» U 0 2 n d . 1 8 5 A Y l. N à L i A L ~ O 1 A N T A T E E A N . O W M A m Lý L & O N T A m O- . - _ _ * Don't farget ta 'phone i-n your holiday visitas ta The Statea.nian. MA 3-3303. Mr. W. R. Edgcr, Peterbor- ough, visitcei bis mother, Mrs. W. A. Edger, on Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Brown is spending Christmas holidays with her SS ', Major Wm. Brown and l1*1y at Kingston. . and Mrs. -Fritz Marti Çt by plane thîs weck ta speni ctrîas with ber parents at St. Andrew's, Jamaica, B.W.1. Mr. Ronald Turner, Univer- #iby of Toronto, is at home wibh his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Harold Turner, for Christmas vacation. Mr. Naci Dudley, Albert Col- lege, Belleville, is sperding tbc Christmas holiday-s witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtice. Miss Muriel Reynolds. Scbool for Nurses, Guelph General Hospital, is spending Christmas vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aeynolds. Miss Arlene Cox arrivcd on Saturday fro London, Eng- land, td,spcp d the holidays1 with fierXparcnts, Mr. and Mrs. il iElmer Cox. She rcturns to London January 3rd. Miss Alice M. Creeper, 256 Havclock St., Toronto, in rt- newing her subscription-ta The Statesman writes: Your pape-- appears ta be getting biggpr and better cacb ycar. Word bas been reccived by' Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts from their son George Ratcliffe Roberts, Victoria, B.C., that he bas succcssfully passed his final examination and is now a chart- ercd accountant. Decorations in the store win- dows seem particularly attra;..- bive this ycar, and the ligbted trees at the Four Corners have ccrtainly added a festive ap- pearance in keeping wuîhthe Christmas seasan. Winners of tickets in the Bow- manville Lions Club hockey draw for December 24 were Doug Walker and Helen Perfect: December 28, Bob Gallagher and Keibh Jackson; December 31, Larry Chant and Lau Dewell. Mr. John Poulos arrived bacIt last Friday from a twa-week visit ta Brooklyn, N.Y. He plans ta return ta Brooklyn in about two weeks ta ma-z- Miss Tessie Rigas of that cntv.a*'nd atp...;il 13th, 1882 was found. It i headcd "Comm1ission of a De-1 puty Returning Officer" and contains instructions by the Returning Officer for the elcc- toral district of the West Rid- ing of the County of Durham ta the Deputy Returninig Offi- cer, a place being left at the top of the form for the hamne of this persan. The polIs we-re 20th, 1882.onJn Bowmanville friends were Most interested to sec in the Toronto Daily Star on Monday, December 19, a picture of Rev. T. M. Dustan and read the ac- companying article which was an interview with Tom by Canon A. H. Davis. Canon Davis is field secretary of the Missionary Society of the Anglican Church and is on a six month tour of the Far East. He visited Tori in his home at Palampur, India, where he is principal of St. Paul's school for boys. The article cantained much -valuable a n d interesting information about conditions in India. Tom is the son of Mrs. T. A. Dustan and the late Mr. Dustan. Organist (Uontinu cd from Page Or The cangregatian's gratit for such a long perîod of fa ful and ca-aperative service expressed by F. G. Darling, N an behiaîf of the church,1 ýne) tude !aith- was who, x- u.tv, ana iaer wi isented ir. Stanley with an en-1 mnake his home there permanent- velope cantaining a sum of ly. monex-. A LetIfer IoMi-. Wilfrid Carruthers was Accamplished Speaker in Ottawa on Monday as ane Ora Roerî :of four Ontario representatives Proving bimself ta be an ac- aa meeting of the Natioal camplisheci speaker as well as, lApple Committee