t4trnr ily- Journal>' VYOLUME loi P nWM à If TTT -T ? V LTnl A TiN D- -- .a.wi .clu Jc u.rxNlue FER 4 CO Y P9? FU Rotarians Spread International Goodwill The four foreign students of the University of Toronto shown above were unable to be present at the banquet given by the Bowmanville Rotary Club Friday night in hosior of a larger group of il of their fellow classmates at the University. They We4 present et the tea held on Sunday afternoon at the Lions Community Centre, however. The group of 15 students were guests in the homes of Rotary inembers during their stay in Bowmanvjlle. Lef t to right, they are: Miss Mizpah Duncan, Nassau; Miss Olive Brown, Jamaica; Miss Elsie Hall, Jamaica, and her brother, Carl Hall, aise of Jamaîca. Overseas Students Are Guests in Rotary Homes For Worthwhile Weekend 'rhe Bowmarnville Rotary President Jackson introduc- O Club played host ta 15 foreigia ed the bead table guests; lAo- students af the University of tarians Siemon and Morgan s s Toronto last weekend in a pro- and their wives Jean and Lii-Io e h m pect arranged by the Interna- hian: his wîfe, Hilda Jackson, tional Service Committee af and Mayor Nelson E. Osborne I theclb nddeigedta fur- and bis wife, Aileen. The Pre- I A cdent ther international goodwill and sident aiso introduced two new understanding. It was the first members af the club, Rotarians large-scale visit of this type Ken Werry and Bill Steven At Goodyear ever arranged ibr foreign stu- and their wives, Winnifred and dents by a Canadian Rotary Jean. Itoue Earl Masters, an employee in Cu.Wlves Itoue the miii raom af the Goodyear Nine foreign cauntries were Each Rotary member then plant 'here, iost bis right tbumb represented by the students, introduced his wife, and those in an unfortunate accident on who were guests in the homes members with student or other ane of the calender machines of variaus Rotary Club memn- guests aiso introduced them ta about 10 a'ciock yesterday bers over the weekend. In ad- the gatbering. Guests were (Wednesday) marning. dition ta a Rotary banquet on Janet Dale, daugbter of Roi- Mr. Masters was working in Friday evening and a tea held tarian and Mrs. Mel Dale, Mrs. the "idp operatian in by the wives of the Rotarians Agnes Lewis, daughter af Mr. wbich fabric and the liner on Sunday aiternoon, many of and Mrs. Fred Vanstone; coming from the machine are the students were taken to Chamber of Commerce Secre- waund up inl a rail. Friction ,otherý social events or ta the tary-Manager Ken Morris and tape had been waund around hockey game on Saturday bis-wife, Milda; Margaret Rey- the bar on which the ral of night. nolds, daughter af Rotarian material xvas being wrapped T'ie weekend had an auspi- and Mrs. Walter Reynolds; and up in order ta prevent the rol cioi-3 beginning at the banquet Glen Strike, Ottawa, brother from maoving sideways. His Friday evening heid in th2 aof Ratarian Ross Strike, Q.C. tumb becamne caught while he Lions Community Centre. The Chairman Keith Siemon aif vas adjusting this tape and ]Retarians, their wives and il the International Service Com- was torn off. of the students, enjayed a tur- mittee introduced the il for- The injured worker was talc- key banquet in the banquet eign students present. They en ta Memorial Hospital where hall, which bad been gaily de- were Domîngas Lam, Ch ina, he was treated by Dr. V. H. Scorated in the Christmas theme. guest of Rotarian and Mrs. Starey and Dr. Keith Siemon. Keith Billett; Len Harvey, __________ Guesta Weicomed Trinidad, guest cf Rotarian and *President Keith Jackson wei- Mrs. C. W. Slemon; Patrick i o u coined the foreign