m- 'urtnmSAy, JAN. lmt, 1938 A ?~W t!ANAT>TAN ~'rAW~A~T ~ JA~~¶~V.?.I! #~M'PAu~ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Leanard Bradley, Enniskil- len. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berry vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Royal Quinn, Simcoe, during the re- cent holidays. Mr. W. G. Bawles of Nestieton attended the annual convention of the Ontario Whole Milk Pro- ducers' League in Toronto early this week. Recent visitars with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfieid were Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rundie and Wilma, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stutt, Ayimer. S Mr. John M. James, M. P., for Durham is in Ottawa at- tending the 1956 session of the 22nd Panliament. Mrs. James accomipanied him and attend- ed opening ceremonies on Tuesday of this week. Visitons af their aunt Miss Margaret Allen, Beech Ave., during the Christmnas hoiidays were Miss Catharine Bail, Richmond Hill, Mr. Allen Bail,1 T1oronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Bail and family, Cobourg. j Report of the Northumber-1 land-Durham Health Unit- for the week ending January 7 shows 10 cases af chickenpox,1 Il of red measles and one case of mumps. Danington Town- ship has two cases of chicken- pax. Citizens are urged to show their interest in the Memorial Hospital by attending the an- nual meeting of the Board to- night (Thursday) in the Coun- cil Chambers at 8 p.m. Reports wili be heard and six directors elected. Due ta the increased number of girls in our Brownie Packs and Girl Guide Conanies, there is an urgent need for ad- ditional leadership. If you are interested and could spare two hours a week, please phone Mrs. A. J. Frank, MA 3-3231. Mr. J. D. Finlayson, Chief Sanitary Inspector for the Northumberland - D u r h a m Health Unit, is attending a ne-s fresher course this month at the Environmental Sanitation Training Centre, Provincial In- stitute of Trades, Toronto. The course has been arranged by the Departmtnt of Health, and 34 Chief Sanitary Inspectors are attending. Mr. Finlayson has been an the Heaith Unit staff since 1946, and has been living in Cobourg since 1949. S Attending the Ontario 1(Whole Miik Prodaîcers Leaguea iannual convention on Januarya ~5and 6- at the Royal York Ho-fi ST, JOHN'S' CHURCH (Anglican' Second Aller Epiphany 8 and il arn. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7 p.rn. - EVENING PRAYER tel fromn this district were Messrs. Harvey Brooks, Sain Buttery, Fred Stevens, Aif. Alhin, Clare Allun, Garnet Sy- mons, Blake Short and Wilfrid Carruthers. Their wives joinezd them an Thursday evening for the annual banquet held in th,- bailroom of the Royal York. Mr. Carruthers, a director for Bowmanville, attended the convention and directors' meet- ing on Friday, Jan. 6. Mr. W. Ross Stnike, Q.C., vice-chairman of the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commis-~ sion, was the speaker at Peter- borough Rotarv Club on Mon- day. A higlght of the meeting was the presentation of an ail painting made by Mr. Strike on behaif ai the Rotary Club ta Mr. Ross L. Dobbin, retired general manager ai the Peterborough Utilities Commission. The paint- ing was a portrait of Mr. Dobbin by Archibaid Barnes and wil be hung in the hydro substation in Smith Township which is namned after Mr. Dobbin. The first meeting in 1956 of the Men's Canadian Club is be- ing heid Wednesday Jan. 1Bth in St. Paul's S. S. Room at 6.30 p.m. The speaker is a well known native son of Durhamn County, Mn. H. C. Rickaby, De- puty Minister of Mines, who is a brother of aur popular mer- chant prince, Mr. R. P. Ricka- by, praprietor of the "Big 20" Book and Stationeny Store. There is no one better quali- fied to speak on the subject Mr. Bickaby has chosen which is "Mining in Ontario" and will be iiiustrated with coioned ma- vies., Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, 40 Pheasant Lane, Etobicoke, f or- merly of Bowmanville, were among 12 winnens chosen fnom thousands ai homes decorated for the Christmas season. Hun- dreds of nominations for prizes were made in the Toronto Star Outdoor Decoration Contest, and homes ail over Ontario were included. A home in Na- panee and one in Timmins were among the 12 winners. Winners