- - - - -' ---.---..,-- -~ .- - -. -.'-- f ,..p.~. -' - ~ - ~4 ~'"N. 'r.~ ~ .. ' - - 'w.---- PAGE TWENTY-TWO éwa ~ UTAL'E~ MAN, UW M NVM 2Z, O ITA Bl N RS A , DE .3 n6 U .BIRTHS TURNER-Beverley and Sam Turner, Brow Ridge Farm, are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Chris. Cameron, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on December 16, 1955. 51-1 DEATHS BURKELL, Ida Emeline-At bbe home of hem daughter, Mrs. John Moore, 283 Hess Street Soubh, Hamilton, Wednesday, Decem- ber l4th, 1955, Ida Emeline Gummow, beioved wife ai tbe late Thomas Burkeli, dear math- cm of Lillie May (Mrs. John Moore), Hamilton, Mabel Vic- toria (Mms. Kenneth Etzweilem), Milwaukee, Wis., Ida Leone (Mms. Cleland Lane), Newton- ville. Service \vas held in bbc George Funeral Chapel. Walton Street, Port Hope. Saturday, December l7th at 2 p.rn. Jnter«- ment INorwood Ccmetery. 51-1 DUNN, James Harold-Suddenly at Bowmanvilieoan Sunday. Dec. 13, 1955, James Harold Dunn, beloved husband af Muriel Dunn, and dear father ai Edward Nom- -Inan and Maie Elizabeth, in bis .9th year. Rested at Nathcutt & Smith Funeral Home. 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Serv- ice was held on Wednesday, Dec. 21 at 2 p.m. Intemment Bow- tinanvilie Cemetery. 51-1 IÇNIGHT-At the Strathaven IRest Home, Bowmanville an Tuesday, December 2th, 1955, Elizabeth Burns Knight in ber 83md year, wife ai the labe George Albert Knight. Restîng at the Morris Funoral Chapel, Bownianville. Service in the Chapel an Fiday, December 23 at 2 o'claek. Interment Baw- manville Cemetemy. 51-1 MOFFATT-At Memoial Hos- pital, Bawmanville, on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1955. George Moffa tt (fommeriy ai Maple Grave) in his 84th year, son ai bbc late Mm. and Mrs. Andmew Mffatt and brother oi Jack, Margaret <Mrs. A. Allen). Oono, and Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Larkin), Newcastle.i Resting at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile. Service in bbc Chapel on Fmîday, Dec. 23 at 3:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 51-1 IN MEMORIAM ASHTON-In loving memaory ci a dear sister, Mabel C. Ashton, Who passed away five years ago December 24, 1950. She wished none a last farewell Nom even said goodbye; She had gone befome we knew And only God lcnew why. Asleep in God's beautiful garden Away from ail sorraw and pain Igomre day when l1e': jaurney is ended We shall be together again. - Lovingly remembemed by sister Maude and boher-in-law Herb Babcock. 51-1* B3ENTHAM-In loving memory of aur dear ,mother, Minnie Ben- tham, Who entemed into rest Dec. 20, 1954. "'But O for the touchofai vanished hand And bbc sound ai a voice that bs stilîf" -Ever lovingly emembemed by family, William, Delbemt, Rena, Alta, Mildred and Lenore and grandbjildmen Jean, Richard and John. 51-l* RUNDLE-In lving m'may af a dear busband anid father, Cephas James Rundie, who passed away Dec. 2lsb, 1954. Ho bade no anc bis last farewell, He said goodbye ta none, Trhe heavenly gatos were opened, A loving voice said "Came". ofaten sit anj tbink oi hlm, The tbings lho used to say, 1 wavndem wbv he bad ta die: Without a chance ta say good- bye. Thougb out ai sigbt you're 'over Stili missed, sill loy cd, stilil mine, You wiil live with me in mmr Until bbc end af time. -Lovingl.y ememrbered by bisi wife Jessie and iamily, 51-11 COWLING-In ioving memory oi dear dad. Fred H. Cowling, who passed awvay Dec. 22, 1953. Youm iasb pamting wisb xve would like ta have heard, And beathed in vour car ouri hast parting word, Onlv those xvho have lit ae rticles For Sale 1 Articles For SaIE STE WART-Warner cabinet radio with shortwave. Phone MA 3- 3601. 