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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1955, p. 5

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Ta EUDAT, DUC. 2m ips1o5 Rot arians are ToId How Christmas 15 Celebrated, ln Three Foreign Lands1 The £tories by three& lady mleWCOMens ta Canada o! havi Christmas is celebnated in their native countries o! Germany, Holland and Ozechosiovakia highlightèd the Christmas Meeting o! the Bowmanville "R-tarY Club at the Balmoral 1 l Fnday noon. he meeting room was gaily donated with Christmas trim- T'ngs for the luncheon and Cach Rotarian and guest recaiv- ,,4d' a glft from the club. Thc inembers -jolned heartiiy ini the singing of Christmas canais, led by Rotarian AI Stnika with .Ratarian Dave Morrison at the piano. Rev. T. Arthur Morgan was Ini change o! the prognam and introduced the three speakers: Mrs. Genda Schlingensiepen fnom Gerrnany, Mancia Groane- veld from the Natherlands and Mns. Lisa Millan frorn Czecho- zlovakia. He pointed out that Mrs. Schiingensiepen and Miss Graeneveld have only been in Canada approximateîy two and a ha]! years aach, while. MiS. Miller, who is the wi!e o! Ho- tanian Bruno Miller, has been In this country for a langer peaiod and ' previously lived in England., Botins DecFmber 6 Mrs. Seblingensiapan stateci that in her native Germany the celebration o! Christmaq actuaily begins an December 6 whlch is the evening when St.1 Nicholas makes hie rounds. Thei rchildren put out their shaes, iin which St. Nicholas leavps catidies and a figure o! hisnseil made from cookie dough. On the four Sundays pneced- ing Christmas, she said, fami- lles make a custom o! lighting a candie each Sunday, stanting with ana candie the first Suln- day and adding ane more each succeeding Sunday. When tha 1candles ara lit the family ga- thens around for the singing o! Christmas canais. From Decembar 20 ta De- cembar 23, Mrs. Schlingensie- Pan stated, the toy dealers set up gay booths for selling Christmas toys. On Chistmas Eva at à p.m. a special service o! worship Is heid in tha churches and the childnen pres- ant nativity plays. The young- stars also axchange presents on that evaning. Christmas actuaiiy lasts two days, sha saîd, with the family celebrating at home on Christ- mas Day and enjoyung the tra-s ditionai Christmas dinner ofe raast goose. The next day is ne-a served for visits ta grandpar- ents and ather relatives. Miss Groeneveld stated that t the feast o! St. 'Nicholas eariye in December also stants off they Christmas season in The Neti- t erlands. St. Nicholas makes the- rounds with bhis helpers wliop are called "Black Paters". He s travels by means of a white horse; Miss Groeneveid saîd, t( and the children Put out hayj Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING HEATING- OIL BIJRNERS 47 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5651 :"Breed Belf er Calle for- Bigger Profits',~ Improved Type and Production means 1more profit for you. Breed Your-Herd'-ýe1£'ialIy to C *% Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association Inc. Sires THE MODERN METHOD 0F HERD IMPROVEMENT *Other advantages of artificial breeding are: Safety, economy, convenience, choice of breed, disease control. Whether you have one cow or a hundred, purebred or grae, it will pay you to breed artificially. * For complete information or service cali our closest representative between 7 and 9 a.m. M&. DICK WOOD, BOWMANVILLE, MArket 3-3405 MR. JAAN TAAVET, CLARKE 46-B-03 MR. KEITII WOOD, ORONO 171-R-10 With nearly 3,500 cattie owners in the q'uinte District using our sires the value of this program bas'been prov5en. Tih. Shâte District Caille Breeding Association, Belleville, Ont 0 tel 0 0008 - s:' ,1 4, *~Tom Turner, Central Public XSchool, Bowmanvilla, will rap- resent public echool man tea- chars in thie area as delagate Lu t the Annual Assembly a! the *Ontario Public Schaol Men Teachers' Fadaration ta be *held in Toronto !nom Decem- ber 27th ta, 29th. 