IV y PAGE MIET WA'.ZNtWJ.iL1 L.T LLEYIJIN. BUWMA.NV!LL, OTAHIO ?UWDY DC 2t, BARRETT-Born in Memorial HRooital, Bowmanville, on Mon- day, December 26, 1955, to Mr. and. Mn. Carman G. Barrett, a son, Dale Leighton. 52-1 PIGEON-Mr. and Mrs. Armand Pigeon are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Anita Marie, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Decem- ber 21st, 1955. 52-1* PRITCHARD-Mr. and Mrs. John Otis Pritchard, Manotick, announce the birth of their third son at Grace Hospital, Ottawa, on December 26, 1955. 52-1 TOPPING-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Topping announce the arrivai. of their son Edward (Ted) Steven in Mernorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Friday, December 23, J955. A brother for James, John and Glenn. Both doing well. 52-1 DEATHS MUTTON-At Gravenhurst San- itarium, on Monday, December 26th, 1955, Lorine Brant Mutton. aged 40 yeams, beloved wife of Lea Mutton and dear mother o! Clare and Paul. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Cha- pel, Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, December 28th at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tory. 52-1 MUTTON-At the esîdence, 22 .Albert Street, Bowmanville. on Monday, December 26th. 1955, Garnet G. W. Mutton, beloved infant son of George and Dorothy Mutton, aged two years and nine months. Service was hield at the Morris Funeral Cha- pel, Bowrnanville. on Wednes-' day, December 28tb at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 52-11 OSBORNE, Edgar L.-Suddenly, at Toronto, Wednesday, Dec. 21.1 1955, Edgar L., beloved busband nf the late Annie E. Pethick, in his 79th year, dear father of Mrs. Greta Burd and the late Harold Osborne, and brother of Mrs. Isa Crago, Mrs. Bertha Hamilton and Mr. R. L. Osborne. Rested nt the Northcutt & Smith Fun- eral Home, 53 Division St.. Bow- mnanville. Service was held on Saturday. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 52-1 IN ME~MORIAM I -- - w- MALL chain-saw, nearly new, 18" cut. Phone MA 3-2614. 52-1 CLARE-JEWELL cornbination range. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-2341. 52-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, deiivered ini Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf AMARYLLIS bulbs, large hy- brids for most beautîful plants. Stewart's Seeds. 51-tf VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and install. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf ONE electric heater and one oil burner. MA 3-3951 or apply Central Billiards, 23 Temperance St.. Bowmanville. 52-1 KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf SAVE on lumber, direct fro mill to you. Phi]lips Lumber' Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phonol 17r11. 13-tf HARDWOOD slabs, $45 per load, approximately three cords, saw- ed and delivered. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock. 47-tf TWO 6.00x16 tires and tubes, AI condition, run approximately 4,000 miles, $25.00. Art Fleiler's Supetest Garage, 195 King E. Phono MA 3-5679. 52-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and complote stock af batteries and cords at Hîggon Electmîc Limited, 38 Kir.g St. E., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. 20-tf A QUANTITY of table carrots, good quality, 75e a bushel: 6-qt. basket 30c; also a quantity af Spanish onions, $3.00 a bushel, 6-qt. basket 50c, eal good quai- itv. Phono MA 3-5987. 