- ~ Ad £U~UBO~EWIOANVU4, ONTARIO TBTMA.D ft.ii * Current and Con fidenticd , By Elsie Carruthers Luaney HEISTMAS CA.NDLELIGHT shimmered in ail its âge-oàd One of the many' îovely beauty this Christmas Eva%. hings about the Christmas Had drivingr conditions bec-n maon ls the soit light ai can-. better, we would have gone les. Thére is something about down to see it. This fine oll tthat makes everything ini a bouse, sa beautiful from with- oom seem richer, warmer and out and wfthin, is on Dorset lar fpecous ILcats spilStreet East, which when John [ke firelight fromn the opexj' David Smith built in 1832, was ,earth. the York road, and the stage coach rattled by and down the eOur Christmas candies made hilintia Port Hope, then s think of many things. OneO Smith's Creek. as the old Georgian house at art Hope, built in 1832 by' One lîkes ta think ai the ohn David Smith as a wed- friends and relatives-who must ig git for his second wifi. have sxvept up in carrnages t) e would have laved to see the the particaed doorway. On Bluestone", as it is known, on Christmas Eve the canveyanoe ýhristmas Eve, for the new was probably a sieigh, and tha wners of ibis beautiful old sleigh bellis would sound mer- Lansion last year revived a rily over the snow while th3 ry aid custom of that house bhorses' breath would steam in y placing two candies, one in the c7isp air. And there wou1d .e upper haîf and one in the be the house, the windows of ýwer, oi each ai its niany win - its 25 rooms shimmering with )ws. cand1elight. The thought takes No dubtit gittred ndone back. ta another worid, a.-il No- -t tgitee n we can imagine the gaiety as the big house filied graduaiiv wlth aduits and children, the In aur candielight, Christ- mas 1955, we catch ever sa taintly echaes ai those tar-off 4 days in Canada West. UŽ ~Z 2L.J THINGS REMEMBERED These evenings of Chrisirnasi week, the iast o! 1955, as we g"%~1sit in the soit giow fram the ~ Christmas tree drinking coifee HOPE THE WaW ',EAR BRNG$ and eating Christmas cake, YOU TROUBLE- FÇEE TV -- BUT aur mmnd goes back over the IF NOTý PLEPA5E CALL US.' year that is drawing ta a close. We think ai the interestingf things we have seen; we ne- member reveiling In the mast M YLE4S wonderful Spring in years- and grimly cnduring the ht RADIO TV 'SERVICE test summer in decades. \Ve remember the d'oubly welcome Expert Repaira ta AIl Makes cool days ai Fali, and the woads running riot with colo r. ~s ilver St. MA 3-342 Then the iovely snaw and thej BOWMAN VILLE j air so coid that the stars an d ________________ -the pianets shimmered wil hIl blue tire in the heavens. We thing ai the places we visited, like the Old Stonie1 Church at Beaverton in Marct-i,1 when the tirst warm day pre- ' saged what was ta corne. The1 "Bluestone" in.April when the 1 buds an the giant trees su-_ runding the house i;,ere like a ~, IC R lace pattern against the Spiring1 blue ai the sky. Sharon Temple1 in July--the unique three-sto- ey building constructed in 1825 pJ. by David Willson and bis fol- lowcrs, iooking like a three- tier wedding cake; and the many interesting pioncer ob- *Jects nie We think af seeing Fréderick Valk in "The Merchent ai Vern- ice" and the impact ai seein., ,'l *' ur iirst Greek play, "Oedipus #, : Rex" a thie Stratford Festival r in late August. We think ai tha3 U. E. Loyalist cemetery neair8 ~ : Hay