PAGE ZiGErT If the family doesn't find me at home around- Christmas, they had better start checking the bospitals. For hospitals seem an exciting place 10 be, corne Christmas. People us- ually consider hospitals a gim sort o! place aI any lime, and to be a patient in hospital dur- ing the festive Christmas sea- son la considereci the last word in bad luck. But, I've goI ncws for you. Except for the seriously i1, Christmas in hospital la a gay and happy event. Througbout thc hospital the lights o! Christmas trees twin- kle a message o! cheer, andi the holiday spirit is woven inb gay wreaths o! welcome to visitors A 'MJM! fdLA 1%A N 3O TBR AUq --- --BAO mIL ~JWMAN2~V ILLF5, lqTAMC1 and friends who caîl. Througni the corridors and wards, wise- men and cherubs, snowmen and Santa biend inb the gay pot pourri o! Christmas. And yet, through il ail, shines the gentie ministry o! Jesus, whose birthday we remember. To Him, uetling was not a pro- fession, bu way o! li!e-a way o! life that bealeci the spirit as well as the body.ý Sa heme,,as elsewheme, Christ- mas isn't Just "a day". Christ- mas is a season, and spirits are brigbîened by music andi sang as! community choira and g'roupa o! nurses sing carols , and hymns for the patients duing the busy daà's of pre- paration. It's Christmas Eve. The sing- OnIy 2 Daysi LeA to Finish Your 1 Christmaâs Shopping Il Why Not Get Him One ;1 of the Following: Sport Coal 29.95 Pants from 11.95 SSuburban Goats - - 19.95 -29.95 SSweaters - - - - 4.98 -12.95 Dress Shirts Sport Shirts Socks - TDes -- HaIs Beits Scarves - - -7-. 3.85 --'7.95 - - -395-r 13.95 - - - -75c - 1.95 - 1.00 - 1.50 - 2.00 - - - -5.95 - 1195 -1.50 - 2.00 2.50 - m 1.50 -4.50 Corne in and Sec Our Clothes for Boys from 6 to.16 years A Very Merry Christmas Bruce Minns' 2Men's & Boys' Wear I Garry Venning, Manager 2KING ST. E. BOWMANVLLE stive pa- le Town 1we see through ito the frustra- BOWMANVILLE COURTICE -1~ Sol na Supt. -Retires After Long Service Ing softens now. A res, tient listens. "Oh Litti of Bethlehem, how still thee lie". Peace steals- the corridots and ir Wards, and pain and tion and fear slip awa3 the gentle sedation of Then, suddenly, it's nmas. In every hospital; fri ronto to "the Soo", fronr sor to Sudbury, there is tle of activity. Tradit student nurses usher in, singing carols as they slowly through the corri Othet nurses, their u: crackling like ice-lader ches in the wind, move as they tend to their p needs. Theirs now is role. It's Christmas, buti tient's condition must dangered by the bus3 events. Precaution is si so charts are checke( treatments given, and r tions administered. In the kitchen, the di surveys the patients' tral ,with a galaxy of trimmir cheery messages of grt Special menus, too, wher diet" is allowed, but for * who require them, specis are stili "the order of thE In many hospitals it women's auxiliaries, b firms, or community groups who provide ent ment and the special treE trimmings. But always, special preparations arE ried out by members hospital staff. Special tray coVers, cards and menus, gay baskets of candy anc nosegays of fresh flower: in many instances, gifl each patient, add their the festive air of Christr Patients in the publi pediatric wards alil gifts, usually fromh Santa self,,as his well-pillowec moves from ward to throughout the* hospita: deed, it is in the chi] wards where Christmas ly reigns supreme. At the Hospital for Children, in Toronto,C mas usually begins some aheaci as the chilciren Christmas presents unde guidance of the Occupa Therapist - wallets, h bracelets, "burnt" wood