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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1956, p. 11

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TW!JRSDAY, .YAN'. I9tiI, 1050 T~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAKV!LLE. ONTAMO PAGE ELEVEI< Hospital Loss SIightIy Reduced Durîng 1955; Move Revenue Received The Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, operated at a deficit again during 1955, it was re- ported at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors held lst Thursday night, but the cieficit was slightly smaller than the previous year. Net loss last year was $19,- 069-S43 less than the los of S19,112 during 1954. Operating loss wvas $17.153, or $1.26 pet patient-day. C-perating revenue was Up $ 14,876 for the year, but oper- ating expenses also rose by $15,280 ta cancel out the in- creased incarne. Chie! inerease in cost was wages, which rose by $12.766 in 1955 over th? arnount paid in 1954. A total of $129,493 was paid out in ,wages and salaries, which gives the Memorial Hospital one of thie largest payrolls in theý tow.,n. Total operatingc revenue of the hospital was $174,704 de- rived from rooms, and services tuch as operating room, deliv- ery room, laboratory, dispen- sa1ry and X-ray. Another $11,- 42:3 was received !rom provin- Ci grants and grants from Po w ma n v 11e, Darlington, Clarke and Newcastle. Interest, profit from the cafeteria, and $2,039 in donations brought maonies received from other thanpi operation sources up to $1 8,489. Total receipts were thus $193.193 and total expenses, in- cludîng depreciation, were $229,416. Chairman Speaks Chairman Harry Crydermnan welcomed the 17 persons pres- ent et the meeting held in the Town Hall Council Chamber. He stated that while the Mem- crial Hospital again showed a deficit, this is almost entirely accoutnted for by the cost o! in- dligent patiefits for whom the government pays only a frac- tion o! what it actuallY costs the hospital ta care for tbem. He paid tribute ta the excel- lent work performed by the hospital staff under Superin- tendent Miss Irene Shaw, Reg. N., during 1955, "'There is an excellent spirit of c-oiperation and harmony at the hospital and I feel that this probably stems right !romn the top", he declaretd. He alsa thanked the members of the Womnen's Aux- Jliary for their very generous assistance during the past year. "We couldn't get by without TI1CK9E T8 TO EVERYWHERE jAir, Rail or SteamshlP 3owmanvllle îp St. W. MA 3-5779 _Y JACK DRGUGHý and 13EATING BOWMANVILLE Street South .the help o! the Women's Aux- tiliary", he said. '-Their iselp is *very important". Mr. Cryderman also cam- mended the members o! the *Board for the fine way thtýy had carried out their duties during the year, and thanked The Canadian Statunman for ftise good news coverage hospi- tai activities had received. Finance Chairman George *Hacking gave a resumne o! tise financial report for 1955 and tisis was given in full by Se- cretary-Treasurer Ray J. Diii- ing later in tise meeting. Mr. Hacking painted out that thse $14,000 spent an equipment had corne from special grants 1 or this purpose and that thse iprovincial government isad supplied $ 10,500 o! this arnount. f"The hospital is still operating irn the red, but not too serious- ly', ise said. New Equipment Bought Director Joe O'Neýîll report- ed for Property Chairman Sid- ney Little that considerable new equipment had been pur- chased during the year, with thse most important items be- ing a new diagnostic X-ray un- it, an oxygen tent, nurses' uni- form press, a croupette and compresson, and new furniture sucis as bedside tables, beds, lamps, chairs etc., for five of the isospital rooms. The fîre chie! and deputy chie! bad inspected the isospi- tai, he said, and been generous in tiseir praisé o! the safe way the hospital is run and tise fire-fighting protection afford- ed. A new source o! supply for coal isad been obtained during 1955 and he feit the bospital would save $400 this year as a resuit. Some troub e as been ex- perîenced wif ramn seeping, tisrougi tise bricks at the eastt end o! the hospital during ex- treme starns, Mn. O'Neill stat- cd, but tisis can be overcorne by ~app4lyi a new