52-1 DECORATING *For the Latest Papena *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. Preston & Son Phones MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 44-t! For Canada's Finest 13RADBURN-In liVng mmoyAluminum Windows a dear husband and father. ,James Wesley Bradburn whoan or passed away Jan. Ist, 1954, at Triple Track - Self-storing Blackstock. Also SHIELDALL Fondly loved and doeply ALUMINUM AWNINGS mourned, Warwick & Wright Oleno drinmyt.r il PHONE MA 3-2677 Ofte rn dalin, mvteas wllEasy Terms flow: reEtmts oOlgto Dimming ý0ôur picture where'er Fre49imts-oObiato 1 go: 4914 *Tssad but true, I will abide Until some day we'Il be side Cars For Sale by side. -Lovingly remembered by hi& AL E wife and family. 52-1* P L E 1fcROBERTS-In loving memorv MOTOR SALES of our father, Joseph McRoberts, who passed away Jan. 1, 1948. ~CR andourmother, Annie Mc- USEDL AR Roberts who passed away Jan. 4, 1952. 1954 CHRYSLER SEDAN When skies are dark and friends 1951 OLDS. *188", SEDAN are few 1951 DODGE SEDAN Dear fathor and mother we 5jLMUT SEA think of you.191PYOT SEA Friends are friends if they are 1949 DODGE SEDAN truc 1949 FORD SEDAN We lost aur best friends when w-Eer lost yoti.UED T CK --vrremembered by Mabel SD T UK and Roy Mayniard. 52-1 195 CHEV. Sedan-Delivery STARK-In loving memory of a 1950 DODGE PANEL, 1,2-ton lear husband and father, Jamnes Stark, who passed away Dec. 30, PALMER1 Looking back with mcmnories MOTl SA E Upon the path you trod J.UJ. SA ESL We bless the years we had with Plymouth - Chrysier Carst yOtt 1Fargo Trucks And leave the rest wîith God. 20 King St. E. Bowmnanville -Alw.ays remembered by wie Phone MA 3-5487 and family. 5-1~ 52-11 TREWIN-In loving memorv ot ordear daughter and sister. Livestock For Sale n Anne Evelyn, who passed away HRFR ul eitmd n Jan. 1. 1942. HRFR ul eitrd n There is a link death cannot 1 ear old. Clarence Burley. Tele- Loesever,, phone Clarke 1613. 52-1* Loand remembrance last FrRn foever. FrRn -Ever reniembered bv mother, father, sisters and brothers. MODERN 5-roomed bungalow.a .52-1 ail conveniences, one acre, near Wcmted To Buy OXFORD or Leicester ramý. Apply C. Payne, R.R. 3. New- castle. Phone Clarke 2811. 52-1* HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, rawv furs. deer skins, goose feathers. feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metals. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa. col- lect. 46-tf ALkinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paîd at your door for large or smnall quantities. We have aur own miarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Telephone collect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Logs and Timberland MARDWOOD PREFERRED H. M. KYTE Blacksiock 47tf Personal HYGIENIC supplies - rubb e- gco*d) maü1ed potpaid in plain aeued envelope wîth prioe list. uix samples 25c, 24 sainples1 $1.00. Mai] Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co. Box 91, H.am- altoes. ont. 1-U -LI uuiub.r /L IJIJ. INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf 1DO your own floors -rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf PRIIqTS of photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-iJ TYPEWRITERS. adding ma- chines, new and used, for sale or rent; also Cole steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- 2403 or Newcastle 2114. 48-tf WHERE ELSE can you get a one-year full coverage guarantee with your television, at NO EXTRA CHARGE - except at TELEVISION SERVICE CO., 33 King St. W., Bowmanville? 48-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complote range of samples and suggestions witbout obliga- tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf T IL E Ceramic - Glazed- Quarry Walls - Ail Kinds- Floors H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 44-tf SHOES-The fallowing brand- name shoes are now in stock: children's Savage shoes, Brouw- er Research shoes, Sisman work boots, Sisman Scampers. Scott- McHale shoes, Dack shoes, Grebb arch support work boots, Foam Tread slippers, ladies' Gracia shoes, Logrollers, Dr. Scholl's foot remedies and shoe supports, plus many other lines: Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly- wood Sani-white and Properts shoe polishes, modemn shoe re- pair service in the rear of store. Lloyd Ellîs Shoes, 49 King St. W., Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3- 5941. 