students and Henry Osae Dian, Gold Coast, (l R. the Rotary Anns and paid tri- guest of Rotarian and Mrs. O d B idings~ bute ta the hard work ai Dr. Forbes Heyiand; S. C. Ming, Keîth Siemon, Chairman of China, guest ai Rotarian andiB i gW rc e the International Service Com- Mrs. George Moody; Kwamina en W r c d niittee ai the club, anct Rev. r. Barnies,* Gold Coast, guest of ,Arhu Mrgn.a member of Rotarian and Mrs. Howard At P.O0 St the commîttee, in arranging the Rundle: Ali Ellaboudy, Egypt, aise thanked Rotarian and Mrs. Alan Strike; 1ýart Coffey, Pan- Demolition work on the thr5ýe Méorley Vanstone fer decorat- ama, guest of Ratarian and residences on Temperanze Jng thse attractive Christmas Mrs. Morley Vanstone. Street whcre the new Post Of- t~EIthe room and -Rotarian Murray Audain, British West fice wil be erected is being 'W Reynolds for procuring Indies, guest ai Rotarian and carried out rapidiy by an Osh- t.Mrs. George Vice; Edgar Wal. awa saivage firm. Th~e very enjoyable turkey ter. Germany, ,glest of Rotar- One ai tise buildings bas dinner was served by thse com- ian and Mrs: W. Ross Strike, been almost entirely torn down bined W.A.'s of Trinity United Kingsley Chang, China, gueCt and tise entire job is expected Churcis with Mrs. C. W. Sic aof Rotarian and Mrs. Waltcer ta be finiýhed in two week', #%on as convenor.- (Con"iued unl Page fineteen) ituie. Santa Claus Annual Visit Kinsmen Club, The children ai the Bow- manville Kinsmen Club menx- bers were treated ta a bang-up Christmas party, camplete witrs a visit from Sante Claus, on Tuesday night at tise Lions Community Centre. President Lionel Parker wel- comed tise youngsters end Kinsmen Ken Nicks and Ken Hockin led tbem in a sing sang wbich included sucis favorites as "Jingle Belîs" and "Rudalpis thse Red-Nosed Reindeer". Cartoons and mavies were .enjayved by tise youngsters1 zJit - 1?'*'tlê*htiolt !ce cream and èso- colate milk. Old Santa Claus, who bore some resemblance to Kin Hockin,' distributed a stocking packed with goodies ta each child, and each receiv- ed a Christmas present as well. Kmn "Ace" Richards acted as master ai ceremanies, and each Kinsman introduced bis chul- dren ta tise gathering. At a short business 'period President Parker announced that Kin Harvey Rowe bas been named Registrar af the club and that Kin Murray Lar- mer has agreed ta serve as Secretary aiter January 1. Chairman Irvine Brown ni tise Eiectric Train Draw made plans for tise last tisree days oi ticket sales. The draw will * be held immediately after tise hockey game at tise arena on Saturday night. Maple Grove Students Out. After Explosion Pupils ai tise new Mapie Grave Public Scisool enjoyed e holiday Tuesday de toaa minor explosion Monday night in tise ail fumnace whicb aper- ates tise school's low pressure steam iseating system. Tise explosion disconnected ane pipe but caused no dam- age. Tise furnace was repeiredr by tise A. C. Stark & Sonr plumbing firm aof Oshawa and tise heating~ system put back in operation in time ta heat tis rooms for classes Wednesdey. JÎm Firth' Elected as New Legion President Corae in irh a elected President af tise Bow- ma*ville Brancis of the Cana- dien Legion «for 1956 succeeding Coz#eade Ross McKnîght inthis position et the annual election of àfficers held on Sunday ai- tersbon. A good turnaut of 80 ruembers took part in thse bal- loti g.i President Firth defeated two other candidates; Albert "A)" MaV'in and Jack Knigbt ta take the top position. Cbmrade Jim Fair was elect- ed lot Vice-President in a con- test \vith Comrades Ed Rundie, Elgle Harnden, Bill Bat's and Jaclç Knigbt. Cbmrade