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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 14

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- - - - - - -~ --------.-~.,-~ * . ~ r.- - P & oeroem~~~~~~~~mu~~~ . ~TU E CANA I N STA T SM N. EOW MAf.. N TRI. O qT l __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __HU S A _D . 2 d I apearheaded the IBownmvile garHriAlsn yios fBarons Down Cobourg Thd la yers in Top Scoring Spots takBbFiryndMt Richards picked up the other Crts anoe;dec, au f g ~~ ~~~~tw o tallies. F or C bourg, G reg ri c R ch r s D o M Gr or ..In IFast, rxciring Gane eBDan Cotthed thef:tt; talr; Tothe other. Vice Vanstone in MatrNRn olrGe To Sfretch Their Lead the Legionnaires' twines and Cros: o rot rcCr S t e c h ï e dBob Talbot in the Cobourg ci- letoPu culuh Y tadel both played v'ery fine AbotBi BaeJm M- I, n a fast, crowd-pleasing a pass on his stick fromn behind games. cei gaine at the Memorial Mrena the Bowmanviile goalaCIth Saturday night the Bowman- veteran Rochetta fJipped it in.* Mldgets Go Weil s vIràie Barons edged the Cobourg Captain Frank Hooper of The Midgets gave the Port Lumber Kings 6-5 ta widea the Barons picked Vip a 10-min- Hope goalie a busy evening by their Lakeshore League lead ute misconduct penalty at 17.tj5 notching 10 goals. Don Prout ',69four points over Orono and for an uncomplimentaryre struck for the hat trick ini the iv over Cobourg. mark to Referee Stan Boshier, ~Midgets' fneiay and a ajimr The visitors pulled their who is evidently the sensitive Mstro adBbMrer- igoalie twice in the final four type. De! enceman Tom Depew son were close behind wîth a minutes of play while trailing took Hooper's place at centre pair apiece. Ron Pollard, Eric 5-3 in an effort ta pull out a !ce for a turn or two and did. . Carleton and Bob Abbott al jtic or win. The move paid off vcry well at the pivot spot. - struck for singletons. P the first turne following a face- The Lumber Kings went in- Harris scored two Port Hope off in the Bowmanville end to a brief lead at 1.58 of the goalmorial Servicenoche when Ken "Coon" Medhurst second frame whcn Ken Wilcox .P,: the other two.maer ncoertne Sscored' on passes from. Rocher- sank the rebound, after his orig-... Port Hope Mvidgeti - Goal, No HGWA E.0 ta and Boucher. inal shot had been stoppcd by Brereton:- defence, Highficld,CIYLMS With slightly less than a Barons goalie Denny Pallister.FetnHaraBilfo- a O AW RA -61 niute left Cobourg tried the Bill Berwick tied it up for wards, Burke, Hayncs, Wakely, a rean ees Sstrategy again, but it backfired Bowmanville at 7.37 on an ac- Brereton, Baptist, Walsh, Lin-chre J when Lowell Dykstra got the curate six-foot blast. puck ýnear the Bowmanville Cobourg Penalties Costly Sgoal aad.j"lobbed a high long An elbowlng penalty toý Jon Ashot whithh llsqîed the beads Fisher at 9.32 proved costly ta * of the Coboutrg. bUackers and the visitors when Maxie Yourtn went in±to the empty net ta put scored the prcttiest goal of 'the Sthe Barons ahead 6-4. Ths night to finish off a nice pass- icame at 19.21 and was actfially ing play with Don Gilhooly. Sthe winning counter, since Playîng-coach Ernie Dickens ïï Frank Boucher tallied an- un- started it off and *Glhooiy laid ' "' 4~assisted goal for Cobou.rg at a nice pass over to Yourth, who . '.'l*" . '. 