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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 9

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- - -Z -Z-.--uiý IWMMDAY, meC. 22n&. 1055 Plimnt eig Mithel Hogesown giving of l'His only begot- on ient LeiM Thell O dgimst ro cten Son tat whosoever believ- charge of the meeting, and ain n W al nR Background istory ofon thescoumseoftheconverisa- he 1B*le t nHm hudnt e-Tnuce ae fecr B a c k g r o u n d H i s t o r y o f ~ ~ onof he convne t e rs a - r ups.u ish but have everlasting life." with the winners beizig as fol-n c nlson u c a Th e ori ina C h ist as Sto 'y he nge s o " h ep erd ab d Thi on l m s h k yo tof t he- o nducted a g amc o e uchM r e, age Tstio , she ndent huonedin i the fistampa.nM s J ax e; o s >E.hristrras SeciI Iclec, ~tic acceptance of the idea and cornes from the Bible. In an ing m therflelds, keeping wathChistmas Story and of the -soeMs .wt h ign fGdSv Thîs .tm s S e i Id dtimesef dethsa- TeoignlCnsms t- h n es o shephd abd-th lie i s the *keynote ai tyhe îw eveadth etngcoe Hodges swung the North Arn- age wadmng knee-deep in coin over the locsebmni",.he Bibe always an verhe usn r.J atr os-TeQen pi ~~~~~~~~~~ er can into a full publici y m ercia hism this fact is som e- P urney o h î e m n b i g u g s e e d n s f r h f1 d W II.4 i0 qh * m ~ n I~,. qu m q im i. m l,cam paign. ti n s o sc r d ng treasures to present to a w eek: Comiiio e I ui m aIlLltt odli tap Te First Nel" arld by new-born King, the hoùsing Sunday-Romans 8:14-39 V0 The tw c ub y hidr n n omp re t e ri ht me sa es The follow ing Christm as, w ho found "n o room ino da -R m ns 121 21 l E,4 a The tw chubb c ail en nwith ethe vident ckofmeaerCanada had adopted "'the gond- inn" for the birth of the baby Tuesday-1 John 4:1-21 ViyIo r i twb yersT.Cr ismsgged chte vdetlakocee idren that a heJsual s ariia orieginsdyIsih :- ae.ea far different pair to th, for the children. And his mind Toronto Globe termed them. H M T Nwanld today, find their oii Thursday-Isaiah 11:1-9. cauglit the compassionate e' fastened on the idea o! an ex- And this year's pair of twins (Intended for last week) in the Holy Scriptures. . Fia-sih5:-2 o~ ina Hobeli ackj t tra Stamp to establish a great paint a happy picture of hope Straee Saturday-John 1:1-18. of istasHof 1903 ckinth fund for charity. for the people who will r-- O audy e înng a Pres- The earliest Christian hymns, hosetwo ameess aif InLouncbed In Denmark quire sanitorium tete4 was held at A. W. Prescott's.teCrsmsSoyNSF E I n T V I Am s w aeeswisTe loextend teotfml Crsmsruithehe grea ofteCofristimes ae P&âpeared into the starmy I 1904 the first Christmas Te lohp o Present were, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-0 R W ' prevntin o theinsdios di lotaied in the Bible. These ghtbut Einar Hoiheoll, sort- Seal sale was Iaunched in Deaî- peeto fteisdasd gar Prescott, Mr. Glen Pres- are used around the world to- TVIcet Z_______mil_ os f ar.I adr___d h p-2aetoalCnain.cot rs oad rsotM.dytruhotteyer o TeDcmbrmein fSOV I ~uenear Copenhagen, was proval of King Christian and and Mrs. Herbert Prescott, Mr.olya this festival of thc Brown*s Homne and School 1aiUbted by their poverty. He bore the Queen's portrait. The and Mrs. JinMHarris, ydChr. Club was, held at the 'scho.>li seals were an immediate suz-an Marlene, al fEfed ti neetn ont hto h vnn fTedy ss ad for milionweresold Ho to' andl îr.and*Mrs. Wilbert Smith, is itrest ouin onte taon heeening o!95. TuesdayELIL OBITU RY te irst year. '.Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, Mr. eacdngtStLue ing completion of business;, FE 1 6 ~ cnsprg Tococntat heino C rItnY and Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss eacodnt S.-ù: Mrs. Shirley Watson tooki W. FREDERICK FICE from the cheery message the ~"'~ ~Dorothy Smith, Miss Shirley 2-3 "ThAe Maniia"-Lke1:_____________ Danes decided ta use the mon- Smith and Mr. Ken. Witchall, 1:4-53, "The Magnificatu" -eFr ele The death occurred sudden- ey ta combat tuberculosis all of sunawasrvceTwee1ervLueE16879S"TeFlora nD I'y at the Oshawa General Hos- which had left many childreniC t Fl w rsSail ! sericswa. vrvLu1:468- "The elediactus" -RYWE ,,pital on Tuesday, December 13.crippled at the turn of the cen- Theurroper rare o! cut flow- well attended. The lovely flow- Exceisis" - Luke 2:14; 'Th2 i.Ra rStas Ip 1ý,bf W. Frederick Fice, 134 AI- turY. ers drng the Christmnas sea- ers which adorned the altar' Nunc Dimittis"-Luke 2:29-32. Air, Ra l teas *bert Street, in his 7th year. Turned to Newspaper son can greaty ices hi were paced there by Mrs. A. The origin o giving gifts at . JUR Y & L O V EL L OhA510 incrasether Prryin emor ofMr.Pery Crismas Consac notony 1PhoneO sa Born lat Bethesda, Ontario, Einar Holeoll's story cmelife, says Prof. R. Goodwin Perry in emorwy o! r. enysCo he rstmas goe ck not only i on June 12, 1886, the decease3 cos h tani n amge Wilson of the Horticulture De- wopse wytneyast h rsnsofrdbsd 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 ,was a son of the late Mn. and zine article and the idea was pantment, Ontario Agn'icutu.- ao h agrbd u oGds_______________ Mvrs. Pl ery Fice. Prior to mov- adopted by Miss Emily Biss&I ai Coliege. .lng t& Oshawa 36 years ago, lie ta raise a $300 fund needed ta The woody stemns of such had lived at Enniskiîîen and save a smalî sanitorium frorn flowers as nases, chrysanthe- k.Prvidece.closing. She worked against muis, and carnations shouid Mr. Ficee xat an employee Of the pessimjstic predictions of be cut at an angle as soon as the Dixan Cool Companv and failune put farwand by the the flowers are received in or- î'was an adhenent of King 'Street Pastmaster General and publi- der that the bases a! the stems 'Utnited Church * vity experts. She finally turin- will not be biocked off fron Ml e is survived by his wife,: ed in desperation for help ta getting water. Only a quarter th6 ome1ieta Kly the North American, a news- or haif an inch need be cut off. .whom hie married at Bowman. paper published in Philadel- To help remave air bubbles 1'vile I 190; an one son, Mii- phiawhich plug the stems and cause * .ton Fice, f Oshawa. He was SarlgosSgeto al wlig seilyo o-e .,pedleceased by a daughter, Sciiiu ugsin enywlîg seiiyo a-. ~ ..a .,. .a ,M er ua. V i i n ( R b ) M is s B is s e l s h o c k e d th e S u n - e s , th e s te m s s h o u ld b e p a c e l ~ 9 5d y e i o y h v n t e t m n w n n w t r o 0 a 1 d e. " W .r . L il ian n ( R b ) o i a m w r of 1 0 t 2 e Also survving are sisterbody e p rt e) -r.LlinEdgerton of De- mas and tubenculosis should be tmeaun) trait anid four gnandchildren. iinked together. To him it When the flowers are flot The funeral service was helci eemed a sacreligius sugges- needed for dispiay, as at nigh, .