?KURSDY, EC.22n& 1I31 Ontario President at .,4farm Union Meeting Peporîs on Con ference A joint meeting af three la- phase of agriculture, and the cals,, Cavan, Millbrook and Eastern farmers wbo sees de- -Pontypool, was held in Cavan pressed prices in Ontario be- Saturday evening, Dec. 10. cause of thîs fact. 1Mr. Fair, president of the Mr.. Cormackc branded as Cavan local, intraduced Daug nonsense the statements of Mackie, Director for Durbain certain' farm experts, that the ~unty, who spoke briefly be- answer was cut-back produc- i re introducing the speaker tion, stating that ta caver ri- the evening, Mr. Albert Cor- ing costs, the farmer had ta ick, president of O.F.U. produce and market more pro- 'Aiter reviewing the growth ducts at less money. af the O.F.U., bath in num- The conclusion ai Mr. Cor- bers and prestige, in the last rnack's speech was an urgent year, Mr. Cormack gave a very pleà ta farmers ta join nnd interesting accaunt of the back their union, sa that a Dom. - Prov. Agric. Confer- united front could be put for- ence beld in Ottawa Iast week. ward equal ta that of any There was, be said, na assur- ather industry, or graup, in ao- ance or hope that any agricul- der that the farn industry ri- tural product would rise in ceive the considerat ion it prioe next year, but rather rightly deserves. would there be a decline in The discussion period whichi farmn incarne, according to the iollows in ail Union meetings Minister of Agriculture, Mr. covered most farm subjects Gardiner. ranging froni hogs ta pea-grow- IThe fact that no market was ing, with mast ai the peopleE being faund for the surplus present expressing their opin-5 western wheat, was causing il!- ions and beliefs. Following ad- feeling between the weýtern journment by Mr. Fair the la- Jarmèrs who are naw complet- dies ai the Union served a very -ing in the livestock fattening tasty lunch. , Farewell Blackburn New Depufy High Chie fn Cdn. Fores fers Order e On Navember 21, 1955, meni- ofiicialiy installed bum as the e, bers af Court Bawmanvlle, new District Deputy High ChiefT Court Oshawa and Court Whît- Ranger for the years af 1956 ançila by and Court Charlene, the 1957. 0 Ladies' Court, bnd the pleasure Bro. F. Blackburn called on t i eeing Bro. Farewell Black- Bro. E. Henderson and present- 'u' in1stnledtate office of eti ihafiewo aiet District Deputy High Chief on behaf of ail the lodges in the r R anger for this district. d s r c o h i e w r e h s c The installing team was head- disrco frtefiewreh a ed by High Vice-Chief Rangerdne Bra. H. Phinn and members ai A fine lunch was served by the Executive Committee' Bro. Bro. R. Prout and his helpers J. A. Richard, Farnham, P.Q.; and a social hour followed. BEro. N. Mason, Toronto, Ont., and Bro. W. G. Thom, Smiths Falls. The High Chief Ranger LONG SAULT E was unable ta attend due ta an accident be had while visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar- the Western Provinces. F ,Bro. H. Phinn presented Bro den and Wade, were Monday E.Hendersan with bis jeweî as* dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. reîin Distic Deputy High Bob Cameron, Tyrone. P CtiefRangesrctMr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson ho Bro. Hj. Phinn presented Bra. and Sandra, were Sunday sup- F. Blackburn with is jewel and per guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. MI e THANK YOU! We!incereIy wish to tharàk the people of Bow- u*Ê%nville for'their assistance and generous co-opera- IL11n since our arrivai in town. DINING ROOM HOURS on Sunday and Monday, Dec. 251h and 261h 12 noon to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7:30 