. PAGE TWELVE ~~~T. L 'ANAIJAN STATESMAN, BOWMA V LLE, ONTARIOTH S AY JA .ii BIRTHS ALLEN-Mr. end Mrs. Wff 'Allen are happy te announce thi arrival cf their son. Terr ]Bruce, at Memorial Hospita' Bowrnanville, Saturdav, Dec. 31 A brother for Ricky, Randy ani Xathy. 2- JONES-McGregor and Mar guerite cf Burlington wish t( aPinounce the arrival cf Alan'ý bab 'y sister. Debra Ann, at Mt Hamilton Hospital, Jan. 4, 1956 2-1I DEATHS 13EGLEY-At Memorial H-os- pital, Bowmanville on Sunda '-v Jan. 8, 1956. Velma Bene, agec 45 years, belovetl wife cf E. W. (Bâl) Begiev and dear motber of Arleen, 'Bruce and Carole. Service xvas heid at the Morris Flineral Chapel, Bowmanville or Wednesdax-, Januarv il. at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 2-1 ~ RONG, Ethel Lena-Sudden- lat her late residence, Hope Township (Oak Hill). Sunday, January 8th, 1956, Ethel Lena F'owler, beloved wife cf John Strong. Service was held in the George Funeral Chapel. Walton Street Port Hope, Tuesday, Jan. lth At 2 p.m. Interment Wel- c orne Church Cemetery. 2-1* *Cards of Thcmks Mrs. F. L. Byam, Tyrone, wish- es te thank al ber friends and ineighbors, the L.O.B.A., Beehive Rebekah Lodge, and Ladies' Legion Auxiliary who sent her cards and flowers on the death ,f hem sister, Margaret. 2-1 1 would like ta express my sincere thanks te Dr. Sylvester for came given me, ýt. Pau'sý -Evening Auxiliarv, Salvation Army and Local 189, U.R.W.A. for lovely baskets cf fruit. gifts, -tards, aise fiends and neigh- boums %who vîsited me during my îllness. Nick Tkatcb. tin behalf of the residents of the Counties' Home for the Aged, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Duncan, Superintendent and Matron, wish to express their sincere thanks to ail the friends, clubs and Christmas carollers, for enter- tainments, flowers, magazines, gifts and special treats at the holiday season and during the pasýt ear. Thanks to ail. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Duncan. COMING EVENTS IN MEMORIAM Articles For Sale ffelp Wanted n. ADAMS-In loving memorv cf ONE pair lady's white C.C.M. 1 WOMAN ta do housework twice e a dear father, Charles Frederick skates and boots. ReasonableI weekiy. Phone MA 3-3176 be- 7y Adams, who passed away dJan. price. Phone MA 3-3805. 2-1 fore 7 p»m. 2-1 I, 5th, 1938.tieraetteaesa 1. To-day recalîs sad niemories DAVENPORT in good condition, FULL ieraest almn id 0f a dear father. gene te rest, alse portable record plaver. for Bowmanville. Apply H. C. 1 And the one who thinks cf but Phone MA 3-5424. 2-1 Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone New- to-day, USED washing machines. recon- castie 3856. 2-1 AIs the one who Ioved him best. ditioned, from $25: used four-! DOMESTIC help, no wâshing, -Sd. m mbered ndhe er lie-burner Beach electric ange, enlyîgh 's mmbeed Y dughtr P 2-1e. $10, at Farm FEquipment and' ihe usew.ork, cooking for one t._1_2-1 Automotive. 134 King St. E. aduit. all electrie conveniences, 5. Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689.;(live in essential), private oom. a erfteCalsFederick PoneOhw RA 3-3265. 2-1 Adam wh pased wayJan. CHESTERFIELD suites froni 5th, 938.S 129, space savers $59, chrome 1 RAWLEIGH business now open 7 -Sadv mssd ad eerremem-. kitchen set $49.50, bedroomii Bowmanville. Trade well bered by Ruby and Earl. 2-1 * suite, 3-piece with Mm. and Mrs. "establiýshed . Excellent oppor- dresser, $119: continental beds tunity. Full time. Write at CIS49.50, congoleuni by the ad once. Rawleigh's Dept. A-140- BURTON-In loving mnemory af Trade-in-Connor washer, space 189, Montreal, P.Q. 2-1 rmy dear wife Jenny Gardon, heaters, Astral refrigerators, 3- - _______ who passed away Jan. 17. 