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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 19

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TMUItSDA?, DIC. 22n&, 1958 Th re Orono Newis Telephone 127 Mr. and Mns. Harold Awde,1 Toronto, visited Mrs. Chas.i Awde lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gal and Sandra, Lakefield;ý Mrs. Gea. Crowther and Jamie Newcastle, visited Mr. and .7w S hining acros Me years,~ thei Christmas Star renews Gur hope and faith in Peace pon Earth, Good Wiil to.ward Men. May the Star light Vthe way ta happiness for 1. 1yu Ji li s0i Drug Store. NEWCASTLE THE a...~___- AN1AJAAB TATEZ5MI. OWMlANVU.LE. OPTApjO PAGE MNIETEE Front St. Hopeful -of Winning First Placein Town. Hoc Mus. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Hancoclc, Warkwonth, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mri. Egerton Hancack. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Russell Ransberry, Dor- val, Quebec, iarxnerly of Or- ana, on thein slver wedding anniversary on Christmas Day. Orono Bank will reopen for business on Tuesday, Dec. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers and Miss B. Herman, Scarbora, visited Mrs. Cecil Powers. The Sunday Schooi Christ- mas Concert is tanight at 8.00 o'clock. Santa will be there for the children. Mr. W. C. Crossley has re-I turned home from Memorial I1I take this opportunity to, wish all niy customers for the past seven years a Merry I Christmas and Prosperous' iNew Year and tô thank them sincerely for their' patronage. Also, 1[ wish to announce ithat the last Garbage Collec- tion wilI be made by me on December 31st, as I have been advised that the I_- lage Couneil is taking itj .&oee-- ---m C.4-,risitmas '.Çreeinqs May thse star that shone se brlghtly on that Christmas Eve of long ago, ligbt our way- toaa world ln which ail may live in pence and goad will. ê Helen s Groceferia NEWCASTLE (apýpy 9Ekoliclays Let's ail join Santa ln a happy holiday sang af cheer and Joy and hearty gaod Ffellowshlp ta lant ail through thse New Year. Newcastle Taxi - ~--- - Season 's Çreetings To every home, via Santals *sleigh, we'd like ta - send aur sincere wishes for a bountiful measure af the best things ln life . . . healtis, friendship, love deep happiness that will endure through ail thse years ahead. QUEEN'S HOTEL NEWCASTLE ~John F. De.With REALTOR r NEWCASTLE The Front Street hockey team in the ïo waI 1Lrockey Richards, John Bird, Pete Dragomatz, Harvey "Slip" Rowe, League is currently in second place in the loop and has Dan Bishop, Chanlie Kilpatrick, Ray Preston. Standing, hopes of regaining the top spot before the season is aver. left to right: Ray Tuepah, Gerry Marjernison, Don Rundie, Several players on the teamn are well up the list in the Bob Williams, Ted Bird, Percy Cowling, Bill Lyle, John league scoring race as well. Kneeling, left to right: Jim Ford and Wally Larmer. -photo by Carson Studio tion there were two solos-<Al- leluia", by Mozart, sung by Mrs. A. A. Drummond, and 'Night of Nights", by Van de Water, sung by Mr. Wm. Mit- chell. The Senior Young Peea- ple's Sunday School class salig fromi the church gallery the~ selection "Glory ta Gode'. At the close of the service the W. A. served lunch ta the choir and those taking part in th2 pageant. At the morning service, the guest preacher at the United Church was the Rev. A. Pinta Ribeira, a Protestant Mission. ary from Portugal, who is no v associated with the Work of the United Church un Angola, and who is pastar of the Afri- can church in Novalisboa, Par- tuguese, West Africa. Mn. Ribeiro is now on a speaking tour ai Canada on behaif ai the United Cburch Board of Overseas Missions. In Orano Mr. Ribeiro bas been the guest ai Mr. and Mrs. E. Shauffier whose daughter Amy has been a co-worker with hlm in Africa. Mr. Ribeiro was ac- companied ta Orono by nis daughter Betty, a student in, Alma College, St. Thomas. Thougbt for the week, by Rev. John Kitchen: It is not enough ta prepare youn borne and eour pantry for Christmas. "Let every heart prepare Him room."l Yuletide Greetings are ex- tended ta the Editor, staff and readers ai -the Canadian States- man. A fat woman stcpped an the scaies, not. knowing tbey were out ai order, and put in a pen- ny. The scales went up ta 57 pounds and stapped. A news- boy standing by noticed the situation. "Look!" be cricd, "Sbe's hoilow!" Pia no Pupils Entertain Mothers ut Musical A deligbtiul party was held' on Saturday aiternoon, Dec. 10 at the borne ai Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples, when ber music pupils entertained their mothers with a varied presentation ai musical numbers. The reper- taire ranged irom brief tunes by young pupils wha had only had a few lessons and mare diffucuit melodies by pupils in each grade, ta intricate and fascinating selections by senior pupils who are curently studying Grades 7 and 8. The mothers- were thrilled ta hear and see the able perfor- mance ai so' many young artists