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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 16

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S - - -e-. - .-.*------- . . . PAGE SIX'T-IEN * *ANAdMDIJJJ. SIAI ESMAN. 'BOWMANIVILZ ONTARIO F3Uemà% li a i W as numbers of eggs were obtain- Salmo ria~neryed and hatched. In 18681, a hatchery of larger S alm o H at h ery W as dimensions was buit and the production a! youni salmon in- B*Uit N ar N wca tle creased. Although by that lime Firston C ntin ntse low that it was "a matter af Firs on onti entgreat difficulty ta obtain a sui- ficient number. of parent fish With the kind permission of became concentrated upon the ta initiale the work a! artifi- the editors o! Sylva, the pub- Atlantic salmon as thene were; cially neplenishing the stream". micntiofndste ania eat-th the most apparent evidences of The restacking plan of Wilmat nien o!Lans ad Faest, te .was ta hatch salman eggs at Statesman is repnoducing in its decrease and probable early i the Newcastle Htchery and full an article which appeared extermination in the waters1 plan t the small fry in those in the July-August issue, hav- where it farmerly abounded.i streams flowing into Lake On- ing particular interest for this Amang these waters were the' tario which had previously district. tributary streams o! Lake On.' supported populations of sal- The article, by Dr. H. R. Mc- tania into which salmon moved, mon. Following the establish- Crimman, tells the stary o! each utumn. On one af these! ment o! the hatchery thene was the salmon hatchery at New- stneams, which carnies hîs, an apparent general increase castle on Wilmat's Creek t'nenamiedS ul Wilmot-, in the number of salmon ne- finst public fish-bneeding' sta- who could recall the annual- tuming ta many a! the stneams tion in North America. The ac- au-tunin harvest o! salman !3v il n178 tsemdta campanyîng interegting p "ic.jidia ns using clubs - and 11e the. artificial hatching and turcs illustrated the original' eam een ndta h planting o! salmon cauld res- article. salmon should not be alowed tare these fish ta thein former ta disappear !nom Ontarioa- abundance. This aptimism By Dr. H. R. McCrimman ters. His efforts resulted in the, proved ill-founded, howevei-, Within a few yards a! No. 2 establishment o! the first pub- and in the years following Highway nean Newcastle, somne lic fish-breeding station *I 1879, the salmon runs decreas- 15 mile's ta the east a! Toron- North Amenica by the Cana- edý evenywhere until, in 1883, ta, lie the nemains a! Canada's dian Govennment. the hatchery was able te* obtain first !ish hatchery. Few peo- By the autumn a! 1866, a only 84,000 eggs as companedt ple travelling the highway be-J small building had been erect- with 1,500.000» in 1876.t corne aware o! the l 'ocation be ed nean Newcastle under the In the early years of the cause nathing remains- but the direction o! Samuel Wilmot hatcheny, many salmon eg-s I depressians in an overgrown and, 11fl order ta initiate the wene punchased by Aneiencant field beside Wilmot Creek, an propagatian work, 15 mature Agencies until about 1873 whenf aid wooden building on the salmon were taken fram Wil- thev began ta obtain salmonY bank which is a reminden of mot Creek. However, local eggs !rom sources within the r the several historical buildings poachers took Il o! these fisli United States. The hast salmon " that once stood neanby, and a because they feared that the eggs hatched at the Newcastlev row o! ancient willows plante-l presence of a hatcheryv would Hatchery came from a pa ir ot!t &long the stream's edge nearly deter their illicit activities. salmon captîîred in Wihmat y i centur ago. Nevertheless, Wilniot xvas able! Creek by A. W. McLeod. for- Aften 'the middle o! the l9th ta obtain sufficient spavvn toj mer Supenvisor a! Hatchenies century, the attention o! the hatch neanly 15,000 salmon for Ontario, then emphoyed by eastern Canadian Pravinces eggs the following spring. In the m Federal Government. He and the New England States the next year somewhat langer obtained 4,000 eggs, o! which 3,6001 sunvived and wene plant- - * .