1952. year guarar)tee. Murphy Ce.. START 1956 with a permanent sWe do net need a special day king West. 2-1* year round business. Dealers 1 To bring vou te our mind,- needed in Newcastle, Nestleton 2 For the davs we do net think cf INTERNATIONAL Harvester 16 Sation, Cavan. You can earn ? youJ cubic foot freezer, slightly mark- $50 te $100 weekly. Full detaîls t Are ver'y bard te find. ed, egular,$545, educed te $395: and free catalogue on rqet If all this world were ours te two left, 1955 International Har- Familex, Box F. Station C,j gîve J 'ester 9.1 cubie foot efrigera- Montreal. 2-1 W9e'd give it, ves, and more, tors, regular $339 for $225, Thor. To see the face'of Jenny dear automnatic clothes dryer, egular OPPORTUNITY - Telephone1 Come smiiing through the $199 for $169; Philips 21-inch saleslady requimed te bandie pub- door. . television $285: Coffield washer lishers cantracts from home. -Always remembemed by bus- witb pump. regular $179 for $129 This is for housewives who wish band, Kitchener Burton. 2-1* and your old washer, low down te turn their spare tume into payment, easy termis, at Farm cash. Able te devote three hourmý Articles For Sale Equipmnent and Automotive. 134 daily, five day week. Must have King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone telephone and good voice person- ONE used 8" space beater. Tele- MA 3-5689. 2-1 aiity. Write stating age, past bus- phone MA 3-2617. 2-1 iness experience, eturn addressv $1 a d hoo raams Garage and teepone number te Box 464T APPE wod,$14a crd.Phoe Gaha 'sc/o Cnda Statesman. 2-1 MA 3-2581. 2-i HAYDON W'e are now GRADER OPERATOR FOR TWO winter overcoats, man's TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE E sizes, 38 and 40. Phone MA 3- S crapping Applications for grader opera-S 2336. 2-1* tom will be received by theS the following Cars undersigned up te and inciuding r TWO steel beds and springs by'~Ce. 3 ode 3 1tf the 3rd day cf February', 1956. b; Simmons, 54" wide, as new, $15 tr«» 3 ls 3 PyotApiat soi tt ul trach, P3onelMA 3-2215ymo2-1,ifications, remuneration expeet- A each Phne A 3-215 2- 39Chrysier, '42 Dodge, '41 Olds., ed and the date available. For 400 BALES cf mixed bay. Con- '40 Plymouth, '42 Ford. further particulars please con- - tact Will Ashton, Enniskillen. Gond Parts and Tires Available tact the undersigned.A 2-1 * ,, Ross Dickinson, H - -]Pone MA 3-2730 Road Superintendent, er BOY'S ski boots. size 7. good 2-1 N2cas2e On. condition. Phone MA 3-2863. K - 2-if JANUARY SALE TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT - OBLONG maple dining table, RADPPICA TN FOR seats appoximately eight, per- Here are a few of the ROAld SppEiatnDrEN Tn fect condition. Phone MA 3-2075.Seae application ds marked tf __________________________ viAJ tendent, will ho recoived by the pl .APPLES for sale-Delicious, that can be yours by shopping at undersigned up te 12 e'clock Tolmn Swet, ourtandb Ilneon on Monday, Januamy 23rd, TolanSwet Cortan, ush- VE'S T'~ME'S WE'IAR 1956 for a Road Supemintendent el o baket.Phoe MA3-337.for the Township of Cartwriîght. 2-1 during thelr January Application te state age, quai- - ONEailheaer en cei eatr. al ifications, experience. if any, and PI ONEoi hatron calhete. learance e salary expected. Applicant te be r ingood condition. Apply R. S aal eoeat rcso Brow, 8 Liert St.Phoo ** *plow and grader. MA 3-5819. 2-1* Lowest or an ' application net 8"SLN Go pc'hae.Made-fo-Measure Suifs ' nceda lacptok this 7tb an 10gal i. ak Apy1 from day of Januarv, 1956. ScnStPhnMA3-5864. Hnr hop , ci Dance, Saturday night, Jan. 14, - - I Cler-Tresuer, hour or jn. Phone Osflawa 1RA In Newtonville Community Hall. VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- EXTRA PANTS F R E E Box 17, 3-9028. 