I ~ J *1 T CAA~ANSTAUMAN EOKA2IrLI OHT8TOTRUPMAT- DM 2 Ut4I M lhdep ndens Acuse w2shig hem al a very Happy tndeendets A cuse Christmas Day and Mondar Guesta AChristmas Day family gath- 1obacco Marketing Bd. ern ihM. n r.Zr E.Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. 0fPoor Management Fred Toms, EnnWkllen,Mr1 and Mrs. Albert Wright, Mr.1 and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd Independent tobacco growers, iînating and unjust," the Board and Earle, Blackstock, Mr. and who have been offered member- took a last-ditch stand, against Mrs. Lloyd Siemnon, Haydon. 9pi intheFlu Cued obacoviolators of the controls by in- Mr. -and Mrs. W. R. Smith, in he lueCued obacoviting independent growers to Oshawa, Mr. W. C. Stainton, barketing Association in an join the Association in a body, Toronto, were visitors of Mr.t effort to enforce acreage con- on a basis of six acres for each and Mrs. Howard Stevens trols, accused the Marketing kiln erected by October lst. 1955. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Board of profit-hogging and in- Mr. HyopqetindteM. d r.RlhLmM- stifficient management in a re- txi eko qusondhe aMsàap ab : leae rcenly tems f embrshppointing ad r Milton Stainton. anda leae ecnty.out that they would kill the Clarence, Enniskillen, Mr. and G e rry Heykoop, Cobourg, "free" tobacco farmer's hopes of Mrs. Wm. Lamb, Caesarea, Mr. gpokesmnan for the independent building up his farm. since he and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bow- growers in the Port Hope-Co- would be allowed te grow only manville, were with Mkr. andt bourg district, charged the Board six acres for each kiln he had Mrs. Lorne Lamb.1 ,With failure to encourage tobac- built before October lst of this Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Ot- co growing in Canada. and he year. tawa, spent the Christmas gownersoutwhoaeteid te fer Equal Terms Demanded week-end with his parents, Mr. growrs ho aceped te oferand Mrs. F. W. Werry. on Association m e mb ership "Most independent growers Miss Shirley Milîs, nurse-mn-a would be prejudicially affected. have nlot yet built ail the kilns training, Peterboro, is spendingt * Th Dretos imonv othey need on their farm because abek ihhrmteMs "oTroe acreagesad toneepthe most of them are short of cap- H. Milîs. ponrot 'i teghands oe a ew- heitalý,, he states. "When they be M n Ms . .acke' proft ii th hads owa ew-corne members of the Association Mran s.CM.Fklc noý "countrv-wide" but "Simcoe. they can neyer build up their and family, Toronto, with her wide" is their policy," states the f arms . . . Why does the Board parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.b release. not give the new members the Grubb.0 There are thousands of acres same right as the oid mem- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, 9 more in Canada that are verY bers . ..? Oshawa, were with Mr. Clauder good for tobacco growing. Mil- Present Association mnembers Smith, and Mrs. M. Hunt. s lions more pounds can be ex- are allowed to plant 45% of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thmcsni ported to other countries. Why total acreage of their farms j r n r.StnTopo close the door for buyers and tobacco. Mr. Heykoop suggests and family, Stouffville, spent growers? . .. When a great num- that Marketing Board controîs Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. e ber of the members of an organ- be put on a quantity, rather E. vfêNair. i ization break the rules and direc- than acreage, basis. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif-A tives of the Association, then fin, Dale and Heather, with a there is- something flot as it' "Then the growers wîll deliver Mr. and Mrs. N. Collacutt, Ty- -ý should be-insufficient manage- only first-grade quality in order renie, on Monday.v mer)t, perhaps?" to make higher gross income,' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb May Dissolve he points out. "This would and family, were with Mr. and make the selling and also the Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestleton. Dispute over acreage controls expert o! the tobacco much The Van Camp family ga- within the Marketing Association easier."thrn wa hed tMrad has seriously weakened that or- hrn wahed tM.ad ganiatin an ma leaDtoitsof the invitations sent Mrs. F. W. Werry's. ganzaton nd ay eadte «tsteail free growers was Decem- Mrs. Harold Milîs and fm disoluion Ata rcen met-ber l4th, and applicants were 11y were with Mr. and Mrs. ing. during which acreage re- toîd to send their forms to the Cecil Milîs, Maple Grove. strictions were termed "discrim- Association by December 21st. Miss Marguerite Wright, S t. "The freelancer had not more Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. FredF than four days to calculate the Wright and family, Maple risks.. Mr. Heykoop points Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert out. Wright and family, Scarboro. 'T Terms Unfair Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and e: One o! the tex-ms o! member- girls, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Pl ship requireti from independent Edgar Wright and family, were P growers is assurance that each with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Y agrees to pay to the Association, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fergu- w t4G£14"all tolls and charges now or son, and David, Bowmanville, i -toittf-hereg'ter fîxed by it, and if de- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and sireel by the Association, to auth- boys, Oshawa, were with Mr I -onize and require the payment and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. g( of such tolîs and charges direct Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, K to the Association by the buyer were Monday guests of Mr. tv of my tobacco, who may charge and Mrs. Wilbur Toms, Purplz i the payment o! the same against Hill. Ji the purchase of such tobacco." Mr. and Mrs. John Borrow- g( "Has the Board planned to dale and Brian, Oshawa, Miss- Ni take tolîs and charges only es Anne and Judy Dorland, ar from new members?" Mr. Hey- Lapeer, Mich., Miss Jane Mc- gc koop asks, and he suggests that Clure, Bowmanville, Misses 0. ANTUR A FIEE, yon may such tolîs and charges might be Roberts and J. Raines. Conway ipsed without by-laws or Wales, Mr. and Mrs. James an be staggered bYý the reallza- resolutions. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ' tien that tue amount of your Boar freelancers must ask the Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.a Badfor information about this Werry and family, Mr. adti' lusuraneeonly partilîy ov- part of the application . . . " he Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra, urges. Otherwise, "by signing o! Enniskillen, were with Mr. eru ybur Ions. this form, he brings the heads- and Mrs. H. McGill, on Christ- man the sword." mas. o Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick Ta and Robin, Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. ge Rias yonr insurance coverage PMCVTP, Pethîck, Mrs. Verna Wood, To- ga LJA1AAb.KILLENÂ ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. e kept psee with your values? Pelhick, and Miss Nancy Wood. cis Mak mue ow . .an b. tyService Club Christmas par- Mr-. and Mrs. N. A. Moore, Ta Makesurenow nd b tywas held at the home Of Trenton, spent the week-end Hâ safe tînaneîally. Mrs. A. Werry on Tuesday with Mr-. and Mrs. W. Howell. Dc evening. Dec. l3th with alI Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradley Jai members present. Business and Geo. Burwash, Mr. and ýOr transactions were attended toi, Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean, 1 __and then the social commnitteP Blackstock, Mr. Alfred Ger- Fo of Mrs E. McNair and Mrs. H. rard, Haydon, Mrs. E. Bennett, Fri ST A T IR A E Ashton took- over, everyone Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. lia Inuane ~ eIEtate enjoying contest and gamnes. Russell Griffin, Reg. and Mary, 1 Insuance qtea Es Then the exchange o! gifts took were Monday guests of Mr. and P]E 1Office Residence place. Lunch was served by Mrs. John E. Griffin. t MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 Mrs. H. Milis, Mrs. Robson and Misses Anne and Judy Dor- spc lKlnt Street B. Bowmanville hostess. Next meeting Jan. 3rd ]and, Lapeer, Mich., with Mr. at Mrs. G. Yeo's. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. The Enniskillen correspon- Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Oke, dent is hoping everyone had a were guests with Mr. and Mrs. very Merry Christmas and Bruce Ashton, Purple Hill. Nirvi*"ýMn. W. Mark, and Mr. Stew- <$~' d5~~ac'a~ W ~X5EW,7* art Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Orr ar( $Jeffery, Port Perry, Mr. and Ti TEENAGERS Mrs. Allan Martin and Grant, Ar OSHAWA'S C.R.A. TEEN TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brunt, Bow- tor vmanville, with Mr. and Mns. W invites you to attend their i Arthur Brunt. Mi Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grif- Cal Ne ears Danefin, Reg. and Mary, wt r e featuring Christmas Day. C]i 81 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett anc TedCom c an iOrhsr6 and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. vil L>omaK nafil ucnsb. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Hw 1 e y Be êver1y-àly adMau ür ièe,'Mr- M and Mrs. Howard Bradley and an Bria, B'ille Mr.and rs.ville v\<No~~~~ Earl Luke and boys, Hampton, MqbE-aBvle x.adMs n Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and Ch: f boys, Tyx-one, Mx-. and Mrs. Mrs James ýSimpson and famÎly, Do] - 4<j e Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Rose M k N\K elo (0 "< ~Page and fami.Y, Newcastle, spe 0 ~Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Rahm and C ~ *.0~L eG * Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rahm Mns \oi<~ç'~C~ ~and Janice, Saintfield, Mr. and of!t Mrs. Jim MclLaughlin and M O Ralph, Burketon, with Mn. and fanI ,0Mrs. Leonard Bradley. part %\NID W a l WU AMDEPEND i%ý iY6>remoe 'seus acidu o 4~,Oand wasî. bak- IM ache. wred feeling, disturbed rut alen hl folio,. Dodd 'adg f.f tee, 1 andte Cet Dndd', ta, ~ *oMr. Fasci nating Story- of - Famous Mclntosh Red In the begmnning it was known to a group af happy grandchildnen as simply Gran- ny's. Apple. Today, the McIntosh Red-it had its stant in the trahquil hamlet o! Dundela, near Mor'- risburg and a few miles north of the St. Lawrence River--is the world'u best knawn apple. And, as a resuit o! the St. Lawrence power project, more people will have a chance ta appreciate juat how much John McIntosh and his famîly ac- complished when they created, in what is now seaway velley, the cradie o! the Canadien ap- pIe industry. Aý monument ta Mclntosh In Saint John's Cemetery, near Iroquais, is in the path of the flood waters. But plans are alneady being made ta move it to the central histonical park being established in the valiey and ta dramatize the story be- hind the McIntosh Red. Some recent ettempts have been made ta assess the impact o! the McIntosh on the apple- growing industry. The brigmt red fruit with the succulent, snow-white centre is the bell- srether o! countless orchards in' the St. Lawrence Valley. It has spread across the couIntry and down into the Un- ited States until the North Atmerican crop has been estim- ated at between 15,000,000 and 18,000,000 bushels with cash vralue o! up ta $35,000,000. Chance played a great moie rown Hiockey's rwo Leaders in the development of the fam- Oua apple, John McIntosh was a yw.zng Seottish immigrant when chance-and his native prudence - prampted hlm tw transplant 20 wild apple seed- lings on hie pioneer farma at Dundela about 1811. Nobody is sure how the seed- lings came ta be there but the best guess le that they were planted on scattered by French settlers who maved down into the St. Lawrence Valley foi- lowing the British victory. Mclntosh realized as soon as he tested the fruit from anc o! the trees 'that he had hit the apule jackpot. Hie Wife Hennah soent con- siderable time tending and caaxing alang what the family came ta refer ta as "the aston- ishing Red." As a_ nesult the Xclntosh grandchildren called the fruit Gnanny's Apple, a name it je etill known ta by sopie o! the people of that area. 