Bay down in Prince Ed- ~ ward County, visited an aur holidays in September, and l oV ur cail at a very old house, 1 "Fairiield Place' in Bath, itsF lawn lapped by trie blue wa- l Back in the nincties a patent was ters ai the Quinte. issued for an irrigating device This is a house we haven'te cansisting af a balloon, per- tld iiau about yet-we'll save i foraed wterpipe .. anda i for '56. But we wiii say that - Çratd wtcrp~~...andan we had a mast interesting visit r( fiactive farmer ta baul] the whole with the awner, Mrs. W. H. E contraption along by ita guy Gutzeit, who is a descendant ni ropes. the Fairfield who buit the a Today, a«course, irrigation is bouse in 1796. r( We remember to eing e a lot casier Proposition. Alu- made welcome at the Picton nlînum irrigation tubing, for Public Library by Miss M.j instance, can bc laid, lited Kathleen Kcech, the librariana movd aoutwih te geatst and being greatiy Imprassed mcase abthwi thman c atcst y their ±aciities and space j, cas. Wthit ncmanca wacr there campared with aur one- C more land than an armny af naom iibrary in Bowmanville. balloon operatars. Sh0%ws how We -remember an expedition aB lhteg1,low-cost aluminum with mY cousin on the perfe2t R, (Canada is the world's most September Saturday ai Labor a, effcintproucr f ie etl> Day weekend. We visitad the1 effciet rodcerofthemetl) lavely wvhite church ah Graitan, ar makes a simple job out of a built in 1844, and wandered w tough ane. among the gravestones in the burying ground where sama IM ALLIMINUM CoMpANY 0F of aur relatives lie. Then an 4,-)PE SCANADA, LTD. <ALCAN) an even quieter burying goundi, M: ______________ out irom Baltimore, cradied c.n Ja May We Estilma!e on Yotir Piumbinig 14SYLZFUra.AE- and WÉLLwom w VEHeafing ~P~OPE"' '~Requiremenis TW NKM FURWC lyoolzMA 3361 ________________________________N G LOANS!1 on your promise to repay "Seconal expenses " Car or home repairs " *Shopping exp.. ses $50 to $1000 SLoans nmade without cadorsens. F-ast, anc day scrv icc. Sinmplc requirenients. Up ta 24 months ta repay. Phone or corme in today for fast, fricndly serv ice! &IOUSEHOLD FINANCE 11 % Smee5f. South, son lophne RA 5.1139 OSHAWA& ONT. PffT ROPI bitANCNi 71 Wehoen St.. 2nd 40...', pi..nei 5-so3o TO A NEW YEAR Sa now il la time ta look ta a new year. Usually ai ibis ,time we ara torced ta sort oui, dîscard, and ganenally try and hnîng some ordar 10 tha *char:s ai aur dask and filas, and ibis year is no exception. Eveny- tbing is piied and stacked anti chocic-tull and we almosi need a compass ta iind aur way through IL. We are neminded oi Edward Wacks in a similar stata as dascnibeci In bis book ai essays, "The Open Heant". Ha collacted notes and clin,- Ipings and bits and pieces, siuie.- ing tbem in bis pockets. Evary night hae claaned oui bis poc- kets and put the accumulation an the maniai in bis bcdroom. [Evenlually the pilas gai sa high that ha had ta put books oun top ai ihem ta keap them froni sithening ta the iloor. Th~e lime cama, ai course, whea- sometbing simply had ta 'bu done about Ibis situation. Do read Ibis book. It is delighiiul in a way ana seldom iinds tu-j day.j space, we thank you for your intenesi in the pasi year, an-Jl ta ail extend best wishes for a Happy New Year. BETHANY There were nrany fa mily gî lhanings in tbe village ovw the holiday weekend. Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Mou ireal, Que., Mr. and Mns. Cý cil McGill, Miss Joan McGil Mn. and Mrs. J. Abren an daughten Sandra, al ai Toron to;MUr. and Mrs. Gerald Ste ple, Miss Jeanatta Staplas an Tarrence Staples, al ai Laka2 field, with Mn. and Mrs. Jame MeKinnon. Mn. and Mns. Howard Mor row, Peterborough, Mn. ani Mns. Manson Catbcari and so: Paul ai Springville, Mn. aný Mns. Hanry Sutan and Mr. Ted Swanson ai Bowmanville. with Mns. William Brown. Mn. and Mns. Ray Stinsou and sons, Kanny and Danny, or Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Donal, Manile ai Torno, wihh Mt and Mns. Perey Mantla. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Jarvis Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Ralpl Connor and family ai Walker ton, Mn. and Mrs. Ted Caldei and iamily af Agincouni, iviti Mn. and Mrs. Roy Jarvis. Mn. and Mns. Harold Phil lips, Mr. and Mrs. Shermar Montgomery and son Wayne c.1 Peterborough, with Mn. and- Mrs. William Pbillips. Mrs. Maria Yonkus, 'Kitchen. em, with Mn. and Mns. Franu Marticbenko. Miss Launa Huichinson, To. aonta, with Mn. and Mns. Herb Kennedy. Mn. and Mrs. Amaoti Neals and daughter Shirley ai To- ronto, with Mn. and Mns. Clar- ence Neals. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wilson and daugb'tens Norma, Anne mnd Barbara, ai Yelverhon and VIns. Thomas Jackson, Mrs. Janal Smith with Mr. and Mns. Canl Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Capstick nd their children Sharon and Robent of Uxbridge with Mn. and Mns. Milton Waatherilt. Mm. and Mns. Cecil Hughes nd Wendy Hughes, Toronto, with Mrs. Richard Fallis. Mr. andi Mns. Norman Neais, \arkdalc, and Miss Maria Carr, Petenborough, witb Mn. andi Wrs. Ross Carn. Mr. Wellington Fallis, Miss ana Fallis and Miss Graca Bigelow, with Mn. and Mrs. \ervyn Ponheous. Miss Gayla Bmistow, Osh- iwa, Mr. and Mns. Genaid Bris- w and Garry ai Yelvcntin, Ir. Calvin Reynolds with Mr. ind Mrs. Hilliard Bristaw. Mn. and MVrs. Milton Fallis id Gardon Fallis ai Millbroak, 4r. and Mms. Clarence John~- ton and daugbter Zeita, of 3pingvilie andi Hanry John- on wîth Mns. Elmen Rawaii id Ralph Rowan. Mn. John Coburn, Clankes- srg wilh bis wiie andi tam- [y. MrI . and Mns. Ralpb Whet- uffer, Toronto, with Mr. and nrs. Mansaîl Wright an Salu.n- may. Miss Lauretta Rowan, Ir.)- uois Falls with Mn. and Mr.. 'altcr Rowan. Miss Gw'en Gray, Kingston, id Mr. andi Mrs. Howard GlU id famnily oi Toronto, with Ir. and Mrs. Fred Gray. Mn. and Mns. Gantb Manlay nd son Garry ai Bewdley, ith Mr. andi Mn. Clarke Pom. oy. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Baltou, ,ranlo, with Mn. and Mr-,. îarles Reynolds. Mn. andi Mns. Erie Porteaus, eston, with Mn. and Mns. Car! orteous. Mr. Norman Lowes. Toron- )Miss Margaret Lowes, Po- uborough, wvith Mr. and Mns. mnald Lowas. Those jaining thene families sewhere were Mrs. Hannah airs, Mns. Isabel Pcrny, Mrs. rm. Cavano. Mns. EdithHan- nrs, with Mn. and Mns. En- est Cavano ah Manvers Sta- nm. Mrs. B. Taylor, Mns. L. Mill- eand tir brother Andy laisan. wiih Mn. and Mrs ru)ncl Monk in Peterborough. Mr. and Nlrs. A. IL-1.'Ioniz ih Mr. and Mrns. gert Moniî Peterborough. b.Iigan akino iz B. mv a% tt a: ar sti SI st( an bu il' lai M w an *ar Mi ar w: erc ci, 1 Po ta, tlu Do Ca W: dei nei tial by Wa 1a- n- r- id )n kd >n 17- ber parents in Picton. Mn. Glenn Wantwarth wll] bis- «,amily ait Braniiord. Mn. Douglas Webster witl bis iamily in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rau land witb their son land daughi lar-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpt ýRowland at Ottawa. 