26-tf ICE CREAM (Ideai Dairy, Oshawa) BRICKS at 30e "M'ARTS at 55o HALF GALS., $1.00 GALLONS, $1.75 2!'i GALLONS $3.75 Hoskin's Carload Store Blacksiock 1956 International Harvester REFRIGERATOR on display ai HOSKIN'S STORE Blacksiock Wanted DEAD STOCK nemnoved fnomn vour farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Co- bourg FRanklin 2-3643 or Toron- ta EM 3-3636. Gardon Young Limited. 42-tf Found BLACK and tan botînd, young maie. Phono MA- 3-5487. 52-i1 RED tail-gate on Liberty North. Phone MA 3-3200 after à. 52-1r NOTICES The Lîbrany vil1 be closed on Saturday evening. December 31, and ail day Monday, January 2. UshaIa. A 3-9.14 52- J59- Notice ta rabbit hunters. $1.00 T-HREE-roomed bcated apart- will be paid for each rabbit. ment, private entrance and Please be careful when hunting toilet. central. Phone MA 3-5813. on nursery property. Braokdale 52-1 Kingsway Nurseries. 48-tf HEATED 3-roomed apartment We are now mai.ufacturing and bath: hot water, hardwood cernent blocks, bath interlocking floors, cupboards; adults. Phono and standard, and would ho MA 3-3446. - 52-1* pleased ta serve ',ou with a good FOUR-room beated apartment, product at a reasanable price. newly decorated, located close Tripp Construction. Phono 392W, ta shopping district and post Part Perrv. 40-tf office. Applv M. Irwin or tele- The Annual Meeting of the phone after 6 p.m., Clarke 3123. Memorial ?Nospital Board will bc 51-tf beld in the Council Chambers on Help Wanted evening the 12th of 8:00 o'clock for the purpase of WANTED at once-Rawleigh hearing reports and electing six dealer in Bowmanville. Write directors. Rawvleigh's, Dept. L-140-R, Mont- R. J. Dilling, Sec'y-Treas. real, P.Q. 52-1 51-3 WANT to make $50 to $75 week- p ly? Start your own business T eC-prfr Iwith aur daily necessities. IWherever you may live there is Isrnc soito an apening far You. Sales plan nuac soiin and free catalogue on request. Familex. Dept. D., Station C,* Wish You a Happy Montreal. 52-1 y 14 ~APPLICATIONS %v'ill b r eiv- Prosperous 1956 1 ed up ta 5:00 P.m. January 5th, 1956 for members of the Bow- manville Fire Brigade. Appli- Saie LYooring cants must be residents of the Dsrc g. LclRpect Town of Bowmanville and be Dsrc g.LclRpeet employed and live within a roas- Sam Black Howard R. Foley onable distance fromte ieB ma'îe Hall A.J. le, Clerk. the i .- B-- 62-1l £iipairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery: Lorne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf ANY make television or radio. Professional, prompt, courteousi service. Television Service Co', 3' King St. West. MA 3-3883. 46-4f REPAIRS to ail makes o! erators, domestie and con cial; milking coalers. H Electric Limited, 42 King Phono MA 3-5438. WATCH REPAIRi MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King St. W., Phone MA:3 BOWMANVELLE TAYLOR Repair Shop RADIATORS and ET REPAIRED and CEN RECORING General Soldering Repa Queen St. W. Bowmar Phone MA 3-3459 Wcrk Wanted DAY work for winter. P MA 3-2581. Jim. Coombeý PLUMBING, heating, e, troughing, free estimates. Ha Partner, Tyrone. SKATES sharpened. See« iesan's Tire Shop, corner1 and Silver Streets. YONG waman seekso work, typing, bookkeepiniz, eral office work. Capabl assuming responsibility.V Box 457, c/a Canadian St; man, Bowmanville. à A. E. COL] PLUMBING AND HEAT! Authorized Mo1r-Sun