Ed Rundle defeat- ed 'Çomnrade Bill Mitchell, Or- ana, for tise post ai 2nd Vice- President, and Comrade Jackj Kn*ght defeeted Comrade Mit- ,4ward School Con tract To Markham Builders At Tender of $89,300Q at-Arns. Rev. John Kitchen, Orone, wes re-elected as Padre of thse brancis by acclamation. The foliowlng Executive Committee was chosen fram among 14 candidates: Com- rades Alex Mains, Ted Shee- ban, Ernie Perfect, Bull Bates, Elgie Hamnden, George Mea- dows, Newcastle, and Jüm Rickaby, Orono.1 Tbe Secretary and Treasur- er are appoimted by tise new officers, but it is expected that Comrades Ron Richards and Jack Rice will continue in these positions respectively during 1956. Scrutineers fer thse election were Conirades Cuthbert Mc- Donald, Alick Lyle, Charlie Stire, Alex Mairs and George The tender bas been tenta- tively let for the six room addi- tion at Vincent Massey Public School ta Speckert-Morris 'En- gineering of Markbam. Bow- manvilie's Public Scbool Board accepted the lowest tender, subject ta the approvai of the Ontario Department of Educa- tion and the Municipal Board. Tender For $89,300* Speckert-Morris tender was for $89,300. Other firms who tendered were Bradford-Hosn- al, Port Hope-$95,982; Wilkin- son Construction Ca., Toronto $99,971; D. Redpath Limited, Oshawa. $101,617 and H. M. Brooks Limited, Oshawa $103,- 803w Sub-contractors in tbe ac- cepted Speckert-Morris tender are steel-Central Bridge, Tren- ton; roofing-Bowden & Son, Oshawa. plumbing, beating and ventilating-W. A. Kilpatrick, Bowmanville, and electrical - Hill - Cornish, Oshawa. The building is expected ta be cam- pleted by the middle af the summer. This tender Is iower than tl.q,board had estimated and as e,-Xes ithtey wilI ask the towa- toôfloat a debenture for $110,- 000, $10,000 lower than the or- iginal: $120,000 asked for. The difference between the con- tract price and the $110,000 is made. up of architect's fees, equipment and supplies for the six rdoms, landscapîng and felpcing and a contingency fund ta look after any changes that the board may wish ta make in the building after the work bas begun. The remainder of the meet- ing held at the Vincent Massey School Thursday evening was turned over to the regular business- of the board. Present at the meeting were Chairman Howard Jeffrey, Trustees Bob Mutton, George Vinish, Arthur Hooper, Norm O'Rourke, Bill James, newly elected trustee, Clarke Wilson Supervising Prin., A. M. Tbompson, W. Burgoyne, secretary Treasurer S. R. representative of John B. Par- kiný the architect and the secre- tary Treasurer S. R. James. Chairman Jeffrey expressed regret at «iosing Mr. Vinish off the board and welcomed the new member, Mr. Clarke. He also expressed appreciatian ta ail the board members for the co-operation, they bave given him during the past year he has headed the board. Supervising Principal Tbomp-, son reported that the attend- ance at the three public schools now total 1,108. He also bas the ures wbich he wil! break down and present at the next meet- ing. Two scbool inspectors, Mr,.A. Webster and Mr. Tom Hough- ton, bave been inspecting the school but their report was not received in time foi»this meut- ing.Ias Chambe Wl! Nire Clarke Council Play Cobourg Ls iueS.Nc Re- elect Elmer Banting President of Chamber During Small Meeting Pres. Elmer Banting of Bow- manville Chamber ai Commence was re-elected te that post fer 1956 by acclamation et tise annuel election of officers held in the Town Hall council cisamber an Monday nigbt. Vice-President R. P. "«Rick" RickabY wae aise ne-elected by acclamation, as was Treasuren George