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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 11

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- - __ I 77110SDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1033 TEE CANADIAS STATESMAIÇ, DOWMANVHJLE.owràMO 4 R oyary H'ii s P arty 1 the even,-wing. wsteKatfrEDRON a u f$ot epald to ltte thinllgs.littie courtes les Folowng hemoves SataPresbYterY Missions. A Christ. antd consdeation - --- -- -- -- -- -- - -- mas party urss arranged for the Ehigtewrso nt~ E o2yt a Claus arrived and distributed (Intended for last week) holiay week On December 28, con h od faohr Iediotyt a Fo ri pl d h ld e dso r~esntsto each of AWll Purch" ecreen at the Foster Sflowden home. sekrhadls ek r man was abhi d r n he ch l y p.Th l ne y R- ga n o nlu rsne h o iaig Yourgpron ddc-I o ne f th es taran i Srie, nd is wosupper marked the December committee was adopted, re- greatest produets in the world, Co n~ l t 11 f S flh4 Stvna di oggorins. in the S. S. Hall on Thursday dent, Rev. R. H. Rickard; Past of the world. And rememberJ TwentYone cipple chil- W.ASOfnStéPdids Untedfofget some afternon, with some 30 nkem- President, Ralph Ballard, Pre- that the. more you give to hu- wen y-o a cîppetio shoiD- W A C ht aurs Unhc J i the adults ither a d e bers a d v si o s pr s n .sident, nn Snow de1n ; st V ice m n t , the m ore y u w i et vo re r m ai s ci n f D r h r hpresented gifts to the local President, M . Harry Rose, P esident, Eileen J1bon in ireturn.1 j1ro iseo $ t rpa$S mpe00irm e nt s One-dsosevice. Up * - ham County were given a President Keth Jackson wel- Health Unit nurses, Miss Rudd jconducted the business. It was Vice President, Grant Spencer; The variety program which rousing Christmas party by the comd the children and the Ro- and the two reporters present. 1 decided ta make a $60 don- Secretary, Jeanine Werry; As- followed had somthing for r o24mose to repay impl .. keepyu rdt odctn Bowman vulle Rotary Club at arty-tie sthedsCh eista Two of the children present ton to Missions, and ta for- sistant Secretary, Brian Lee; 1 varying tastes, and was receiv- fresh wth an HFC loan! ~~h Lonspa ty- he se ond su h e en th nk d he otria s orthe ward an additional donation )jf Treasurer, M able Searle, As-1 ed enthusiastically. LoCommunity Centre staged by the Bowmanville v«ry fine Christmas party te 2 aAbrtCleeCne-sistantTreasurer, BruieSae;ProaIemNedmny Bl tpyC)HCtdy e d n s a v e i g a l o a îa s e i n r d c d th c h a d h e d fo r th e m . i n ia i C a m p a ig n F u n c. I t w a s P i n is s, E ile e n J e b s o n a n d M r a d rs a coite M &.- hal cape(ongtrsa he ambler ai the rs ck-nippledw ucas i ss'Muto; ovn , Mr n .-MlomM. The Rotarians cailed for thpi son, Ratarian Morley Vanstone, ZIELae and os rgun screen 70 x 70 for use with a Doglas and Marlyn Love, tian sal.0 a to ckave andair- h a di a p e ou g te s t th i a m m b r f th ri p ec projector. M rs. 1IV. W erry an d L o n n o s T e u n .t o eo pl a to cave an d aur- homes, drve them ta the par-. Children's Committee who wasM NMs .Rs eenae speet Tua I lDeSie.. t. u sEf floor hn A513 tY, and ook the homMrs.erH.chRosen ofrhe named Mds.K edron CO mf m unity was W eL-11 ber 16 . at their farm . wads t n t th rl home ain- h irmnosh edt r.a committee ta purchase sOmne *represented with