis buffet. Easy terms. No finance' Iich, hats, borna. SI.50 nem Phone MObawk 8-2619, Whitbv. I Baw;nanville. Phone MA 3-5689.1 Free Estiniates No Obligation, ca. Murphy Company, King pmosn. 60-3 Revard, i5o-î i 6-1 -49-4* West. BowmanviUe. - 50-111t Articles For Sale GIVE African violets for Christ- mas. Order naw. We willod them for yau. Visit Stewat' Violet Rooms, 33 Division- St.. Bowmanville. 48-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wvool. Warkmanshipi guaranteed. Free 'estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39ýtf DO your own floors -rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware. 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf NEW Smitb-Corona Skywriter typewriters at only $74. The ideal, useful Christmas gift. Walter Frank, MA 3-2403 or Newcastle 2114. 49-3 PRINTS af photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio rnay be obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-if ONE used Maytag wasber, fullyl overhauled, $60; ane Astral re-i frigerator with new unit, $50; one used G.E. Ironer, $25. Hig- gon Electrie Ltd., King St., Bow- manville. 50-1 TYPE WRITERS, adding ma- chines. new and used, for sale or rent; also Cale steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- 2403 or Newcastle 2114. 48-tf WHERE ELSE can you get a one-year full coverage guarantee with your television, at NO EXTRA CHARGE - except at TELEVISION SERVICE CO., 33 King St. W., Bowmanville? 48-tf ZIP-GRIP ciothes lines, new and used. The ciotbesljne that needs no pins, lifetime guaran- tee. Complete kits $14.95 up; $3.00 off Christmas offer. Har- aid Murphy, Tyrone. Phone Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-i Local and Long Distance MOVING Licensed and Fully Insured - Also - GENERAL TRUCKING P.C.V. Class "1C", "F" and "Hl Contact Preston Transport Phone MA 3-2493 Bowmanville 47-tf BULLD OZING TRENCHING - LGADING 1'RAGLINE- CLAM WORE Trnucks and Loader for Gravel and FI Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction ýPORT PERRY 392W~ 32tf Aricles For Sale SHOES-Tbe following brand- name sboes are now in stock: cbildren's Savage sboes, Brouw- er Research sbaes, Sisman wark boots, Sisman Scampers. Scott- McHale shoes, Dack sboes, Grebb arch support wark boots, Foarn Tread slippers, ladies' Gracia shoes, Logrollers, Dr. Schoii's foot remedies and shoe supports, plus rnany other lines; Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Hfolly- wood Sani-white and Properts shoe palishes; modemn sboe re- Pair service ini the rear af store. Lloyd Ellis Shoes, 49 King St. W., Bawmanville. Phone MA 3- 5941. 26-tf GET YOUR CHRISTMAS SUPPLY 0F IA ALSO ÀPPLE JUICE 50c gai. Bring Your Ow'n Container W. T. COX Phone MA 3-2927 Rt. R. 4 BOWMANVILLE North ai Boys Training School NOTICES Any girl wishing ta bowl the second schedule, please lea ,your name at the bowling ai] any afternoon of December 23, 24. 51 Ail kinds of repairing a remodelling done promptly. job too small. Phone 2181 Clarl C. F. Mason, Bolton St., Ne csatle. 49. Notice ta rabbit hunters. $1 will be paîd for each rabl Please be careful when hunti on nursery praperty. Brookdi Kingsway Nurseries. 4 We are naw mau ufactur cernent blocks, bath interlock and standard, and wauld pleased ta serve Yau with a go product at a reasonable pri Tripp Construction. Phone 392' Port Perry. 40 Livestock For SaE TWO good work hors,:s for sa Apply Frank -Worrall Newtc ville. / 50- LIVE geese for sale, $4 apiei [Mrs. Parr, Enniskillen. 'Pho MA 3-2983. 50) PONIES-Give the -iidren r( panies for Christmas. Corne a see ours. Stanford Brown, R Phone Millbrook. 50- Wor k Wanted ADULTS' and children's dreý makîng. Phone MA 3-3407. 4E STORM sash and doors, and ci pentry. F. A. Osmand. Pho MA 3-5881. 