and Lennox Dea 2C Ontario St. Bowmar, Phone Night or Day MA 3- CONCRETE AND MASOI REPAIR OR STRUCTURA Estimates Free L, TURNER Phone MA 3-3231 P.0. Box Evenings Phone MA 3-31 SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAI Fast, Prompt Servi Skates Sharpened 5 TEMPERANCE ST. (in re Local and Long Distanct MOVING Licensed anil Fully Insure - Also - GENERAL TRUCKING P.C.V. Class "C", "F" and Contact Presfon Transpor Phone MA 3-2493 Bowmanv b 4 BULLD OZING EXCAVATING TRENHING- LGADINE IJRGLNE- CLAM O Trucks and Loader for Grave] and Fui Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT FERRY 3 I I I C, 4 Cf f p f r The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR RENT " HELP WA1<TED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate - " 3c per word with a minimum of 50C Must he paid by date of insertion. if charged. an odditional 25c wiii be added. A char?,: of 25c wiii he mode for ail replis directed ta this office. NOTICES - COMIflG EVENTS AND CARDS Or THANIS 3c a word wih a minimum ai $100 for 33 words ar less. BMRTHS - ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES - DEATHS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS 3.00 Pius .lOC a lins for verse COMMXRCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Includes 0a1 advertising for persans or fiins sellinq services. ideas or goods of any description -3c Per word: minimum charge 75e cash with order. Ta reqular advertisers - payable monthly. Displary Ciassified at $1.50 pet inch with a minimum of one inch. Additional insertions at the same rates. Ail Cassified Ads must be in this office nat later thon 12 o'clock noon. Wednesday. Send cash. stamps or maney arder and cave money. ClEP this out for handy reference OFFICE HOURS Mondazy through Friday 8:30 ar.m. ta 5 p.m. Sat urday 8.30 c.m. ta 12 noon Dial M3-~33303 for Classitied Ad. Service refrig- mrer- Iiggon St. E., 25-tf .ING 3-5463; 'ERS 'ED Pairs mlille 32-tf Phone Ms. 52-1 aves- ýarvev 38-tf office gen- [e of Write tates- 51.2* nleai nsate for Sale BUILDING lots, in good residen- tial district. Contact G. McCoy, 59 Concession St., or Phono M A 3-2307. 48-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. *. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal. Newcastle 32-tf IHappy New Year from Charlie Rankine and Alvin Boyd To Ail - Health, Happiness and Prosperity throughout the coming year. 52-1 LEASK REAL ESTATE 6-roomed bouse on 1U¼ acre land, heavy wiring, trout stream on property, low taxes, near pavement. Full price $4,300.00. 150 acre farm, 6 miles from Peterborough; 8-roomed solid brick bouse in AI condition; barn wvill tie up 52 head of cattle, water bowls, pig pen and hen house for 150 pigs, 600 hens, steel roof on buildings; 60 acres Permanent pasture. creek on property. Owner forced to sîll due to ili health. This is an excellent buy. We have farms, bouses, bun-l galows, etc. Consuit us before buying. -M. E. Leask 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvillei Phone MA 3-5919 De With Real Esiale Real Estate For Sale Wishing ail our Customers and Friends Happy and Prosperous New Year J. VAN NEST Real Estate Broker 118 King East Bowmanville Cards of Thanks I wish to take this opPortunit) of thanking ail who in any wa) helped make Christmas brightei for the patients at Strathaven. E. Alice Hodgert. 52-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hayne. wish to extend their manN thanks to friends and relativeý for the lovely party, flowers gifts and cards given them. or their. 25th wedding anniversary, 52-1 I wish to thank Dr. K. W. Slemon, Dr. Austin, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, for care and kindness, also my neigh- bors and friends for enquiries and the lovely baskets of fruit and gifts from my co-workers during my recent accident. Harry Farrow. 