Most of the Local Junior Farmers enjoy- 112Smo t otscn l -* Wads. ne hffle girl Inte ded or lst w ek) n eded furnshin s fo the ocal dair far ers a doth ir c the reguar metingaandHAWA ONT a wheel chair and others had Field Nurse, for the Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven spnt Sunday School Hall. Mrs. C. wives' present at le the Annuah Brmektingith speakerMOb t a b e h e lp ed co n sid e ra b y o r S o cie ty fo r C rip p le d C h ild ien , S u n d ay w ith M r. a n d M r, H o k in s an d M rs. B . S ta rr are atut ai O h w A n l n r - J h a er h00d r s n O T N P l N H 1 o t n S . n lo r h n U 8 5 5 carriedcam î Vaetr o ug, hiss ad Nrion um -D o a q e f O h w ik P oP RTHPR N H 1 w lo t, * caried. eterb rough and orthu b- Dbson , Sarkv lle. the Christmas Cheer Commit- ducers on Wc ne-a e enn J hn Federatian o f A grctre s- - on- - e l a n d an d D u r h a m . H e a l t h M r . r d R b s e t Mnte e a d a m t i n c r iota ~ n t e fn e db n e ha i t a v s m s n i h c igyr a The youngsters received t e nit u rs s B ty h x a , a n T rato. purchtee a sed he ew .M. . td N oth m inste ba er h r hn i on e w a i n t e h n s a i "c mpet tea me t" fr m he Dra Purdon and Lena Taylor. Mr ' o- se, r.IB o s ohloin t he ec ele t t r ay s a d V r on B ret Ro0tapy Club, whose chief ser- Mr. in nire'ho ps n SS- G or Ge ge o f Westp oksRv. . R c ad x rss d k y i n r r vdc y thwa a ms idJaes o i vice project is work with ci-r e Rtiian Dave orison, i w eoregest iM Getvntan tFh 15 xctie isof the h cellfne pur- o- candennargairefresan- * i d c i d - n h y s a t d o w i a s a ls o i n trfod u c e d . r e c e n tî y . s t th e g r a m w aie , d i s e n o yi e d t toa a turkey dinner compleOttee trc a fi e r. b allo o ns in th er centsh ape i a irAs ntan ! Ccit a a- f ruf r m t n, sltS u - e d r l y t h e th e P ei n iga m as enOsh a a's M a y r,' M re t e nsin c h is eof r ife s of wihfavo-s, party bats, toy Christmas Carols Sung Mr. and Mrs. Frances Tuf- Mrs. Rose, which was hearti.iy Whiîe extending civie greet- Rev. R. H. Pickard'conduct- mals, chocolate milk, and ice ros Was led by Rotarian Keith day with their parents, Mr. and Letters were read fro mn Con- iN orms san own a hledMayor,'M:. d vt e rvtice sseruna i - o lEe% creamn and cake. Each Young- Jackson, accompanied by Ro- Mrs. Fred Tufford, aiso Misses ference W.A. President, Mrs. when his mihk cheque for a ternoon at Kedron. Lighted ster ahso received a bag jf taiian Dave Morrison, and car-_ Audrey and Shirley Tufford A. Eliott, and from Mrs. M. wc a 40 n h ikCnsmstes n hîta Christmas goodies inciuding toons and movies were shown, of Peterborough. Fisher, Newcastle in addition wekw$.0as le ndbgy scb the choirrstastre, assChistdas chocolate bars, ribbon candy,, with Ratai-ian Howard Rundie Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Meni- ta many expressions of thanks am ole T. ron a bNgg casmsicistses.oglassLove, and 9 crackerack and noisemakers. as projctinist. . eilley, Port Hope, spent Suil- for W.A. remembrances. tic, einT.roccd fth e wp par ouoists Vaillanourts Loveian- Th ejo abe tuke dnn r Each of the crippled chii- day with their parents, Mi. Election of officers was con- speaker, Rev. W . A. Youn, d ta the service. was served by the Evening en was introduced by the R- and Mrs. C. Mnilley. ducted by Mr. Rickard