2-2 I __Plstctpes__ Blackstock, Ontario. F. A. OSMOND, sash and door, Ramblers. 2-1* measure and instali. Morris Co. 2-1~'Dîcon carpentry and cabinet wor. Phone MA 3-548o. 6-tf 20% icutWHY SETTLE FOR LESS Phone MA 3-5881. 2-4* Bingo, Thurs.. Jan. 12. 8 p.m., 1 KEYS eu uontcl w i on nmade-to-measure THN$10,000 IN A YEAR LAISan cidrns re- at Union Hall, Bowmanville ctauoatcly, wieThe aN ae oeLhn ADmaIES' rasnabhle hn'sdesMA Three jackpots, 15, Il and 10;You wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- Sl*f Te dthosan aregoear snalarv 3-3407. 2-3.Phoe M call. Amisson oc. -11ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman f-_______aarsaay -30. - cais rdîsîo 0c 21ville. 46-tf was enough for a man to take Avoid conflicting dae vi -D ress Shirts care of his family, buy a new SEWING machines repaired by registering y'our event wîth thelmiUl to you. Phillips Lumber Pansae flm repn the future". guaranteed. Free etmts Chmbr f omere.Phone, Co., Kinmount, Ont.Phn stris-Vaes i If you are'a middle-aged man PhneM-1280 MA3-03.51-8; 17r11. 13-tf who has reached the "ceiling" Dance___________in_____________$2.9 on your earnings and now want A E - C0LE Da c t e e d n T ro e HA D OO i bs 45 pr1o d Quantity lim ited can rake y'ou a fine offer to oin PLUM B NG AND HEATING hall on Saturday, Jan.14 spon- apprqximately three cords, saw- our organization, where top men Authorized sored by the Enniskillen Athletic ed and delivered. H. M. Kyte, ARROW PYJAMAS r are paid up to $12,000 1na'cr o-u n enxDae Club. Ruth Wi1son*s Orchestra. Blackstock. 47-tf Reg. $5.95 .. .....$.... 8 Middle-aged men, 45-50a-55 . rSu and enxDar 21 uIO.bown etoLp - are particularlv qualified 2f' Ontario St. Bowmanville Youth for Christ film "Big, with rock wool. Workmanship ARROW SPORT SHIRTS for our type of business, where Phone Niglit or Day MIA 3-3473 gaate.PReg. to $6.95 - --------- 9 earnings start at once. Bert1-t ]Brother*' will be shown at thegarted Free estimates. $3. Lichti bcgan on part-tin-e basis - Salvation Arm 'v Citadel on Sun- Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke wvhen he started fuIl-time with P A T RN day, January lSth at 845 p.2420. 39-tf Bw Te 9 us, averaged $787.31 per month Everyone welIcome. DO2ou1on 1ors- Bnt a69 his first three months. John Stucco - New and Repair Work sOader o a floor lsh- e ro 2 for $1.30 Christensen averaged $752.55 Free Estimnates Tol raeogeinclor1n Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Penmnn' seven months. G. A. Holland. thre diensins,'Old World Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. asrerig e ot i rtf. . T F Caravan," Trînitv United Church, t MERINO COMBS.-- $2.791 new mari starting miid-,car. 163CucSt Bo anle Friday, January 20, 1956, at_______________ carned $2,194.36 in three-monthPhnMA350 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. 1-31HAIGadsrie etn ie period. Average of ox-er $700.00 2-tfMA3-03 service and complete stock of LEATHER WORK GLOVES P8e1 per month. Paul Fraser, new 2t HoeadSho oilngt batteries and cords at * _______ mani, earned $152.27 his first vvill be held at the Lions Centre. Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., 'nshrinkahle five working days. These are CNRT N AOR Feb. 4, 8.30 p.m. Cards and Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5438. Lnsa annso o e. danin. adis rig unc. 0-f ROYWOL oxLike earnings are available to Estimates Free Adisin O pr eso.Reg. $1.50 --- 89e - 2 for $1.701 you because we do not puta 21TIRE chains, ail sizes, low prices: ceiling on your incoe protective coatings, a super roofI FOUR-IN-HAND TIES In spite of shortages in.other Do vour good deed, Fridav. cating can be applied in an, some in pure silk- by Arrow buiesD u ouei x hn A333 O o 7 b kin d