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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1956, p. 1

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.0re VOLUME 102 Women's Hospital Aux. Reports Much Pro gress Wêew 0f ficers Elected Thre annual meeting of the residence, and a picture for the Woen's Auxiliary of Memor- cafeteria. For ail this we paid l Hospital, Bowmanvjîîe, was over $5,400. held in the hospital auxiliary The cutting and sewing com- roomn on Friday, January 6tb mittee reported 757 articles with a good attendance. cut and sewn by various groups .. 1he annuai reports of the of- and individuals. To ail those jcers and conveners showed a who have done this work, the ,~e r yar in the work of committee in charge and espe- fe auxiliary. According to the cially those groups and ladies ~ cording secretary's report in Bowmanville and outside of >the activities of the year were the town, the auxiliary would the Marathon Bridge, which like to say "thank you". It is participants are thoroughly en- indeed appreciated. joying. the Tuck Shop, a great In vacating the chair for the convenience to staff and pa- election of officers Mrs. T. W. tients as well as visitors; our Cawker reviewed briefly th(, annual Birthday Party held work of the last three years' for the first time at the Com- and thanked the members for munity Centre (and wiIl be their co-operation. again this year), and finally Mrs. Storey presided during but by no means least the gen- the election of officers whicni eral lightning Canvas for fundis resuîted in the following:-Past, in September. From these President-Mrs. T. W. Cawker. events this year- the goodly President-Mrs. L. W., sum of nearly $8,500 was raised lst Vice President - Mrs. B. and nearly $4,800 of this was Mutton, 2nd Vice President 1- realized through the canvas. Mrs. W. Braden, Recording Se- With this money many arti- cretary-Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- dles Were purchased such as:- lin, Cor. Secretary- Mrs. L. 31 doz. gowns of various kinds, Dewell, Treasurer- Mrs. G. 14 doz. bedspreads, 24 doz. bath Young, Conveners of Commit- towels, 12 doz. draw sheets, 13 tees: Buying - Mrs. Braden, boits of sheeting and towelling, Cupboard - Mrs. Bagneil. Fin- 16 doz. sheets, 16 doz. pillow ance-Mrs. S. MeMurter. Sew- cases, 1 doz. pneumonia jaý-. ing-Mrs. L. Goddard. Tele- kets, 6 doz. mattress pads, 3 phone-Mrs. R. Cowie. Tuck doz. dish cloths, 6 doz. tumb- Shop-Mrs. Cawker and Mrs. lers, 5 doz. stainless steel plate Birks. Public Relations-Mrs covers, 24 sets of teapots, hot Dippel. Members of the Board water, sugar and cream, 12 of D irecto rs-presi dent, Ist and teapots, 12 hot wa'ler pots, 1 2nd vice presidents. These of- doz. green teapots, 1 doz. tea- ficers and conveners with the pot. lids, 13 doz. cof. pot lids, 6 addition of Mrs. C. W. Siemon, doz. plates, 6 doz. casseroles, 6 Mrs. Birks and Mrs. E. V. Hoarc doz. soup bowls, 1 Cory knif.e form the Executive Commit-, sharpener, 1 heavy roaster, 1 tee. meat grinder, plus a number For the regular Januaryr of miscellaneous articles, 1 doz. meeting which followed Mrs. dessert forks and 2 doz. teas- Dippeli, the nexv president, poons. paid tribute to the Splendid In addition to this a quantity leadership given the auxiliarv of cutlery and dishes were pur- by the retiring president, Mrs. chased from the Orono W.I. Cawker. She hoped that the .Also there were 4 air circulat- coming year would be as suc- ing fans, 2 Thermos iugs, table cessful a's-l-ast year. Thberegu_- ---- --...-.