p.m. SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER Closed Ail Day Tuesdny, December 27th Balmoral Hotel Herb and Gertie Woolley THE STAFF 0FI WALKER STORES LIMITEDJ BOWMANVILLE f - - B11ZMN OWMAKVfflLE, ONTABJO PAGE- Blaney, Bowmanviile. Master John Vaneyk spi the weekend with bis sisi Mr. and Mrs. H. De Miile,-Bo manville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vane were Sunday supper guests the De Mille home.1 Mr; and Mrs. J. C. Cookc a Lauraine, were Sunday gue at the Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vane with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dona Oshawa, Saturday evening. Christmas Concert In spite of the intense coe the old school house was aga packed to its doors for our a nual Christmas concert. When everything was readiness, the programt open with everyone singing "O Ca ada" with our music superN ser, Mr. A. Collison, at t] piano. He accompanied t] children in ail their singli Allyn Youngman welcom, everyone wîth his recitatic and then ail was away to a fit start. Alvin Johnston was chai man for the evening, the pri gram consisting of songs, pla, and drills with a -musical se ection by the Baker trio, Je& John and Harry. During the intermissic everyone joined heartîly i several Christmas carols. Prt gram closed with a recitatio by Janet McLaggan and the Santa Claus arrived from th North Pole to distribute th gifts to ail thle happy kiddieý school and pre-school age. Candy, nuts and orange were provided by the Home School Club and the scho< section for ail children preseni Mr. Walter Vaneyk, chair mnan of the school board vaic ed a hearty vote of thanks t M'rs. Rosevear, the childrei and to ail those who had helo ed in any way to make th, evening such a success. Mi Tumoil arrîving from Jamaic ast year, also voiced bis vot( of thanks to everyone. Your correspondent extend the Season's Greetings to Ed' or James and ail the staff oý he Statesman. To ail of it readers, the very best for thi coming year. St. Pau I's W.M.S. Flects Offi cers For New Year The Christmas service of St. ?aul's W.M.S. was held at the orne of the president, Mr.. ïarold Ferguson, Dec. 2Oth [rs. Ferguson welcomed the 1 m emoersn. anct vÂisito «AUVU ed the message of .the Christ- mas to keep in our lives in the year ahead. Mrs. Otto Bragg led in the worship service which was in- terspersed with Christmas ca- rois. Mrs. James Brown favor- ed with a solo, "In the Bleak Mid-winter", followed with scripture read in unison. Six members gave reading-s on how Christmas is held in different countries. Mrs. Brown sang "Jesus Your King is Born'.' Mrs. Kenneth Werry closed this portion by reading "The Legend of.the Black Ma- donna". Mrs. Ferguson thank- *ed the members for the inter- esting Christmas story. Meet- ing closed with silent prayer. The report of the nominating commîttee was submitted and accepted. Rev. H. A. Turner conducted the service of instal- lation of officers for the coin. ing year and led in the servie of dedîcation: President, Mrs. Harold Ferguson; lst Vice, Mrs. Kenneth Werry; 2nd Vice, Mrs. H. G. Shaw; 3rd Vice, Mrs. H. Galbraith; Treasurer, Mrs. S. McAllister. Cor. Sec., Mrs. R. Hetherington; Coin- munity Friendship, Mrs. E. Dil- ling; Supply Sec., Mrs. S. Mc- Ailister; Assistant, Mrs. E. Dilling; Missionary Monthly,l Mrs. R. Whitmee; Literature, Mrs, W. H. Carruthers; Press and Recording, Mrs. J. A. Cox; Chris. Citizenship, Mrs. H. Gal- braith: Chris. Stewardship, Mrs. D. Armîstead, Mission Band Leaders, Mrs. K. Werry, Mrs. C. Purdy; Baby Bai-d Leaders, Mrs. F. Blunt, Mrs. K. A. Wight; Group