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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 20

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PAGE TWENT? Civiian Santa Hands $5,03 8 tb Lions Club Proceeds of Carnival The Bowmanville Lions Club into a duet rendjition 'of "Jingle received a very welcome present Belîs." Santa Clas also "pass- at their Christmas party Monday ed the bat" for the wiork of the night fromn a Santa Claus in Salvatian Army. street clothes - Lions Auditor Perfect Attendance Pin ]Ray Diling. He turned aver ta Lian George Vinish presented President Wally Braden a cheque a 5ya pfc tenac i for $5,038.61, representing the ta Lionearpefectattendne pi profit from the Lions Carnival. Birthdays were celebrated by and Car Draw last summer. Lians Bill Allun, Lau Dewell, The "real" Santa Claus, play- Jack Ross, Russell.Osborne, Art ed by Lion Stu James, was al so Constable, Jim Marr and Bob present and distributed a present Mutton. ta each member of the club. President Braden annaunced These ranged from toys toai that the Teen Town Club, wbich mroustache cup received by Lion! bad presented an amplifier ta Glen Martyn and a large bust of i the Lions Club at the last meet- William Shakespeare received ing, bad since presented a record by Lion Ralpb Ames. Eacb Liant player as well. It was decided also received small presents that this equipment wouid be from four businessmen in the1 kept in the Recreation Director's club: Lions Nelsan Osborne StU iOffice and* controlied by the James, Bill Allin and Ron Heth- House Cammittee. eringtan. Lion Clarence - Hockin an- Fallowing an excellent turkey i nounced that he stil bad a few dinner, Lion Walter Rundie led tickets for the Lions New Year's in the singing of Christmas! Eve Dance. carols, accampanied by 'W. E. C. Secretary Narm O'Rourke read Warkman. Lion George Brawn a letter fram the Seeretary of played two, enjoyable Yuletide the Inter-Club Cammittee asking numbers on the chimes, and the Lions Club ta cantribute Nels. Osborne Civen "Boost" At Lions Club Lis Bob Kent and Herbert toward a third sign bearing the Mayor Nelsah E. Osborntý "Deac" Goddard were pressed crests and meeting places af the received a "boast" fram fel-' low-Lian Dr. Harold Fergusan at the Christmas meeting cif the Lions Club heid* on Man-' '~ ~ ~ ~ ~day night. - - - ~ ..H e pointed out that the q 4town's chief magistrate was S.-, ,.born at Ebenezer on the farm- rA stili worked by bis brother, ~ iÀ-~'- ~Charles Osborne, and attendpdi *4 public scbool there. His bigla f- --'~ '- scbool education was recelved j è~in Bowmanville but was in- 'terrupted when be cantracted1 Z polio mn the epidemic of 1930.J Aiter bis severe illness be fi-1 Sished school and entered the1 J f - ~ insurance business. - ~ Mayar Osborne was married e ta, the former Aileen W*ght in 1943, Dr. Ferguson saim, ndl M tbev have one daughter, Maryj SRuth. SHe' joined the Lians Club mn -41941, held the office af Secre- I g tary fîve years, and is a Past President af the Club.t ,~, In 1948 Mayor Osborne en-e tered municipal poiitics and i ~" \\V~ bas been a member of Town. %$ ~1953 and 1954 he was Chair- P man of the Finance CommittoeD and be bas been.Mayor during I~1955. He was re-elected ast IMayor for 1956 by acclamationc a month aga. Mayor Osborne bas alwaysd taken a keen interest in Bow- v rlAith happy memories of many ,manville's basebaîl and hockeyb pleasant friendships, we extcnd our sin. teams. He served severai years t j~on the executive af the Inter- cerest wîshes for z joyous Christmas toalal. mdaeBaealCub9n o Iseveral years bas been Secre- tary-Treasurer of the Bow- manvilie Barons team in the w . A IciLakesbpre Hockey League. LPATRICI<hehs most outstanding cha,.