51-1l ONTARIO potatoes. 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf' AMARYLLIS bulbs, large hy- brids for most beautiful plants. Stewart's Seeds. 51-tf SMALL oil heater, perfect con- dition, $lý. Phone MA 3-5068 after six p.m. 51-1 WOOD for sale, maple and elmj tops, $1 each. Lloyd Richards.! Phone MA 3-2676. 51-1*1 GIRL'S wine coat set, size 5; console radio phonograph, $15.00. Phone MA 3-3848. 51-1* CHRISTMAS trees, No. 1 spruce and balsam. Cabin 1. Cream of Barley Park, King East, Bow- rnanvi]le. 50-2* USED television, reconditioned and guaranteed. Various sizes. Television Service Co., 33, King St. W. 51-1 VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instail. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf SAVE on lumbc-. direct from mil] to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17rl1. 13-tf HARDWOOD slabs, $45 per load, approximately three cords, saw- ed and delivered. H. M. Kyte,l Blackstock. 47-tf CHRISTMAS treeg, top quality Scotch pine and spruce. Fre e delivery. Donald Myles, 124 Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-5887. 48-4 PAYNE'S pure sweet filtemed apple juico. A healthful, invig- orating Christmas beverage. For delivemy Phone Clarke 2811. 51-1*j SCOTCH pino Christmas trocs, ahi sizos. Walter Frank, Kumv Inn, or Chas. Frank, Manvers Road. Phono Newcastle 2114 or MA 3-2403. 49-3 HI-FI is the ultimate gif t for loyers of good music. See and hear the Electrohome "Concord" on display at Televîsion Service Co., 33 King St. W. 51-1 CHRISTMAS trees, top quality Scotch pine and spruce, free de- livery; also pair of girl's figure skates, size 4. Apply 123 Ontario St. or Phone MA 3-5835. 50-2 ONE only now refrigerator at y' sacrifice price. Genemal Electric v 8.1 cu. ft. capacîty, 40 lb. freezer <acrass bbe top. Full'y guaran- tced, $289.00. Televisian Service Y Ca., 33 King St. W. 51-1 ýt HEARING aid service, testing service and compiebe stock ai abatteries and cords at Higgon 'Electriç Limibed, 38 King St. E., sBowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. 20-tf JUVEÏ;ILE hockey equipment- rCantilever shoulder and bicep guards, 2 pair shin guards, ïgarters, gloves, pants, atbletic support witb mobal cup. Phono MA 3-5473. 51-1" WHY bc without belevision wben a TV, complote with aerial for $200, pubs bbc world in yaur living-room. Inquire at Tele- vision Sejqvice Ca., 33 King St. W., Bawmanville. 51-1 USED appliances-Easy washing machines campieteiy overbaul- cd and econditioned, $30 and -up; General Electric meiigerat- or anly $35; Grahamette rang- ette, $10; Beech 4-bumner elcc- tric range only $15, at Fammi Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 51-i 1 CHRISTMAS sugg~estions. Dup-' licator for handbiils, $25: 36 pieces socket xrenches $16.95; Stanley woodworking tools; also vice gips, pliers and cutters. Rocap snow gips, 6.70, 7.10-15 at $14.50 and up, aiso steel stano- boats at $20 and $25: Stanley, garage ovemhead hardware at j $2695.Hoskin's Store.Eak SWEET cider, 50e gal. Wil Carruthers, 227 Scugog St, GIVE African violets for Chi mas. Order now. We will them for you. Visit Stewi Violet Roonis, 33 Division Bowmanville.4 INSULATION, blowing met] with rock wool. Workmam guaranteed. Free estima Harry L. Wade. Phone Cla 2420. 3 DO your own floors -ren sander or a floor polisher fi Lander Hardware, 7 King St. Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-51 NEW Smith-Corona Skywr: typewriters at on]y $74. ideal, useful Christmas Walter Frank, MA 3-2403 Newcastle 2114.4 PRINTS of photos of put events appearing mn this pal taken by Carson Studio may obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 ir glossy prints. Carson Stuc Port Hope. 41 TYPEWRITERS. adding n chines, new and used, fors or rent; also Cole steel fil: cabinets, office furniture, ce registers. Walter Frank, MA 2403 or Newcastle 2114. 48 IWHERE ELSE can you gel one-yeam full coverage guarant with youm belevision, atb EXTRA CHARGE - except TELEVISION SERVICE CO., King St. W., Bowmanville? 48. DRAPERIES and vonetian blin custamn made, or draperies so by tbe yard. Our representatil will cai at'your homo any tin with a complote range of sampl and suggestions without oblîî, tian. Fabrie Town, 59 King;E W. Phono MA 3-3609, Bowmaî ville. 48- Ceramic - Glazed- Quarry Walls - AlKinds- Floorsl H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 44-tf TURKEYS DRESSED and DELIVERED from 12 Ibs. Up Best Quality Competitively Priced C. BOREK HAMPTON MA 3-2936, TURKE-YS CHOICE YOUNG BIRD S DRESSED and DELIVERED PHIL FINNEY PHRONE SHOES-The following btand- name shoes are now in stock: children's Savage shoes, Brouw- er Research shoes, Sisman work boots, Sisman Scampers.' Scott- McHale shoes, Dack shoes, Grebb arch support work boots, Foam Tread; slippers, ladies' Gracia shoes, Logrollers, Dr. Scholl's foot remedies and shoe supports, Plus many other Uines; Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly- wood Sani-whîte and Properts shoe polishes. modern shoe re- Pair service in the rear af store. Lloyd 'Ellis Shoes, 49 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3- 5941. 26-tf ICE CREAM (Ideal Dairy, Oshawa) -4 BRICKS at 30o QUARTS at 55e HALF GALS., $1.00 GALLONS, $1.75 2!'2GALLONS S3.75 Hoskin's Carload St ore Blacksiock The pain in the heart at tocURk. 51-1s J R Om saying fareweli. 1TYPEWRITER clearance -An FOU o lihoeMpu -23s . J.R.1r- --Ever reiicmbered bv Fred an dalstg gift: Remington, avse, June. dard, 'wood, Royal, Smith Stan-i ONE German Shepherd female _________________ida, reconditioned, reguiariv R i'in with pjers. Phone MA 3-3744. , 79.50. reduced $39.50. Also, tititiI RT ki If51-1* CQMING EVENTS new 1956 portable with case, re -______________ ______________________ duced $59.50. Adding machines, a Avoid conflicting dates by' adds to $99,999.99, subtracts, onlv 0on uispiay ai_______________ ______ registering your event with th e $1950. Each fully guaranteed.ST R RALGHbsnsno Chamber of Commerce. Phone Deposit $5.00, balance C *O.'D.* HO SKIusiesN'S pe MA 3-5031. 51-8 Immediate shipment. Crown, O KNS T RE i Bomnle. ra wl _____1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que. established. Excellent oppor- Dance and draw to be held in _______49-3________ tunity. Pull time. Write at once. Ennsklln al onFrda, en Bacicsiock Rawleigh's Dept. L-140-189, EnniskilRuthaWlon' Dceta. DECORATING ___________51-2Montreal, P.Q. 51-1 Enniskillen Athietie Club. 51-1i o h ats aes- 1 REPRESENTATIVE wanted for BingoorUnionLatel. paperht\Vanted To Rent your locality and surroundings Bingod . Unon i, on igh t * 0 For the Fnest Paints ta sell guaranteed lne. Floor Thr ayDc . 22ndals, tr8ev*fo te.fl I.innsi A LARGE aPartment or ouse polish, pepper, specials with Thre jakoos, aso urkv * or he est orkansi n Bowmanville. R. Kerr. Phone free products bring repeat bus- diraw. Admission, 50c. 51-1 MA 3-5016. 