PAGETWUqY-7Tm T CAAMAWWPA~hRA 1tlW1A~WY flRAUW Sa nta Appears As Grocery ln Maple Grove Word went out that Santa Claus would visit Beech's Groc- eny Store at Maple Grave on the - evening ai Dec. 10, and yaungsters swarmed ta greet1 him. Over 300 children en- joyed the Christmas party a' the store, were taken on Santa's knee and given a lovely candy cane and coloned bal- loan. Parents and children stood ln line for twa hours before Santa was due, but canols played aven the loudspeaker miade the waiting a happy time. Santa was respiendent in a beautiful red suit and took great pleasure in chatting with each child. The evening waz a high]ight in their lives. anci parents seemed ta get equal pleasure fram the happy gath- ering, sponsared by Mn. and Mrs. Beech. Trinity Choir Hiolds Dinner After Service A pot-luck supper for mem- bers ai the Senior Choir of Trinity United Church and their families following the carol vesper service on Sunday. Dec. 18, was a most enjoyabîe affair. Tables were set in the Sunday School room. Mr. Russell Osborne, out- going president of the choir, expressed his appreciation for the co-operation ai members durýpg his terrni af office and bespoke the sanie support for the new president, Mns. Rav Lathangue. Mrs. Lathangu'e thanked the chair for her election1 Mr. Arthur Collison, argan- Ist and chirmaster, sp7oke briefly, saying that he and Mrs. Collison were very happy in Bowmanville, and that he was pleased with the music beink produced by the choir. He also expressed his pleasure in hav- ing such a pleasant relation- ship with Rev. T. A. Morgan and Mrs. Morgan. Mr. Collison thanked Mrs. Stuant R. James and Mns. Wal- ter Woolley for their extra hours and assistance given by them ta the Senior and Junior Choirs respectively. He then presented Mrs. James and Mrs. Woolley with love]y corsages. Mr. Morgan expressed his thanks and appreciation ta Mr. Collison and the choir for their wonk and splendid music. Aiter an exchange ai gifts, Mr. Morgan led in carol singing which brought the social time1 ta a conclusion. TYRONE Tyrane Inatitute Mrs. S. E. White was hostess for the Christmas meeting oi Tyrane Institute when vice- president Mrs. Normnan Wood- ley presided. Roll cail was answered witti aChita verse and a dona- es. A donation was made Io the Sick Children's Hospital. It was decided that each mem- ber would pay for "Home aniJ Country. " Christm=s canaIs3 were sung. Mrs. Alex McMas- ter, Mion, gave the Christmas devotional. Mns. John Cruickshank ai Zion showed beautiful sldes af Scotland and England which they took while on, a trip therçt last year. Afternoon tea was served by group leaders, Mrs. W. Parks, Sr., and Mrs. D. DaxYey. Safety TaikS Given Schools By Constable During the past twa wreeks Constable Harold "Pat' Corn- cll of the Bowmanville' detacli- Iment of the Ontario Provincial IPolice has been giving lectures Ion traffic safety ta public school children along No. 21 Highway between Courtice and Newtonville. Const. Corneil has addressed the pupils at three Courtice public sehools, two Maple Grave schools and at Shaw's, Brown's and Newtonville. Ili the next two or three weeks hie will visit these schools again and also address the pupils in rural public schools on Highways 35 and 115 and the Scugog Road. He has given brief addresses on safety rules for walking or driving bicycles alang the highway and impressed uponi the children the need for be- ing careful at aIl tumes. Hvf, talks have been very well re- ceived by the school childnen and their teachers., 0BITUARY ANDREW NELSON HUDSON There passed ta rest on Dec. 1l aiter an illness of' two weeks, Andrew Nelson Hud- son aged 86 years. Mr. Hudson died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, froni a heart ai- ment. The deceased