A' ~s J - 't ~t.. I - be t~îte~m4u ____________BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIRIO.THRqlPrnAV- T KD(.P n. 9"A ,.jssue Building Permit 1or Public Building -ýAt Planning Bd. Session Bcwmanville Planning and ly he Bob Battle farm. w~ ,,gve op!nen Board bad a bus given tha green light but pa ngt Monday wban tbey con- af the industnial zoning in th sldered numarous p roapo sead area will ba changed ta nasideý building sub-divisions and the tial. The Alîchin sub-divisi( Issuing of several building pan- also recaived the officiai bles mnita. The new post office, ta ha ing of the board. Iocated an the corner a! Tem- An inquiry fnom Lea Bergi Perance "nd Chunch came in for regarding bis praperty at t] tome crticism. sautb end o! Liberty Streeti It was faIt that this govern- Highway 401 was deait wit! meant building should ba futhar Mn. Berger wanted ta know if back from' tha sidawa]ks accord- residanca could ba built on h lng ta the by-law but as plans lot whan it is in a light industriî end specifications for the build- area. As long as the lot ai- ing bad bean dnawn up bafone building conform ta the spa( the passing o! tha Zoning By- ifications for a nesidantial are Iaw it was decidad that a build- as fan as the board is concerne ing permit should ha issued. this is passible. Howaver, the cautioned Mn. Berger that t Two sub-divjsions ware recom- woUld likely also have ta gE inendad ta council for approval. permission 'fnom the Dept.c Tha Jones sub-division, former- Highways and the Health Unit. Once Trinit y Organist Tom Stanley Hon ored By- Port Hope Church Tbîrty veannao! service as formalities antarad into by thE organîst and choir director af committee. of which ha wasa the Port Hope United Church member, when Mr. Stanley'E wene fittingly recognized racant- contract was dnawn up and sign- Iy when Thomas W. Stanley, 79, ad. "That contract bas beer was honaunad by many well- doubly fulfilled," ha said. A wisbers at a gathaning in the gold kay ta the church organ United Cburch Sunday School was presented ta the weli kr -)wn Hall. Prior ta moving ta Port organist, with an invitatioa tc Hope .Mr. Stanley wvas organist use the ongan as and wban he and choîrmastar at Trnity Unit- wisbad. ed Churcb, Bowmanvilie, for Miss Natta Brownlee, pras- saveral yeats. ident of the chair, paid tibuta Mlssad Only Once ta Mn. Stanley's work with bath Mr. Stanley, who cama ta this senior and junior choirs, and country with bis wifa 50 yaars Mns. J. S. Reynalds prasented aga, bas been living in 'Pont him with a boutonniere and Mns. Hope for 30 years. In that time Stanley with an archid corsage. ha bas mnissad only ana Sunday Ealiar in the season Mr. service. Ha still carnies an full- Stanlay bad racaivad an arm- time dutias as music diractor in chair as a tribute ta bis work, the public scboois. fnom the United Chunch chair. Gold Key Prasented (Continuad on page sven) In an informai addness, A. E. Fulford told the gathning of the P é r ik. ~New El ~For Dei OlFffll _ Due to a rt 0& JkB e c a u s e o f a t a c h i his c nnecion ith bis i [on . School Board ta run ir ss- W ing' o municipal el ,,er e December 5, GarnetE e. wha was elected Dep at o0f Dariington for 199 th. time, has had ta file8 ? ~claiming his rîght ta is sibyan election - fci nd ~~.5itiio! fDpt-ev necessary.n cd.. 5fi the position wîllt CY 12 noon on Tuesday, ýe 0 2a'y if an alactior et 1 sand itwill be hald 4day, Ja nuary 5a *polling places as tha .5 laction from 10 am f 1I ~ 5Resgation Wronzly -e t The tecnnicallty wh j inecessary for Mr.R Sdisclaim bis right ta tti af Deputy-Raava, whic] M ~H. Mumford, was that1 j' wit that bDrhaccors -~ ~ nomition day, he a a e 4M esignth i fn o t a Daliîngton TownshipC withanu d. Acr 'j He subsaquentlyr rar elaction, defeated hisc ddthe Dintooffic, b. aspropanly eai SWere baing quastionad ~ checked up on the maittE t i nesuit ha faund that technicaiiy not qualified V Deputy-Reeva's office the Municipal Act naqi he should hava tandena< y ignation fromn the High ~'W~~-~.