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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 4

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- -- ______________ ~ _ ____ - .-~--..------.------~- 1. - <WAOI VQyoga i- ub &UEAM n ATBBNmffl. J!ý lOTM W fIV LBfL±1LIfL .LUp1UY.11.. 2W.15 C urrent and BY Elsi Cfthm flLunaey RECOGmIE TME TaiT.T We have read soa many un. signed pieces in newspaperu in the last couple ofye shazn- rnering on this thfimye:"Christ- mas le "taa commercial" only ia the minds of adulte. If we thlnk Christmas has been corn- merciali»d aimait tao e point ai 'eâtlnctioni, the fault lies wlth- us and, aur thinking. We have- lot the "truc spirit cf Christmas". This' publicity. reminds me samewhat of kind af prffl- gandr.- we heard cantinually before the last war. It wes sa absuid that. We Iaughed at it, What anecocuntry wasdoing ta trangle frcedom was ai. ways blansed on the innocent party. We laughed over here on this continent. But it wasn't funny. If you tell people a thing often enough, they corne ta believe it. in Canada since the war, it bias been a tirne of great pros- perity. People have been per- .SOsuaded ta spend money they haven't got. For many articles there is na down payment re.e' quired, and if anc flnds he has got in aver his head, a friend- ]y finance company will lend the money ta get hini out. You can borrow money ta kw;- ""Up - 0w - Ce ~*w* t. -Fh*s naval,"" euc âde Neti America le HMS L&'lor, which recendy mad its way through polar sem frose Atlantic te Pacâflo We're praud tdut tho t hresspecially built lani lg oaft ahe camrid thferry men and supplie% te Arctic shore bases were made cf wdedd aluminum -and that tliey did the job. Aluminuas la active in lte pattoam ddefe«M four comtes, skies mnd northetn wates. Se it Ji -oo te lcow tîsat Cmbda if the worid's second larpost min- minwn supplier with 9M pro- ducins plants in Qibec aad Bnitish Columbia. ALUNMUM COMIPANY OF CANADA Lii>. (ALCAN) mAlT 1. JANE lbime. Bea i Ktt OMMie MA $-mi VA 3N XI"g Street E. D.wuamvgl. Christmas prements yau 'cab' ail ord to gFie 1 The hurdy-gurdy starts abau the firet af November, and ln creases in clamor and Intenaiti until twelve o'clock Christma Eve. Poople's nerves begin ti snap under the pressure oi 1ho camPaigu. What ta buy, wheri 1ta buY, no mced ta pay (nawI only go rnany days ieft - b wah ta buy.i Keep it up, harn mer, hammer on radia, televi. Sion,' ii newspaper and maga- zine. And we are not ta think thai this ise ýcornmercialization oi Christmas? It is our auit, r, ort and ine, If we have aiutth 1h true spirit of Christ mas?" Corne, corne. Somne 'i us sttUl have brains ta think with-. The economy (what a atrange word for wlld spend- lng Md high living) af tht count;v is flot going ta caliapse if people return ta a sane po.- icy on Christmas giving. Christmas Day is supposed to mean to Christians, celebra- tion of the day on which Jesus Christ was born. A remem-. brance ta Ioved once on that day was meant to carry out the themne of love, peace and hap.- pinots; ta commemnorate God's gift to us, and the gifts whien the Wise Men brought ta Je- SUS. It becomes harder and hard- er for people ta rernember these thinga at Christmas; ta remember that these are th-a things that matter: that on these are based the Christian family festival with all its be- loved customs. We do flot be- lieve that it is harder because You and I are at fault. Many of us are trying very hard ta cling ta what we believe 15 thàre truc Christmas. W. believa, that it ie harder because we are having ta brace ourselves lagainst a persistent, high-pow- ered onslaught. Thot anslaught. we maintain, is commercializa- tion ta the saturation point. I'here' are th<>se who succumb because they cannot stand tho. pressure. AU of us still have the riqht to Ithlnk, and were given brains for the purPose. Lot us think then, and put the blamne where t belonga. Thon lot ius deter- mine to -apeair aur minds on the subJect, and in aur actions to put Christmas buying back aits proper place. The toy actorles and ail the other manufacturlng plants and the stres that sell their wares w.11 not collapse-they wil makeaa ittle less but they willot haVa ta close their doars. It is not truc that Gad has ta be made Inta a promotion in the rarket-plaee ta keep the couix- ry solvent. TRE LZAST 0F THESE The greafest enjoym.ent in fivin g cornes when we give ta hase who ane les. fortunate than we are. Our Salvatio-n Army la ever mindful af the 2weds of mach folk, and aur dollars or aur donations ai food and clothing wiil find a useful purpos. there. lat Toronto, the Scott Mis- sion carries on a great work amoag the down and out al yecar round, but during thei Christmas season the tempo is stepped Up. A message tram Rev. M. Zeidman, the director and founder, tolas that they