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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 10

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PAGE TUEN£ AJ.è'-L1IAN STL~ATIrSMAN 5QOWBANVTYJ.U, ONTARI T("lD2 I -~ A Chulstmas Story J/ie£ast 5eresent By Wilfrid Werry, Montreal Christmas Night was shading gently into Christmas Morning. Mra.. Santa Claus watched the biue-biack sky change into light blue, and her heart grew bright with the apProach of morning. Santa wouid- soon ba sweeping down from the skies, his pack Iight, and his eycs brimming over with laughter. And this year he was fartun- aetet have two new reindeer, Jet and Rocket, for each year there were more presents ta deliver and more children to rnake happy. Tinker, who acted as Santa's assistant in the toy shop, came bustling in fromn the shops. He was stili a littie sleepy after 50 many nights of work just ho- fore Christmas, but there was a decided twinkle in his dark eyes. "What mischief have yoil been up ta now, Tinker?" Mr-;. Claus asked.t Tinker put on bis mst inno- cent grin. "Just came to tel you Santa's droppcd bis lasti parcels and is hurrying for home. I got the messagec through Jet and Rocket, dir-1 ect.",i Mrs. Claus smiied at 'the lit-t tic mnan. "Thanks, Tinker, 1 keep forgetting we can gett messages from Santa now by( radia. Tell him ta hurry, andp l'Il have a warm drink of blackt EuÙrrants and spices waiting fora hirn. And you might add thats the Christmas cake is superba this year." t "ll tell him. Wondcrfui idea having the antennas in the an-r tiers af Jet and Rocket, wasn'ts it?" And Tinker hurried backh ta the ta7 shop.k Mrs.Claus busied herseifh eficing the hat currant drink t Santa loved so well, but sheh couldn't heip thinking thereh was some game afoot, and that li Tinker was at the root afi it.a] Out of curiosity, she 'peeked through a crack in the door ta If the tap,ýhop. Ail the elves and p other worlters were grouped T &round anc af the work bench- es, and they were laughing and ki cbattering like mad. Usually ti thiey Were Willing ta drap aff ta alecp after their. long speli af kg wark, but this year tbey werc i ebviausiy up ta samething. ' i Softly, Mrs. Claus shut the it door anid hurrled te eut several bi pieces of Christmas cake. San- wv ta loved Christmas cake best aof'w ail, even if he did shake hiz ta bead about its effect an his walstine. She was just going Si te the blg .wlndow for a first CI Slimpse of the lcigh and rein- eu coer when Tinker put bis hcad I kIlo the raom and cailed: th «Herc's the latest &aessage, en 'Home in twa minutes. Mei Christmias Morning. Love. Si ta.' ' Tinker's hcad disappear again, and from the toy shc Mrs. Claus could heart laudspeakers playing Christir music or picking up the cr' af, delight as children open their parcels, for in same pai af the world it was a1rea, Christmas niarning. Then Mrs. Claus saw the1 tic speck in the sky, a spe that sped swiftly, growing it approached. Quickly she- cned the door, the better hear the joyfui tinkie oait sleighbells and ta welcor Santa. The antlers of Jet and Ro ket were glowing brightly they sent out messages af j( around the world. Then Mi Claus saw the rcd coat afi Si ta himself, and with a sWi the sleigh came ta a stop i fore the door and Santa w; out crying, «"Merry Christma everyor_9e, Merry Clhristmaq." Santa s helpers poured ci ai the shops and cried, "A ver Merry Christmas, Santa." A: as they were crowding abat the sleigh, the sun peeped OVE the edge of the world like bright golden bail; i w, Christmas Morning, the haf piest morning of the year. The the~ helpers gave a iast chee and hurried back ta their warr shops ,to open their preseni and eat their filao such dain tics as they likcd best. Santa carefully watched th reindeer patter safeiy ta thei stables, then bustled into -th house, with his wife and Tir ker trying ta kcep up wit ii. Tinker could hardly dra the huge bag i which Sant had carricd the presents, bu hec managcd ta get it acrass th livingroom and into the Toc ,hop. As Tinker was passing int the Toy shop, Santa said: "Moi presents ncxt year, Tinke. This oid world is growing." "l'Il remember, Santa," Tin ker anhwcred, "and we'Ul mai them biggcr and better." Santa took off bis red jac ket and scttled dawn ta enjo3 hi drink and cake. His beam ing wifc knew by his smiic thi it had been a wonderful year but bcing wise beyond tht w'ays af ardinary