- SBoard with its sacratar R than with the Danlingic - .5as ha bad done. Neithez .5had been aware of t ~<-<-~-when hae filed his nasigni 7L..JLS uceeb e heBîrtIdav Had Mn. Rickand dona it would have been up Of Him Who a born n Bethlehem - oponaent, or is opponer was iporters, ta caystian tha Sof the elecflon in the air-on the HoIv N b ct f log ao"'yth Had they fot done so wi waeks, according ta thE cipal Act, is elctior true irt fChita surround o and you hava been lagal. uvrSP ~ rs~a 'U. Instead, ha informE 1.-a . wLownship Clrk, M. Run .OV~cne, ver ioer$ ~ qh iS ~tha Council at their last loedonslitig ou - arsanew Wth Ot lorirnus etn fth erl -)j dmeetngofth esiaar as promise of "Peace on Earth,' Good WjII Toward MmJ..!Sdy htbi eigit The Management, 'Staff and Farm Foi T~Payments May Exceed '54 Pays Annual Visit to B.T.S. "je 5ire z i rIKIB lthýTeoronthr membans ' of e T toRotary Club paid their annual Christmas visit ta Tax payments in Bowmanviileth 3BYs Taining, colhn have been very good this year inl uesday avaning hbolngng wn spita o! the thnee month Ganenal thm handsome gîfts for each Matons stnike which bas affect- ho ed many local wonkans, Tax Col- Y eramiig the Chita esool lactor Clarence Oke bas repart- ae h bita esn ed. Following an excellant cblck- Only $39.000 out o! a total 1955 en dinnen the visiting Rotar- tax roll of $315.000 namains ta lans presented a pnogram o! be collectad. ha stated, and Ai ententainmant which included expected that this xii ha piano salections by a talanted whittlad down ta lass than inemban of the Toronto club $30,000 by Dacemban 31. Ha -and community singing o! fait that collections might aven Christmas canais. ba as good as 1954 whcn oniy Santa Claus anived in due $22,000 in uncollectad taxas was course and presanted each o! canied aven at the end of the the 60 boys present with a year. Pair of UkaAi-q-cnoco- g esraresDOondent 11,od -During Dcembr $11571 had Lts, a-bok and a bal-point M I bean collactad in taxes up until pan. Thesa vany fine gifts ec dg- the __________ t heToono o-Canac/'tancStatesman At Intieresi BTar S.Club amens. tKe- 4Fairmount Church Hal hots- R n neth Wery wecoe te o-northeast of'Iai Cv: Sh re t R n rnoRotanians and aiso Rav' donnarhiponsothrad no for T. A. Mongan and Pata New,lI nnr puîrI jinlyb of the B awm anville Rotary F r a k e he D rh m Fe e at o On Record orcClu. Seond Vesper Service Bill Bagneli Agriculture adteC-pr tons Insunance Association oi Lfted From Enjoyed at Trinity Wins Skating Wednasday avaning a! las -Fire Brigade Fire EscapeB e ins oe The second annuel canal vas- Cboir's fine rendition o!fh C ub Tu k y ado- orm Th BwanileFieDe- pr service o! Trnity United Hallelujh Chorus fo an- Manager of the Ontario Fanr partment had ana of the short- Chunch was held an SundaY dai's Messiah. and addrCsubd tha e est runs on record on Friday B ig Ee tdEvidently ana local persan aftennoon, Dec 18RwaththeEForumRihars, satinestr spake !tnon wben thcy weebelieves in daîng ber Christmas Junior, Intermediate and Sen-1 rom tihardsto kating sa Club n adese te6 called about 2.30 o'clock toa Atpig tot bohrn rm hMnoSaigClbget olwiga noal 10W trie formalif a!epeyiect.on who as perdi os okspe.Hepa i fine just n few yards wast of At T wn H ll wshpping Wmitaut otbeingofnAChir ls nde tedietinEus.d Ba.aandinsva th ir al tte onr ffr irîucaes LR.SAnt aln, Must. Th AIixteI'e C lalcal skating canivas. drew d the work of the Fanm For- th fne hal t he co ne ffo b r ur ha es L R..M, ekng pat. Th the winning tickets in the ra - ums and outlin d what ap- Chunch and T e mpe rann ce A naw ire escape was Maurice