51-1 iness. Write now ta Familex, New Year's Eve dance, Black- S. G. Preston & Son _____________ Dept. C, Station C, Montrea. stock Recreational Centre, spon- Phones SNcmted TWSHP 0 51-1R sored by O.N.O. Club. Doug I%3_5912 M.A3-2701 TWtNSHIPplFcatin fr th 9tsO rhe stura. Dacing ro 44-tf DEAD STOCK removed from position of ASSESSOR 9 to 12 Satur a. Dec m ber ~î. - 1jvour farm pro mnptlv for san .itary 1for th To n lp f M a v r Lunch, hats, horns. $1 .50pe For Canada's Finest disposai. Telephonie coilect: Co -1wî ereed the TonhpufMnder- person. 10-3 O. 17 bourg FRanklin 2-3643 or Toron- wl ercie yteudr .i Auminum WinluW to EM 3-3636. Gordon Young signed until January 6, 1956. Reception 1n or Limitcd. 42-tf ROSS DAVIDSON, Cierk, and oorsBethany, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wil- Triple Track - Self-storing . Personal PLIAIOS5lb rc-1 son will be at home ta their Also SHIELDALL APPLICATINS_____________v friends and neighbours at Mr. HYGIEIC suplies -(rub 'd 1956 o500 members of 5th o and Mrm. Jack Wd1sn's. Velver-W GEI upis-(ub o ebr fteBw ton Suday Ja, it. rom2 w7arwc & Wright goods) Mailed postpaid in plain mnanville Pire Brigade. Appli-, utn, 4andta, Jan.mls t he W1i.sealed envelope with Price iist. cants must ho residents ai the untl an 7to pm. n he PHONE MA 3-2677 Six samrples 25c, 24 saniples Town of Bowmanville and be occasion of their 5th Wedding Easy Terni& $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, -employed and live within a réas- .Anniversary. Kindly accept a Fre EstUmts No Obligation Nov.-Rubber Cu., Box 91, klam- onable distance from the Fire 10 ai. .a- 4 'Ition. 0Ont. 1-U eau. A. J. LyAC, Clark. 31-2 -NOTICES Dr. L. S. Miklos' office will be closed from December 24, 1955, to January 2nd, 1956. * 51-1* Notice to rabbit hunters. $1.00 will be paid for each rabbit' Please be careful when hunting on nursery property. Brookdale Kingsway Nurseries. 48-tf ,e ilfrid irist- hold ,art's St., 18-tf hôid, iship ates. arke 9-tf At a .rom %E., iter The1 gif t. or 49-3 ýblic tper ,be ýnch dio, ma- ale ling ash L3- -tf itee at 33 -tf ids old, ýive me >les ga- Livestock For Sale THIRTY young pigs, different ages, seven weeks up. E. Hocka- day. Phone MA 3-2985. 51-1 FRESH cows and some due to freshen soon. Apply- Z. J. Benschop or Phone MA 3-2926. 51-1 HOLSTEIN cow, due Dec. 24. Apply to Harold Souch, R.R. 1, rNewtonville. Phone 16 r 20, Orono. 51-1* Cars For Sale '49 FORD '/2-ton- -panel truck, good condition. Phono MA 3- 12059.51-1* 1946 CHEV. truck, faum-speed transmission, new stock racks, 7.00x17 tires, at $350. Frank Hoskin, Blackstock. 51-1 1953 HILLMAN, directional sig- nals, beater and radio; 1953 Studebaker witb overdrive and heater; 1950 Pantiac coach, low mileage. anc owner car; 1948 International 3-ton truck, cab and chassis; 1951 International 3-ton stake at Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bawmanviile. Phone MA 3-5689. BEFORE CHRISTMAS rwas the week before Xmas, When I looked at my car. Iwas an old model and had been driven too far. he upholstery was ripped, the seat was tomn, rhe brakes didn't work and neither the horn. Che windshield was busted, the ciutch. was broke. Che Kas line was clogged and so was the choke. cried and moaned and started to cuss, omething had to be donc about the old bus. 'hen Il went to PALMERIS 1 was ail awoe. is ad said I could get much more for my dough. 'w I laugh at the bumps, 1 get mileage galore. 