of weather and guaranteei. pandin'g at a terrific rate. We Evenings Phone MA 3-3338 Januarv 131hi, 2:30 p.m.. bkn Harold Murphy, Tyrone. Phone Reg. to $2.50 79e- 2 for $1.50 have an opening in the Bow- 51-tf sale at Hy dro Shop. auspices of' 214. M3 manville area, for a mari over Boy Scouts Association Ladies'i A 3-215.Th4mai 23* 1 .us b Auxiiiary. Donations gratefullv PRINTS ot photos of public KEN' high grade (not high pressure), R gs hsefed accepted. C o n t a c t Mrs. E. revents appearing inthis pE 45. bThe and iwe. ann stbRu s C isr1e Rundie. MA 3-5430. 1-21 taken by Carson Studio may be MEN'S WEAR amitepainadsincee. Enoiet Experîîv Cleaned obtained for $1.00 on SI inch 1 n sneen olcinn Plannow e atendBron's glssy rins. Crso Stuio.71A King St. E. BowvmanviIIe mentFsrnedd, o c] ectons n Pln owtoated rovns lss pins.Crsn tuio deliveries. Excellent home of- Fe siae P'ree Annual Case Carnîval ta be Port Hope. 48-'.f 2-1fice ce-operation. Reasanable Charges held in the Town Hall aud- adding a Persoal ettr t oI No Obligation ' itorium on Friday, January 2ô at TYPEWRITERS, adn WrDE O ATN iepersna leptter t..ox urne MA3207 h s p.m. sharp. A fine program chines. new and used. for sale 88, Station J, Danforth, Toronto 3-202 of varietv entertainment has or rent, aise Cale steel filing For the Latest Papers 6, Ontario. 2-1 2-1* I been arranged. Lverone wel- cabinets, office furniture. cash _________________a come. 2-e registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- For the Finest Paints SAVE MONEY AT 0 2403 or Newcastle 2114. 48-tf For the Best Workmanship Livestock For Sale DIAf cî Theanua metngcfth WHERE ELSE can you get a & So 30 PIGS. Phone MA 3-2883. ]Bowmanville- West Durham Ad- one-year full coverage guarantec . G. Preston ýon 2l* visory Commnittee bo The Canad- with your television, at NO &_______________ S H O E R E P A I R jan National Institute for thelIEXTRA CHARGE - except at Phones 110 GOOD Yorkshire pigs, 10 Srieai Blind .vill be held in the Cou neil TELEVISION SERVICE CO., 33 MA 3-5912 MIA 3-3701I weeks nId, from registered sow Fast, PromptSevcei Room af the Town Hall in Bow - King St. W., Bowmanviile? 4tt Phone MIA 3-2357. 2-1* SE manville on Tuesday, January 48-tf - __1_- _Skates_______ _______ l7th, 1956, at 8 p.m. Those mn-1 YOUNG Jerse-, cow, just renew- ~TMEAC T terested in the wvork of the!I COMBO 'Hen-Nest-Roost", clean T ed. ,vith calf: aIse some Holstein 35TMERNEST i rear) el lnstitute are requested to attend.! nesteto cdean, adiust. Made 1eal heifers and cows. Phone MA 3- 42-ti 2-11isige or 6-section. Less Crri - Glazed -Quarry 9436. 2-1 %vork, do it '<ou rself. Eggsact Wails - AIl Kinds- Floors BULLDOZING "Sandwiches for Ail Occasions" engineered Job, blueprint. 50c bv as o'S I will be featutred in a demonstra- mail. Write Hen-Nest Boxf H. G. HEAL Cas orSae AT INTNi tion put on bv the Ontario Dept. Pointe AuBaril, Ont. 2-1 Phone MA 3-2902 Bewmanville 1951 MONARCH sedan. îow L g1Z .±UN o f Agriculture, Women's Insti-DRP IEanveeinbis44t mileage. overdrive, radio, sun TRENCHING - L(,ADING Si tute Branch and Homne Econom- DRPRE njeeinbid 4t visor, white walls, two-tone. Xiii IRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Di ic3s Service. Sponsored b.' the eustom made, or draperies sold HE-h folwn brd csietaeonle m e. Bomavil wme~sIsttueby the yard. Our representative SOSTefloigbad osdrtaeo le oe. Trucks and Loader for J ttls meeting will be, heid in the '11i caîl at your home any time nm shsarnovistc:PoeM 3-52.