% bedroom chairs for the nurses') month followed. o d n M e Bowmanville was represent- I' jed at the annual OntarioChm Agriultue rcieruon ber of Commerce meeting helc the local Chamber and Keni O ver und sMorris, Secretary - Manager. T~,rn OverFundsth reported the meeting was F~Qr C.infoA.matiomotlo obtained for C. IA. romo ion theguidance of the local Chamber in future activities. t Durham Federation of tee. l4esident Clarence Allun, Peiet Bnig sae L~~cuture voted to turn over Secretary Ed Milîson and Treas- that he \vas greatly impressed tfr3Ô received from the Ontario uirer Bob Hendry are also mem- by the power of the Ontario Federation for promotion work bers of this committee, which Chamber of Commerce in in- on behaîf of the Co-operators will probably appoint a chair- fluencing policy decisions and Insurance Association to the man for 1956 at its first meet- legislation of the provincial Durham County Insurance Coin- ing. government. He explained that mîttee at its regular meeting Ralph Larmer and Bruce Tay. if a small town such as Bow- held at the home of President lor were named to draw up an manville develoPed a worth- Clarence Allun Thursdayv night. active list of directors of the while idea, it could eventually The County Committee will various commodîty groups and be submitted to provincial au- aiso be informed that it will be co-operative organizations in thorities through the Policy and able to draw further funds for i Durham County for submission Resolutions Committee of the promotion work if needed. The1 tourthe February meeting. The Ontario Chamber. This idea Durham Federation receives a Dra Federation hopes to would then have the fuîll certain percentage on ail C.I.A- have each of these groups naine weight of the entire provincial premiums paid in Durham a director to it. organization and thus permit a County from the Ontario Federa- .Jac Arnott, Fieldman of the small town to influence gov- $250, perc ea.Ths u is ar-u Federation, reported that new ernment action to the same ex- $25 pe yar.Thi sin s er-Far'm Forums have been organ- tent as the large cities of the marked for promotion work for ize in Kirby, the Bethany sec- province. the C.I.A. and will be used fortinoMavrTo shpad that purpose this yeai'. in oCaanv Township , orhno Name Committee Members il aa onhpnrho Named to the Durham County Milbrook. Plans are also under I Insurance Committee wvere. Earl way for a new forum in the iaua e riîr er Dorreli. Cartwright, Alan Beer, northern part of Hope Township, Manvers; Bey Gray, Hope,an he said. Robert Moffat a i ; e i 'Ri-qpl P.qrp minnto organizea rootoagreedIr;r1 É 0ý Black, Supervisor for the Co- operator's Insurance Association for this area, will be an ex- officio member of the commit. Fawn Seen Within Town Limits Mon. Roy Ellîs and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Harrison wandered if they were seeîng things short- ]y after 5 p.m. Monday when they spied a small deer rur.- ning north on Liberty St. as bhey were going home fromn work at the Boys Training- School. The fawn ran up ta about Wellington St., whero it veer- ed off ta bbe northeast and ran across thc fields north of tbc Vincent Massey Public Sehool. Ib turned ouf that there was a logical explanation for the presence of bbe fawn. It wa- ing chased by tbe dogs 0f irihConneîl, Manager of the ,reamn of Barley, w~ho is tbe rightful owner of it. Mr. Con-j Ilsid thaf the fawn is a i panese Fika deer and is the offsprîng of a buck and doe -which escaped f rom tbc park in June. Ib was haro in an or chard near Bowmanvillc aind he has made several attempts ta capture lb and its parents. The doe was capbured shortly after Christmas but the buck and fawn are sf111 af large. Mr. Conneil hopes ta capture tbe fawn this wîntcr as it ban-s around the park wvhen there is snow on the ground. The fawn wvas also seen labe Monday affernoon by Mrs. Er- nest Brooking of 54 Liberty St, Wi. It was poised at ber froin gate when she returned home and bounded away across her back garden. clearing a 4-foot fence with graceful case, ho- fore heading north on Liberýyj St. "'Durham County's Great Family Journal" ROW ~ %JTT T 1' ~NT ADTC mTTT~cr~ ~TT LTT 10e PU ER COPY NUMBER 2- Newcastle's lÔOth Council Shown above is the 1956, Centnil Year, Council son, Reeve Douglas J. Cunninghamn and- the Clerk, Mrs. of the Village of