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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1955, p. 3

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TEE CANDIAII UAT TV< flWUA V i? tP vqTFtlIAO up for people ta relax and en A Da ~e .joy an eveming o! swimming Instrucioîns- and guidance ore ord W 1 V t an Aduit wimming whthr you WamIdxWrertVeteran ginner. Diving toin tauhLg inMe br25Ys and many* have deveioped L g o e' e s 5- C lass much self! confidence; others can xct severai types if (9y W. "flY agn" )dives tram the threa faa:IBU 5Jed l'n 95 Bagnei)bard.UndeFifwenWord Ho ore in195 IMMEcifl Ffttn WrldWar 1 veter- Comirade L. W, Dippell ha re- £dto'sNoe Ti l te he fotwntngtapu teswim fins has grown in popu-lans with 25 years membership imbursed $6.00 for prizes ,rot artil a ere a efaei tew ter feelitg. l arity this foul. Toewh, in the Canadian Legion wili b lieof seiestobe acein he atr felig. ilcould flot swim any distance honored by the Bowmanviile awarded ta hlgh school stu- 'Publlahed concerning variaus a! this lai gradually put toge- cnnwcvr2-0fe. Lgo rnheryi 9ë et o h otrcneto aspects o! -Bawmanvilla's Re- ther with arm action and cnnwcvr2-0fe. LeinBac ai n15. tdent fr em ser c otai to -creation program. % breathing as we gradually hnareauinir Lung Capacity Amoinwspse thecredutateshol The instructors wiIl writ2 mold a swîmmer. încreasing îung capacities, ragular meeting o! the brancn ah idota h col sries about their parti- Baby-sitting problams with with baginnars is a must, and' îast Xhursday night that 15 Entartainment Cbairman Jim 4* 'r fields o! endeavour. It is some are overcome by mothar an average increasa ta hold smvr 5Ya einPn enît hraprtetatentrertain- Aquped that increasçd ragistra- coming for the fîrst hour and the breatb af;er four ta five prhsd frm taO tXo pments bpetdfhen secura IOns wilIresuit. Dd tha secnd hour.weaks' practida, one nigbt a Command ta be praaonte apscmltedfothapca /1 (BY W. "Bill" Baffneli) Intereat and attandance runs waok, la from 20 seconds ta 45 tham. Comrade GeorgeMe-prythaedatteLio In 95152 he owmnvila er hib ad mmbaa bh scona.dows, who bas heen looklng Hall an January 14 in place o! 01 Recreation Dapartment iistad farward ta aach Thursday Enjoy yoursalf as you w.isià after thea mattar, bandedth teanulNw Y rsEe In their Fail and Winter Activi- night. It bas bean saîd that n' in the atmoaphera o! the aven- affadavits certifying that tbe danca. Tetcesfrtî ties o Swimming Clasa fa: two swim nigbts a4e aver the îng. have been Lagion members for avant ara now availabla, ha Aduits. A mixed racreational samie. Thora are usuaîîy plan- Conclue With Party 25 years ta Prasident Rosa Mc- said. swim clas with instructions if ty o! laugbs provîdad through- It bas been tha policy o! the Knigbt. Prasident McKnight asked dasired. out the avening. ýspring session group to havea The President raported that mambers ta give Poppy Chair- PLACE - Training, Scboo.1 We are now signing mem- very informai party the last the uniforms the Branch pur- man Pote Bathgate the namea Pool, bers up for the 1956 Spring awim ovening. A short pro- cbasad for the Juvanila Legion- of any needy vaterans or thair TIME - Thursday 7-9 p.m. session and aiready 84 people grami, cards, dancing and lunch. naires hockey team which it is familles so a Christmnas basket FEES-Fali Session Oct.-Der. bava signified their intentions Wa hope ta include a few good sponsoring have arrived. Cost could ha givan ta them. Ha 10 weeks-$2.00. Spring Ses- ta swirn. movias on watar safety tbis a! the attractive blua and goid *nnounced that the 195S offi- sion Jan.-Apr., 15 weeks - Shauld Enroil Now yaar. It in hopéd that through sweaters was $180. cers would ha installed at the $3.00. (Approximateîy - 20c. Tbe racreation Dapartmeriî this medium, the people of A motion was pasaad that regular meeting on January 19. week).hslti ekonta u. Bowmanvilla would consîder Clasifie as dult are 1 t the firat week of the Swim the appartunity at band and yaar olds who are out o!n the privilega in baing abla ta i W r i g l s e yahoolad wo r uto Classes, Bowmanvilae citizens bava the use o! an indoor pool. r m .Wni g s ue The numbar o! People ras- ta get into the clasa. It lsa poa s ponding ta such a doasa aver- difficult decision that the Ra- pols