r t' t T~I~ f~AWAn1AW U~*~nu~a.. L~I A~iONLftI'f. BU WMA]~VTT.T.~ V!~?~~A Ue.. The Star of Bethlehem 57 Lewb Miuigan kind, and even of indivîduals, Teother evening I attend- were written in the heavens. edapublic lecture by an Ain~- One night as they were scari- erican astronomer on the salar ning the firmament a new and system. The lecturer had spent brilliant star appeared low i his aduit lifetime gazing at the the east. At ffrst they thought stars, and Jatterly surveying it was an optical illusion for it themn through the great tele5- seemed ta lie moving slowlyc cape et the Wilson Observa- .westward. They had many1 tory, of which ho as- à staff times seen showers of meteor- niember. He told us that aur ites high in the zenith and oc- solar systemn was Veey~ csoal a large meteort of millions in theMiy Way wauld sweep low across the sky1 -and beyond. The anîy new and disappear. A cornet was a1 thing that 1ielarned from the rare visitant and was regarded lecture was that the moon is as a good or iii amnen for soae mot a satellite, that it was a patentate. Julius Caesar's ..wifet planet which had wandered was referring ta that super- j eut af its arbît araund the sun, stition when, in the play, ont and that the earth and the the eve of his assassination, f Inoon are twin-planets. sho warned him: 'IWhen beg- s Coming away from the lec- gars die thore are no cornetsA ture I looked up and there was seen: the heavons themsolvn.s b the moon emerging from the blaze forth the death of prin-a rim of a black cioud, ces." t "Then feit 1 ike some watcher To the Throo Wise Men ths of the skies, new Star was no passing wan-V W'hen a new planet swims derer in distant sVjace. It haî 'M into his ken" na streaming tai, but was 'fui- tE As I walked home eastward arbed and movod mai esticaily s a bright star appeared in a and seemed to beckon them tb b rift i the chauds, and, as the follow. Convinced that it was h Christmas season was ap- the herald of the rise of a new bo proaching, I feit like tho-se and powerful potentate they 91 Wise Men cQf the East when loaded tbeir cameis with pro- 1f they beheld that new Star visions for the pilgrimnage and, TI which was ta lead them toa as was the custom- of the East, th ziew-born Babe in Bethlehem. they brought rich gifts as tri- aN Thoy were astrologors wîîo bute and poace offering. se had' mappod and studied the What must have been their te stars. They believed that th.,l surprise and disappointmont s progress anid destiny of man- when t1jev fond thpi+-Irma ,-' weary iourney brauglit them ta a village inn! There mnust lie same Mustake. They made another observation of the Star's Position. Ther. was no doubt that it utood stili rlght over this comlnon hostel' i a lanely village lane. Thcy star- ed at each other ini the dlii starliglit. They turned to the. camels as thaugh they would remnount and return. But those dumb creatures were wlser than they. Tired out with their tramp across desert, they lay down i the roadway breathing heavily in sleep. The Three Wise Men decid- cd ta follow the exemple ai the camels. They entered the inn. The inn-keeper, noticing they wore rich visitars, was full af apologies. He was very sarry, ail ho could offer thein was a lied of straw i the sta- ble, but ho warned them that a chîld had just been born there and they must-. "Is it a rnan-child?" exclaimed the Wise Men In unison. Without wvaiting for a reply they has- tened ta the 'stable where, in speechless amazement, they beheld a pale mother tendig her new-born Babe in a straw- bodded manger. Was this the great manarch whose birth had been heralded by a new Star? The Wise Mon dropped ta thir knees avercome with1 we and reverence in the pre- snce of sa profound a my- i try. A Star had brought the 5ul of this Child fram heaven. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clemens Celebrate Anniversary "ic:y luuna ineir IThe jov ai lirightening other livez, bearing others' burdens, easing others' ]aads and nup- J c Iog p]ant ig t v ert u generaus gislie- PLUMBING and HfEATING camnes for us the joy 01 Christ. JackBrough a i h - -t- .