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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 2

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1 In ur youth we remember reading about an old Cornish custom which might w'eiJ be carried out by many of us in this nýodÈern age of speed, mass prôduction, social sccurity and other new fandangled ideas which crowd many essential things unto the habit of procrastinating. As we recail it this aid English custom was ta dlean Up by the end of the year ail our financial debts and other duties and obligations we had been putting off and enter the New Year wth a dlean sheet and a free mmnd. Wonder if we dare tackle this sug- gestion with only ten days left befare Old Father Time ushers in 1956? Anyway, we will broach the question: "Are you caught up with yourself?" You know what we mean. The letters you were gairig ta write. The amending you have been meaning ta do. Thé financial debt you should have paid long afio. The book you simpiy must read. The "isits you had planned ta make. The littie thoughtful things you were gaing ta do for ç1hers. 0f course when you find the limé you are going ta finish up ail of these thing»s. But honestiy now, how hard have you- looked for the. time? ;'-Are you flot just ietting things you s I~id do accumulate until the lask of cItrilg thern ail up makes the cleaning of the Augean stables look like a minor accomplishment? Oh we know what you Growing Up until a fem, years ago aid age was looked upon -as something that jusl hap- pened. xith littho or nothing ta be done aI4out it. Today, because of advances in rnedical science and néw ways af thinking a1hout significant things, we are exploning the possibility Ihat instead of approaching pil age furtiveiy and accepting il in a spiîiî of resignatlon we may make of il a ncw and thriliing lime of life. At ieast thial is the xvay th subject is approached in th e montly leiter of the Royal Bank. Nol only people over forty, but people in..thcir ihirties, aie beginning ta plan so that their years after sixîy may be rich, rewarding and happy. Preparation is necessary. If we came tip to the crest of life ai sixty or sixîy-five without plans, ve mav find ourseives gaz- ii out upon a future that is deadly duli, flat, zind uninviîing. 1; After rniddle-age the days slip by xorc aiid more quickiy. le aving not enough, lime for the work and pleasure we wish to.crowd into thcm. Part of the reason is thai we are being called upon, by virtue of the knowledge and judgment we have Estcblished 1854 with which is incoyporated fhe Bownnville News, The Newcastle Independient and The Oreo News 19ltYear ol Continuous ServiCe to the Toýw4 ofaiBownanville and Durham County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER $UBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly un advanc. $5.00 a Year in the United States Authorired et Send Cia, Maon Poet OtUic'e Dep=rm.nt, Ottawo Publisb04 br THE JAMES PUBIHING COMPANY Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Erroit 'r '1 t Il - ~ ~~>1 '4, 'f 1' 1, I. 1" 't: 'w 1*. y. M '4 'I t, 'f 'f 's '5 t' t, i. 'e '11 j, r, r, r, 5, 1' I. - - TIM tAMADL« YSTATESUMI. OWKMrVR= ~ONTAMO E é-E D I T f lR I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H RD1, D C cbvietmag 1955 INCE that wondrous night of long ago, when an angel of the Lord appeared to the startled shep. herds tending their f locks - and said, "Fear not, for 1 bning yau good tidings of great jay" - Christians have paid homage to Christ, the Son of God, an His natal day. And so, again, as this festive day approaches, let us ail pray and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for His great gif t tao mankind. In aur devations this Christmas, let us thank Him for His blessings upon us and upon aur great country, where Canadians of ail f aiths and originb have equal opportunitiesl, and rights as free mnen. Let us continue to reaffirm aur f aith in God, and ta f ollow the Golden Rule. Let us pray ta Him for Divine Guidance in aur daily lives, and ta give strength and wisdom ta aur leaders, ta further lead the way tawards warld peace. Z; > Z p hi dv-k > id- are going to say. We have made thèse excuses, too. No one has a pat procrastination. Il 15 so easy ta do of thé moment. It is so.easy ta push aside and feel very virtuous about the time. But things undone havei of haunting one. And of having ob b just when one least wanls ta do And sometimes, suddeniy, one fin& some of thé nicest things one had'pl to do cannot be done aI ail becau persan anc was going ta do them for there ta enjoy them. There is just anc way ta getc up with oneseif. Do il as the aid w