19.57 ta' make the final score was sailing in on the right side. .J .. L 0, 6-5 for the Baronst This endcd the second period i Barons Score Firat at 3-2 Bowmanville. lhuhtear nyitidpacinheTw sonao y The Barons had taken an Cobourg was again- short- Aho hteyaenyinhrdpcenthTwn hoiaove are, lef t to right, front row: Larry Dewell, early lead at 6.36 of the first handed through a trîppîng pen- Hockey League standings, the Foresters hockey team, lt-vine Brooks, Lowell MacDougal, Ken King, Grant Speriod when Dan Girardi, aity to Bun Flesch when Lloyd shown above, has three players in the top ten in the league, Williams and Fred "Jiggs" Cowiing.- Rear row: Jim Levitt, f'sni n atte gamuhHaitnsoeat10ofe scoring statisties. Don Masters, who is flot shown in the Stan Sih Carl Schwartz, n"ishBo 11slapped in a long, blue-lin,'- third period. He took Gîrardî's abov Smih, B ob Sheridan, * shot by Jack Marshall. Anoth- ppss at the side of the net and bv photo, Jim Levitt and lt-v Brooks are the snipers Ralph Kelly and Keith Shackleton. Cer long drive by Marshall a flipped the puck into the upper who are doing so well in the scoring departn-ent. Players -Photo by Carson Studio, Port HopeF b mninute later hit Doug Fisher right-hand corner. Frank H-iuii- *4 of the Lumber Kings on the er also drew an assist on the a minute later Jed Wilson put ticket was lield by Marg Per- 5NE(ioa&J bte p ooendadh adt cv ly Ron Burgess in the clear with ris ..i ia e . >the game for repairg. He later The visitors began ta putOf Cobourg - Goal, Somme- 5 M V III >*~' Çtf carne back on the ice, howeve'-, the pressure at this point and a nîce pass, and Burgess made vile: efeceFanchMcKen,-- se Y ~ an nothed ne o theCo-kcpt the play pretty well in the no mîstake on his shot. Terry Boucher, Donlevy, R. Johnson; I If7 e~~<j> lbourg goals. Barons' end for two or three Masters was also given an as- forwaras, Rochetta, D.fJIjoi .; Joc Rochetta tied the score minutes. Their efforts paid off sist on the rnarker. Crowley, J. Fisher, Medhurst, W in, wo G auiies FiLro m,-fi ~ w t1-1 at the 13.25 mark when at 8.15 when Doug Fisher scor- Th dok ea 164 wen asyWicxJcknDwe-* j0 Zl e was left uncovered in- front ed on a pass from Rochetta T e Ikra 64 we aeWloJakiDwe ok -,oftenet. Bill Crowley la-diaetecut43 esta Cobourg began their shuffle Bowmanville -. Goal, Pallis- maetecut4-.Ls hnsystem with Goalie Clarke ter; defence, Dickens, Masters-, <,,LJJ IanP o tH p Sommerville whîch led ta Mcd- Marshall, Dykstt-a, Depew; for- C o o rg a diorlH p \..*.... ~hurst's goal a:pdç Dykstra's long wards, Hooper, Girardi, Hamîl II ~~t'e~~: ~~ shot into the empty net. This ton, Gilhooly, Yourth, Birdi, Bo aniesOMH..J-ndrgd from the opening ~<added 'an extra bit of excite- Wilson, Burgess, Berwick. venle and Midget teams were Whistle. The Legionnarsmv I~ hantdt-pheyedd fn- O fci I-Stan îiosnier, re- successful in their ±rst home ersuu ieaa 3 aie 'of the game. feree; Rube Waddell, linesman. league games of the season on increased it to 4-1 at the end i Ice Chips Wednesday night of hast wcek. of the second, and added thrcc Gerg Jckindewa iv- uinssDiecoy The Juvenile Legionnaires more tallies ta a single repily drawin Bsiesg reto tounced Cobourg 7-2, whiie by Cobourg. minute penalty for rwnth Midgets turned back Port bl j~ood vhen bis high stic Gary "Hank" Lane wt crught Ernie Dickens