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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 21

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~ ..-.t.*~ -. - ?HUDAYDI. 22n6, 1955 TUB 'CALADIAr4 STAIT.SMAN.BOWI&ANVT.T. ONT'YARIO VrtIa Ithough that competitor is aco-op p by their pni C.CF. Leader Blasts i to vanést upe urplua t ohadi thibtrsurpls ilaeas they lae îlig Prssurng ffors 1Pnce they have, destroy co-op' there s every 1ki that their present wlllint 0f Bg Mik Poducrs ake surplus milk wl] dis& Of Bg M lk Pro uces 1This farmers' surplus plant is a highly comme Ontario's CCF leader, Donald ed ta tactes designed to cul off attempt ta salve an aid pi C. MacDonald, spoke ta a meet- Itht milk flow ta the ca-op plant. by stif-htlp. Il la tht r tOf thLelIn omie, R.R.Cluboa-Instead af reiusing la take milk tian bW farmens' dreanis a' Mctelan omeR.]Years. It le ai interest MaavMle an Thursday, Deceni- surpluses off the lai-mens' hands community at large t] ber 1th. when he criticlsed thet as they had dont for years they survive. aclmuo ofbig milk producerssin are now going aiter this surplus Once again, this le a ronto. Ht claimed they have weetegvrmn .efforts ta banki-upt the1 praducfion even though they weettgvrmn W es urlsmlkpaton ei me aetosi a flot stand idly by and leta esurpu ofpln nIsmeie ae1< f1 lPoweniui milk distri utakirts ai thte ity.f hundred miles or mort out ta apenîy conspire la wreclt tThebgml itibtr ) hi branch plants. Onteaiflice tht farmers ,have achievi the Toronta oes have joined big Toronto distributons has Producers Deny Chai efforts ta bankrupt tht fanm- gant 50 fan as ta aifen 15 cents ToTontdir a ëfÏsurplus milk plant on the per hundred subsidy on trans- Tw oot-ar Outskrts f Tornto.ponalion casîs for alliche milk 1tuons said Friday Tarontc outkita i oreto jthey can get aven and above I producers are not atler For- years, tht pnoblem ai thein statd nequirements. to baîckrupt the Toronto surplus mllk has bedevilltd thte fiiifgre eel o Producers' Co-Operative. tan'nera' efforts to tstablish ard- Oecalfihatreslwee 9and htTootoMor i erly marketing af their praductl 1954, nh0ai milk pr152oadc-trs'TAsoito ion aDith lie said. Tht big distributans 15,ol 2toiak rdc or'Ascato n h mither leit the surplus mik ontbon was surplus, and tlcerefoiei Ionto Milk Producers' As Illefarers hads, o tat e bught by tht distributor at tht j lion, in a joint statement, had ta gel id ai it in any wav half the fluid milk pnîce> orepmanilethursdaechiin pohtle oarese, thans s ha e scoday nie(ltor inet an virepling ta a peech po sribor tIsilwsued m ine se leil on tht farmens' hands.11Donald C. MacDonald, 01 tht dricstr urso abundes-n By cantrast, ta date in 1955, CCF leader. Iybuilt up aven the Nears. mor~~e thian 30 % aýofi nilk pcrduçts 1 Mr. MacDoniald was q is surplus above fluid miik; as sayingc that big-busint To meel Ibis probhemn, a ma- 1 needs, y et tht big disînibutonsJ trying .ta squeeze out a janity of the milk producens inj profess lo bc willing and able ta irs' surplus-ncilk plant tht Toronto milk shed formed aj take il al-at least, un til they Toranto. co-op, known as the Toronto have knocked tht farmers op Th ascitn'saE Mil-k Producers Ca-openative. plant ouI of the piclure. j ha asciton'clt Thty raised amang their meni- These distributors have com- "This has icever been the bership a quarter ai a million bined thnough thein associationa snd it is certainly sot th dollars, and built a modern plant and gant ont dtep furîher n I eto ittdsnbt which is situated off Highw~av their unfair practicta. I eutioofmthksupis ta 400, just above the junction watlc Thy have luntlylaidptieplant the 401 By-Pass. Thispln hyhv ltytodhe la. came mbt operation last March. farmers that if they merge or "We do not believe that AlmsIasson s l pttdamalgamat their surplus înilk MacDonald's remarks r( thbgil dstibIos esrî Jca-on ih ie Toronto Milkthtrcfeigattp ____ big_____________or Psrod ucers' Association, tîcty (thethetu feigofte- -distribuIons) wiIi cesse 10 make minvolved." 