47. PLUMBING, beating, eavE trougbing, free estimates. Harv Partner, Tyrone. 38. SKATES sharpened. See Jar ieson's Tire Shop, corner Kii and Silver Streets. 36- SEWING machines repaire Experienced mechanic. Woý guaranteed. Free estimat( Phone MA 3-2880. 50 LIGHT bous-ework -or ironin mornings or afternoons. Co: tact Mrs. J. Bowman, 15 Siiv Street. 50- YOUNG farm bhand with e: Perience desires a jab. Ci Riverside 5-7096, Peterboraug after 6:30 p.m. 50 A. E. -COLE PLUMBING AND HEATN<: Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealei Phone Night or Day MA 3-341 Floor Repairs or Replacenieni and Dry Cellars Chimney Replacement or Repaii CALL MA 3-3231 Or for any General Concrete and Masonry Estimates free CONTRACTOR L. TURNER Evg. Phone 3-3338 P.0. Box 17 S48-1 SAVE MONET AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAI] the Oshawa. BowmanvilleCaa' Classfied cit $1.50 per b o u r g T r e t o n n d P e e r b o o ~ i l y a in im u m o f n e f' b o u r g T r e n o n a n Pe t e b c" è, in c h . A d d it io n a t i in se rtio n s a t districts. t he soine rates. contact Ait CIassiiied Ads must b. in ,, hi. office not lt.: thon 1e, 1 'clock non, Wadnesdal. J ohnf F. De With l" Snd cash, stamPs or oe p order (ind ~ave mone@. RLALTOR ~Clip this out for hand-i reler en Newcastle Phone 3341 ' OFFICE HOUMS Salesmnet: > m'Ind.30 hrgh Fia Donald Mountjoy, Bowxnanville Saturd 5ayn v 8:30 arn. ta012 n Paul Diamond, Port Perry. 'Id forDWI MA 3.3303 Phone 246 R o Clussitiîd Ad. Service 7-r; ~t n.?, t , .- . - -. - - - . - - - - -- - Real Estate f or Sale! Reail Estate For Sale 7in BUILDING lots, in good residen- LEASK REAL ESTATE ave tial district. Contact G. McCoy, 211 acre farma near Noa. 2 le.Y 59 Concession St., or Phone MAJ Highway: l0-roomned f ritin. 22, 3-2307. 48-tf bouse, large barn witb 0-1equipped stable,. water b%,. and REAL ESTATE FOR SALE steel stanchions tic 22 cows, Na Properties Sod, Rented, caf pens, sheep pen, extra good 'k e. M a n a c d n d A p rai e d a y lo a mn so ul. In q u ire a bo u t -ke. 1%la aged and pprased this farm. ý* L. .AL SO 100 acre farmn in Cavan,, rqar' Ràeal Estate Broker pavement: 8-roomed solid brick .00 Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. bouse, barn 45x98 with L 18x30, bit. Two blocks north of traffie ail-steel roof, hen bouse, plg ing signal. Newcastle Pen, 2 driving sheds, garage. lae 32-tf Excellent dlay loam soul. Full 3-tf prîce $15,800.00. We bave bungalows, bouses, ing JAMES NIXON farms, etc., for sale. Ing REAL ESTATE BROKER Consuit us befare buying. be Groeery and restaurant an NO. M. E. Leask, Broker Dod 2 Highway, excellent opportun- 65 Ontario St. Bewmanville ce. ity for a family ta obtain a well Phone MA 3-5919 >ýW, known business, and aisa 6,raom 3-tf apartment, full basement, inside - conveniences, bot and cod water, furnace. Stoeas e - i J. VAN NEST -invoice price. Ra sae Bo~ ale. More properties and business- RelEtfeBoe _ s orsae We are enlarging ta enable us 160 Liberty St. N. ta serve î'ou better. Office open 'Bowmanville R. R. 5 as usuai during aiteratians. :e Dial MA 3-5682 5.* Near Division, on Wellington. - room, canveniences. Sec this -eai ane for central location. SCHARLES RANKINE Icet i~ ral d ick duenplex, iL Real Esiai e Broker Fam 1 ce, ie ot I west of town. Reccntly modem-. f 52 KING STREET WEST ized bouse, ail beat, cupboards. I B - fi replace, close ta scbool. with Is owmanville real good land,; 9 acres fall j MA3-253 A'ytle M 3-762wheat. 8-3 M 3-253.