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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 19

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MAT5I. MC. luth, 18 --Classifieci WUL orpaw-tS Job. Pjo DMAD STOCK removed f bouYFftkJin 2-3643 or Toz t@5M3-1636. Gordon Yi fo-undc- W Î-blac-k and tan, femn on lefft ear. Phone MA ONE feniale beagle, white -A ,trown markings; one dog, wl wthi brown and black markir Phone MA 3-5478. 5 Boom and Board 23ALMORAL Hotel, MA 3-5ý 110w has roam and board avi able.4 * For Rent COURTICE farm for, rent. ]mile south Trull's store. 0wi on property weekends. 49. .APARTMENT an main stre' Bowmanville. Phone Osha, RA 3-3559. 5 SIX-roomed house, centra, located, near school. W: Post Office Box 513, Bowma ville. 5C- FOUR-roomed heated apartm<: Availabie immediateiy. Ch: welcome. Apply 178 Duke 5( THREE-roomed bouse with bw heavy wiring, garage. Availat Jan. 1. Writ Box 455, c/o TJ Canîdian Statesman, Bowma v~ile. 50- SMALL heated apartment, Pci ession Jan. 1; centrîlly locate ,Apply M. Irwin. Phone Clar' 3123. 50. ,VIVE- roomed duplex with su porc]b, 3-piece bath, ail c< veniences, n e w 1 y decorate garage. Availabie immediatel Phone MA 3-5987. 50 THREE roomsanmd bath, fur ished, private entrance, ve andah, piano and TV. Availab Jan. 15, suit business or elder couple. Write Box 454, c/o TI Canadian Statesman. 50*ý SIX-roon-ed apartment, MareOo. av wri Iplumbing and runnlng wate Separate entrance. Avaîlal' Jan. 1. E. White, Orono 11815 50-1 SELF-contalned, heated apar ,rent,' 4 rooms, kitchenette an bath, built-in cupboards, t:l floors, washer and electric drye ,Avaiable Jan. 1, $60.00. Apl ,Apartme t 7, 63, King St. Wes 7TKiRTMENT on, Duke Street vt (Above B.-K. Office> Ngeated, g.lf-contained, seParat Mtr&uce, stove and refrigeratoi three roomsandm bath. Suitable for adilte only ThIa in excellent for somneone ieglring - art-time office work Brookdale -,Kingswaý Nurseries 49- Personcil HYGIENIC supplies - (rubbei goads) mailcd postpaid in plair ueîled envelope with price list Six Sambles 25C, 24 sampleý $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91. Hfani Ilton. Ont. 1-52 The Bible Tro-day The erm4 su- pnse -01il à wood-pîle. As expected the communists *cearched the place but mira. culoualy rnîssed the manuscript and the man. Knowlng they wouid return sbe again smuggicd it away over miles of guerrilla infested fields ta a farm owned by a frlend. There it was buricd ia abarnyard. When ii had finally been smuggled out of the cowtry to Japan the tiraI 400 pages were laborously re-written out by band. As war cleared around pusan it was return-ed to Korea for printing. Now it is coming off the Pr s daily and eagerly sait- tep up as fat as it can be srto'. î - he Bible which las su easily &aailble ta us reaches others ound the world only by dut i- Culty and danger an the partI of Bible Society workers. Suggested Bible Readings fo-. IRural Judging *Teclms ~Entertained by Lions, fri Sound System Dont :Co- )rn- A large nunibr of membera opportunityfaiuaiag thei ou*uhr County facilities o h in eu î2-iâ judging tea-ma aven the pat few ity Centre. In retur heà Years were guesta of the Bow- the Teen Town Clubwise manville Lions Club, along with donate a publie address sysi severîl af their fathers, at the ta the Lions Club. He made club's Rural Nigbt, held la the presentation ta Lion Preald ae.Lions Cornmunity Centre Mon- Wally Bnaden. A 3-. day evening. President Briden lhanked 50-1 Lion Lloyd Ayre, Chairnian Teen Town Club for thisv ofa the Inter-Club and Rural flac gift and asked Preaid with Cammittce. introduced