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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1955, p. 5

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'?EUSDT, EC.22ni, 1955 *Report of. World Match ~ GienAnnual Meeting 0f Counties' Plowmen Vi~e Northumberland and of $334.75. It was apparei Dur'ham Plowmen's Associa- that the profits from the Ir tingathered in the Councîl ternationai are now gene. F Chomrbers, Cobourg, on Dec. 12 nancial statements were aý for- their annual meeting. Pre- cepted on motion of Howar aident, Percy Gooding review- Henry and Wesley Down. ed the activities and called for The local match at Wool< the Secretary's reports. The wvas felt very satisfactory an riýutes of the last Annuai it was urged that our Junior ~ting, were adopted on mo- be kept interested for the 195 ,,of Harry Campbell and I. activities. District Directo SE.Alin. The Financial state- Howard Henry reperted on th rnent' showed the Cairn Ac- International Match held nea count with $400 each donate'j Leamington. In his opinioni -pyy -the O.P.A., courtesy Clark was much better than reporteý Young, treasurer; National in the press. 150 plowed eaul Plowing Council, courtesy J. D. day under an excellent lay ou Thomas; and this organization. on fair land, bu' farmers a With a few acceunts te hear that area were busy with th, from, it is indicated that $109) harvesting of beans for whic] is left in the N. & D. funds fer there had been ne previot landscaping the surrounding.3. suitable weather. The N. & D. Account showcd World President J. D. Tho. a balance on November 28th. 1 mas was the chief speaker an1. brought a cheering message of the World Match. He ' nE ...atern najo A e out hie was Chairman of then O t ro A c Guelph Conference which fa- T thered the eighteen watershed e c m s C m a d AuthohiWelcanmeofCommandeer Ganrakawa te irt.Noh- Brigadier T. Eric D'O Snow, ish Columbia Area. He w.ns Afe tet ing however, had given him O.B.E, C.D, 50, of Saint John, p-rmoted to the rank of briga- 216KAlregSt eeOt. the satisfaction of wvorking N. B. has been appointed com- dier in 1948 and appointed de- igtoOt with the World Plowmen. He mander Eastern Ontario Area puty-adjutant-general at Armv Dear Mr. James:- pointed eut a fraternity was in Kingston, soon wil take up Headquarters, Ottawa. Please find enclosed $4.00 for growing and that the group lus new duties on the 20t. fe evigfratm13m ohrsanulsbcî itwas welcomed by Plowmen at December. n- narly evey stp bewee He has been serving with the director-general of army per- tion to The Statesman. Mom, ni oe ande igyMstop . b etw1einee Eva Spry> enjoys it very grud a be rrgte miltary component, Canadian . *........'-~ much and after reading it, she goppula, had te cirn as a delegation, as military adviser sends it down to me. Althoug., rd ps dedic.tedhefornuepîw to the Canadian commissioner 1 I very seldom recognîze a name~ er ing began. He foretold the beAt o amoo iae. e ucceeds BrE that is familiar after ail these idmatch to date at Oxford i . gdier Cha . 5 DuonOtaw, O.BE years, I certainly enjoy readin, rs Engiand. Ford Motors have the EDCD 0 fOtwweaotteBwavlehc 6 best pictures of the event. Th4e bsbe otd oId-hnteami and basebail team, an'I ir ath s nvte t US.. or Brigadier Snow was born in ~ also any news regarding the er mac Wst Gviermay or l5.. ÏKimberly, South Africa, and Oddfellows' Lodge. The colum i ir New eaîand or ~ was educated at Rothesay Co'- '"cnann nes fo Th itlege, Rothesay, N. B. He aiso, Statesman of 25 and 49 !d It was suggested that Port attended the University of NeiýýMý ago is interesting and the odd qi Hope Board of Trade, Fred Brunswickt** tîme an item is printed th.t t Barr, Manager, was prepared He was commissioned in the ....... brings back memories. f to gîve a prize for our match. Royal Canadian RegimentIl Atti.'