with Govi- musician, Mi-. Sbanley thanked THANK GOD! ernment representabives of the his friends and deligb ted tbem,1 I WASN'T TOO LATE Dept. of Trade and Commerc'e with reminiscences of the Pasb i and Dept. of Agriculture le 30 years. He later accompanied Dear Brother Roberts: marketing of Canadian applez. bis daughter, Mrs. Windrim ohf 1 ws nmbeed iththe Dyrng he isi mae b 15Long Beach, and Miss Donna I watis nmbrd it he ring thdevsitmd b Kibch, in vocal solos, while thel 'sctc"when I f irst saw afg suet t the homes Rev .B. K. Cronk acted as You an TV. I insisted it must o members of the Bawmanville master of ceremonies. be'a fake-ail of thîs about Robai-y Club the weekend of Dec. 9 Il Bai-t Coffey af Panamna xas Also Honour Frank Cale ed cigsae adhel the guest oh Rabarian and Mrs. Also banourcd during the 1 was invited by somne Don Morris, and nat Ratai-ian evcning was Frank Cale, a mcm-1 friends ta go ta Harrisburg Mdrley Vanstone as i eported. jVi h5 er' tnigo h ta ttnd au metig.Sa, Ebet Trtullian of bbc British United Churcli Chair. In ap- QPt f euiosty t seeand West Indies visited with Mi-. and oreciation of his faitbful service, QLIt ohtcur i t e and e Mrs. Vanstone. Mi-. Cale was presented with a' cause the trip would be a In the wrccking of bbc aid cburch hymnary witb music. nice ride, 1 wcnt. buildings opposite 'bbc Town Conveners af the evening pro- 1 herd ett Baxer ive Hall, a blank farm dated Jun2 'gramme were Dr. and Mrs. C. B. her testimony ohf bealing, but -______________ Kelly. Refreshments were serv- 1 was still skepbical about ed by the wamcn present under the whole thing. Then you thedsupriin01. en spoke briefly and prayed I U olds. ________ i-aise their hands if they ST. OH ' wisbed ta be saved. 1 silent- ]Y lughd, tiCHng, Thi Cost of Fear is silly. You wouldn't catch me gaing up there." C U C That historic uine, that what You mTade the i-eqtiest i(nllaNwc have ta fear Most is fear agai. ad Ijus sa thee (nglcan itelf, is singularly applicable agaliin a I st sat. here ita ar thinking on immigration. sudnlIvingase.Thn, jOne recurrent fear is that an sud de mI etrsemb.in December 241h i inlow oh immigrants is bound thamade me trvemble. Lt ta raob aur native workers of fast, for I was ahraid I -hi os youd b oa late. Thank C.ir 1 simas v This has heen tbc cry oh or- 1h.. wasn't boa late. God ganizcd labor over bbc years 1 4z~y soul. 11:30 a.s jp-~nd nver more so than at bbe 9NX~ know that I bave HOL CMMNIN nt ime: The result is that been fargiven for aIl of my oui- immNoýNigration is slowly dry- past sins, and I heel like a ing up because hew have bbe in yeai-s n a Decemhero25.h courage ta challenge this cri-on- ortebis ietter 1 D mer anc. eau s bheorv. The October issue amr rally happy. ah the Labour Gazette pi-avides t Mrs. Water Ncsterick, VChritma Dafi-strihaîgfihurs cvr Sham okin, van JSIJUaS M aythe c strikingof tiur e ca Te nmber oh immigrants classi- Tune In Broter Roberts 800 arnm fied as workers ntering Can. CHH amltn Vada totalled 32,000, opae CHCH Ha milton dTaH LY CO M NION i with 48,445 for.,bbc sam e p riod 4:30p.m.cachSundy i ast vcar. As it ýis assumed that On the Radia each 1 10 and Il a.m.- in the same time some 16,000 Sunday Morning HR S OL Canadians wauld bave crossed On CHUM at 8:3Ô o'clock CURH1COOtbh ine ta seek employment 110I am in the United States, aur net Sponsored by 1:0a. 