rITJSDÂY TAN. l2th, 1958 %M M R2p- obd&b- - - -, ý _ý ý ý -4 i.%- .-- ----.- -1 - - - - d THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAcE TFrREN New Cartwright Council Has Inaugurai Meeting, The inaugural meeting of Cartwright Council was held on Thursdav, Januarv 3, at 1 p.mn. with ail members preEent. The follovving subscribed to the Declaration of Office and took their seats: C. Wesley Sweet, Reeve, Bruce, Ashton, Deputy Reeve; Jack Green, Merlin Suggitt and George Black, Councillors. Rev. George Nicholson of Anglican Church, made a very appropriate address, scripture reading and praver. The Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors aIl spoke and thanked Rev. Mr. *Nicholson for his timely rp- marks. The Reeve congratulat- ed the r-Y member. Councillor Black, o J)eing back in Coun- ci]. . ' The Ci 1kk was instructed ta notify aIl Council members o! - a special meeting one da:; k ahead. Resignation of R. Wall e as Stock Valuator was read. ,Resignation to take effect Feb. lst. The clerk was instructed tLo advertise in three local papers and Daiiv Commercial News. fr a Road Superintendent. ap- plications ta close Jan. V~rd at 12 noon. Meeting ta be held ta open Tenders at 2 p.m. on Jan. 23rd if Road Enginper can be present. It was decided to pur- Chase a safe for clerk's officr,. The treasurer was instructed ta) collect ail Taxes three vears and over by any"means accord- ing to statute. Clerk was instructed to send a resolution ta Highway En-1 BLACKSTOCK Mm. and Mrs. H. Shortridgp and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey and Allan, Mr. and Mr.. Arthur Leighton wore Fridav Evening dinner guests witii Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Redman, Scugog Island, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bailev left last Wednesday for thei:r annual visit ta Fim'da. Sory that little Barry Tre- Win feli and broke his collar barie. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byersý, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and famiiy weme dinner guests with Mr. and Mcc,. Rupert Byers, Bowrnanvilie, last Friday even- ing. There are several cases nf rnumps among the school chil- dren. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Mc. and Mrs. Fred Trewin. Lloyd and Earle, with Mr. and Mrs. -Edgar Horne, Oshawa, last Friday' night. Mrs. Orr Venning is in Com- rnunity, Part Perry, where she Swill undergo an operatian. We Dead Stock Removed 24-Hour Service >L.,, iELEPHONE COLLECT i COBOURG 1787 INICK PECONI, pPETERBOROUGH 2-2080 'Ili Memorial gineer requesting sufficient funds to finish the development road. On motion the Clerk's salary was raised $200 per year to $1700. By-law No. 1010, a by-law to borrow money from Canadian Bank of Commerce, Port Per- ry, up to a maximum o! $35,000 for current expenses was read three times and passed. The Council agreed ta buy the paint for the ante-rooms in the rink if the Curling Club does the painting. Reeve Sweet and Coun. Black were appointed to the Parks Board and Ralph Larmer as Township representative ta the County Federation af Agricul- Board at Port PerrySHIRDLO ture; Mr. Bruce Heaslip re- presentative ta Community Hospital Board at Port Perry; Mr. John Carnaghan appointeri Pouindkeeper in place of Carl Wright. Clerk instructed ta send out invitation Tenders ta convert the furnace in the basement of Community Hall ta an ail burn- er and pipe heat to washroom. Tenders ta close on Monday, Jan. 23rd at 12 faon. Accounts passed as follows: Cocil Hoayn, Insurance on rink _. ---- - $ 259.20I Gond Roads Association Membership fee --- 10.00 H. Thompson, Clerk Treasurer -- --- _140.00 Road Voucher, Dec.' 15 to 30 ----- ý- -1909.22 Council adjourned ta meet on Monday, Jan. 23rd at 2 p.m. ahl wîsh her a speedy rcovery. Last week the World's Wee k of Prayer with the therel "Evangelism" xvas observed in the local churches. 