wamen, shE waited ti11 he felt marc likf talking. "H-ummmm," finaily gaspeÈ Santa. "neyer ate .uch perfeet Christmas cake, and the black currant drink was just the wa: 1like it. WelU, weil, I neyer thaught we'd get ail the pries ents dcivered befare dawn this OES SAGIEm L thespofô th* fim t aiomu that "cmue upon a midniht c!eae 5WC ext.nd Our warmcatgretings to you and yotir&,' ýBERNETHY'S Paints and Wallpaper erry an - ircd lops the nes ries arts ady lit- eck as op- ta the )me Oc- '-. No NAME." Tinker. "Thab's n- tbc trouble." ilj"Check the lists." Santa's bc- Ivaice was as strang as tboughWlfdWcr v,5 ho hadn't just came in from aWifd er .1> areyaon tewrd A number ai aur readers in Ho graduatod BA., and M.A., "Checking themni nw," Tin- Durham County have met Wil- in 1932, and as business was ut ker said. "Docsn't seom ta be a frid W. Werry, bbc subj oct aif stili quiet, he wcnt ta the Mon- rysnl rsnt ikd off." this sketch, whîlc athersar treai Tecbnical School ta teach "n 'Get back * there and keep acquainted with sanie oaibi Cosb Accounbing and Englisb. )tchocking," Santa said. "No anc numerous relatives who livo in AS the rut seemcd rather pleas- ae must be disappoinbed)'tath this district. His grandfather ant, ho remaîned in tching, -a shops, where Santa could sec Roselandvale Fanm, Sauina, and in 1949. For about bon yoars be 1P the elves and belpers chocking bis father was the late R. Lu- taught Short Story wribing at en miles af lists ta find one miss- ther Wcrry ai Mantroal wha Sir George Williams' College- or cd name. had a flarc for camposing mu- quito a number af editors, ad- 7M "In ail these ycars, nlot a sic and writing poebry wbich vertising mon and short stary its single error," Santa said low- was oiten pintcd un The writors gctting no harmn and. n-ering biniselfinmb bis chair. "I Statesman sanie 25 or mare sanie good fr6;m the course, hecan't undcnstand it, especially years ago. Ib might heofa inter- we have been bold. ithis year. Jet and Racket dou- est ta mention that Luther During mast ai this time, ho erbic checked the lists by using Werry and bbc Edibor ai this was studying bbc lufe and work heradia proofs. And thone c papor wero cousins, their motb- ai William Shakespeare, (Wil- th btronIcs bruina wero belping."' crs, Elizabeth and Mary Bray, frid cantends that Shakespeare a Mrs. Santa Claus cul another bein'g sistors. really did write Shakespeare.) piece ai cake. "Here, have an-. In aur journalistic experi- Hc also wroto a novol an t atber piece ai cake. There's no ence we have found that people Sbakospeare's lufe and two utuse thinking on an empby arc interesbed in knowing piays. He bapes ta bave a gaad he "oAh toe ers"Sat r-ometbing about tbc people play ready this yoar. Pc Atcd, hardiytast ntakre whose writing tbey read. ,With In bbc summer, he vislted Lt atd out at 0quly . igth aethat tbougbt in mind wo -pass several writors' conberences, re "at att's soswonderful,"on ta aur readors sanie ai the adding ta bis knowledge ai . rs as whspseredonefort-higbligbbs ai Wilfrid Werry's writîng by meeting people ike ung. ly"ansy anc errdcor n areaner, who is bbc author af Robert Frost, Flotcher Pratt: ~these yearsý." the -Christmas story, "The Last and others- wha have died since, ýze ut ant woudntbe om-Present", found in this ise . such a Eric Xnight, Carl Van forted; ho went out la the shops Ho saw bbec hghl ai day Sept. Doren, and Bernard De Veo. c- and hurricd bbe men as lhey 6,, 1897. Tbrough tbc usua] Other summers were spont at y certified thc lists. In anc cor- schaals, punctuated witb visits summor schaols ai Englisb, to a r ai the great shapff the ne ta relatives about Oshawa and learn about aur strange Ian- atmechunical brains were click- Bawmanvillc durng the sum- guage and Ils uses, particular- r, ing and biinking us the lista ai mer vacations. Ho even spent ly for theatre. New York bas lprosents wr hkeby them om tinte in tbc littho rcd also udded ta bis educàtion, s ue t the rate ai thausands a sec- scboolhause i Solina. Leaving bas Strabiord, Ontario, and tond. Higb Scboolinh 1915, ho was Stratiord, Connecticut. Ho also Santa hud anather fdea. Ho physical instructor ut a Board- found lime te write sanie short ýd bustied te tbe stables and had ing Scbool, lcuving thut for bbc plays, etc., and many articles, ea chut with Jet and Rooket. job ai insîructar in bhe Cana- and uct as Secretary-Treasur- k"Cauld you two