was a railway section foreman for sanie 25 years, and had lived in Burke- ton and Peterborough. He was barn in HaYdon in Darlington Township and married Susan Win ners of Kinsmen Electric Train Outfit Mrs. Margaret Perris, shown at left above, was the winner of the electric train in the draw held this month by the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club to raise fgnds for their project of paying for the artificial ice at the Bowmanville- Memorial Arena. The sum of $400 was realized for this purpose. Kin Harvey "Slip" Rowe is shown above éxplaining the controls for the large electric train to Larry Perris, 9, who has donned his engineer's cap, and Kathleen Perris, 7, children of Mrs. Perris. The draw wvas made following the hockey game at the Arena on Saturday night. Elizabeth Wotten, who prede- ceased hini. Mr. Hudson was a member of the United Church at Burketon, and was well known in that commun- itv. He is survived by one son, Gardon, af Hastings; a grand- son Roy Hudson of the Voca- tional School teaching staff ut Fort William, and two grand- childnen David and Debbie Hudson af Fort William. Also. by twa sîsters, Bertha af Porti Stanley, and Gertie in Cali- fornia. Funeral service was held an Dec. 13 at the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanville, with Rev. R. B. Greene afficiating. Palîbearers were Messrs. Dan Wotten, Tim Adamis, Lamne Griffin, John Griffin, Melville Gniffin and Joe Bradburn. In- terment was in Hampton Cern- etery. ENNISKILLEN W.M.S. Elections W.M.S. met Dec. 13 at the parsonage, Mns. E. Trewin pre- siding. Mrs. E. A. Werry, an behali af Mrs. E. Trewin and herseli thanked evenyone for their fine co-operation during their three years as presidents. Mns. L. Ashton pnesented a Christmas Worshîp Service with Mrs. R. Virtue favourin g with a Christmas hynin. Mrs. J. Slemon took charge ai th-- pragrani. Mns. R. B. Green, Mrs. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. F. Toms gave an interesting synopsis ai books read fromn our W.M.S. librany. Mrs. G. Yeo favoured with Christmas piano selections. Rev. R. B. Green conducted the election ai officers: Presi- dent-Mrs. L. Wearn; lst Vicp.- Pres.-Mrs. F. Toms; 2nd Vice- Pres. -Mrs. R. Virtue; 3rd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. R. B. Green; Recording Sec.-Mrs. H. Mc- Gi; Assistant-Mrs. F. Dor- land; Corr. Sec. and Press Sec. -Mrs. M. J. Hobbs; Treas.- Mrs. T. Siemon; Christian Ste- wardship Sec.-Mrs. M. Stain- ton; Supply Sec. - Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mrs. A. Brunt; Com- munity Friendship Sec. - Mrs, F. Toms; Lit. Sec.-Mrs. J. Sie- mon; Missionary Monthly - Mrs. T. Slemon, Pianists-Mrs. M. Stainton, Mrs. L. Lamb; Mission Band Supt.-Mrs. A. Boyd; Assistants-Mrs. H. Ash- ton, Mrs. E. Trewin, Mrs. R. Virtue, Mrs. E. A. Werry; Baby Band-Mrs. R. Ashton; C.G.I.T.-Mns. 0. C. Ashton; Assistant-Mrs. R. B. Green; United Nations Literaturie - Mns. M. Hobbs, Mrs. F. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. J. Slemon. Janumry, February and Mardi meetings wilh held ln the afternoon. January meeting ta be held at the home of Mrs. L. Wearn. C.G.LT. Meeting C.G.I.T. was heid on Dec. 10 mn the Sunday School room with Ruth Lamb and Mary Grif fin in charge ai the wor- ship. Durinj# the business it was decided that the Christ- nmas party at Mrs. 0. Ashton's be held on Friday afternoon, Dec. 23. The program consisted of a piano solo by Nancy Wood, better grooming chapter by Reva McGill and à contest by Ruth Lamb. Lunch was served by Lois Ashton and Eleanor Heard. Meeting closed with Taps. Mission Band Christmas meeting ai the Mission Band was held at the home of Mrs. Stenger on Sat- urday, Dec. 17. Mrs. H. Milis led in the singing of Christmas îcarols. Rev. R. B. Green was in