tures-to be given to ever.they wish. Older ch help with Christmas di tions, making cut-out pii aîn4 paper chains. Meanwhile, the littie pa have due warning of S [mpending visit, for inter ng the carols and other C mas music can be hearc gentie remyinder-"you'd1 watch out, you'd better :ry; you'd better riot p I'm telling you why;1 Claus is coming to town". And corne he does, conr Aith, reindeer and sleigl course Ihere are no real deer, but willing nurses the part of Dancer and B: and Prancer andi Vixen, as pull Santa. and his sleigh. ward 10 ward, andi happy ren ignore the subterfui their welcome of a pro Santa who leaves no child emembered. Children who can wall be wheeled in chairs, str ýrs, or beds are taken 1< fleventh floor where a% able fairylanci awaitst tudelit nurses are grc around the giant Chris xee, singing carols. .Then. the great morn anta arrives, standing in leigh midst piles of red 'i i I 5' j j j j I à i p p i I g I filled with gifla. Each child's bag, and each receives the sor-t o! boy suiteci 10 bis age or con- dition, for the Women's Aux- iliary bas pianneci the day Iwith tboughtful and loving came. For some chiidren, il is bbc best Christmas they ever bad. Of course Christmnas in hos- pitls is not just con!ined 10 the wqrds. For the ambulatory patients, special chapel 'servi- ces are beld, and, in many in- stances, special entertainrnent is aranged, for those wvho are able 10 attend, in tbc dining or lecture rooms o! the hospitai. And always, theme are the Iparties for the bospital and nursing staffs, wvhen famies 4 and trustees and doctors o! len Ijoin in bbc fun. Some trustees h ave the added joy whica cornes with bbc acknowledge- ment o! gifts o! moncy sent te bbc bospital by grateful pati-1 ents or thought!ul friends. 1 Christmas, like Thanksgiv- ing, is a day when the heamt remembers, andi no. gif t ats Christmas is more chcrished than the donations which arc sent 10 assist tbc bospital in ils humanitarian endeavors. Of course aIl is not fun anda frolic in our hospitals at Christ-1 mas. Surgeons, physicians, and nurses move quickly to their Iasks, and frorn the nurseries thc voices o! ncw-born babes are raised to greet their own natal day. In thc laboratorythie pathol- ogist or technician'at bis micro- scope, seeking the to somne Puzzling problem of di- sease. The radiologist hurriîes to eveal through bis x-ray tbc extent of damnage to tissue and banc. Every dcpatment bas ils quýota o! staff, rcmem- bering Christmas by serving those who are W1. Indeed, it sbould be stresci that all o!flthe festive activities are carried on ONLY to tic crIent that thc proper came and treatment for thc patient is not distumbcd. But even the very iii epeem to gain couragiý and strength as the ministry nf Jesu., is expressed i n the joy Ralph Sadler were bbc nominal-J ing committce and Mrs. Jac-k- I son meaci out the siate of officers as follows: PasI Prcs.-Mrs. G. Johns; Pres.-Mrs. A. Wilson; lat Vice-Pres.-Mrs. A. Mackic; 2nd Vice-Pmes.-Mrs. G. Camnpbell; Sec'y-Mrs. Adelbert Beacock; AssI. Sec'y-Mrs. L. Joblin; Treas.-Mrs. G. Bowers; Mis-i sionary Sec'y-Mms. K. Samelîs; Fruit andi FIowem Committee- Mrs. G. Bowcrs and Mrs. L.i Joblin. Group Leaders-Mrs. R.1 Sadler, Mms. N. Mamlow, Mrs. M. Emerson, Mrs. Jas. Hedge, Mms. V. Malcolm. Parsonage Com- mittee-Mrs. M. Emerson, Mms. L. Malcolrn.' Auditoms-Mms. Eh i Mairs and Mrs. B. Heaslip. Rcv. Hutton vry kindy offered 10ý print t ae new pmogmams for us. Mrs.N Wilson and the group leaders serveci a dainty lunch. 