on thCeOily Hope 10-4. threc goals and TdFîe bridge__ofthé_________the_____ The Juvenihe game was fat with two goals anld two assista 3 u::---- J3JDU i ~~1 eway mark of the first period. WM. J H. COGGINS Bowmanvilhc was unable ta Chartcred Accountant 1 score while enjoying the one- 64 King St. E. Bowmanvihhe rnan advantage for three of the (Above Garton's Bus Station) To cS our frin&o iemnte obuga-64 King Street E. ways seems ta play a crowd- OnIy $55. Down plcasing brand of hockey mn J. HUNTER AND COMPANY we ext.nd W Bowrnanvilie, and Saturday's Certified Public Accountants game was no exception. The Oshawa 5-1621 wlsh« for al Holiday Lumber Kings were fiying at Phone MA 3-3612 top spced throughout and the Successors-ta O. S. HobbsB a nc p e d or 2 4M Barons matched them strid.. thact Is fuil of for stride. The Gilhooly-Bird love z4 Jy. wthther asdaseg ~C h i r o p r a ci f cB U Y SY OJÀI1E The Bowmanvile. defense- G.-DWI MAN, .-B US 'Y AM men ahi turned in nice gamesOf~ Chiropractor '~ OT~ and "Dyke" Dykstra dishe i e out some heathy body checks Speciahty Paper Products Rhdg. CUhMstnato 0111 as weii as contributing a goal 63 Temperance Street International H arvester Captin Fank oope addPhone MA 3-5509 cd two assista ta his scoring fieHus yApitnn total ta stay in front in the JOMN ~~~Barons scoring statistics ...Dna Goahie Denny PaIister played Den ai .6 C u Ff FREEZER S T T T a nice garne for Bowmanville. DR. W. M. RUDELL, DUS.____________________________________R___E___________ STU T .. .The Kinsmen held their Office: Jury Jubilee Bhdg;. _ S H O ES rn~~~~ediately after the game with Office Hours: ~pmdly5 0P UDCP C T S O S and Constable Denny Densem 9am a1 onStra doing the honors. The winning Ch.. a12ose Suday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DRC. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S.US Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowrnanville S Office Hours: t Y~~tw7istm ~~~9 ar. ta 6 p.nri dalv V R$ 0 O T FF O E 9 a r . ta 1 2 n o o n W e d n è s d a y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __$1 0 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __WOR T H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __OF_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Closed Sunday R.CF.CT1ADDPhone MA 3-5604F OD DR .F CATnN Office1 r 9 lit. Bar- ister. Solicitor -* Notary Publice n .~~ ~-Temperance St. Bowmanvihle a * dqate o heef c Cra M.~ ".. EW Fruit Jie _________________ * Fast Frozen Fish Frozen Chicken and M atPe LERO&Y HAMILTON - ORONO fAnppie!fiLLFid Phone 1 r 16 oferthe * Iecl rxîe First mortgzage funds Ovr10pcae Fec re oa u~~~ ~ ~ Rsince fa-m anious Birdseye Fruit and You can't beal frozefod ia8 Our sincereat w_______0 __p_____o_ m eng fo Irvou that this Christmas Lrinis a .R. EITU A. BILLETT Optometrist b etaundance of warm ana 141 King St. E. - B3owmanville Trtaelehn A335 SEE THE FREEZER AND FOOD ON DISPA latotp!casurc* oaeroc Office Hours: 9 &~m. ta 6 p.m. I U latn o*vrosj onday t auda N O R WINDOWS S excPt Wednesday, 9 - 12 Staf and Mangemet *Evenings by Appointment IJury & Lovell Bowmanvllle . r r IPhone MA 3-5778TO C WAI R PIT R 'Piano Tuning PontiacBic Cars In GMC Trucks P-rofessional Piano Tuning, 3 King St. E.BomnilPh eMA358 Phone MArket 3-3900 - 1~ '~p ris-

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