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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 4

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pan loua e ~ VANDIANTATXN. EWANTlaLZ OZWALUOTIfl3IDAY, DEC. lSth, 115 the ugly sight, as have so pa could flot resist the temptatian. Currenttmany towns, of rbbon SesConteshn tebieu developments trung otalong R R in m en S i t C n e t the hbi. Aiter severalmiue C ure tthe roads leading Into Bow- climbing she finally reached O manville. Thé - time coms A ; r her destination a tired littie when they demand water or P ize W n i g - s a' girl. Following a short rest Cin- and sewer or bath, wt resulting P WE ,,D dy and bike were racing down problemai. There la8an arei the bill onto the road below. south af Liberty Street which Many excellent essaya on the you go into the water. Neyer A4 nervous young lady driver Confidential is close ta h tw and Vin. subject oi saiety were wrltten swm alone because then there was' attempting to pass another Dy Liii Carrthers Lulnney existing water, sewer and hy- three public schools for the if you need help. Don't ever racing down the siope. The i r.Can't anythlng be done contest held last month in con- cry out for help if you don't woman swerved and hit a poie J.about planned growth? Perhaps nection with the Eliner the need any because then if y=u to miss the cyclist but all 3in A COIDION INTEIkEET least being given thought. No- it is a part aio the Chamber's Safety Elephant saiety cam- do need help your playmates vain. There was a loud bang. As wu mentioned Igst week, thing has corne of the thought suggested Long Term Plan for palgn of the Bowmanvllle iCns- might thinlc that you were just Then everything was sulent we did enjoy meeting and talk- in the last hundred years; iet's the town. We hope it bas been men Club. ; fadling them. Concerning boa&- until a distant siren could be !i wlth Miss Blodwen Davies sec what we can do in the sec- serib>usly considered anyway. A total of .$37.50 in cash >ng you should flot overload heard. The police had ta breaki por.t Smith'$ Luncheon. Mis;q ond century wve ill soon be We were disappolnted, but prizes was distributed by the because the boat or canoe through a barrier ai horror Davis.. author of severai books starting on. flot surpriscd, ta see no mnen- club ta the winners in ail might tip and if the children filled onlookers to get to the en the beauties and hlstary of The point about industries tion of Bowmanvile's cultural grades 'at the schools. Follow- wha can't swini aren't wearing wreckage. W4aen the bodies Qtsbec, la flow living at Mark- we will leave for th~e moment. needs in the preliminary sur- ing are four ai the prirewinnlng life preservers they migiit were removed they were put hUmt -and bas become greatly We don't like industries, but vey. Let us repeat, we. point essays, which demonstrate how drown. on a waiting ambulance and interested in the Mennonite they may be a necessary evil. this out in an attitude of con- much the Elnier the Saiety Hallowe'en is not far awav rushed ta the nearest hospital. familles I that district. We are inclined ta doubt that structive criticism. It is a fact, Elephant campaign had donc ta and you should have fun ýbi!