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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 17

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TMUMDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1953 (rs. Santa Takes Over A tB.&P. Yuletide Part y *Spode Party Nets $ 71 Members and guests of th~e Eowm4nville Bsns« and Profesajonal Women's club ea- Loyýed aChristmas party at the Balmioral Hotel on Thursdav çvening, Dec. 15. The dlnner t.leu were beautifully decor- §Med for the occasion by Au- a*ey Wray, chairman of the Sünshlne Committee, and corn- mitte* members Mabel Bag- fleli, Relta Hobbs and Rhoda Gordon. President Isabelle Da- vis presided. Exchange presents were pil- ed under a -décorated Christ- Mas tree, awaiting the arrivai ef Santa Claus to distribute themn. With great ringing of belîs, and drawn by a prancing eîf, Santa made an entrance, waving toalal from his vehicli, referred 'tu later on as an Olds 98, but actually a child's wa-i gon.1 As Kris Kringle bad a date with bis reindeer eight, he sent Mrs. Kris in bis place. This, and other things such as her attire o! wbat appeared ta be a red flannel nightgown, socks and red and white taque, were explained as Mrs. Kr-s read from a long scroll heýid by ber attendant ehf. Appar- ently the costume was ail that couid be saved when the Claus' bouse caught on fire. Santals Wit The poem caused a lot ni laughs, as did Santals wit a:; she gave out the parceis, assist- ed by Mabel Bagneli and the elf wha had heen commandeer- ed because Rudolph was home with a coid. Madiyn Wilonx as Mrs. Santa, and Helen Nellesj as ber assistant, Played their parts ta perfection, causing a 011WI 'f' Upholstering Harpell's Upholstering are expanding their services to the East For the Desi in Service and Guality Cail Your Local Representative PHONE MA 3-2356 We have a complete line of .fabrica to choose from and guarantee ail our work for a full five years. FREE ESTIMATES AT ANY TIME DAY OR EVENING. Fulil staff is employed in order to give you' fast, efficient service at the-lowest possible cost. HARPE LL S UPHOLSTERING:z:-~p-g--~s -------------- - K W.e H. BROWN King St. W. Phone MA 3-5497 a- : .R VIGOR OILl TmE CANAMWq STATESSM. BOWMANVTLLEONTAMO PAGESVETE great demi of fun and mi ment. Guest entettainers were et and Owen Scott, Ji dressed in a pretty Christ costume af red and white,1 formed a most enjoyable dance, and misa gave a hii skilful exhibition of hi twirling, dressed in the, turne oL a drumn majorette. b Lamna Fletcher accompar ber at the piano. Janet's brt er, Owen, playcd three numbers on the accord "Minuet'in G", "Cuckoo Wa. and "SUlent Night". Janeti Owen are the children af and Mrs. Norman J. Scott. b Scott and the young perfo: ers stayed for Santa's &rri, Mrs. William Jackson, head table guest, contribute( reading in keeping with Christmas season. It was e' tled, "Let's Keep ChristmE candensed from, the book the same narne by Peter- M1 shaîl. The thoughts contair in the remding and the f: manner i which it wms giv by Mrs. Jackson were mt appreciated. New Members President Isabelle Davis ce ed on Mernbership Conver Ada Dadson ta introduce t new members wha havej cently joined the club, a these were officially welcaxr by the president. They ai Myra Cooper and Dorai' Mann, teachers at Vince Massey School; Audrey Ric ards clerk at Marr's Jewelle: Mrs. Nettie Butler, Villa Clerk and Treasurer o! Ne, castle: Mrs. Shirley Conne Ôwner Cream of Barley Camr Rhoda Gordon, Reg. Nurse Mernarial Hospital, Bowrna ville. Objectives o! the cih were read ta the new 'mer bers wha then received a coi of the Constitution and abje tives, Mrs. J. J. Brown, gue of Frances Heari, was introdui The presideilt contribute the thought that Christmn customs of some New Canad ans might possibly influenc our own customs in time. Fi some, gift giving occurso Dec. 6, and Christmas itself kept as a holy day. Spode Report Velma Gay reported that th recent Spode Coffee Part, made $71, with one bill ye -outstanding. Florence Tomlix son, Corresponding Secretar3 read greetings received fron B. & P. clubs in Charlottetown Trenton, Brockvilie, Brandor and Dartmouth, also from Nor ma Arkies, former regional ad viser, and directors of the On tario Federation. An invitatio. t o attend a meeting of the Osh. awa Club on Internationaý Night, Feb. 20, was accepted Vi McFeeters reported that th,- trvligapron had been com. pleted and proceeds would bc iannounced next meeting. Carol singing was enjoyed during the evening. and the meeting closed wlth another carol and reading of the Creed. 