~ed in the spring on the aid hg spawning grounds beside the M - --- dId~)hatcheny. P ~' vj ~ IWhiie the Newcastle Hatch.- th ~ C1 V ieny was at first an expenimen- th ~c: ~ 4 ~ ~tai nursery for nearing salmon, N~ the original expeniments with p( sairnon eggs spread ta othen ir Îspecies o! fish such as white- in fish, salmon trout lake trout), m brook trout, pickerel and black ne ~ e" ~bass which were collected from I Svaniaus locations through the Pi Great Lakes and inland waters. se - ~ '--4* . Athough the crop of eyed-eggs bE and voung fish were distnibut- fr, ed principally in Ontario, some ca if ' %~I xere sent ta the province o! TE We~ Quebec, some ta various parts5 o! the United States, and johit/zmery cao/er 91 others ta such distant points as joi t# mrr caolreEngland. Between 1866 Jn 41 1914, when the Newcastle Hat- vil Io oarmlyw~I chery was finally clo5ed, aven gr 3155 million yaung fish wene ta au onaarfulj'r;etncb p. eared and distributed by its Ji, -pesnnel. teFrom the experiments car- >ond pairone a ried ut at the ohd Newcasthe spi li Hatchery under the direction mi Happy Holidlau Sasa. o auel Wilmot, a thorough- vprcial system o! antificialG ~/fish culture wvas aniginated in ICanada and many of the tech- far niques and equipment develop- Eri Sed al this establishment are Sstill emphoyed in the modernm hacheries o! North Amenîca world. It is o! inlerest thata 4complete working section of La the Newcastle Hatchery was o put in operation at the "Greatco --International Fishenies Exhibi- op( MAaO i calwhichgswere heived aor i Sattests ta the high standards in Kir Joan s Beauty Centre expeimentatian and operation V for which the Newcastle Hat- 2 et --------------------------------------n cheny w-as noted. Nal vi Maple -Grove Institute Hus Yuletide Meeting DARLINGTON MUNICIPAL ELECTION Meeting of the Electors of the Said Township of Darlington will take place in the Town Hall, Hampton TrUES., DEC. 27 1955, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominating a candidatç for the office of Deputy-Reeve for the said Towvnship of Darlington for the year 1956 THE POLLS SHALL BE OPEN FROMq 10:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. 1 TrHURS.,. JAN. 5 1956, if polis %hall be demanded. at the Places hereinafter natned and with the following namned persons as Deputy Returning Officers and Poli Clerks: ýNo. i Poliing Sub-Divislon at the Schol House in Sehnoo Section No. .5, 'Providence: Mrs. Vera Allun. Deputy Returning Officer: Mrs. ,',leen Turner, Poili Clerk. No. 2- Polling Sub-Divlsion at the Community Hall in the Village of Tyrone: Gord.yn Brent. Depîîty Returning Officer: Fred G. Smith, Poli Cierk. No. 3a Polllng Sub-Divlsion at Mrs. Ayimer Beech's House. Maple Grove: Charles Snowden, Deputy Returning Officer: Bert SnGwden, Poili Clerk. No. 3b Polling Sub-Division at Mrs. Aylmer Beechs House, Maple Grove: Gordon Beech, Deputy Returning Officer; Victor Cookson, Poili Clerk. No. 4 Polllng Sub-Division at the Township Hall, Hampton: - Sidney Kersey, Deputy Returning Officer:, Mrs. Elsiê Bradley, Poli Clerk. No. 5 Polling Sub-Division at the Community Hall in the Village of Enniskille: Francis 1Werry, Deputy Returning Officer: Adam Sharp. Poili Clerk. No. 6& Polling Sub-Divislon at the School House, Courtice. in