- W , A . K ILPA RICKacterîstic is the courage which hebsbown tbrough bis de- HEATIG an PLU BINGtermination ta serve bis com- - HEATIG andPLUMBNG munity in many different ways in spite af bis handicap," Dr. ---- - ----Ferguson declared. a ~EATING EJYET'N.EASY ECONOMy! YOURS WITHL ICHRISTMAS FOODS h f fEA4STINC PERFEC#T GRADE 'A" ai RE TII ~TI 8t. 14-lb overage 18 to 24-lb avera c' ~ch -th ww lb6lc lb 53c A opeeselection of Oven Ready GEESE, DUCKS, Roaitîng VIGOROUS &. WINEY i A omlee CHICKENS and CAPONS. t PORK SAUSAGE MEAT lb635C BOKA I Smoked, Cooked COFFIE1p i I* HAMS whole or shank Portion, lb 49c butt portion, lb 55c lb 99Cr DBoneless Smoked, Cooked H» MS en~d cuts, 16 69c centre cuts or steaks, lb 79< UTMGON BAKE19Y SPECIALS ANN'PAGE I Jame Parker SAVE lôc FRUI.T ti MINCE PIE each 45 c CAKE Mrd Jane Parker Oran!le SAVE 100 me-, ICHIFFON CAKE each49c 1.79 core7 Jane Parker BAVE 4o JELLY WHIRL Jan* Parker Sliced IRAISIN BREAD Jane Parker. Christmas LAYER CAKE SAVE 9e 9 h4.e, loayes 29Or ,dg IÇ--' l IDUITS & VEGETABLE Caif.rnia Fancy Naval, New Christmas Stock ORANGES 5- Six. 176 JOZ 75C Size 220 -lb cemo 6 dozj STOR E H0U RS SOpen Thursday and Friday until 9 p.m. Saturday - Closed at 6 p.m. Closed Al Day Monday and Tuesday cbd 99C ( Oflelt flyy Cs JA û PARKER STUFFUNG 69c BRA M5 a5 c24-oz loaf I16e Prices Effectve Until Saturday, December Poptuar Brando 24th, 1965. Cigarettes cm o!' 10 pkgs of 20 2.89 10Lo ute bor ado sho usu wW M. dri sicr Sie] Uni and and barý Mrs belc of Ral' tiar suni Mrs Tho M.. part friei f ielè McF the TUE CARqADIAN BTATP~MMI(, OWMANVILE.OUTABIO . TURDAY, DERC. 22nd, lmU Celebrate 45thi '-Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Neil Mutton Married - Dec. 7th, 1910, Nellie ing tea were Mrs. E. Turney, Gertrude Ives, daughter of"Mr. Mrs. M. Devitt, Mrs. W. S. Dole, and Mrs. William M. Ives, a sister af Mrs. Mutton, Miss Centre St., Bowmanville, ta Neil Nellie Mutton, Mrs. Gardon Muttan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lavett, sisters of Mr. Mutton; Charles Muttan, Shilah, Ont. Mrs. Lewis Muttan, Mrs. W. C. The wedding took, place quietly Ives. at.the home of the bride's par- Receîving at the door were ents, Rev. John Garbutt per- Bert and Bruce Mutton, sans, forming the ceremony. and in charge af the Guest Baok For 45 years Mr. and Mrs. were Mrs. Ralph Dauglas, Toron- Mutton have iived an their ta; a daugbter, and two grand- farm, 93 Cancessian St. East, daughters, Miss Betty Mutton Bowmanville. On Wednesday, and Miss Bannie Muttan. Dec. 7th. they ceiebrated their Srigwr r.Rbr c 45th wedding anniversary i SrigweMs.RbtMc a receptian at their hame wh Callum, Oshawa; Mrs. B. G. their family assisted in wenv Law, Uxbridge;Ms lnTr ing friends. ney, Mrs. Robt. Mutton, Miss Marjorie Muttan, Bawmanvilîe; With them in the evening Mrs. John Purdy, Milton; Mrs. wefe the attendants of 45 ycars Chas. Darling. New Toronto. ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis MuttonAsoastig er: rsBuc of Caîbarne. As ssMugwee rs rc ,The bride and groom receivedAtonMs.W Wole, r. in the living-room amidst a set- A Lobb, Mrs. D. Chapman, ting of flowers which were the Burnthorpe. gifts af their family and friends. About 150 friends and relatives Mrs. Mutton wore a grey dress called ta congratulate the couple, and a lovely corsage af pink and many beautiful gifts and carnations, a gift frbrm the cards were received. The fain- grandcbildren. Their daughter ily presented their parents with Mary (Mrs. Eiwaod Byers, Kel- a lovely gald dlock. awna, B.C.) wha was unable ta - Friends and relatives were be present, sent a lovely floral present from Niagara Falls, Mii- centre, ton, Burnthorpe, New Toronto, The tea table was tastefully Toronto, Whitby, Oshawa, Green- decorated, centred with the w o od, Hampton, Coîbarne, wedding cake and flanked by Campbelford and Castleton. blue candies, in keeping with Between the afternoan and the color theme for the 45th evening reception bours, Mrs. anniversary. Bruce Mutton served a buffet Mrs. Bert Mutton invited supper at ber home ta the fam- guests ta the tea room, and pour- ily and relatives froin a distance. HAMPTON Mrs. Mabel Tennant and son M1r. Ralph Nixon, Oshawa, Mrs. Nora Smitb, Brooklin, Mr. and Virs. Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa, were among those who were it the Prescott home last week. Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary wiere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez, Toron- a. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, [ohnny and Judy with hbis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon, Toronto. Miss Grace Kersey visited ber brotherý Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, were with relatives on Manday. The Worshîp Service wili be held at ten a'clock an Sunday narnîng when the Sunday Scbool and church will meet in a combined Christmas Ser- vice. White Gift Service will Ilso' be abserved. Special Christmas music by the choir. 1his is your invitation ta came nd join in the Christmas Ca- rols. A splendid Christmas con- lrt was presented in th:a ýhurch an Monday evening byv te school pupils, which was =uch enjoyed. The attendance ras good. A fuller report la- ,r.1 The Hampton correspondent 'kes this apportunity of ex- mding the Season's Greetings a the Editor and staff and a'il *aders of the Canadian States- nan. Chieken pax and mumps are )revalent in the communitv- nong children, and sorne: lts. Helen McHoirn gave a pianD solo, "Star of the East" and Mrs. Vera Anderson re-d a very interesting, paper 'Can- dlelight at Christmas" all threej items were mucb appreciated.j Some extra excitement ta the program was an exchange cfj Christmas gifts costing not more than a quparter. These were al numbere d and later dlrawi-. 1 iVIORRISH w IV. A. Meeting rA The December meeting ofI~ \/le W.A. 'vas held on Wednes- 10- ay the l4th at the borme of Irs. Harold Osborne. Fîfteen' iembers were present. The resident, Mrs. Harry Bec kett onducted the meeting whirh y ened with "Sulent Night" ~ Ilowed by prayer. The rall vas called and min- tes read by Mrs. Harold Os- or, secretary, afnd latar Y lopted as read. The business session was irt, dealing mostly with the ~ sual Christmas donations ~ hich are as follows: M. and- 1Fund, $60: Save the Chul- ~~ .n Fund. $10; Victor Mis- 1 - on, $10, Salvation Army, S10; 19 ik Children's Hospital, $10: t nitcd Nation's Fund, $20; 20 in ahl.Y The committee for buyîng i y id packing gift boxes for sick1 id shut-ins, Mrs. M. J. Rý- îï rs. H. Osborne. The January meeting will be î dd on'the i8th in the hom.; Y Mrs. Morton Henderson. !r. After the regîîlar colle,'- )ns, *'Joy ta the World" WaS ng. Scripture was i-ead bv ïo rs. M. lHenderson. Leszo ri YP b i t l ioughtswiPubliyer U tMr.;. J. Osborne. Mrs. J. Brimacomb rea W. ROSS STRIKE, Q.C., rts of letters received fram j meds serving in the Mission himn ds af the Sudan; Mrs. Wrni.Chi n zHolm gave "TI e Legcnd ucf eChriâtniaî Candle" Mrs. three Bowxmanvile service clubs to be placed un the entrance ta town from Highway 401. Lion Nelson Osborne .xentioned that the Chamber of'Commerce was planning to set up a sign in the V between Ontario and Liber.ty Streets which could incorporate this information. Members de- cided to obtain more information from the Chamber and the Inter- Club Committee.. before taking action on the request. 