Moody. Walton Pescoe, whc was nemed te tise Board cf Directons as a representative ai local industries only six weeks ago, wes reeppointed te thse Board by acclamation. Other directons elected frem a siate ai 13 were: Ken Nicks, J. H. Abernethy, W. H. Brown, George Hacking, A. H. Sturnock, Bernard Kltney, Arthur Hoop- er end William Smith. Unsuc- cessful candidates were Clarence Hockin, Calvin Breen, W. A. Courtney, Glenisolme Hughes and Jess Van Nest. Ken Morris will continue as Secretary-Manager ai the organ- ization and a memben ai tise Board-ai D#rectors. Good Start Made President Banting steted that be bad agreed te serve again as President because he feit thse Chamber hed made a good start on many important prajects dur- ing 1955 and be wished ta help in carying tisem out. He ex- pressed bis diseppointment with the smali turnout ai about 14 members for such an important meeting as tise annuel electian. He also stated that he was very discouraged with tise lack of intenest sbown in the Chamber by tise reteil merchants af tlse tewn - the group which stands te gain the most direct benefit tram Chamber activity. He asked for suggestions framn the meeting as ta how atten- dance at the reguier monthly meetings cosiid be increased. Arthur Hoopen feît thet perhaps fewer general meetings should be beid and more wonk done by the executive and thse commit- tees. President Banting wonder- ed whether speakers at thse reg- ular meetings migbt improve the attendance. Secretary-Manager Ken Morris stated that he bed found in. bis expenience tiset a relatively smali number in any organization teke ail the inteirest and do ail thse work, se tiset the Bowmanyille Chamber la net ýun que- in t is respect. -- - It was leit with the executive te try and stimuipte more Inter- est on tise part ai the public - partclri h rtiercat cd l audtHi - ln thse work ai tise Cisamber oi Commerce. Food Chain to Buld Secretery-Manager Ken Môr- ris neported that he hed heerd fram a reliable source tiset one af thse large food chains bas def- inite plans for 'building a store on tise outskirts ai Bowmanville. He felt that perhaps tisis thneet of a new shopping centre spring- ing up will cause tbe mercisants to take more interest in tise Chamber and also in improving the town's chief shopping dis- trict. Elmer Banting Hie feit that the Chamber is getting good support from Most sections ai the town's lite and that this support will continue te grow. Mr. Rickaby made the sug- gestion that labor sbould be nepresented on tise Camber's Board ai Directars, but since there was nat a paid-up member in tisis cetegary no action couid be taken. An effort wili b. made. in 1956. bowever, to encourage labor ta take a more active interest in thse Chambbr. Thse siate ai officers was pro. posed by a naminnting commit. tee made up of Arthsur Hoopetr, CheiËman, Mrs. M. E. Leask Mr. Riclcaby ,and Bcrnard Kitney., Charlie Stewart ai the Bank af Commerce and Ted Rogers af tise Bank af Montreal were nem. Officiai Count Has Two Tied Tise officiai count ai bellots polled for twa candidates for council i. tise Clarke Township election an December 5 neveai- ed thet Fred Lovekin and Er- nest Dent were tied witis 384 votes eaci. It bed carlier been neported on tise basis ai telephoned re- ports, wisich are not officiai, that Mr. Lovekin bed been elected and Mn. Dent defeeted. As a nesuit ai tise tie vote, Returning Officer Ed Milîson applied ta Judge M. A. Miller ai Cobourg under Section 139 ai tise Municipal Act for tise bolding ai a recount. Judge Miller stipuleted that tisis be beld in bis office et 2 p.m. on December 21 witi tise two candidates, bimseii and Retumn- ing Qificer Milîson present. If, aiter tise recount, U~r. Lovekin and Mr. Dent are stili tied, Mm. 