School Section No. si Frank Walter, Deputy Returning Officer; Mrs. Gerald Peterson, Poil Clerk. No. 6b Pollint 5Gb-Division at the Sehool Bouse. Courtice. in School Section Ne. 9: ,Mrs. Perey Dalby, Deputy Returning Officer; Mis. H. F. Osborne, Poil Clerk. No. tir Poiling Sub-Division at Varcoes Hall: Clarence Penfound, Deputy Return. Officer: Mirs. C. M. Robinson, Poili Clerk. No0. ad Polllnig Sub-DlvisIon at Varcoe's Hall: Mm-s Frank Balson, Dcp. Return. Officer: M.Nrs. Herman Sweetmnan, Poil iCerk. No. Polllngr Sub-Dlvision at Mtchell.s Corner Sehool: Frank Pascoe,, DePuty Returnlng Officer; Mrs. Frank Sobil, Poli Clerk. N.8PoUlnt Sub-DIvlsion at EnfAeld School: Mm. Lyda Cryderman DePutY Returu. Offleer; Mns. R. W. Pascoe, Poli l erk. A.nd at thisld nominating meeting, W. E. Run die, Clerk,, shail be Returning Officer. &. W. NICHOLS, Reeý'e. Rfampton, Deeember 17. 1955. I WV. E. RUNDLE, Clerk. M I 1 The executive o!1 Maple Grove Women's Institute provided a program o! Christmas readings and music at the Dec. 12th meeting. Two . rounds o! Christmas Canais were sung wvith Mrs. Wm. Lairdi at the piano and Mrs. J. R. Metcaif playeti sev- eral aId time favorites on the piano. The motta, "It's not what You give but what yau sharei; For the gift withaut the giver is banc," was taken by Mrs. I. Munday. Reading from a daily iewspaper repart o! a Toronto minister's views on Christmas andi the spending o! fabuhous amounts o! money on Christ- mas gifts, espeCiahly for child- ren wvas the warning that the love and trust o! children can- nat be bpught, it must be earneti by love and trust. Mns. Eber Snawden'read mn article which pointeti aut that it is not what we get aut o! life but what we put inta fl that shoulti be Our concern and that it is well ta rememnben what has been done for us ra- ther than what we have donc for athens. If an. anc day o! the year, we can have the kindli- ness anti unselfishness which :eems a_,art off Christmas day, we shotlld be able to follo'w hem on the othen timys o! the year. A story o! great human in- LESKARD' Leskard W.A. meeting was held at the Sunday School an Vednesday, Dec. 14 wîth Vice- President Mrs. Harry Davey in fe chair. Meeting opened with ýe Benediction. Devational was Fominatian of new afficers was astponed until January meet- ng. Mrs. John Kitchen gave an nteresting talk and showed iany beautiful pictures of herý ?cent trip home to Norway. Ueeting closed wîth The Lord's 'rayer, after which a pleasant ,cial hour was spent with giftsý )ing exchanged. Delicious re- reshments' including Christmas ike, were served by Mrs. Art ýennant. We are sorry ta hear that Mr. ýmes Cameron is a patient in emorial Hospital, Bowman- île. -He is inakingogod pro- *ess after his aperatian. Hope osee you home for Christmas, im. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rabbins Pent Saturday in Toronto with r. and Mrs. Ross Rabbins and iail. Mr. and Mns. Earl Spry and rnily. Orono. with Mr. and Mrs. rn Spny. Masters Alex and Bu*r Greenj Dent Saturday in Oshawa with r. and Mrs. Frank Temple. We are glad ta hear that Mn. ore Rabbins is hame and has rnpletely, recavered fnom his Denation. M'aster Donald Buckley broke s wrist and two fingers while ighing. This time af the year is suit- e for a recipe of Bible cake. àke four and a haîf cups I rigs, IV, 22; 11,.2 cups Judges 25; 2 cups Jeremiah VI, 20; cups I Samuel XXX, 12; 2 cups îherm, 111, 12; 1 cup Numbens VII, 8; 2 tablespoons Samuel 1 IV. 25; 6 Jeremiah XVII, il;( cup Judges IV, 19; Pinches af E Chronicles IX. 9, and Levit- is I1, 13; 3 tablespoons Amas1 5. Cut in large portians and rve daily. r Merry Christmas and Happy e AT Year toa ah readers. I Ilý icus IV, serv mNew -w. - - -s - rPE:AcE: 1 012 '6ARCIH tSCHWARZ' BROS. WEBY - SELL - TRADE w LIVESTOCK L Phone MA 3-2895 or 3-5935 tcrest which gave a very truc 9to lite picture a! childrcn, their parents and even thein minis- ter becoming invaiveti in a Christmas schaol concert. 