aied35-0, tent of homcreotion Department had As the instructor, I have an- B r b r u o i s n would ho 'classified as bagin- maaa h patn t o joyed, helping ail swimmaîs fies.Bomaviîios idflt en avitabie forusevera-' and a great deai o! satisfaction The Northumberland - Dur- course, are the anas who hav joi th swm cassas e hpedyers nd>it s hrd o rfu3 i derivad when ana finally ham T.B. Association has re- ta cape with 10,000 naw cases aon t seetha mcaasvwal hdyosadi-i odt euesees al hi$ charges swimmina leased the foliowing grim o! tuberculosia a yaar. Sa thay and It a harothotevalsh tosa admissions wbo bave with confidence. warning. keap telling us that wa'ra flot awaanians carn>e. The axist- rounded out the classes over __________W i iego es...paetn ueclss n ence o! the class was made the pat sevaral years. 'We alike t sa wetaw a .peen gtercupoi mon- known by individuals working w iei owl htw they prove hrpon by mn in Oshawa and rnony a! thesa Most Heaithful Sport r I 1 i sarnatirnas tend ta axaggerate tioning that in Canada, ana o! SWirmmors are stili mambers. It lias bean said that swîmi- EsraD isfl Parkç it. Our mathod is simple. We the moat fortunate cauntries in Mxmmo75ming la the most health!:îl juat ignore the foct that the the world as regards this di- Maxium ! ~ form o! racreotion known to Ilitem daasn't caver everything. seose, evary day, including Soa- Through 1951-55 the grad- man. We uphold swimming as Inl Loveiy S ot We shy away from the part urdays and Sundays, 30 naw I pal increase in mnemberships a basic sport, much as milk is S o we don't like. Wa look ân the people contract this disease. has grow n ta a m axim um 'j! a basic food. H aro tao, m any rg t sd wh c c e r 9 W en ey e a us i h I - 75. Thora are approximately people hava been assisted ananndbrihothidarwhh e o'ierus Whn eygtauswt - 45-50 in the laarn-to-swim were grataful for the oppor- Near Jshlaw a and hgope he artwontl formation like that proctical t] will goovnciwlay.kpeople say "Wali, con't we do 0 section o! the clasa. tunity ta carry out a doctar's Anwpoicapaond Wa've been doing this about sornathing ta speed up prevan- a Use Flutter Boards wisbes that thay swim, tal wild fowl aanctuary wil ha a diseose which la in the news tion?" We use flutter boards with strengthen certain physical estoblished on Lake. Ontario thia time o! year-tuberculosis. etany B prvnto the baginnera ta increose the weaknesses. about two miles aast o! Oah- A lot of, ushave been cancan ran l h TeBdd kicking power and dive for Enjoyable Recreation awo whare the lokeshore la trating on the reports thot th c pucks and balla ta overcome- This adu]t cdosa has been set broken by a be;ýutiful shaltei- deotb rate fron?. this 'disease tatsned aa'etppe I ed lagoon l..arl viibl fn. i- ..- 0 ,,-. astop nî,tting sand lin the,. bJ yoUR HIOLIDAY REMINDER to stock U- on 0 a 0 ~N0~ BEVERAGES GILE L] CL] oAi. CREM ODA & ýOD Corne and See THE NEW Wood's Freezers 15 Cubic Feet- 540 Mb. Capacity The ideal freezer for any home . .. Style, canvenience and dependability are combined ta make- an attractive addition ta any kitchen or utility room. ONLY $3 9.90 DW WITH 24 MONTHS TO PAY 12 CU BIC FOOT FREEZER ONLY $3190 D)owN WITH 24 MONTH S TO PAY Frozen fýoods are readiiy available from your local grocer. We service and carry spare parts for the Wood's Freezers -lu King st.L on Electric Lmited Bowmanville MA 3-5«83 HIghway 401.' .An arder-in-council ila hi preparad at, Quaen's Fý wbich will transfer 252 ac o! excasa land o! the Highwi Dapartrnent at thot point ta parka division of the Landsa Faresta Depart'tnant. The land, 1%ught in 19441 No. 401 Hîghway, la imme, ately aast o! Oshawa. ItJ cludes about ana mile o! la shore.