'OMn. and Mns. Lloyd Argue wilh Mn. Melvin Bowins ai Pontypool. Mr. and Mns. Cnaighhan Cari and son David with Mn. and Mrs. Harry McGee ait Ida. Mn. and Mrs. Manseil Wright with tha McClelland famuly at Tara. Mrs. Ina Palmer wiih Mr, and Mrs. Ed McGlynn in Pe. terborough. Mrs. Walter Price with Mr. and Mrs. Alian Henry in Pc, ;enborough. Mns. J. J. Clark wiibha'e son Dr. John Clark and iam- ily ait Niagara Falls. Mr. Emnast Stacey with Mr. and Mns. Fred Stacey ai Yel- Christias Concert The Bethany School Christ- imas concert was a happy aven' -hald in the Town Hall on Mon- rday eveiaing, Dec. 16, and large- à iy athended. Patricia Bigelovs gave the opening recitation of "Weicome". The opening scene showed fNeil Finney, Jack Durham and 1 Larry Lamb in their living room waiching a television -pnogram, which was annaune- ed by Dianne Bigelow as "Christmas Around Tbe World". Wilma Armstrong, ini Peasant costume iold ai the customs in Germany. Bob ed- munds, Ross Jordan, Melvyn Smeii, Ailan Brisiow, in Dutcii costumes tld ai Halland tradi- tions. Sheila Wood and Teena Liiliquist in grass skirts and floral leis gave a Hawaiia'i dance number. The -chiidren cf Grade I nepresanied Swadan and gave a square dance as the oldar pupils sang a Swedish folk song. Bob E dmunds, Donald Scot, Bobby Smelt, Biily Smelt, Rau- aid Jackson and Allan Bris- tow each recitcd the customs ai Norway. John Jackson, Jacic Durham and Howard Morton, drassed as Chinasa coolies, told ai customs in China before and afiar the comîng ai Missionar- ias ta tell the story ai the birth af Çle Baby Jesus. Leone Jor- dan, also in Chînese costume gave a ballet dance. Italy's customs wera related hy Shar- on Bigelow as a group ai jun- ior pupils enached the Nativity scena. During this pantamim»,ý the senior pupils sang -Sulent Nighh". "IWhat Child Is This" and "The First Noeal". Paul Pomcroy rapresanted Scotland, singing "The Toonie On His Bonnet" and Leane Smihh, in1 a siope of the great ral Northumberland his. Here Our arcsos on rny fat side and her mother's, carne ta this country _ Scatland, aur great-gi grandiather dying three y bei are Ccinfederation. Here he and hIs wife liq this peaceful spot, almost touched by modern day ci zation except for the occas ai car going by. Mostly, quiet is unbroken save for cali of a bird or the wini the great woods that shel one side. One sits in the sù quiet, and the mind tries imagine their voyage to aj land in a sailing ship, t hardships and their fortit as they made a new life, from home. Recre ation Au4ctiv I 1 Ins4....a. 1 .. 'idul Swimming 5.dult Art Dressmakin.- Leathencrafi Dancing Clasa W_ýomaen's Health Public Speaking Choral Sociey Teen Town 1 Minor Hockey Shamp Club Mn. W. Bagnel Mn. A. Hodgkiuîs Mrs. L. Highfiald Mrs. F. Dilling Mrs. F. Diing Miss I. Hanvey Mns. L. Lucas- Mr. E. MarIa-v Mn. H. Matiin President Ken Kelly D. R. Morrison. Pres. ~rd W~cL - R:1R nm MmeII Thurs. 7:00- 9:00 Fni. 7:30- 9:30 Mo. 7:3 0 -9:2"0 Tues. 7::"0- 9:30 Wed. 8:00-10:00 Tues. 8.00-10;00 Wed. 3:00- 8:00 Thurs. 