Blreslin, prapietor minister, Rev. T. Anthu ro- fehl yth5omnil Streets. arectad this weak on the o! Breslin's Ladies Wean Store, gan, conducted the service eac he ing e dw in earng ouh sde f te owmn rý S rius hre t kting Club Tusday night. i the questionnaires after W a ke s ng g d n ea in ou h id o he Bo m a - noticed n M onday m o ning The choira entered sing ng A IW n e ! t a f r t p i e ! Fom seti g.v a th î clown the three aId residences ville Town Hall by a Tran- thet a $199 fur jacket was miss- the processional bymn , The inn-pofterk s il eof rsi poton athe cfm at this corner to make raom for ton firm. ing from bis stock. Ha believes First Noal", and dtoolz their aiN4UrserV ey as il the nexv Post Office bad buîlt The escape leads down 'the article xvas stolen sometime plcesBte JnNurseryteî iB agnaîl. The secondepsiiepaoforttmdon. c heefd blaze got away fri-n them and mth a l and ntaen uday.. sopin o n St- mdiate Choira bei n î in The ieunexpected cod snap of Panda bean donatd by McNul- clared. *'An expression o! for- amaîl finepos te ita ofkees ay ndarmn sdaTth e - ty's Sports and Cycle, w as w on um opinion is the 'consid re < stfr oawoepatto the bailonderane afgîîr nopst sdao usayaddedythe Loarea- t wud ebY Herbent Goddard. Third opinion o! a graup o! fana sne f e r odcn partiTio Halleaitloruo. t eilocal mserhts wokoutdfha the cbunch. tenad ta destnoy bai.ween $100,- prize o! a Christmas cake dn epawooeae o h in an h o ! e p rty de is -Following the Invocation thi-d n- pe pl'w o op rae n h cd uses Ton Hal dthe orim. At wei avisd t loo ou fo -i000 ndthe,00 in nursery atad by Mrs. Denry Hubbard age-old pninciple that twc preset, te onlmeas of such . shopifters during the Senior choir. sang a group jf stock stred in the new ware- wgs won by E. Greneway.bad ar botr t n oa Usngto ne ! a e gtting onto the fire escape lat few shopping days whil nmbrscmpsed o! "Fan- 1ouse of the Bookdale-Kings b* tnuckthe wfir a n qîklyn te ith liiibe adeinodoor pasos mair e rw ir hritfare" by Shaw; "Let Carols 1wnY Nurseries Ltd. I addition ta Miss Richards, Many enefits naw enjayad by truckthe ware an iklyonx-the is throughmadewintodo bt teinsoes margeichraw ithDn Jcsn uno e' emr wngnt tinguished the fine. They later to enable people to use it mas purchases. t- Ring" , a Swadisb canal; a Norman J. Scott, awner o!skn atigchamon a!iorCenzFarmers w and you ay b by et thed nontbwsetcorner o! the mbreqklyt. 'asir -etting o! "It Came Upon Th-c the firm, believes, bowevar, esskatcapinas aad a!,hasre therumfinda o tay t-- at th nortwest ornerof th brea out.Midnight Cleer" by Stainer in that the good co-operation haclub skTasyangt ofgh ethepin s o tot intersection, bawever, ta giva Iran raiîings have as p f gwhieh Mn. ClnTyoh2 oaie rm lclbaig __________ the woodwork a good saakiag bean added ta the naw ~ D i soloist, concluding with "Break contractons wbo rusbed extra --- good". and prvnt ny futhr out- camnent stps leading up t Pie B nd 'i Id Forth, 0 Beauteous Heaveniy eating quipmnt ta tha ware- Head Table Gueste b r e a k . t hi gPt "liye Db o u s e b ast .p r o b e b lyysBvcd. t hasF eia so yrsb ab the Polce epatme t.T u rk ey L >ra w ' The ladies' chorus sang two valuable nursery ite s. ae wîthe ir e D e inysC am n r s d n ! t ovcly numbars, "A Christmas know in from 10 daya ta two eDCh o! h eing wasdetoft- Canal From Lapland" in whicil weeka if any of the stock was DLL-Durham Fedaration o! Agri- Mr.Hrodrerelo7sVi u culture, Clarence Allun, New- Mrs. HnroldThertell o!Bow- Mns. Sam Black and Mis iuied. - '*'ze IaL.iIIcastle. Saated wîth him et the manvilla won the firat pnîze ini vina Sadien ware soloista; and Mn. Scott statad that ha was En~~oy Christnm as Party BandedChinma ngo they stag "Ichoinumen, ow b Be]utif.ul tha water. afbdo r uhseviui an gn o h oae 4 n o lrs m l a tthe