Lion Ed Kelly ta, convey these thanks bite Summers, Agicullural Repre- his menibers. ings. sentative for Durhamn Counly Lion Bob Kent also pointedi 0-1* and coach ai the winning teams, Ibat il was the Teen Town me - who presealcd the team mcmn- bers wbo bad trimmed th i bers and outlined their achieve- s0 mtractively with Christn ments. Special speaker of the decorations. cvening was Jack McPherson, Another gucat at the meei 501Secretary-Manager of the On- was Charnes Osborne, Ebenez rail. laria Frm Radio Forum. Presideat Braden congratul 49-2 In introducing thc members cd Mayor Nelson Osborne, De aiof tc many championsbîp judg- Reeve Wlfrid Caruthersa ing team turned out la Dur- Coun. Jack Brough on belagj -hami County over the past vears, clected to the Bowmanvi Mn. Summers stated that the Town Council. Other Lions w Sboys and their faîbers look for- bad been re-elected ta - ori ner ward eagcrly ta the Lions Rural serving on - civic bodies, ai 9-2* Night each year and appreciate Rosa Stevens, serving an Da the invitation ta be present. ington Township Council, a: t in He introduced Ibis year's grain Bob M utton and Nonm O'Rourl awa judgjng tearn alt the Central serving on the Bowmanvi' __Ontaria Spring Show, the team Public School Board. alwh ich caplured the champion- Te HoId Stag Diner ,iship for Durham County for the Lion Ralph Amnes announe tan- 251h consecutive year. The hand. that the Rotary and Lions Clu 1.*somne traphy which they won wili sponsor another stag dinn - avs displaycd at the front of and drmw on February 2, 19! ent. the bail, as wms another of the There will be a $500 first pri hid troplies brought ta Durham and 9ther prizes, lie said, ai St. County by members of Mr. Sumn- 200 tickets ili be sold il o-q mers' judging teams. Members emch. - af this team wcre Alan Dayes, Lion Ernie Bradley annoua<i atb, Francis Quantrili and Nelson that the Christmnas pragram wý ible Gardiner. be held on December 19 and Il rhe The grain judging team wbich members decided tai exchmrj an- won the Ontario competition at small presents as usual and al 41 Guelph: Lawrence McLaughlin "pass tbc bat" for a chanitai )SS- and Donald Green, wene aiso arganization. cd. intnoduced. Mr. Summers point- Chairman Bruce Semple af tl rke cd out Ibat these boys bad scar- lîglit bulb pnoject announcE .2* cd 510 out af a possible 520 that the profit ta date is aboi -points. $400. un- Two af the three boys mak- Lion Sam Black askcd tb on- ing up bbe Ieamn which wvon the Lions ta support tbe Bawmai cd, Dominion Livestock Judging ville Midget hockey tcam,1 ly. Campetition aI the Royal Winter whhch the Lions danated $1: ,-1 Fair Ibis faîl were misa mInro- by attcnding their games. %, rn- and Tbey were Ken Butlerv Birîbdays were ceiebratedb r-adRon Brooks. The other Lions Fred Cale, Rance Diliii bic- member, Clift Bristow, was un- and Jim Presson. The sing-sa: able l te be present. The Durbam was led by Lion Walter Rund] hey agricultural representative point- with W. E. C. Workmaa as a( cd ouI that Durham Caunty bas cmait won Ibis national competition A bushel af McIntosh apple ain for the pasîtfour ycars in suc- was donated byr Lion Wilf Cai ng, cession. Ia the' past 10 yeàns, ruthers and l present receive ;er. Durbam bas msa had the high anc. blc boy for eiglit years. Kenncth Clarence Allia thaaked Ih 5. Butcry won that bonor this Lions Club on behaîf of the rure .1* ycmr, and others prescat who guests for the invitatibn ta atten - won il previously were: Keith the meeting. nI- Van Camp, Bey Gray, Dalton ,nd Dorrel ad Lion Lloyd Ayre. île Members of previaus clam-R