and the Chaplain of Ontario Agicu- Ms .Rbra acueG Mn rceCasley has made following are listed for office tural College, Guelph, whose and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Thomp- =t-severah trips ta Bowmanville in 1956: Past President, Mrs. addrcss- on "My Find heMocjw wr GE~ 1~~Ms ighted with a great deal o el 4 sconfined ta the hospitai Harold Werry; 2nd Vice Pre- humour. - 4 ere. sident, Mrs. William Werry; Mr. Young fees that in the awa sr isitng bs r andpars I *Mate Gerg ~ spc fC- mat-ter af Public Relations we ents, Mr. Jond Morrow eys . the weekend with bis parents Hopkins; Corresponding Secre- are- stilh in a primitive state. Pascoe, for a few days. q inBewdey.tai-y, Mrs. li. Vaillancourt; It matters trcmendoushy what Mrs. Ross Lee and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Ralph Gei-ow attendcd Treasurer, Mrs. Loine Tregun- p ul hnk a s n th ct, w rc g ct f MSs B Port Hope United Church last na; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. speaker's opinion, there arc nice Cbapman, Toronto, on i ~."Sunday morning. * Harvey Crossman; Missionan' two thinga We cannot do witb- Saturday. Miffion Baîfd Report Secretary, Mrs. E. Mountjo o ut-food9 and friends. A d M. ad M . Wm S o deJ UY&O VL Rglrmeeting ai Zion TemPerneCneo-.MS.ince marketing is aur No. i and David, attended aJfmiY Bandiowasaeld Dec. P s oe an e Oum îLee, Problem , e uae afw eapry ho o nng n r iî clyN A ~ au U V V iN I L ~~~ 9~~th. Meetinghopened. with Mis ....G .ovraaMsilnmbrtawendMnan v- Cinwcsatheom Rose; Flawer ommitte, Mr Mrs. Consumer, and that good af Mr. and Mrs. W. res rolandhyMins f alowe -W. Snowden and Mrs. H. Rose; Public Relations is the sum of1 Newm Wn.Ankes gwre read and approved. R. Le Visiting Committep,- ra cah.rMinut f ast ee- iaissMns. B. Starand Mrs. Tresurr'sreprt asgiven, Mrs. H. Farndale, Mrs. R. Lee, Elizabeth readra Po+ry, read a Mrs P. Mountjoy and Mns. H. (Csthe season ta be jolly ... and happy are sang a sang and a sto ry "cari- dles", was read by Zosia. - Wei-iy. lta wish everyone a very Merry Mrs Bet cnduted th Worship was led by Mrs. M ~ ~ vorhip srvice mcmb Walter, wifh a Piano prelude, ~ woshsan S etvicef, mvers "Chimes at Christmas", by Mrs. scripture werc read by Jean H. Wenny used in opening. aPrayen by Mrs. E. Mountjoy "Joy ta The World", was Sung.wa foled b citr Service closed witb prayer. edn byMsJ.Crite A story "Family Night" wvas redn yMs .Cmpbell, read by Mrs. Genow. - "Christ- and the singing ai Christmas PAM RSBRE H P mas Star" was edbMr.4ns PALM E S BA BERSHO P Bcst. Janet received the offer The fine pragrami arranged "Pa" Maxine and Zosia cantz'i- by Mns. Walter mncluded vocal . "Ps" P lme, P op.buted ta the birtday box. Ju- uets by Louis Vaillancout ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ lia d i st i b u ftecd "W orld', n o ga c al, a c m Friends" and meeting closed panied by Mns. R. Lee. a stor-y, with payer"Loving and Giving" by the W.t pAe. Melegiader, a reading "Hblw Christ- December meeting ai Zion W. man, "Why We Celebr:oe A. met at Mrs. E. Rutvn's Christmas" by Mrs. R. Lee; and -C. Tbursday, Dcc. 8. There were "The Spirit ai Christmas" by 12 members and tbree childi-en1 Mrs. H. Wcry. In ligbter vein, present. Meeting apened with Ms Wiim Wrygv a a bymnnoliowed by prayer. hmru reading, "Making -' oyu.Mntswei-c read by Secte- PeoeMer-y". The ..tee.