Leaders, Mrs. K. Werry, Mrs. Otto Brag t Mrs. H. Shaw, Miss Elva or-_ chard. i i SALEM Salemi W.A. beld their Dec- 14 ember meeting at the home ai Mrs. Leslie Welsh. The presi- dent, Mns. S. Butteny bpened Ithe meeting and canducted the business. Plans for catering ta the Jack & Jill Club banquet were discussed. A card from fMrs. F. -Cator who is balidaying in Califonnia wns rend. Mrs. McClure and ber graup wene in charge ai meeting. Mrs. F. jBlackburn and Mns. H. McClure Igave the Bible reading and de- votional. Readings wene given by Mns. J. Cook and M~rs. Bo') Collacott. A number ai Christ- mas carols were sung. We op- ened aur Birthdny Box which cantained $7.03. Rev. Jackson presided for the electian ai ai- ficers: Pres.-Mrs. S. Buttery; Vice-Pres.-Mrs. E. Twist; Sec. i-Mrs. Bob Collacott. Assist Sec. -Mrs. F. Blackburn, Treasurer -Mns. L. Weish, Pinnists-Mrs. Ken Shackleton. Mrs. G. Shack- leton; Flawer Committee-Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. W. Werry; Auditos-Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. W. Craig; Gnoup Leades-Mrs. H. McClure, Mns. E. Twist, Mrs. K. Shackleton, Mrs. C. Shackle- ton. Meeting clased with bene- diction and a social time was en- joyed. A number inoni here attended the Goodyear and Faresters' Christmas parties an Snturday.,, Mr. Bob Craîg had the mis-g fortune ta break' a bone in hisj foot and will have it in a cast for four weeks. Best - wishes for a Mcmvy Christmas ta the Editar, staffi and ta everyone. 0f the 3,389,350 Canadians1 who paid persanal incarne ta- in 1953, only 9,260 had incomncs JRecent Tronto Wedcling )ent der, w. eyk at and ests yk th, )Id, an- in ed an- the ýhp e ir- o0- ýys Ili, in 70- >0 es It. to ne r.I -Photo by York Studio, Toronto Several Showers Held For Barbara Barclay i F "I v i liv The lirm for joy, thelirme for peace; The time for pleasurm sthat oever ceaae. Ive vish iou Sai I .ia lime of yeae SA plentifulnmeasure of Yuletide cheer! Bowma nyile Frigid Locker Systei )r cr A t e, ekdhanfed. A social time was enjÏoyed by all. S nta Claus visited Mapie Grave Grocery on Saturdav. .December lOth when about 300 chidren with their parents were treated to candies and balloons. Evelnt AUXIiary A Christmas meeting of the Evenin'g Auxiliary was heid in the church basement on Dec. 15 with Mrs. Bert Snowden's group in charge af a Christmnas pro- gram. The Christrnas worship service "Wbat Child Is This?" was pre- sented by Mrs. Bert Snowden .and Mrs. Wallace Munday, show- ing how at Christmas the !"good news" is presented through a careful use of prayer, acripture and carols. Four young ladies of the public scbool accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Laird favoured us with twoj Christmas numbers. A Christ- mas, reading was given by Mrs. 'W. Munday. President Mrs. H. Bradley took charge of business period. Mrs. Steve Doyle, Mrs. J. Hurrie and Mrs. M. Flintofi were appoînted as committee for, implement dealers banquet on Jan. 18.1 Members af executive are asked ta be at Mrs. H. Bradley's on Jan. 4th ta fil in annual report. Foilowing slate aof ofixcers was presented for coming year: Past President-Mrs. H. Bradley; President-Mrs. W. H. Brown, Vice-President-Mrs. S. Doyle; Secretary-Mrs. T. McGuirk; Recording Sec'y-Mrs. M. Ed- wards; Treasurer-Mrs. H. Brad- ley; Christian Citizenship-Mrs. M. Flintoff; Missionary Monthly -Mrs. J. Hurrie; Communit.y Friendsip-Mrs. P. Flintofi; Literature Secretary-Mrs. A. Burgess; Christian Stewardship -Mrs. K. Flint; SupplY Secre- tary-Mrs. H. Allison; Pianist- Mrs. E. Foley; Explorer Group- Mrs. H. Bradiey, Mrs. J. Noble, Mrs. K. Summersford and Mrs. H. Allison; Base Line Mission Band-Mrs. H. Cryderman and Mrs. E. Foley. January meetIng at the home of Mrs. W. Munday with her group in charge of meeting. Meeting closed with benedic- tion. Members present 21, vis- itors 5. A social time was enjay- ed by ail when an exchange of gifts took place and sandwiches, Christmas cake and candy were served by group in charge. M apie Grove, Dec. Meeting The Christmas meeting ai yMaple Grave Home and Schoal Association was beld in* the school on Wednesday, Decemiber 14tb. Mrs.