TEMUDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1955 Manivers Advertises -qor Township Assessor The Deoember meeting of the Fallis ecd expressed their plea- Ilanves Municipal Council was sure for having had the. exper- beld Dec. 12 with Reeve Beeri ience of municipal affairs and preuiding and Deputy - Reeve the goodwill of fellow members -Payne and Councillors McGill, throughout the past vear. Brown and Fallis prescrit.Approved accounts included: The foilowing corresponýdence Councillors, '%as ;eceived and read: Hump- hait year salary --$ 460.00 age, Taylor and McDonald re i Election expenses -_ 93.50 audit 1955; Magistrate Baxter re Lindsay Daily Post 1.35 Manvers share* of fines; 3 tax Canadian Statesman 1.17 t icates. N. & D. Health Unit M.M.T.S. Tells 6.00 thyreport; Victoria County R. R. Edmunds, où1 10.00 igh School area debenture; John Burn, JanetviUe A urnnmmers re Brucellesis. St. lights ----------------- 23.80 eng Dec. 7; Dept, of Lands J. C. Cummlskey, Treas. & Forests re Beaver floodn n Collector Bond 25.00 or urin; 4 arofPplictiosr Avi. Mats, rle26 Ïor Durham;tor4ofppliaioscfor David Watsn eif 26 Rural Hydro Service: Dept. of Weed Inspector----- 100.00 Municipal Mffaîrs re Clerk's an. Ed. McGill, caretaker- 125.00 nual returri; and several letters R. Davidson. on Tax re taxes. Collector's Sal ------ 200.00 17he following people waited Emily Telephone Syst. 48.00 on the couteiil: Mr. Ed. Mitchell Ganaraska Cons. Auth. 300.00 re using of hill for fili on High- Mirror-Reporter, wav No. 35 extension: Mrs. Wm.I printing -----140.00- Mark re information on Building' 5heep Losses: By-law; Mr. Percy Jakeman re! Percy Jakeman - 40.«00 sheep daim and others. 1 Ed. Lawsen- 25.001 L. McGill and R. Brown were' Cliff. Curtis 58.00 aopointed as a committee with Clayton Brown 22.00 power to act to secure f ive cords Waiter Porter------38.00 c' hody hardwood for Township Sheep Valuators, salarv 7 1.50 Hill. R. Davison, deeds, Em- A recommendition will be of- merey, Moses, regis- fered to the 1956 council to give: tering losed road - 24.50 consideration to the possibilitv' School money, S.S. 1 ta of extending the Developinent 129) - 14,846.98 îoad froin the border of Cart-j Victoria High School %vright Township, from Burton Area, Deb. & Main- store ta Ballyduff. tenance -------------- 13,294.391 Sheep Valuator's in future will i United Counties of- receive $2.00 per valuation. Northum. & Durham 16,510.89- Additional information will be Road Vouchers 13 - 14. 5,220.77 secured concerning peddlers' 1- Allan Beer, 'phone calis sences for the 1956 'council. for 19,55 ------- - - 15.00' -Advertisements will be placed H. V. Shea, attending In local papers and notices ini Court of Revision--- 42.00 etores in municipalitv advising H.E.P.C., hall lights-.-- 10.12 that tenders will be called for an H.E.P.C., Bethany st. Assessor, duties to commence lights-, 1/ year ------ 68.37 eariy in the New ear. H.EP.'C., Pontypool st. Reeve Beer expressed his liachis. 1/ year --------5 pleasure for the good co-opera- J. C. Cummiskey __ - _ )000 tion he had received froin the' R. Davison. on sal. act. 150.00 otheî' members of courcil, in On motion the Council ad-1 turn Deputy-Re'eve Payne and journed to meet again on Mon- I Councillors McGill, Brown and1 day, Jan. 9, 1956, at il a.m. 4~ '~NLJ.*.L A£ A.IULU.DL ýA LALE NITAM AG TENY Entirely ncw front end styling, new color treatment andi many power improvernente are festuiod in the budget- jriced 1956 C>dsmoile "88" Hloliday coupe. The attractive airfoil grillelia horizonta louversrcesdiith aval bumpor opening and theO01ldsrobile nameinspelled outin chrome b1ock etters on the left aide. New rectaxigular parin dgtsarncoprtdi h ue n fte oe uprbr li'wyfnder roerci-tp tailiht, hodcotor aderotandra rmaaarene. More tha n 10 oocM bin ar ofeed heneior featres mny ne' fabicM olreanda rdagedisrmnt pane, cobining bauywt Imve i sibilty. Unr aehodisare orfu 'Chp"odkt"nin t h m ny mchnalmro- metetht nhnc eifr M nend ecnomy Oldsmobile "98" Deluze Holiday S i~<-..