-~- Eight nieces helped serve: Eve. lyn Alder, Marion Wiseman Helene RunFdie, Helen Trewir, Audrey Rundle, Sally Taylor, Darcen Naskin and Jean Hugh. son. Marilyn CleMens, grand- daughters. and Barry, Clemens, a grandson, looked aiter the signig aio the register, whli Ron Clemens, a grandsan, re. ceived the guesta at the doar. The evening was reserved for relatives and aver 70 were present and had a very enjoy- able tie, having sing-songs with Glen Hughson at 'the piano; trumpet salas by 4lex Wisenman,icludig: "Put' Or Your QId Grey Bonnet" aud other selections. Joyce Hoskin rondered twa piano salas very nicely. The balance ai the even- ing was spent i card playing rominiscing, etc. A bountifu] and daity lunch was served. Guesta were present frbrn Cobourg, Oshawa, Hampton and Toronto. Mr. Clemens on behali af i is wiie and hiniseli, iiwished ta thank aIl whai any way help- ed make tic occasion such a success and for the git, ai the lavely chair. Thie guests depart- ed ater wishig the bride and groom aif 5o ycars niany mare happy anniversaries. augauiMarried: Clemens - Taylor. ed in a lovely setting ai flow- or r'xc"'i-n>Aggie May Taylor and Allilu crs and plants, the gifts .,f BLAJ'iLST.LUA Henry Clemens were united i fiends and relatives.Th marriage Dec. 13, 1905, at the bride chose for her dress, blue W.M.S. Meeting home ai the bride's parents, lace aver taifeta with corsage Mrs. C. W. Hutton was hast. Mr. sud Mrs. Alex Taylor, 38 ai yellow roses. Their attend- ess at the Parsouage last Wed-1 Concession St., Bowmanville, ants oi 50 years ago were able 01 j nosday ta the W.M.S. by the Rev. Wm. Hipkiu. ta attend. Mrs. Sidney Hugli- P ronident Mrs. E. Larmçr Mr. and Mrs. Alin Clemens sou, Toronto, 'sister ai th 5ndeh mein it were at home ta their friends bride, bridesmsid, and Mr. Hil- -1 rt oer afer he ingng nd relatives at the Lions tan Eagleson, Cobourg, cousin o While Shepherds Watched". Cammunity Centre, Dec. 10, of the groom, graomsman. Mms Larmer gave the Christ- 1955, for the occasion ai their A beautiful basket ai 50 yel. mas stary from Matthew sud Sth, wedding anniversary. low roses, a gift from the ti. r n Loe ndDeo-Their childreu, Lvreo graudchildreu, adorued the 111opro Lv n eo Hampiont; Norman, ai Toron- centre ai the table, with yellaw The rail calî was weîî ans- ta, sud their wives sud fami- streamers draped from the wered by the 15 membors, pre- les, were prosent. ceiling down ta the table on setwith 'Puttiug Christ Into They have lived in or riear which wore displayed over 100 Cristmai". this community ail their livc,:s. anniversary cards: aira a letter Niethank-you letters -were Mrs. Clemens was bomu n i congratulations from Prime 4 The raue aeago vle when two'years aid. grams wore received froin finncal eprtand the Litera-IMr. Clemens was boru near Penticton, B.C., sud Mantreal, Iture Secetsry epated thelHamptpn lu the house uow oc- Que. They were recipients of mnembers up well ini their read- cupied b Mr. aud Mrs. Roy many other lovoly gits includ- ing uox. ing a Kroohler platiorm rockeri Mrs. Carl Wright, roup They started iarming when from near relatives sud friends. leader, presided for a fine pro married sud lived for 40 years The tea table wvas centred gramn. Several Christmuas Car- onth ame farm owned noiv with a three-tier wedding caiceI aIs were sung. Mrs. Russell by Mr. Norvsk. They retired set in gold tulle sud surround-1 SMouutjoy gae s raigt hir proseut home at 38 ed liy yeilow caudles i crystal 1 iý "First Canadian Christmas Concession St., ton years ago. holders.1 ~'Mm. Ralph Larmer a reading Itwas.the home ai Mrs. Clem- Pauring tes wore Mrs. Nor- li "Gute oie i h 'lta ';en's prents, sud had been iu man Taylor, Mms. Clark Taylor, SMrs James Henry, a reading, the family for 63 years. Mr. Hilton Eagloson, Mrs. L. ti "Rod a Bthehe"."Hay hef bride ud groom recev- D. Sykes ud Mrs. Wm. Can. t] Child ai Bethlehem" wss suug as! a prayer tai close the meet- ar! ing. besta