-A LVIN BAO3276 Tobacco farm, 75 acres, 23 arSalesman:F.AVNBY acres M.B.R., four kilns with ail me Enniskilln MArket 3-2487 heat, 100'x24' greenhouse, god 4* Svrlnc barn, double garage; 6-room - Sevral fice ouse being offered with coin- es- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES plete uine of equipment. Corne ey aeCinsWiigfrF ta this office for particulars. -tf Listings wanted - COME AND SEE US or PHONE 118 King East - flowmanville .m Whether BUYING or SELLINGMA323 _tf Private Funds Available for 50-1 First Mortgages s. ole b Irdir es. A1D OTHERS - De With Real Estie IN THE ESTATEOF PATIENCE )n- 226 acre farm on Higbway No. of Darlington in the County of cmr 2 with 152 acres of warkabie Durham (formcmly of the Town- -1* land, 20 acres wood, creek, weils, ship of Harvey in the County j -large L-shaped bank barn with of Peterborough) Widow, de- ýx running water, drive-in shed, ceased. ail hen bouse, new garage, 22 acres Ail persans baving dlaims 'h i c l aad hoe; with d whteagainst the Estate of the said clapb ard ouse with runrnng Patience Eliiott, who died on or bot and cold water, heavy wired,' about the 22nd day of October, bath-room. Asking price $17,000. 1955, are required ta file proof J Terms. of saine with the dersigned -~100 acre farm at Newtanviile solicitors on or befoU January with 75 acres of wamkable land, 2, 1956. After sucb las ;:mention- r 25 acres wood, creek. stream, ed date, the Executors will Pro- le wells, 100'x32' bank barn with ceed ta distribute 4he Estate L-shaped extension~, drive-in' having regard oniy ta the claim.3 13 shed, garage, hen bouse; 10- hof which tbey then shal bay' j mt oomed frarne bouse with heavy adntice. duty wiing, ail newly piaster- DATED this îst day cf Decem- ,t cd and re-decorated. Close ta ber, 1955. school, paved road, etc. Pricei ZOHN GALE ELLIOTT and rs $12,500. Terms arranged. 'ELIZABETH JANE WHITE, 200 acre famm situafed 14 mile Executors, e from paved ighway wth 135 By: CARLEY, STANDISH, acres wotkable lan, 40 acres CLARKE & CARLEY, wood, creek, 75'x34' loafing barn No. 8 Commerce Building, with milking parlor, running Peterborough, Ontario, 77 water, milking machine, milk Their Solicitors erein. tf b ouse with electric cooler, im- 48-3 -plement shed, hen bouse, etc.;To U 8-roomed frame bouse (6 years Vanted T u aid ) w ith a l c ity co n v e n ie n c e s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Close ta scbool, etc. Asking SMALL barn, about 12x15. Tele- Sprice $14,000. $4,000 dawn. phone MA 3-2977. 50-l* R 100 acre farm south Pnty- pool, 1 mile f rom bîghway witb HIGHEST prices paid for live 65 acres workable sandy land, pultry, raw f urs, deer skins, e35 acres wood, 12,000 Christmas goase feathers, feather ticks. trees planted; 50'x30' bank scrap irn, rags and metals. rbarn, large chicken ouse, Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, cl- tf garage; 8-roomed frame ouse, lect. 46-tf - eavy duty wired, cistern, well AL ki d f iv po tr wa - witb electric pump. Price $7,500. e.TpTrnopie ada Termsarraged.vour door for large or smal 165 acre farm, not far from' quantities. We have our own Oshawa, with 90 acres workable market. M. Flatt, Betbany R.R. ciay-loam land, 75'x34' bank 1. Telephone collect to Bethany barn with L-shaped extension, 7 r 13. 28-tf water bowls, steel drive-in shed, ben bouse, garage, 40 acres of valuable timber, creek; 8 roam- osadT m eln ed white clapboard ouse with ardwood. floors, heavy wired, HARDWOOD PREFERRED tf il pmp n kitchen. Prce $15,000. H. M. KYTE 5-j haued frame claphoard acki k ,lhusein Bowmanville witb 3 Baktc bedrooms, large kitchen witb 'ït cupboamds, 4-piece batbroom, ronning lhot and cold w ater ---------___ __ __ __ _ furnace, combination daars, storms and screens, beavy wir- The Ca2nadlianSasa --- -- - - àlý*P &ad% OU M d-lmdb-ki 10 t- lm im i-W a 1 PAGE WGHTEM THE CANADIAlq STATESMAS. BOWMANVMIX. ONTAMO gl'EM.Toc!IA'V IV#,q IR61. soin* le tf

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