~*. v ~*w-~ 4 '.4i:..z.-*>'3~ -*i~~.~*. ~~ Iwith its Starfire styling are compli 4tinc tive two-torie color cffect that is cf the car. The Holiday body with ur set off by aredesigned instrument pa paniel. The 1956 Oldsmobile feature, J icros C anad , powerful 4 h.p. and is coupled wit With The Weeklies e Canadiana: The 'have-nots' Brooks, -Afia., rancher, Sw-cn riow have. Mr. and Mrs. Char- Magnuson has filed suit in Cal- lic Dell and famnily, who uhave- gary high court for $27,392, as a result of collision betwecn n't bad a car sîice tbey were horse and car. # 0P, xnarried, finally gaI anc in a North ateod (ak draw at Wynyard, Sask., which News h Bamitlefor (asln pleased. cveryone . . . At Wat- -Otmst Gvrnnn rou, Ssk. Ed Eldah wakaI Ottawa so progressive in s') ed int the Manitou office with mc fistikn bu h an arinful of pUs5y-Wî110W3, rest of Canada's developmenî RS HARLES M~ evcn though il was faîl . .. At seems ta fail completely when PRESIDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL Prescott, Ont., thc Journal also dealing with prairie troubles reports cQckeyed weather con and ambitions. Perhaps Otta- Article No. 13 ditions bWuse two geese were wa bas written off the West In a previaus article we dis- born wîwngs attached i politically, but if il bas it bas cussed a number cf careers orj reverse, pointing frontwards; writtem ils death warrant on vocations for men in haspitais. or maybe it wasn't the weath- the national scene." Now I would like ta talk about i s fatt . . At Eighb Mile High River (Alla) Tirnes: careers for wamen and, believe l<e, aIse in Saskatchewan, "Labor congress in Ergland me, it is just amazing howj ert Frolcck. set up bis goose turned tbumbs down an fur- many such careers there are. ielcoys in a field and they were ther rationalization cf industry. Truc, saine et these require an realistic another hunter took It was a palicy they adoptrsd a higb degrec of training; a shot at thern and some ofthle when they allied with the so- chers do flot require such ex- aliot hit Mr. Froleck in the cialisîs and itlà;s good ta sec tensive training and their prime cheek and arm . . . The Alber-t tbey recagnize its limitations requisite is a willingness ta Decker farlly cf the Tyranite and dangers. Its seductiveness work and devohion ta the task I ine near Gowganda, Ont., toa is such that even a Corser- in band, ave a pet 400-pound mroose valive governinent had ho go NaturalY, whcr we think of callcd "Myrt"; Mrs. Deeker has slow in combating. It is an ap- a career for girls in a hospital, o keep running out of the petite Ihal grows wilh the nursing il the first ta enter aur ouse to shoul at hunters, feeding. a narcolic liaI the ad- minds. Much bas already ben. 'Don't shoot"... housing dict believes can be relieved said and wrillen about the I horbage in Minnedosa, Mari, by only saine more cf the many advanbages of nursinig as here Drs. Gilhuly, Hinch and 'snow'." a career for young women. In1 tevenson are seling up ot fi- St. Vital (Man.) Lance: "A my opinion At provides a splen-1 es in the Gatcway Motel, oc- governmenî selling liquor ta did background which can ai-r upyung bbree units . . . At control sales is anc thing. Wenn ways prove useful cither as ar umboldt, Sask., anly two it selîs at a profit the high means cf livclibood, or as a1 aines could be drummed up ta moral tone rings a litIle taise. valuable asset in thie daily1 *11 lhrec vacancies on the lown Il is surely flot more evil +a probleins of raising a family. f ouncil; resuit, new namind- advertise a product than te pro- Nursing it9elf, of course, bas i oin day set anid more cashs - - - fit by its sale." evolved many speciallies. Oncet