gaI over the stile-one step at a time. draw Up a balance with yourseif. ail of thé things you have left undonE not let thé iength of thé lisI discci you.. You do flot have ta do them once. Then set aside anc hour ever3 and do some af. them, crossing them they are fin ished. You wili fin< encouragement of the work doné will you find mare lime and beforé you1 il you wiii have finished ail of thé And, can you imagine a more dei sensaton than ta kinow you have nci hanging over yaur head that youc Ioda?, Corne to think of il, the idea so sa good we have soid ourselves on the and wiii get busy and dlean up aur lisI before a new year catches up oi OI d Successfully gainéd through the years, ta give a( and guidance ta younger people an new affairs, whiie at thé sanie tim( try ta dÔ aIl the things we are accusît ta do and wish ta do. This, likeiy, is one of thé hai lessons ta iearn: ta pick and choose an the many things thèse later years ha' offer, instead of ieaping at life open-ari trying ta étlcompass il ail at once. We gain a new sensé of values, are iess impatient. Our satisfact weigh mare. Our disappointmenîs are as bitter as when we Were in aur twen because we have other disappointmeni measure thern against. Il isn't many years ago since "longev- it"was a new word in common talk. A hundred years ago the average life expectancy at birth on this continent was only 40 years: today in Canada il is 66.3 ycars for. mezi and 70.8 years for women. .The Motorist's, Prayer Grant me a steady hand and watchful eye Thàt na man shall be hurt when I pass by. Thou gavest life and I pray no act af mine Shall take away or mar that gift of Thine. Sheiter those, dear Lord, who bear me company Froîn evils of fire and ail cal'amity. Teach me ta use my car for others' need Nor miss througli love of spéed Thé beauty of thy world. Thal thus I may With joy and caurtesy, go an my way. Observations and Opinions Mare happiness is gained by self- denial than by self-indulgence. Canada, the second largest country in thé worid, ha.s iess thair one per cent of the werid's population. Thé rate at which aur eléctéd represén. tatives are delegating their iaw-making powers ta iirresponsjble boards or com- missions is frighténing; and thé boldness with which organized groupa are demnand- ing mare af this kind of Iaw-making resembies an open conspiracy against responsible governiment. In the Dim, Distant Past 25 V2EAU AGO (1936 IParties were heid for Mr. an IMrs. Albin Clemens on lhi 25th, and Mr.'and Mrs. Michat Burns on their 40th weddin Nanniversary. IJunior Mission Bands 1Trýnity Church were entertai. Sed at supper by atternoon Aux iliary Of the W.M.S., then gav a fine concert. Leaders wer Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Mrs. C.j SMale, Mrs. W. C. Ives, Mri E. J. Wood, Mrs. D. J. Chani bers, Miss Vivian Bunner. Mi IFrancis Sutton trAined ti children in their choruses. RKingsway ----urserles recentI] established on the Baldwi.n E& State by Mr. J. H. H. 'jury, wê:, making wonderful 1 progreýs IMr. Baldwin before his deati Ihad been spêcîalizlng in peor. les and iris. Kîngaway Nurser. i es filled an order fromi Nova Scotia for 5,()(0 peonies. SMrs. W. C. Washington ww 's rprised by about 25 neigli Sbors on the occasion of her 86th birthday. During the prz- vious sumimer Mrs. Washincr ton travelled to the Pacifie Cast, isting hier three chi]l dr-en and other friends en route. A *Christmas dance in Fer- guson Hall, Boys' Traininj ~'School was a gala affair. Elab. 11orate and beautiful decorations were by staff inembers, MxIr dj Carr and Mr. Hyslop. Death of Harry L. Brown in Minnedosa, Man., caused D. R. ki Morrison, Sr,, to reminisce 9 about the days when Tyron< Xhad a band. Mr. Brown, the leader, an employee of ivut ,Cole who had a wagon anj 49 TEARS AGO 194) In Salaries of teachers lin Bow- mîîranville Public School were cil raised. Tnder the new schedule Ind principal R. D. Davidson re- 'ceived $900, Miss Moorraft or wvas next highest at $550. in- Amounts scaled down then lx'- IronIÙ $450 to $350. Other teach- Un ers on the staff were Miss Mc- -e Wain, Miss Jennlngs, Miss J. Fielding, Miss Armour, Miss i.11 McLean, Miss Morris, Miss M- Beilman. Ir. Jesse Hunt hiad one of bis he fingers aniputated while at work in the Organ Factory tyAn item reads: "IThink ont à- living in New York City now. re Eggs are 50e a dozen, butter è. 37c a lb. nilk 80-.a qt.,beef 30c hi a lb. and other mcats accord- n- ingly."p > About 25 young people en. a joyed a sleighing party anid af, terwards. were entertaned at as an oyster supper by Mr. andi h- Mrs. F. A. Haddy. er The Methodist Mission Cmr- d-ce were serving apple pie and c-scald cream at their bazaar.