'gain for the period is almast I MORNING PRAYER 1ngigile PEDWEL This migbb not stand out as 7:00 .M Ji such a magnihicent exemple of BEIAL JESTATE EVENING PRAYER have a great example of the essntial hallacy of he teory 0o close ta us. Ib was after ___ the American Civil wvar that le ~ 3'Z~p ~ people, fascinated witb te concept of liberty and oppar- *.jtuni ty demanstrated in the Un-1 T*~ U it e Chured zStates, wcre maved witb 1 Minîster - 1ev. T. Arthur M4organ, B.A. Such labor arganizabians aqs there were then protested veh- m1rently at this great invasion. kThere would be no jobs left p5 for Americans, tbey prapbcsicd. VHappilv, labar organization:,, with their limîted outlook an.1 il A. - their even smaller capacity 4,a asscss the factors that create emplayment, wcrc still boa "The Paradox of Chrisfmasip small and weak ta stop the trfeodding the tahorde camne the world's great Population 7 P.M.- gi-oups. And ta starve bbe cx-1 tisting workers? Who would lis- "r'î ri ~tîn ta such a crazy argument bTarols UIU and rNew'~ today with 180,000,000 people, presenting the most nearly self- Carols sung by the Choir and Congregation susîdainn ouain i b volaPopulation crcating a Idemand for an unbelievable ,number of products? -Canada must bave foreign Orgnit-r.Arthur Collison, Mu.Bch.LI... There is no question of that, Mus Bah.,L.RS.M ..and vet the proponents oh a closed shop in immigration can- are the creators of ncw de- imands and new jobs, as the lhistorY of oui- neighbor proves Asa graph:call. lb is people who S te P ulP raduce jobs, a nd there is no P auI.s job secrÎdîcer, A caninuingI Lin ted jobh aecuron cannot be prcdic- United Churc 1 atd onhewer people and fw ci- workers. Thet depcnds on b 1the open door foi- woi-kers wbo 1 Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. are also consumners. For it is Mrs. Rta Duley, AT.C.MJ%.C..M. - mers who make and as- ,Organist-Ms eaDdeATCN.LCC sure jobz. 9:50 A.M. - Sunday School 11:00 A.M. - Christmias Service Junior and Senior Choirs 4.00 P.M. - Christ mas in Ssang and Picture FOR BABY "HankSeraft" Bottle Warmer 3.95 "'Rempel" Rubber Toyu 59e and 79o "«Charrn-a-Tot" Rot plate Food Warmer -- 1.98 aJhugon's" Baby GIft Sets 1.25 - 2.25- 3.50 Il faith. With these virtues a mani Ita be a good shepherd. He kept flow to ' ebecomnes Godlike. 1bis fhock fo en etoe Get tl srie n pray for by the lions and bears. Yet,at the possession of these three the saine time he used his sparc To the Top qulte n omno roup tm t bcm rfcetwzi ofmnwill be able te stop your the slingshot. He also becarne Aman* camne ta see e advance te the top. a musician of reniown, constant- Ibi mrnig orthepupoe A short article for a big sub- ly practicing while the sheep of asking me my opinion of Ject itsnt it? were grazing. three virtues that a man rnust -Il is only given te you te He becamne se proficient that have tdrn ake good, and with- continue the thought. he was invited by a king toi out a seccnd's hesîtation I re-' * * * play beforè him. Néxt, he be- pfled - ambition, energy,and, For fifty long years 1 have camne a great warrior and then spiritual virtucs. Iteceived inspiration and very finally be was crowned king of After tbe young man lelt mucb valued knowledge from a great nation. mny off ice, 1 gave a few mom- re-ading the sbory of a shepherd Tistrvsreatdnau ents thought to these three in- Prho becamne king. dTy.sAn ary iof me inho hav Sredients. I Would strongly ad-* I had an occasion ta' agarn reached the top have gotten vise that the reader oh this col- tead the storv last Saturday there by utilizing their spare umnn think of the value oh Am. and here is the peculiar thing lime in preparation. bition, Energv and endowmient about this stoiy. I have read il of Spiritual Výirtues. a good many times in my life, Should yau find yourself Ambition is an urge ta do ând when I