~t But it was toa late. Thoughi Âlways lnterested In pioncer they can be chosen, controlled, however, that 'Bowmanville rnake Bowmanvilie chiliren be careful and don't act ý1mart Cindy was stili alive, the wam- histery, Miss Davies is encour- and praduce ail the golden lags terribly behind in the cul- saiety consciaus: because accidents can happen an xvas dead. It was expected aglrg the preservation af fam- eggs in the iorm of taxes that tural field. The importance at- lasndreev epcd.Cth wu eoebt ily htirloomns bought fro~n same people suppose. tached ta such. considerations JACK AND JERUY a! a -n ae eerexe ted. Ci the wusdeov erle but here is aimost nil. By Judy Jeftery--Grade ywTit hte us eva er legs.n ]Petnnsylvania iollowing the Speakmng of contro-wve of It ws, icît that Bowawnrî Little Jk Hore IT PAYS TO PLAY SAPE This hppleen ery ld AmerticmnReoui. Miss Da- fer tiiis in an attitude of îaîI7 ville needed an arena. It go an Std on the corner B natrt asoe e-of p eople eleng kîîed vies la msa an ardent adva- mindeid criticism - we hae arena, neyer mind the cost. Watching the cars ao by Cinthea is a big celebity b ecs i soeon.ic ae date for caunty or district mu- seen or heard no mention froin Sport and recreatian have had He îooked to the lert her town, and at the ripe aidîesmsa. soume, so l'au can sec we had ic Chamber or other civic au- thousands oi dollars blithcly He looked ta the right age oi eight, but the reason is SFT NTEHM aound inht talnk mna dt t co n oarofw a ln spent on them, and -debts have And said: "What a good boy flot ta be laughed at. By Marie Dunn--Grade 1 '(udmc o tO *abot. owcot. PeBapswenia shoullde' been contracted for them with- arn V"' Last April Cindy decided' There are some dangers that * * *CNDCENgrosawthannefrit s eemshut out a qualm. But iew people That applies to all littie boys, against her mather's will ta can make a happy home a sad OU& haECrOD CCthe prii ayt wont stfo rwing, mta seem ta care that tlýis town ai not just Jack. It says, "He look- ride Jimmy's (her brother> one. The first one I wish ta Wiu ve f owanvhepl aisray i n eo w intresare over 6,000 population bas the cd ta the left and he looked bike. The right time came taik about is fire. There are 3isu y of r. Kcnvi n d Mrits, brutain thf eyw idusrieg ate samne one-room library that it ta the right"', and I think you. when mother ivas shopping many different ways a fire Yieds bay -MaKenetris rhin they estsoml f rthcr gwt had when the Town Hall, was (cvcrybody- that is) should. and Jimmy was playing in thc can start. One way is by cigar- SCItabr- CMmnaerce adf e hthe r wsoe wanthit orîot built in 1905 and the popula8tion Also it says, he stood On- th,? orchard at the end of the road ette or cigar butt, always make Chaiber f Cmmere, nd w whtherw rathi rnt was a littie more than hait corner (not on the road.) MOst The roads were siippery as ',t sure it is out. Neyer throw it viere lnterested to note the Planned Got what it is now. littie girls and boys that I kno-N had been raining earlier- and away lit. Fîre can also bc me~ntion made ai the town's Has any mention been made * * don't stand an the curb though. idatog- atr~1satdb ace. Awy face. There is indeed much ai filling up certain blocks cf CULTURAL CENTRE once upon a time a littie lboy yeing ,athbedti ame, ste nom spttdb matches. on a hîg room for irnprovement in its land in areas readily servicdyliga etmi oma-ptmthsu n ahg appitarance and attractiveness. bywtryee n ~dro, ra- ibais n alcotisnned eryws ong tO ter in hancliing a bicycle. She sheif ivhere y aung chidron Proper developmcnt ai a town ther than issuing building per- have changed out ai récognitionî 9chooi. H-e knew his mnothei ran out, wheecid the bike out cannot get hold of "them. Ain- park is ane-item which would mits for houses ta be buiit xiw, sne'90.Bosavll n ad told him ta stand Uin th, itegrghpe n n te as ffr si o corne ta mind under any beau- ly-nilly, a mile out of town in~ practicaily the only town ai lis curb, but do you think lie' didl? was off down the sidewalk. leave a bunch ai aid rags in tificatlon program, and it is any direction? We have somne size. in Ontario stili strugging No Sir! It xvas his nature ta do Seeing a rather eiderly man a corner, it wili cause combui . gratlfylng ta sec that it is at dcvelopmcnts, but ive aiso have on in one-raam, outmoded an