1AnnuaI White Gifi Service The entîre Sunday School attended the marning service at St. Paul's, United Church last Sunday for the annua] White Guft service. Superin- tendent Wilfrid Carruthers and ail the teachers attended with etheir classes. The childi-en in process'ion carried the gifts ta the front of the church where îthey were received by Marie Ferguson and Beatrice Hodg- son who were dressed in angel costumes. The Junior Choir, under the direction of Ruth Bragg and Marie Ferguson, led the ser- vice af sang and contributed a' speciai number, "The Silver Belîs". Mrs. C. H. Dudley pre- sided at, the organ, and the service was conducted by the minister, Rev. Harold Turner. In former years, ail the White Gifts have been dnt ed ta Woodgreen Commnt Centre in.Toronto. This year, a division was made between the Bawrnanville branch af the~ Salvation Army, and the Wood- green Centre. Ca. SERVICE STATION Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PHONE 3881 0 NEWCASTLE FREE GLASS WARE given away with the purchase ofJ or more of gasoline VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR RIHIRTE4-¶ 3E0I £44çà six gallons Gal. TaxI me. Gal. STOVE 'GIL For your comvonieuce, in amail paifies available ai lie station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS I PI arr- Jan- ,anet mas per- tapi ton mY Mathi M i Instead of the usual columnn mas ful af warmth and happi- ac tm nied ofa odds and ends, smmrt alec ness they were faced wîth a went aboi oth- remarks, and nonsense, witli Christmas bleak with despair, intense fi fine your kind permission, l'il tell lacking everything that usuai. sessed be lion,~ you a littie Christmas story ly made it good, as well as a ing ta hfi Itz ti week. We'h1 eall it: "Tur- cheerless winter ahead, exist- knew bel aâhd key for Easter". by the barest af margins. bling. Mr. . . . Nirs. Sm- In my own home town, It was a shambies. Turkeys A wh ival. when I wasa boy, a Turkey were hurled into the street and in, with Pair was held every winter. trampled on by bitter, frustrat- and mY a shartly before Christmas. There ed men. Others spent their those low ýd a was a distiict north of the last fifty cents for a hottie 'if drives cu the town that was poor- iarming cheap wine and gat drunk. The Then heN flti- land. It was rough and racky, people of the tawn looked mother loi ,as . lke ome parts of the Bruce grave,, sympathetic, worried. assed. Th of ennsuaand itsinhabitants far- had a difficult time scraping ne-d a living out af the inhospitable fie land. Sa most o! them grew ichl turkeys. They'd let themn run practicaliy wild through tha year, then bring them ta town for the TXurkey- Fair. The main ail- strtet wauld be lined with nor sieighs, cutters and aid cars, the ail piled high with turkeys for re- sale, Buyers would corne frorn nd the cities, and the townspeople aed wauld ail be out ta pick up .. .... ira: their Christmas fawl. As a re- hy suit, the town street would be ent crawded. Jingling sieigh-beils, cn- scurrying people, filled with !ry; the Christmnas spirit, and ge crowds af turkey farmers and ýw- their families, with the sharp -~'~ ell, faced 'buyers from Montreal L op; and Ottawa scuttling araund at trying ta get the best birds for anl- the least maney, made it an ýub exciting day far the town's ~.....