1It remaineti for a littie child ta leati them" was given by Mrs. Chas. Kerr. President Mrs. Cccil Milîs presidcd for a short business session when Mrs. Ken Hopkins agreed toaassist research by tea companies through the Canadian Association o! Con- sumers in determining how many cups o! tea can be ai,- taineti from hal! a pound o! any brand o! 'tea. Giving a repart o! gapd wark dane during the month bý' the Goati Neighbor's secretary Mrs. Fred Stevens, a reminder wév.s Igiven that a !niendly visit with a awee gift ta brighten anather's licaulti be most acceptable withaut going fan froni home. Mrs. Chas. Greenhamn super- viseti the rail cmli by dîstribu.- ing 25 numbened attractively wrapped gifts. A social time was enjoyed with tea, fancy sandwiches, Christmas cake, candy andi cookies fan refreshments. Januany meeting xvill r), gentleman's night with Dr. L. B. Williams, Town, showing a vmiety o! pictunes: many o! historical value ta Women's In- stitutes. A warm welcame is YELVERTON IVinter Closing In jAs winter cornes dloser tai fbeing an actuality, the first lsignificant skiff of snowv, a pre- view of much more to corne we trust, provides a singulari twist of irony coupled with a bizarre sense of humour which even we appreciate, blockades aur road leaving us as prospec- tive councillor marooned with the first half-inch of snowfad1. Yesterday, many an unsuspect- ing motorist fell prey to our local raad condition but man- aged to wallow his way through by devious means. One unsuspecting victimn nfj circumstances from a sheltered life in -Hog Town" providedl a merry caricature of "City Boy in Country", a sight as in- congruous as any depicting a 'Rube in the City" as he slip- ped and slithered in low ox- fords, hatless, mittless, coat- less and more or less brain- less through a couple of inch- es of well churned snowflakes in a futile attempt ta burn h'Is way through. Eiection Aftermath On Monday, Dec. 19, even the last of the series of election post-martems wvas sche duled ta be held in Janetville C.OF.I hall. In aur opinion, in wvhich we are flot alone, this is a ridi- culous custom, a hangover of the horse and buggy era, dreamed up fia doubt by some over zealous municipal candi- date seeking ta make political capital of the situation und,r the guise of being a "1good sport" and then praceeding to seek higher remuneration fo the office because of the pecun- ' ary burden (self) împosed up- on himself by seif-same carn- paign obligations. The only menit of these elec- tion hangovers, and this we aij- preciate, is that it provide s us candidates an - appartunity t i express aur gratitude ta those vho supported us. We beliéve however, that ratepayers se- lect a council for their busi- ness ability rather than as an ntertainment committee. Could - 1be wrang? The David Wilson's and Mrs. A. McQuade were Saturday vening guests of Mrs . Row- na Sherry of Part Hope. Congratulations ta the mem- 1 bers af the local C.G.I.T. an mIr jTyro and thein leaders in thc jfine wark being dane by theirl arganizatian. The local chunc jservice at Yelverton and Jan etville was taken by this es. Stîmable group. Sorry we miss- ed it! Sevie vas a candle-light service under the direction of j mangs best friend, A B of Mpassbook sirqow howing a nice litle balance Ir mtakes a big hit with the yaungstmr At Christmas .. . saves iast-minute shopping, too. Gift-wrapped with a Christmas caver. "MY BANK" in your neighbourhood will giadly take care