-t Gravel and Fi l obs P Lions Centfe on M-edniescia' , Jan. lixlith a compiete range of samples chiidren's Savage shoes, Brouw- 15 HVOE -o r E SIAE 18. at 1:30. p.m. Everyone -,,-iand suggestions wvithout obliga- er Research shoes, Sisman work, 93CERLE -o ci FRE S1A corne. t- ý oni. Fabric Town, 59 King St boots. Sisman Scampers. Scott- 1xvth platform, stake rack, help-1 r _____ W. Phone NIA 3-3609. Bowman'. NMeHale shees. Dack shoes. or Springs and oversjzed tires, rpp Construction ville. 48-tf Grebb arch support work boots, ex'cellent condition. Phone 23.54.f PORT PERRY 392W The Bowmanville Legion Pipe 1 _______________IFoami Tread slippers, ladies' Newcastle. 2-11 32tf - ]Band will present its annua1l USED v acuum cleaner. S12.50; Gracia shoes. Logreliers, Dr.' 1953 STUDEBAKER .19,53 Hi- i Burns Night Supper in the uised Amiana food freezer, 141Schollrs foot remedies and shoe man, 1947 Chevrolet sedan. 1951 Reception Hî Legion Hall, Saturdiav, Januarv cubic it.. big reduction: usedisupports. plus mnanv ether lines :' ercurv ,' 2-ton pick-up truck, -J 21. at 6:30 p.m. Dinner \vill be Norge refrigerator. $69.00: used Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holiy- 1948 International 3-ton truck Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hock- sii served, with entertair.ment and Marconi TV, 17". guaranteed 90 weod Sani-white and Properts wt -pe x~ o oni ilb thm otern daricing to follow. Tickets at dayS. $99.00. used Westinghouse shoe polishes: modern shoe re- payment with 24 months to pay, friends and neighbors at the m. *$2.00 for adults and S .00 for washing machine, $39.50. Use pair service in the rear of store. at Farm Equipment and Auto- Lions Communîty Centre on childreh nmav be obtair.ed frorn vour credit at John Heatiie's'ILlovd Ellis Shnes. 49 King St. mnotive. 134 King St. E.. Bow- Saturdav, Jan. 14, afternoon and Don Brooks, 'NA 3-3143, or Ahi Furnitiire. Division and Queen.j U.. Bowvmanville. Phone MA 3- manxvlle. Phone MA 3-5689.2 evening." on the occasion of their *..~av~ A3-3433. 2-2 B3owxiîanville. MA 3-5091. 2-1 5941. 26-tf _-1 25 th Wed.rganvray For Rent Real Estate for Sc APARTMENT. TelephoneM BUILDING lots, in good resic 3-3573. 2-1 tial district. Contact G. Mc( 59 Concession St., or Phoneo ONE or two mooms, kitchen priv- 3-2307. 4ý ileges if desired, central. Phone MA 3-3749.- 2-1 * REAL ESTATE FOR SALI HOUSE for ment in Hampton, Properties Sold, Rented, five reenis. Phono MA 3-2578. Managed and Appraised 2-1 L. M. ALLISON FIVE-reom apartn-îent. bot and Real Estate Broker coid water. Phone MA 3-2637. Phone 2566 - Newcastle, 0 2-1* Two blocks north of traffic SIX-room bouse, centrally locat- signal, Newcastle ed. Availabie Feb. i. Appl ' 29 32 King West. 2-4 LEASK REAL ESTATE HOUSE ta ment, five mooms, 15 acre plot with 7-roon central location, possession Feb. bouse, heavy wiming, furnai lst. Write Box 461, c/o Canad- good garage. good bamn xi ian Statesman. 1-2 stable. Flowing spming in pi THREE-moomed heated apart- tume. On No. 2 Highway. Teri ment, centralx- located. lm- 100 acre fanm, steel-reof mediate possession. Phono MA'bamn 45x98, cement floar.lI, 3-2436. 2-1 house. pig pen. 2 driving shec 8-moomed brick bouse, in av THREE-reomed, heated self- lage. S 15,800. contained apartment. Toievision We have farms, bungalom aerial available. Phone MA 3- bouses and lots. 5578. .2-1* Consuit us before 1 ng. HEATED 3-roomed apartment M. E. Leask, Br, and bath. Hot watem, hard, 65 Ontario St. BoI,.._i¶.i wood floors, cupboards. Adults Phone MA 3-5919 Phone MA 3-3446. 2-1J SEVEN- roomed bouse, 3-pece1 bath, central location. Vacantj Harold C. I-edwell Feb. i. Write Box 463, c/o Canadian Statesman, Bowman- REAL ESTATE BROKER ville. 2-1* 200 acres, 40 acres good tii ber; 7-moom brick bouse, hydi rHREE-roemed self - contained water, bank barn, 40'xlOO' in heated apartment, centrally le- plement shed, hon bouse. pi cated, television aerial. Write pens, a very productive farn Box 462, c/o The Canadian Widow nmust sell. Will considE Statesman. 