'Another Mclritosh, John's son Allen, tagged it as the Mc- Intosh Red. Allen kept the tree going through gnafting and budding techniques acquired apparently from an itinerent farmhand, s0 impressed wittî the apple that he stayed ta do what he could ta guarantee its future. A monument erected by the grateful residents o! Dundas County with the aid o! the On- tario Fruit Growers' Assqcls- tion marks the site o! the orig- inal tree. J uveniles Crush Whitby Forge Ahead I By 11 -0 Score .Front Street and Miller's [axi teams in the Town Hock- ey League are continuing Io pull away fnom the reet a! the pack' Last Thursday night, Front St. downed Courtice 9-6, whîle Miiler's de!eated the Faresters by a 7-5 count. Chuck Kilpatrick led the Front St. crew with threp goals for the hat trick and Dor Rundle was close behind witl two mankers. Don Bishop, Ray Preston, Ken Gimblett and Jim Richards ail scored ane goal apiece. Fan Courtica, Nonm Sayers, Glen Pickell nd Bob Muir ail notched two goals. In the second period, John Bird and Grant Heron tangled and each received five-minute ,ajon penalties for fighting and match misconduct penal- .es. Taxinsen Down Foresters The Fox-esters apened a ur-goal lead aven Miller's axibefore the Taximen could ret rôlling, but once they be- ,an ta score, they rattled in îough goals ta take a 7-5 de- ision. Mort Richards led the aximen with two goals and larvey Lunney, Lerry Chant, on Childe, Bruce Cale and îck Baker ail scored single- ons. Irv Brooks got two goals for 'oresters, and Donnie Masters, x-ank Mohun and Grant Wil- iams ail notched singletons. Milier's Taxi are in !irst dace in the league with Front treet close behind in second pot. HAYDON S o î Bowmanville Legion juveniles 1chalked up their secon~d consec- îutive league victory as they roll- ed to a decisîve il-O calcimine over their Whitby-rivais. The meagre few in attendance witnessed the wveird scoring tilt which Bowmanville completely dominated. Tempers flared andi there were a few pushing duels, although most were of the snarl- ing variety - and no actual Pier Six brawls or the like developed. Vince Vanstone in registering his initial goose-egg of the year was sensational in holding the Whitby crew off the score sheet. Although Bowmanville carried the play Whitby had a few glorious scoring opportunities but "Vinegar" thwirted ail their efforts - while he received good support from his mates. The only actual casualty of the game was a Whîtby lad who is minus three or four front teeth - resuit of stopping one of Ray "Whitey" Preston's whistling point drives. Following are the Bowman- ville scorers: B. Fairey (Mason), Gould (Osborne), B. Fairey (Preston), Richards (B. Fairey), Osborne (R. Preston), Richards (Mason)), Lane (T. Fairey), Richards (Mason. B. Fairey), Mason (B. Fairey), Lane (T.1J Fairey), T. Fairey (unassisted). 1ý bary remeining for a week's hol- ideys. Mrs. M. Browniee, Leasîde, spent the weekend with Mx-. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famiiy. Mx-. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker and family. Mrs. MacAlpine end Aileen, Mr-. and Mrs.. Elmore Welker and Barbara, Tor-onto, spent the Christmas holiday with Mx-. J. Walken. A family gathering was held et Mr. and Mns. Henr-y Ashton'sl rt S. Le Le ýd r. ie y r a a 1 1 t Christmas dînnen guests at'Mr. on Monday. -Those -atte-nding- nd Mrs. Wm. Trewin's and Mey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton anc rewin's wene: Mn. and Mrs. Bih, Mn. and Mrs. Louis Ashton krthun Trewin, Mn. Allen Stain- and. famiiy, Mr. and Mrs., Berl >n, Mrs. M. - Anderson, Miss Ashton and family, Mn. end*Mrs, Vinnifred Trewin, Bowmanville; Jim Madone, Toronto-, Mr. anc uis Grace Tnewin, Mr-. Fred Mrs. Clayton Read, Bowmen- istie, Toronto; Mn. Walter ville; Mx-. and Mrs. Arthur Reed, ,oeridge. Other visitons at the Ina Beryl and Lynne. 