- G. Laracque. pres- ient, presided aver the meeting. Minutee ai previaus meeting and executive meeting were rend byý rMrs. R. Wiggans, sec'y. Mrs. )Rabt. Bothwell, treas.,-gave the financial report. A motion ta give the teacbersi money ta buy indoor games was passed. The parents' count was won by Mrs. Cole's room. The following program. num- bers were announced by Mr. Rowan, principal: Tnp dancing by Barbara Bothwell and Ileane Rahme, ballet dancing number by Beverly. Larocque, sang .Willy Claus" by Linda Fice, Linda Scott, Roseann Paterson, Harriet Marrissey and. Maureen Whalen; reading, "The, Snow- man" by Maureen Whalen; piano sala, "Rondo" and "Courante", Janice Beech; piano sala, "Med- itation", Mrs. Cale. Mrs. Cale played for carol singing which. was entered into by ail present. The meeting closed with "'Gad Save The Queen", aiter which sandwiches and tea were served. Mns. Scott is canvener for the January meeting wbich wilI be held on Jan. llth, 1956. The Christmas meeting ai tbe Woman's Association was held in the basement ai the church on Wednesday, December l4th, witb abaut 13 ladies present. The business wns conducted by the president, Mrs. A. Austin, during whicb money was voted ta bring the M. and M. donation up ta $100; ta the Chilclren's Aid Society; ta The Hospital for Sick SCbîldren, and ta a needy miss- Ç~ionany family. Repart was heard ai two bales ai clothing sent ta Save the Children, Taronto., Their cambined weight was 172 pounds. It was decided ta offer M once again ta support a child somewhere through the Save the hChildren Fund, thus beginning A the eleventh year. Tbe pragram, wns sbortened to a devotional period led by iMrs. Gearge Tuiford using the Christmans story. The scripture and explanation was rend by il Mrs. A. Austin and the develop- SIment of the theme was read by * the three members ai the group present: Mesdames A. Austin, AE. Barwciough and George STufford. Christmas hymns and iprayer ended the devations. A àsiate ai officers for the caming gyean was peesented ta Rev. A. SW. Harding by Mrs. K. Asby who canducted the 'electian. Those in charge ai the wark af the Waman's Association for the '~~' caming year are: Past Pres.- Mrs. Reeve, President-Mrs. A. e nce Nichais; Scnetany - Mrs. SKen Ashby; Assist.-Mrs. Har- olid Austin; Treas.-Mrs. G. Tuf- hfard; Cornesp. Sec.-Mrs. Han- V id Beat'. ISensonable refneshments were served and n vote ai thanks ta the group was offered by the à Vie-Prs.,Mrs. Clarence Nich- ails. S Oscar Hill ai Marvelville vis- Sited with L. Barrowclougb's tLe'.A A during the weekend wben be came ta see his brother Bob I fho has been in hospital in Part Hope and Peterborough for same weeks. NoanHaidaway ai Toronto is spnigsome time with her mother, Mrs. L. Holdaway. Sweet are the uses ai adirers- ~ity. whlch, like a tond, though ~~uly and venomnous, wears yeta ' ýj-ffloÀu# ieWul aÀ4 Ma bead. Coi'iiwMIXMASTER Lerser, bou1lfr bcarers. $36.95 I I I <tE Big SMOOTH single heai. Perfect CONTROLLED HEAT for More Deliciaus Fooda. BIILOV4. E3'u:L-Om- KARR'S JEWELLERY !I"i i 4-. g! i j] Il b,W 1 --------------- loué u6ý ', 4, 1 ,a Miss Barbara Joan Barclay Charles Yule af Osh~awa Bo. ýe of Oshawa, whose marriage ta levard South, Oshawa, enter. Albert Frederick Burgess of tained at a trousseau tea fa' is Bowmanville, will take place ber niece. Receiving with Mrs ini Trinity United Church, Bow- Yule were Mrs. Howard Bur. )fmanville, this Friday evening, gess af Bowmanville, mothei ts December 23rd, bas been fete'l af the future bridegroom, and at several pre-nuptial events. Miss Barclay the bride-to-be Miss Dorothy Patterson o!f Opening the door ta the guests Oshawa was hostess at a mis- and in charge of the guesi cellaneous shower, the gifts be- book was Miss Dianne Yule, ing presented in a decorated cousin ai thé bride-elect. *clothes basket. Assîsting the Pouring tea at the candie. bostess in serving were Miss lighted table were Mrs. Wil- Joan Luke, Miss Helen Dut- liam Jack ai Oshawa and chais and Mrs. Alex Barclay,, Mrs. Melville Jones ai New- al oi Osbawa. tanville. 'Serving were Mrs. Mrs. Norman Fry assisted by Robert Munn and Mrs. Donald Mrs. Ray Vincent both ai Osh- Hoimes ai Oshawa. Miss Doris awa, were co-bostesses at a Patterson ai Oshawa presidel miscellaneous shower. in the rooni containing the The girls ai the Engineering shower and wedding giits, Department, General Matons ,of whiie Mrs. E . V. Sheehan of Canada, entertained at a Bowmanville, aunt ai the shower wben the future bride prospective bride, was in received a carnation pink Ken- charge ai the rooni containing wood blanket, and a General the trousseau and linens. Electric Steam Iran. Mrs. W. E. Dodwell, Miss Doris Patter- son, Miss Joan Luke and Mrs. MÂPLE GnuVt, Paul Sabil af Oshawa, served refneshments. Special Christmas message by Mns. Ronald Holmes and Mns. aur paston on Sunday, also Robert Munn were bostesses at special Cbristmas music by the a kitchen showen. Hîghligbts choir, and baptismal. ai the panty were a bride's Sanie school cbildren are borne book and a decorated cake in- with red measies. There is also scribed "Best Wishes". Re- sarne whoping-cough. freshments were served. Mlrs. Rev. H. Staintan, Mimico, vis- E. V. Sheehan of Bawmanville, ited his sister, Mrs. E. Ashtan at aunt ai the future bride, ar- the home ai bis niece and ranged a miscellaneous show- ehwMran Ms.Gdo er. Mrs. Sheeban was assisted nepch, sMTr. and Mrs Gaon by Mrs. Andrew Barclay af a vîsit with theni. Oshawa, Mrs. Rasina Barclay, Master Billie Brown,. Miss and Misses Debby and Carol Betty Anne Brown, Hamilton, Sijeehan of Bowmanville in spent Sunday with their grand- senving guests. parents, Mn. and Mns. C. H. Mns. William Jack of Oshawa Snowden. was hostess at an evening par- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, ty when the future bride was Hamilton, called on Sunday en- presented with a set af stain- route ta a Peterborough lias- less steel cutleny, a Cary coffie pital ta see bis mather who- had pot, also a number ai miscel- a seriaus operatian but is daing laneous kitchen items. Lunch nicely. was served by the bostess, as- Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Beecb sisted by Mrs. Charles Yule, entertained staff nembers with with Mrs. LwturkSvey i ey ndhspeban ty onhrsat- pou ring tea.1mas wive d usbands atya Chrsat- LastThusdayeveing rs.unday evening when gifts were y 1 MIXMASTER j JUNIOR Married recently in St. Simon's Church, Toronto, were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Leamen. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mrs. W. A. Devine and the late Mr. Devine of Toronto. The groomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen of Orono. l' qq". etAvAýMA,» WESLEYVILLE