'Milîson wili be celled on ta cait tise deciding vote to determine whicis is elected. Doris Goheen K insmen Hold jWins Junior Train Draw At Arena Sat. Only thrce days rensein ta buy tickets in tise AoNv- manvîlle Kinsmen Club'. Electrie Train Draw to be iseld on Saturday nlght fin- medletely aiter tise hockey game et tise Bowmanville Memoriai Arena. This large train, wici In complet. with 100 feet oi treck, swltcis, bridges, scenery, etc., is a Christmas present wieis wold make snme youngster delirlaus with happiness. Tt la cern- pletely set up and rnay be seen in operation lu tise wvlndow of tise Publie Util- ities Commission office. Tickets may be purcisas- ed from an.y member of the Kinsmen Club, at al- mont any local restaurant or store, or at tise P.U.C. office. Proceeds fironstise draw wil ho used b7 thse Kinsuien for theïr artifi- ciel Ire proJect attise Mem- orlal Arena. Don G lhooly Centre ice star of tise Baw- manvilie Barons, 'Wiil be in action when tise ieague-ieed- ing Barons clashs witis' tise tisird-plece Cobourg Lumben Kings et tise Memoriel Arene Saturday nigist et 8.30. Dan is currently in sîxtis place in tise Lakeshore League scoring ste- tistics with 8 goals and il as- sists for 19 points. He will be seeking ta fetten tisis average egeinst tise Lumben Kings. Farmers' Award Post Office Miss Doris Goiscen, R. R. 4, Part Hope, an Tuesdey night won tise Durhemn Junior Farm- crs' public speaking contest. Two other contestants, Gardon Wilson, Garden Hill and Allen Osborne, R. R., Port Hope, elso perticipated. Tise,.event wes beld in con- nection with tise annuel pot- iuck ýsupper and Christmas penty aiftise Junior Fermers which tisis year was heid et tise Women's Institute Hall in Caern llicroft. M §', Gaheen spake an "Tise lufe M1Josephs Scriven," Mn. Wilson1 described "tise new Me- cisanicg Building et Kemptvilic AgricuýturaI Scisoal"ý, and Mr. Osborne told af tise "Adven- tages ai Gaod Seed". Judges were Mnr. and Mn.. Roy Turner ef Bcwmanville. Agrieultunei representetive Ed. A. ýSummers presented Miss Goheerd witis her tnophy wisich is dotated annueliy by John M. James, M.P., who wa.s unabie ta _ _ present. e6llowlng the addresscs, thene *as an exehange ai gifts around tise Christmas tnee witIv, Santa £upervising. i Busiest Place In Bowmanville Tise Bawmanville Post Office is tise busiest spot in towil these deys witis a iseevy vol- ume ai Christmas mail and pan- cels pessing thnough thse wick- ets. An extra wicket bas been put into use for stamp pur- ciseses on tise soutis side of the building, and an extra parcel wicket in tise forth hall. Twelvc extne employecuihave? been hired te bel p hendie tise 'Christmas mail. Thcy are: Cal- vin Dunn, Bob Bird, Mns. Lorna Richards, Mn.. Myrtie Vmtue, Mns. Pât McNally, Mrs. June Trewin,-Mrs. Edne Kerr, Mrs. Neta Read, Mrs. Rutis Barclay, Mrs. Lais Pallard, Mrs. Rus.- seli Hellman and Mrs. Rose- ebelle Cowan. These employecs are in ad- dition te the regular staff of «Postmaster George Vice,,Keits McGiII, RauSaSch, Miss Wlis- nifrcd Trewin, Larry Dewell, Alfred Perrin, Bfi Mihowicn and Ernie Walkey.