the very thing he wasn't sup- approaching, she darted into tian. That may cause a fire disgracafully inadequate quar- posed ta do. That morning Jer- the street without looking in hazard. ters. A library should be, and ry leit at five ta nine and iront ai a speeding car. There Another way is if you is in most tawns, the culturel school goes in at nine. xvas a screech ai brakes as the have a ladder with a broken centre ai the population. It has He was in a hurry! When car skidded ta miss the bike. rung, fix it before you use it a proper building iith a sep- you are in a hurry, are YOu Luckily no one was hurt, ai- again, sa that When you or 1/ig r o uo. tc'. arate reading room, reference careful? Weil neither was Jer- though bath drivers werc quite sameon elcsc uses it yau xiii V ig o r il C o L td , raam, chldren's roani, as. wcii ry. shaken up and frightenedi. not hurt yourscif. as sufficient space for the Hc rushed through a red From- this emerges several, If there are young children shelves af circulating books. It light and a car just missed him safetv ruies. Sidewaiks are for in the house and they leax-e h as adequate room for display there, hie passed the Arena, the people ta walk on-not for bi- their toys on~ the floor piuic ai books and other xnaterial. Post Office, the Town Hall, cycles. Your parents have iivcd them up sa that nobady coul'd FUEL IL an STO V O IL Somne have film libraries. Pic- When hie was just, across fram longer than yau, sa they know faîl on thern. ton, with a population ai a littie the schoal he saw every anc mare than you. It isn't safe ta If you have mats on the over 4,000 bas ail these. But it gaing in soi he didn't look ta dartinto a sýreet withaut look- stairs, make sure they will ni-it cet3erZl had the sense ta appiy for the the left or right (like Jack) he ing at any time, whether walk. slip by having rubber back- STOVE QIL 20 lo cnsprgi Andrew Carnegie building RAN 1 ! ing or on a bike. Be exception- ings on them. By siipping you grant back in the days when 0f course there was soine- aily careful on slippery pave- might break your arma or ieg. these were being handed out. thing coming but it wasn't a ment. Drivers shauld neve2r Another resuit is you might Our iibrary is doing the best car, a truck or a transport, but speed. break your back or even yourl .FUEL QIL 1 6 cents per gal. it can under the circumstances, a tractor. Just the same it Cindy stili kept going, but ncck. There are stili more ways 2 but it isn't goad cnough, and it couldn't stop in time. consciaus ai the saiety rules. you cen make your home a sad is time that Bowmanvilic citi- One hour later, there was -1 Hawcver, in a few minutes she one, but let's hope nane ai zens in general became aware very worrîed mother and f ath- reacbed a large hil]. Cinthea these happen in your home. 1 i~of it. The library is nat sup- er; and a little boy with bau, Fer uelvery ported by taxation as arc most arms fractured and many ba i libraries now lei Ontario. It bruises, in the hospitai. o receives a grant froma the town Jerry wae, out ai sebool for and anc from the province. tbree months and anc amni up ta date with other libraries eSa I think Jack I-lamer was 5 .O no w and bc taken aver by the town, right ta look ta the leit and M ~a proper building provided- look ta the right before ic -- Ict the corner. dent, be like Jack and OBEY B l n e s r a the SAFETY RULES. PLAT SAPE BUYS YOI - By Monica Schlingenaiepen Grade 9 There are many carelesspe:o ple in tlis- world -e.nd ha .