Newcastle who took their oaths of office Nettie Butler. Standing: Councillors Frank Hoar, R. B. at the inaugural meeting on Monday evening. They are, Rickard and Fred Couch. reading from left 10 right, seated: Councillor Ross Dickin- -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope 120 Licenses SoId in Town ' uýe gusl at hi j her uble peain, ing u - -week's Lins Club meeting h Monday night was District Modemn lumber production The first 1ý956 license plate Governor Whitney Martin who was the topic of Mr. Martin's îssued in Bowmanville last paid his officiai visit to the address to, the club. The spealc- week, No. 844501, went to Miss club. Mr. Martin, a member of er is in the lumber business at Apha Hodgins, 8 Duke St., fthe Bancroft club, was well Bancroft and is familiar witiî Bowmanville. Altogether 120 pleased to see the wRty in which aIl aspects of the trade. Fromn licejîses were purchased from the Bowmanville Lions were 80 to 90 percent of the lumber David Higgon, the local regis- progressing and had no con- we use, he stated, is distribut- trar, on opening day. structive criticism to offer to ed by loggers or large produ- Licence rates have been in- the club. The District governor cers. creased this year for the first hoped that other clubs in Dis- Must Anticipate Demand time since 1937. Highways Min- trict A-3 would follow the ex- tinesarfothelrg ister James N. Allun explains ample of the, local Lions.Itsneesrfothelag that the reason of the increase Mr Wîteyuge tatmoeproducers to anticipate the is the nced for more money Mr.Whineyurgd tat orelumber need 20 years in ad- for highway construction. è Lions, especially those who do vance. Approximately 16,009 The increase for passenger not consider themselves to be feet of lumber is the average cars ranges fromn $1.00 to $6.00. public speakers, allow their yield from one acre of forest. For commercial vehiches, the names to stand for nominations It takes about 10 trees to pro- increase varies between $3.00 in the higher executive offices duce a 1,000 feet of lumber, he and $1.18.50. For other vehicles of the club. A great many men said. who are fully competent for the range is as follows: trailers,r these positions consider thom- Wood is handled 23 times 50 cents ta $120.50; buses, $5.,0 solves inadequa-te because of before it actuaily reaches the to $128.00; dual purpose, $3.00 consumer. Today a man goes to $14.00; motorcycles, $1.00. loto the bush with a_ power Bolow is the breakdown of Isaw and cati cut 100 trees 3 licence fees for various classes ýCobourg Tops day. A lighit buli-dozer which of passengor cars and commer- (Continued on page seven) cial vehicles: Jn Lakesnore einLds Loop StandingLein ads By edging Port Hope Red3- Instai Officer, men 7-6 in overtime Monday FisIee night, the Cobourg Lumbe r i Kings again took aver firs, t Frt M e Piiuunimet ram BowmanvilleBrn.F- Officers of the Ladies Au (Continued on Page seven) lowing is the league standing iliary of the Bowmanvil as of January 10: Branch of tbe Canadian Legi( J n o Fa m s' Lions Club W L T Pts for 1956 wcre installcd in the Cobourg -- ---- 12 4 2 26 new Posts at tbc regular mee Juni r F rme s' Caud KimerwhohadBowmanville 12 6 0 24 ing Monday nîgbt by Past Pr W * benClaeu lmler, bo thad Lakefied ----- 10 6 0 20 sidents Mrs. Edward Rund Q u t t e n ebe pcarefully eeted by ith Orono .----- lo 1 0 8 o 20J and M rs. G. C. Palmer. Q a în î s itiated into the Bowmanville Lindsay - --_ 4 13 1 9 The foties g to v Lion tlb t hereuAr et-PrJack 1 terdi lrsit, ic-r At Convention ing Monday nîg11t. rAndy Thomi- Jack______________ ePrest pson acted as chairman of bbc dent, Mrs. Lawrence Little; 2r A quartette from the Dur- impressive cercmnony, which ~ L o Vice-President, Mrs. Williai ham onyJno amr drew words of prisefro m l o Bates; Secretary;- Mrs. Wali had the honor of winning the Whitney Martin, District Gov- Walh; xeuber, m embe:li maIe quartette singing campe- ernor. I Wac rs Wlli am Lawruiv e, M :m tition at the annual convention Lions IntrnatonaicebedRnallich ard, rs. r of tbe Ontario Junior Farmers Lion Thompson, is comprised Break Bate haand Mrs. . oar:ei beld at the King Edward Ho- of Oe 500,000 business and aîîSofigcanb-at-Arms, Mrs. Stanle bel, Toronto, last Saturday. professional mon in Canada, ta n B e k i Petn tnadBaeM It was made up of Jack and U.Sl.A. and 68 other counfries. 