- As soon as the parka di alan gats title ta the ocrea, it will reforest large parts it. It will ha carofuliy plann for recreational use, butm not ba of much valua ta park-bungry area for about years-when the trees are1 anough ta cast some shada. To spaed this, Parka DirE tor W. B. Greenwood la pI. nmng ta use 10-ft. stock for plar ing. A mixture o! evergroîl and hardwoods. Also planni for the area are picnic grovE bathing beacheà and posaib trailer sites. Cast $100 Per Acre In 1944, the Hîgbways D partment poid approximate $100 Par acre for the land. forrned the front o! sever forma ta the south and easti Oshawa. A block o! 50 acres being turned over ta the c:l for davelopment as an indu trial site. Batween the industrial si and the park site, la a privai dairy farm. The 252-acre par runs aast from the dairy, sout a! the C.N.R. trocks. Accasst the park will ha a raad direc ly off tha 'Simcoe St. averpas The Park includea a lorg slough which Will form a wild fowl sonctuary. The parka division la also Ili vestigating othar sites aloi the routa a! No. 401 Highwax the Editor's Mail IIn 330 Bay Street, Toronta 1, Ont Mr. Gorge Dec. 20, 195ý Er.itorgeW. James, Canadian Statesmon, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Ra: Thomas Foster Estate. Wa heg ta acknowledge re Ceipt o!f3-aur letter o! Dacamn ber lîth enclosing a tearshee from the issue af the Canadiar Stotesman for Dacembar l5th. We racaived a capy of ThE Stotesman which you sent ear, lier and the writer reod aval Mrs. Lunney's article a !aw days ago. We do flot think we have sean any article about Mr. Poster and the dispositions which ha mode by hîs will which showad a btter under. standing o! the man and his testamentary wishes, thon this ana. The only reason you did not hear !rom us was hecause the writar, who la ana of the axe- cutors o! the astate, has been sa swampad with urgent mot- tera that ha was unahie ta write you. We tbink the publication of Mra. Lunney's essay has pro- vided rnany o! your suhacribers with some very intaresting readîng and You have the thanks o! the axocutors a! the estate-for rendoring such a fine service ta Mr. Foster's memory. The gato into the grounds of the Memoriai near Uxhridge là open at ail times and tha axe- cutors hava, untillat yeor, kept the building open on two Sunday afternoons aach monnh for a coupla o! hours on each day. Lat summer it was ne- icessary ta curtail that poiicy ta some extent but it was open on numerous Sundays,,and it is the purposp o! the exacutors iza return ta their former policy ta some extent fart year, and taj have in a praminent place on the gate, samething ta Indicate the tiine when the building iu open. Yours truiy. Fleming, Smoke & Burges -r;A. L. Fleming :romhas een going aown and - -V tiikbal M Uet down, due toalal the new gears. We have wonderful pra- eing treatment. Health workers keep ventiye., tools - but thousands C, 'arknagingat s bcaue tey,<jfwon't -use them. %res na g n t u e a s h f The -biggest lot o! sand irays throwers are those who o't the BDUS1ROSS uireCtorv be bothered going ta the mass and surveys. Sure they have heard ACCOU fanCy that X-ray shows up tubercu- for . c o na c losis when it la most easily edi- treated. And yes, tbey may, in- Wif. J H. COGGINS have beard that it was possible lake Chartered Accountant ta spread germs witbout know- 64 King St. E. Bowmanvile Ing you have TB Maybe they ivi- '(Above Gat'ton's Bus Station) 1 also heard that the TB rates age, 64 ing Street E. are higher among those who uf stay away than those who go. Je . HUNTER AND COMPANY But for ail this they don't go. nedl Certif led Public Accountants It's when you give the aver- thel Oshawa 5-1621 age persan that kind o! infor- the Phone MA 3-3612 mation that you see them perk 10g Successors taO0. S. Hobbs up.' They've had an idea. big "Look,," thy exclaim, "why ec- Chiropractie don't we make chest X-rays ýan- -G compulsory! After all, if it's int- G EDWIN MANN, D.C. done free of charge it wouldn't ens Chiropractor be any financial hardship. Why ned Office: flot get a law with some teeth is, Specialtv Paper Produets BIdg. in it, and be done with it? bly 63 Temperance Street Would it be "done with" sa Phone MA 3-5509 easily? Gilbert and Sullivan Office Houra: By Appointment went in record long ago ta say that: When constabulary duty's n s ita be done, To be done; The ,elye nD a 1 policeman'% lot is not a happy It ane, Happy ana. rai DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Whatever the policeman'% af Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. lot rigbt now, it's much happier is 40l King St. W. Bowmtanvflle than it would ba if we made itY Office* Hours:- chest X-rays compulsary at this b 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily point. Do you know how many 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday people didn't corne ta the mass ite Closed Sunday survay the last tima it was te Office Phone MA 3-5790 - hera in Northumberland? It trI Housa Phona - Newcastle 3551 was 44,010. Quita a lot for the ith -_ police ta round up, don't you ta Dk. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S.. D.D.S. think. Evan if we swore in a c Office In his home 1 few axtras it wouldn't ba very ss. 100 Liberty St. N..- Bowmanville good. You sea quite a few vary ,ge Office Hours: respectable citizens would haý,e Id- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv had ta be roundad up. Think 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesdlay about it for a few minutes. I-Closed Sunday You'll realize there wauld be lg Phone MA 3-5604 more bad tempar than is- good DR .F ATRN .. ta have araund-and then of DR. . F CATRAN D..S.course more taxes for the ex- Office tra policemen too. 23 Ringz St. E. - Bowmanvllle What is needed is for those Office Hours: absanteas ta understand the 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally need for preventing tuberculo- 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday- sis, and thair own individual L.Ciosed Suxlday importance in prevantion. Than i5 Talephona: Office MA 3-5459 they'il came without pushing except for the small percan- Leg a 1 taga of contrary oe h match up with the people who STRIKE and STRi-E drive thraugh a red light. Barrater, SliciorsGetting everybody ta help Barrster, Sliciors pravant TB la the abject o! the Notarias Public educationai program baing - W. R. Strike. Q.C. carried on by aur own Tuber- A. A. H. Strika, B.A. culosis Association. Education S4f King St. W. - Bowmanvllle is part of the praventive cam- n Telephane MA 3-5791 paign which you are askad v) SLAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. support by buying Christmas - Barrister, Solicitor es can prevent tuberculosis. Noay Public Let us keep that simple fact vKin.g St. W. - Bowmanvllle upparmast in aur minds. Next e Phones: Office MA 3-568J> ResienceMA 35553 let us realize that it depends ReieceM5 on us. Wa cant depand an 1 JOXIN REGAN, BA. science ta do averything. Sci- SBarrister ence bas done wonders but it SNotai-v Publie has its limita. It's limit la gat- s33 Temparanca St., Bowmanvflle ting us ta use what we know. Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS NEWTUr1VILLtE Barr~ister, Solicitor Notary Public Wonien'u Institut. Tamnperance St.- Bowmanville, The December meeting o! the Nawtonville W. I., was held Thursday afternaon, Dec. 15 M 0 f a ge S at the home of Mrs. C. Brown, with an attendance of twenty LEROY HAMILTON - ORO% 10 membars and five visitors. Phone 1 r 16 After the business had been First mortgzage funds conducted by the prasident, Residencea Farma Mrs. Milligan, Mra. C. Brown, Business Prpertias the convener o! the group, took - harge and calied on Mrs. Mc- 0 p 0 Me fr y 91ofo Morrish, for a reading, ,egend o! the Christmas Can-I KETE A 7. IT optamerxstPhis was followed by a lova- 141 King St. E. - Bowmanvile *l,"heAgls1ulb" Telepone M 3 1 g by Mrs. Pike and Mrs. M. TelahoneMA-3252 es, accompaniedeby Mrs. T. Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m iî mer. Naxt, four Morrish la- Monday ta Saturday, Mrs. McHolm, Mrs. F. An- EenptWdnsaygs-1 derson, Mrs. Harold Osborne Evnnby Appintment and Mra. M. Henderson, pre- JOHN A. OVENS sented a very humorour akit, Optometrist "Managing a Huaband". Jury & Loveli Bowmanv'ill There was a short musical Phone Mit 3.5778 contestf o! Christmas sang, pld by Mrs. Giliner. Piano T The prize for the ers ________il__1_il__________ went ta Mrs. George Henderson. Professional Piano Tuning During the social hour the ARTHUR COLLISON hostess and ber group served a Phan MAWe 3-M 0 delious lune-. q - PAGE 11IW~ As an oid fashloned provert put it "You can lead a horse ta water but you can't make him drink". Science can give us prev0ention tools but it can't nake us use them. Spedng up prevention then flot a polhceman's job. It's aur job. I do flot lay any claim to having made this discovery. The tact is that the fitst man to teach Canadian medical stu- dents that tuberculosis was caused by a germ told his stu- dents also that tuberculosis was not anly a doctor's affair. The professor of medicine was la- ter Sir William Osier and his statement