- s In ternationa ..0 f. 0 amany accidents wouidn't hap- pen if everybody knew the A-B-O's af safety-Always Be Careful. The rules you teach arc the u e r9 samne ules about the home: If there are smaller cbiidren in your famiiy don't leave scîýi- sors, knives, hot or cold irons, .560 PO U N D eicctric cords, and hendies oi pans looking aver the aven in reach ai the child, because it migbt cnt or bnmn or shock itseii. Neyer jay-walk or ride ai the road. Aiso don't ride double,. ride in. a single Une e good distance behind the anc catch a ride by hanging onto a OVER _$ 0 î icar on traick.ottrtaR $ 0W O When you go skating yau shouid not play tag on the ice, because you migbt be the anc ter time an a pond or river bc sure ta have signs put np where the ice isn't as thick and youl y t kn d a t g imgtas lneta tiieseBy lk g ad n ag placs ad se ifsmalier chul &A Aà aid, large flouse would do splendidly-and the cast be pitFw otha er ptown tis asîzit F When you conaider the vital role eon a pe capta basis 95izet Fats inn is that Hydo playa t the Sone, we believe, and in manyr, a8roe. comnity manyMmnb smaîîer.Over 100 packages of the reaiz te icoveiece rogh IGIVE THEM A 1%REASO;q %nîous Birdsys rutand r«»teicneinebogtIn that same building, aiould Fui &bout f0m Powe infAmpions arbe aur musenm. Then at. iast Vytbe abogt ~oui pwer inElTUptOns etwe would have- a cultural ceîi- Ivglu a rmd of "kindof wMlim.tre ta be prend of, and; the L a relt f ths knd o vadalini.taurists wc are aiways wîshhng we conld lure off 401 would Hydro employes oonstantlyhave somne reason for comm EE T E REZR N Hydro employe« onnstantly into Bowmanvi.e. A muscwinlSE T E FRE E N totorit i jstl-.-oeyi endeavow, te provide sevc a teou 5 Ulke hae aouOUR unmerrpte elctrcai~-~--- ~ romtravelling in other part s ---~~oa Onti, Canada. and in the ONTARIO & HYD RO':." ntd-tts hr mu~inu cot. ieaê d yor as been properly develoaped. A tawn needs more then -- tion and sportu facîitlegrm E q ipen amP te w £sJehzydro uromry. e make it ahiood and attractive town iw !hta live. In anylTN CW # long-tern i vew, we think the points we have mentionc er jj V q. xvorth consideration. Fcrorsm IJ U.n -ofithcrn, let's fot makçe it tÔ;St E Bowma LA. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING s HEATING Oit BURNERS. 47 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE - n. over J À 1H FI1 c ,A ?TH )DS e pric< ceof fer suchi eof the b wril1 wani lilion you his packE les: SFOC VIND( mville MA 3-5651 24 Mon ths k NEW 2rvester RE EZ ERI kPACITY 0 F FROZEN his offer now e of the Freezer and the Food a Iremendous value. For the )est freezers in the country 1 fo own Ihis new, modemi gel the economyof the freezer age deal makes an idea1 Ice Cream F'ruit Juices Frozen Chicken and Neat Pies F'rench Fried Potatses on can'f beat frozen foodi for flavour )D ON DISPLAY )WS Automnotive JETOR Phone, MA 3-5689 I green-coLpper oxide or copper Colo ful ips sulfate; orange-calcium ch1ai'. ide; lavender-potaesiuni chloc- A t Ch ist as ide:and yeilow-sodinm chlore If yon wish ta get as much A second rnethod-i. ne are to be used-is ta dip the "color" as passible -in yaur canes in paraîfin and before Christmas observance, heres a the paraffin hardens sprinkltà novel idea. with the faiiawing chemicats Pine canes, small kindiing or for dcsired colar cffect: Greeni -copper sulfate; rcd - stron. chips can be so treated as ta hium nitrate; orange-calcium give off colorqd flames when nitrate; and yellow sodium burned in the fireplace. Dipped chloride. or saaked in a solution ai var- ions saits ai certain metals, canes or chips wiil burn with 'S a distinctive colon. Canes will UeS Sd Removed flot rcadily absorb water, Sa Hithest Prices Paid saîts nmust be suspendcd in 9 24-Hour Service solution ai turpentife. TELEPHObIE COLLE Camponnds wbicb produce COBOURG. 17874 specific colors when burn'td NICK PECONI, are: Red - strontium chioride; PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 green-barium chioride; bine-_____________ Yi 1 1 lqum 1 .5

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