1 the deduction from tht farmers' Mn. MacDonald said Toi pay cheques which provide the ares fanmers had-built a$ operaling revenues for the Pro- 000 plant la pracess thean ducens' Associatian. A deiight- Plus milk an a co-aperi MA3330 exampie o ruthless higla- basis. Big rnilk distribi fOI' ont!' signed ta cul off ltce fia' S SEI m Thei n argument, a course, j nik ta t t n w l n, h Wanauthal they refuse ta hieip finance Tht stalement added: lyCia ca-operative o n g a n i z alion "When this plant wss SERVICF which wilil be compeîing with; on tht initiative ai a g, them on secondany milk pro- j af farmer-producers we ducîs. It's tht aid slary of' essed the opinion ta ther people who are willing ta psy that lime thal licere xvas lip-service ta compelilion, but in enough surplus milk avail practice nesont ta eveny taclic ta ini the Taronto markelta destroy a new competiton--eves port their aperatioxi." May each Christnmas candie add its light to the brigltest, happiest Day of the year for you and yours. May ait the joys of the season be yours in fullest measure ... niay its niemorles Iiit your heart and wcrm your spirit throughout a New Year, rich in 'ood healîh cand happiness. S.Blain Elli'Ot PLUMBING and ,HEATING A To ail our Members and Cusiomers we tfake this opporfunify 10 wish you one and al Cliristinias and a cf(appy anaci fProsperouis )/lei 1 Jear ORONO DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OP PHIONE 1.37 r 1 meeyto assist in distributing t tt IV L ' . v U4I whchThe Un-ited Church Sulnda'. lQîlcil i ai eV take orSchaol held their Christnàza' pX 1tA Lx, c'1t t M lYparty in the church basern-,r es W~ yed the with Rev. R. R. Bonstecl an- j al;:im,,ii i-d l. ' 'cib i ,elihood ~~~s-~nounclng teprogram. Chis-1 zi.p j1" 1,e ilii rness ta o:~'~~. mas hymns and carols e *hc' « 1ng - . appear. .. . ~ ~ ~ The primary class trained b: nex-ý cx dt' "c i ' i mil-k ' ~~--~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Vincent Jackson and Mi~.Ix-l k ' '~ "~ )roblem Mervyn Porteous sang "wvm h c" realiza- ~.~>*~' - In a Manger." Barba ' atr Xiîîe verthe '-"."~" ..-**~ ~recited "Puss And He1 el b .t ' ta the ~ Randy Longfie]d played "Wl w *c ' i - ~ ~. t '~ Shepherds W ateh e d Thc"cihld ?~"C' ',i Cr~i acl: la it Flocks" as a cornet solo. 'l'il Rc2li r'x'îi q*- een- S Junior class of six boys. '1' Lxy'0 f ( -et Cr R a efive girls sang the carol "Dec:c luuih a t-"'h,ýr W:s i goupd the Halls With Botichs of Hn!- tce'. Swhat kssocia-é omllk mpting Milk s trib u - . . .4 ; LlTor'- isocia- were Bow- t br op persform15anc nd255ybauyar h outsfanding attributes of Buidk'a new Century and Special )ntrif seiesfor195. A255horsepower V-8 engine, with four-barrel carburetor, hooked up ta the new variable pitch Dynallow transmission mnakes the Century the lending performer on the highway. Special mode). - jutdare powered by the saine big engine, rated ini thisseries at 220 h.p. Dnfo rv ssadr qimn es son the Century, optional on the Special. Many engineering advances have been miade in the chassia fr-of both series ta improve ride and stability. ,ement bougli he Nrthern p bu ~uriu~ -~ Sevice sports from Mr. Paterson, he ecase had told him tiîey were from ein-L a strain which had very good ILsejoiis jolity lsta