Bowmanville Lagion Pipe A. Merkley was soloist in the lo0w tampenetunes aMany n T e dayharmal ee itrMr Empoyes ! heBowmnn- A Puppet show put on bv John urday night. Chairman Bob AaTyFetbHndî stldto4,O-ttha- Saveael pnize nabbits and toi-s IsrnaAscain an cil F dr , jy Ca.. ther n wivesoon e ad Jh n R yckmanpur Loc kihart w as i a charge o f the T e Young voices o !' the s in t e b il i g bu h y bantam oosters belonging ta Cavan Tow nship; Rev. L rk, n d Chistmens enjay e h n - aono tn b rs w o p r drw and ladies present t the lage Intermedite Choir wer proved insufficient ta cope wih E nie Ru dl, Who liv s O n' da; M rs. Alli, M . M cPhe- uaCbstapetgin ysue puppatrY as a hobby, was bingo draw the winning tick- hadt datg na u-the blwzr e rtrs aro' odi alntnI the company an Tuesday aven-1alo bg itres.tnien c anta ghperida s' Thetempeature drappad ta Township, wec dtoydDsrt urvonfrteC lng, Dec. 20, et the Legion Hall. - Sen i htte las n tori- as Sangl,"Sha rd Cbs- 6 eaeeainth lae bt yso A n SiveBlck ountie; Jek An Abu 8 epewn r S antrClus nîved and had O n v inners in order were:ma Sng"inwhch Misasaal2 eeintelarge are- when e fine bunned te sedDsrc uevrfrteC ,Aot10poleeepeetr y Bum ouse, which is dangarously in whîch ta er osd IA notFidmantor thackDr- for this gay avent, bal! o! a Iove]y present for evey R. Cassalmen. Part Hope: Bill Plummer was soloist; and nlw fo usey sac.H ery tasdy aftanno. ed eatiot!Arclue n whom wene youngstens. chiid, suiteble ta bhis orhbran ea.H -melI, Bowmpanville; J amratCnl".haewre td1utt stt ck.dang e arlyTeda taro Mn a eba a astr tunelly, much excitamentaï onngan, Oshawa; Bob Cale sung in parts, and the lovaiy T hta Bowmdne I edrtino Arcutre n of ceremonies and gat the pro- ansued and cverybody had a Bowmanville: Grece Gaines, hama a atefcive. th ln oats resulta as muchaniaFneD- nsAnttTespkrws frnm the suddan drying affect partmant was callad ta the introduced by Mn. Black and grain undar way witb cam- rcally happy t-Ame. Newcastle; Ellen Humphrey, Trhe sae was truc o! the o! the frost as fram the fee-blaeaet 1.20 p.m. and made thnnked by Mn. Annott. munity caol siAgax; Mac McPbre lee Orano;doJunior Choir, a nlarge inga action. the seven-mile run in good Mn. Black intraduced the --à. ni t th c an s ngîn , nco m-T fo ther l e an uc d oon pnes e ith ug W aite, B ow m anville; group, w ho sang Sing X'O S. B îin Elliott and A . E. tire. The shed w s located me f om t a T on o o ic o- f O ha wpa n o byD oen ter y fo rn tha lads , oran t es e dyr a D u Frri e , Dort e nd R p arlSan o! Pr is"1an A m ncan C ole rush d extra hea ting un - quite near M . R undl 's oue a! C .I.A .; R u s 'B radley, B ill ut sbaa. oo anan-wo byMrs Nrma Keney, ertnelo, Tornt en R.caaland"Te Shepherils Had fts ta the warahause and Cli!! and othen bouses, but the quick Summarvilia and Cli.!! Chap- twas providad by Mns. Gardon Yeo, Mrs. Jack Hayes, Trenton. an Angal",.an Englisb canai. Pethick of Enniakillen supplied action o! the finemen pravant- peul, who answarad questions DrtyMerrill with piano ada Parkin, Mrs. Kamminga, Mrs. A quilt was also ra!flad bv The congregatian joined i' a Quebe heanter. The temper- cd the blaze from spreading. from the floor rcgerding the aceordion numbers, and BiH'.' Gilbert Adcock, Ms Frank the Tartan Club, ladies auxil- the singing o! saveaa famniliar atura had heen braugbt ta 31 Thare wana two stovas in tha .IA andKayAnntt [ Trono. lun. M~. oa Kne-iaIr%- a! tho Pipe Band. and th.z Christmas ecanois. The scr\-.ic" cde&oeçsby - W'dnociey, andir shed and the fine was believed RusFeiI Earias. Presidcat a mnagiciens. deliglited ÎNuîî ' À alt Woolner, Mrs. Clark-2 Jwns wonl by Margo Murphy o! %-es brought ta an impnesai-;c Mn. Scott hopad that seriaus 1ta have rasulted Lrra aven- the Durham C.I.A. Commit- MI Cid aut ike aththeiw tricks. JW" onand Mus Shirley Young. 