THURSDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1955 Give A-l -ma 0 1956 Buick Roodmaster and Super erles mode!, announeed today Mature flashing new styling with a new four-door hardtop in botb series New front end lias rakish wide-screen grille ini a V design, new headlights, and distinctive new humper design. Horsepower Inoves Up sharply to 255 with four-barrel carburetion and a com- ression ratio of 9.5 to one. A new stator added to the Dynaflow transmission increases takeof and acceleration, proves economy. Leading Town Teams Retain Their Posjtjons Miller's Taxi and Front goals i the third, howevem, ta Street retained their onc-two register the win. Morley Richi- Hockey League~ last Thursdav froni' Hank Lane andti uc night by defeating the ather Cale. Don Childs scoreti the two teanis in the loop. The winner by combining with Taximen cdged Courtice 3-2, Harvey Lunney andi Bud Per- whlle Front Street handeà fect. Poresters a 4-1 setback. Gerry Marjemison led the Bruce Down scoreti-the open- Front Street crew ta their wmn Ing goal foi1 Courtice in the by sinking two goals unassist- first period on a pass from cd. Don Bishop natched ane Norm Sayers. Miller's tied it on passes froni Bill Lyle and Up in the second stanza wlien Don Runtile, andi John Ford Bruce Cale sank Morley Richi- also scoreti on passes from1 ards' pass, but Courtice went Marjerrison andi Don Biship. ahead again on a goal by Scoc- Donnie Masters, leading scor-1 ty MacLeilan. cm in the league. gat the lone1 The Taximen notcheti twa tally for the Faresters.1 i~4j~ DI lu - other three clubs plenty trouble. Fol]owing is the leaguei dule, with the home team ed !irst: Deeember- l4-Whitby vs. Port Hope 14-Bowmanville vs Cobai 15-Cobourg vs Bowmanv 19-Port Hope vs. Cobourg 2l-Bowmanville vs Whit' 22-Cobourg vs Port Hope 28--Whitby vs Cobourg 29-Cabourg vs Bowmanv: .January - 2-Whitby vs. Bowmanvil 2-Port Hope vs Cobourg 4-Bowmanville vs. Whitl 5-Cobourg vs. Part Hope 9-..Pt. Hope vs. Bowmanv, 1 1-Whitby vs. Port Hope i l-Bowmanville vs. Cobou l2-Cobourg vs. Whitby 16-Port Hope vs. Whitbyý I 7-Whitby vs. Bowmanvil 18-Bowmanvjlle vs. Pt. Hc 19-oborg s. iby ope ,F.xe ;. rianiiiii i ooper Leads 122ý3liitby vs. 'coor Hoe vs. Bowmanville More Prizes lBarons'1 Scoring 2_omnil s t oe For Top Hockey By 5 Points Barons Lose The executiv: cf theFrak Hooper assisted on To La kef ield up two more scoringeprizes ta on gols i , T'vvo slas a rsby Bruce Minns of a stay on top in the indvidual y £~rsscaring statistics. Playing- The Bowmanville Baronis Et t any player scaring three coach Ernie Dickens had a goal i n aeadb e' dropped their fourth game of n egm adbyie and a n assist ta remain in sec- the season as against nine wins ensWear of a sport shirt for :n pt and Don "Scooter" mn Peterborough on Wednes- a shutout by the Barons' goalie. ýihoYi still in thfrd. day night f last week when These would be a prize ta Following are the, Barons, the Lakeiflelcj Lumbermen sha- V the regular Barons line which scoring records as o! December ded them by a 5-3 count. chalks up the xnost points dur- 19. h aoswr lyn ing the season, and one for the Ge G A P t ihe aon s wheedeercempas top scorer on the team. Jam- HoprW t nytredf niea îesn' TreShp ale of icen --0 15 11 15 26 Lowell Dykstra andi Tom De- leso'a