number fromn here attend- c j~IedAthe Federation ai Agricul- Our M ture Pot Luck Supper at New- G o e9 -Casti e ctly. t nid. Merlan Suggîtt, Bruce Heas- l * hp, Roy Werry and Neil Baly 1. the won the Jitney nt a curling s bosila ida atStr estisamenkomsf r ute day sud each got a turkey. Mission Band dE Tweuty-three chiidren and op t Sthmee leaders attended the Mis- TKr t a Sbase ment last Thursday aiter- s noa no n"ilent Night" was sung, the o H l ,P r o e a 4:%.Mission Baud Purpose and the o Fmeddie Taylor took up the ac ~ adspae eetdofering sud Mary Bradburun W' Ms raid the prayer. Mrs. C. Hill D . V ounda e redthe Christmas story and un Lid yeput the pictures on lic A .iP ipMS. Roy Taylor gave the me- Su i,; ort i he naminatiug coru- "I itee: rodent, AnGibson; 8 fl. mI. SVice-president, Janice Byer.;; i ji Secretary, Carol Ralîm, Treas- ç' Hladeimgatnvee e larR utrer, Nancy Hutton. .1 . Hladehilrne vee e eka e SAn intoresting, program was Kerstfeest hl uig gven: A reading "About ~S Christmas Preseuts" by Mar- atd grtCarahan; Piano Solo eTto AiJanice Byers; Reading, Soil,- Komi mofelUw Gezinen D li e r~ieug tac é'~ laa Chrismas Troc" by BriaBe ~;Mounitjoy; Duet by Nanc'y * Voor ieder kind een vorang Mr. 04 S taniland sad Nancy Huttan: asi ha ~ yCmIRh.Ms vnReading The Naughty Sheep" j ,ta y u tjold the story "Mer- VreI ga . Vrye comsumnpiie in d u Svrlcrl eesung. Qu Mrs. Hill closed the meetinc g Pauze. Qu with prayer. Thon the, leader's TMr Stroated the childrcn with can- ,Ladi dy. 9Vry Parkeren rive Mr. sud Mms. Gardon Stron, Mr. sd Mrs. Leith Byers, M,* niz James 'Henry attondod the * ~ - - - - - - - ~Mms m Golden Weddîng celebration aif Y:ry' J M\r. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter ai Gra PrIceAlbiert on Saturday ldi an M sd Mrs. George Ruther- Jn foî'd and Allan, Oshawa, with 1 Mivrs. George Fowler ou Sun -.T day N JPieased ta repart thai Mm s -YiSatu XýCharles Wilson is home irorn a MjPort Perry Hospital sud litti"' Blair Martyn s home froîn . .Tc Oshawa Hospital. wn At Athe Anglican Me's Club > Jne jà uchre lasi Thursday evening ~ane; Gerg ower Ms rank A Peaeeful, joYoua holiday ;s Black MI son, Mr. Keith Van Camp sud wer m Hedge won the door i ,' ur sincere wish for al. May good wilV eore ÏA A beautiiul pageant wa and good fellowahap he yours, ac A~ givon at St. John's Parish Hall Su Jon Sunday, sud slides. dC Mm. sud Mps. Gardon Brown 1 Mr. snd Mrs. Ross Brown audMev 1David, Toronto, with Mm. sud ai M\rs. Austin Boacock on Sun- plo d a y'. olom a Mm nd Mr.. George Carter, aLv SBawmýanvie, with Mr; sud ta 9Mrs eorge Wolfe. Te rink was apeued on Sat- igo urday with Bill Ferguson as Jcaretaker. nofaro The Public School pupils and inns oA teachers are having teir - '~ ~ ~ -.. - -. - - -., .. . .- - -. t t-' . - 'v t. - ..-t. ~ t. -- 'c-t~. -...-y~ - - ~ 20 B rs ry Agicultural Repesentative .and su ai scholarship and actlv( rresented to Irst cmunity anyt agricultural affalrs. SK. R. Brooks At th end o 1954there were ,e Five bursarles of $200. ecd tered ta Canadian residents; in were presented for the flrset the year Canadians paid $329,. ci time, this year, ta first year 552,161 i gasoline taxes and e stuents t th semiannul I-cense fees, $137,321,048 i ex- cise and sales taxes on new *prize-givig banquet at the cars. Oyntwari>Agricultural College K bytwoofits graduates Mr. and riMrs. R. A. Stewart, Alnmonte, 1Ontario. Shown et the extreme leit lW Mr. R. A. Stewart, making the *presentation to the winers. < Leit ta right: Miss Elizabeth i Osborn, R. R. No. 3, Woad- stock;; K. R. Brooks, R. IR. No. 3, Bawmanville; R. W. Miller, Gormley; D. E. Ross, R. R. No. 1, Coliden; and D. A. A. Stager, Smithville, president oi the ycar.j The donor la aprominent H!U1T a a OBRN u Eastern Ontario farmer, a for- BEST HOLID>AY WISHES, F tA mer President ai the Ontario Fedoratian ai Agriculture, and a graduate ai the Ontario Agri- cultural College in 1933. Mrs. MYgL9i4S Stewart gracjpated from Mac- donald Institute in 1932. RADIO TV SE VC m 1 P.kG1 TWELVE *AW&M rj rATESBL4.N. BOWMAxvffm dig, A mn lmbw.4q I*mà lama ios ave ee Flc ed lv t oe xner Rbnfrm i. Al 5 "'It isn't far ta BethlehemI Zone Executive ai the Feder-'J- - - Ton tin ai Agriculture ai the Zon-,I 3 Silver St. MA 3-3483 ITosaw ha Crit n hihthey live, and were BOW31ANIq[, coI s anywe tatCr recommended by the Countyl A nd finds in people's friendly -------___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ face, A welcome and abiding place. The road ta Bethlehem runs right thraugh The homos ai folks like rue and you."1 We oxtend sincere good wish- os for a Joyous Christmas sea- son and a Prosperous New Year toalal Statesman readers We Would also express aur thanks for the co-aperatian oi ai interest. We appreciate itR .~ L M I ? very much. It is anly by yaur sharing with us your knaxv- ledge of births, deaths, mar- niages, anniversarjes, visitor3, BXN birthday celobratians, etc., that BXN we in turni can miake up aur wookly column ai evonts. Mrs. Chiarles Cutts and hl dren oi Kingston, spont sov- father, Mr. Ernest Stacey. Dy Mrs. Lillian Miliby, who had been ili at hier home in the vil- lage is now convalescing ini Petorboraugh at the home ai TUESDAY lier daughter and san-i-law, M4r. and Mrs. Lionel Monk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamil- aon, Mantreal, Que., were with on, for the weekend, also visnt- ng with their mothor, Mrs. 1 hereby proclaim that Tuesday, December Cisilton, who is a patient a vcHopital, Peterborqugh. 27th be designated as Boxing Day in the Town of *Bethany Community Band Bowmanville and requcst ail citizens to ob'serve gave special Christmas cheer to th sick and shut-Ins in the vil. the same- age an Wednesday night as j/ tey went up and down tho treets playing Christmas Ca- ros Ne!son E. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. George Wad- iMao lelvU ie with their daugh-Mao er and san-i-law,' Mr. and Town of Bowmanvllle irs. Mol McGee in Raglan an hursday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monk, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 'undorland, visitod with Mr. ____*_____ id M rs. .4 . H . M onk an F nl - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ly. Mr. Edward McDanald af lterborough, a Isyman, ir onducting the Sunday Church - ____ rvices in St. Faul's ChurcJi ntil a resident minister is ap- ointed for the parish. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Staples d famiiy ai Jauetville, we:e % unday guests with Mr. and Irs J.Whieside. His mauy friends in this area. hli e plesd ta knaw that ev. Shirley Wood af Tharn- I 5a C ha be rcntyhonored 4or ewOtciOt) in y0fur ie r te Curc ofEuglsnd and the beglnning ai the year [l lie transi erred ta Saska- Give fler a on, Sask., as Canon ai St. în's Cathedral in that city. afre moving ta Tharnhill, aplain oi the Grave Propara- W .School. Ho is a brother aiS I GHfS iert Wood and Nool Wpod Appliance for Christmas Bethany. P.Lilliquist ai Mantreal, e., speut the weekend with .and Mrs. Gunner Lilliquit. ___ rho Ladies' Good Lucek dgo hsd a successful progres- c uchre party in the Or- 'eHall an Friday evenig. es for high score went ta ~ sLeanard Driver and Hon- [akeman: consolation awards Bruce McGill and Fred y. Lunch was served. The es plan a similar event au uary 6th. he members ai L.OL. 1022 1their annual Christmas ce in the Town Hall 4)n irday night, with music jided by Bob Sisson's Bsnci. ýets had been sold previaus- on turkeys and the lucky ners were George Smithî, etville; Roy Jarvis, Beth- Mrs. Dorothy Tonnant, *stock; Miss Marilyn Hart, mee. Winning chickens Allan Bowins, Pontypool; ~ rg Haweden, Cavan; Rab- F. Kerr, Bethany; Harvey ulm, Janetville. Sunday service iday service in the Unit- 'urch was in charge ai Mr. yn Love, assistant min-....~ ai the Manvers circuit. ng his text irom the gos- fLuke "For there was no for them in the inn", Mr. expressed the thought todsy, taa many people forgotten the real mean- 1Christmas, that we hase >om in aur hearta. "ThelW S I G OE if life could lie thc social*