« ic An article on Christmas hymns tèlls thaï; "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"I was once rendered 'Mark, 'How Ail the r- Welkin Rings" and W~as sung li to the tune of "See, the Con- quering Hero Cornes."1 Dr. W. 5s H. Cummnings, principal of th-i r.Guildhall School of Mugie in London, was responsible for in- ,n troducing the use of Mendels- îsohn's beautiful tune with Wes- >ley's hymn. Iç carnage shop. Fr ccjc4 ank net orth Gibbard, were among othc band members. John Daveý was the village fiddler an( pIayed for dances in the hotel tent on i. thingsthe 'L) things December 16, 1955. It it at Dr. George W. James, Editor, a way "The Canadian Statesman", )e done Bowmanvîlc, Ontario. them. Dear George: [s that Please accept my sincere Ianned thanks for your klndness ' i te the presenting to your readers the *s n ot "Prelirninary Survey" which îdrafted for the consideration of aur Chamber of Commerce. caught My thanks are also extended Vomnan to Elsie Carruthers Lune First rent and Confidential" review- List cd the plan in your issue of De- e.Do cember ISth. This is preciselh >urage the intelligent and considered ai tyI3p~e of crtcs wihtesur 'y day Ie hope there will be rnany off as more such expressions af opin- d the ion for our guidance. I heip So that credit may be given know whcre credit is due, there are two points that should be made. tasks. First -the recently adoptei ghtful Zoning By-law provides, for thing the first time in the history of ought our town, a means of contrai- lg and directing the town's growth. No longer will we sec ounds bouses built niglit up. ta pro- de.perty lines, or a conglomera. i e . tion af factoies, stores and owfl homes in the saine area. Tre- n us. mendous credît must be given the Bowmanville Planning an-] Developing Board and th-, Town Council whîch, in creat- ing the Board, signified its re- cognition of the pnoblem an] dvice is intention ta take construc- id in tive action. It shouid be ernphamized, too, ýe we that with the passing of th.- ormed Zoning By-law, the Planning and Developrnent Board 'dii rst not pass out of existence. On ýre the contrary, its vonk bas nong scarcely begun and we can ve to look ta il for a continuing and mcsignificant contribution ta aour town's welfare. Second-while 1 was at fault and in omitting the Public Liijrary tions fram nîy survey, other fniends fltand mernbers of aur hme ities,1 this problem. Only last Mon- tÎ 4-H Club work is now a large el international movement urth irural youth in 34 countries par- ýeticipating. ýr Directors of agricultural so- vcieties have said that 4-H Club ciwork has revived the local fair 1and returned il to the fanmer. ici I.e lito . day, Mr. A. I. Sturrock tld me of a librar discussion lîe had hd wth the Reverend A. G. Scott, and requested me ta add tbis Item ta the Chamber's ýliaI of projects. n Thene is one final point 1 e should make lest misunder- ý1 tandlngs arise. Il is not the intention of the Bowinanville SChàmber of Commerce ta sup- Splant,' overnide or interfene with the plans and projects of -any other organization. Where -a problem exists and nothing is pnesently being donc about il, the Chamber can adopt il as its own private project. Elsewhere the Chamber may'be able to lend a helping hand. In bnief, itx is aur purpase ta initiale ac- tion or ta assist in any project that %vili benefit aur home towxî. With s0 many worth- while projects an the agenda, the question is - "What mus' be donc immediately, and what can be left for later attention?". Well, George, whaî started out as a brief note of thanks 1bas turned mia a rather leng- Ihy expasition. May I take this opprtunity, however, ta thanik yau and the staff of "The Cao- adian Statesman"l for your constant help and interest. I knowv I speak for ail aur oiff - cens and members when I wishi you a Very Mrry Christmas! and Health and Happiness iî 1956. oussincerely, K. N. Morris, Secretary-Manager, Chamber of Commence' 731 Shaw St. Toronta Dear Edilor, Pleasé find enclosed cheque for next year's Statesman. I would miss The Statesman ifil failed ta arrive here. Haie bad il sa long though, Ibère are nmany names now , of people I do not know, since I left. JromS0U0 ta )Iuts By %%IF" Ithouglit this week you ia Placed lns Traftalgar might like to hear of some aid Square in thse heart ot Lon- iThe festival is still a great ga- Ihering, but many families started the custom during the war when food was alrnost im- possible ta procure in anv quantity, Of gaing out ta cal. As a result, the hotels and restau- rants are naw as fe5tive as any home. They arrange ail kirzss of entertainments, such