1. Lion Rtaiph, Ames reported that he has tickets -for the stag dinner and draw being sponsor- ed jointly by the Lions and Botary Clubs. President Braden reminded the committee chairmen they should .have reports ready for the January 9 meeting when the District Governor wili pay bis officiai, visit. He congratulated Lion Elmer. Banting on being re-elected President of the Chamber of Commerce. # A draw for Lions lasses was won by Lion Bob Kent. nan ville les Commission GEORGE VAN BRIDGER, Mlanager. - 4~ IThe meeting closed with hymn. A dainty lunch was served in the dining room which was gay with Christmas decorations. Grace was said by Mrs. Daw- son Beebe and Mrs. Ira Bebee proposed a vote of thanks to the hostess and tea committee, Mrs. Isaak and Mrs. Fred Me- Conneil for use of homne and lunch served-this was carried unanimousiy and the last meet- in" of 1955 came to a close. Sunday School was well at- tended and envelopes were giv- en out for the White Gift Sei - vice. These are to be presented on Christmas Day with a spe- cial program at il a.m. ýRegu- lar Church Service at 10. a.m. A Christmas party for Mis- sian Band and Sunday Schoal will be held on Thursday, Dec. 29th in the Suriday Schooi a' 2:30 p.m. ýTeachers and friends are asked to be present. The Dramatic Foursome pre- sented their humorous sklt, "How ta Manage Yaur Hus- band" at the W.I. Christmas meeting at, Mrs. C. Brown's Newtonville, on Thursday, Dec. 15th. Mrs. M. J. Osborne visited Mrs. D. Haines stili a patient in East General, Toronto' ad reported some improvement. We trust this wiil continue. Mrs. Vera Anderson spent the weekend with hier soli, Ross, and famlly at Baltimore. We are pleased ta report that Mr. Lloyd Marvin is im- praving under' his doctor's treatment and care. We trujt this impravement wili continue. I.Mr. and Mrs. Clair Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Hinbert, ail of Toronto, were guests of Mrs.. Wm. McHoim an Saturday thi2 l7ow t6 wisb aur geniai Edi- tor, the staff, correspondents and readers af The Canadian Statesman, A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 1956. Joys Of Yuletide I love ta watch the happy throng Whenever Christmas cornesi alang. There's something winning in the smile 0f every kid that gets a pile Of books, and toys and every.. thing That good aid Christmas ought ta bring. SomehowI neyer couid elate About this thing called man's estate, I'd rather be a kid once more And play with toys upan the floor. l'in thankful though, that in my heart I stili can-take a yauthfui part, In ail this Christmas joy and cheer That marks the ending of a year. l'mi glad there ain't no law forbids Me getting forty-leven kids And ramping with them ail the way To happiness, an Christmas day. For when we add the total sum The folks that go ta Kingdom ý Corne, According ta the Hoiy M'rit, Is them that gives, not them that gt. -Platt Yung. e; Fine Program Provided at Ebenezer WMS The (!hristmas meeting af the Afternoon Aýuxiliaryoaithe W.M.S. was held in the Sun- day School room at Ebenezer on Dec. 13tb with an attend- ance af twenty-eight. Quiet nmusic witb Mrs. Char- les Found at tbe piano braught the meeting ta order and Pre- sident, Mrs. Eltan Werry open- ed witb a suitable Christmas stary, "The Christmas Gift", bv Marjorie Practer, closîng ber remarks with prayer. A beautiful worsbip centre, witb candies burning adorned the table at the front for the inspiring worship service. Th-s wa ncharge f Mrs. Esl Oke, Mrs. B. Courtice, Mrs. W. Bic' kie and Mrs. Murray Oshourne. Hymnns sung and Scriptue' passages read were in keepig with the Manger scene.p vocal duet "What Chii c# This? was sung by Mrs. Me,- ray Osbourne and Mrs. Llajý, Down, and wvas enjayed lby ail. We were favoureci with the Christmas Chim-es as a piau3 solo by Miss Louise Osborne. A beautiful Christmas story entitled "The Gift'., was pre. sented by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, who in her mast able mannar filled aur hearts with gratitude for aur manv blessings, parti. cularly at this season. Benedictian and three41w Amen closed the meeting whi wan prepared by Mrs. E. Oe., Mrs. W. Bickle, Mrs. B. Cotar- tice and Mrs. M. Osborne. About one-third of the 1~ maie teachers in Canada are reelV q -= J Jury & Lovel YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE

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