1 rlasbrk Pr bcSu- ewnSardRndarle. rr M. Glen Allun, R. R. 2, Newcastleý Lion Jim Marr expiained the aco Service Station owned by A nnual reports wore givci and James andRallie Coombes, Lions code of ethics, Lion Don J00 Barton, Bowmanville, whc 0bwdta 95b R. R. 4, Bowmaniville. Thev Williams outlined the Lions ob- nometime Friday nighb by forc. been a sy e tad p9o5pera( won out over a large number iccbs and Lion Bob Kent pro- bb rntdo o b sa earfo bc uxia of other entries. sented the new member witi tion and removed bbe cash re- Comrade Fern Bradley wa. A Durham girl, Doris Go- bis lapel and dinner badges. gistor, w'hicb contained about initiabed ino membersbip i been of Port Hope, was an on- After a groat deal of discus- $6.00 at the time. the Auxiliary by President Mrs try in the public speaking con- sion the Lions decided ta offer The break-in was flot discov- Jack Knigbb. test in which 20 contestants a Buick as bbc main prize in ered until the next marnin-- Comrade Ann Piper wa4 took part. their summer carnival car and a short time later the ili named convenor of the Annua draw this year. A Chevrole: 'vas found on Higbway 401 and Burns Supper of bbe Legiar will ho given ta the seller of returnod ta its owner by bhe Pipe Band ta o b eld in tbc the winning ticket. The tenta- local detachment of the O.P.P. Legion Hall on January 21. T ieves tive date for the carnival i ___________________________ Fda.July 13 at bbe Publici $500 Loot Sceheards bave already sbarted for bhe Lions Minstrel Show which xill be held on Y u tb 'rp i n At Orono Store ac8,9an10 Anumber of bouquets wver", Manv Statesman subscriptions fali due thîsmot Thieves who broke into handed oufta varlous mnemer Thdopraino usrbers snmaig r mptpa nt Armtrngs .GA.StreIn of tbe Lions. A five-year per- w, Orono early Sunday morn- fecb attendance pnWaly ra,- j Ule greatly appreciated. ing m ade off w ith $500 in sented Ia Prsident W a s p ra- s rpi n a e p y bl in dv c . inerchandise - mostly cig- den. Ralph McIlntvre was on- M Al Statesman subsrpln r aal navne arettes and elothing. They gauae nbspooina It is imýpossible for us to continue subscriptions after they took two suits, overcoats, the GoodyVear plant. It was an-j faâ due, owlng to postal regulations and miles of the Audit sweaers shits nd pnts nounced that Lloyd Ayre is ac- Bureau of Circulation of which this newspaper is a member. from the dry-goods section cepting office li the Masonic of thestore.Lodge. The recent birbbdays af, W'*e also take this opportunity of thanking.the Mnany Bill Armstrong, proprie- Lion Howard Gibson and Glen subscribers who have already renewed their subseriptions. tor of the store, stated that Lander were brougbt ta the This prompt attention is greatly appreciated, as it also saves the burgiars wvere evident- attention of bbc club. ]y after cash, but that none Rass Metcalf. a former stu-, extra bookkeeping and additional mailing expense. is kept in the building dent of bhc labo W. E. C. Work- after closlng hours. They man wbo was the Lions' plan- jP gainedl entrance by smash- ist for a number of years. basj James P b ihn o Ing a wlniâdow at the rear taken over the dubies of pian- ef the grocery department. ist for the club. - - Com mittees Named for È1956 at Darlington The inaugural meeting of ploy a fuil-time building In- the 1956 Darlington Township spector. Council was held Monday in Coun. Charles Osborne the Township Hall at Hampton also agreed that quite a fe\ýv with Rev. F. J. Reed f Hamp- probîems face the township ton United Church