'f During the three day me' 120 delagates fnom evary part *o! Ontario will represant the SFadenation's mambershîp ai 5.500 public echool men teacà- ars in haaning reporte and Smaking decisions on a wida 4vaniaty a! subjacte cancenning, 4education and the teachens' Xwel!ara. Undar raviaw this Yean will ba salary palicy, sparannuation, teacher edu- 4cation and qualifications and educational research, C. Guast o! hohoun and princi- pal speaker at the annual din- ~jner will be the Honourable Doctor W. J. Dunlop, Minister o! Educatîone Other important speakers will ba the Federa- Stion*s ratiring Presîdent F. Clark MacDonald o! Part A:- thur who will delîver the eil policy laddress and George L. Rloberts af Oshawa, Past Pras- 4ident of the Ontario Teachez-3' 4Federation who will make % 'Sama Observations on the SNature a! Educational Contra-1 CANADAN SA'PUMMr.EOWILNVffLI. NTAm PAGU WZVD~ Local Teacher Representative At Federation Inde pendents In vi ted To Join Tobacco Assn. and water for the horse in ai dition te their wooden shoi The "Black Peters"l place c&~ dy Ini the shoes and alsa re& ito the doors of the housi and fling in handsful of- pel pernxint candies. On Decemb 5 St. Nicholas visits the schoo and the childreui present p1a., for him and are rewarded wtt presents and candy. One trad tional present the chlldren ri ceive, she. said, is their initia ot~ full names in cchoeolate.- Poema Are Reaci The evening of December the aduits open theix' presen and each person composes poem which is inéluded ini th present. The person does rn sign his namne ta the poem, an as a result they are atten quit humorous. The practice of lighting can dules on the four Sundays bc fore Christmas is aiso carnie out, the samne as ini German3 Miss Groeneveld stated. 0: Christmas day the father fi each househoid reads th Christmas story from the Bibi. and the family joins in th singing of carols. Chnistma dinner may be rabbit, chickei or duck, with rabbit being thi most popular. December 26 i aiso a holiday anid is calle, "Second Christmas". Mrs. Miller told the Rotar ians that in her native Czeche. slovakia, as in Germany, Dec. ember 6 or St. Nicholas Eve i. an important event. Instead ol placing out shoes for gifts however. the chiidren hang ur their stockings, which are f111- ed with fruit and candy if thý youngsters have been good. Il they have been bad, Satan, who acccnnpanies St. Nicholas. places coal or potatoes in the stockings. A week before Christmas the :oy merchants set up their stalis for selling toys and can- dy and this is a very merry place, she said. The Sunday preceding Christmas is cafled Golden Sunday anid the stor'.s stay open on this day. Huge decorated trees are set up in the town and city squares and groups sing carols around these rees. The decorating of Christ- nas trees is a very oid custo.n in Europe, Mrs. Milier state'J, and in Czechoslovakia the trees in the homes are decorat- d with small candies and parkiers which make a very pretty sight when lit. Fish Barrels On Streets On Christmuas Eve fish bar- rels containing live carp are a -oirnmon sighft on the streets as is.h is the traditional Christ- tas dinner. "These carp us- ally end their lives in the lamily bath tub", Mrs. Miller aid, "since they have to ha ooked within a short time âfter they are killed". Wina and fruit cake are also tradi- onal items on the Christmas nenu. On Christmas Eve traffic is ;topped at 8 o'clock and al amilies attend midnight Mass. ýh streets are very quiet and laceful, Mrs. Miller saiJi, hich is in keeping with the trong religious atmosphere onnected with Christmas Day Rev. Morgan thanked the la- hes for informing the Rotar- ns about Chrisi as customs ttheïr native hiids. He also cad a poeni, -"e Flouse el lnÂ'stLnas-' by G. K. Chester- Potarian L. W. Dippeil colt- raLulated Rev. Morgan on ar- figaing1 such a fine Christnaý 'ogramn and thanked the la- es on behaif of