er. pionship livcstock teams aI theRo a y ist r ly Royal Wintcr Fair who were o a y Istr st. inroduced werc: Keith Van (Conliflucd tram Page One) tf Camp, Richard Van Camp, John Reynolds and Fgbert Tertul -Ogden, Bey Gray, Howard Trcw- lia, British West ladies, guesi in, Sam Turner, Bill Ferguson of Rotarian and Mrs. Fred Van. and Bruce Taylor. The bigh atone. novice judge in the Durham MyrEtnhGetn judging competition, Ed Cowle, MaoExedGrtag was mso introduced. Mayor Nelson Osbornce ex te Fther Inrodued ended an official wclcome tb r; Faers I erued the students on behaît afithb Brooks present wreHarvey Town of Bowmnanvilie. "Il is BokSam Buttery, Norman more thaa a privilege, it ila Green and Hmrry McLaughlin. real thril, ta be a part of thbs e The foilowing exhibitors at venture by thc Bowmanvil -k. tle Royal Winter Fair wbo woni Rotary Club, which is thc finst prizes with their enîries were of ils type ever canried out by y introduced: Boyd Ayre, Fred a Rotary Club", lie deciarec. Trwin, Raiph GlaspeIl, John "The fricadly spirit so iha evid- Cruicksbank and Lion Wlfrid ence toniglit", lie tld the sl'4 Carruthers. dents, "is typical of the whole 3 Aisa wcicomcd ta the meeting town. I wouîd misa, lik .kc -were Clarence Allia, President thank h vssfrcmn ai the Durhamn Federation Of here ktegussfr oli Agriculture; Sandy Muir, Pres- The ao ttdta h - ideat of the Durham Holstein ctie yo t atcd that lb r Association, and Francis Jase, c th eors of e th aeioaty in leader of tbe South Durhiam 4-H Club lna frts cfn the Rotar- t. Dainy Caîf Club. enrrHe angicn tedwe s Lion President Waliy Braden le nd. He a a pm enrecd-I 8, lhmnked bbc rural guests for ît clu b ot hakiatpesorer - tending Uic meeting and slated xgaouel ctvleso h i2 that the club was giad ta pay cub and the life of the tawn -tribute ta bbc young men who ia genenal. Mayor Osborne sta- bave won so many honors and ted tIaI Uic Chamber of Com- the aider farmers wbo bave set mnerce as wcll as the lawn of- sudh high standards ia Durham ffciaîs are very intercsted ir Counly.. publicising the town, and le l Lion Sam Black introduced that tle tape recording, whicii the guest sp'êaker, Jack McPhcr- will be sent long with calai son, -painting ouI that be was a stilîs ta illustrate ilta a club farm canmmený_ ntao ih h aNew Zealandis mn e-c1101n declaned, "and you wili go a Canadian w L4Sr long wmy before yau wiil find Rotanima Siemon played the mnyone as well qualitied la carry tape madc by the Bowmanville an that work as Ed Summners. " Rotary Club, wbich will soon He pointcd out tht whea rural be sent ta tle Greymoîh, New and urban people work bogelli- Zemlmnd Rotinry Club along er you do not have a rural com- with Uic colon stills wbich arc munit>'and an urban commua- used ta illuatrate it. These stils ity, but naîben a common coiTI wcnc taken b>' tbc camiera en- munit>'. 'When the commun- ihusiasts ha the club, Rotanian il>' ca gel along on this bais Keili Sîcion, Tom Rebder, of understanding and tolenance Bill Rudeil, Alan Strike and il will apread upward to pro- Bîmin Elliail. vincial, dominion and interna- The tape opened with sangs tional levela", Mn. McPheraon rccorded at onc of the club's TIc peakrws hnedfrmeetings and an introduction The peaer as han Li on byChairman Kcith Siemon. bis enlighbening mddncss by Lo Information about the Club Russell Osborne. ve yPeietethJký Recreation Director Doug sovn fbv Ped nt eitb ae,- Rigg intnoduced Iwa guests ta pctue foithed saeaker casa the meeting: President Kenplurhe onthe seer waa h Kelly and Past President Alvîin abda i reiwe i Staccy of Bowrnanvile Teen Imped address began, and dur- Town Club. He stated thaI the ing the message pictures were Bowmanville Teen Town is anc ahown ta illustrate il. of the fineal organizatlons of its Club Hlatory Given type witb wbidh he bas even Club Hîstorian Dave Marri- beca connectcd. ,soa autlined the club bistory, President Kellv thanked the 1 Mo--'cv Vnstorie gave the his- Bowmanville Lions Club on be- tory of Bow.