- tai-y Mrs. Gerow. Mrs. Ken1 song was sung in conclusion. Whitney gave the Treasurer*s Drn pesn1~pe Areport. There was $295 in the horMrs. H. Rose cut the ~ to au.treasury. The proceeds ai the "Mer-ry Chistmas" tree cake bazaar were $262.55. Consid- Made b7 Mrs. Loi-ne Tregunna, Aerabie bas been sald in hea rrd "Happy Birthday" was Ameanfime sungita M;s. B. Starr. jî Several small bis wei-e CmuîyC baPPY fulture for..... paid, and the motion carricdCmutYlb donating $100 t h uli- Maxwcll's Community Club Fund, $25 ta Missions. A bill met at the school on Monday - $48.12 for blankets was tj evenîng for' the annual meet- be paid. ing and election af officers ;ýs The Comfort Committec foilows: President, Mrs. Perey gave a vr îaigrpr Hayes; Vice President, Mn. Rae Jusf anc "'get well" card was Hoskin; Secrctary, Mrs. Fred ksent in the iasf two months. La Salle; Treasurer, Mrs. Bai-t- We hpe tis haitb recrd itt; Entertainnient Committee, continues. Cards are being sen, Mrs. C. Hopkins, Mrs. S. Ogle 4 ta several who are nof able t and Mrs. Hurst; Adverfising be up and ouf. Committee, Mrs. S. Ogle, *Mrs. JOHN M . JAM ES D A donation o! blankets ta th1 Barneft, Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. M.P. for DurI-,am andHillciest .laicur:Food Cornmittee, AIS~ a * A the close o business a Plans far a Christmas con- cert at Maxwel:«s bave been ~ withdrawn due ta' illness in the Steacher,s Mrs. MacDonald's - Attend Crop Meetng u ence, William and Ron Wcrry, Lance Beath and Vernon Powr- veSynfine devotoDpe piairamTor the seasn'S Schweppest;ities and a goodFa<u ~. , ~ .eyfnedvtoa ranm rprd1yMs cnt New Ya sSchweppesolution m aossne1 A radi g iv M R e. Thst:was e rsm uggestion i A A rcatm aln wt t.nmigfolwdnby aMhrR t a: pig one," subinits Comnmander' Whitehead sne19 the. tree and exciiangig ifts) io 1sf ai 'Curiosifies o! the B'- on the Ieft. "Always insist on cheery Schwepper. ~iflgble" by Mrs. N. Gerow and 'a vescence in your glass. It's the unique carbonation by Ms reflRaIl cal&Il heasodansweredellby.that makes Schweppes world-famous heverages sing.'! î f ri nd s w h a v ... nd wi h i n ex eh an g e ai g its. E lection oaih r Erendivo lay...andW'zu1fl ~ ff f ~ paceTtht Commander, of course, ia Thirst Env.,y from th eThadevroe O o , au meeting . auced la-. use of Schweppes ini London, England. His job is *acls anc1 everyon. ofmJetungy me eting. Plced a- e e a e o a e h r r m t e oi i a n ter. Roll call will 1,6 payment to keep an eagle eye on2 the quahity of Schweppes A very delightful lunch was bvrgsnwmd r rmteoiia m served by the hostess and pre secs lunec cmmittee, Mns. Del pre secs - - - jWhitney and Mrs. K. Whitney, ~ E (~<7" (1aiter which several articles ** ~ ~ IIct frai he bazaar wene soid En j07 the genuine Schtveppea Tomte IWater, 1 . Ms.Menileyon behahf ai Ginger Aie at popular prices. Available a the membes Cpiessed thanksw E l C I I ~hoseau nd lnch Om-your grocer or local store by the boutle, by tthe forteirind lu spitao.n the 6 bottie carton and by the case. Zion correspondent wishes LIMITED yl~~~ou ahi a Mcmvy Chistmas and C W PEVS N ELAT TH W OED ---M----D-Happy and Prospenoui New SH EPR SC CE ASST-E W OE DINK TI-ROUGII I .1~ -~ - - v-----.~.~ - - ~-- t - 7 - r f

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