52-1A I wish to thank all my Tele. gram customers for their kind. ness in remembering me this Christmas, also a special thanks ta Ben Dickenson who has been a willing and dependable helper. Thanks again and a Happy New~ Year toalal. Your Telegram carrier, Robert Hagerman. 1 52-1 Mrs. Harold Dunn and family wish to thank their many friends - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Los 15tarefam nsavdmod es, loem, n mssgerome* s~ wrUJte clrysantnemums. To me- 150acr fam o Daed oadnes, fowes, nd essgesofmother was Mrs. Stella Cross- ceive the guests the bride's with 110 acres o! workable, dlay- sympatby during their recent ey v earing a dress o! navy grandmother, Mrs. Rosinà Bar. E loamn land, 10 acres wood, large sad bereavement of a loving bus- eye 'ING creek, 95'x36' bank barn with L- band and fath&.*' Especially bu silk, with multi-coloured dlay o! Bowrnanville, wore a scatter dots. Hem accessories navy crepe dress with azure blue shaped extension and running thanking Mr. Nortbicutt, Pastor were black and ber corsage o! accents, a matcbing velvet bat !aer water, 2 hien bouses, implement Halse, Guide Mothers' Auxiliary, rase coloured carnations. and a corsage o! pink rases. The shed, pig pens, garage; 10-room- L e g i a n Auxiliamy, Salvation Tecul ilrsd nbiero' ohr h sit livile ed solid brick bouse with hydro, Army, also Ontario Street School B~mnil.ecoeadesa oi~ g -3473 full basement and running pupils and staff. 52-4* _______________ bechse ba def bneer 16-tf water. Close ta school, etc. trimmed bat o! winter white foît. .- Price $15,000. Terms armanged. COMING EVENTS BURGESS - BARCLAY and corsage o! yellow roses, 9RY 77 acre orchard and chichen A three-tier wedding ca in AL farmn on Highway No. 2 witb 30 Avoid conflicting dates by Gaily ligbted Cbristmas trees a settîng of pink tulle fI d acres orchard, mQstly Spys and registering your event with the decorated T r i n i t y' United with pink and white carn Z', Mclntosb, average 25 years aid; Chamber o! Commerce. Phono Churcb, Bowmanville, for a r etee hecndeihtdbiia creek, bank barn, with running MA 3-5031. 51-8 wedding at 7:30 p.m. Friday table. Mrs. Earl Osbamne's water; 8-roomed frame bouse evening, Dec. 23, when Barbara Group o! the Woman's Associa- x 177 with ail furnace, 4-piece bath, New Year's. Eve dance, Black- Joyce Barclay, daugbter a! Mr.tinoTintCurhsvd 38 kitchen cupboards, etc. Asking stck Recreational Centre, spn- Alex Barclay o! Oshawa an-d the guesrnts. hrc er 51-_tf pceicluded with ahl equip- sored by O.N.O. Club. Doug the late MVrs. Barclay was un- For the boneymnoon trip J ment, etc., etc., $25,000. $8,000 Dasti's Orchestra. Dancing from ited in marriage with Ronald points west, the briedne down. Any offer considered. 9 ta 12, Saturday, December M. Albert Frederick Burgess, son navy blue top coatov re 15 acres level land with 6- Lunch, bats, horns. $1.50 per o! Mm. and Mrs. Howard Bur- weddîng ensemble, with wbich roomed bungalow, situated 12 persan. 50-3 gess of Bowmanville. Rev. T. she ware a cherry velvet bat miles from Oshawa. Has ail Arthur Morgan performed the studded with rhinestones, and a I R furnace, running h~ot and cold Reception double ring ceremony against corsage o! red roses. On their wiebar, ahrood floorsheav Gorge .1W- a background o! white chrys- return the couple will reside in rC bors adodforhay M.adMsGeeEWi- anthemums illuminated with Bowmanville. duty wired, full basementso lbat home ta their two seven branch candlelabra. Honoring her marriage, Mrs. garage, hon bouse, barn, drive-in friends and neighbours at Mr. Mr. Arthur Collison Mus. Bac., Ronald Albert Frederick