ex. pect to, feed at least 500 deati- tu*and hameless men on Christmas Day. Bouides that, about 200 familles will receive a few extra$ in the wmy of gra- ceries, for Christmas. Eetween Dec. 24th and Jan. lst, 4,500 mon wiflhave their dinner at th. Scott Mission. The. Mission supplies mnedical id ta famiîlles toa poor ta cati a doctor or gend someone tu hospital; it supplies ciothing to familles, layettes- for 'babies. During the wintor months ai last yeax, the Mission served over 137,000 free mcli, and throughout the whole ycar dis- tributed 75,000 articles ai clothing. You can sec why the Mission needs aur gits. Motaif us arc fortunate. We are flot in want. Our Christmas dinner and aur Christmas tree wlieem that ..,ch better if we knaw wo hve heiped sonmaone even a littie bit. No anc asked- us to make aay appeal, but in the foiders seat out by the Missioný froni lime ta time, we have read same ai the case histories af the hundrede and thausandsi af human b.ings it bas heiped. Thea. 'taries speak for tbcm- slvez. If you should wish ta help, money or clothinig may b. sent ta The Scott Mission, Ine., 502 Spadina Ave., Taron- to 4. e * e music 0F CHRISTMAS The. JoZoui and beautiful muic 0o!Christmas, the carois, e"ntates -ad aratorios do mare thoan, anything *Ie, paaaily, ta create lnx aut bearts that pecoe, good-wiPt and reverence which May it stay wMt us throeigh tbis hapy seasen, and beyond. The Art of Misinforming .3- lnIme LW«Ziste mtde ne .uat aofinorng Pe". Jàwhat the unluxnentcd ÉtI. bm uei4pated aptly as "thebig 4. ina simple cnough art, based an the soud auuption that if a statement Je mi& Impreusively enaqagh aMd àe wid eoughIt IlwilUbe bellev.d, because people will haVe bemime toa dazrled ta question Its truth.J .Thb trIWM «dazgee@t à a infraction of exlsting law. "Pursuit of an anijnal doas flot Conistitute possession, nori superficial wounding. The inan who kills it and takes passes- a wild gaýne animal is what sion of the carcass ns the own- er. 1, I "Ae 'aMW CdMM ' £Om hiDkieru And, as- Tiny T-T*i-obser-ved, Go-d Bless Us, Evry,-O'ff! A CHRIMAb .*sAUjt 1'AWm.THL- GOODYJEAR TIRE & RUBEER CMPN 0I4MTP.J rg- mme -favorite practice ai th ose Iabor W r jl T où h tycoons who camne tromtis adian workers - with echâi- F r uletide .S cison, lenging authority oi larger un-Fo Y 1ions and larger power. They Children love a brthday Through the years certain use the method because it je Party- Aiter being scrubbed customs, practices and gaings- until their faces shine, they on which have no cannection always casier ta impress than stafl aut, littie girls with their with Christmnas have in thex it is ta convince. frily dresses, little boys with public mind become assaciateri Quite rccently Joseph Childs, their hair all slicked back look- with its celebratian. These have~ international vice-president ai ing fpr ail the warld like the often obscured the real mean- . herubs they are not. They re- ing ai the 'Hoiy Day. But more ,t theUnte Rubber, Cork, Lin- fuse ta 'start for the party, and marc, thoughtfui men and oleumn and Plastie Workers of though, until they have their -wamen are coming ta realize America (CIO-CCL), address- rsns hyms-enclth eiousgifac tte 't ing the delegates af 5 Canadian iip; resets Tey musbe.cetebreligias ignfae C ithas Llocal unions, prcsentcd h i,--apdtO.clbain Mk hita y ban ofortar amed ta Childrèn enJoy giving prâs- Christian. Be careful ai your Il make people act without tbink_ ente as much as receivifng habits, avaîd ail extravagances. o Cin "We have neyer, neyer t1hem. They have not yet be- Cut out ail drinking. Drinking le congvnaytig"si rn ae sophisticatd. They-arc as is darigeraus and might casily CChilds. "'Al adur gaine have natural as can be. At Christ-betecuea unppns 'been won, and we wil neyer mas-time adule become chil- and sorraw. What a Christmas 'get anything unless we are dren again. They take off their for the family if the father and strong ehough to take it." wrappings and unashamed .10 mother are sleeping off the cf- If nyoe sappd t thnkthe natural chidlike things. fects ai a party when Santa If ayon stopedto tinkLooking for apprapriate gifts Claus cam«es. for a m pment he would recog.J becomes a national passion. We When ail is said and donc -nize thils resaunding chailengf get a lot ai honest ta goodncss Christmas is basically and pro- ,fas the very essence ai "the bit fun making other people hap- foundiy a relîgious experience. t, has. conied îsiyMse ildan py,'and by giving gifts io al It celebrates nat oniy the birth e ha conincd hiselfandsorts ai gond causes as well as ai a child but the birth ai an -speaks what he misguidedlv ta aur iriende. idea. Peace, the grcatest need believes. But anly thase wha Christmas is the tume ai year in the worid, is in short supply. lcan be dazzled with the'large- when we