1 and cup o! tea. Mrs. J. Hooyem moved a vote of bhanks ta all for another splendid meeting in Mrs. Wilson's home. NexI meeting January 1111h, 1956, in charge of the new officers at bhe home o! Mrs. M. Emerson. Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis spent an cvening with Mr. John- son and Miss Clama Johnson. Mr. Orval Tripp celebrateci his birthday and entertained !miends. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Mappin on the ammiv- al of a Young son in Port Perryl Hospital.1 Mm. and Mms. George Johns Phono NA 3-3303 j i I v F v TKUUDAZSCun2& lu spent Saturday evening with Mr. and family, Toronto, viuited Mr. and family spent an evening and Mrs. L. Joblin. and Mrs. Malcolmi Emerson and with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Male called on Dr. Bowles and Mrs. colm. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Preston, Mackie.- Miss Margaret Steele, Ieg. -à LiUford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Miss Beth McMullen, Lotus. Toronto, spent a few daes wU George Johns. visited Miss Annia Sameils. her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wsh. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm Steele. ,y IunaUe song. A meeting of Sunday School Taylor; Treasurer-Murray Vice; Christ- workers was held Tuesday even- Pianists-Mrs. Ray Pascoe, Hel- ing with Mr. E. L. Taylor, en Knox and Paîsy Davis; Lan- ,om To- Superintendent, presiding for an terr Operalors-Don Taylor and i Wincl- interesting discussion concern- Haroldi Yellowlccs; Nursery Rll a u-ing new equlpment for, the Superintendent - Mrs. Bruce. s u-younger classes and the Sunday Tink: Missionary Program Coin-' tionally, School room. A committee was miîtee-Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, the day named to secure the saine. Mrs. E. Hockaday; Temperance ymove Rev. Reed then 1001v charge Programme Committee - Mrs. idors.' for the election o! officers for Bruce Montgomery, Mrs. Wes. .niforms 1956 and on behaif of the school Werry, Mrs. Howard Milîson.' a bran- expressed a slnceje vote of ap- Teachers: Beginners-Donna swiftly preciation la Mr. Taylor who is Vice, Mrs. Joe Snowden; Prim- atients' retiring from office after many ary-Eunice Leask, Gladys Yel-' a dual years of willing service and lowlees; Junior Girls and Boys leadership. -Pearl Leach, Mrs. Ross Cryd- no pa- The newly elected officers are- erman; Intermçdiate Girls and be en- Superinîendenî-Mr. John Knox, Boys-Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, y day's Assistants-.-Stan Milîson and Mrs. Ralph Davis. tresseci, Harvey Yellowlees, Secreary- The Aduit Bible Class appoint ci andi Lloyd Broome; Assistant-Brucelt heir teachers. iiedica- lietitian TfI at the conclusion o! the program ys, gay MON'1 and with his helpers distributed igs and gifts fromn the gaily lîghtcd tree. -eetîngs. Mr. Fred Raby, Mr. Peter Plan 10 sec the sacreci cantala e "full Kessler spent Wednesday in "A King Is Given", in the church r those Toronto. on F.riday evening, December al diets Mrs. E. Ruthven motored to 23rd. ýe day". Peterborough Thursday, The White Gift church service is the Misses Audrey and Shirley will be at 2:30 o'clock on Christ- usiness Tufford, Peterborough, were mas Day, December 25 when a service home over the weekend. special program will be present- tertain- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ough cd. Corne and join with us in ats and (Dale) were visiting with Mrs. this lovely service. mnany C. Meneilley Thursday evening. Mrs. Mabel Westley, Toronto, ofcare We are sorry to hear Mrs. Geo. andi Mrs. Greta Carpenter, Bow- o!teMcCullough had the