2-1 a bouse or low down payment, SELF-contained, heated apamt- 100 acres, 3 miles from, Bow m1ent, 4 moems, kitchenette and mnanville, close te pavement, a bath; buiit-in cupboards, tile1 level workable land, brick bul beors, washer and electmic dryer.,galow, cil heated; 7 roomns an Apply Apt. 7, 63 King St. West. bath, oak floors, cupboarcý 2-tf bassr yn 'iO, atacedngasra beak bam n 'xo', einhso rwears. mwsng ellimdatl $2n,000mushtersouimdae $20.00 witaterm.bah( e roois a nd. a (3Tbe rooneis s wate on tap. oT bn o ous i state indthe nm endh cforew$4n500e and can0 bougtfo 450 it 5 dwn.aesvra ml r e have sver Lai mi. r pertsune moeV.oL.A.. MoaemNecatle 38an. 2. APARTMENT on Duke Street. Heated, self-contained, sepamate entrance, steve and mfrigerator, broree oms and bath. Suitable for aduits only. Brookdale- ~ingsway Nursenies. 1-tf FOUR-moom heated apartment, newly decomated, located close to shopping district and post ffice. Apply M. Imwin or tele- phone after 6 p.m, Clarke 3123. 51 -tf Work Wanted ?LUMBING, beating, eaves- roughing, free estimates. Harvey artnem, T.yrone. 38-tf ;KATES sbarpened. See dam- esen's Tire Shop, corner King 'UO Silver Streets. 36tfe 200 acre daimyv farm with twc full sets cf buildings, 175 acre. of werkabie land, cmeek, modemr mnilk barn with steel stanchions runnnig water. other lamgE barn. Houses with hydre, furno ace, etc. Askjng price $21.000. 100 acre farm, south Ponty. pool, with good bank barn, large chieken bouse, well with eloctric Pump, 12.000 Christmnas trocs planted; 7-roomed frame bouse with beavy wimîng. Price $7,500, Ternis. 108 acre famm with 85 acres of warkable clay-ioam land, 10 acres xvoed, creek, 2 wells, cattle barn, stmaw barn, implement shed, hon bouse, new garage: verm'y good 9-moomed solid brie] bouse with fumnace, heavy duty wiî'ing, kitchen pump. Price $9,000. 100 acre farm at Millbmook, with 40 acres cf workablo dlay- ioam land. 50 acres in wood, creek, gravel pit with A-i gravel, bank barn, cbicken bouse, garage; 9-roomed frame bouse 1 vitb cellar. cistomn. Price $6,500, Ternis arranged. 150 acre farm of the best dlay. loam land on pax'ed moad, with 110 acres werkable land, 10 ace pnwod, largo creek, 95'x 36'and50x30' L-sbaped bank barn, impiement shed, 2 hon ouses, pig pens, garage; 10- roomed solid brick bouse with munning water, h 'ydre. Price $15,000. Terms arranged. 6 roomed insulatcd frame house in centre of Bowmanville with 3 bedroanis. bot and cold running water, batbrooni, kitch- en cuphoards, heavx' wiring, storms and screens, garage. Price $7,500. Dewn payment $1.500. 13 moorned soid brick bouse, converted in four apamtments, in NJewcastle. Has two bathreoms, viqt and cold runining water, heavy dut-y wiring. Usual in- 'eme $150 montbly. Price $8,200. Down payment $1,500. 5 moomed insul brick beuse inI Bowmanville, wîtb 3-piece bath- 'eom, partial basemont, kitchen cupboards. ruoning bot and cold water, garage. Price $4,500. Terms arranged. 7 roomed frame insul brick house in Newcastle with 1 acre land, barn. Has stenni windowsl and scmeens, heavyv wiring, lots of fruit. Pî'îce $6.500. 7 roomed frame bouse in New- astle with partial basement, pump in kîtchen, garage. Prico 3,500. $1.000 down. Besides above mentioned we ire able te show approximatel.y 100 meore famms and homes for ;ale in the Oshawa, Bewman-; ille. Cobourg. Trenton and Pt ýrborougb district. Contact Reaitor Vewcastle Phone 3341 ;alesmen: )onald Mountjoy, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 leter Feddema, Newcastle RR. 2 Phone 2204 2-1 Tenders Wanted Tenders fer painting upstairs nterior of Selina Cemmunitv Tah will be received up untîl anuary 2lst. 1956. by the under- igned. Lowest or any tender ot necessarily accepted. Please amk "Tender" on envelope. Mms. Ralph Davis, Secretarv, R.R. 1, Hampton, Ont., 2-2 r'-e.