&manviie, and Alan bAit of hia onganization for the iStike apoke on sports and r.- CANATANUTAESM21. OWXIVTLE.O1qTAYPIO New "'safety-styled" car constructio n anid two new engines highlight th e 1956 line of Ambassador and Statesman models above. Ail Nash cars ernploy double safe welded car construction. Ini the centre is the Ambassador custom four door sedan. On the lef t, showing "Safety-Vu" front enid stylinf is the Statesman and on the right, illustrating the new rear end and massive tai light assembly is an Ambassador. Choice of four horsepower ratings - 220, 145, 135, 130 - an 1956 models. hocrealion. Dr. Haward Rundle re described bbc work of the re: Memoria Hospial ndtheim. ri- uni atio wok ca ri onb>' nd tle Nortbumberland and Dur-, c, bain Healîl Unit. L. W. Dip- frica le pell explined the local and Canadian educ m.ional syste r,1B and Tain Relider tld about lo- B 1anh cal industries. Rcv. Arthur d Morgan spoke on religion, and bs Forbes Heyland on agriculture,. er Article No. 2 ý. Mark Rocnigk outiined tle zeCanada banking systein and Last week I promiscd ta try' idCharles Carter Sr. spoke on ta answer some of the questions .0 rade training. W . Ross Strike aur violet tniends have asked. spoke on the St. Lawrence Scm- 't seerns bowever that there d wmy and John M. James, M.P. arc no quick answers ta mmny ion bbc Canadia goverfiment. questionis. One would have ta e District Governar Nominfee know exactiy bow thc plant e Walter DeGeer was tle finalla bea nmtdfr atI speaer n îe tae ncoringpreviausiy; the temperature of le A similar tape is being madlebchasuidt'lgti, by the New Zcalmnd club and waterîng and iertilizing etc. I ie will be sent, camplete with have remd articles written by ýd colon stilîs, to the Bowman- peaple asking for a solution Ioa lil ville club. their troubles and bbe ansi.vers1 Tea OnSundayinvarhably have been, "Couldi TesOnSunayany ôt aur readers baving bai c Another enjoyable social Ibis trouble write lnanmd tel event wms beld ton tle visiting us what île>' did about il." 50 students on Sunda>' wlen île>' African Violets should notz 0,wcre cntertained tram 4 pain. be n moedfiutt gwt lat 6 p.m. at a 1cm given by the thrian ma r dfiut tantw SRotary Anns; wives of the Ro,-pbain any othenhause la nte ýg Iar>'Club members ai bbc Lions sprovng yo altarplwti aket 'g Communit>' Centre.sroghali>pan. Mk e s une t s plantcd in sterilizcd - Four additionml students «7ho poraus soil, give il ail thet couid not be present ai tle bight, dlean liglit you can.a Sbanquet Frhdmy night ttended Fcw bouse plants do wcll in a 1 thîe Sunda>' 1cm. Tbcy were dark or shadcd window dot CI Mizpah Duncan, Nassau, Baba- bbc>'? Keep it in a tempenature I mas, wba was a guest of Dr. you would like yourself, 65 ta ead Mrs. Keith Siemnon, Olive 80 degrees, il sbould neyer bed Il Brown, Janaica, guest of Rcv. in a rocin belaw 60 degrees at ËI and Mrs. T. A. Margan; Elsie nigiib; keep it oui ai drafts; fer-n Hall, Jargaica, guest ai Rota,,- lilize il witb liquid tertilizero ian and Mns. AI Wiblerspoon once an lwice a mantl, and last and Cari Hall, Jammica, guest but most important, kccp tlep of Rotarian and Mrs. Blain Ehl- soil jusî moisi all e tîme, s Iliat. neyer aven wet