c Lo V ~ * color, and hie had found this ta I Icedb .GIT thsbe true. "Year after year they S anta in exiendind ufur have produced very fine ap- 1M. The annual Christmas cati- Wanda VOilkins, Margaret pies", Mr. Carruthers said. dle-lighiting service of tlie Bond, Lorraine Brock and heri rectilt:$!P eflect Canadian Girls in Training Marva Abernethy, and xvas re- Vaubepie tepp )eople was observed at St. Paul's Un- ceived by Miss Marie Fergu- sented ta the salesmen andi~t vrmr~ i.':re :~rî. i ited Church on Sunday eveii- son. Mrs. Harold Turner as- Christmas bonuses ta other- oeelb( -lrt1 )ronto- ing, Dec. 18. The girls with sisted in the service and in- employees of the f irm.r 250,- their leaders, Miss Ruth Braggs, troduced Mrs. Andrew Dilling During the afternoon M rs full of joi', ed ;1 ..IC'! fcl p su-Mrs. Harold Turner and Miss who told the special story LiBnighd etrand teî-%' 'ative Marie Ferguson, conducted the the service in a very fine mani- ladies of the organization an dl )utors service, followed the order of ner. th vvsa heslsa tC muL id'e- thenainlCrsmsvpe an enjoyable tea at hier hom'c. wOf natvicfoalChr.itas eser The love]y candle-lightingISP TS YLE ad1V; sa evie fo ..IT gap ceremony was led by Miss SPRS YLj n I sa- across Canada.R Caîl ta worship and prayer Ruth Bragg, and c j DL J. g 2 - -- built Iwere given by Connie NidderyGoiaBoso.Jsie.....~*.~~'"- --.--- iru and reading the 'passages from yandNc lie Wi- Mr. John White a taken to rex- Scripture were Diane Hallman Lii- unyad l lI~a a- '~ ~- w- M tadSao Hl.Responsive yoet, Peterborough . Hospital 0OU aI ad Shron ull.Thursday. His many frieîcds arc 1 net reading was led by Normea The girls left the church in isînghl sedyreoT L' ýLab!e Bannister. flarlene Cooper also recessional as tice carol, "As ery s . Wghit eeis reaanng sup- took part, and Jane De Jong With Gladness Men of Old" jn Ptrborough for this week ici ei' # and Diane Connaghian welconc. xvas sung by the congregation. visiting with lier sister-in;.1aý-, ed members of the congrega- The chour co trtbuted two Mrs. Percy Stewart. M ic the door prior ta thz! numbers, ~Infanct Holy an The Women's Missionary Si- t e?~~ ~ rhie.o rn astknb Rockiing",wi1h Mi f.iety af the United Church metJ"À IL Ddley at the orgcn. at the home of Mrs. Otto Spen cer, with Mrs. George Waddell ~t presiding and icading in the special Christmas prayer set- 0T7RU4 ý_I IEnjoy Annual Party ga ai ae fqit ncoh Matinee - j sng had been sent; $25 wvas re- ' Sixty-nine employecs and mnan with the firmn, and ga ceived from the sale of Christ- mt guests of the H. C. Downhaln ciously responcied ta I as gree tin cards; $160 had i- Nursery Company Ltd. enjoy- Ross Richards. The toas ta oth~een"Trwred t hadqar-Ni n ' edan xclsenas pry at te .C on mfr r-ters for mission work, whiclî 1 ean xCelentm trc inrH . on'a imas pro- t h was $10 in excess of the allo-(T 1 'Lions Community Centre last posed by Glen Thompson, cation. In addition, Mrs. Tha încau xctn)s-r' " "t Saturday night as guests of Eastern Ontario Sales Man- mas Jackson presented a Atitni n xiii the firm. Empioyees of tIce ager, who thanked the firm cheque ic memory of lher laIe lient on a desUu~cj; c t: ' company were present from the for sponsoring lie annuai husband, this ta be used wher- several other points in Ontar:o enjoyed by the staff. Officers elected were Pre- CHARLTON HESTON r'--*. as weIl as from the Bowman-. Ic replying to the, sident, MVrs. George Wadde.l; ville branch. George Downham tlcanked ail Vice - Presîdent, Mns. Otto Thuirsday - Friday- - 7 a-nd :' 5 . ) Elmer Banting, Bowmai- ltce employees for their liard Spencer; treasurer, Mrs. Herb jville Branch Manager, welcom- work which has been respons- Coppins; Secretary, Mrs. Me;:'- ~ î< g-~-'-- Sed the emplayees and guests. ible for the Downham firm vyn Porteous; Christian stew- - andyou i vveaorpusbndahadreethtlaghsavoum aiMrs T.JacsonnTmpean thtes plasue a hve ou rowng a te oin whrealnadspprnd sres seretrvt S ND Y M -!UND-- 'eLu. lcere and in this cvay say 'thank retail nurser-y business in Caoi- Conveicor, Miss Maude Rod- ,- you' for your contribution t.j ada. 