Jim Firth Elected Legion President At the annual ehection of off icers held hast Sunday 1 Richards, 1lst Vice-President Jim Fair, President Jim Firth, by the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion the 2nd Vice-President Ed Rundhe and T.reasurer Jack Rice. inembers shown above were ehected to the top positions Comrades Richards and Rice alsa served as Secretar:.y and in the Branch. They are, lef t to right: Secretary RonlTreasurer during 1955. ___________ L-egion Executive Elected for 1956 r The 1956 Executive Committee of the Bowmanv Ile Alex Mairs, Elgie Harnden and George Meadows, Nev Branch of the Canadian Legion is shown 'above afecat. Standing are Comrades Bi1 Be, EnePre being elected to office at the annual election held in the Ted Sheehan, Jim Rickaby, Orono; Sergeant-at-Arms Jac. Legion Hall on Sunday. Seated, left to right, are Comrades Kniýght and Art Brooks. euchre fans on Saturday night. screeci4T Prizçs were won by: high Misses Beatrice Craig andlay Mr. .Mlet;lo Inabelle Gibson, Toronto; Mr. lady, Mrs. Dick Gibbs; high 0 !and Mis. Wesley Hilîs and man, Lyle Milison; low man, Carol and Ann, Solina; Mr. Wayne Marchant. and Mrs. Ralph, HuIs ani Mi. and Mis. Geo. Vandarn, By Allan Porter Nancy, Mrs. S. T. Hoar, Mr. Pontypool, were Sunday even- and Mrs. John Hilîs and Mr. ing callers of Mr. and Mrs. W. Well, December exams have and Mrs. Albert Hilis, were Vaneyk. corne again and so I wont be Saturday evening guests Af Ms rc mt ije writing this coîumn until we are Mr. and Mis. Davil Craig, cele- M aM is. PraulSmthVneyko back at school again in the brating Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sna feno n i n Ncw Year. As an innovation His.' 34th wedding annive'r- Sna fen n r n this yeaî, students may, if thev sary. Mis. Dick Evers, Toronto, wish, go to the Assemblv Hall Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bakeri were Sunciay evening callers. and sing Christmas carols for and family and Mrs. May one haîf-hour before writing Johns weîe Sunday dinner thirexns.gust f Mi. and Mrs. RoyFou d y T p VoleybaIl Challenge Little, Kendal. F u d y T p On Friday moîning "ye olde Don't fail to attend vouriA fifth form" challenged "ye olde school Christmas concert Moi- ! s Durhéirns staff" to a volleYball game day night, Dec. l9th, in thz i Christmas Party on December Club 50 will meet Tuesday EndU jcieduU e 21. Six fifth foîm boys weaîîng evening, Dec. 20, at the hom"ý rugby sweaters and helmets, one of Mrs. John Johnston, whetn Standings at the end of the boxing glove each and carrving hita rset ilb x first schedule playoffs: small bats tîooped up in front changed. First Section of the AssemblY Hall to challenge Mr. and Mis. Dick Evers of Bowmanville Foundry 6,196 the staff. This challenge con- Tor onto, Mr. and Mis. Clar- Palmer Motor Sales ___6,090 rz.sted of a song frorn the "Pir- ence Bradley and family, Bow- McNulty's Sports------ 6,037 ate o Pnznc" it oi wnmanville, weîe Sunday guests C. 0. F. 5,943 woîds. Afteî this song, a volley- of Mi. Robt. Sim. Bowmanville Cleaneis 5,668 ball complete with hair xvas tossed ta Mi. Dippell. 1 Mr. and Mis. Art Youngman Second Section "he job of accepting the cha!- and family weie Saturday cx'- H. E. P. C------------ ----__ 5,864 lenge went ta two gentlemen i ig guets0f Mi. an~d Mis. L. 0. L. No. 1-------- ---.- 5,816 out of the gaY nineties in the A .McLaggan. A & P 5,747 persans of Mi. Ross and Mi.I Mr. and Mis. Wilfied Bla- L. O. L. No. 2 --- 5,4601 Witherspoon. They declaîed the nev, David and A'mn, Bowman. Dominion Stores .