or aven dry. s Tbe Lions Centre wms attrac- Wbca wmtering do one tho- tivel>' dccorated wit1 Christ- rougI job b>' mmking sure you mas deconations for Ibis event. have wet al bbc soil ini the pot Mrs. Keith Jackson was con- traml top ta bottoin on ramor venon ai île bea, and received botbon ta top, thea do nat wa-u a great demi ai assistance tram ber again until you notice the 0 li the Rotary' Ana. Taws soil1antop becoming dry. We t poured by Mrs. Fred Vanstone, haveoîegetsîscean Mrs. George James, Mrs. C. w fnd ih bbc casiest systen, ta 0 Sieman mand Mrs. David Mon. pace the pot ha a saucer or C nio. The table deconain bowl and bank wet peal mass t were rraagcd b>' Mrs. Mark araund il, up la an inchtroa i Roenigk. the bottoin ai the pot. The mass draws the waier tram theeai 6atam ai bhe pot and the mois- C1 HAMPTON ca pttoteurts he e yau notice thc mass gcîting dry Mrs. M. Goodman, Miss Louise agin, lift the pot and pour Y Goodman, Mn. T. Saiter and Mn. wmrm wate n tha île inlathe P( Harold Quinn>' are among those peal mass where tle pot was dc who bave been indisposed but standing, tIen replace the pal. di are now better. Easy isn't it? s Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Richards Mrs. A. W. B.: 1 bougît a l and son, Tononto, Mn. and Mrs. plant ln June in full bloom, the sh Percy Clarke, Greenwood, wcre fiowcrs ail dropped and il was eg recent visitons with their sister, Sept. befone il stanted ta bloo!n P Mrs. Lewis Cryderman and Mn. again. This faîl friends gjave ne Cryderman. m lns h aetighP t Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, mepns, w le me rog hap-oa Orono, visjtcd an Sunda> with lokpened, hab heis agho lier sisler, Mrs. A. W. Prcscott. la clh texie Others who have been at the1 Answer: During thc suinmen, pl 1 Prescott home duning tIc pasî some vanielies ai violets like ai] wcek werc Mn. and Mrs. Fred a vacation or resi period, oit ern Sais, Donna and Beveni>', Mn. vanieties anc "show aifs" ad p Peler Vs, Enfield; Mn. and Mrs. bloom mil the time. Dnn Emni Prescoît and Mns. Keai sunyr months it is wisc natj ý Hardy, Tyrane; Mrs. E. Crydeê. !ta toé your plants, cease us- e mman, Bradiey's. 1 ing fentilizer and doa't water mi Attn e IcChraocie mtoniquite as often, summer air is m attndd heChra Scity con- more hunid you know. Re-pl cent ia Bownanviîc lasî xWeek. ganding your pànta received inaVy Several attendcd tfliceptionf the tal t fy just be the i for Mn. and Mns. Albin Clemens change la' situation and care te ai Lions Coinmunity Centre, receivcd ia two different haones. do Bawnanvilîe, an Saturda>' mter- S o m e 1hi ni es I thînk île>' ai noan. Hampton finas lape mcl just a little homesick ton the>' ma>' le spared la enjo>' awbiie but sa long as bbc>' are t more wedding anaiversanles, bcmlthy tIc>' should soan stan CeL île>' hving raced their 501. ta bnuve if prope> cared on. in c a Jlec pla tioc pi pre sai rMns. I. C.: The laist shipmer ot baby plants you sent a caming along beautiful>'. I g( nuch more pleasune gnawii thein tram tin>' ones and the seern ta do muchb cten for ný Please send youn list ai newe vanieties as soan as it is aval] able. Couid you bell me wli ni> Pmintcd Girls arc alwml wobbly, i seems as if the mighl break off an toppie ovei Answer: Pminbcd Girl is 111< Ihat, tle foliage ia heavy aný lunch>' or top heavy. tny re maving a leaf bere and ther, ta lighten it and aiiow lb, allier leaves ta spread out. Mn. D. L. D.: I wcnltat taki a flower sten off ni> plant an( the whaie plant came off,i seemed as if il lad fia rots,' wmbercd Il negularly tram ilh top. Answcr: In wmicning aI Il( top yau