ireSho hasledoffMe %rs15 7 14 21 pew were unable ta xnake the with a $10 donation toward the Gilhooly 15 8 12 20 trip. George "Gunfighter" prize for the top line andi it is Berwick 12 10 5 15 Heath turned in an outstand- hopeti that $20 more may be Girardi15 8 7 5 n gaeithBo avle obtaned or he tp lie'sHamiton15 8 4 12 twines and Jeti Wilson elso had prize, and another $10 for thei Yourth 15 5 6 Il a gooti night, collecting two as- leading team scarer. Bird - 15 5 6 Il sists.1 At the present time, the linc Marshall _ _15 '2 7 9 Dan Girardi from Frank centred by Frank Hooper with Wilson ---14 4 5 9 Hooper, Playing-coach Ernie Dan Girardi and Lloyd Hamil- Burgess 13 4 3 _7 Dickens from Wilson andi Jack ton on the wings has account- Dykstma 10 2 3 5 Marshall, also from Wilson, ac- ed for a total of 53 points in Deeth - 3 0O4 counted for the Bowmanvilbe goals andi assists. The line cen- Masters 15 1 2 3 crig tred by Don Gilhooly with Depew ---7 2 O 2 _________ Maxie Yourth andi Bob Bird as flankers lias chalked up 42 points, anti the Jed Wilson-Ron ~ I-- Burgess-Bfll Berwick line h as Issue .eague amasseti 31 points. FrnkHopr easth i-Schedule for dividual scoring statistics wt 1l goals and 15 assists for 26c7een points. f r2 Juvenile Teams q T 1 KE hitby as joined the Lake- 070'Ow n T 1 R ET 8shore Juvernie League ta round I TO EVERYWHERE jout a four-teami circuit with I Air. Rail or Steamshîp Bowmanville, Port Hope and IConsuit Cobourg. The Bowmanville en- I JURY &LOVELL try is coached by Don Master J 3owmanville and managed by AI Clarke.I 15 King st. W. MA 3-57781 promises ta be a very stronc teamn which should give the By vey Bow '~ .< \ . ('*~l Our Christmas dance last Fni- XV\. ~dayrnight was a wonderful suc- I The hall was decorated for the ~occasion with red and white ~ s3~i streamers suspcnding a huge reti f bell. On the stage stood the iftree, dressed in ici;es and snow J f ith i tny colourd bulbs lgt #X ing the way for thc smartly Idresseti crowd. At ten o'clack the stage show started. Ken Kelly, President o! the Teen Town Club. intro- duceti Bob Booth, M.C., for the following acts. After a number ofupplie, the musicl backgron fthe otr acgt udr. a.A fuore bandTwmsetf Th M naem nIaneSaf o rite wt a i nFak wî~h il thir frendstar:peel ass, oeuse onyer BowdrumslandandhD striconasjx, suppliedtmurncld cgounde for te otensavsatl /1 lerr i sTne r h wsreatifor. 9' teswt l rsndc The Managemet and StAl o ! pete actlse.hwere o Oshawa ant they stacd for th i~nc wentJackta eords ob anin B ow manville a d D istrict ancing utoiesb12:30.a ta RoySevyhen atie onc Barngr, wo aeosipeachifor th~e ffrt spt nce. Tescn Oshawa Wshdwaond y vayae ad ob h IUP~palc aftadess.them wasr U hri fin spresent dba Miss reconalind o ehaf oeen Tond taEMm Wail.y BradenMiss Rins Dtllinth j uf schý liW ýurg vilne ,by )e Ili. ie vile )urg lie For Choose from Wide Variety of lElectrohome NEW-1956 ADMIRAL 21' With "Lazy-Susan" Swivel Marconi 1956 Marconi Television Aopl ttr act e bbnmede au-gyîe FU lruttk aIeI.gflo aséew No Charge Guaranhe fr 3lEf.