read it over again. complaining because yau have bbîings ta become somctbing il thrilled me as much as it did nat reached the top round of better than whaýt you are. En- fifty ycars ago. the ladder, before yau start1 ergy is the force that drives. Briefly, the stcry thiis one condemning others for youir Yeu ta accomplish that purpase. because it illustrates se vividly failure. ask yourself the ques- Spiritual Virtues equip Yeu ta the rewards of spare-time we]I tion-"Have I utilized My spare gel alang with athers-virtues cmployed. Whcn a mere ladtî tme preparing myseif for th e such aS kindnèss. co-operation, v as given the job of herding tasks of the men bigher up?"-j patience, courage, caurtesv, te s îeep, he proved himself Uncle Jake (1940). l £ - ~ ~ -. heid at aur local schools this I follaw. -. rr rp r I 6 50»I- c4cpff Ile e a e j st k w of the m anY attractive gift o " e, that you7il find at your I*DA Drug Store. SHULTON FrieldSiPSGaren oilet WateT (a) LoVelY b aiVdoir b tteS of. clear 1 sGlas en frgra e dsinl gre n s o p ers an d 'tri mn . F rien d sh i P S. 25rd e 4 ra gra n ce 7 5 aren atacive container. 2 ozs., S25et oS 17 an ttrctýFriefldshiP S Garden Charnier Se tacMBd (b) Contains niniature sizes of Toile" Water, tln odey atbofBubbling Ba C rystals in1.50 fragretane of FriendShiP's Garden ------- fraganceDeVILBISS PERFUI4E ATOMIZERS (c) (as illustrated) FJ.td0las 0n craffic design --l 1.00 O)thers available at ---- 15,22 LISTER IMvUS1CAL POWDER BOXES ttal (ci) Glistening9 pieces for the vanit3.ab5 as illustrated Of.9 Other mrodels available in av 6.95 jit.shades with pearl trim ..-.--G)- Jewelite (e) Roll Wave Ladies' Iair Brush 5.00 GMY hy Richard iudnut 911UGIC LUNTER (le) The mnagie of Christrnas glowS front this attractive netallic blue package ~0tinn te1/4 ounce flacon of 0mAï GerneY er une _ýjjFjýsiw A lso available in r eg l t b tie a h W GEMEY by Richard Rludilut M Eau de Cologne (g)me eneou, -o.bottie Of s1in (g)aTe utglass-th gold colotir cap mlakes a uxurlos loS1okin g gif t. RefreS ~ng, fragrant 1.75 k, 'C> (E) FOR Sh Fishe: (a) Beautihu baked enan fully guarant (b) FilterP standard desi "MEDICO" assolted shap, root bowl% medico filter "'Fire. (c) Insert 50 arebtes in thi B) guarantecd " Gifb pack and v ) O K ERS r Pocket Lighter il mnen's and ladies' models- nci finish, assai-ted designg, s itced 1.9 PIPES ~I~I Pipes in bent, bulldog orb igns --- ---- -- ----- 1.50c Standard Filter Pipes in (A) c pes and designs - genuine briar wibb black plastic bit and. r --------1.50 t -Lite" Gifi PackS 0 afhbis or ber favourite cig- us3 speciel peck ontaining a ei Fire-Lite"' triple-geai- iigbtcr.A dl ligbter (less cigarettes> 1.000 Cigarettes - Tobacco (C, Expoi-ts, Swècet Caps Plain. i Sportsman, Pla:vcrs - Pleinz h and Coi-k, Buckingham,S Black Cet 20'9 - 33e 25'9 - 41c, 50'o - 82o UCi-aven and Ci-aven A M 20's - 33e 5'. - 92e Cigarette and Pipe Tobacco i popular brands h (E> PRESCRIPTIONS PONTYP OL w ny Pontypool and Manverï fL.O.L. 82 bcld their regular residents were privileged on1 meeting on Monday wih a god Sunday, Dcc 11. ta hear thé voîce of Rev. G. L. Vogan com- attendance. Evcryone was pîcas- cd witb the succcss of the annual ing over thc air fram St. Steph. banquet. Committce was ap- en's College, University of Al. Pointed ta look after the annual berta, on the programn "Religiotig Christmas Eve dance on Satur- Period." Mr. Voa satpe day, Dec. 24th. It was arranized. ni tpe. ta buy ail thle candies for thc cnt associate Professor of Old local Christraas concert.. Testament language and litera- Wýith the exception of the odd turc at