each received a pair ai sterling silver candlesticks. Mrs. Hay is a daughter af Mr. and Mns. R. E. Logan, Orono. Mn. Hay, better known as Bud, was in business here with Raui Hetheringtan. Fed. of Agric. (Continued iram Page Oue) ing of the Federation in the area at the north af Hope Township and south portion ai Cavan ta familiarize the people in thati area with the accomplishments and work ai the Federation. Discuss Health Insurance Mn. Moffatt, who is Secretany- rreasurer ai the Durham Med- iccl Services, reponted that -in the proposed Ontario health in- sunance plan the government -jas given the farmens a low rat- ing. He asked the co-operation of the Dunham Federation in. a campaign to influence the gev- ernment ta naise the iarmen's classification up ta that a! wage earners in the pnoposed plan. On motion of Ralph Larmer, President Allun was authonized o help the Durham Medical Services in this matter if they o desire. Mel Staples and lst Vice- Prsdn Dick Bowies were iamed ta review the present plans ai the Ontario Federation for incorporation and submit any comments they might have ta that body. Gannet Rickard reported on al recent panel discussion held at the Ontario Agnicultural College, Guelph. A motion was passed that the first quarteriy membership pay- nent of $313.91 be paid ta the Ontario Federation ai Agricul- tune. t c e c e c s fi c f( ci ti 3~ '~ tE W < U2>O~ SC < W'~C 'II <4 - Trinity United Church: T' ,inister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. S11 A.M. - "'No Passive Resistance" 7 P.M. - "The Parable of the Sower" Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. St. PauI's United Church Missionary and Maintenance Sunday SJANUARY 151h 9:50 ar.- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 aa.i Dr. Winifred Bryce, M.A., Ph. D., formerly of Indore Christian College, India 7.00 p.ni. - THE IMINISTETL The Junior Choir will sing Voit are wclconie Newcastle Public School Board The above photo, taken priar to their first meeting jStorks and ""lairman E., W. Fisher. Standing: John of the year, is Newcastle's 1956 Sehool Board. They are, Rickard, Irvin McCullough, Douglas Walton and Secre- reading f rom lef t to right, seated: Gordon Gray, Mrs. Wm.i tary-Treasurer Edward Barchard. -Photo by Carson Studio Co bourg Joits ý 4Oh Barons Out of ý Firsf Place The Bowmanx'ilie Barons were toppled out of first place in the Lakeshore League for the first time silice December 2 when the Cobourg Lumber Kings walioped them 7-2 in the counties' town iast Friday night. The Barons pulled lback into a first-piace deadiock the foiiowing night, however, by trimming Port Hope 6-4. Bawmanville goals went ta Ron Burgess on a pass fnom Er- nie Dickens, and to Captain Frank Hooper on a reiay fnomn Dan Girardi. Kenny Medhunst and Scotty Dowie led the Lumi- ber Kîngs with two markers each. The game here on Saturday riight at 8 o'ciock at Memorial Arena between these two clubs shouid ha a reai mouser as thev wiii probabiy stili ha battiing, for the league Icad. The Barons trayaI ta Lindscy Friday night and shouid corne back with a win from the Regents. Os hawa C. of C. To Sponsor Sales Clinic The Oshawa Chamben of Commerce and Radio Station CKLB wiil sponsor a Rotail Sales Clinic at the Oshawa ,Central Colieg-iate Inistitute Jenuary 16 and 17 at 7:30 p.nî., with Fred A. Palmer, a top rate profcssional sgales consul- tant being the specici guest. Mr. Palmen is an authority on the development, training and use of sales techniques and lie wiil give new and old retail sales people alike, an excellent opportunity ta improve their ebility in selling.- AIl interested refailers and their enîployecs are as'kod ta ,make reservation for this clin- ic through the CKLB staff or the Chambcr af Commerce of- fice. Nesileton qteon Visitîng Mn. Noo, nd Mns. Emnerton wcna Mns. ( don Coi- lins and Donnîa, Scu,.og Island, and Miss Mayv Noon, Toronto. Miss Mabel Bruce. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson were enter- tained by Mns. Hanînan Sameils ta a turkey dinner. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip visited Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byens, Bowmanviiie. Mn. Harold Porteaus, Bawman ville, visited Mn. and Mns. Eh- Mains and Mn. and Mrs. . Nelson Marlow. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa,' was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. Ada McKee. Mrs. Neil Wcrr 'v is spanding some tizîîe witlî lier Par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thonîpsoxi. Mns. C. Vermeer netunned firom Port Penny Hospital since ber ne- cent operation and iniends xish ber a speedy rccover.y. The Bowers' and Williams' families have had great sport with their Shetland pony tlîis! winter and have recantly trained it ta pull a small sleigli. Memorial Hospital 1Weekly Report For the week aif Jan. i-8: Admissions --- --------- -- 3- Binths, à nmala, 2 femele -- 7 Discherges 45 Major operations8 Niinor operatlons Ernergency treetmnents -- 10 Tht'. f v s a.flC publi:]îed ihis u:nù l:v. ii itht' Sr- vices of aur ho.ýpita1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bal celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary on Dec. 22 when about 40 relatives gathered at their home, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Bail lived formerl.y in Leskard. The couple received many lovely gifts. New Members Join Trinity On Sunday A number of new members ware receîved into Tinity Un- ited Church lest Sunday mann- ing Pt the Communion service conducted by the minister, Rev T. A. Morgan. The foliowing wene received inta the chunch: Mr. Edward Adler, Mn. and Mrs. Robent Guthrie, Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hendry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent, Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Laird and Vivian. iVrs. Elizabeth Lancaster, Mn. Herinian Lichtenberg, Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Mr. Jack lVunday, Mn. and Mrs. Michacl Fui:, Mr'. and Mrs. William Stevens, Mir. and Mrs. Alex Willimarn nd Robent Wiliaims. Dairy Queens Are Studying "Milky Way" Bowmcanvilie Junior 4-H- Homiemaking Club have finally got unden way for the seeson witlî three leaders, Mrs. Tomn Buttery, Mrs. Roy Webben, Mrs. George Alîchin, and six înterested members. They are cnxious ta learn the "Miiky way". At the meeting et Mns. AIl- chin's home on Thursday night, January 5, the girls voted ta cli thernseives "The Dainy Queens". At the previous meet- ing in thc Chîristmas hloidays, the girl., wero ,Jar'tcd down the "M\,ilky MVay"'. They stud- ied the content and learned haw to get the hast ironi milk. At thie third nmeeting et Mrs. Roy Webber's home the girls learneci home pasteunizatian of milk and starting ta cook food with a milk base. Naxt week we will be meet- ing et Mrs. G. Allchin's-where we are ail loaking forward ta judging oun culincny arts. BURKETON 1Mn. and Mrs. Anthony Snmith 1 nd family spant Ciînistnîas w%,eek-end with Mrs.' Mary Armstrong and Lyle, Smith 1. Falls. .Mesten Lyle Smith returnecd home after spending the lest 3fCu'- "'orths 1w±-th his grand- !n ier. Mr. r.Iary Armnstrong, Srnith Falls. Mr. end Mns. Anthony Smith and fanmilv spent New Year', wei:&-nd \vith Nu'. and l\'î.. C lavtoî W'ei'miuer, Elmnwooud, Ont. SS ocal & £ersonal PhoneMA 3-3303 (Continued from page one) tee under Bernard Kitney was fanmed ta look into the matter af time limits and enfoncement of parking negulatiaus on the front street. The Retail Merchants Com- mittee which is chaired by Ken Nicks and consists of Cal Breen, R. P. Rickaby, J. H. Abernethy and Art Hooper will hoid its first meeting next Monday ta map its pnagnam for the caming year. The Chamben bas obtained a suppiy af towvn maps which flrst appeaned in The. Canadian Statestman, Sept. lst, and these will be sold through the Cham- ber office for five cents. The maps will also be used in in- dustniai promotion and answer- ing of inquiries o! out-of-town she dies. Anniversary SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE AIII.ce ~ 'ALL TRIS WEEK NEW LOTION DISCOVERYI deep flowing Itdfq facial m cle n ser cle ans your akin vp ta 3 TIMES CLEANER thon ony soop - ony craam SAVE 1.46 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's ---.115 500's ----4.29 BRYLCREE M TEPERFECTr HNIRDRESSING udeelors A iady tuese IMor..mon thbn My other hafr drsling in the worldj SAVE 4te SACCHARIN TABLETS U 4Grain 100's -20c 500's --55c ],,2 Grain 100's ----23C 500s --65c For Balanced Fitness PLEASANT ' 'FRUIT SAL?' -n. -. -- EN O r - --~-- -v.. PRESCRIPTIONS Shop at YOUR DRUG