'b car looks fine and hcre's something more. bought my car from PALMERS on the Easy Plan. Fy payments are small, And I'm a happy man! lE Il 'TI TI TI I Se ' Ilh [1 W: 51 l MOTOR SALES Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service-. Pick up and delivery. Lorné Doreen. 85 King E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-tf ANY make television or radio. Professional. prompt, courteous service. Telovision Service Ca.,J 3." King St. West. MA 3-3883. R 4-tf- REPAIRS toalnl makes af refrig- erators, domestie and commer- cial; milking' coolpas. 'Higgan Electric Limited, 42 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5438. 25-tf WE do ail kinds, af earpentry work, repairs on buildings, build cuphoards and put down bard- wood and ile floors. We also epair fumniture. For froc est-, imates MA 3-2011 or MA 3-2740.1 51-11 WATCH REPAIRING ai MARR'S JEWELLERY 13 King St. W., Phoné MA 3-5463 TAYLOR -Repair Shop RADIATORS and HEATERS REPAIRED and CLEANED RECORING General Soldering Repairs Queen St. W.' Bowmanville -Phone MA 3-3459 Work Wanted PLUMBING', heating, caves- traugbing, froc estimates. Harvey Parbner, Tyrone. 38-tf SKATES sharpened. Sec Jam- iesan's Tire Sbap, corner King1 and Silver Streets. 36-tf HALF-tan pickup truck and driver for aIl kinds ai general dolivery. MA 3-2011 or 3-2740. 51-1 YOUNG woman seeks office wark, typing, bookkeeping, gen- oral office work. Capable af assuming rospansibility. Write Box 457, c/o Canadian States- man, Bowmanville. 51-2* PLUMBING AND HEATING Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer 2e' Ontario St. Bowmnanville Phone Night or .Day MA 3-3473 16-tf CONCRETE AND MASONRîY REPAIR OR STRUCTURAL ýL. TURNER Phonoe MA 3-3231 P.O. Box 177 Evenings Phono MA 3-3338 51-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, Prompt Service Skates Sharpened 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf Local andi Long Distance MO0V IN G Licensed and Fully Insured - Also - GENERAL TRUCKING P.C.V. Class "C", "F" and "H"' Contact Preston Transport Phone MA 3-2493 Bowmanvillel 47-tf BULLDOZJNG EXCAVATING TRENCHING - LGADING IRAGLINE - CLAM IVORE Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 392W 32bf For Rent APARTMENT on main street in Bowmanville. Phono Oshawa RA 3-3559. 5-" SEVEN-roomed brick bouse in town. Cbildren weicomne. Phoanc MiA 3-3968. 51-l1 rHREE-roomed self-contained heated apamtment. Apply 143 King St. W. 51-1* F'OUR-roomed winterized cot- tage, beavy duty stove, West Beach, Bowmanviilc. Write lMrs. I. Rogers, General Déc1ivemv, Ahitby. FOUR-room bheated apartment, îewly decoratcd. iocabed close ao shopping district and past I office. Appiy M. Imwin or bobe- 1 Phone aiter 6 p.m,, Clarke 3123 1 APARTMENT on Duke Street <Above B.-K. Office) j Icated, self-contained, separate cntrance, stove and refrigerator;I three r0ooms and bath. Suitable for adults only é This la excellent for sorneone leslrlng 'Part-tlme office work. Brookdale - KIngsway ;f Nurseries 1# Real Estate for BUILDING lots, in good r tial district. Contact Cr.1 59 Concession St., or Phc 3-2307. $1 ,000 DOWN-4-roomn brick house with gara ge, land, in Hampton, $4,000. phono MA 3-5512. SIX-room bouse with hi cold water, bath and fi full cellar, lot 250x65, or out of town. Write Box Canadian Statesman. Bo, Ville. REAL ESTATE FOR S Properties Sold, Renti Managed and Apprahs L. M. ALLISO1 Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastli Two blocks north of tri signal. Newcastle To Ail My Friends and Clients. I extend Sincere Wishes We are now maîiufacturing cement blocks, bath interlocking and standard, and wouid be Ple 'ased ta serve you witb a good product at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phono 392W, Port Perry. 