the club for king part in it. Guests at the meeting were: ttarian Bert McGillvray, Osi-' wa; Aifie Shrubb, Bowmnan- lie; Dr. Jack Mair,. Ottawa, nd Doug Heyland. Attendance Chairman Bruno, iller presented perfect at- ndance pins to Rotarians ,ith Jackson, 6 years. Forbes [yland, 3; Bill Coggins, 1; id Bruno Miller 1. Presentation To Ladies President Keith Jackson pre- nted a Rotary sont o rian Mark RoenigktoaHo-i rthday gift and also gavef mons to the three lady guests. vrr- e.r~a~-a.m a. * CHRISTMAS PARTY * On Wednesday, Decembar 21, aur annual Christmas Party was held. It began in the mid- afternoon with a play-off ganie o! voileyball batwaen 1OA and 710C for the junior championship MOA won 21-5. After the game wealal tnoaped up ta the assembiy hall ta sea the ramaincler o! the aftannoon programi. It began with a short mavie caiied "The Singing Bar- bers," which !eatuned old sangs sung as barber shai, quantets used ta sing them. Af ter this we were shown movies of aur field meet which was held at Cobourg this fall. We were then treated toaa stage show with Don Crami, acting as master o! caremonies. Barbara Brown entertained us with a ioveiy dance !ollowad by Bob Dow singing "Sixteen Tons" and "Ha." Barbara Brown ne- ýurned again ta dance. Anothen movia entitlad "Cal Me Sausaga" was shown. It was a comedy dealing with tha mîsadventunes o! a man who was going ta open a delicatessen and bis troublas with his stupid clerk. Now came the highlight o! the a!ternoon. It was an old-time melodrama put on by aur van- arable teachers. To get us in the ight moad o! the play Mn. Witharspoon lad us in hissing the villain and in cheening the hasa Soon wa wane cheaning and biss- ing aven at the wrong moments, The haro was Mr. Sheridan dressad in averaîls and the yull- ain was Mn. Ross, completa with black cape. There was aiea deàr old granny Pankins (Miss Cunn- ingham), a vary taikative naigh- bon (Miss Mlness), sweet iittle Neli (Mrs. Iiuffman), the owner of the imili (Mr. Dippahl) and his dau-hiter <Mrs. Lewis). 0f course the viliain was !ound out SURE I-M tAPPW. AS LONG AS MOMMY GETS ALL MY BABN NEEOS AT d uRY S LOVELLS 1 IIAVENIT A CARE lmi THE WORLD! Corne ini Today Try The Belivue Way o)n a Pay frorn Income Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. H. WILSON. Mgr. 9ý'L Shneoce S. Dial5-11211 OSHA WA and cbased up a tree by Nell's blood hounde. After this exciting perform- ance Doug'Lycett entertained us with cama excellent tai, dancing followad by Santa Claus who Rava out nansensical gif te ta the teachers. Aften supper everyone made thair way dawn ta tha gymnas- ium ta sac the annual volaeyball game between the staff and !i!tb form. The fifth form girls appearad dnessed for the gama in sborty Pyjamas. The staff won the first two gamas by scores o! 15-12 and 15-3. There wvas autstanding play on bath sides by Mr. Rocs and Doug Woodrock. Fi!th form camne back with a vengance and de- featadthe staff by the score o! 15-O. The fourth gama was the rnost exciting o! ali-with the staff squeezing a 16-14 victory arid tberaby winning again for the second consecutive year. I think that In future yeare thera should be a pannant ar a cup given ta the winner. , This wouid arausa aven mare iiitarest in the annual game. The party ended with a well- attended dance which lasted tii] nearly midnight. Everyone went home feeling tined but happy. G oo dyear Men Rece ive Long e .