as ca- rai concerts, charades, and Tie homes anti publie places are decorstedti ilh home-grow'n 0eiy anti 1nlà- tletoe. Untier theinem!tle- toc, thse gentJemen are ai- loweti te kisa the ladies of their choice. a culitom whlch has aise proveti very popular ln Canada. There are glant Chistmînas trees laden wlth presents. It Je oniy about a centqry anti a quarter &go that tise Christmas tree waa lutre- dueed te Britain; before that ther used thse klsslng bough whlcis, 1 belleve. la reintroduced inltoseépla- ces. There are many huge omadoor Irees tiecorateti for C'hristmias whlch have bc- corne fainous tise %%Prld ov'er. Every Year Norway sentis a larce tret; which don and t: becomes a cen- Another well known Iradi- tianal part af the British festi- vities is the pantomime. The story is always very simpie and based on a nursery rhyme or fairy talc. Thé strange part is that the leading lady is paecd by a man and the iead- play boy la always a girl. Peter ?an' la always playing aI some theatre in the caunlry an~d la alWays a huge success.. Thej childnen neyer sem nta tire ifl t.hat ane na matter what theirj * e**-1 There ia aise a very pop- uiai entcrtainmeîrt whlch doca net speli Christmas te us at ail but it dees to thé child lu Britalu andti ta la tise circut. Bertram Mllii fanions circua will b. lu ]London and ti lsl given the blesslng et a Royal attend- ance. Groupa Of canol singera are everywhere. Chairs go -out la full strcngth and there arc alsa mnany smnall bands of eIlidren wha sîng, In their high trebles, thé carol af Yaur choice. Theae is anl aid story about a stui n at Oxford whct was attacked b; 1 have alréady bld Yeu about the Santa Claua tels- tivities Of ollanti. Thse least o1 St. Nicholas là helti on Déceeniser 6th ant i uch bklnig anti Preptration takeà Plaee before that. O)n the fth however if thère shoulti be a niist thse Dutch People àay, "St. Nicholas li bakilig."1 W'herever yon are, or howéver YOUa celebrate, 1 hope you wil havea Very Meriy Christmas. One of the main objectives cl 4H Club work is ta help rural youth ta accept and discharge responsibility and thus reach I Management of the DURBAN CGUNTY SALE ARENA Swish te express to their many patrons a Very SMERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. No Sale Dec. 26. Ia wild boar in the woods while atudying Aristotle. He crax- me i1.bock dowa th. Boar's throat and killed It. Now they 1 have qulte a clebration ini Oxfor wheré they Bing the Boar's Head Carol andi have' a triuniphtl ptaces*sioif Izto the dining- hall with a »osesa head. belig the guest of honaur. . . * lu mani parts of Eng- land ron might sUll mec thé performance of a mum-. min# play. The" are Borne et thé earliéit drarnaà of the worMd andi fer many centurie@ the *Ordo have been paseti on rom ni e generation te thée next. They have very simple themes andtheBbccostumes are quit, ftntustie. Mum- nmers formerly consisteti of strolling Players andi 1 bè- lieve that there are mtlliia few bands of these étroli- Ing playera totiay who go arounti for the varlous lo- cal festivals and portray the lite andti Unes et the commninty. * 0 * The candi. la one of the od-L est syinbols mian has known. Religiaus candies usually con- tain~ more thon fifty percent beetwax because of an early Christian belief that th.e wax was produced only by virgin bees and ias therefore sym- bolic of the purt$> of the Vir- gin Maryr. Nowa days, substana- ces from every continent of the world go ta niake up aur candies. It la truly a iight of ADMISSION - . * * $2.00 per person of Ial ge ýh Re ~1 I I 'KNOW WHAT IM POINTIMN AT?" *Well, actually, 1'mn not really pointing at anything, I'm merely here ta point aut the value of having a welI.known trust campany ta administer your estate. You see, yaur estate is fat too important ta put away in the background."~ He bas a point, yau k-now. If you wene ta take advantage of the co-operation and experience of The Sterling Trusts Corporation now, it could very weIl save a lot of inconvenjence and trouble later. Write today for aur free bookiet, '"BIuepnint For Your Fa.-niiv." It covers manv STERLING TRUST* MIEAD OFFICE 372 BOY Si., Toronto 'If ,~ *1~ è,Zrry and a J(appy ?lew Yjear TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS BOY» WOOLLEY Ken's Men's Wear 71A KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH OFN9CV 1-3 Dunlop st., Barrie - k ~&GE TWO J ust An OId Englisl, Custom DA NCÉE New Year's Eve NEIVCASTLE COMIMUNITY HALL Saturday December 3lst. 1955 GEORGE WADE and bis REGULAR- CORNHUSKERS 8:00 to 12:00 p.m Hats~$.0 pe Noeeakrs- tc él"wm Md, ADMISSION 11 1 nlad

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