charge of the devational. Mrs. R. Stenger and Mrs. A. Boyd read Christmas stories. A play was presented by several ai the girls. Mrs. L. Wearn extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Stenger for her hospitalîty, after which a de- licious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Donna Gail and Rodney visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Irwin, Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGili, Bowmanville, with Mr. andl Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Steem- burg and Sharon, Oshawa; Eddie Blake, Maple Grave: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis and family. h'~rne fan. 4 pi 400 Children Enjoy Program At Goodyear Over 400 children ai Good- year employees belonglng ta the Goodyear Recreation Clutb enjoyed the annual Christmas party oi the club held in the cafeteria at the plant an Sat- urday afternoon. Actually, two parties were held-one at 2 p.m. and one at 4 p.m.-since the cafeteria is too small ta accommodate all the children at once. Tom Mas- terson oi the club executive wvelcomed the children and their parents and introduced Toronto magician Bruce Post- gate, who put an a wonderful display ai magic triclss for the yaungsters. Santa Claus, in the persan ai Glen Prout, distributed a present, a bag ai candy and an orange ta each child under 12 present. Menibers ai the Re- cre 'ation Club executive helf- ed in distributing the many fine gif ts. He who knows only his own side ai the case knows little ai that.-J. Stuart Mill. A common prejudice should flot be found in one whose trade it is ta rectify error.-James Boswell. The princîple ai 4-H Club Work is ta learn ta do by doing and each boy or girl is persan- ally responsible for a project in farming or homemaking whic? he or she carrnes out on the NOTICE 1955 TAXES A&re Now Past Due Four per cent will1 be added. on-January 3rd,: 1956 on al 1955 faxes unpaid as of December 3lsi, 1955. CLARENCE S. OKE, STax Callector, Town of Bowmanville. AND A Happy and Prosperous New'Yeai To~~~ Ai u Mn riends for Patronage in 1955 May We extend Our Thanks to You and Yours To those who we have nof been fort unate bo serve in 1955, may we extend our requesi fo you to gîve us a cali for your building needs in 1956. We will be pleased to talk over your plans wiîh you and offer any suggestions that may improve your home. Cail us to-day and we will be pleased to discuss your home and provide you with an estimate. REMODELLI NG Mort gages Arranged - * ~ ~. ~* :4~ i i _ -1--- -____ LImoe!r~ aind NEW -Choice Building Lots- available up to 75 Foot Frontage ~ - N.. ----.-------- -u-.- 4 r M Îj~ HOMES READY WE NOW HAVE A FEW HOMES NEARING COMPLETION FOR SALE. PHONE US TO-DAY IF YOU WISHI TO INSPECT THESE FINE GUALITY HOUSES!1 -_PLEASE CALL US FOR LL BU IIG NEEDS BUILDING PHONE BOWMAN VILLE MA CmSONTAT fl- r NEW Farm Forums PROVIDENCE FARM FORUMR- Seventeen members oa* Providence Farm Forum 9u>I ered at the home of M r. AntS Mrs. Meil Mutton to enjoy aiL' evening of fun ati aur al Christmas party. After the broad- cast, Douglas Wight led ln a sing-song of favorite Christmas carols. -Tables were set Up end a few rounds of crokiniole en- joyed. Mrs. Clarence Turner and Grant Brooks won score prizes and Mrs. ..,Le Johann and John Fayeqbeil- solation prizes. Old Santa hlmself the~?p peared and distributed the gifts that were under the tree. After each had unwrappe&d»j parcel a delicious lunch t served. Congratulations are ln order for- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turnar on the arrivai ai a fine baby boy. Next meeting on January 9 1956, at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Barrie. lit PACM -, lm - TM CMADIM RTAITSMM. BOVIL4»VTUtX OWAIM qqs1gwomjkw gwoýft mamm, ý HOMES A SPECIALTY