STORE'- the safe, logical and dependable place to buy drugs, medicines an-d other products for health and beauty care. SPECIALS I.D.A. Brand AROMqATIC CASCADA A pleasant and gentle tonic laxative. Useful in certain cases of constipation 3 oz., reg. 35c - I.D.A. Brand ""'conomy" Note Size Reg. 10c 8c, 2 For 15C 29c 16 oz., reg. 65e 49C WRITING 'PADS Ladies' or Letter Size - Reg. 15C 13c, 2 For 25c A.S.A. TABLETS for relief of pain of headaches, neuralgia, toothache 300's 49C E-Z ATTACHMENT SETS complete with tubing, slip-pipes and shut-off 59C Cou gh and Cold Remedies I.D.A. Brand Special ! CAMPHORATED GIL I oz., reg. 20e - 15C 3 oz., reg. 40c- 29c Lions Club (Continued froni page one) pulls the logs into skidways, andj one operator, does the same work as a tearn of horses and 7 to 8 men forînerly did in a day. In spite of the increased use of machinery there is no in- crease in unemployment. Car- loads of men continue to corne into the forest for work. The lumber is taken from the farest to the mill b y means of a diesel power tug boat. At the miii the lumber goes through a great many stages before it ultimately reaches the consumer. 74r. Whitney extended a per- mtanent invitation to any in- terested persan to corne up ta Bancroft and be conducted on a tour of the forests. Lion Jack McNulty thanked the district governor on behaif of the club and presented hi-m with a gift as a souvenir of his visit ta the Bowmanville club. Le ads Rural Bowling Group Maple Grave __ 12 5935 Blackstock -12 5179 Enniskillen Sr.- 9 5854 Tyrone 5 5329 Enniskiilen Jr.- 2 5142 Hampton -____ 2 5073 High single-J. Sieman 296. High Triple-J. Siemon 639, C. Mills 639. Lemon League-T. Chant 91. A woman considers herseif af manriageable age from the time she reaches sixteen until t- VITA DIET CAPSULES 7 essential minerais and vitamins 1 00's ....$4.50 KIDNEYS Reg. Silo 9ç 1-Economy 980 SAVE 28e IDASAL TABLETS 100's ----39e 300's - 89c SAVE 42e OLIVE OIL 4 oz. - -35e 16 oz. -.98c SAVE 28e HEAVY rMNERAL OIL 16 oz. - 55e 40 oz. 1.10 the Most ýqffective and convenient #à s ii Si treatment "MYPENS" PENICILLIN cind. STREPTOMYCIN $1.50 'z AleX. McGregor, Drugs I e Deliver Your, Local I.DA. Drug Store Phone MA 3-579à i i , c visitors. These maps are oniy intended for a stop-gap as regulatior. type maps shawinit ail the street naines, churches. Qchcols and public buildings wiU soon be obtained. Forrn Special Committe. Art Hooper bas volunteered ta head a committee which will pursue the matter of the light- ing and çlecoration brackets on the King St. light standards. The Chamber's 1956 member- ship drive will soon start with a mail circular being sent ta ail prospective members. The slo- gan in this year's drive wfll read, "Hurry up your member- sbip voluntarily so0 that we can spend aur time working for you, and nat on you." Following this a list of the non-member finms will be campiled and they wifl be called upon individuaiiy by Chamber members. To aid the Town Council In making the 1957 Centennial a success, the Chamber Directors have volunteered to assist in any way they can. I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Brouta Quinine ---- 49c, 79c Bronchida Cough Syrup -_ _ _ 75e Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 ~IITA AILUeFOR GOOD I.D.A. Brand Special! IDANALT Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil A nutritive Vitamin Tonic Excellent for children Reg.5e Sc Re. 1.9 98 4 Ml. Reg. 5c 59 Re2g"1':2 98C reg. 2.29 16 I.D.A. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules- 100's, 250's, 500's 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 I.DA. Cod Liver Oi B.P. Standard, 16 oz., 89c I.DA. Cod Liver OiI Capsules, 100's- - 1.19 I.D.A. Idafer Iran and Vitamn B Compound Liquid, 16 ounce- 1.50 Capsules, 60's, 240's150 4.50 Vita Diet - 7 Vitamins, 7 Minerais, 100 caps., 4.50 One-A-Day Multiple Vitarnins - 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 Scott's Emulsion ___- 1.00, 2.00 Scott's Emulsion Capsules 1.65, 3.00 Sq'uibhb0D Cod Liver Ou - 1.00, 2.25 Waterbury's Compound with C & G and Vitamins 1.50 ST, ORES 1 e 1 à M6ý ------------------ lm 7is. THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVff.LLP- nwTARyn IbAnip -Rvqrwl« Grove of 1 t a e n A SI m f( ti a: -1 A SPECIALTY li IMaple C. Exec. l