->ervI. e ri A number a! long-service pins wara awanded ta employae o! the Goodyear plant hena during November. Thomas Graham andi . Jack Darch receivad 20-yaar pins and Percy Flintaf!, sidneY Mitchell, Walter Bridgett and Cecil Samis wara pnesentad with 15-yaar pins. Ten-year pins wene presented ta Lloyd Dolan, Charles Piper, John Ireland, Alfred Jakaman and Isaac Crockett. John Baker. William Holnoyd and Ronald Haynas ail raceived 5-year pins. MORRISH Christmas Concert The' annual Christmas Trac and Concert o! aur day school was hald ini the church çn Wed- nesday evaning, Dec. Zlst. A large numbar o! parante and friands wera prasant ta enjoy a veny fine pnagram. The Rav. A. W. Harding was chairman and in hie usual hum- oraus manner kept avervana amused during the many inter- missions with jakes and anec- dotes. A lange Christmas tree gay with colaurad lights, tinsel and other deconations stoad in the north-wast corner o! the chair, at the base wera pilas a! myster- ions and gaiiy wnapped gi!ts. Mrs. E. Wilson, teachan, and Mary Beckett shaned the musi- cal part of the pnogram which apened wîth The Quaan; a sang o! walcome and canais by the junior grades. A number of younger childran dressad as pretty dalle wene put thnough their pacas by Elaina Anderson. Senior grades preented savera] dialogues "Santa's Stocking," "The Martgage Explned at Mid- night" and "The Bnoadcasting Radia Station B.U.N.K. Senior chair aiea sang very swaatly, "The Birthday a! The King," accompanied by Mis. Wilson on piano. The pragnam closed with A Nativity Play in two parts. Mary, Joseph, Shapherds and Wisamen acted their charactans reverently and clealy. the cos- tumas worn reflecting much thought and ingenuity o! those responsible. The ordan and attention o! the children was perfect and was malntained thnaughout the ev- ening. Great cradit le due Mrs. Wilson fan patience and training o! ail perfarmens. 'During tha singing o! the last Canal Santa was an hie wav and; soon made bis presence known by ringing balîs and Ho. Ho. Ho'S. After axtending greetingsi ail round and threatenîng ta lassa the teacher with a nope ha carried, the neal business o! bisf visit cammenced and for a while he was busy handing out the! many gifts. Finallv. wîth a' hearty goadnight and NMerrvî Christmas Santa went on his. way ieaving hic helpers ta dis.; tribute oranges and baga o! candy to avaryone present. After tha confusiÔn o! locat- ing lost articles such as mitts.1 nubbens. etc.. gaodnights wene said. liihts put out and soon al f was quiet alter another haropyl g&et-tagethen of children, parentsï ý 1 1 and neighbouns at the annual Christmas Tree. The grand old lady of Morrish, W. Sowden, kept her 1Olat Christmas this year. She keeps real well and active and atml enjoys a game o! auchre with some of her many friends. We wish her a veny Happy New Year. The regular chunch service was keld at 10 a.m. There was a faixiy good numben present. Chistmas hymne and carols were given by the Junior choir. Rav. A. W. Handing cantinued the sentiment of the Hoiy Day in his sermon and ail present feit newarded for making the extra effort ta ba Presant. At Il arn. the speciai Whita Gift~ Service was held in Sunday Schýo. Instaad of the usual Sunday lesson the gif t service was presented, chiidnen, teacli- ens and superintendant taking part. The amount taken ni, was nearly $13.00 and there are stili sevenal envelopes to be bnought in - very good indaad for aur1 £'unday Schooi. After 29 Years J. Childs Retires From iGoodyear Af ter 29 yaars of cantinuaus Service with the Bowmanville Plant o! the Goodyear Tire & Rubben Compan~y, Joseph F.1I "jcc" Childs o! the beit. de- partment retired on Novembar 30. At naon haur he had lunch with his foreman, Morley Oke, at the Honey Hollow Restaur- ant, Newcastle, with the com- pliments o! the firm. During, the aftennoon, he said fareweîl ta hie xnany !niends in the plant. Mr. Chiids came to Canada from England and first started with Goodyear in 1912. Be- twean that time and 1926 ha was in and out of the plant three times. On ana o! hie per- * e e 6 Tins 51c 23< WELCH'S GRAPIE JUICE .32-oz. bottie 39c STOKELY'S FANCY HONEY POD 15-oz. PARAMOUNT FANCY PIN SALMON 1-lb. tins 47c PARAMOUNT FANCY COLHOE SALMON %-1b. tin WALKER'S SALTINES SODAS 1-lb. pkg. 23c WHITE SWAN WRITE SERVIETTES '70's 1 7c ]RED &,WVHITE INSTANT COFFEE 2-oz. jàr 57c ]RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS 7 Flavors 3 For 25c Hi.P. SAUCE Bottle 27c 2 For 45c 39< I L INGERSOLL CHEESE SLICES 10 Slice. 