.ete McDnt j(! Motion of Henry and Down, 1926 after being fiist gazetted catthsntimeasthe "MacDonatd Li that Messrs. Harry Campbe]l in the Saint John Fusiliers. At - to ail our friends in Bowman- Is and Percy Gooding ask County the outbreak of World War Il Council for $200, our share of he was a major attendin ville and we ail wish them the~ very best for 1956. -the first day of the Brooklyn course in England. He rejoined . or Sneey j International. It was suggested his regiment in Canada and re- j urray MacDonal -that a new sheet on plowing turned overseas with it W~ Harry ampbel pres nteM uepediton to rance bHints be prepared by O.P.A. participate in the -June, 1940, Ian Honourarium to Stanely In July, 1941, he was promt- K D O Macklin, who was the key fig- ed to the rank of lieutenant- ure ini building the memoriai colonel and given command o f U n ited Links Class cairn. E. A. Summers offered the Royal Canadian Regiment. Brigadier T. D'O Snoiv The United Links Class of flowering Crab Shrub for th(- He was promoted to the rank Young People at Kedron met beautification and Mr. Thomas of colonel in 1943 adapit sonnel at army headquarters,atheom f ebesRn *pointed out that the tulips we:eo ed commander of the Canadian he attended National DefenceI and Jeanine Werry, with 16 Son their way fromn the Nether- Training School in the United College in Kingston, and then present. Christmas music, story lands. A painting by Foster Kingdom. In 1944 hie. went ie was appointed commander Newan redgsadpaer y Ruesell was viewed with inter- Italy to commanîd the Ilth Brunswick Area with head- Rev. R. H. Rickard, formed the gest. The President and Vice Canadian Infantry Brigade quarters in Fredericton. wership service. President were named dele- the acting rank of brigadier. He went te Inde-China 1aàt Election of officers conduc,- ~ gates te O.P.A. After the war hie was district year as a member ef the first ed by Mr. Riekard resulted as * On motion of Edwin Wilson, officer commanding at Calgary, group ef the military compon- follows: Past President, Deu- and E. A. Summers, the follow- Alberta, and commander Brit- ent, Canadian delegation te the las Love; President, Ron Wer- Y ing siate of officers were elec- International Truce Supervis- ry, Vice President, Brian Lee- ted: Past President, Percy ory Commission. Secretary, Eleanor Mountjoy; ' Geoding, Hilton; President, H~oward Quantrill, Campbell-Sc u o h r croft No. 1; lst Vice-President, - Charles Wilson, Cobourg; 2nd tec Vice Pres., Wesley Down, Hil- Elc f-c r ton: Secretary-Treasurer, Raiph ' S l Plan Bakerghton DirectorsPdan WisonaGa' D ir c on - d i H iils o n d , r H pGAah e r g ua. -n h l No. 1; Newton Selby, Newcai- meeting of the Scout Mether., i Howd Hen, Nmpecrostle;Auxiliary, recently, the fol-W Howrd enr, Cmpblle owingofficers were installe-i No. 2; Howard CyerabyMrs. R. Cramp: President. Bowmanville No. 3, Will Hoot- Mrs. C. Welsh; Vice President, on, Ida; Earl Linton, Cobourgc Mrs. H. Gibson; Secretary, Mrs s No. 1; Don Carruthers, Ce- 0. Plummer; Treasurer, Mrs. R bourg Ne. 5-. Frank Tinney, Ce- Richards; Phone Cemmittee. bourg No. 6; Gordon McGee, Mrs. L. Luffman and Mrs. E. Brighton No. 1; Bruce Eagle- ude Sick Committee, Mrs. mn, Cobourg Eao. Dopen MrsM. ezal; AditCnor,rj son, Cobourg o ; ErKDen MrsM. errîs ; SewingCnor, s Harwood; Howard Allun, New- T. Buttery. castle.. tOBITUARY MRS. EDGAR i. JAMES j Taken suddenly il] on Tues- ~ day evening, December 13, Ma. 't .<~Z'~ el StilIbeloved wife of Ed- ~ , . ~ga J Jmes, 140 Coîbornp ,,î Street East, Oshawa, passed away at the Oshawa General ospital a short time later. Born at Port Perry on July S 16, 1882, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and G~e~ M&SMrs. Ezra Still. Married in "Oshawa in 1900 she had lived Shere for 55 years. Mrs. James was a member ofKing Street United Church n ,-~. - and was a life member of the women's missionary society ef 't "'t ""Besides her husbfnd shei rn0eave*hÎo mouth her passing of Oshawa and two sons, Clif-s S happiness und pleasufes ton J. James of Oshawa and1 Donald H. James of Minden. of Chrstmaosoyihrough. AIse surviving are two sis- ters, Mrs. Alonzo Williams oft LL. ,Port Perry and' Mrs. Lulac out a urignt New Tour. Sm ith of San Antonio, Texas;is a brother, Ervil Still of Dr.-i Itroit: six grandchildren and-i four great-grandchildren. The funeral service was heldP Ilat the Armstrong Funeral i A iHome, December' 16, followed e Town T.V. un tenna by nemtinheOawT LlydHaulonBill Leask Bury, minister of King Street tI £United Church, conducted the S AIIl~ UG~*mm tmm,,.~ Q ua~ neservices. ' ei BRING US YOUR Ib r IvwJNIY 1-'UBLEMS If you need cash to pay inedical or dental bills ... to consolidate your debts . . . to buy an auto- mobile..* or for any other wvorthwhile purpose, we have ~< ~"the boan to meet your needs. a a a Aý low-cost loan is the sensible Way to solve your financial problems. Tailor-mnade to fit your budget, it provides the cash whcn you need it, with a min- imnin of red tape . . . allows plenty of tinie for payment. *..The ]Belîvue office is open to assist any G.M. enipboyee. r Our experienced advisors will consider your problemis in confidence. . help you work out the boan planbest suited to your particular needs. Stop in and talk it over with us today. SBELLVUE FINANCE CORPORATION LT». 29% SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA G. H. WVILSON, Manager DIAL RA 5-1121 Mrs. Vetzal reperted thirty- J five neckerchiefs made and handed euIîtot Cub leaders this fall. -Plans were made for a home baking sale early in January. Scouts and Cubs are te be remembered by the Auxiliary with a donation te be uscd for E m rg their Christmas parties. E m rg On completion of the busi- pus ntiun nf i,, .me .r. m--- --ing, a social haîf-hour was enjoyed by COUlIE (Intended for last week) W. A. Meeting The ladies of Courtice Woni-j an's Association met on Thurs- day afternoon, December 8th, for their annual business meet- ing. The vice-president, Mrs. C. Simmons, presided and opened the meeting with the theme song "Let the Beauty of Jesus -Be Seen In Me". Mrs. C. Penfound in charge of the devotional witb the theme "What Child Is This?". Several Christmas carols were sung between scripture reatl- ings. The prayer of thanksgiv- ing was read in unison. The budget for 1955 was eom- pleted and indicated a very successful year. Mrs. W. Park- er, Mrs. E. MacLean, Mrs. S. T'aylor, Mrs. F. Balson and Mr' V E. Shipman volunteered te bag the candy for the Sunday School concert on Friday, Dec-r ember 16th. Woman's Association Christ- mas party will be held on Wed- nesday night, December 21st and the exehange of gifts whli 'e in the formn of a kitchen shower for the church kitchen. rhe Weman's Association ladies )ffered te help the Explorer i group with their Christmas :arty by supplying the major- ty of the supper. Convenors of ail the Womn- ins Association groups and immittees read a report on the vork of the groups: Literature, Ers. J. MacKenzie; Christian 'ewardship, Mrs. E. Warbur- 1 n; Christian Citîzenshîp, Mrs. L. Hoy. For the president, Mrs. Simmons, Vice; visiting and k rirstian Fellowship, Mrs. C. mmons; Christian Leader- ip Education, Mrs. W. Park- rCo-operation with Christian ducation, Mrs. W. Parke-; rsonage Committee, Mrs. S. nsman. The meeting closed with the zpmah Bénédiction and lunch as served by cemmittee i H irge. Ail ladies are asked te ing a frîend te the Christmas irty. On December lst, the Cour- ýe Woman's Association held i eir annual bazaar. Mrs. Tain- yn, President of Dominioni~ )un cil, opened the bazaar wt ich xvas very successfui. gi p it: ar Co wi t A. C. jCI i] er; Ed Pa Kii Mi: chE jbrii par tic< the blyý Ce' I TO ALL Doris Joli Sadie Fice 4! ~. ~ rrext:nd sia:ere wishes te allou fiens ndneighbors for a Christmas that is full z. of ail good things and a heart that is full of happiness. JACK WILSONi y TOBACCOS and CONFECTIONERY GraceKerse OUR' Thelma Couvier Bowma nvi lie Cleaners Dyers Limîted Bill Wcstoveî Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 4 Phone Whltby Mohawk 8-3552 318 DuBda% St. E., Wbitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND Precise workmanship and careful attention te detail are your assurance when VOU choose from the wide selection Of imnported and domnestic Granites and Marbies iii stock. j' FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS"- STAFF MANA GEMENT l'am a& . FAUS Fm Treasurer, Grant Spencer; Saturday with relatives in thi Teacher, Mrs. Harold Werry; Harold W'erry home. Assistants, Howard Farndale Mr. Wle avshdmm and 'William Werry. bers et I~er 1'unday SchÔol T'he- Class voted. $30 to pay Class, John Rose and Louis for their Ciass Helps, voted Vailiancourt, nt her home on $100' to thé Building Fund and Tuesday evening, workcing -in decided to purchase some nev; a ChriEtmas ciass project. equipment for . 'the Sunday NIr. an d Mrs. Ross Lee, iwith School. It was also agreed that bhe Alian Werrye, were receit this group wouid again do thq gu sts of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon care-takiiig 0t the chturch, 51 nee Oshlorn, Oshawa, at a family this enables the class to ýmake pary. a wvorthwhile contribution to their church. Doreen and Donald Hamer, Blessinqs ever wait on virt. Solina, were visitors wjth John uous deas, and though a later, à and June Davis. sure rexvard, succeeds.- W\ilijam Eric Brown, Oshawa, spe'it Conigreve. des ý , -il i , - - -- ý -l ý 'd'mo i a d ole STATMUS. BOWMANVMLLP. ONTAMO FROM THE and , of ib'a f» "vvý ' rz . and

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