1 On Tuesday night Rev. Hut- ton was at St. John's Anglican; on Wedne-sday Rev. Nicholson was at Nestleton Presbyterian: on Thursday night Rev. Mc- Lean was at the United Church. Mission Band Meets . Mission Band in the Sunday School room was attended bv 32 children and two leaders on Thursday afternoon o! last weok. The new president, Anne Gibson, presided after the us- ual opening. Mrs. Cecil Hill gave the worship on "Light and Beauty". Ivan Bradburn and John Roseboorn took up the offering, and Larry Brown said the offertory prayer. The minutes were read by the new secretary, Carol Rahm. The roll caîl was answered by ter." JilI and Joan Saywell sang a lovely duet, "O Corne Ail Ye Faithful". Mrs. Ivan Mountjo ' , the new leader, . told a stor.v, "The Ranch in the Mountains". Nancy Dorrell played beauti- fuily on the piano "Winter Wonderland"~. Mrs. Ceeil Hill read a letter from Miss Hazel Heffron, Flin Flan, Manitoba, aur Canadian Missionary for prayer. Arena Married in Tyrone Church s- N . , - * ê Pictured f ollowing their marriage on December 31lst, are Mr. and Mrs. David Edward Phasey. The wedding took place in Tyrone United Church. The bride is the! former Marilyn Jean Adele Philp, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Hap) Philp of Tyrone, and the, groom is the son of Mrs. Fred Brooks of Oshawa. -Photo bv Rehder Su nday School Officers Elected at Blackstock Rev. C. W. Hutton wras chair- Mrs G. Strong: Beginners, Mrs. man for the Blackstock United Roy Taylor. Mrs. Roy Turner; Church annual Sunday School Primary, Mrs. Ivan Thompson, meeting at the church on Fn4- Glenn Larmmr; Assistants to day evening iast. Richard Van Primary Room, Mrs. Harold Camp, treasurer, gave a fine Swain, Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, report as did Miss Joyce Gra- Mrs. Ernie Swain; Junior Girls!, ham for the Missionary report. Mrs. Harold Kyte; Assistant, The average attendance for Mrs. Stanford Van Camp; Jun - the past year was 21. Mrs. Ro.,,, or Boys, Neil Malcolm; Assist- Taylor and Mrs. Gardon Strang, ant, Stuart Dorreil. were named ta purchase a pi-~ Other Teachers Chosen ana for the Junior room.* There is also a great need foc a larg- Intermediate Girls, Mrs. Earl or Junior room as the present Dorreli: Assistant, Mrs. Har- one is x'ery crowded. aid McLaughlin, Intermediate Officers Appointed Boys, Richard Van Camp. Wal- The following officers wer ter Wright: Supply Receiver, eiected: Superintendent, Earl Mcs. W. Archer; Auditors. Mmc.j Dommliwhois bgininghisCeeil Hill, Mrs. Norman Mount- 3olst year Asist. Sut.. nehs; jav; Missionary chairman, Miss 31s yar:Asist Spt. Ene- Joyce Graham- Missionarv Swain; Secretary' , Ralph La"-Tesrr r. tatDrel mec; AssScy avyGa Temperance Convener, Ivan ham. A Treasurer is ta be ap- Mountjoy; Bible Ciass Teach- painted later. er H arold Kyte, Senior Girls Primary Supt., Mrs. Cecil Teacher, Mms. Clarence Mar- Hill; Assistants, Mrs. Ivan low. eirByDlo o- Thonipson, Mrs. Murray By- eli'.SnorByDatnDr ers; Cradle Rail Supt., Mcrc. Lloyd Wright; Pianist, Joani Ralph Larmer is in charge o! Hoskin; Assistants, Catherine attendance awards and nertI Bailey, Bill Hutton; Nursery Sunday these awamds wîll bej Rooni Teachers, Mrs. M. Byers,igiven. Hon or Former Leskard Couple 4Oth Wedding An enjoyahie evening wGs spent at thýe home o! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bail, R. R. 4, Boxv- ranville, formerly o! Leskard, on Thursday, Dec. 22, the oc- casion boing the couple's 4th wedding anniversarv. Members o! the family and about 40 relatives gatheced ta offer congratulations and spend a social evening together, play- ing games and enjoying several musical numbers. Later, the bride and groom o! 40 years, were presented wvith a purs2 o! money and sevemal beauli- fui gifts. Cards and messages were also received by Mr. and Mrs. Bail. During the evening a beau- tiful corsage and boutonnier'e were pcesented ta the couple by their grandson, Eric Shack- leton. .The evening came ta a close with Mr. and Mrs. Bail cut- ting their three-tier wedding cake and lunch being semved. AIl joined in wishing Mc. a-id Mrs. Balil many mare happy an niv ors aries. WEDDING PHASEY - PHILP Tyrone T13 the scene o! urday aftc:-no MarilyniiJear tdaughiter o! I ard (Hap) %vas united David Edwar cî-o, s>on of! rc! Oshawa, an and Mrs. Cha White and v munis decora, Rev. Fred ed the ceren cousin, NMrs.7 rconta. pla ' ed Sic and acco ist, M'vis:z NM Hax'do- who I)efore the 'ei Wedding Pi' sîgning o! thE The bride x riage by liec a gown of ice aven satin ir The lace bad wîtIh a sweet closze !