40-tf The Annual Meeting ai the Memorial Hospital Board will ho held in tbe Couneil Chambers on Thumsday evoning the l2th af Januamy, 1956, at the boum ai 8:00 o'cloek for the purpose ofj heaming reports and eiecting six, dimectars. R. J. Dilling, Sec'y-Tmeas. 51-3 Notice ta Customers: As ai this date wo are discontinuing aur business. Ice may be ob- tained from Mm.- Russell Brown, Phono MA 3-571.4. 1 May we take this oppartunity ta bhank you for rour Patronage and wish you ahl a vemy Mermy Christmas and a Happy New Year. Alan G. Williams, IV (iormem'ly) Williams' Ice. We wish ai ihis iim exiend fo ail oui friends and custom hearifeli wishes fo Very Merry Chrisi and a Happy New Yea M. E. Leask, Bro' 65 Ontario St. Bowmar Telephone MA 3-5919 HIGHEST prices paid, for poultry, raw furs, deer sI goose feathers, feather tI scrap iron. rags. andt me Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, lect.4 ALL kinds of live poultry wi ed. Top Toronito prices paic vour door for large or sr quantities. We have ourc Imarket. M. Flatt, Bethany1 1. 'Telephone collect to Beti 7 r13.Z Logs and Timberlai HARDWOOD PREFERRE] H., M. KYTE Blacksfock 41 The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED- ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - }IELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate - « 3c PsT Word with a minimum ot Soc Must b. paid by date of insertion. il charqed, an additional 25c wjlI b. added. A charge af 25c will be mode tor ail replies directed Io Ibis office. NOTICES - COMING EVENTs AND CARDS Or THANES 3c a Word with a minimum of $1.00 for 33 words ar less. BIITHS - ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES - DEATHS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS 81.00 plus foc Cr line for verso COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDE Includen cr11 advertising 1for persoa or firms selling service&. ideas or goode of azy descriptio -3c Per word: minimum charge 75e cash wîth order. To regular, edvertisers payable maathly. Display Çioss.tied at $1.50 per inch with a minimum af on. inch. Additionai insertions at the same ratez. AUl C.lasîftd-s-must b. ln this otliçe not later thon 12 o'clocIc noon, Wednosday. Send cdh. stamps r money order and save maney. Clip this out for handy reference OFFICE HOUES- Mionday through Frlday 8:30 a.m. ta 5 P.=. Saturday 8:30 a.m. ta 12 noon Dial MA 3-3303 for Ciassited Ad. 5arvîce ' andi the church \ere decorateci ran ement -of 'm.1p - a 1g; . for- Christmas with ' lightc-.1ture ai appreciati6n from ht j, evemgroen trees and other guesbs. Ross Lee bas eeon eIChristmas efiects by Mrs. E. valuable member for the pa: Mountjoy, June Davis, Judy few yeams on tbe Arca Boar' adSharon Vaillancourt. Cut in fact, sinco its inception, an 4fiowers and a large poinsettia has rendered a real c mu wcre piaced at the altar, by ity service ini the M "'~ou <the W.A., and there was a given to this womk. To su <bright corsage on each black cessor, Roy Nottinghamf, a <choir gown. wishes, that ho, boa, will d A featume ai the chumch ser- rive a certain satisfaction fra 1vice wvas the presentation for a job weil donc, and pleasu ,'Idedication ai a proje,3ýor, fmom new contacts and inte eimade on behalf of thc junivr, ests in this worthwhiie unde S cngregation, by Misa Caroii.xîe taking. - ~ -- -..