is often quoted "Tua- berculosis is flot a doctor's af- fair, it belongs ta the entire public". More than 70 years have passed hince be said this but the truth of the statemeatý becomnes more apparent ail the time. We are çspecially con- scious of it now that treatment methods are aut-running pre-ý ventimn. You should shoulder indivi- dual responsibility in this mat- ter. One thing you can do is buy Christmas Seais. Another is ta be informed about TB. If you feel you do nat know as much as you should, ask yaur Tuberculosis Association for a little booklet called "Wbat you need ta know about TB". It really is a little book. You can read it in a few minutes and it will give you the facts. I think you will agree wben yau know them, that prevention is not a polîceman's job, it's ours. Club 15 Holds Annual Party Boxes Packed Members of Club 15 held heir annual Christmas party on Monday evening, Dec. 19, at the home of Mrs. Ralp-r Ames, Carlisle Ave. Donations of clothing and toys were brought - for the Christmas baxes wbich will be packed for Lwo needy families. A donation f money was also made ta the Salvation Army. Follawing games and a pleasant social Lme, a deliciaus turkey buffet gupper was enjoyed. gý ti SI T1CKRE TS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steasaship Consult JURY1 & LOVELL 3owmanviiîe 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 available from experimentat management. The Knightville I - -~ Records lKeep Farm1 Simple But1 "Farm records should be kept as simple as possible, while accurately recordirii- corne and expenses". This opinion from the Three Corners farm Porum in Mani.- toba reflected the thinking of a majority of the 700 Farm For- ums which discussed the ques- tion "Why Keep Farm Ar- counts?" on November 28. Almost 100 Forums mention- ed that farmers shoyld take an- nual inventories. A smaller number favored keeping re- cords of each branch of the fa rning operatians. "Detailedi records are useful in specializ-i ed farming," said the Salem School Forum in Ontario. The first advantage of keep- ing records is for incarne tax purposes, the Forums said. The Bush Lake Webbers Forum in1 Saskatchewan contmented, "Ifi proper records were kept mosti farmers. would find that they1 are paying needless incarne tax1 and filling out incarne tax forms would be much easier". Records also help in farmi t 1RESO Lutlb :Zn li isArEU< >ALL¶tROUGR1956 But seriausly, you neednt lbave your cor om bkbi ail year, to enjoy 1956. The "bow down" is slow down - wifh an extra dosh of care and courtesy. Automobile insurance for efi drimgy 30 BLOOR STRIE? W. TORONTO 9 j' NOW. ..warm air h?éting engineered to meet y-2g- New ESSO OIL IFURNHACES up yeurs to pue a L*wv m.nllty Iostm.,tt e Bocloed und gwomnteed by Imperiot OUt Umit.d AS LOW PER AS $10-957%.MONTH e e e e e n WPIBMAL ALWAYS EtSSO) 10< o I IPI b4SWSTON £gô FURNACE OIL FOR COMPLETE N!ATiNG SATISAClMN Complete Esso Conversion OIL BURNER INSTALLATION' Powead &y . the fomous tss@oU u mer e sevioe-proved er cril hWinqm ~1~11*~ ~EUE5DA!~. i~EC., 1955 .- -I - y for aus6 Colt to-day for a FREE ESSO HEAT SURVEY 0F YOUR HOME Installation can be made without inconvenience through loss of heat Sie BLAIN ELLIOT HEATING AND PLUMBING YOUE ESSO OIL BUENER DEALER IX4 BOWMANVILLg 55 King Si. VNA 3-3348 D>maih l PACM Forum in New Erugçwt* spoke for over hall the Wriuzn-î "By keeping records a tarnièr knows which part o! his fax'now ing aperation in giving hlm, tifl- best raturna" . Well-kopt tre,. carda are aiso an asset An oh. taining credit, anc-quarter d the pgoups stated. The purpose o! keeping 'd& tailed farm recorda' s ai an av'. curate guida ta future forMý$ oparations, the Forum&sa.i "A more cletailed and complt record could influence a 1ai or ta change tram ane entei"- prise whîch was nat proftabl~ ta ana which was", commentai the Chegoggin-Dayton Zbru*,ý in Nova Sotia. Howaver, a number o! the groupa cautioned that farmn re- corda con ha too detaiied. The. Ebenezer Forum in Prince Ed- word Island stated, "We thinklý that mare detailad accounts beaides being too complicate. for many farm bookkeepee.- would take too much time and duplicata records and servicet .j TIM CANADL4jq STATEnum. BôVIMANVrLTýr- nwmÀLReb

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