'rewin home were Mn. and Mx-s. A large crowd ettended the ifford Trewin and Judith, Mx-. Christmas concert put on in the nd Mrs. Jim Martyn, Bowman. church by the school pupils anc lle. teachen, Mn. G. Tox-rance. Mr- Mr. Ron MasseyConJ..we Waiker was cheirman for the 1pper guest o! Mx-. and Mrs. W, evening. trawbridge on Monday. Opening numben, O Canada; recitation, Lynda Stnawbridge; Mn. and Mrs. Ron Morrison, piano solo. Lynde Potts; recita- Shawa; Mx-. and Mns. George tian, Lynne Read; Play, "Wlvy ertrim and son Georgie, Teun- Do We Have Christmas"; recite. n, spent Christmas with Mr-. tion, Stephen Liptay; musical d Mns. M. Bentrim. number by four gentlemen, read- Christmas guests et Mn. and ing, Elizabeth Lîptay; play, I's. Leslie Gnaham's were: Mx-. "Help o! the Family";. recitation, id Mrs. Roy Graham and fam- Doreen TreWin; play, "Mother Yend Mns. Hilda Crossman. Christmas"; recitation. Pemela Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Layng; sang, "Calling Sente bert and Eleanor. Oshawa. Claus", recitation, Grades 1 and ere Thursdey evening supper 2, carol singing: "The First jests et Mr. and Mns. Charlie Noel", "O Little Town-of Beth- arrard's. lehemn," "There is Just One Mr.andMrs Garar hed aSente Claus", recitetion, John mir. ad Mrs Gaorristemas Jones, The Queen, eften which ny getnind o yitmsSanta Claus soon ernived in bis y, Sudey.joîîy way and distributed pres- MrI. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon ents toalal the children. mt Sunday. Christmas Day, Mx-. and Mrs. Eenl Trewin's, iniskilien. L N A L M1r. and Mrs. Ron Rehm and L N A L Is ettended a Christmas geth- ing on Sunday et Mx-. and Mrs. Christmas Day Visitore alter Rahm's, Tyrone. Mx-. and Mrs. Allyn Baker Mrn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and and family, Cookstown, with nily attended a Christmas Mr-. eand Mrs. G. Baker and xty on Saturday et Mn. and famiîy. s. Lloyd Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Mrn. and Mrs. Leslie Graham Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville. ent Christmas Day with Mn. DulsTyoOhwwt i M. Jm Gaha, Bwme- Mr-. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and [e. Gee Mr. Milton Shemon spent Mnac. Rbn i ihM. ristmas holdiays with Dx-. and Mr. F.be.t Alexander.Bon- s. Gardon Sieman and !emily, menvîlle. E lxneB )n Mille. avle Mr. and Mre. David Malcolm Mn. and Mns. Ernest Harpet nt Christmas in Toronita. and Mn. Wm. Harper, with Mr. Congratulations ta Mr. and and Mrs. Tom Turner and fam- s. Jeck Jones on the arriva] ily. -Town. theix- son. . Mx-. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- Mrx. and Mns. Roy Gr-aham and ta, with hie parents, Mn. andi mily attended a Chrietmas Mrs. Gordon Fletcher. rty an Sunday et Mx-. and Mine. Mr. Valentine Toth with lter Rghm's, Tyrone. Mrs. Gabriel Kayacs and Ga- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon briel. th Mn. and Mrs. Wilbun Toms, Mise Rae Johnston has ne- ackstock, for Christmas on turned back ta work having )nday. spent three weeks et home. inr. and Mrs. W. Bleckburn 1 Mrs. Vivien Mince, Part I a Christmas party on Mon-1 Pennly, spent the Christmas y.Those attending: Mr. and weekend et home. a. Farewell Blackbur-n and Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gable nily. Mine. M. BleckbunMn. and boys, Mn. and Mrs. Harv'ey CMn. G. Shackleton and Partnen and family, Tyrone, nily, Salem: Mrs. Cale, Miss Miss Helen Partne- and Mr. fLia Blackbur-n, Bowmenville: Ross Bowins, Oshawa, with M,. .and Mrs. Doug Colbary and land Mns. Fred Pantner. LilY, Tormztg; Debarah Col- Mr. B. Sim vitsd fri*zds mil 1 KENDAL Mn. and Mrs. Barney Watte-s .d family and Mns. Watters, eterborough; Mr. and Mx-s. Ray ighes amid Gloria and Mrs. lx-y Luxon enjoyed a pre-1 hristmas celebration, Sunday, ecember 18 with Mn. and Mns. ' )hn Thampson and family., Roy Sleep is in Toronto spend-J ig a couple a! weeks with hisj ters, Mrs. Glen Kirby and x.~ N. TherteIl.J Mx-. and Mrs. Eddie Coux-oux y and Marie. and Mn. and Mns rl Langstaff spent Christmas ith Mx-. and Mx-s. Couroux, tche Bav. M1r. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass and :nnie celebrated Christmas inday with her sister, Mn. and rs. Noray Goheen, Port Hope. Mr. Joe Gordon, Port Hope. as with Mn. and Mrs. Roy ttle, Sunday. MIr. and Mrs. Ray Martinell id son and Mrt, Mary Luxon cre guests af Mn, and Mns . me Martineil, Sunday. 