can be supremèély. Sa is unseliishness. Wc can anes af daims however fantas- happy. It cammernorates the heip buiid up reserves. Christ- tic, or prefer ta agrec rather * tanthik or heseles *1 great event in hîstary, the birth mas can be Christian withoiit than hinkfor temseves i the founder ai Christianity. being stuffy. Churches wili bc be bleta id wih hm. It is a birthday holiday, and. à telling us to put Christ into "We have neyer, neyer been timne when the child spirit Christmas andi ta make Christ- given anything," Mr. Chiids as- reigns supreme. mas Christian. WcllI xhy no!, serts, implying that the wark- er wauldn't have secured any _______________________________ gains but for the strength af----- organizations that empowered them ta take wvhat they wan*- aswse nuhta know, and Co sra o _ c rr as any worker. who took the trouble ta examine this chai- lenge wauld know toa, there TWEED-An intercsting cal- hunter killed a deer which had were many many firms that lection ai fish taken irom Lake been wounded by a member ai had their own forms ai pen- Ontario waters about 1880, in- another party. Often, conserva- clans, and sick pay and aver- cluding saimon, lake trout, tion officers of the Ontario De- tirne and group insurance* be. maskinonge and whitefish, is partment of Lands and Forests fore arganized unionism had undergaing renovatian here. It are called in ta settie such dis- appcared an the scejie.' And was iormerly dispiayed at the putes and give quick judgment there are taday many firms aid Newcastle Salman Hatch- on matters which have exer- that are stili ununionized who ery on Lake Ontario in 1886. cised legal minds for centur- treat their empioyecs just ais Salmon sînce have compietely ies. wcll as, and sometimes better disappeared fromn Lake Ontario Wha owns the game? The than, the çiased sha ps. and lake trout arc almast ex- question gaes s0 far back inta Mast ai the gains that th,, tinet there. history that the Roman rule, as workcr has secured over the Recoiouring ai the collection quoted by Justinian, specifies years have been made possible is being donc in ails in an ef- that wild animais become the because ai the increased pro- fart ta recapture the original property ai him who reduces duction and the resuitant lower colours ai the specimens, them ta possession. Until they casts that machines have made says R. Whitfield, af the On- are redijced ta possession, how- passible. If the workers have tario Department ai Lands and ever, they belong ta no anc. neyer been given anything, wha Foresls. District Forester Douglas N. provided these tbols that made * * Omand explains: their lives mare abundant? It PEMBROKE--m-The deer hua:- "For many years in England, wasn't the unions. They have ing ceason brought with it the ail wild gaine was hield ta be fought technical impravemnents usual number ai disputes as ta the property ai the savereign ail aiong the way - they are who owns the deer once it is who could hunt himself or del- fighting them today. And they shot, In same cases, hýunters egate the right ta hunt ta cer- arc stili asking us ta believe shat' deer which were' beingc tain people, usually iandawn- the lic that nobody gets any- driven by ather parties or by crs. Biackstone, in hie cam- thlng uniese he is strong cnaugh other parties' dags. In other mentaries, takes this interprp- ta take it. cases, disputes arase whcn a tation. Subsequent uses in En.- n j. n e e s r Lb prefers -mo0d crati on ( 8 E.C.-.A.D.6 5 ) the unwrltten law oi sporta-. manehip and fair play .provk4li ail the answers nceded to sè*s. tic disputes ai this kirdd" Mr. Omand points out. Self-control is mare ofteft caled for than seli-exp',essiats., land, however, show that only certain species af game and fish are actuaily royal praper- ty, notably swans, sturgeon and whales.. "The ruling English case on the, subject now, recognizini the'right ai Parliament ta le- gialate regarding the taking ai game, does not place ail game in the categary ai royal pro- perty. Since mast Canadian law is derived from English Common Law, it is safe to state that the actual kiiiing of decides its ownership, and then only If its killing invoives na, Dead Stock Removed Hichest -Prices Paiel 24-Haur Service TELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG 1787 NICK PECONI, Zhe J-fouse of Sea9 rarn J Men w/w tIi;k of tomorrow practice moderatioit today TRY THIS 00-S0-SIMPLE TrOMA TO ASPIC! AYLMER Dissolve ont package of Iemon.flavered jelu7 powder in~ ' "" 1 cup bot AYLMNR Sunshine Tomato )Jwce. Scason 1 cup cold AYLMER Tomatojuice with onion. horse-radish, salt, pepper. Add to jelly mixture Chillini individuel moulds. AY ME SNMINE TOMATO UC AYLN E . -»...a!.,55 PETERBOROUGH 2-2088 -F 1 1 A great soul CAMAMAM "AI-ImuAn ONPIMA1310%

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