~ Sale Lost Spencer and the gift of a rad- I ant screen on behaf of the esiden ONE male and ane female black W.A. by Mrs. H. Rose. Everott McCoy, and white beagle hounds, be- Mountjoy, trustee for many >ne MA tween Newcastle and Npewton- years, recelved the gifts for 48-tf ville. Phone RA 3-394f2, Osha- the cangregation, and the l wa, callect. 51-1" icatory prayer was offer~Iy insul- _____________ Mr. Rickard. Choir nu g %~4 acre r included thie carols "My Sep 1Tele- Foun were Grazingl, ad '01ep PAIR f ine's bown goves o oy Babe". Mr. Rickard, ùs-. at and Silver St. Phone MA 3-3857.igth tet hrewso lue, ile1. -Roam", for bis sermon, spoke 458 c/o BAG of children's clothes, out- living, af letting many ordin. *wman- side of Post Office. Owner may ary things, flot necessarily bad 51-1 have same at Brock's Barber in themselves, crowd out the Shop and paying for ad. 51-1* best and mast vital things. We ;ALE _______________nay become so preoccupied Wd, with second-rate things that ed, Cars f T ans they usurp the -place whicli ~ed ..~russhould ho saved for the bigh- N I wouîd like ta thank Dr. H. est. And sa, ta most people, r B. Rundie, Miss Hinks, the staff the danger is not in the great e, Ont. and ail the nurses of Memorial vices, but in flot keeping first 'affic Hospital who were s0 kind ta place for the things ai great- me during my stay in hospital, est and eternal value. 32-tf, aiso al bhe fiends and relatives Brian Lee is ta represent Who sent cards and telephoned. Ontario Count.v at the Provin- Lillian Lewis. cial Older Boys' Parliament 51-1 meeting in Toronto, during for a' Mrs. Peter Badlev and son Christmas week,0 ýS Lloyd wish ta thank ther many The annual meeting of Xe- friends, neighbors and relatives dron Sunday School was held .R for their kindness, flowers, mes- n the church on Tuesday sages of synmpathy during their evening, Dec. 13.. To open tlýe okrrecent sad bereavement ai a meeting, the Kedron United -krloving husband and father, Links Class ai Young Peopie especially tapking Rev. Mr. presented a worsip service, 51-î1' Pike and Dr. Hubbard. 51-1* with Mrs. Douglas Love and Mrs. Lamne Tregunna in The Bowmanville Legion Pipe charge. A Christmas story, g Band wishes ta thank ail those seasanal bymns, scipturean who helped with their Christ- prayer followed the theme af mas Draw and those wbo pur- Christ's birtb. chased tickets. They oxtend Superintendent Cla re nc e rinsbest, wishes for a happy Christ- Wery reidfo buns. mas and a prasperous New Year oloing the reading of pre- o talal their friends in Bowman- viaus minutes by Secretary ville and district. 51-1 Brian Lee, the treasurer's re- port was presented by Rass ivle Mr. and Mms. Aibin Clemens Lee. Balance on hand ta date i. iwish ta express their sincere $81.50. Mrs. E. Mountjoy me- 51-1 thanks and appreciation toa ah ported for Temperance Dept., relatives and friends who ar- -and Mrs. W. DavisfrCal ranged or contributed ta the Rail. frCal as- celebration at the Lions Centre on Saturday, and also ta those It was passed n motion that who remembered temn with a treat be gven al children i gifts, cards and flowes on the the S. S. for Christmas, with occasion of their golden wedding the committee, Mrs. H. Cross. e anniversary. 