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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 18

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-' ~ - - - - - - PAGE KYiETEEN _______TIM C"AAD N~~~~TMDY STTLMA. OWAN 22r.2TÂJ THURSDAY, DEC. 22, lkeA/ewcadle9 1 Crdonn ARnw. Editnr FilOUSJD~L I The fail books are caming m out now, but- there are 8h11l saine good ones frorn hast spring that might be recam- mnended. One af these is John Boland's "White August", (Mi- Friends of Mrs. Keith F. at a card party in their home an 1St 1 0 5te'sWet", i alîstouanh Aiken wil be s oryt learn Friday evening an the occasionVV T l f IC ffc ,m fhr, manta.Buteeaefe that she is seriously iii and is a of the40t anivesEr t i iEDChr stm s P rtyimasibthion t hr ae patient in the Toranta General oef4Oth anniversary af their gs eseaays, liospital. We are sure ail wili wedding. In hanour of the and what with fiyingsaer join with us in wishing far ber occasion, the guests presented adncerfsin n n speedy and complote recavery. Mrs. Tamblyn with a Lazy- P rep are i fI t B oxes thig aber ntaems fu Mgr. and fMrsilbet erfl Susa serving tray and Mr. With twenty-five members Christmas Party -in 'the Cm- rost, that on that Juy even- were Sunday guests witb Mr. Tmby o fcgr. adtreget natnac uîyHl on Saturday after- .tng of wbîch Mr. Boland writes, Tracy Manes and famiiv. Miss Lois Martin af Toronto. the Annual Christmas meet- noon. The members decided ta sno did actually faîl in the1 Mrs F.Hays, rs.R. age spntthe weekend visiting witb îing of the Newcastle Lions hire Mr. Eric Johnson ta 's- rmiddle of a heat wave and, Mrs' A. Brown and Miss Luelia Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kelsey. i Club was held in the dining-ipervise the children's activities Fovered the wholé of the Brit-1 Brown, ail af Peterborough, Mr. G. H. Hodgson, accom- room of the Qtieen'sHotel on at the local Arena every Satur- ish Isles. were dinner guests with Mrs. panying Mr. and Mrs. Roii Tbursday evening. Foliowing day-afternaon duririg the skat- It becomes apparent that the Pinle nd hiirenai auric, a deliciaus dinner, the mem- ing season. Chairman Howardso s epnofwr a MrarSenMs. an Sundambl visited with Mrs. Hodgson ini ber s enjoyed a lively sing song Toms and his comrnttee were di-active and deadly; but no entrtine afewofther riedsGravenhurst on Sunday and o aort Carols granted the funds necessary retaliation can be affected (the entrtine afewaither riedsfund er ta be steadily improv- led by Lion Frank Ri«kard. for the distribution of Christ- radar screens are of ne avail) ing. Loion President, Rod Carveth mas boxes ta the needy. as no one knows who the en- Ms.D.M.Benad odducted a short business per- The business completed, emy is' or where the snaw is Mr n r.D .Bradidduring which Lion Murray Santa Claus' arrived and pass-caigfo. nth nik i E.rncad Mran Ms.D Patterson reported bis cam- ed Out gifts te ail in attend- lime, however, scientists locate I< .Bradvisited with Mr. and mitee had everything in readl- ance and a social time was en- tbe source and the nation's de- Mrs. I. C. Mattbews and familyl in Trentan on Sunday. ns o h nulCide' ae.fonces' destroy it. r l JMr. and Mrs. Lea Gray of T i hrarietterfedi E .1Oshawa visited with Mr. and his*ca*r.* A evning the i thir . Few af us ever worryrv I~ o al ur redsandI 40h wddng nnierary DMiss Patsy Ellis entertained much about falling ta aur Y T al urfrens nd Mrs. Gardon Garrod, cne- ecorarions a number of ber friends at ber deaths whiio ciimbing Mt. Ev- ;1 arnorwse or a i4 ro the Little Helpers' Com- birtbday party recentiy. erest or being eaten by a cam- c pChristmas season that reallv r mîte of St. George's ChurhMs .Mls hse W ring the blleln.very Ar asssted b Mrs. ougofCnnsng- r Ch, * rng te ellinevryw,. a ssse ylMs Du.'nn -Fr Christrm as Bruce visited Mr. and'Mrs. . mgeet that sort of fate. But we $May ltç happiness brightenA aetrano h ebr Hope, Port Perry. d worry about cancer, polio ail the days ahead. of the Little Holpers' Group and Anyone wbo bas had any Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and beart disease, as those 01 their mothers at tiie