misfortune manville, visited recexjtly at Mr. name to slip on the icy street in Port J. Yellowlees'. littile Hope last Friday andi fracture Mrs. T. Goyne, Prsonvl, s lier am hewsconfineci to itngaMrChleLn- s ndt the hospital a couple of days be- maid's. foIrnd fore returning home. Mr. andi Mrs. E. Cryderman aI it for Mr. Floyd Williams Oshawa, Mr. A. J. Balson's. bi ocalleci at the Meneilleyhome îast Mr. and Mrs. Harryv Knox and .nas. Friday to renew old acquain- Dean at Mr. Hilton Tink's, Eben. c and tances. ezer. reccîve Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and a i u- Mrs. Fred Ough andi family werte Douglas, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. 1 form Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley, Mrs. Tom Westlake, Howard West- ward, H. Raby. lake and friend, Millbrook, at il. In, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brown, Mr. F. Westlake's, Sr. ildren's 0sliewa, had dinner with Mr. Mr. andi Mrs. E. R. Taylor and usuaL- and Mrs. E. Ruthven last Sun- Donald were Saturday evening day. guests with Miss Evelyn Taylor, Sick Church services were welî at- Peterborough. Christ- tendeci Sunday momning to hear Miss Jean Cryderman and Mr. weeks Rev. Harding's wonderful Christ- George Bitîner, Oshawa, at Mr.I malce mas sermon. Next service here E. Cryderman's. r' the will be held Jap. Ist, 1956. Mr. andi Mrs. E. R. Taylor at ational Merry Christmas and Happy Mr. H. Ogderi's, Oshawa. beaded New Yeam everyone. Mr. andi Mrs. E. Crydemman 1 pic- aI Mr. Ken McMinn's, Oshawa. whom- Master Robbie Large, Bow- lîdren mLNAanville, at Mr. W. Parrinder's lecom.a- SO IN for the weekend. ictures Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Cryderman The congregational meeting and Ellen with Mrs. S. Rundie atients will be helci an January 17, andi Jean, Bowmanville.; anta's Tuesday evèning. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and 7spers- The Three M'S were very children at Mr. Keith Ormiston's, Ihrist- Pleasantly entertaineci at the Ebenezer on Saburday, for a -d the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Christmas pamby. better Gilbert in Bowmanville on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird and r not urday evening. Following a chilciren at Mr. C. Hamer's. pout- Christmas worship service led Your Solina Correspondent Santa by Pearl Leach when all united extends sincere geetings for a in singing the camols, games were Merry Christmas and a Happy nplete played: Bruce Taylor and New Ycam to the Editor andi staff h. 0f Gladys Yellowlees received priz- o! the Canadian Statesman and rein- es for hîghest scores while Ewart eaders o! this columnn - play Leask andi Dorothy Pascoe me- "May peace be yours aI Christ-i Ilîtzen ceived consolation awards. De. mastide ~they licious refrcshmcnts were serv- Andi Ihmough each year as froin cd by the host andi hostcss,10 wcll, chl-ý whorn a hearty vote of t11ýaplè. ,And xnay your days be happier ýge in for their graclous hospitalitýé waW Than humble womds can tell, >digal exîended b3y Ewart, on behal! And.most of ail may Goci fuli II d un- of the group. Your evemY Christmas 'prayer ok r Solina Community Hall was AndbcrIshhat oyo rec.beautifully dccoratcd by the With joys beyond compare." othe school Icacher, Mr., W. Lycett venit- and pupils for their concert on NE T EO them. ridaynight. vuped mTe first part o! the program N S L O s andelu mses by the rhthm W.A. and W.M.S. Meeting nt-band with Doreen Hamer lead- Thq1 Nestîcton W.A. and W.M. n bis ing and. Anne Wcrry at Ithe S. met at the home of Mrs. Alan