t thie Canadian National In- Barrie (Ont.) Examiner asks a girl bas graduated, sl4c isk titube for the Blind salmon a question: "Is Canada's 'mix- ready ta accept a position ass erby at Nanaimno, B.C., %vhite cd economy' in whicb prîvale a general duty nurse. Many,è anc member M. G. Arilrirn enterprise and governmnt' ap- hawever, prefer ta, take furthert on tops with a 6u2 lb. cabio pear to have developed side by training and become qualified amen . . . Working ah an a,,,2s:de, the resull of tbis country'% as a supervisor in saine clinical bier mast mnr are content ta proximity ta the United States? field, such as the cperabirign est, Moses Hiliman of Hari- Are Caiadians faced with the theatre, in abstetrics, in pedia-r nd, N.B. pucked potaloes dur- necessity of campramising with trics or, perhaps, ta become aa ig the barvest ceason endin,.1 i socialism for reasoris o! na- nurse administrator. t rith a total of 1,300 barrels ta tionial survival? Or is there a Ncarly ail cf aur larger gen- f is credit. provirig that age deliberate plot afoot ta perpe- cmal haspibals have schoois fora aoes nat have the edge alas trate the myth af the 'mixed nurses. Most af these schools f( ..Bob Barker, grade 13 Sýt-. econonv in' order te sunloo)th low require their instructorsc cnt in Cobourg, Ont.. working! the path for mare Statisin and ta have special qualificationsd arttie n te ad P sor',ceniralization planning?' in the subjects they teach. As a I oke from bis wvinter sleep i Drunilheller (Alta) Mai: esult bhc majarity of inistrue- I oiclsnake in a bunch ýf 1 -The want of maney is ani in- tors; in numing schools are un.-0 ananas he %vas handling; it iý curable dizease ... mnoney itselt versity graduates. Acmass Cari- I tow unthie colle?,;ate ini a fori- 's a -xood thing, but as aur time ada a number cf universilies iz l'ehyde solution . ltou -O mroney-getting il rat ai- have f.-cuties cf ntursing and ir .C. fire brigade xere 2lOd~a- honcst. We do eî t1 e yaung n-omen graduating tramn ~uarrived tOO late to sav c ur! tirnate rm*ghitlx the valuie of 1 these scbools have a degree andp Ciarence Fr;csen or Abbot. rnoncy, to earnî onestly and t') qualifications whicb pave thba f rd: the brakes failed after ýjend iiely "Way for tbem ta become direc- v, rkirig anid it rolled backwar'l lanover* (Ont.) post: "\Ve tors5 or specialists lui schois of pi wn thxe bil righit loto.th lt elp feeling that. if thej nursing, or ta become hospitil» le of* rubbisfi Mr. Frieseni woniker wvants another 25 cents hi as burniflg . .. The Southx Et- an, hour pay could prave thal gaining table lever starts bis ar- c antan Sun (Alta.) asks 'an pax'rng it would resulî ini sua- guunents: 'This I wa w aetl itorial qusion, "It would be ;1stl pti.oduction gains, h e taottfer'." ISwbweav teresting la kriow whiat effe- would have a vers' stiff argu- Claresholm (Aîîa.) Local -i amy, televisian has bad "Ij ment. If a wage demamd were Prs:"h bl aa iat ere_ drriinsAbeta,1.. on the individual's ac- ecanomy operates on decisians t rs. Pete Kuhl at1 Winkle:-, camp ilihent, rather than on made by a great mny people an. sihte a earirian rcaJ acarporatior's abiîy ta pay. ail ovcr bbc counitry; bhe coui:- jc cre a bear bad neyer bee.i wc think il would be a bardj try gmows ini proportion tb t he ard cf even let alone sCCfl.ta~e ta efute. But wbah labor 1 rumber o! saund decisions vs tie Altona Echo. .....leader approaching the bar- against bad deciiosia @ sions._____________________th___ Buy Christmnas Seals ; 4; I.' h4.