Community doubt that Christmas was cam- and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. John thi ngs can happen. And a, good p ; Hall on Tuesday, Docember 13.. ing close, must have had thase Oke and children wlth Mr. and many people are those days re- t OGU I NN E y 'S 1 Deliciaus refreshments were doubts dispelled during the past Mrs. W. Oke. Arhr ak o anciled tethe belief that w Barber children attables tastefully dec- h a rm o n i zi ng the beautifuli and Stany, uetofM earth and reach out thro ]abrShop orateci for the occasion andi in Christmas carois throughout the Sunday d iner Toronto, were c tamitureeso ai ddtio , ndiid al bag a vila e.and Mrs. R. J. Ormislon - inhabitants of other planets. fi L mINWSTLE andies and goodies and a Members of the Newcastle Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon And why shouldn't we bave Ci ;Christmas gift were receiveci by Friendship Club wore out ini Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. J. such beliofs? After ail, the lit- CI ____ are ubes oioixgth, rffn erate world took George Or- R ---------. ----- --achurch services on Sunday even- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, woli's story about the "Animal n insnin h l f, ieMiHln unr shwFr'-i. t srdeenwe t > 1 fI c a r r a i o nfor h e s i k a n d s h i n , b y w e r e v i s i t o r s o a i M r . a n d i M r s . t h b o s s a d t e c s g e w n g s i g n t e a i f a u r e M s s H l n T n r , O a w , a r - i n l s s r e , v n w n n l folo edon onaovein . F. Darlanci. tirod af man's domination anîd ar As the cheey-Yltide imenibers of the Evening Branch Mr. and Mrs. Mervin ]3i,-,,taok aver. Evon bis sordid taie jý cery uflAof St. George's Woman's Aux- Janice and Neil, Sauna, we aiorwbat -the worid wouid be 51-1E bouls ring out, hailing J îliary.* assisteci by members ai recent visitors af Mr. and Mrs. like-in "1984" was palatable. t te fsie hldytecor R. J. Ormiston. After ail Ibis - and Jules re STrough fia inducements, such Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone, Verne and Orson Welles, 10- E season, we'd lilce te . as are made in other commun- Wbitby; Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowl- ities, bave been offered, num- ing, Biackstock, with Mr. and read the scripture lesson and Mv chime in with our eraus cîtizens in the village have Mr,. R. McNeil. added ta the Yuietide spirit by Ms .Sano Gloria Wright led in the res- *. .*heartiest wisbes for outside decorations at their spent.Sandayw Mrs.L.Sanonpansive reading. A, delightfulin, homes. with heautiful lighting Mrs E. Carlson, Toronto. qatte nmer entitled orfriencis and neigh- efcs These added ta the Ms'VraWoTrna "Dear Little Stranger" vas La aur eusu ine decorations on the, r.Ven ooTr rerndered by Mary Gril lin, n( onerusuaMfyne tree onthewith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs . Nancy WodEeorHadndI bas a aloveîy evergreen tesonteS. R. Pethick. Carrai righî wiHeaGiordiak - and ail, enjoy the very Community Hall groundis are a Dr. J. E. Dalton, Montreal, Cro Wright rsiîn th -eora _k T ~credit ta the community. visited at Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Wrayh esidwre le by an.aTB Sbrightest andi happiest a;Ashton's. PaW earn ani e MciL. Th e tneo orliv os. ra Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston,Warîng sa n auncd by Lh W .ifOLJDAYJ yaur g Mate Rnad Ft-uri5te"Mary Griffin and received by syt atEvern. and Mrs. ruol CatosCarrai Wright and Lina Yeo clo IM iem bers Enj*oy ai Shirley; Mr. and Mrs. Sandv ' r Is ne W r~h. p~gsoi. T Moo ra, ortsPeryceMrsCar- story"White Christmas" was ma H . '. T M S a d F m il ule Banq et amI r. and Mrs. Wiibur given by Ruth Lamb and Gli- y ~Toms and Wilma, Mr. Keith ïa Wright. The Lord's Prayeýr On Wednesday evening, De- VanCamp, Purple Hill, were was beautifuily sung by thce NEWCSTLEcemer 1ththe embrs o Wit Mr andMrs F. oms group with Nancy Wood as a.- t N E W A S T E c m be 14 h, tehem bers ai w ic o f t r n rs . T m . com p an ist an d d irected b y M rs. K ir theEveîng Brncb ai t. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leacibeater G. Yeo. tbhe - ~~~~ George's Woman's Auxiiary and by with Mrs. Mabel Ai-. bfvecnKeigtesw r S Queen's Hotel for their annuai Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, Ruth Lamb, Reva McGil Nan- - -Christmas Banquet. Oshawa, at Mr. andi Mrs.A' cy Wood, Carri Wright andi Foilowing a deliciaus dinner. Oke's. Lorna Wearn. Words ofai pe Mrs. Giadys Beisey, on behaif Mr. andi Mrs. Eci. Cox an ciatian wore oxpressed by te ofa the members made a pros-1family atMr. and Mrs. Lloyd leader, Mrs. O. C. Ashton. entation af a compact la the Smiths, Hampton. Many in the cangrogation At this very special prosident, Mrs. Dewdney, andi M s aln atrBw rsne hb usfi h season ai the year, al] joined in singing Christmas ,anvilie, i visiting wilh Mr. Olci People's Home at Cobourg. it's aur pleasuro ta Carais ancfoid favourite sangs.janMd Mrs. . Virtue. Tbese were dedicateci by Rev. gre e, u od Miss B. Mclntosh, the honorary M .anc Mrs. S. R. Pethickc R. B. Green, wba aiso pro- presedherappecatin t th 1nepew r. .*F. Bradley, Our scbool Christmas con- ~cert was presented te a capa- Yeu hatthe omix Ibis speciai meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson city filleci Cammunity Hall on yearrna beR tme heduties o Santa Claus withMr andi Mrs. Jack Hen, - Dec,. 151h. ~'ea mas be lim - wre taken over by Mesdamesi ershot, Osb awa. Jm Rwnal ce s of a peace an oartb, Carolyn and Lou Alîdreaci who MsSuan Wearn with Miss chairman ta announlce the loi- gooci wiil taward distributed ifus te ail present. Betty Jane Werry. lowing pragram: Welcome reci- mon. Happy bol- The singing ai more camais and ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu- tation by Marie Beckett, Iwo idays te one and ai Auhd Lang Syne" brought a son visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. Don- groups ai charuses by the son- most enjoyabie ovening ta a aid Lèe, Oshawa. iars with Miss N. Alun, music close. Clark Werry, University af1i supervior directing the sing- Toronto, is spending bis Christ. ing oftheý numbers. "This Is mas boiidays with bis parents, M Fathr Worid," "Autumn,I The human being is an In- Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. "liPItl n to prs surabie aptimist. He believes Clarence Stainton with Grant Y "C hars in"OCame ailtYe onat ha n Hardwar has a pretty gooci chance ta errC aihf .0 "waCIoMeAn- ,B on than H ard arein a iattery prize, bu~t thkt The Football Boys' dance was gor", '"Don't Wait Till tbc there is scarcely the slightest heici on Friday evening Dec. 16. Night Befare Christmas". IIATC ~chance ai bis getting kilied .*.a Winners af goose and turkoys A rhythm band consisting of LIITEDL/ a traffic accident. were as follows: Leonard membors 'aif grades 1 and Do-it-yourseli projects '10 Stainton, Enniskillen, a goose; were given, conducteci by Bet- ~~~NEW CASTLE--------- more than develop a man*s Betty Jane Werry, Enniskillen, ty Jane Werry with Lois Ash- skiil with tools. They are apt a turkey; Ross Soucb, Bow- ton as pianist and consisted of1 te eniar-e bis vocabulary aI the manville, a turkey. Ail had a Carpenter andi Santa Claus. .- .~ am tie.gooci lime. Another dance is ta Two short piays entitied A àh* behelci this coming Friday. Bandit Santa Claus" with1 i Tickets for tuirkeys wrill si heylRo-nBrceFegu 51.4 nji e verp&dge / To all ouir Frends'and ut m r '11 We Extend Best Wishes fora CAR VET - - IlVery Merry Christmas I and a MOTORS . ... Happy New Year i NEWCÇTLESid Lancaster GARAGE R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE believing that snow >would fai in ulIY is effortless.w reading is Prof. Nicholas Man. sergh's "The Name and NaturE of the British Comm~onwealth" This is an intriguing subject foi thé student of empire develop- ment. Prof. Mansergh relateý the origin and development oi the comlnanwealth concept from. the time Lord Roseberv first used the termn in Adelaid'1 in 1884. If You fmnd that fare a bit too rich for your past-harvest appetite then take a look at Erie Nicals latest baok of hu- mor-"'Shalî We Join the La. dies" (Ryerson). Mr. Nicol, yau may remember, is on the staff of The Vancouver Province. He says he gave up writing poetry when he was at col- lege because he