probab>' neyer gave î a Iborougî watering, continu. ing until bbc watcr came au, bbc bottain ai the pot. Yot bave kepl tbe top soil mlwmy! weî and the reat probab>' stanE dry cmusing crown rot. Try oui melbod ai kecping dýmp peal mass araund the pot la a bowl or saucer. Mrs., J. F.:- TIecrcown of mv plant looks qucer, lias becanu stiff and bmiry and tIc t]owcî stems lwisted and short, what wauld Ibis be? Anz-wer: This cauld le Cy- .mlciu Mite, mn invisible insect .inder thc lemyca of tbecrcowr onl>. Mite is bbe No. 1 enemy to Afnican Violets and is casihi spremd tram ncneplant ta an- lther. Remove Ibis plant, if yat: chcnish il,ý take off a leaf ar two troni the second outside row ai leaves, wash thein wel] and, abant bîcniin vermicuiite and Ibrow thc cld plant mway or cime you ia>' prefer ta tny lhe dippîng pnacess, gel N.N.0. R. mix il acconding ta direc- ions and dip plant, holding 'aur tingers aven the mail un paI while you lave it upside aown, nake sure the cnawn is ippcd and Ir>' naitat get this spray' or dip ha tIc sal an>'- îrcr than necessan>'. Dip three [mes, once ever>' 5 days. This 3hould kill bail tbc mitead ggs but will misa set yaun Plant back a lot and if yau do aio keep tle mixture well agit- ted at aill imes brown spots )r buns ma>' le found later on :e leaves. Il is wise ta keep Dlants tram tauching each )ther and tr>' nat to adlde one ind tIen another if you sus- )ect an>' mites leing mraund. NOTE-Now xvith Christmas isi anound tle canner n-an>' )eople xviii be recciving Christ- nas plants sucli as the Christ- nas Cycalen, do kcep tîese Lants in a se parale room train [olets, especimil>' tIe Cycmlem, tsenms ta be husky enaug[ o tolerate a icw miles ad lesn't besitabe la pasa 11cm ,ound tb violets. Mrs. N. H,: I wouid like la tart a collection of Miniatures, Ould you tell me if île>' came, ,difféent colauns and wîcre could get 11cm. Answcn--Yes the Miniature Lfican Violets are coming out iman>' colaurs and man>' dii- crent leaves, improvements re being mdc mlithe lime. hipping has ceased uat[i 7armer weatler next spring, ien wc will bc stockiag a nmplcte line ai miniatures and ,.. ionward you a lis. A col- tion ai ihese daint>' litle ats will le quite an mddi- on, thene is room for quite a ýw on anc window millaid e>' look so cue in in>' pos aced inside ai samelhing rt>' such us a nice cup and HAMPTON Mn. W. W. Horn bas been a patient in Memorial Haspital, Bowmanvilce, since Tucada>' ai last week, when le ivas suddcnly taken i. He us now somewhaî impnaved. ELECTRONIC HARNESS FOR STEERS: A steer has beena Mrs. A. C. Penny. Taranto, was di at awcekcnd vusîtor aIt tc home of "wired fbr sound" aI a British research farm Sa thatMn. and Mns. Gea. Arnaun. scientists can learn how ta gel more milk from cows and 'A social cvening oi the Ladies' pravide tender mcii for the table. The steer weans a Bille Cas was held on Mon- harness carying light-weight; reconding equipment. Thi aycvcning lm.A sote Sgadm registers how many times a day a grazing animal stretches was given cansisting ai tle sing- ils neck la chew grass, how znany limes il lies dawn and iag of Christmnas canais, accor- stads p -andevn te nmbe ailies l titces isdion music b>' Ronnie Luke, st a n s u - nd ve n th e n u m er f t m es it wit h es its vocal solo by S and a L ockw oad, tail. The results are transmiîîed via micro-swiîchcs and pin0uicb'MssN 0on show as a series of wavy lines on a canstantly moving readiags 1>' Mrs. C. E. Diaujand paper tape. This novel equipmcnt was first used il the Mns. H. Rullan and an enjoyable Grassland Research Instilute in Berkshire. Tests there