7:.30- 9:30 vIed. 7:30- 9:30 Mon. 8:00-10.00 Fri. 8:30-11:30 Tues. 7:00- 8:30 a.m. Sat. 7:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. interested ta learu that Mr. buying, and 'Paying, hotWelbr Irwin la living "et 77 Camborne ho ha.s thîs to say: Ave.. Downsview. M. Irwin TOO TRUE writes: *I amn teaçhlng schoal Christimas ad& are blarlng, here once again. but 4n, 1944 1I "You have six months ta pay.» was in the Bawmanville Gaod- Poor Dad's 111e la môrtgaged year Tire and Rubber CO-" ight ta the end ai May. Writing verse ls ane of Mr. _________ Irwin's hobbies and The Statesman regrets that it bas The number af persans mov- flot spaee ta use other long ing fram Canada ta the United paems sent in by Mr. Irwi, States increased tram 16,405. to On the subject of Christmis 39,480 from 1945 ta 1953. ýeir ;her'i who froix reat ie Ini un~ [vii the the innyv s tu new far Pa rtof Hiç Returned ti Clarke TwshpCuncil r, Dec. l5tiiTwhCe byandl incas. AU members were prt e nt. In the correspondence a leli tram Dapi. ai Highways inforz cd oi the turning aven ai centa sections of Higbway No. 35. 'T latter siaiad thai the descril - eçiions ai Highway 35 wcre t ing revented ta the municipali previously lhable fon the mai tenance and repair ai saine, t] effective- data being Nov. 1955. Couneil discusaed tt move as the latter dici noti a the nama ai the municipali lnvolved. It was pointed0 bowevar by' ie counc4l thai t] noaci prion ta being a pnavinci bîgbway was a county noad ai it was tbought iathebaroi wauld ha navanied ta tha Coui îles. Wbather the Count, would then tunn the noad ovi ta the townsbip was not know No action was takan in this ma tar but council wlll andeavoi ta bave the Counties take aiq tha section ai the bighwayj tte Vile ai Onono sauth1 Bannabaîl s garage and also fro the third lina ta the limita af tI Village ai Newcastle. Bel ihase sections ai noad ppal axisiing Couniies noads a: wara pnaviously unden the thur ai the Countias. Ih was faît b Council that the lasi ravision( Counties noads in the 'Townshi did nelieva the Counnues ai sau miles ai noads; ibis being th portion fnom Kirby west an sauth ta John Besi's cornei which was iurned aven ta il Township whan the Countiu accepted the road through th swamp nanth ai Orono. CouncJ la ta punsua ibis matier turtbý in Countias Council. Clarke Townshýp Game Cour buildings during the past yea r, ghwca ý 3 5making particular mention af the work ai Emory Smith who 0 ro ns ipa retiring ihis year aiter six O~an Mr.Sf > e~n Goremth, ae netmisioncam upfordisussontaker ai ihe school, bath of metmisioncam upfordisussonwhom had put in rnany aver- laed and - h was decidad that H. time hours in order ta see ibat us- Lowery and J. T. Brown would work ai the school had' pro- res ait in on the nexi meeting of the ceedod on richedule and work- Commission ta secure informa- ing ta keep expenses ai a min- ter tion ln the organization and ilis imum. ',You, the taxpayeri rm- work. sol e vr rtflt tain Council discussed the purchase thsould b entemge"ulMt. rhe ai a bydraulicly operated undar ihese o lo getlemncr e. bed slung mainiainer blade for the trys n sch urg ffireasad- ba- township truck. A canmittee ao neef nsbo afis e 4tyDet-ReeBonCuclr quesiing averyone ta attend he n- Lowary andBrowa, Suelrin -annual sehoal meeting ta be tin- Lowe y a d ic io n S pite p. held Friday, Decam ber 3Oih in the dent RossDikno aapth schoal ai 8 o'clock. 