14r. and Umi John Thompwno 1 . Toronto, on Tuesday. -. - Mary Lou Millson, Ottaw3 spent the long weekend wit, her parents. Mr. and Mxs. Mc Keen, Maple Grave, were Mon day supper guests at the MWi son home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pen wardeni and Wade, with Mr and Mrs. Morley Kellett, Jan etville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnsoi and family, with Mr. and Mrs Bert Johnson. Miss Carto Hynes, Toronto, was a week end guest at the Johnsox home. Mr. and Mn. Needham, Lau. ra and Tedd,,, Scugog Island with Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Mc. Laggan. Mr. W. Blaney, Bowman ville, was a Friday suppe: guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gib. son. Mr-. and Mrs. R. Gibson anc Sandra with Mr. and Mrs. R. J Parkinson, Fenella, and Mr and Mrs. J. Wright and family Janetville, were Monday guestc at the Gibson home. Mrs. E. Murphy and Mr. andý Mrs. Harold Murphy and'Man. go, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mur. plmy. Tyrone, and with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Black- stock, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John, with Mr. and Mrs.- H. De Mille, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaneyk, and Paul Jan with Mr. and Mre. Geo. Yeo, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. H. De Mille a'nd boys, Bowmanv"Le, Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden and Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van- eyk, and Paul Jan, were Chris- tmas Eve guests of their par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. STÀRK VILLE Mr. Wn,. Savcry attended the wedding of his grandl- daughter, Barbara Barclay, at Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Roo- inson were guests et the Bur- gess - Barclay wedding last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gîl- mer and family spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer, Bowmanviile. Mrs. I. Pium, Toronto, et Mr. Arthur McKay's and wex-e Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mx-s. Harold Barrow- clough, Wesieyviile. Mr. and Mrs. AI! Dobson and Mary Lou spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Russeill Lowery, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shien, To- ronto, spent the weekend at Mr. Lloyd Hailowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden and Jean were guests -o! Mr. and Mrs. B. Thompson, Ken- dal, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burdette, Toronto, spent Monday at Mn. Orme Falis'. Mr. and Mns. Harold Souch and family enjoyed Christmas with Mrs. Wannan and Jean, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son and family with Mx-. and VIrs. Melville Samis, Newton- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Leslie had Christmas din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Caswell, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and sons were guests with Mn.ý and Mrs. Charlie Yule, Oshawa, ;unday. Mrs. Thos. Falls, Kendal, bas >een spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. During the Christmas festal season visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow were: Mr. and vlrs. Allen Cornish -and family, Toronto; Mx-. and Mrs. Paul Nim- igon and family, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Allen and famiiy, Kirby. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Litte and family, Healy Falls, at Mr. Orme Falls' on Tuesday, Mrs. Thos. Falls retunning with them for a holiday. Mr. Jake Hallowell spent thel Christmas holiday in Toronto. Christmas Eve dinnen guests i .rith Mr. and Mrs.'Llew Hallo- j well wex-e'Mx-. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family, Misses Norma and Beulah Haliowell, Mx-s. rhos. Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Brian ansd. familY.-and Mrs. Mary Lux , on celebrated on Monday wil ,b Mn.'and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Po: -Hope. t. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott a, 1- family enJoyed Christmas wit Mr. and Mrs. Wes Elliott, Oronc -on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Mercé -spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn- George Mercer and family. n Christmas guests with Mr. anq 5-Mrs. Jack Carscadden were Mi 0and Mrs. Ralph Geach and Mi a nd Mrs. Charles Gay and ia«i >ilies and Mrs. McRoberts. Mx-. and Mrs. Russell Rush Tor-onto, spent Christmas Evi with Mr. and Mrs. George Mer cen. Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Mancir rand sons, Tolonto, visited Mrs Luxon Wednesday evening. Mr-. and Mns. Reynolds anc j Peter spent the holiday with hiý re parents, Mn. and Mrs. Reynold .in Toronto. le Mr. and Mrs. Harland Seeni s and Misses Margaret and Clanz Seens celebnated Christmas Mon 1 day with Mn. and Mrs. Reg -Eiliott. Mr-. and Mns. Fex-guson and 1Freddy and Mr. and Mns. Wil. fred Roughiey, David and Don. nie o! Oshawa spent Chnistmae Sunday with Mrs. Thonne an< Mns. Alva Swarbrick. Mr. and Mrs. Mult Robinsoil spent Sunday wîth Mn. and Mns, *Cccil Glass and Ray. Mns. Glas: is confined to bed but feelinga littie casier since the carbuncle on her neck has broken. We *hope she wiil soon be able ta hi around again. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Ther- tell and family and Miss Selena Therteil ceiebnated Christmasç Sunday in Bowmanville with the rest o! the Therteils at the home o! Gien and Rae Thertell. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Thompson 1 spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns, Lorne Paeden. Mx-. and Mns. AI Stevens anc sons spent the holiday in Toron- to with his parents and seeing Larny who is in the Hospital foi Sick Children. Mrs. Hattie Martinell was witl Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martinell Sundey. A group o! young folks froni the Fellowship Circle visited a number of homes Saturday nighl and sang cannois, leaving anoth- er pleasant Christmas memory. A candleiight service was held in the Church Sunday evenîng by the pestox-, Revi S. J. Pike, assisted by the choir, who sang a veny fitting anthem. I'Carrolling On." Miss Kay Jackson and Miss Judy Fosten sang a very pleasing duet "Sulent Night." Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Alva Swanbrick had the unusual dis- tinction o! having four genera. tions o! their familY out ta the service. Kendal Public School held a fine program in the Orange Hall, Thunsday evening with Mx-. Rus- sell Osborne as 'chaix-man and Mrs. Westheuser at the piano. Santa was on band to pass out the presents. There is quite a crowd o! wee folks in the school this yeer. Oii Heating MAKES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saveon ou Mney on Tour Fuel Conte Phone or consuit JACK iBRtOUGH PLUMBING - BEATING Rouse Phone MA 3-3964 Phone - Office MA 3-5115 Division Street South. BOWMANVILLE M __ Memorial Aren&r BOWMANVILLE Public Skating FRIDAY, DECEMBER 301h à - 10 p.m. ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e Public Skating New Year' s Eve SATURDAYI DECEMBER 31s1 8 -10 p.. ADMISSION* - Aduits 35e - Children 20c New Yecrés Public Skatin9 MGNDAYI JANUARY 2ndr 2 Io 4 p.. and 8SIo 10p.iu. ADMISSION - Aduits 35e - Children 20el O.M.H.A. HOCKEY Wednesday Night- JANUARY 4th -7:30 p.Me Whitby Juveniles VS. Bowmanville Juveniles and A Midget Gci*1i ADMISSION - - Aduits 35e - Children 20c rt-Youth A foàr Christ iMusicaI Ni Is FeaturedW r 'S. The Iast regular rally or Bowxnanville Youth for Christ id was held in the Town Hall on 'Saturday, Dec. loth when a ~special service was held A hearty song service got k, the service off to a good start re led by song leader Archie r-Campbell. The guest sololat for the evening was Miss Viv1ÏÈI mi Sadier of Bowmanville. U. S. rendered three lovely and f spiring numbers, "Und r dWings", "I Would Rather Hav4. iJesus" and "Rose of Sharon". ' 13 The messages in song by Miss Sadier pa-ved the way for the Iguest speaker of the evenlng. Rev. A. E. Kemp from Port. ,a Whitby, Ontario, presidezet of 1- the Whitby Ministeria)' Asso- 9ciation and also former mis- sionary to India brought the d message. His outstanding anil -challenging serinon was taken -from the gospel of St. Luke 7: d It was announced a speciai service for New Years would nbe the next service for Bow- manville Youth for Christ, Swhen a film of Dr. Bob Pierce e would be shown. The Super-Efficient GILO - NAGIC 1 do i r