found out that Blake "was nutty as a fruit- cake and Swinburne ran around the house naked". Mr. Nicol must know that most paets are mad-Baudel- aire, Flaubert, Goethe, Poe, Rousseau, Strindberg, Ruskin, ail of them-but he insists ho is rational only because he left their cà'mpany. I like bis story in "Shall We Join the Ladies"' where he tries ta open an ac- aount in an English bank. I tried that once and decided it .vas easier to use the old sock. The erudite Literary T im.ts1 of London bas said in an ap- preciation of Canadian writing bhat at last the Canadian has a"sense of who ho is and wbere be belongs". It is good ta bear tbis, but it is canfusing ta know that in finding where they belong such Canadian writers as Thomas Castain, Morley Callaghan and Robert Thomas Allen spend most of their time in the Un- ted States, while New Bruns3ý wick author Lawrence Earl and the yaung Montreal writer Mordecai Richier are findingr Leir destinies in aid London. But then Canada bas as star rsidents such persanalities as Ilis, Linda Yeo, Vicki Picker- Ig, Lois Ashton, Judy Green, David Stainton, Anne Lepine, aura Grilfin, Kathryn Sie- [on, Mary Yeo, Daphne Green, [aureen McNair, Wayne Bee- itt, Charles Ashton, Neil Yeo,1 'erry Cox. George Leacibeater. 3etty Jane Werry, Betty Tright, Richard Pickering, ýeona Ferguson. Ronald For- -th, Penny Pickering, gave a losing recitation, 'Goodnighl". ýas .prosented ta each chilci by .0 Sunday School and - Santa At lie close a bag ai candy iado bis annual visit. In area Canada is about for- times the sizo aof the United 1 ngdom, bas about ane-third ie population ai the Unitedi ingdom. ("The Cruel Sea",) anid Scoi[ land'a David Walker ("Geai'- die" and "The Piller"> *ho have corne here ta live and work. Sir Harold 'Nicholson, whose talks on the BBC are always refreshing, recently had rnuch ta say about reading habits. He Points out that there is a vaut difference between the reading habit and just being able t: read. Because bis experience bas been that mast "books that are good for you" are duli books be does flot recommend that parents should insist that their children only read books that are improving. Children, accarding ta this great reader,j should be encauraged ta read books or papers that interest tbem. If they are interested, he argues, tbey will learn to read 1: may be rude, but il is the WitiiOut strain and in Ibis mari- badge and symbol of the read- ""'I Here's wishing thlat Christmas xviii bring youÀ a bountiful measure of ioys deeply shared with'thoseJ Snear and dear. of friendships strengthened ... hapes renewed . . . dreams came true. May the happiness af the Day prove the prelude ta a New Year richly blessed with the best things of life. Geo. W. Graham NEWCASTLEj - r'rom the littlest arigel ta awaken an Christmas m rorn to the oldest of Santa's helpers on Christmas Seve, we send aur cheeriest Yuletide xishes. May Sthe holiday season be a jayous one for you, filled with ail of-the delightful things that spell Chri tnrpsà Icheer thraughout the world. To everyone, a Mefry*ý Christmas. NEWS LUNCH NEWCASTLE Eie stm as May this holiday seasonbe as bright as a Yuletide candle. . . chock full of happiness and hee. My i herld Ne Yer b Igh Re B. Rickard NEWCASTLE F/i0 lic/ay ÇreetïigS In the spirit of the wise men, carne lot us adore Him . . . lifting our hearts wiîh the joyous promise of Fis message. Warrington 01 B. A.I Service NEWCASTLE Dl# ner will soon acquire thie read- ing habit, a habit which genà erally serves one comfotabiv Iwell tbroughout life, partlicu l.urly when the age of 40 has' been passed. an age which Sir Harold unflinchingly calîs mid- die. His rules for reading are wO read continuously and don't skip, ta read ail the book of one author before going an, .o anything else, and if you- are learning a foreign language Io flot bother ta read "'the best"y books. Tbere is no stimulus taO learning quite sa resourceful es interest. Finaily, Sir Haq says that one can spot a ~p1 son who bas acquired the re~ ing habit, he cannot refrà !i lrom peeping 84 books beirtg read by othor people on buses. 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