28, poinied' ta cansider and (or) T h ogo Vnl el" bis purchase ibis equipmenî. Tbis Toan a Casa e! "igle eîs ;ae ta ta be campletad in 1955. SnaCasmd i per iy Councillôr J. H. Lowery, onance ta disinibute the gits train out behaîf ai the cauncil and clerk the trac. tbe presented the retiring- reeve, Sunday Service ,al Arthur McKay, wiih a pan in The Sunday service in the nd bonour ai bis service in munie- United Church was a very ad ipal affaire ai the Township ai beautiful Christmas Pageant. an- Clarke. Mr. McKay capably ne-j Elactricity was iurned off andi ies plied tbanking the inembers andj candies on the altar and the ver the clark. 1 windows provided the only Vn. Russell Osborne approacbed îight. A junior Sunday .schooil ýa- Council re deplorable condition choir assisted by the egular un af ccmaiery a t Tricky's Corner, chair enicred the church bea:1- 'ar' Cauncîl axplained their policy in ing ligbted tapers and singing in tbis matter and pramised thai "Oh Came Ail Ye Faitbful". ta somnething would be dona as Mrs. Edgar Beer was the nar- om soan as possible. Mr. Osborne,[ ratar ai the siary ai "The th an behali ai the Clarke Town-i Birth ai the Christ Chiid". th ship School Area, recluested. Preston Neals represented thé ni cauncil ta curb parking ai cars praphet Isaiah "For unto us a ýnd an the streets ai Scitool Section Child is born. Unto us a Son is by Information was received tramn be upon His shoulder and His pi Depi. ai Higbways cancerning, name shall ha called Wonder- l'p the street ai C. Duncan's pro-. fui, Counsellor, The Migbty ne penty nanth ai tbe sehool. 0 It God, the Evenlasting Fathe, ha was pointed oui ibai the sLreet the Prince ai Peace". Miss id would have ta ha 66 tact in Eleanor Rowan was Mary, ibo er, widih baione the Depariment Mother; Howard Rowan as Jo- rie would pay subsidy an mainten- ýeph, Mervyn Ponheous, Pres- ies ance. Also, it was poinied out1i ~Neais and Rialph Rowan ' rua ihai tbe required lot size where, eeteSehrs la cil ibara was no water or sawage Beer, Charles Weathanilt and ýer would have ta be 1,500 square ý Earl Weatberilt represantedJ tact, according ta the Dapi. of the Wise Men seaking the naw- n- Haalihz born King. Ail ware dressed in colanful Eastern costumes. costume, danced The Higbland The Junior Chair sang "In- hj Fling. Eight pupils dressed in f ant Holy" and "Away In a th danced an Irish jig. tira chair were "Shaphards In England was a scana frarn The Field Abiding", 'Glory In v-. Dickens' Christmas Carol act-I Excelsis", withi solo parts tak- e d by George Scatis as Scroog?,t en by Murray Henderson. "We )h Paul Pomeroy as Bob, Crat- Tbree Kings ai Orient Ara" chaht, Esther Armstrong as his and "As Wihh Gladnass", ac- wiia, Glenn Wright as Tiny companied by Mrs. Clarence at Tim, Donald Smelt as Scroage's Rowan. Dr. G. M. Longiieid napbew, Jim Nichai and Tom- piayad a trombane solo, accom- rmy Rayso, office callers. Di- panied by Nrmn owspo tdfram the story explaining brieily on the meaning if Scrooga's dream af the gbostsI Christmas. "Jesus is the light it ai Christmas Past and Present, ofa the world. His birth has .1 and as d happy climax, a jun- been the basis oi,,a new faitti ion group sang «'Jingle Bells", and hope for avenyana." r. "Deck The Halls", "Hark The The nacassional hymn was > Hanald Angals- Sine,", "There's "Joy Ta The Wanld" and "Sulent No Place Like Home