51-1* man and J. Glover. Rev. R. H-. Rickamd conduet- I would like ta take this opi- ed election af officers; Super- patunity ta thank the nurses intendents - Walter Davis, and staff af, Memorial Hospital, Howard Farndale, Harold Wer- Bowmanville, for their Wonder- ry and Albert Wood, ta serve fui care during my stay in bas- three months each with Wal- pital, also Dr. Hubbard for ter Davis as supervisor; Assist- attention wbile in hospital and ants - Russel Down, Williata D since my return home, and ahl Werry;.-Secretary - Brian Lee; my relatives and friends for Assistants - Ron Wermy, Grant 51-1 enquiries and cards received Spencer, Donald Down; Treas- during my stay in haspital, bath urer, Rss Lee; PianistsEla.. .ebin Bowmanville and in the Whit- nor Mountjoy and Jeanine r thanks toM.adMr.Gog Walter Davis; Hom Depart- for mlingand acts. ai aWhite m'enti--Mrs. C. Wer i~ernper- formay atsofkindness. My ance - Grant Spencer, Ailan iesthanks aiso ta the F. F. MorrisFrnis'Msioar 1 aesCo.fo their kind service. Lame Tregunna and An 1 ~~Mrs. Gea. EHuber. nwe;ScalPor% r al 51-1 Srs. W.enSerriand r^.a Hopkins; Library - Mrs. mas K D O Mountjoy, Mrs. H. Werry and tative ta Officiai Board-Ron. Hold Staff Party aid Werry; Gmading Officers- ar Supeintendent, Pastor, and ir On Wednesday evening, Kc- teachers; Projector operatar - d ron W.A. catered for the William Farndaie; Film Secre- iker annual Christmas party for tary - Mrs. Douglas Lowo; some 70 members and staff oi Teachers-Beginners, Mrs. W. iville Oshawa Wood Products Ca. Davis; Assistant, Mrs. C. Hap- ICandie-lighted tables, at- kins; Primary, Mrs. G. Glover: 51-1 tractive in seasonal motif, and Assistants, Ann Snawden and - the Christmas setting in Ked- Mrs. H.* Ross; Intermedipte mron S.S. Hall, pravided dcsired girls, Mrs. E. Mountjoy; assist. atmosphere for the gay dinner ant, Mrs. Lamne Tregunna; In- - oum. termediate boys, Douglas Lave, live Cecil Found, witb bis ight- John Glover and Brian Lee. ;kins, band helper, Mrs. Found, at It was decided ta join the icks, his side, occupied the position A.V.E.L., wbich is a lending etais, ai honour as hast, and addres- libmary for religiaus films and, cal- sed the gathering, recaliing in- ta donabe $10 as a filmfund. 46-tf cidents, bath glad and sad, ai The annual Carai and Can- 1955. dleiight Service held jointly by ant- Mm. and Mms. William Heny Columbus and Kedron congre- i tdistributed gifts and banuses, gabions was largely attended ;mal ndJames Rare expressed o Sunday evening, with a Rw RWarmn appreciation ta Kedron weil-filled church at Kedran. RR .A. for the hot roast' turkey Assisted by boy soprano Laui.ý B-tf diinner, ta which President, Vailiancourt, Who wVas heard 2-fMrs. Harry Rose responded. in sala, the twa chairs render- nd The W.A. also armanged a eci special music, and the or( Md t eat for memb rs f t e ga vount ries by r . Ras. Dchoir, and folaowing bbe regu- Lee cantibuted greatly ta th ID ma practice boum, turkey and ervice. pies were enjoyed-a gesture' which was geatly appreciated. The Christmas setting for th service was mast effective i Doubles Club the warm but sait giow o Columbus-Kedron Doubles' many lighted candies. Worshi 17-tf Club enjoyed a lively dance J)1' was canducted by Walter Da the recreatian room aif Mm. and vis. Mrs. Jack Glover on Thurs- Thne srenad roe day evening, with some 30 t , Td eiceenadpoe present. In charge were tev e or r ri 4 Jk L JL j6j 1 PETS FOR SAUP tp pioz 0 qq». OUAIWÀLvqààls, RMAMMOMAFALM --- ME andHRSTa HIAPPY NEW YEAR James Nixon, Brc Bowmanville Season's Greefini and a1Besi Wishes to l our Customers and Fr J.VAN NESr Real Estate Broker 118 King East Bowmai MA 3-3230 M4erry Chrisima from Charlie Rankini and Alvin Boyd PEACE ON EARTH GOODWILL TOWARI PALMER