Bur- shed. Asking price $10,000. and Mrs. Jack Wilson's, Yelver- L.R.S.M., presided at the organ gess, the former Barbara Joyce -ar) Ternis arranged. ton, Sunday, Jan. lst, fromn 2 and accompanied Miss Normna Barclay, was presented with a 12-tf 150 acre dairy farm, near Port until 4 and 7 ta 9 p.rn. on the Bowen o! Oshawa wbo sang rack o! stainless steel kitchen - Hope with 115 acres warkable occasion o! their 5th Wedding "The Wedding Prayer", and "O utensils from ber ca-workers of S land, 5 acres wood, spring pond, Annîversary. Kindly accept a Perfect Love." the Engineering Departmcnt of 51'x36' and 30'x31' L-shaped cordial invitation ta caîl. 51-2 Given in marriage by hem General Motors o! Canada, bank barn with steel stanchions, father the bride wore a street Osbawa. ed implement shed, hon bouse, milk bouse with electric cooler, silo; T1~ 7-roomed solid brick bouse witb ENNISKJLLN Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beecb, for their Christrnqs meeting at "H", 3-piece bath, running hot and Janice and Bannie and Mrs. E. a supper party. cold water, beavy wired, etc. Sunday evening after the Ashton spent Sunday with the Hene's hoping the Editor and Close ta scbool. Price $15,000. christening o! Sandra Werrv, latter's daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Staff enjoyed a Menry Christmas i Terms aranged. relatives and friends gathered Ira Traveli, Osbawa, and Mon- and wishing themn a very Happy ville' 105 acre farm, 85 acres work- at the home o! Mm. and Mrs. day attended the family Christ- and Prosperous New Year ini 7-tf1 able, 10 acres wood, creek. barn, Allan Werry, ber parents. Those mas gatbering in Enniskillen 1956. implement shed, bon bouse, present included Sandra's four Hall. garage; 9-roomed solid brick great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. The Sigma-C (farmerly Trail bouse in excellent condition, Arthur Stainton, Peterborough, Rangers) group o! boys wauld with furnace, bydro throughout, and Mr. and Mrs. James A. stili appreciate your papens, but W ha! Gi rsSa water in kitchen. Price $9,000. Werry. Enniskillen; also grand- find it impossible ta colleet them. h r a G 5-raomed (3 bedrooms) new, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Please tie them and beave tbem LOCAL SHOWS HAVE VALUS Q ranch style, brick veneen bun- Kedron, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. at the north end o! churcb shed. RH galow in Bowmanville with full Werry, Enniskillen. Other guests (The Grower, published by basement, ail funnace, 4-piece included Rev. B. Green and Mrs. Ontario Fruit and Vegetable bathroom, hardwood and tile Green, Judy. Daphne, Glenna 7flNGnowers' Association) floors, running bot and cald o! Enniskillen; Mrs. Douglas! MON. Huron County apple grower#S waten, large living-room with Cale, Lillilan, Helen, Allan and came up recently with a local nice firepiace and picture win- Jeannie, Bowmanville: Mn. Brian The Christmas concert spa- apple show which attracted con- dow, etc. Price $12,000. Terms. Lee, Kedron: Clark, Grant, Bort sored by the C.G.I.T. was a siderable interest on the part of 2W 5-roomed frame clapboard and Betty Jane Werry, Enni- good success and was well at- producers and consumers alike. 