- - z ' :ùe den- Coy, MA 8-tf IE Dnt. c ý2-tf rîed ace, 'ith as- ms. tfed ýds: Vil- -vs, île ni-il roi Real Estate For Sale CHARLES RANKINE REAL ESTATE BROKER $5,000 with terms-7-roomed storey and a haîf, insul brick, in Hampton; one and thmee-quamt- er acres cf land, cil fumnace, pressure system, bathroom, elec- trie bot water. $6.000 with ternis-brick bun- galow, four moonis and bath, sun- moom, cil fumnace, electric bot water, extra lot, central, base- 1 ment partially converted inta apartment. f100 acres, modern home, large barns, a complete farm in ever< way. Close te Oshawa. Asking $24.000. Terms. 112 acres, 1,2 mile from high- wayv, 2-famiiyv brick home, 80 acr'es xvemkable. Price $8,000 with $3,000 down. 52 King St. W. MA 3-2453 ,Anytime - MA 3-2762 Salesman: F. ALVIN BQYD Anytimne - MA 3-2487 2-1 JAMES NIXON Real Estate Broker framle bouse, 3-piece bth, bot air fumnace, full cellar, heavy wining, on higbway in village, close te school, church and shop- ping centre. $9,500. 2-rooni frame bouse, hydre. m1- One large lot, $500. haîf cash. ONE black and tan female foxrý :g 2-store ' frame house, 8 roonis, hound. Phone MA 3-2808. Nori mn. full basement, 2 bathrooms, large man Stinsen.21 or garage, geod lot, sewer and t. watem. $1.000 down,. BLACK and tan female bound, W_ For sale or ent: lest south-west of Bowmanviile., all 3-roomn frame cottage, 1 acre Phono MA 3-2513, Glen Pickell.,,, o- of land, h 'ydre, well, not far from 2-1 n d JB o w m an v ille.F E A E b a l b u n , b a I ls, 160 Liberty St. N. FEAEbegehunba z ,B w an il.RR and white, tan on head, tatte neDial MA 3-5682 SLWIJ in left eam. Pleasd of 2-î* Phono Oshawa RA 3-3942_col1 REAL STAT FORSALE LARGE maie fox hound, tan ~- $7,50C.00 - $2,500.00 down - head, white chest, legs and tail, is 2 bedrooms. modern kitchen with black back; reward. Orvili h, gas steve, living-room and din- Greer, Taunton. Phono Oshaw be ing-moom, 3-piece bath.2- 10( $11,500.00 ileom RA 8-8913.2- storey new home, 4-piece bath, ONE black, white and tan Waik 0- hardwood floors, modemn kitcb- or fox hound. C. A. Shred clip. e n, dining and living-room, ped in hair on left side. Vicin. garage. Require substantial ity of Blackstock. . Reward. cash. Please Phono MA 3-3236, Bow -1 $8,500,00 - $2,000.00 down - mariville, colleet. 2-1* -3-bedroom home with largo lot. large kitchen, 3-pioce bath, cil Personal beating. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $11,500.00 - $2,500.00 down- HYGIENIC supplies - (rubk o f 3-bedroom new brick bun- goods) mailed postpaid inp s galow. hardw.ood and tile floors, sealed envelope with prie'- 'n aluminum storns and seeens,' i a pe 2 c 4 sî s, located in a new sub-division. 10. M i Or e D pt oe $0,000.00-2-family dwellng, Nov.-Rubber C., Box 91, 1located in a good section of tawn. itn.O. B e a u tifu lly la n d sca p e d g ro u n d s. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __On t._ _ - 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, le 2 dining-rooms. Notice f ràoý ic We need listings as we have Ced1 s ýs a great demand lor homos and AND OTHERS oe farms. Some clients have ahl IN THE ESTATE 0F JO Icash. Please list with us1. JACKS, Deceased. We have money te boan. ALL persans having dlairms ýs For results, list with against the estate of the sai 0 Peter Kowal - MA 3-5868 John Jacks. late of the Town- ýe Repmesenting E. J. Saunders i ship of Darlirgton, in th kt 2-1 Ceunty of Durhami. Farmer, de ceased. whe died on or about th y J. VAN NESI ow o Bo955ýl,a'nth - 1ir~ Countv of Durhami, are require Rleal LsIafe nroker ite file proof cf the samne wit -5-rooni attached dwelling onI the undersigned executor of the Wellington St., central, in niee last Will and Testament /o cencondition. Askingz $7.500 the saîd deceased, on o with easonable down payment. hfm h Oh d y o a ur el5 roins on Jane St. in nice 96.atr hcbdethe sai i condition. Asking $9000 with 1 excuor will proeed ta distrib- substantial cash. I te the said estate, aving e- 0-oom solid brick duplex, gard only te the dlaims of which central: îpper renting at $6000 hoe shal then have notice. per mont. Asking $13,000.00. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, Reasonable cash down. Iis 3rd day of. January, A.D. For rent-7 roems. ail cenven- 1956. iences, close te Oshawa on 401 CHARLES WHITNEY LANG, Highway. Executor, 100 acre lexel farm, modemn y Creighton, Fraser, Dryna~ brick bungalow. al] conveniences, & Murdoch j attached garage, barns reaure 5 Simcoe Street Nrth, repairs. Asking $20,000 witb sawa, Ontario, fair down payment. is solicitors erein. 1-3 100 acres. recen tv m d ern iz- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ed bouse with gond barn. Ask- PETS FOR SALE ing $22000, with fair cash clown, pax'ment.î ONE registerod Germnan Shep- We have lots and other pro- herd feniale dog, tbree years old. perties for your inspection. Phone MA 3-3744. 2-1e 118 King Fast - Bowrnanville1 ODhoe watdfrou MA 3-3230 IODhmswne o o 2-i! Spaniel tYpe puppies, eight weeks old, free. Newcastle 3771I. Wanted To Buy _ _ __ _2-1 MANURE wvanted. Downhamn NOTICES Numser.,. MA 3-5690. 21-2 _. Notice te rabbit hunters. 81.00 OATS, heav 'v Ontario, up te 100 1 will bc paid foc each rabbit. bushels. Phone MA 3-2720. 2-l* Please be careful when hunting GOO usd tmni puper Phnoon nursery' property. Bmookdale MAO 3-2403. 21* er PhneKingsway Nurseries. 48-tf ALFALFA, second eut, 15 bales. Freo. Kismen draw tickets on Phono A 3-220. 21i1956 Buick with every $3.00 Phon MA -270. 21*;purChase of gas, oul, batteries or HIGHEST prices paid for livo tires at Allen's Service Station, poutry, raw furs, deer skins. Il-',mle east of Courtice on No. 2 goose feathers, feather ticks, Higbwva'.' 2-tf scrap iron, rags and metais. We are now maitufacturi Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa. Col- cement blocks. bath intemlocki lect.- 46-tf and standard. and wouid ALL kinds f lixe poultry want- pleased ta serve yu witb a ge ed. Top Toronto prices paid at produt at a reasonable pi vour door for large or small Tipp Construction. Phone 392W quantities. We have ur wn Port Perv. 40- market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Telephne colect te Bethanyý IIfE Repairs RADIO and television repairi 1Prompt service. Pick Up ang delivery. Lamne Doreen. 85 Kin E. Phono MA 3-5713. 2-t ANY niake television or radio Professional, rmt, caurteou service. Television Service C 3' King St. West. MA 3-388%. REPAIRS toall makes of refrig. erators, domestic and commer. cial; rniiking ceolers. Higgor Electrie Limited, 42 King St. E Phono MA 3-5438. 251 WATCH REPAIRI MARRTS JEWELLERY 43 King St. W.- Phone MA 3-546 BOWMANVIELLE TAYLOR Repair Shop RADIATORS and HEATERS REPAIRED and CLEANED RECORING General Soldering Repaira Qeen St. WV. Bowmanvllle1 Phone MA 3-3459 32-tl Logs and Timberland IIARDWOOD PREFERRED H. M. KYTE Blacksfock 47-tf Auclion Sale Commuinitv sale of household Roods %vi.l ie hek'd everv otheri F'riday might. commencing at 7:30 p.m., in the Holgate Build- ing, corner Division and Queený Streets. John Heatlie, manager;I Cliff Pethick, auctionepr. Phonol MA 3-2736. First sale te be held Fri'ay evening, January 20I 2-1. ( 1. KWANT ADS Phone MA 3-3303 A 4 1~ \' m~ I 'a ,» PAGE TWELVE Irtrw Pq A" A VT à Uý - --«- . -- ---- - --- - th, les@ - 1 1 12 le