St. Stephen's and de- Ontario buver Christmas tree livred his Advnt sermor, buyers have left this community i Paviurs for Christ" ver the wit a ecrd umer f ree 1Trans-Canada network of tWe with andrecod rd ume r o e s g.CR0as anc of a series of similar saldandgoo prcespreailng.broadcasts ariginabiniz in differ- Manvers Council of 1955 held ent churches across tbe country, their last meeting on Monday, Vcyltcnestiwekbu Decembe l2th.1 do wish ta thank ail those whe Mr-. and Mrs. Oswald Whitmee i gave me new and renewal gub- and family, Oshawa, visited wi t h scriptions during the past vear; friends bei-e on Fridav. also ta those who submited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne speni news and helped me in any waNy. aý fw dys i Toontolastwe To 0all of these and all othe r a fe das inTornto astwee readers of this column I exbcnd The usual round of school con- mv very best wishes for vour certs and Christmas trees wiIl bei Christmas and tbc New Ycar ta Store PHOTOGRAPHIC GIFTS Brownie Holiday Fa nladsh rOuli-to (da) FnlsdesaBra ownie Ha idy Flash Camera, Kodfasit MiadetoFeasodrkwitflas gurd nuoak yen-ll choDof V7fim) 6(2brls ohteie V andim) 6 bntutbsn bao.Tteis nd itructi pon boceak. Thisp iswllpo- duc cblacr dwiteposnpshts iii lac adwht o ri J 1.45(A> Pony 135 Camera (b) The budget-prjced min. iature using 35 mm. film excellent for Kodachrome slides ------------_ 39.75 Pony 828 model - 37.75 (c) Brownle Hawke) ]Flash Camera The shutter on this easy-ta- use snapshooter is svnchron- ized for indoar snapsh'ooting. Takes 12 shots per roil of 620 film - negatives 2/4x2l4. Pre-focused lens. 8.75 Brownle Holiday . 3.90 Brownie Holiday Flash Camera - __ 5.90 Brownje Bull's-Eye- 16.25 Outfit ------_21.95 Flas oldes 3.0, 475,9.00 Brownie Duaflex I Flash Camnera_____ 17.95 Sylvania FLASH BULBS M2's - -_- 1---- 2c each taCarton of 12 -----. 1.44 M Cart-o 2 ---e-_each P r e s s 2 5 _ - - - - - 1 6 e e a c h Carton of 10 1.60 25B_-------- 20e (C) CatnTHRIFTY GFTS "Auer" CHAMPION LIGHTER - sturdy, attractive- guaranteed onc year. Triple gear action _.------- --------- - ------ 1.00 ZIPPERED BILLFOLDS - Genuine leather, ail round zipper change purse, celluloid swings, pocket --------------- - -------1.04 *'TWIN PINES" - Two eone-shaped bars of pine scented soap by Taylor ----_ _--65e STATIONERY - "Chest of Letters" by Gage Stuart-Hall - In git box- 1.50 value__ 98c Electric Shavers SCHICK "25" (a) The ncw Silver Jubilee model supcrhoned beed curved cambs, Hi- Power matai-. A fine Chnistmnas Gi1b for bimn. PHILISHAVE (b) Has 12 self-sharpening ratai-y-action blades - bbe secret of its velvet touch. Elomes complebe wibh leether zippered case. "OLD SPICE" TRAVEL SET (c) "New Decor" Gift Box containing travel sizes of Alter Shave Lotion and ralcurn plus regular size tube of Lather S a v e C i - e r n _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 .0 0 MENNEN GIFT SET (d) Tbree fine Mennen boiletries -bbh five ounce Skin Bracer, four ounce Alter Shave Talcum and a large tubý of coling Menthol Lather Shave in a g i f t b o x - _ _ _ - _ _ _ 1 . 5 0 BILLFOLDS (c) Speelal! Genuine solld EngliÏh Morocco, in git box. 4.00 value 2.50 Zippcied models at 1.00 and 1.79 Special Value Bilfods 4.00 value, 2.30 2.50 value for 1.79 a "Gillette" Blue Blades in Gift Carton (f) Gaily packaged carton of Gillette Blue Blades in handy dispenser. make ideal gift.s for the men you wish to remember nt Christmas. 60 for 2.50 190 for 5.» Alex. McGregorl We Deliver Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store (D> h Drugs PlneMA3a79 -7 - ?ME 1 -^ A ý É. . 1 1 1 1 q --s---, d