af your needs. BANK OF MONTREAL, e",&*<4 7de 4ta" i5owmanville Branch. GEORGE MOiiy, manage, Oshawa Brancb: JOHN HUGHES, Manages wOR K 1NG0 wITIH CAA ÀDIANÀIN mE V E RY W A LK OP tIF! $INCE 181 7 ~- 1' _______a -- -. TERMSDAY, DEC. 22nd, t9U Mrs. John Burns andi Mrs. Ray Robinson with C.G.I.T. and Ty- ro boys tram Janetville and Yeiverton taking part. Those tuking part in serviceý wene Genaldine McGill ad Helen Buschlin, the scripture; Dianne Jardan led in prayer; Lorraine McGill read a stony; Richard Rogers cantnibuted 'i tpoem; Garny McMullen andi Sterling McGill were ushers for the occasion. Assisting in the candlelight portion wene Misses Ruth Heaslip, Ann Rog- ens, Patricia Morvan and Eli- zabeth Rowan. Church was de- carated -with nativity rnouhds made by these graups. A '"rash" of measies is cmr- cuhating thtough Yelverton cammunîty. Several families have already been affect,-d with a quite mihd touch o! the malady. The Yehverton Badminton Club hehd its annual Christmas party on Friday ,evening in Chunch Hall. After a pleasant evening o! mixed badminton games, the mnembers and thein familles enjayed a pleasant so- cial hour with hunch andi treats by the club, with a special treat for the ladies. The men dlean- ed up and did the dishes. Messrs. Ray Robinson ani Ralph Malcolm assisteti in the chair. at Bethany on Sunda.y evening. Several families mttended the South Janetville Christmas such a good program, a iovely B uRKETON decorated Christms treo vitii Santa and gitts for ail. The Christmas sehool concerti At Sunduy service, special helti in the church Friday even- I'usic by the chair. Service next ing, Dec. 17th, was well attend-j Sunday, Dec. 25 ut usual tume. cd and was under the directionrIRev. R. Green reati greetings o! Mn. M> McCov andi Mrs., fromn Rev. R. M. anti Mrs. Sey- the music teacher. Program in mour who are in Fioridu, U.S.A., chidcd canais and two vocal and Mn. anti Mrs. Gardon Hudi- solos by Mr. McCoy. Rev. R. B. son, Hastings. Ont., thanking al Green was chairman and thank- for kindness ta their tather. The ed aIl the childnen and mnothers bautiful baskets o!fifowers on %vho helpeti with the success O! the Communion table were in memary o! Mn. Hudson. co ncert anti report a fine per- Mrs.' Tom Bailey was ut her tormance. Much credit goes ta hom.e hast weekend. the pupils and thein teacher, Little, Gay Hubburd hus re.~ Mrs. Ray Robinson. turneti tram the haspitul. Mn. andi Mns. Bert McMulIcn IMn. and Mrs. Arthur Tompý and Garry on Sunday at the kins and Gardon, Mr..and Mns. J., Murray Malgolms. Rogers, Hampton, were Sundavr Predatos are n the lose visitos with M. and Mrs. J. again in this vicinity. Rahph Tompkins. Malcolm reports the , iss o~f Mr. andi Mrs. Orvile Greer two "*nannies" ta these canine and gils, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. carnvorsrecetly.Vintue andi childnen with Mrs. Mn. and Mns'. Murray Mal- Mr..and Mns. A. Bryan, Osha- colm and girls spent Friday wa, with the Hubbards. evening with the Victor Mal- Mn. andi Mrs. M. Lahav of cc" msToronto were recent visitons The better (?) haîf and I with Mn. andi Mrs. Roy Bane. wouhd ike at this tume ta con- Mn. George Dean lu stili in vey the Compliments o! this Ttronto. Festive Season toalal cannect- As corres5ondent, I wish ta ed with this paper, ta the neadi- extenti gneetings anti ahi goad ens (if ans-)'o! aur calunm d 'wishesfon a Merry Christmas ta ail those good ratepayers of!"anti a hippy New Year of heahth Manvers Township, nat forget- and, happiness ta the staff anti ting the James Boys anti fam- readtens o! the Canadian States- ilies. man.-M-s. J. Carter.- - 1 - --'~--.-w- -TR iqAIUÀLintàm

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