1Tyrane. .conclusion by tue ïeuigr J dama.ge had been avoided.cet4pDa einrdcdTdSecly J.NLJVLOL 1Jj Ui ection Ca lied p. Reeve ps Posf' hnicality in been submjnted ta, the wron resignatin person. Cunejilinstructed Mi strict High RuýndiePta asýk the DePartment o n the Dal- Municipal Affairs at Queen' election on Park for a ruling. He and J. I) B. Rickard. Hogarth wnt ta Toronto thi puty-Reeve followving day an-d officiais of thq 956 at that Depqrtment confirmed the tac a writ dis- that Mr. Rickard's resignatior that office, should have bcen made ta thi n- and Das- Secretary of the Hîgh Schoo or the pas- ve will be meeting ta be held at Decem ber on Thurs- December ta 7i p.m ,hIch made " Rickard ta lie position [h he won LMr. Rick- resignatian strict High wrong of- ontest the is appoint- [Board by >Council, 1that lhe resignation rdingly, on ndered bis Garnet B. Riekard Board ta :lerk Wal- Board. They also stated that Mr. Rickard cauld disclaim hia Rn Inthe ight ta the office, and, a xnev oppn nomination - aanew election. flieved,a dispose of the i-atter. iials, that lected as Fled Writ of Disclaim township Mr. Riekard filed his writ ot * 15, how- disclaim, with Mr. Rundie that his quai- samne day - last Friday. His de- the office feated opponent, Mr. Mumford. d and hae appeared at the Township Clerk's ane. As a office after the writ had been b le was filed ta protest the election, but ýd for the sinca the writ had been filed Sbecausa the protest was toa late, and the uires that matter did not need ta go ta the :1 his ras- courts for a decision. ,h Schooi Darlington Council met the ry, nather foflawing day, Saturday, and »on clark aftar discussion agraed that a er ha., the naw nomination meeting. and n Counicil possibl.y an election, would be that fact nacassary. It set the new naom- nation. ination meeting for noon on enothing, Dacambar> 27 and the alection Ip ta his for January 5. The only post to ent's sup- ba filled at the nomination meet- i egaiity ing will b. that of Daputy- ecourts. Reeva. vithin six Naadless ta say, Mr. Rickard e Muni- has perwonally deliverad bis nwould rasignation ta the Durham Dis- trict High School Board Sacre- .ad the tary, and baing now propariy indle and qualifiad, has announced that lie ;ragular intends ta be a candidate at the ;Thurs- Dacembar 27 nomination meet- Jon bad 1ing. is Function fing Dinner Ill, who entertained. the gueEfs ,n with severai sangs, accampany- a ing bimseif on the guitar. Other by guasts were Robert Moffatt, o! Orono, Sacretany-Tnaasurer of ra- the Durham Co-operative Mc:- on dicai Services: C harles Os- ast borna, Ebenezer, Director o! the Durham Federation o! y- Agriculture; Richard Bowles, nm Blackstock, Vice -President ui ýs the Durham Federation. 60 de ,- toesClosed E«On Tuesday -Others Open it appears tiiet the store A owners and their employees I will be the onlY Peuple In Le Bowmanville who wlI be E!. gatting a holiday naxt Tues- y day, December 27, although Y it hae been pnoclalmed .è officially as Boxing Day by * the Mayor. ail ha open for business and The ( 'anadian Statasman office Wlll ba open ail day. The stores are now busy looklng after the needs of late Shappers and report business surprisingiy good ln view of the long General Motors strike. They willl remain open tonlght, Fr1- day and Saturday eveninge until 9 P.ni. withi the excep- tion o! the food stores which -Wiil close at 6 p.m. on Sat. urday. The food stores, like the ether shopa, , will be closed ail day Tuesday. The banks wlII keep their usual hours on Friday, frous 10 a.ni. Lu 3 P.m. and front 4:30 p.n, Lu 6 p.n. Tte'y will be ciosed ail day Bat- urday and Monday but wiII kcep their regular hours on ct In 'J' h -,,'VOLumi zznci. lqàà "Durham Countys Cjýeat Fàml'IÏV Journal"' 1 (In Plw ER COPY NiTuplz.,p Ri Il