*IW a@j Pn Tarti, mtuegm ub"Tbe /1 I le s3 79.oo One Tes, Guarauti. Sm Phiar. Tube s159.,, ~ ----- .4.5: L et us Demon strate High -Fidelity Aerials1 by exTe1etisio st with our sets. ebmuces - it Ls less - Cmlil l rour new Arial Poeto VOU'I lways be Protectan Our art deslmned work thue bes Take noe actually costj and discus with us - y tlad you dld. BUDGET TENU PAYMNIM GLADLY AINAmnG OU* BUDGET TRIU INCLUDIC U KuStreet W. Toephomu -NA 3m38 Buy With Confidence With the Longest, Guaran tee '4 1< - ~' '44 'M ID. m 4 i ---~.~b.-#aSr~*4 .. --- '-...~-. TEE CNADIN STAE~MA~ RfwMAr~rrv ni'~ A - - PAGE. -VILE. rS-, Lions Club. the meeting with «Silent Nlght" sages from friends were read. extends te the Edtor and Sffi John Lunn presented a cheque HAYDON after which ail repeated The Meeting closed and ail enjoyed of the Canadisin Statesinn for $75.00, the proceeds of the Lord's Prayer. lunch, toalal readers o! this coln dance, to Lieut. Brown of theI Mr. and - Mrs. Sulas Trewin*,rMit S getnsadbetwss u Salvation Army.,adJdtBwavle Mrs. June Trewins group was M. Mlon Semon visitdgetnsan etwse The dancJudiahovermaililloaet Mrs. W .Te i' . in charge of program. One nui- Miss Annie Mountjoy at Mr. and Merry Christmas and Happy The ancewas ver bertcwas MtheWmNativis.ty Scene. Mrs. MLean',,Uxbridge. New Year. soon and ~ tired but happy Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morri On, Those taking part were: Mvrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potta Te\eprSevc a u group of people went back to Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs., M. Lamna Graham, Mrs. Aileen Lynda, Tommy. Delbert and Ina poned on Sunday evening and studylng for the remaininq Bertrim's. Blackburn, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Beryl Read, attended the For- will be held in the church on exams and looking forward to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaugh- Cameron, Mrs. Siemon. Jean esters' Christmas party at Bow- Friday evening. Christmas. lin, Burketon, visited Mr. 'and Bertrlm, Lynda Potts, Mrs. Gar- manville on Saturday evening. Mrs. Ross Ashton and family on rard, pianist; Miss May Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron Conquer thyself, Till thou Tht a i ur o i woWednesday evening. Christnas caeols were hung. and Mrs.. Theron Mountjoy, hast done this, thou art 'but a can commnand the situation in' 1 W. A. Meeting Santa Claus arrlvedl and ail Hampton, visited Miss Annie slasve; for it is aimost as well stead of allowing the situation. W.A. Christmas meeting was the small children were given a Mountjoy, Uxbridge, at Mr. and ta b. subjected ta another's co- in contraI him.-Holljs Burke held in the church on Thursday present and ail aduits received a Mrs. McLean's on Sunday. petite as to thine own.-Roberg9 Frissell. afternoon. President opened gift. Several Christmas mes-1 Your Haydon correspondent Burton. TIM CANADIAN STATESMM. BOWMAmvnjr- n"àv-rp% 1 Electrohome "SIMCOE" Canada's Finest Television 21" CONSOLE * eavier than ever tansformer Chants * arger than ever 21" Alumlnlsed Picture Tube *Large HI-Fi Speakers *22 Tubes for TV'& Sharpest Picture *Toue Control *Record Player Plut " S andsome uDieIcratWCabinet s3 79.oo ONE YEAR GUARANTE Marconi TV 235 Handsome 21" Console in rich, modern wood cabinets *Twin Speakers for full fidelity sound reproduction This Model bas ALL Marconi's Latest Features *Alumlnized Picture Tube with removable tinted safety glass r 1 i Here is the Best Gift cf Ail'! I .4 Ail - e dom 8 la Admïral àbàb vire M. - -