check some dian Arxny Gymnastic Staff, or' fbbch Montreal Repertory y special namles?" hé usked. His main diiculty was ruising Theatre, for two years. ýr "There wus 11111e Tomuny a moustache. Getting aut ai bbe Rigbt now, ho bas started a sDunn, for exemple, we were Army in Dec. 1918, ho gaI a new life ai writing for TV and Ls lied up for a moment wben the quick abotat utheb first year ai severai plays for - ho hopes, alcigb .tuck beside his chim- McGiII, graduating B. Coni. i Canadian thoatres and Broad- ney. We might have fai-gotten, 1921. Thon a speIllai auditing, way. i bhc excitement, le louve bis getbing bis C.A., an the way. Al ai which would Indicute icel Aridther , wu bbcHo y 1929 ho waa ready te retire Mr. Werry bas net bad much Teboy iii Cbiit 1i.bere te a amali business af bis own, bine for, loaaing or taken bbc burned down,:an<d we were te but deprfegïI*l caused. hlm ýta time ta gel marniod, for ho is loue is reens .u~~, return ta McGill to complote sili looked upan as a contented ber." - -is education, bachelor. Jet and Rce okte .-------- gestions of Smnta and were soan apeedig 1k. ligbt around 1h. world lt e se hebc iui cases. But 'ail the ceblden rca.V ol0 seemed te bave rcecived their J jpresents. Witbin ben txmiutes / rcn9. t bbc bwo ireindeet, were back Iwitb nathing new te raport. Santu wain a way. Finally By Blanche Stewart ho clicd &I th heipors and the reindeer together In the j11 big shop and asked tbem if tbey iknew whether anytbing had MWY AFRICAN GARD>EN Brings giudness in se many gone wrong. We rs a lcee n ways . For a moment, ne ene an-Wben ros asbuc.od swered. ThonTinker spake up:, gro For the constant cure Ibat I "There's anly anc -way te find And tbc flowers art fadcd give themn aut, Santa, Open bbc parcel." and dead, My violets are truly a sIgbt, "Tinker's right," Mrs. ClausI treasure my wiftdOw Of Thoir loveiy calaurs and put- said. "There's probabiy a card violets-terns inside ta bell us who it's for." They bring joy in thc long Filmry heart and my homo "But it's se nicely wrapped," mantbs ahcad. with deiight. Santa said. Thon with bbe eyes -By Leab Paul of ahl upon bum, be openod the The pinka and whltes, blues Wbat fun wc violet loyers parcel. First thc stickers, then anid violets will have during the Christ- bbc ribbons, thon the gay wrap- Ilave evcry one, dan't yau mas season when wo visit pings, and there inibbe box se among aur friends. Aiber was a globe. Their faces loak up from their greoting cveryane and admir- Santa took bbc globe out faliago'igterbauiu hita carefully, looking for a card. A nd seen tarmille tendeniy. ing teior beutiful Chnma "Look," Mr.. Santa Claus Tm a hn h nw fta the windaw sis for a cried, "it's a sleigh and rein- Tu ta hnbb nw fglinipse ut thein protby violets. deer gaing about tbe globe- bbc winter We'li be cagor ta sec if bbey and that must be you in bbe M ado gloamy bbc long cold have a marc fascinating varieby sieigh, Santa." days, than we have. Many we know Santa lookcd marc carefuîîy But now niy indoor garden aegaing ta be able ta boast at the glowing gifb. "Wby se it is, and bero's the card." "Read it, Santa," cried Tinlc- or, "sa we ail can hear." Santa rend the card slowly, il and as ho did se bis ruddy face glowed a deeper red, and bis eycs werc bwinkiy and misty at tbe sanie tume: "To Santa Claus from his belpens and frmanial bbc boys and girls in bbc world, V a very Menry Christmas." Santa was boa full ai bappf- 'E I noss ta say anytbing. He jubb TIo nt u cherished bhîn lking git a b ap-nd1" Ifind u tood iookha in a the guIandfinsweetn u piest year ai ail, for bbc others had rcmemberod hbu at Christ- sicr oo -le Indeed, Santa was so happy ho forgat ta scoid Tinker for I fora jotouaCbjinah putting b present in bbc bag. -:ïa hîdnlte lveArý FARM AND 134 Ring Si. E. BARGAIN Far only ana dollar you eau send 22 pounds af America's food surplus ta the needy overseas. You can play Santa ta the thousands of less for- tunate people in other lands. 4½ Àl bs. À4Ç4Ib S. -7 -1bs.. 6 lib.. 22 pounds of the most nolar- ishing food in the warld will b. dclivered by CARE to those who need it moat. Help fced hungry people abroad... make friends for frecdom! Send your dollars to CARE - New Yark, CARE-San Fran- cisco ar your local CARE office. blsuungs of good health and happins. DIRK BRINKMAN INSURANCE Newcastle Phono 3671 r.LbtAwLmadeitt 'ou always do,' hi& wlfo iveet thLe. AuL or ' of antaleaed ackinbis buge aindccl tedd Soc. O rChristmas Story opening thoir presents. I iI could sec theni ail and itheni a Merry Christnjas." iddenly the peace of the ning was shaken by a _ ,ing on the door ioading ta shops, and Tinker came -ng inta the rooni, drag- the great sack bchind him. Vhat's tbis?"l Santa asked. 