~ Fight Tuberculosis Sedan: Long flowing lines of the 1956 Oldamobile "98" Deluxe Holiday sedan lmented by the new fiair-awav fendeus, the smnart airfoil grille and lhe dis- Iobtained through the sweepiiig side moulding that extends nearly the length .nlimited. side vision is enhanced on the interior with rich new fabrics and trirn panel. The "IIoliday" designation i8 in chrome hlock letters on the front fender s a brand new front end. The "Rocket" T-350 engine has been boosted toaa itli a brand, new developaient in autoniatia transmissions, the velvet smooth ~irnLOlder Boys Opens Dec. 27 Oritaria's 351h Older Boyý JcLEANParliamenl, with 98 rnembei [CLEANelected tram, al parts o! tht L ASSOCIATION province, wilI meet in Toron ta Dec. 27-31. administrators. Among bbe youtbful parlie All bospitls cf any size have menlarians, Carias Crydermar aI lasîancdielbia ar ho16-year-old son cf Mr. and Mrs al eas on detiianandth Howard Cryderman, Mapi larger institutions have quite Qrovc, will represent Durhai a number. This is a good carcer- County. He was chosen by thý for young womer and is inter- Courtice Circuit Young Peo. esting, warîhwbiic work. A pie's Union. Carias is a GradE training in bousehold science XI commercial student ah Bow. or orn eanoics15essntii.mariville High School, a merm Mary types cf food are requir- ber et Durhanx's 4-H Club ard cd in a baspital, and biese spe- an actiýve worker in Young cial dicte make bbc work ail the Pcople's activities. more interesting. In addition ta Reprsnigmr hr60f the preparation cf bbc food, il pmbrsofntig arc t400 g6,00< is the responsibiiity cf Ileth er sxs nerly40 aupan dietitian-in-charge ta gel mealssuchas Tuxiges, hS ia- anc to bbc patients hot anid ah the TinltRanlges, bey willmbeca proper lime. This takes fine jQbbclgsabicmer. leamwork and requires preci- Queer' Park - ~This yeares prime mnse sion, planning.. . cected a hebbc lose cf thé S1111 ariother goad opening, -1954 sessions, is Carneron J. for wamcn seeking a career inl Hill, a,- hird-year Arts student hospitals is in bbc physicai the- aIl Waerloo College. rapy field. Taday mosb, hhough Leader cf bhc apposition will rat ail, ot aur. physical thera- be Walter Marîhila, a hhird-year pists arc women. Most bav-e student ah Hamlban's McMas- been traîned in anc of bbc un- ber University. Speaker of the iversity courses and are bîghiY House wiii be Earl Snider, lasi intelligent in their handling of year's prime niinistcr. their patients. With greater Designcd ho give training !i knowlcdge of bhc value cf phy- parliamcnbary routine and sical lhcrapy treatmcrbs, these ohher phases of leadership, the departinents are incmeasîrg Parliament is spcnsared by the their volume of wark aI a rapid Boys' Work Board cf the On- rate, tario Cauncil cf Christian Edu- An essential tenture ot the cahier. modern bospibal is ils careful recarding af ail medical data and information wbicl relates techniciar, or radiographer. te thc palienl's iilness. HosoS under tbc gericral direction c! tale take special care ta ensure the radiolagisb. For those in- accurate clinical records ani. terested in phatagraphy, or in for this pal-pose, eniplov med;. mechanicai and electrical work, cai recard librarians. Women this is an engrassing and mash desiring to becomie registeri enjayable field. medicai record libramians (M. One could go on and on and R.L.) car lake speciai courses ouhlire advantages cf other uffered ah variaus hospîlal cen- possible careers in hospitals. mres. They ther become famul- These ceuid include occupa- jar with lhe language ofthbb tionai therapy, social workcrs, medical profession, study ap. nursing assistants, medical .ae- poved indexing and coding cretamies, office workers, cleva- )rocedures and leamn bow br0 eahrblphn pr fie for hardy rcferenc the alors, receptionists, medical ar- valuable data and tacts an cacxý tisîs, medical photograpby and paticnt's recor-d. others. For those lu bbc field who StilI anather important posi-ý have rat and cannot take a bien in cvery hospihal is tint aompiete course ini Ibis workz, of thc bousekeeper. Althougli the Canadian Hospital Associa- seldein scen by bbc average pa- ian and bbc Canadian