~ m- youngsters, and quite a few of py us didn't show up at schac i c- that day. est . e- M'I neyer forget ane Turkey. Fair, when I was about twelve ed years old. It was right in the as middle af the depressian. As Ji- usual the street was iined watn eturkey farmers, selling theïr or wares, by fine o'ciack in the on mrnnng. This was the big day is af the year far thern. The rest ai the year, they barely mari- aged ta make ends xmeet. But ,ewhen they had'-sold their tur- ICkeys, they were rich for a day. iy Some o! them would have as CI much as tbîrty or forty dallars, a lot ai money in those days. Blue and Gold- Fancy 15-oz. Y, This was the gravy for tbern. PE - * - m It meant that the children P A2orO ni, wauld have something for For n, Christmas, that mother might get a new dress, or a pair ofi hrstmas e ra s shoes, that father could have 0- a few beers and niaybe buv J. William Horsey Brand asome shelis for his gun, and. Sweetened - Florida - 20-oz, tin fl that their credit at the sta-,e G A o cauld be sustained. They, werel RA GE JUCE 2'Fr 3c terribly poor. j-Fuy - 2-z A e Weli, this one year, sarom ON T UIE 2Fo 9 thing happened. A h time,I O A J CE 2 o29 had na idea what it was, but Sparkiing! Refreshlng it was probabiy a glut af fowl ,Amerlca Dry - 3-: ol rpeople withaut money ta buy CIGE A E Fr 7 turkey for Christmas. At any rate, the Turkey Fair wms an Buy by the Case and Save! utter failure. Oniy a few buy- (Plus bottie deposit) Case of 12 1.49 ers showed up, a lot ai the----lorWW ~ tawnspeopîe simply did flot HANSEN'S...-. Assorted - 5%-oz. pkg have any money, and were liv- ing on credit, and the farmers could flot get rid of their tur- 'ns tant Icing 2 keys. At first they were seil- ing a few for outrageousiy low Add Variety to your table! prices, twelve or thirteen cents Comnbination of Stuffed and Plain - 16., a paund, instead of the usual eighteen ta twenty-fihve. But by noan the turkey farmers G att so E were nearngtpnis.ThO lives were running around it -qauia"< IR turkey in each hand, canvaàss-- Grade A - Over 18 lbs. - PRE-DRESSED ing houses, trying ta seil tbem for seven and eight, cents, a u k yL 53 mier Trkyslb53 Completely 'Cleaned -* Read, fee, etc. By fur 'clck i th afer- removed belore wel.-hlng naon, the full extent aio the 1 -- tragedy had been revealed.1 Serve Fresh Cranberry Sauce with Women staad by their sleigh- loads of turkeys, witb the Turkey - Ocean Spray - Cape Cod No. tears streaming down their fa- ces, and three or four of their chiidren, cald and hungry, r n e i s wailing In syrnpathy. The rnen's faces shawed anges, Catifornia - Red - Crisp fright, and bewiiderrnent. it was a bitter day for themn. It meant that instead o! a Christ- E p r rG a e CROOKED CREEK SCHOILr- ----- Even the downpour cd the sn gçnerai 1 don't more smd did that was. Whe: am C1ici> %e Ièu dric rucaJng Names in order af menit. Grade VIII - Bruce Ogdein, Ruth Getlik, John Wagenaar. Grade VI-Carol Hicks, Ma- ry Reid. Grade V.-Stephen Simpson, Mary Lee Simpson. Grade IV. - Harry Wagen- aar, Lea De Mooy. Grade 11.-Tommy Perrin. Grade II.-Andy Wagenaar, Bert Reid, John Paýullese. Grade 1 - Bobby Simnpson, Brian Ogden. Mrs. Theresa Martin, Teacb- a ccan] do, ex Reg.1 johnso T. C. Petbick. Enniskilien T M Semon, Enniskillen P. L. Byam. Tyrans G. A. Barron. Hampton Inruli's Store. Courtice A. L. Ribey, Burketan H. T. Saywell. Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal Gil bert Food Market. Millbrook Henderson's Book Store. Oshawa 0 * 9 - Bowmanville - R. P. gickabyv - "Big 20"8 W. J. Berr-y Jack's Smakc Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Laveil- Goheen's Handy Store The Stateaman OMMo io many of us, when wE nplish what we set out tc ,claim, "See what I have !instead af sayinf, "See 'e have been led.' -Hen- ord. SStatesman Sold :olIowing Stores Edmund's Stote, Bethany in's Drug Store, Newcastle Enwrighî, Newcastle I FeJ Çhuck full of Nuti and Fruits! r ichmello *Delicious Approm. lb.. Piee -5C. Christie's Imperial Approx. lb. piece 55C Approx. 2-lb. Gilchrist's PLUN PUDDING Crosse & Blackwell NU! DBREADS Shirrif f's FRUIT PUDDING ýALNGND ICING. E 4 E - e4~ I I I cSauqar anc1 Spice 4 By Bill Smiley ln The -Wiarton "Echo" % h te s t « , h .