-i But Wl! Carry Mail Tisepssbility oa iriing a Sente Clas for tise commun- ity Christmas tree for tise lest few shopping days befare Chrnistmas was considcred by tise Cisamber ai Commerce et tise December meeting Mondey nigist. President Elmer Banting pointed eut thet wisile sevenal local clubs and organizetions hold Christmas parties for tise youngstens, tiscy deofnot get a chance te taik ta Sente Claus themsclves and tell him whet tisey want fon Chnistmas. He felt thet f or tisis reeson e Chemben Sente Claus migist make a hit witi tise small fry. Arthun Hooper expressed tise Opinion tisat thse Chember sbould net, sponsor a Santa Claus uniess it went ail eut on tise praject and did a good job af argenizing it. He peinted Lout tisat tise neteil mercisants hed sisown littie intetest in hclping tise Chamben te decar- ete tise main street and bad not bothened te decorate tise itrees crectcd an tise bydra posts in front ai tiseir stores by tise Chamber. It was doubt- fui, be said, if tisey wouid show any more co-operation in an- ranging for a Sente Claus. In view ai tisis and tise short time leit, tise Cisemben dccidcd against arnanging for a cern- munity Sente Claus this sea- son., More Judtes Named Secretary-Manager Ken Mar- ris announced that Merle Slu-,e and Philip Passmore isad been addcd te tise list af judges wisich will select tise home which is best dccoreted in kceping with tise Chsristmas seeson. Judging will be conduc- ted during tise pcniod fnorn De- cember 15 ta 23 and e prize ai $25 will be awerded ta tise winnen by tise Chamber of Commence. Mn. Morris neparted thet the Cisamber isapes te be able ta awand tise $25 prize between peiodua oftise hockey game te b.pieyed et tise Memarial Areneaon Decemben 28. He aiso stated tisat the Chamber will answer lettens mailcd ta Sea Claus by Bcwmanville cisildren before Decemnber 19. This idea was suggested by Mrs. Donald MecDoinald, ise seid, and feit that it was a very good one. Local ongenizatiens are ict ca-cpcrating very weii witis tise Chamber in keeplng tise register of events Up to date, the Secretary-Manager report- cd. He suggestcd that an edver- tisement should be run in Tise Canadjan Stategman at thea top of thse Coming Events", cal. umn for a few weeks ta remind the secretaries of local organ.- izations ta check with the Cisamber before sctting the dates for their functions ta» make sure they do neot canflict with those planned by other organizations. On motion of Bernard Kitney a motion te this eff et was passed. Mr Mrris reparted that ho had received no answer frorn thse Brewers Warehousing Comi- pany on tise Chamber's recom-. mendations as te a site for a local store. Credit Bureau Offer He stated that the Oshawa Credit Bureau bad offeredt ta extend its services ta BovY'man- (JContinued on'page seven) Farm Forums Organized by Fed. Fieldman Jack Arnott, newiy-appoint.- ed Fildman for the Durhisan Federation of Agriculture, et- tended the recent convention of the Ontario Cream Producers' Association in Toronto, along witis delegates Bob Morton, Or- ana and Albert Arnold, Bow- manville. He has also been instrumen- tal in organizing two new Farni Forum groups this winter at Kirby and Norths Cavan. Ever- ett Brown is Chairman and Mrs. Donald Hamm is secre- tary of thse Kirby forum. Thse North Cavan forum bas eo.m McCamus as chairman and.:iri. Pritchard as secretary. Let Us Pay It! Many'of aur subscribers who have heen in the habit et wrapplng up their own copy Of The Statesman and iorwardlng it to friendu and relatives, are sendlng git aubseriptions to those friends tiu year. In this way they save. by Iettlng us pay the Postage and by niaklng sure the Paper arrivez as soon as possible. Wlien You are in renewlng 7*Ilf paper tis week, order a rutt subscrlption. We wIil Senzd &long a Christmas card to the reciplent Inorming them of the git am W1» 9We donor Wa "tDurham County's Qreat Fami 1 s IJUVVIVIAàVILlib. ONTARIO. T14IM'ql-)AV- nVr.P.MRP.P 1-r%+li 109K 1 fi- niLith rld%«nlxr