Associa- tient, lic housekeeperha a tion of Medical Record Librar- quite responsible post for she !ans jointly otter a special ex- bas gencmal charge o! thc maid ension course. Medicai record service. bbc lirien and thc gen- librariaris can now take tbis cmal bousckeeping in the insti- course while aciually empla,- butiari. This is a position fre- d in bbis work. quently beld by wamcen in inid- Tumning next le the lecinical dle lite and requmes a great field, ih is irtcresting ta note deal of execubive ability. tcnt mariy yourg Canaduari tomer tird engrossing carcers in bbc field cf laboratory tecli-E FEL icai work. Under tic general firection efthe doclor un W. A. met at the home of ýharge o! bhe hospilal labora- Mrs. .Bwa.Teewr îborry iheareta arg fte cigbt menibers present. Rev. R. ýabratry s dneto la.geB. Green presided at bbc election iegmee. by thc tecinician, or o fies hl on e ýchnologist as these workers atticers werc elected. several ire trcquently callcd. Trai i* 1r ceccc ath an ither in genemal laborato- office with bbc following resulta: eomk or in specialized labor?- President-Mrs. G. Bowrnan; lâb ory fields car be obhaincd in Vice-Pres. .- Mrs. E. Prescoît: inumber o! hospihals across 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. F. Sarnis; anada. Furtier informationScy-ra-Ms G. rwn >n this subject mnay be obtain- Treas.-Mrm. D. Prescott; Planlut fd frein bbc Canadian Socicy Mrs.F. Griffin; sitns d Laboralorv Tcchnolog.ist-e, Mrs R. Parr, Mmm. D. Prescott; ý4 Barbon St. E., Hamnilton, Cornfor-b Corn.-Mrs. IR. Knowl- ntario. bon, Mme. W. Pascoe: ParsonagZe Olier bccbnicians have taken Com.-Mrs. R' Simipson, Mrs. E. ip other essenhial fields Ot Prcscott; Prograrn Cor.-Mrs. vork. Saine test patlerits for W. Bowrnan. Mmer. F. Griffin, ,arious types o! deafnesÊ; Mrs. W,. Pascae, Mrs. E. Loee; bhers check for correction Of Lunch Corn.-Mrs. E. Presct, quint or cross-eycs. under the Mmm. W. Pascoc, Ms. R. Knowl- tpervu.uon of the oltaml ton. Crimat tbs- ist. A Merry hitnsoSae- A somewiat allied technicall mari staff and al] tbe readersi1 eid is that et the radiology "May God blmus e vem cm. ni Idi CI te d( ai c: te a Ci ou Sed Wi Mtino i Hockey Lust Saturday, ' December 17th, completed the Zlrst haIt of the Minor Hockey Sched- ulea. The second hait of the schedules will not begin until Saturday, January 7th. Bantam Huskies 7, Cornets 0 Cuba 7, Tigers 1 In the first Bantam garne thie Huskies trounced the short handed Cornets 7-0. Bryan Hughes scorcd four gdals ta lead the Huskies to their lop- sided wln. Miller (2), Cox and Welsh picked *up assists on Hughes four goals. Williams, Bagnell and Gili wcre the other goal scorers. Lefty Recynolds ]cad the Cuba ta their 7-1 victory over the Tigers, by scoring three goal aiând assisting on another. Polard (2), Bates and McLean scored the other Cubs goals.1 Dan Cattran kept the Ilgers1 frorn being blanked when iei scored early in the second per-1 Pee Wee tneir Winter sessions last Mon. day, December l9th. They will tangers 7, Hawks 2 begin their Spring Season on Bruins 2, Canadians 1 January 9th. Anyone intcrested Red Wings 5, Leafs 3 ini joinlng the Choral Society In the first gamie of the Paej please contact' Miss Marg. Pur-, Wec series the Rangers scored d on, by telephoning MA 3-3184. six unanswered goals in the se- Auditions wvill be hcld on Jan. cond period to defeat the fiflin 9th, at 7:30 p.rn. place Hawks 7-2. Don Bagneli scorcd three goals for the Ra:-i- gers. The other Ranger goals Lae h were scored by Watson ak S ore, Clrk (Goode), Hawzs (2) and Jamr- leson (Hawes). The Hawks Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelding goals werc scoied by Wiseman and Betty Ann attendcd the (Bothwell),, Kennedy (Wise- Wilson Transport Christmnas man). party in Toronto on Sunday. Ray Crombie scored both of Mr. anid Mrs. C. Avery and thc