32tf bungalow in Bowmanville with skillen. tended, the church being pret- There should be mare o! these 3 bedroorns, large kitchen with ty well filled. Old Santa came local displays and competitions. cupboards, running bot and cold and gave all tbe eblîdren a bag Sure. they take time and effort water, 4-piece bathroom, full M PE G O E o! candies and distributed the and some money. But, they pay 2basement, furnace, obntn M PL GR V presents placed around the tree. off. Tbey encourage bigber doors, stonms and screens, heavyTh hlrna colhdasnadsnteprtfte wired, garage. Price $7,500ô. Sacrament and special Ne Tc hrcideas a t hlaastandawrs nthe part o!stle Term. Yer's ervce o Sunay. day o! scbool. Each room bhad promotion value which doos sell e 5-roomed frame botîse in Bow- Our pastar had a special!a Cbristmas tnee. apples. Unfortunately, there is manville with 3-piece bath, Cbristmnas message for us on The Christmas Cantata on not enough o! tbis kind of effort 4' kitchen cupboards, running bot Sunday and the choir rendered yevnnwaatnddb at local level. That support is ,# and cold water. venetian blinds. special music; also a baptismal Sundea lrecodad le-ta be found is exemplified b.v éj arage. Pnice $4,500. Terrns service. Children baptized were italrgcow anaIo- the mannen in whicb Mn. Geo. aragd Ronald Charles, son o! Mr. and joyed it veny much. W. James, Editar o! The Canad- 6-noomed frame bouse at New- Mrs. R. C. Howeîî, Judy Arlene, Mn. and Mrs. Robent Hoy, Sm., ian Statesman, Bowmanville, Scastle with 2½,ý acres o! land. daugbter o! Mn. and Mrs. Bruce. at Harry Fisber's for Christmas. donated a haîf-page advertise- wateî oice baýthroomn, runningî Battams. Mr. and Mrs. George Stephen, ment of apples in orden ta make Haser furnace, septic tank, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Munday, Uxbridge; Mrs. A. E. Gallagher, the people in the Bowmanville beavy wired. storms and screens, Vancouver, B.C spent Cbristmas Mn. and Mns. H. F. Stephen, area apple consciaus. That Mn. nievrna.Garage, chicken with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.. issHlnadÇaaeSeb Wilfrid Carruthers, Bowman- hos c eJk. Asking rc olyBrgs.Atu sa' on, Messrs. Jim Hafnbly and Ted ville, carried off the Sweep- S$8,500. Terms aranged.g eMoleatetartess.vAgeuisti on Collis, Oshawa: Mn. and Mrs. stakes at the Royal Winter Faim, e~9-naamed salid brick bouse ference at London. Jean is stay Td teinBrcead iae was a formidable assist and Mr. 4with 3 a cnes land in village. Has, ing with ber parents.- Petenborough; Mn. and Mrs. James was quick ta capitalize on h$ ydmo, f ireplace, 3-piece bath- MnCra rdma sacHanny Poloz and Stephen, Mid-i.Apesls r hn o Ir om garage Pn i l n , at .bCart it ns.find tem and often tey are garge dawn5,00 $1,000 representative from Durhamn to1 Mrs. Clark Moore, Mr. and found right at ane's back dooý-. .0tb eld te BosParkamentoîn,'M Jim Moore, Jerry and Just ta grow the fruit iunoti Z< Besides above mentioned eld tQensPrTrno Kathie. Mn. and Mrs. Bud Mooare,1 enougb. Competition for the. e. are able ta show approxiaty this week. Mn.anaMr. lbnt ro>,Mn. John Moore, Miss Yvonne food dollar is keener than ever.' ,100 more fanms and homes fr Bl n ety*aitoset Jeffmev, Mn. and Mrs. Ivar Local markets are o!ten aow- sale in the Oshawa, Bowman Bil nBety Hmito, pet Oshawa; Mr. Gil Thon-1 ed ta go by default just because 4ville, Cobourg. Trenton n and M rs C. iH.bernoadentsBlMr.hurn Beaverton, at Keith Stain- the urge ta exploit those markets and Petenborough districts. ton's i is lacking. A sonies of local andact eM.adMr.Ccl Lloyd, shows w Hl do a lot of good. JonF eWl part o! ber Christmas holiday Mm. and Mrs. Jack Cameron example. Realtor with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. and family. Oshawa; Mn. and! Newcastle Phone 3341 Otis Pritchard and boys. Mano- iMns. F red Ward and Ross, Town For the year ending March Salesmen: ~i tck, and saw ber new nephew ý Line, at W es Ca rer n's. 1, 1956 , it s e t m t d t a 4 D nal M o ntj y. own anv lle w h o arrived D ec. 26th. i M . and M s. Tom Cur ie, M iss C C e p n i u e il b 4 » Doald M A 3-3950 .anill Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, M.1 Marie Killen, M. Wilford k epniuswl b$4 and Mrs. Bill Cox, Shaw's; Miss' Fnanks, Hamilton, atRobcrt tmeiion reveue !mom raia and 4 Paul Diamond, Port Ferry Alene Cox. London, Eng.. wbo'Killen's. tlvso dctsn ilh 4Phone 246 R flew home for Christmas, spent' Miss Grace Stainton, Oshawa:: million. 