- .2','*~~." Lirom the Luke-Mcîntosh Fun- ian ta put the No. I killer of or if the home is empty. they -erai Home at 2 p.m. on Thurý;- that time with the gaiety ;)f can be made ta last longer by ,day, December 15, fallowed by the Yuletide. moving them ta a cool (42 zo ,interment in the Oshawa Un- Final Acceptance . 45 degrees Fahrenheit), >~in Cemetery. Rev. M. A. Bury, Disrouraged by hier recep. opeetth cuua .lrninister af King Street Uniterl tion Miss Bissel ralled on a Topeetthcuua ~Church, conducted the ser- yaung clumnist mydb' tion o! bacteria which plug the .vices.tepae.he andtar- stems of the flowers, chemical preservatives may be added to the water. These can be obtain- 7 14 ed cammercially in a number ~ oufceo! hy raine spa e made at home by dissolving one 0 1MIDsoneonfuls o!tinsltina one quart o! water. (Two tea- " J$ REMINDERs fths outo, o gether with a tabiespoon o! su- D E Rgar in earh quart o! flower wa- . R E M . 14ter, will be sufficient. An al- ~ ertieis ta change the wa- nom ter, eut the stems, and rear- range the rut fîowers earh day. Cantrary ta popular opinion, aspinin will not increase tha to st ck u plufe of flowens, says the O.A.C. authority. .- By Joseph Lister Rutledge ~ J< Workers who were asked ta , . ' believe that a guaranteed ani- nual wage was the ultîmate biIenefit that unianisn could10e B EVERAGES '~drap in their lap are doing u.1s,' some second thinking. They GIG RAE C L i r R IG oeagreements that their n" leaders have been able ta se- _ cure for them. The leaders have '" CR A O ACLUB SODA got the best ternis that wiere . 54 disappoînting package indeed. Le4',4~, ................................. Fîrst o! ail, they had been U 's"ý: pretty fully ronvinred thati, .t, o e ci S profits. That was the early a- ~ sis o! argument, but that isn't j teway any contract is writ- *' » '-. n. And if it isn't, it is rer- ~ -'~~~ T F-l NEM/tainly because the negotiators ! ment that it isn't passible. Sa it perted. [ is a very rnodest maýt ter, and samething that Woocl's Freezers inth an-ubht a x m leaves a substantial numb o . ........workers out in the raid -.t In the main, surh guaranýteed '4,,> wages as have been surcessul ngotiated represent gains that Mare hedged about with a goodsacn ...abounding with good health and good feIIowsIr WIT 2 MOTH TOin addition ta it. Also if tkere ' jy WIT 24 M O N H S O A Y " a Sea O n fîlled W ith d eeP a id fast!n l y iare a suffirient number o! un- employed dipping into the fund "' C BIC cXT FREEER it may nun out quicker thani 12 C BIC OOT REEZR exected. The arrangement is 1 11 tatwhen the fund gets downi h t f O ~ J DOWNta a certain low level, pay- ONL $3.90 U W ments end, until a satisfactory WITH 24 MONTHS TO PAY level i gn race. Altogether, it is a littie di!-o Frozen foods are readily available fromn ficuit for the average iayman yourloca groer.ta sec that there is much gainIf yourloca groer.for the average wanker. Cen- We service and carry spare parts for the b t a in phaeverth gains rnay Wood's Freezers mgt have been secred fan ___ htve hegi my'he Sheppard & Gui1 Lumbe ail workers and flot for a fav m ared few. P Each 4-H Club plans and con- H ieg on E ectrc j!ducts its own programn depend-, ing on the needs and interests o! the members and the om-0M L irrited.1 munity. Over 8000 voluntarv * e 38 King St. E. Bownianville MA 3-5483 i leaders, manv former 4-H mnem- and "fltrucUion. THE CANADL4» STATESMAN. BOMUNVMIýr. ONTARTM W-i»ý

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