't tel me theres a halé e sack." .ker's face iooked oddiy ded. "Almost as. bad, San- bar me, wbat can have 'ned?" Santa rouscd him- from bis chair and moved ta examine the sack. ker put bis arm deep inta ag and drew out a large ifully wrappcd present4 k, Santa, one present leftj iere's tbc name?" Santa's.. was brisk and business- EQUIP-MENT AUTOMOTIvE Tom Cowan, Propriolor Bowmanvile MA 3-5689 Look at these Low Prices! TUWOROLY! 1955 lnte.rnational Harvesier REFRIGERATORS 8.1 Cu. Ft. Freezer Across the Top REGULAR $329 ONLY$210 See the New 1956 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERATORS NOW ON DISPLAY COFFIELD WASHER wiih PumP ONLY $ wilh pour aid washer Philips Tele vision s210 t~' fromi which te choose SEE THEM ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHIOW ROOMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - 24 MONTIES TO PAT THOR CL OTHES DRYER -1 Nm - 'a t, r j; i Fi '1 DO WMAN VI LLE SURPLUS STORE THURSDAY, DEC. 22nd. 11 kI thc possession ai tbc ncw dou- af warm water wbcnevcr thirs- blc "Pink Claud" violet this by and il will refuse ta b1don year, unless Santa forgets unless given gaad bright day-, thcm, wc hope he wan't. iight. It laves ta bloomi and I have had such intcresting make people happy s0ecdo try Schats wvth visitars at aur via- flot ta fargot about it and you. lob rooms latcly and wouid wî well repaid. Ilike ta mention again that Question-I preior girls, have there is a most compiete anî a harem oi 50 naw and wouid fascinating book an African liko mare varieties with giA' jViolets at aur town library, leaves. May I have a list ai any1 writtcn by anc ai the bcst new varieties yau have. NOTE jauthorities on this subject. It -The abovo was irom a gen also contains many, many pic- tleman in Belleville. turcs, and cavors ail stops of V . let culture. If you have net Question-I got a nice plant alrady read it, yau have a with anc single crown, soori1 treat in store for you, just there are a numbor ai crowns drop in at the Lîbrary and and -the poar plant becomes borrow it for a few days, don'b unsightly and crowded itt. the keep it too long tbough, others Pot. Why is this and whatj will be waiting. should I do ta prevont it? Question-I was given a via- Answer--Some varieties such let vr a yar go, it as nver as Azure Beauty, graw a lot bloomod, what's wrong with mare suckers betwoen the ut? leaves than other <aàrieties, Answcr-Wc are asked tiiyou should break theso away question cantinuaily and can from the plant. A hairptn is only repeat that there is prob- useful for this job, ho caroful abl othing wrang with it.fnot ta scratch the stemis ai the What's wrang witb me 37u leaves an the main plant as might say instead. Possibiy you do so. Yeu have piaced it on a shad- Questian-Someone toid me cd window sili and most ai the I should water my plant with time yau have forgotten it tea once in a while, is this even existod. Your violet is a good? I know ramn water is1 member ai your famiîy, treat best for violets but how can I it as Yeu wouid yourseîî, re- use this in the wintertimo? member il is alivo, it likes ta Answer-No I'm sure tea be warm, ta be given a drink will nlot help your violets any 99". PeÀlk"ÀanlrAu les more than a lot of other quc'-r things yoti wili hear about, just continue with your owrij sesbecare if You arc bavinq godsccess. You cauld mcat snow for soit water, sarnte se the watcr from the refrlg à-. tor after defrosting. Ordijarvp town water wili flot hurt theni. this is even better if allUwed ta stand avernight. Ail Good Wisbes 01 Ths Soason. 50 %Vote Elects' 4 CounciIIor- At MilibrooÏ- Fifty per cent af the Mill. brook electorate turned out to vote for a new village council Friday. There werc 482 eigible ta vote. Elected from a siate af seven candidates werc Weldon Coul- ber 184, Lavorne Fallis 14a, Frank North 141, and Laverne Gibson 128. Reeve George Har- rington was returned ta office by acclamation. Other candidates for cauncil seats were Hugb Abbott 107, Jack Crowicy 91, and C. E. Cutmare 53. PAGM TZN Phone 3671

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