k"S.rictey sne Mss" b> Mr enabled scienlists to find ouI which grasses caIlle liked Farrow which was quite "true besl and, by recarding how many moulhfuls wenl 10 each to lufe." Mr. Reed pnesided. pound increase ianlive wveight, which grasses were best Conîcsls were enjoyed and lunch for the caIlle. w bbc std Aojn roj ec all iliroughth tcigpoe u -UX .Information office Photo date, ovor *70.00 (BY B.nja"j Whenever 1 go on a trip 1 always zake along a baok of somcethlng I have been wantlng ta read, and it usuaily ends up as so much excess biag-- because there la always smre- one iteresting te talk ta or some ncw acene ta contem-. plate. I taok a book on a hun#lng trp fil. It was juat force f habit, af course, and I ,wauldn't want my bunting companions te know about il; but 1 ahould have known bet- ter. The Woodsman'a routine leaves littie time for 'reading. Up aI 5:,30 a.m. To the prime- val forest by seven, and out goes tbe oil lamp at 9 p.m., atter a long day of keepiîng up1 rwith tbe guide and climbing1 aver windfalls. But it's a wonderfuî lite! Al- tbough I bave been big gaine hunting mmny times, I've neyer abat a deer. My record rema- cd unbroken at the end of this season. Sooner or liter, how- ever, my luck will run out, and a handsome buck wlll put hum-i 'can't miss. And then the ftua wvill be al over. Even sa, the chances were t 10 to one for the deer in the country wc hunted. A hurri-- cane last year had knocked over a lot of trees and the un-e tfamiliar exercise of ciimbing c over them--paced by a forester jwho actcd as my guide and teachr-left me with knots ini my legs reminiscent of the day atter the season's tirst footbal practice, years ago. Sa it was a succcssful inter-. l im, no telephones, no tele- li grams, fia meetings, fia speech- aý es. True . . . I wouldn't bave -9 eaten the bacon and eggs bad SI it been put- before me at the Cý Royal York; but no encourage- a ment is needed ta make me eat Z Nova Scotian bomemade baked ti beans and brown bread, pick- les and preserves.n * * *Pl When I got back borne s again 1 rcad the book. Il is Pi called "The Language of Field 1ý Sports", writien by C. E. Hare a and published in London six be years ago. Now, such a book G attracîs oniy the connaisseurs, tc the people wbo teel il is im-S portant ta know that a maie deer is called a fawn ia bis b( first ycar, a pricket in bis sec- ar ond, a sorel ia bis third, sore ai in bis fourtb, bare buck ia bis mr fiftb, buck in bis slxth, and in ta p 0Shle/f l Bevrl4ge> hm seventh year he la calied a getbuck. But I found the ook absorblng, and 1 amn ot a COnnoisseur. The author hu a g ood deai to Saabout the technique and equette of_ huntlng, which puts the fun in field sports, even though rnany of our nirn- rods do flot seemn to thljik so. About the language of deer huntng, Mr. Hare says that a' herd of deer, correctly, muz.t coiitaln at least 20, except in the case of the roe-deer which herds at a minimum of lix. The round roll nextto the head Ai a red or fallow deer is cailed the burr; the main horn is the beamn, the lowest antier the brow antier, and the bizantiers, the royal, and the surroyal top in their 'place. We generaliy say we "start" a deer, but the praper terrrA to describe heaci- ing a deer back ini its flighit is "blanche". Deer graze. it i.s xnoose that browse. A red deer stag ia in velvet while its new hornà are hardening. He [a in "ragsanmd tatters" after hte rubs his borns against trees and the skin hangs in strips. Rein- deer are the only female deer to have antlers. A stag, Rare tells us, gets ip like a cow-hind quarteri rirst. The liver, kidncys