5-9-1 Monday with Mn. and Mrs. Mor- Mn. Rov Thomas, Scarboro, at 1in 1954 discases of the2bheart 44______________________loy Burgess. 'Russell Stainton's. accountcd for one-third a! al CMiss Ethel Axford, tawn, spent jMn. and Mns. Russell Stainton deaths in Canada, cancer ac- 1 Room and Board Christmas holidays witb ber at Russell Perkin's on Monday. couded s. frm er cntofi 1 ICE bnignt rMo.anddboard denH. Sn aw - 1 M r. and M rs. Jim Stainton an e t s eo NICE brigit roorn andboard: den. David at Leonard Shaw's, Osha- adinfres omly available for middle-aged or; A numben of Christmas gatb- wa. harvest about two-thairds wi elderly persan, kindness shown. 1 erings were held on Sunday with Mrs. R. C. Stainton entertain- much oats as wheat, one-haïf *Phone MA 3-5813. 52-11 others on Monday, I d hem knitting club at ber home as much barley as wheat. i -1 HOCHLEITNER - BURGESS length dress of gardenia white velveteen. A tieart shaped St. John's Anglican Church, neckline with a stand up col. - Bowmanville, was the scene of lar highlighted the short sleev- ;a vemy pretty wedding on ed bodice, camplementod with ChitaYve hn Rt mittens, and the graceful skirt SMargaret Burgess, daughter Of billowed over a %inoline. Shie Mm. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas wame a matching pill box bat Burgess, Oshawa, became the with shoulder length veil of Sbride of Frank (Franz) Xavier tulle illusion. Her jewellery Hochleitner, son of Mr. and was a single strand o! cultured ýs Mrs. Theodor Hochleitner, Bad paltegf ftebie V IshlAusria Re. A C er-groom, and she carried a white ýs bert officiated at the double Bible crésted withi red pinoc.. sring ceremony. chia roses and white heather n Given in marmiage by hiem from Scatland; red rose buds father, the bride wore a waltz were also caught in the whi.e length gawn with a slim bo- ribbon streamers. diceofo silk lace over taffeta, r.ith matching net balero. The Miss Doris Patterson of Osh- bouffant skirt was of nylon net wwa ad fhno.er r aver taffeta. Her bat was of îng a street length dmess of bol. - white feathers adorned with ly ed velveteen designed wità s rhinestones, and she carmîed a a hip length bodice naving art t corsage o! red carnations on a aval neckline, bracelet length- swh#,e Prayer Book. She wore a sleeves and a crinoline skirt. gold cross about ber neck. She wore a juliet cap of white Mrs. Douglas Brown was fiawems, short white gloves, *matron of honour for bier sis- and carried a cascade of white ter, gowned in a turquoise, nhat teusad ikcr -coat styled dress, o! bengaline, naions. Hem iewellery was a -with wing callar and dolman single stmand of peamîs. s sleeves. Cord design featured Mr. William Laskaris of sthe full skimt. She wore a cor- Bowmanville performed the du- «sage of pink carnations and ties of best man. The ushiers pink accessomies. weme Mr. George Yule of Osh- Mm. Douglas Brown, Oshawa, awa, cousin of the bride, and perfommed the duties o! best Mm. Murray Marchant of Bow- man. manville. To eceive tbe bride's moth- The reception was held in the er wore a dress of wine crepe Sunday School moom of Tinity with white accessories and a United Churcb, which was dec- corsage of rose coloumed camaq- orated with arrangements of I-v .um .L.L L..LJI ZLiLTtRF1 Ir TI bT1fIHt R ~ i.~.IT~- 11 Mla 1 IIQ i zinicies ror baie i Artimpq Fe-%y qrtiàcà , MÉww%~;ýý 1 1D--l ln-JL-Z- £-- et - i \Nýlý .- - yâ - lf"P eýN -l R reAlcrAntale ls#%I»moa -, db» qvm a lue JfWE