Fan The, Night". rHolidays". Randy Langfiild -played "While Shephards Wat- chad Thair Flocks" as a carnet av r sala. ILra Winners -_ Canada was a scene in an In- dian camp wihh cbildran ail '.n M S.J s p Indian tribal costuma and par-î -forming Indian dances. Senior pupils sang "'Twas In The D c m e 2 Moan 0f Winietime. e mb r 2 - A dialogue "The Fir Trac" Winnars in the Dnaw ah St. t was acted by Malcolm Smeit, Josapb s Chunch wara select- - Caroline Smith, Randy Long- ad Dacambar 22, ai the Union -field and Allan Smith. Senior Hall. The finsi six wînners ne- r pupils in costumes gave a pic- caive a iurkey, the remaining fturesque Candy Drill, decorat- lwalve a chicken: Ted Lanigan, ing tha Christmas irea, wîth 151 Brack St., Oshawa; R. V. J Branda Rowan singing "The Gallagher, King St. East, Baw- 1 Candy Sang". Grade I pupils manvilia: W. LaBina, King St. 1acted : Shockîng Drill as Sen- East, Bowmanville; Ray Ther- iion pupils sang '"He'il Be Com- hall, 82 Duka St., Bowman- * ing Down tha Cbimney", ville; E. Mayas, 181 King St1 s"Wbat Is Ih Chiidren Like To East, Oshawa; F. Heari, 67 King Sac" and "Hail, Hail thse St. Eash, Bawmanville; W. K. I i Christmas Trea. Nowak, Bowmanvilla; Dave' The programn was wail plan- Brown, c/o Shappard & Gill, ned and includad avery pupil Bowmanville; Gea. Calacicco, iin the school. Some naines have 317 Nassau St., Oshawa; A. ibeen mentianed as haking lear-j Yanch, 67 Arlingion St., Osh- ing parts. Thase who assisted awa: M. Mahonay, Nawcasile; tin the variaus scenes wera Mrs. H. van Kemp R. R.2, 1Sally Caburn, Donna Durhamn, Bowmanvilla; Sheila Pigeon,j iEsther Armstrong, Donald R.* R. 3, Bowmanvila; F. Scott, Wayne Armstrong, Don- Hean], 67 King Si. E., BoWý- ald Lane, Mari ory Armstrong, manvilla; Don Lapine, Ennis- Jane Fallis, Larry Lamb, Nor- killen; K. McManus, Liberty man Lana, Ivan Armstrong, Di- Si. S., Bowmanvilia; P. McCor- annia Mulligan, Donoihy Arm- mick, Shannonvilla; Gea. Paw- strong, Patricia Green, Diannc las, Olympia Restaurant, Bow- Smith, Eleanor Ponteous, Roy' m&nvilia. Scott, Carol Armstrong, Bobby Durham, Bnian Green, Kath- leen Morion, Eddie Green, Fr Douglas Neals and Barbara r r e o a IIn bhis chairman's remarks, . MA 34ý441 Bowmanville A s we welcome th-e arrivai of the New Year our thoughts 'revert gratefully ta those whose loyalty and good will bave made possible Our steady progress. A Hap>py New Year toalal. L. A. Parker and Son Plumbing and Heating Department SPRING ACTIVITIES - 1956 9 ~1 E Lcality j Fees Dates - No. af Sessions B.T.S.Pool J $3.00 Jan. 5 Apr. 12 15 Lions Centre Se e Instrucor Jan. 6 June 29 26 Mýemnorial Park S3.00 Jan. 9 Apr. 1 r 15 Lions Centre $3.00 Jan. 3- Apr. 10 15 Lions Centre $3.00 Jan. 4 Apr. 11. 15 Lions Centre $3.00 Jan. 3 Apr. 10 15 Lions Centre See Instructor Jan,-4Apr. 5 17 -Lions Cntre ____ $3,00______ Jan. 5 Apr.12 1 Town ail See Instructor Jan. May2 Lions Centre 'Membership - 50c Every other Fi. 2 1 ,__ plus nightly admission - Jan. May _______ Cornmunity Arena Nana Jan. 7 Mar. 31 12 Lions Centre $1.00 per year Jan. là- May 16 1* 5 f - - Bowman ville REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT RECREATION OFFICE on AT FIRST SESSION For furiher information - Phone MA 3-5761 M ~ M 1 ---. Swb", a- - 4iitîm 1~~ lrie. Lfu' La Glen Rae Dairy 1 1 1 - t a te ai tE Sc ilý ai V9 1 TRE CARAMAX norAnnmuau