ît-îng long sleevesi lac being \u ver\' full skir tin %vas enha panel o! lace Hem finger ing ice bluie coî'onet set and sequins, nited Church was a wodding on Sat- oon, Dec. 31, when i Adele Philp. oniy Mr. and Mrs. How-1 Philp o! Tyran-, in mnarciage with md Phasey o! Or- Mrs. Fred Brooks, ýnd grandson o! Mr. cascade bouquet a! red rases. Miss Carole Phillips, Tyrane, was maid o! honor, wearingl shrimp net aver taffeta in cock- tail iength, the strapless bodice worn with a stole, and the ful skirt sprinkled with brilliants. She carried a cascade o! white chrysanthemunis. à Miss Lynda Lee Hauber cf Philadeiphia, Pa., cousin a! the bride, was also in shrimp net aver taffeta, the full skirt fashioned in tiers which were caught at intervals with spravs o! roses and babv's b""ath.i Her fiowers were white an, yellow chrvsanthemnums. Bath, attendants wore tiaras ta match their gowns, sprinkled witn brilliants. Mr. Grenville Byam, Tyran"2, was best mnan. and ushers we"e Mr. Harold Murphy, brother- in-law o! the groom, and Mr. Ron Philp, brother o! the bride,. A reception followed at Duo roman, the home a! the bride's parents, the bride's mother woaring rust crystalette witil white accessorios and a cor- sage o! bronze and white chrysanthemums. The groom's grandparents received with her,1 Mrs. Wood w'earing, grey wool with pinlik accessaries and a 1 corsage o! pink carnations.' For travelling ta Buffal and points west on their wedding trip, the bride chose a navy and white dress with charcoal gre7v coat, white hat and ac- cessori 2ýs and corsage of bronze chrysanthemums. Guests were presont from j Halifax, N.S., Toronto, Cod- rington, Peterborough, Lake- field, Cobourg, Orono. Oshawa, Newcastle and Philadoîphia, Pa. Inn nity W.M.S. arles Wood, Oron insi ted the church. Jackson perform- The AfIternoon Auxiliarv of 1 -nony. The brides Trinity W.M.S. met on Tue.3-1 Bob Babcock, T-)- dav, Jan. 3rd with Mrs. Cowl- Sthe wedding miu- ing, President. presiding and mpanied the solo- Mrs. Hircock at the piano. Mc [argot Rankine -)f Cowling opened the meeting osang -Because" with a New Year's prayer. i Lremony. and -Th, Mrs. Siemon, assisted by Mrsi ýa '%er" during th'c Baker, Mrs. Cox, MIrs. Clern-: ergte.ence and Mrs. Byers tooki xvas given in mar- charge of the worship service.: father, anîd -wore the topie being, "The Caîl to eblue lace and not the Mission of the Church' . in cocktail length, Different portions of scripture dice was straples3, wvere read and commented on. theart neckli1ne, a The eyecutive officers for! lace jacket wit and stand-up col- thecmn year were installed i ev. . A Mogan ortn ovcr it. The 1 . A Mrgn rt of net over sa Mrs. Cowling condîîcted the ianced by a wide business session when the dit- at the front. ferent secretaries gave their tip veil of match- reports. The annual reports \vas ca'îght tco a wvere abzo given. with rhinestones The meeting closed wît h and she carried a i pray or by Mrs. Cu,.%,Jng. Reports Heard At Blacksto ck Institute Meet Mrs. Neil Malcolm was hast- ess at her home for the Jana- ary Blackstock Women's Insti- tute meeting on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There were 24 ladies and il children present. Mrs. Lamne Thompson, presi- dent, was in the chair and op- ened the meeting with the op- ening Ode and Mary Stewart Colleet. Then she read a poei-n "An Institute Garden". Mrs. M. Byers, Secretary - Treasurer, gave the financial report, which showed a balance o! $2.00 Mrz Byers reported that $ 17.45 was cleared at the card party, whicll will go ta hall renova- tion. Gratitude Expressed' Thanks were received from Mrs. James Strong and Mrs. Oscar Graham for the Christ- mas cheer boxes. Plans were made for the annual Spring Bazaar and each member is to bring an article ta the next meeting. Another card party is planned for Jan. 13 for the Hall Reriovation Fund. The secretary announced that an extension course on sandwich making will be heid in United Church S. S. room on Jan. 17 at 1.30 and everyone interested is welcome. 