and ta .nate their pragress since last year's event. The piano salas by each pupil were inter- spersed with cai:ol singing. duets and accordion selections by Doris Martin. At the close, Mrs. Stapies and Miss Penfaund, assisted by some ai the artists, served deliciaus Christmas nefresbments. Mmi. Fisher moved a hearty vote ai appreciation ta Mrs. Staples for ber untining efforts on ber pupils behali. This the mothers unanimously endorsed witb a cordial ciap ai hands and further' words ai prause and thanks. Those taking part included. Judy and Bnian Tamblyn, Gloria~ and John Quantrili, Shirley and Marulyn Quantrili, John, Mar - garet and Elizabeth Glenney,I John, Ross and Jean Tamblyn; Sandra Bowins, Cathryn Haoey, Marie Hooey, Fred and Janet Graham, Rosemary and Stella Malkrewicz, R i c k y Rickard, Lynn Brown, Gail Allun, Peter Lake, Billy Scott, Marilyn Bas- kerville, Wendell Fisher, Doris Martin and Dorella Lancaster. Canal and Grant Yeo and the ioilowing senior pupils were absent: Barbara Ann Aiidred, Douglas Lycett, David Rcad Freedom is a Many-Sided Thing !3y Jaseph Lister Ru Fneedom is a mai thing. The other daya waiking peacefullya street in Greater Torci stopped by twa plain- men who demanded hi and address. Mildly c ai bis nîgbts this citizen that be wauld be pl(i supply the information, two questionens would the same informatior themselves. Instead the: IHospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Farrel, wiil spend Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Albeït Strickland and family, Lon- don. Recent visitors with Mr;.' Laura Cooper and Mr. and Mr. 0. Cowan were Mr. and Mr3. Herb Glbank, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nelson, Woodbridge; Mrs. Vance Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sis, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rowe, ail of Oshawa. Mr. Allan Hancock was op-' erated on today at Memorial IHospital, Bowmanville. M r. and Mrs. M. C. Adams and family have moved to Newcastle. Mrs. Barr, Toronto, spent a ffew days with ber daughter, Miss Reta Barr at Mrs. Cecil iPowers. 1Mrs. Gordon Cotter bas been assisting at Orono Post Office. Mr. Madison Ardron, Toroni- Sto, is spending a week with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mr. and Mns. C. F. Duncan are spending Christmas and New Year's with their chiid- ren in Ottawa. Mrs. Chas. Harris, Kirby, vi- sîted Mrs. J. E. Richardson on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis and farn- ily of Pantypool, have moved into their home in the north of the village recently purchased 'frrni Mr. Donald Duncan, who is now living in Ottawa. Mrs. Addie Bebee Pethick, sister of the late Mr. Charles Bebee, died at the home of her daughter at Wasaga Beach. The funerai service was in Port Hope on Dec. l2th with Rev. John Kitchen, Orono, af- ficiating. -Interment ti Wel- corne Cemetery. Mrs. Wm. Glanville and Mrs. Cecil Jones Sattended the funeral. 1Congratulations to Mrs. Fred SCowan on her 9th birthday, Dec. 28th. Sbe will be at home to visitors. Christmias Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- cock with Mr. and Mrs. Har. old Hancock and family, Belle- ville. Miss Marion McKelvey, To- ronto, with Mrs. Fred Brima- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Craw-i ther and sons, Newcastle. Mrs. Fred Duncan with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ransberry1 and family, Dorval, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Found' and Mary, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Found,1 London. Mrs1. 4Neil Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Smith and family', Willowdaie. Mrs. Chas Awde with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andron, Madison and Allan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. The C.G.I.T. beld tbeir Christmas party Wednesday af- ternoon. Mrs. Cecil Powers with ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pawers,j Scarbaro. Miss Reta Barr with her, mother, Mrs. Barr, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Gordon Lea-i men, Judy and Paul, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leamen and Mrs. Devine, Toronto,' Mr I. Winter, Orono, witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leamen. Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick aid Mrs. Howard Walsh with m. and Mrs. Lamne Thompson and1 Jean, Blackstock. Christmas Pageant On Sunday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, in Orono United Church, the choir assisted n)y1 members of the congregation Il put on a splendid Christmasj Pageant entitled "The Crusade at Christmas". The choir was under the di- rection of Mr. and Mrs. Work- man while the pageant itself %vas directed by Mr. Neil Par- ter. The narrator was Mr. J. Rickaby. The - character of Ma-y was taken by Mrs. Mar-i ian West, Joseph by Mr. Char-t lie Taylor, and the Angel byf Mrs. Ethel Tyrreil. The Wise Men,, and Shepherds, Knights from Bowmranville, ex-Service- i men and others - ail in gar- geaus costumes, lent exquisite coloring and realism ta the en- tire pageant. In the Chancel of BEST WISPi FOR 01 Iod FI r Hoiday bappines eur sincer. wisk for mly yaur'hopes bv b. Jeep end lasti ALLINS atledge ed police badges in his eyes. ny-sided Wben this resuited in na ans- a citizen wer a scuffie, ensued in which aîong a1 the citizen tumbled or was nto was tumbed inta a ditch, and fram -ciothes- there was hauied off ta the is name police station. onscious Al ai this may seem ta be a ri replied rather silly and childish bit ai eased ta, business, a stubborn citizen in , i th-3 conflict with Over assertive po- Spravide lice officers. But the magis- rabout trate wba ultimately beard thp ty flash- case took a mare seriaus viev. Naturally bis long experience -Ziwould have led bis sympathies ta be with tbe police. That was Snot true in this instance. The mgistrate contended that po- lice dignity would nat have Ssuffered by the supplying oi name and rank. He went- far- thradsaid: "Na officen is ýi etitled ta bave these facts Ai given ta him by the ardinary citizen waiking aiang the Sstreet. That is my interpreta- S tion af freedom." Witb no I th de whatever ai any of tecircumstances involved be- yond thase stated bere, that is1 -.. ur interpretation ai freedom1 tao, and we believe it wouid be the interpretation ai most1 law..abiding citizens. Obviously thie police ofiicers eicther bad, or thought they bad goad reasons for what tbey did. But, equally obviously, S maît ai us will be in agreement Swith the magistrate who makes the case that the citizen is en- Stitled ta demand praeto against unwarranted demands ai state on civic affichais tbat qualify in any degree or parti- cular bis basic nights or free- doms. Sametimes, admittedly, these rghts are claimed by very *, sbaddy individuais, who are using these dlaims ta circum- vent justice and ta escape wehl-. deserved penalties. But better some iass ai pramptness or cfii I ES ~ ciency or police dignity than Athat officialdom at any lev.e1 shouid encroach on the nhghts p~Ior freedams that ïhould be en- joyed by every citizen, good on !à l bad. -Therefore wc tbink the mna- gistrate was right in censuring officers for demanding what they had no right ta demarii. A' It may seem a smail matten, 4but frecdom can neyer be a small matter, non can anybody u. remnoveifrarnus alittie bit of aI, isible, When same is taken al is in hazard. mour Meal MarketI N. J. Allun, Proprictor if TYRONE Your correspondent would like ta say "Thank You" for your co-operation in the Ty- rone news column, ti 1955 and may the 1956 colunin be much better. Wishing éne and 'ail A Mcrry Christmnas and A Happy New Year. Flowerswere placed on the Communion. Table in 'loving mcmary ai the late Mrs. Les- lic Thompson, by her family, on Sunday. Rev. F. J. Jackson 'wiil deliver a Christmas me-ý Eagec, -Dec. 25 at 1l a.m. The Sunday School wilI meet at 10 when a film an Chr1stmas wiid be shown. A cordial invitationL ia extended toalal. On Friday, Dec. 23 at 8 p.rn. you are invited to attend "The Christmas Family Night" ar- ranged by the Sunday School, in the church. Kindly keep this date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell, Grant and Gwendoiyn, were q uesta of Mr. and Mnr. George Lewis, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Acheson, Miss Jacqueline Hills, Toron- to; Ross Prout, Bowmanvllé, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Ht11s. Mr. and Mrs. J. Malette eni- tertalned six tables of euchre fans Saturday evenéig. Prizes were won by; lst lady, Mrs.i W. Vivian; 2nd, Mns. J. mai- ette; lit, man, Mr. J. Malette; 2nd man, Mr. Fred Ferguson; with consolation prizes gaing ta Mrs. Stan Gable and Leslie Gable. The Dalry Deba The Tyrone Dairy Debs held their second meeting af the sertes at Mrs. Aima Y~ellowlees on Wednesday evening, Dec. 7. The meeting opened with 4-H Piedge. Faurteen. members were present. It was decided ta have the next meeting Jan. 4 at the home of Audrey Wood. The girls hadj several lnteresting answers ta the roll cali, 'Why Milk hsaa Good Food". Mrs. Yeilowlees and Marie Taylor led the girls in a study of "The Cleanliness af Milk"', and "Pasteurization". This wRs foliowed by demonstrations -if pasteurizing at home and mak- ing cream sauce. Mrs. Gardon Youngnian, Randy and Launie, Calgary, Alberta, are visiting Mr. ancd Mrs. A. Youngman. Mn. and Mrs. R. Paterson and girls, Maple Grave; Miss Jan. Roodgkinan, Jobanu Corrigan, Bowmnanville. and Stuart iloaey, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley.' Mrs. C. Shantz and Merlyna vislt.d Mr..and Mmr. Harold Martyn, Blackstock. Mr. and.Mr&. Allyn Taylor, Bowmanvifle, were Sund&7 tea _fuesta of ML. and lirs. W. At the end of September, 1055, nearly 39 per cent of Can- adian homes bcd televisian sota, as compared ta 10 per cent at the end of 1953. - E.' 9na SEVIe CSTmairit Kig ad Foruno e ie rts thoe MAys 3f-heNe011 r ne@ Rail m M orwv dNAlealIAIS

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