----------- 4,952( staff would most sureJy win. ville, and Mi. West, Regina, High single, Bert Engley 3151 Well, I think they will be sing- Sask., %N ere Friday supper High triple, Geo. Lewins 767.1 ing a iJiffeîent lune next year guests of A/Ji. and Mis. Rye Thceodshdl tîso when they will probably have Gîbson and Sandra. aur 15. The fucon sch cd- satso to make the challenge them- Mi. and Mis. Alfred Milîson1 ule will appear in ppra seles.entertained four tables of later date. ppra NOTIC E 1955 TAXES Are Now Past. Due Four per cent will be added on January 3rd, 1956 on al 1955 faxes unpaid as of December 31sf, 1955. CLARENCE S. OKE, Tax Collector, Toivn of Bownxanvillc. I . STARK VILLE % Mi. and Mis. Charlie Yule and Dianne, Oshawa, at Mr. Wm. Savery's Sunday. Mis. Gordon Trim and Mar- ilyn spent a few days with- her parents in Scarborough recentlyr. Mi. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family were guests at Mi. Jim' Stark's Sunday. Mis. Allen Coînish, Weston, and Mis. Lloyd Baines and fam- ily, Castieton, visited recently xith theii parents, Mi. and Mis. Victor Farrow. Mi. and Mis. Deibeit Hallo- j well, Linda and Bill, Toronto,' visited Mi. Jake Hallowell. Mi. and Mis. John Stone, Orono. with Mis. F. Stone. Mis. H. Hoîton, Mi. and Mi" Wm. Morrison, son Haîry, Osh-' awa, weîe Sunday visitors xvith Mis. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mil- dîed, Mi. Bob Snowden. Mi. Dick Bailey is taking a course at Camp Borden. The many fiiends, neighborz, sehool chums of Master Clar- ence Goodwin will be sorry to know hie is seriously iii in Sick Childien's Hospital" Toronto. Vesper Service The annual Christmas Ves- per service was conducted bv C.G.I.T. in the Maple Grove United Chuich last Sundav. The order of service was con- ducted by Mis. T. J. McGuirk. the leader. Seripture was reard by Joyce Milîs, offering taken by Barbara Milîs and Jenine Allison. The Christmas address' wzs given by Oui pastor, Rev. L. M. Somerville. Candle lig)iters wcîe Bannie Baîteil, ' Gall Snowden, Marie Cooncy, 4ack- lin Hall, led by Mis. Mcll Ed- wards. The e air xvas compris- ed of the C.tG.I*.T. led anfi ac- companied by Mis. Win. Laird. Abouit 14 girls, two leade*s at- tcnded the Vesper serviée ini Tîinity Chuîch in the evèning. W.M.S. Meeting The monthly meeting «f th-, W.M.S. wvas held in the %base- ment ai the chpîch with Jresî- uent in the chlair, who oçened thie meeting and conductejd the business. Mis. H. R. Foleyt took the chair for the progîam with the following helping: Miýs. C. H. Snowden, 'ýMy Fîiend Sal- ly"; Mrs. J. D. Stevens, stbiy o! ayý at Indian Boy-s ande Girls Mission Camp; Mis. S. g1yler,i "Christmas at Cross Lake"- Mrîs. R. R. Stevens, "Jewish He- brew Christian"; Mrs. M. Bur-i gess, "Christmas Prayer"; îead- ngs, Mis. A. Laird, Mis. H. R. Foley. Woiship service was conduct- ed by Mrs. I. Munday wvith reading off several passages of scripture and singing a numn- ber of Christmas carols. !lvee4- ing closed with benediction. Don't for get White Gift Scr- vice iî tlus Suaday, Dec. la. 4~L1L*LLtI*AM N OM~VLIONT&E!O Tit i 'I if t' i i Wth of Q-uality for Christmas 1.wE IC .1 rom" - ~ AIDt V Z> VVA 1 LH a-r I i 'i i i i I I CLLAA U .UALAAALUAAAAJbeguarPr Fine Silverplie3.0 blany serving pieces ta j choose froru 'ROO0PER!9s Jewellery and< 28 KING STREET W. Gift Shop w PHONE MA 3-5747 17-Jewel Water Resistant Dust Resistant ONE YEAR GUARANTEE *Luminous Dial *Expansion Bracelet *Stainless Steel Back *Sweep Second Hand FINE QUALITY Ladies' Watches *Expansion Bracelet *17-Jewel Movement $28.95 I --~...:m------------------------ Jusi Arrived. . . A large open stock of Flatwvare in 1847 Rogers Bras. M... .4w 'S. t t t I MO Brlng the children to mee old 1'9 gencies as fiôods, hurricaes, ZION SautMr.an d Mrs. Weu Cameron are most urgently neededl W.. etigat William Preston's, Courtice.ne December meeting of the W. Mr., ad Mrs. Fred'Cameron PROVIDENCE FORUM We thought the cnesl ,Ur communitv in being fib'*ed A. was held in, Sunday School at Russell Sonley's, Port Prry. Providence Forum met at the were almost nil.Aiotati. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart and home of Mr. an r. Cae c s ie r srausograss frsi with29 embr, tovstr.enehvstda Mr. John Turner with 13 mçmbers present, were flot too much of a problezu and ivechidre preent Mr. Tomson's and at William Dart's, to discuss the t6Pic "Planning as most of our land i ild Herman Haass read the scrpture Jr., Scarborough. A ans isse".Mliay shler o l e a and Mrs. Arnold Geissberger Mr. and Mrs. Staney Coveri heis isser.Mli asherai hurricae. f ,gave the devotionai reading. and famiy, Ebenezer; Mr. and Question 1-What need, if any, epicaeohurans Rol cal ws asweed y aMrs MoleyFlitof an faily isthere for a Civil Defence Or- (b) Could a Civil Defence Or. Rai cai ws nswredby Mrs. MGoe Flitaîf andamily, s.ganization in your community ganization help in preparipg for "Christmas Verse." The- trea- MaGravleatcWelCamn 'sl-ta prepare for disaster in case of and dealing with such an emerm surer's report shwed a good an, Toronto, at Russell Per- military attack? gency? We thought they coud, kins'. especially in hurricanes ) or balance on*hand .so it was decin' There is a great need for Civil sraslrs cndedMta give $10.00 t the M Mr. and Mrs. Douglas FlettDeecOraitontpepr Next Moýnday night e-k Gean M. r Fund , $0.o ta th and family, Sauina, Mr. Arthur for disaster in this community having ur annual thrW a G e n r a l C h u c h u n d $ 3 . 0 0 t a o u n m a n a n d R o y T y o n e a t a s w e , a r e s i t u a t e d c l o s e t a l a r g e p a t y t t h e h o m e o f r . the W om an's M issionary Society. o rnm an Landch's. o eat industrial centres. Ho mn u r Mry ea M t on. veihr B i l l s w e r e r e c e i v e d a mn oun t na nn g l a s e s i t h p r a t i ce c r inu c n 5 i t ta $24.17 and paid. M rs. R ef rd M . and M rs. Percy B y e ien cse s wuldh ep . ______ex_____________n ve Ca mneron's resignation was re- Toronto, at Fred Cameron's. Q estion 2 ( )-Tur ing r u ch a d a 25 i ceve. i.an Ms.Pecy Davidsonr niilitary ta natural disasters, can Ignorance, pride, or prejudice Mrs. Charles Naylor gave a visited at Howard Abbott's and you list any preparation which closes the door ta whatever ji pin oo TiiyCîe; el ubr'.Breo. your community should be mak- flot stereotyped.- Mary Baker Mrs. R. C. Stainton a vocal solo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron ati ing in readincss for such emer- Eddy. "0 Holy Night;" Mrs. Glen Robert Cameron's, Tyrone. Glaspeli read a poem; Mrs. Three new families have mov-. August Geissbergcr, Si., and ed into their new houses south Mrs. Herman Haass sang a duet. of the school. Mr. and Mis a The election of officers turned Ralph Cook and family, Mr.1 aut ta be an election hy acclama- and Mis. Arthur Teeling and aL/ey ' serve for another ycear. Larkin and family.1 a A e _' of £ri n The special commîttee pro- Church service will be at 7:30 SETS FOR MEN AND WOMEN vided real Christmasy refresh- p.m on Sunday, December 18, ments including Christmas cake wen the choir will sifig a oao whîch everyone enjoyed and Christmas cantata. tW mittee received the ladies' thanks and *Laurel at Harry Poloz,j for a nice afternoon. Midland.1 JU Y a d L VL C.G.I.T. and Explorers are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and WJRY a d L V L Christmas Tree for the wee folk Mrs. Jack Cameron and family, Yu ealDu tr on Fri day night at the church. Oshawa, at Wes Cameron's. t g > - '-:.-u-.:m::1-.. P. 1' 1 1 i PAM TWUMT - qRý OUAWAVWAýw wmàý »Aý - MAPLE GROVE