'the roll eall was answee with "a resolution 1 have made and kept". Program Presented Mrs. H. Bailey's group was in charge of the program and the theme was Resolutions. Mrs. G. Wolfe gavre the paper on current events. Mrs. Selbv Grant, the District President, was present and spoke on In- stitute work. Hot dogs were the special feature of the lunch served by Mrs. Malcolm and the group. Next meeting in S. S. Room with Mrs. Russell Mountjoy as hostess. New Off icers Hlampton WM Hampton ý- The Hampt Women's Missionary Soci, held their Chrisltinas meet in the S. S. rooin with P: Mrs. Warrack in charge.1 sum oi $10 was voted to given anid sent to the Fred V tor Mission, Toronto. Wor] Day or Praver will be Feb. 17 Mrs. E. Cole then read new slate of officers,pthe stallation will be held at1 January meeting at the P sonage by Rex'. Reed. Past Mrs. Warrack %vill be in chai of the program. The Christmas worship p gram was in charge of MV Florence Werry taken from M ont hly. Mrs. Caverley and M Smales sang a duet, "W] ChUd is This". OLD SOI71TH SL RN FACE-ELLE CATELLI'S ORANGE TISSUES LONG JUICE MARGARINE 2 200's SPAGHETTI 48-oz. tin 2 1t.5 CM's size 16-oz. pkg. 33cL.5c 33c 2 For 29c Paramount Fancy Doc. Ballard's Champion Nabisco CORGE DOG FOOD SHREDDIES 1 ~15-oz. tinFo SALMON 4 For 45c 2 Fr35c ý/à's tin 36c GoId Medal GIANT ConBrand CUSTARD. FAD 2 lb. tin 31c POWDER DETERGENT Rohin Hood 12-or. tin 29C (Free Ouest Towel) C10CLA enra Eetrc 7 LAMP DULIS77 CAKE MIX 25-40-60 watt AMLV 15o.30c 4 For 79c DEAUTY FieRoses FUSE PLUGS S O A P F L O UIR 15-20-25-30 Amps3 25 5-lb. hag 37c 3 For 21c3Fo25 Magie Supreme Bran' ' PURITAN DAKING WHITE NEAT DALLS POWDER DEANS and GRAY 16-oz. pkg. 36c 16-or. pkg. 16C 1-z i 9 Coiv Brand Supreme Brand Yellow ozti39 BAKING SODA SPLIT PEAS 12 -oz. cello BIRDSEYE 16-oz. pkg. 13c 2 For 29c FROZEN FOODS Dalton's Featberstrip Johnson's Stride Garden Fresh COCOANUT LQI A Peas, 12 oz.- 26e LIUI W XBeef Pies, 8 oz. 37e 7-or. pkg. 23C Pint tin8C Lemonade, 6 or. 2 for 45c Blueberries, il or. 39e Jresl'if/eats rSires/i (rocluce Q . ali1 t Bee Sae! Selet - Golden Ripe Quait BefSae! Bananas lb. 19c BLADES Ripe - Sweet - Easy to Peel - 200 size ROAST lb. c Sunkist Oranges doz. .59c SHORT Trim Heads - Tender - Green Rib Roast lb. 37c Lettuce 2 Jed2 7c Lean Mild, Sweet, Marsh Grown - 20-oz. bags Minced Beef lb. 29c Carrots 2ZforZ23c BONELESS - LEAN Famous for Quality - No. 1 - Eastern Stewing Beef lb. 45Sc Potatoes B.g.29C SWIFT'S - Skiriless - Breakfast 1-lb. Sausage p. :29c SWIFT'S PREMIUM Franks 1-lb. 5 Franks ~Cello 3c SWIFT'S PREMIUM - 1-lb. pkg. Sealed Bacon 59C ________ .THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU ,BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE 1 ORONO - Cornish Mreei s il M don iely ting Ires. [he be ld's r th. the in- tlie Lor. ro- the Irs. lhat ut BARGAI N PRICES During Their GREAT JANUARY SALE Dresses Regular to 12.95 On Sale $4.83 Dresses Regular to 19.95 On Sale $9.83 Dresses Regular to 29.95 On Sale -$14.83 LADIES' i Blo uses Regular to 3.98 On Sale $1.97 LADIES' Sweaters Regular to 7.91 On Sale .$3.97 BresIin"s Whitby Bowmanville ~i' p B 0W M A NV1LL E Public Skamting FRIDAY, JANUARY 131h 8 - 10 p.m. ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20e LAKESHORE INTERMEDIATE "A" HOCKEY ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAYI JANUARY 141h THE GAME 0F THE SEASON Cobourg Bowmanville Baron ADMISSION - Adults -Reserved and General Admission 75e Children-------------- 35e O.M.H.A. HOCKEY Wednesday Night JANUARY 181h - 8 p.m. Port Hope Juveniles Bowmanville Juveniles and A Midget Game ADMISSION-- Aduits 35c - Children 20e - Yeo'/s Marketeria - Maple Grove Groceteria Breslin's Bowmanville Whitby Offer You Dresses. PAgZ TM%]=