piano. Wilson Dec. 151h in charge of bags In the cantata "Santa in the group leaders with 23 ladies, SBlunderland". the enlire school Rev. Hutton and some chilcireni tookv part and Miss Lee, the present. This was the Christ- music supervÎsor, accompanied mas meeting. Special mention might be erson andi Mrs. K. Samelîs look- made o! the costumes, complete ed after the program andi several in evemy detail, andi the lovely carols wcre Sung. stage setting which required Mrs Eli Mairs donated a lovely 4 many hours o! womk for pupils warm quilt made fromn pieces and teacher. These contributed donateci by Mrs. W. Campbell. greatly 10 the evcning's enter- This quilt was to be put in the t ainment. Dianne Gorr was the bale for the Salvation Army at annoujicer o! the program. Bowmanvillc. Santa arrived in a gay mood Mrs. Wilford Jackson andi Mrs.II --Green Giant Famney NI11LETS COUN 14o. n2 for 33c Rose Brand Sweet BABY CHERKINS 16-oz. jar 415c - CHRISTMAS CANDIES Chocolale Drops, Creamsi anld Jelis, Hard Mix, Your eholce in large cello packages1 . ,33c Swift's Premium - FlyCoe Fac uboCnyCANES 6/29e 'HA MS lb. 53C Golden Hour Assorted Swift's Premium - Fruited - Indvid. Boxed CHOCOLATE S IPô'rk Butts lb. 69c 1-1b, box 8 9 C Swift's Premium - Hockless Bouquet Assorted CHOCOLATES Sm kdP ni b. 9 13-oz. box ' 69edP cncsl.J9 Maraschino CHERRY CHOCOLjATES Fresh /4-b. box ~89e1.n .- 1 D Li[- Il A 1% MEATS ri Ontario No. 1 DRESSED TURKEYS Swift's Premnium OVEN READY TURKEYS vLong Island OVEN READY LOWEST POSSIBLE. PRICES CHRLSTMAS FANCY NUTS" Fancy Mixed Nuls Pecans included FcyLb. d49cI anyBRAZIL NUTS. 1-lb. pkg. 49e Fancy Diama&d Budded WALNUTS 1-lb. pkg. - --------- --- --- 59e~ Christmas - (Winter Design) Wra'pping I Paper 50-ft.roll 89ci White Swan - Pkg. of 70 Serviettes i17C Welch's - 32-oz. bottie Grape Juice 43cg Mayport Stuffed Qucen Dalton's Red Maraschino...-- SetPtte b.27 C herries 6-or. jar 23c- Mild -Flavo'rful - No. 1 Ocean Spray - 15-o. T rnpal.5 Cranberry Sauce 23C Firm - Ripe - Palmi Garden - Cello Supreme Brand Swcet- 16-oz. To ate 2fr75 Mixed Pickles 24c' r-Tndtesr2 G3e5n Libby's ac - -piCre i sp- ene -Gee Mincemeat 43cyyCeIery 2 for'19c Red & White Instant 2-or. jar Firm - Green - Select - Iceberg Coffee 5 7c Lettuce each i17c Old South - 48-or. tin RZNFO Blended Juice 31 ic r FRZE FO Aylmer ancy -Birds.eye Aylmr Fncy 20or.Tender Green Peas, 12..oz. pkg. - 26,c Peas & Carrots 23C Birdseye Culverhouse Choice Halves J French Green Beans, 10-or. pkg.__ 27C Peaches 20-oz. tin3 C v Deliejous Frozen Strawberries, 15-or. pkg.49 Seedless Oranges doz. f'orida Zipperskin - Large 175 sîze Tan germnes doz. Cape Cod Finest Deep Red Cran berrnes IL.pkg. Hiolland Marsh - Crisp - 20-oz. bag Carrots 2. for Atways a Favorite 69C~ 39c 23c1 19C1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS N LONSLuc 50 Cigarettes Both for NYLONSPlus FIRELITE PAl R , O9 Cigarette Lighter 1* 79 51 gaute - 15 denier Gift Wrapped Keau cô Whie btore near you BQWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria i nee s a MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO'/ Cornish Marketeria Il [ S--------- ROY W. -NICHOLS Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Cars - Chevrolet Trucks Culverbouse Choice F20-or. tin PE foAS 1 Libby's Fancy TONATO JUICg 48-or. tin 27c RED'& e H ITE 0:000 s ORIE -1 ý»-. jdý Z ---- --------- il- morK bUttS lb. dIJc Brookfield - Pure Pork - For Dressing Sausage MeatIL.3ic~ mSwift's Preniium - Sealcd pkg. eBacon IL.59c FRESH PRODUCE California - Sunkist - Easy to Peel - 200 size TIM CAMAnTAM Pwmamre. 1 1 8