( a n d $ et e n tîy b e fo re th e c h l SetÈ4 d thlet lrite hi - o areinde1.l6 hoo, a aprig or hOjf)y aacn fir beaisu Uy o erthe Warmthof adrufafl o ,cfto~ et or n". eay*hEen t bubbl. ftwih W'j n od wf ore tw Sedeck Vth th, 0warlh ndt0odf,-l ~.W slt 014 ad - d ' er,flte Eas a ,h thmn MWonareh - sweet StockIN --orth - 35ediC cAN Sry SAUCe r Elled2-oW h Sto r Uprotwee-nIIAfILW A 5 lVle or Bronslcd 2-r ofAsre lvus-wt lvu RICHIELLOBREA 15CShirriff's - 3'4J-oz. pkg.1 RICMELO DEAD 15cLUSHUS - - 3Fos29c, ýheavens wept, and a r of freezlng ramn foui- snow and increased the misery. 0 0 * tthink I have ever felt dand depressed than i tday, child though 1 Ln I got home I want- piii ail my feelings to ier, but one look at her d me she Jknew. She Dut her work with that fury that always pas- er when she was try- de her feelings, and I tter than to start bab- . 0 te hlue later my Dad came a long face, and hei mother held one of v-vaiced conclaves that urious children crazy. went back outside. My ooked a littie less bar- hen the rest of the1 Approx. 4-lb. Piee 1951 piece 1005 Each S&c 8-or. Tin 25C1 l%-og. fun 8-01. Tin 25c 1 family began young brothq around, and difference of most forgot farmers and the babble of When my-- ail sat down1 days, you ate time, in our Dad stililaio but flot so b, we kids wei once, as usui burg for supl a bit disgrunt enLs !or bein uncommunical to attrajcta "Hamburg, hi We're a1lvay: Aren't we el anythinR ehS You know ho things like thý fllfley aide. *'.Vtr nd r.<. lteton. rdn t Carol ?arcp aaMMemfat mEl the nmen and wornen Yot, wM ev., ne a"."tIIhea (or a Mery Chrlau,.,ýe in the mi<dle OSiog ,»P. MCmoA0 - 16-o:. jar A must for every Christmas dinner! GOGD LUCK Lb. Pkg. 35C Freshly Ground IRICHNIELLO CGFFEE Lb. 99C For Mineemeat, Pics, Tarts, etc. MWaple Lest Brand 15-oz, tin 28-oz. tin B'IAIIuAAKDA M 43'LC LU0AF CIlHETESE -95c 9. ~ ~For Cooking Christinas Fo"wl!e*I Stuart House - Aluminum 25-ft. 12-incli roll Ltor 39c Foilwrap 27c' moz. owl bowl jar Rich in Flavour - Cherry llI 12 oz. wedgeý 49c 1OId Cheese 59 MIaple Lest.- Smolced - Ready to Serve Maple Leaf - Ideal for Poultry DressIngÀ :oke am l.5 ~ Pure Pork - 1-lb. pg Sage, Savoury,. Thyme, Pouitry Dr essing Glenwood - 1 -z.botle SPICES - * lcl Real Value! Tour Christmas New Jersey No. 1 - Ksin Dried 1-1-b. cello 25 cSweetPiotatoes 43Ibs-29c Ontario No. 1 - Waxed Ibs. 23C Turnips Pound c Ch ristmas Nuts--and--- -Real Value! Assorted Quality Mixture SATIN HARD MI&Xlb. Cello Bag 29C1 CREANS AND GUNS1b. Cello Bag29C~ Crystallized FRENCH CREANS b. cello Baig 3c Sweetà lb. Box Attractively Boxed CANDY CANES pFMixture contains Pecans, Almonds,1 rFilberts, Brazils - Beaver éCalifornia - Diamond Budded LARGE WALNUTS rTLhe FRIRDIFollRgat ~MIN ION I Il .7-, t.,.. ~, Pkg. of a 25c Walnuts b. Ceilo 13« 49C~ b. Celia Ba.g 59c~ ýn coming in, my lot af hamburg, but f liked it. îer started horsing * * * witb the tough in- My mither gave me one lo fa jyoungster, I al- got up, took me by the ear, about the turkey rnarched me ta the woodshedà their despair, in door, off the kitchen, opened, f the family. il, and said: "Yes, you're going4 1 ta get sametbing besides am-,n dad gat home, we burg. You'lre going ta eat tsar. ta supper. In those key from now untal Emster"p., e supper at suppel.- There, hanging fram the raf4-I circle. Mother and ters in the woodshed, were oked pretty grave, about twelve or thirteen big bad as before, and turkeys. re li talking at iai. We had ham- Next day I found out that Per. 1 was feeling ather families in town, amnong. tled with my par- those who wvere able, had don%, ,ng so seriaus anid the'sarne thing, out af sympa- tive, sa, probably thy for the turkey farmers. By. attention, I said: the lime they had given tu,.- amburg, bamnburg. keys toalal their friends, neigh- 's eating hamburg. bours and relatives, in an at. ver gaing ta eat ternpt ta get rid of thern, there e around here?"1 were few people who went 0ow a kid will say without turkey THAT ChrIst- at. We did have a mas in the town. fake the Ctàpco d c er nouw, sari n air " cear it tinke n'h add two gene,,artus of en er,,<,,heart.irt, WkX6Yu aMgemj itînas 1 ISt. Paul's Holds 1 1 ), Ali: . . - plece 1,50 ï 1 Approx. 2-1b. Piece Loo 35c 1 mi %db 'l P ru ru 9 r 1 à llnlneY side- Sweet Approx. 3-1b. ----Www i lb l

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