'We do flot wish ta put io well, pianist, Mrs. Clarence ý "t-t -/,P year", hie said. ps biggest and bebt tuat we lose G. M. Longfield; assaciate se,:t- Heinroucedth had ta-te personal touch witîî ou'- retary, Mrs. Donald Lowes; fi tit ' He itroucedtheheadta-eniployees", lice d c c I a-r e d. friendship secretary, Mrs. Wal- if ble guests: George Downhami, "Thaîck you \-cry rnucli for the ter Rowland. S tari i--i" son f H C.Do~vham andunselfish co-operation wvîicii Ail the members took part ini JACK PALANCE as J(- General Manager of the fi-ici- h hita evcwt Fi-you havc givenlius". te Crsms srie i! Mrs. Downham, Arthur SpcalGet nroue Mrs. T. Jackson as the narra- Co-starring Constance Slibianld l-t-c'~ i ' dler, Strathroy. head ai tho e j Gus Itodcd tar, telling the Christmas sîory propagation and growing de-. Mr. Bantincg introduced a from twelve different portions Added Stooge Coîncdy - ' ;c""' partment; Vern McCandless, special guest ai the company, af the Oid and New Testament, Stratlîroy, head of the -assem- Wilfrid Carrutîcers and bis interspersed cith Christmas -i bly line' shippiîg operatioti, wife. He poiîîted out that Mr hymnns and caraIs. Mrs. R. R. Hank Janzen, head of the Bow- Carrutîcers had become the Bonsteel sang a sala.Sn il - manville growing operations;f "Apple King ai Canada" hy Atth cosea te eein rChiln ïS c,~ i Mr. Jnze, Ms. lacr Bnt-winning the Sweepstake prize the hostess served lunch anda ing anîd Marguerite Conkey, 1 for the best box ai apples 'it social hour wvas enjayed by ail. a'o ay ue mi r - Strathroy office maniager. 1 the Royal Wixter Fair and the The annual Christmas par- j lork As Teamt Niagara Brand Spray Cani- ty a'-ranged for the children aif' jMr. Banting pointed ouItat any Trophy and gold vatc!ic t Part i-h" ' Schol wa- tht . C.Downam îrm afpie the best nine boxes ai Sp-1 a *happy @vent. Mare than ~ H ~ made up af four different aiayvre.Th trsatîended enjoying the baunti- g-roups of empoyees wa rkinc 1on vhich .these -apples were! fui chickennp i uppr urithfi l sdwns Mr.o McCandsscor-~t- isage ta Mrs. Cunningham for &h for ever1n d?~~~~- t--r her valued wvork in the Baw- 3 - - tnanville 'office. O)a,4 'our Christmas be a 1 - ---'t IMr: Banting introduced the t-- - . i including - Ross "Ace" Rich- ards, BawmanviU1e: Howard W ed for 4cars Co corne, ' Fox, Newcastle, and ?î.. jThompson, Ottawa, top sales- - tribute ta Mn. ancd Mrs. Raa e? f'îci.C ordt. w-l i ined the concpaîcr '---. ir.ceiithy afler caming to Can- k oà. a urïrc, <-. -- t ada tram Iheir native Hollan'JI .rq, i"- c Fine Etr.imn Very en-joyable entertain -P- - mîent wvas presented by Mrs.\oefo,'gn'~- "-- Richard Merkley and Mrs j ISamn Black whose excellent . ',,t j VOICes were heard te gbod ad "- v e 1several duels. Jini i 1qus rom Oshawa, also rmade ' - I ahtith the audience. Mne. singers and also play-ed fortha Baker y ?I T e :- 2i. ýn-led by Mr. Fiddher. R yal Th , - - Tl toas-t to hlh Iadies 'wa- 1 '- ,PrOPorced by Jim Snuth, âalei-1-----------------i - ----" - ------------------~---~-* ~ - - v%(-17 Illýi" 1*lN., nxTe ý 1 ýý q-M n OPUIP Pq am a qW.9. - - - -

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