25<c SAVE 6a KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 8-oz. Jar 35c Frozen Foods BIRDSEYE FROZEN LEMONABE 6-oz. tin - 2 for 45o BIRDSEYE FROZEN CAULIFLOWER 12-oc. pkg. - 29e SUN PEF FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6-oc. 6 FOR 1.00 ALLSWEET MARGARINE 1-lb. pkg. 34< SWIFTNING SHORTENING 1-1b. pkg. 35c OXYDOL Glant Pkg. 77c GatPkg. 77c BLE- Glant Pkg. 77c LIBBY'S RIPE OLIVES 16-oc. 37 PREN Luncheon Meat - 12-oc. tin 39c PARD DOG FOOD 15-oc. tin 2 For 25c SIVIFT'S BABY MEATS DYSON'S BABY DILL PICKLES 16 oz. 27c FANCT MIIED NUTS 1-lb. pkg.' 49C GOLDEN HOUX' ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 1lb. box MAYFORT STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES 16-oz. STOKELY'S FANCY TONATO JUICE 48-«o. , 29C EARLY RISER 1-lb. 89C MORNING GLORY 1-lb. LIBB'Y'S FANCY (2-pie tin) Fresh Produce Juicy - Red - Emperor GRAPES Iforl5c Zestful - Florida - 96 size GRAPEFRUIT 10-49C TOMMTES 2 for 3 5 c U.S. - Crisp - Green SHALLOTS 2bu. 1 5c i q I i F I Large-U.S. There's a Red & White Store near you BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE MapIe Grove Groceteria -ORONO Cornish Darbeque Loaf Lb. 65< Marketeria i Fresh Meats TURKNS - AVAILABLE ~U W VPIKAT C1IKEa'&aI- LIOWEST INCS MARKET UU4(LIA m -PRICES Swift's Pramium - Boneless - Either end H3ANm Lb.69C Swift's Premium - Fully Cooked PJCNICS Lb. 43c Swift's Prerniurn - Cryovac Pak - % pcs. Collage BRaiLb. 39C Party Suggestions Swift's Premium -Sliced S A LA NI Lb.5%9C Swif t's Prenium - Braunscheweiger 10 oz. - each CHUIS33 Swift's - Sliced In pursuance o! the decision given notice that unless ail or of the Board of Dinectors, On. a substantial majority o! the *tanlo Flue-CuradNTobacco Mar- free lance growens acceptad keting Association, ta, Invite the invitation ta, join the Asso- *freelance or undependent grow- ciation, the plan af acreage con- ers into Association' member- trol, which is the whole basis ship, Secretary Jamfs Leathoti o! the.Association, would have maiied out formai invitations to be ended. ilast week te soma 522 flue-cur- Large Prôduction' ,ed tobacco growens in this ca- Inendn-go ra p- Teg feelncnroes.r duced same 13 million paunds Tha reelanc gnwersareo! flue-cured' tabacco during scattered throughout the ta-th195ssoahug i bacco belteo! Southenn On- ta195sasatog ti tario !rom West Lorne in the charged'that a large volume af west to Port Hlope in the east this tobacco was produced by and Alliston in the nanth. Association membens opanating The invitees had until Wed- sndbenfuen tractage natie nesday, December 21st, ta send asubtfuge. tict enal tis in their applications for mam- paact a cnib nanced o! this bership, aithough due ta candi-patcwllbenrcdfth tion o! the mails at this seasen, Association cannies an. Secretary Leathong jedicated The invitation ta free lance that a ieaway o! a few days growers stipulates that mem- would be gnanted. benship is being offered on the Upon the return from thiE basis a! six acres of basic acre- mailing may well depend the age for each standard kiln an future o! the Marketing Asso- thein farms as of October lst, ciation, as the dîrectors have 1955. «(> PB. ŽS,& cec/i0 / ByAllan Porter lng with the Canadian, Arni ini World Wai I. From 192Q onx., he was steadily employd itht the Goodyear flrm. ' His fellow employees lu thý" beit departmnent presexted hiMI with a bridge table and foue, chairs, a qu lted jacket and ai wailet containing a sumn of' money. Stafford Bras. Monumental Worka. Phone Whitby Mohawk 8-3553 318 Duadas St. E., Whitb7.. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workrnanshlp and.- .careful attention to detal are vour assurance when, vou choose from the wide' selection o! imported and domestic Granites and Marbles ini stock.' iods o! absence ha was senv- ,1 6 Tins 51C k ýN 1 T .1 î Cornish » 2,3c Dur% dm 2-29c 1 Marketeria

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