delivering and he advsed the coundil ta the opening address to thc lay down a sound plan and fol- Council. Rev. Reed based his loxv it. talk on the l9th chapter of the e u y r v G n t R ck Book of Exodus which des- aD ae ht e Garet eRic- cribes how God told Moses tardnesintetoha h l e set up smaller councils among oneen fai ad tp t esn his people. a lities shouldn't enter int the Bey. Reed asked the council picture. to give m ore consideratIon 'L o n A to la c a d the arts and letters and other ConirhrBacad non-materiai things in the ne an nte onite community life so as to give plied ta he would co-operaLc the citizens opportunity to take ihteconi oth et0 full advantage of their increas- his abilit3'. ing leisure time. He believed Comniittees Named that the Township should have The following mn-imber.,i were a civic centre, park and mu- appointed to he four standing seum. Conservation and horti- committees of the Darlingtoin culture should also be given Township; Roads-Charles Os- help. borne and Arthur Blanchard; Each member of the council Finance and Relief - Garnt ~was given the opportunity to say Rickard and Ross Stcvell; a few words on the outlook of Planning Board, Legislation, Darlington Township for the By-laws and Schools-Ros coming year. Ahl agreed that Stevens and Charlès Osborne; there would be an inevitable Township Propcrty and Agri- increase in taxes, culture-Arthur Blanchard and lias Strong Council Garnet Riekard. Reeve Roy Nichols thought Ross Stevens suggested that that Darlington had one of its the council should meet twice a strongest councils this year and month instead of the usual expects it to tackle and handle monthly sitting. It was further any problems which arise. Tiie suggested that ont, of the meet.- reeve also feit that it was timie ings be held in the afternoon, the Township iad two more and the second in the eveniing. c ou n c iii1 o rs. "Roads an,1 This would give both the dayý schools,' he stated, "are being and night xvorkers a chance In built fast. People are demand- bring their problems to the ing more roads and are willing council without Iosing time to pay for them. We shou1dn't from work. The idea was left be the ones 'to stand in their over for one meeting. way.eý The Council accepted the in- Coun. Ross Stevens foresaw vitation of the Bowm1anvýýIa many problems and predicted Rotary Club t0a atend the ani- a 20 percent increase in taxes, nual municipal dinner of tiie Mr. Stevens thiought it was club which will be held Jan- time for the township to em-1 uary 13 at the Balmoral Hotel. Chamber Cuts Down On Several Meetings An iPortant change in the ngs were fomerly hld - the scheduhle of Chamber of C0rn third Monday of oach month. jMonday night's executive meet- been meeting on the first Mon- ing when At was decided to can- day of the month, which is the cel the general montbiy meetings same nîght as the Town Council, of the Chamber in favour Of and thîs gave the Chamber and three or four general meetings a Council no opportunity to meet year whîch will take the form jointly. The Secretary-Managcr, of dinner meetings wîth guest Ken Morris, wilI continue to speakers. The execeutivo meet- keep the niembcrship informed ings will be switched to the by means of a monthly pro- night on which the general meét- gress report. The monthhy gen- oral meeting which was to have bee eld this Monday has been Ic Cv oads Seek Parking Solution SA I A committee chaired by A. H ,,, asu namepupoe at the meet Prev. Pros, for an oarhy creation of lanes feo fee N ear O shaw a and off-street parking. Thisidea 4 cyl., 1933 or was is otrdbthCam bofore - ------- $ 2.00 $ .3.00 Extremely icy road condi- ber hast year in an attempt ta 4 cyl., after 1933 5.00 7.00 tions on Monday morning caus- help solve the parking problen-i S C CY., up to and ed two bad accidents on High- in the town. Another commit. incuding 28 hip 7.00 0joo way 401, one west of Oshawa (Continued on page seven) 6 cy., over 28 hp 10.00 14.00 and one àt Courtice. 