and entrails of the deer were once cailed "numbles" and later "humbles". Hence, the ter:n "humble-pie" Stanley Spicer bas written a book about another kind of sports. "Play by Play", pub- ished by Ryerson, is intended as a guide mn organization an-d supervision of group games, stunts and other physical edu- cation activities . iamn-ifot an athîcte, and the football dia- grams in the book rather f a- igue me, but I am grateful to Mr. Spicer for explaining for me that the present style of play came into being when a shoolboy at Rugby ia England picked Up the bail, originàlly )nly kicked, and ran with it iru igame in 1823. In Canada foot- :al was first organized at Mc- F111l University, and McGîll ook it down to the United ;tales in 1875., What the author says about iockey and basketbaii, tracic tnd field, badminton, borse- ioes, swimming, àtunts anid nany other sports is importanit B.T.S. Youth Given Award Members ai the Downtowr Opbimist Club, Toronto, visilec the Boys Training Schooi or Tuesday cvening ta make lIeur presentation ta tIc boy wbc mosl closelr approaches the (?ptinisl code of ebhîcs. Jae Waganese, an Indian la>' irai Kenora was picked b>' the B.T.S. staff ta neceive the award which was madc b>' anc of the Oplimisi Club aificers. Supt. Kennetî Werny welcom- c d the visilars la the scbool andi thc Chief Probation Officen ai the Toronto adult courts actcd' as clairman. Several ver.y cajayable num-1 bers wenc sung b>' tIc girls chair iran Donlands United Cîuncb, Toronto, under thc direction of Blake Lane, who la misa Chef Probation Officen for the Toronto juveaile courts. A Scotch caterlainer misa phcased the audience. W. E. C. Workman, musical instructor ai îhe achool, accoin- pmnied île clair and catentain- er and misa plmycd Chrustmas canais on thc chines. Christmas Concert On Manda>' ai hast week the Oshawva Civic and Reginental Band pimyed a Christmas concert at tle school. More tban 220 boys enjoycd thc evcning ai music and communit>' singing. Mcl Smith, wcl-known Osha- wa entertainer, acted as master of cenemanies and led the comn- muait>' singing. Col. S. Wolten, Rcv. Capt. H. Cheverdon, Padre ai îhe Regimnat, and Magistrale Frnak Ebbs accompanid the band. Guest soloisl for the ening! was Mary Frances Ebîs, daugh-j ter ai Magistrale Ebîs, wlo la a very accomplished singer. .î erte t r asa dpedal w ce hl. Cook wih m an at tedferne o 4. ref okd od mmr 4 lvrfltaneerbfre s m4 kwen.ubae t eà extraynutratoritetbey- helper. C-444 oowlth ilke DAIRY ait-i Bownianviile swIz::::~u:a:::ppp:pup:p::upp:pm:u;;pppp1. I h Jeen 'Ilews By Evelyn Brown Teca Town is holding its gala Christmas Dance ibis Fr;- day, 16, (tamnrow night at 8.30). This won't clashi with exains reail>'. Ailer a lard 1 week, il will le i pleasant way ta recuperate. Somne ai tIc finest talent ;a Oshawa is gaing ta ententa' n you. Wc are tcaturing the Honcbik Iwins, tap danceni, wvha most B.H.S. studeats w.dI renemben iran 1aI year, wfrs'î tIc>' appeared witl aller O.C. V.!. acts on our own stag-. AIma, Buddy Stevens, anec Gi the most pramising young sin.- crs la the district, is coming, aiang wilI thc Conlinenlals, mn instrumental trio. Tîcre will le tîrce or four aller fine acta, too. Evcryone wil l e chmrged 50c admission this week, mndatll praceeds are being turned ov?-i, ta the Saivalion Arn>' as 4u Christmas fund. TIe pon need your beip, 50 support lts- cause, phease. if .7- Hie rules f cars la more than i king.- John wlîo reigna bimseli ans! bis passions, desires, and Milton. 4. il' vI I * t r 14 't UT' I PAGI NnMITffl 00 w

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