Bruins goals as they defeated family spent Sunday with Mr. the Canadians 2-1. The win anid Mrs. Clarence Avery, Burke- enabled the Bruins to regain ton. first place in the league stand- Mrs. Ken Dean spent the ings. The Canadians suffered a weekend in Harnilton visiting set back wheri Ross Turner, her mother. their leading scorer, had 'Io Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dean, leave the game early in the Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. first period. and Mrs. Ken Dean. The third. gaine saw the last Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldread place Red Wings come up with and Brian visited Mr. and Mrs. their best gaine of the season as Keith Ormiston, Ebenezer. Larry Piper led the Red Wlig attack with two goals and ail assist. Thornpson, Fllntoff and Rundle scorcd the other Red Wing goals. Brenton Hughes scored aIl thrce Leaf goals. Thompson and Bruce pickcd up assista on the goals by Hughes. Atom Barons 0 -Hornets O Indiana 1 -Bears 6 In the first gaine of the Atoin series the Barons and Hornets played ta a 0-0 tic. This was the second turne these two tearns have playcd ta a tic. This was the fourth tic gaine for the Hornets. The bears widened their lead of first place by defeating the last place Indiana 6-1. Doug Lane scored four goals ta lead the Bears' attack. Rickard and Cole were the other Bears goal scorers. E. Fernlun d scorcd the brie Indian tally carly ini the first period. CHORAL SOCIETY they dcfeated the Leafs 5-3. Merry Christinas ta ail! New Year. ,ÇRecreation £keviews . By Douglas Rigg you.sncrey .VCuR. sicre Am hoping to have my othes on before Christmas. A Happy nq e i.S le 111 le ie it Street or R-tdf. Post Office From AI Street or R.R. Post Office - Newcastle, Dec. 18. 1955 Dear George: Thank you for taklng trne out ta send me a card wh1ew in the Bowmanville Hospital. I amn doubtful if I appreclate the honor of belng in the class with the President of the United States, the head of Social Cred- it Party, the M.P.P. for Durhamn and the Editor of a newspaper with a College Degree, Wrhen 1 had to have a heart attack ta do it. For 20 days in -the hospital, Fred Moore and I were room- mates. In 1907 Fred, the Colla- cutts and Couchs carne ta Les- kard to play football aghinst the Robins, Pindlays, Wmn. (Billy) Inch and the late Ed. Davey. We talked of many things. Fred like to talk of older days when every fariner had a drivlng horse, when everybody went to church Sunday nights and farrn- ers had time to talk over the fences. He says now with the gas machines and incarne taxes farmers have no time for any- thing. You will be interested In knowing that we were served aIple sauce twice a week. I used to think of the tÛre 10 years ago when a few citizens of Bowmanville worked so hard to have the fine hospital buiît. They certainly had a lot of dis- couragements. We who ht;ve been there certainly should siy "Thank you" to thein. fl must be a. great pleasure to thern to read in The Statesman the nuin- ber of people who are healthier for their efforts. I suppose you heard 1 was in the maternity ward for one day. 1 hope you did not - no great honor to go there alter 38 vears of married life. Thank you again for your let- ter. If I have to go there again I do flot know of a better ail- ment to have than*heart trouble. even if I have to be a member of* the so-so class. A Merry, Merry Christmnas to You Cive a stack of 52, Gifis a year when you sehd a Gift Su bscri ption The Canadian1 Statesman Your home fown paper. OnIy $4.00 a year in Canada $5.00 in U.S.A. Christmas Gift Card will be sent announeing your gif t. USE HANDY COUPON BELOW The Canadian Statesman Drawer "B", Bowmanville, Ontarioè Gentlemen:e Find enclased $ . for which please sende The Canadian Statesman for - years to: m SJ ý F - Le 1 -eý qwp CAMAnvàiv gmAinr«#Aw u^lmgawwwrm