8 cyl., up to and Emile Saussele, 45, of Osh- ' including 35 bp 10.00 14.00 awa was killed when his car Leo aro 8 c l.,ove 35hp 5.0 2100skidded off the highway and e AalIle ~smashed into a tree 1½/ miles' ion west of Oshawa. Two passen- W ins Public St r gers were also optlzdi ýe- sa î the crash. cT s 're- A t t e a u l N or an abele,35, of To- S p e a k în a e s dle ronto, was Vinned in the wrockage of his truck for 30 Ge r e aro , s n f r erminutes in the Courtice ace'- Edith Marlow, 20 George- St. rs. dent. His truck slid into an -jpwonicthea5 irsct pie mn ther driven by Stew art P t- u l c s e k n o t s o ndt ell, Toronto, and bath werre secondary school students on the amn badly smashed. Mr. Potteli was topic of accident prevention helrj ter thrown to the pavement and at Adelaîde House, Oshawa, am taken Io Oshawa General with yesterday (Wodncsday) after. rs, a broken leg and facial cuts.p noon. rs M r. Labelle was nt seriously j H eet dt o oh rsu o t injured.from Oshawa's two socondarv ,r- sehools ta win first place and ey the right to represent this s,,- Con ra t L t ion at a further contest to be n East - Central Ontario division. ad For Bri ge ea r George had prcviouisly won the ud i rdgontest held in Bowmanville Mr~~~. ~~~ Trenton on 41 Dr:H: c~o An tion Associations of Ontario. ronto Globe and Mail on Tue-. is ~~day that a $104,735 contract. Burns'Sp e n r.George Bryce, M.A.,1 a bridg on Highway 401 over ~p e le P h .D . a no n o f th e fo r e m o s t m is - a 'I . - c FM u r r l sionaries ta India, wil bc the nRp. tr ckI'ntoMurri- -speaker at St. PauI's United Towshpeahrp ha heD' nJ F at r Ja.1,at the annual Missi n o ~~T e tr ary and Maintenance service. - uthe east from New ca i T e H g Dr. Bryce and ber husband blw hs umr.H g i h av e b th b een in m issio n ary Tl h e ca nt r a w r e a A ] c t i m n a d w u d work in India for many years. h otatwsaadd* I c'lmnadwud Prhaps the greatest triute to the J. J. McFarland Construc- ho Scotchmýen in Bowmanvilie thir work is the affection forl tion C. Ltd., whose bd xas will. be pleaýed ta larn that temn of the people of India. I'rs. the lowel-f of four F7ulniittc-d. bbe Bowmanville L_ ion Pipe Bry e i a ra uab of et There was consderable spe- Band il hc hoidgng he!r Universityhof Toronto, and whie! culation in Durham Uounty a ffh an ul Brs Ngt tbb onfriag in 1928 obtained her yar ago that the 'our-lne Legion Hall on. Saturday, Jali- MA. degree in addition tai highway would býe xtended var- 21. bginning at 61.30 p>..l speaking an.d caring for her bus- ]ast summer. Highwav Associa- A dne will bc scrved, badadsi bîrn.O e ions were organized in bath comnpI ee with thc huggis, wh'cý next furlough in 1936-37, Mrs. Clarke and Hope Townships b- ilh ie nb ebi Bryce obtained her Ph. D. de- the Durham Federation of' of tbe hand. Ernie Bruce anîd grec in Sociology and Anthro- Agriculture ta aci. for thb, Tom Hlamilton, Scottish cor1nr:- pology, subjoct of ber thesis be- farmers concerned la an effort dianz-, v.ill ontertain, and a ing. "The Changing Family in ta obtain a good price for Scottish soprario wilh also ta!ke India". She bas been on the their ]and fromi the Depart- part in the prouîran. Mrs. Bet. staff of the Indore Christian ment of Highways. Sirice th,:.t ty Liv.ric will Le bbch pianist. Callege, Indore. for manv years. time a large rîumh"r of farmpers Every one is welcamne ta at- Dr. Br 'vce will have a messaela those tv.o townships bave tend this event and tickets mav containing much iuteresting in- sold portions of their land be purchased from Ah Mavig-a formation gleaned from ber ex- needed for the higbway ta tbe or Don Brooks of the Pi>p3 perience in India. Department. Band. L.ocal Chamber Distfrict Governor P-c lit Lliv laKesnore ieague --. -, - 1Lý, - .1 - ý. Lyl£.IIN v I.Uium. U IN 1 m .1-tjilmNI)AY -IANIIIILPV 19ý'k iÛrIr, 'IVISITS Lions uub

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