sealing cot owever, a new roof or extensive repairs are needed for the roof o! thse nurses resi- dence. Chairman Cryderman brought ta the attentit)n o! tise meeting that an addition will have to be made at the east end o! thse isospital. "It may take thnee or four years before the addition can be built, but we sisould be- gin ta make aur plans now", 4e declared. Mr. O'Neill pointed out that wben the hospital was erected thse possibility o! future expan- sion was kept in mind. Thse boilen, kitchen, laundry ani othen services were ahl made large enougis to provide for an addition o! 100 feet at the eas-t end a! the hospital. He stated that the pipes and electrical conduits at the east end were ail made witb dead ends s0 these services could be extend- ed ta an addition. With the bas- pital operatinget capacity now, an addition is inevitable in the next few years, he said. Several Lots Sold As chairman a! the commit- tee in charge o! selling tise building lots belonging ta the hospital, Mr. O'Neill %reported that one had been sold for $700 only that week, and there are two left which will probably be sold before too long. Money obtained fromn the sale o! lots isad been applied against an overdraft at the bank about two montbs ago, he pointed out. Mr. O'Neill repoêted that the nèw walk-in refigerators with freezing coxpartments had ne- sulted in an appreciable saving on food costs. 'We are savîng rnoney on food that otherwise would be wasted, and also making savings that we had not foreseen", he declared. Mrs. T. Wesley Cawken, Re- tiring President o! tise Wom- en's Auxiliary of Memorial rHospital, gave a very fine re- port which appeared in last week's issue of Tise Canadian Statesman. Thsis listed thse PL UMBING MA 3-5615 Division 'N given away with the purchase of or maore o! gasoline VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR HIGH TEST GASOLINE 380 large sums of money ralsed for hospital purposes by the Aux- iliary and the many Items made or purchased for the ini- stitution. She paid tribute ta the valuable assistance receiv- ed by the #iuxiliary fromn la- dies' groupa in surrounding communities such as Newcas- tle and Orona. Operations of the Tuck Shop at the bospital had netted $492, she said. She thanked the hospital staff for their very fine co-operation during the year and also the members o! the Board o! Di- rectors and thse medical staff for their assistance. Publicity Chairman Ivan Hobbs reported that there bad been no seriaus prablems ini dealing with either the staff or hospital patients during the passt year. He feIt that the ac- creditation system now being used in sorne 2,000 hospitals in thse United States would be very valuable at the Memronal Hospital and consideration should be given ta setting it Up. This system, whîch is recom- mended by the American and Canadian Medîcal Associations and American bospital organi- zations, consists o! keeping re- cords giving full information on each patient and improves patient care. If it were estab- lished at the local hospital, he said, it would probably mean thse hiring o! a librarian ta keep the many records needed. Mr. Hobbs felt that a meeting should be held between the Board and ise bospital medi- cal staff with a view o! setting Up the systern. Chairman Harry Cryderman agreed with this view and felt that in thse future thse Ontario Departrnent o! Healtis would probably insist that thse accre- didation system be set up in al] hospitals. Shaws H. &S. Hear Two Fine Travelog ues Sbaw's Home and Scisool As- sociation held an intercsting meeting at tischool an Frida' nigist. Tise President, Kennetl Werry, opcncd tise meeting. The Secrctany, Mrs. Annabelle Rick7 ard, nead tise minutes o! tise last meeting, also an interesting poem by Edna Jacques, "Speal Well o! People." Miss Editis Bennett, carres- ponding secrctary read several tisank you notes frorn tiose in tise carnrunity recccving re- membrances aven tise past weeks. Plans were made for our an- nual card panty ta be bcld Fri day, Feb. 3. Mr. Elmer Cox is canvenon o! tise '500" party to be held in tise aid scisool, while Ken Bragg is in charge o! ar evening o! crokinole for tise ciildren in tise new school. Mns. Chas. Downey. convenor o! tise prograrn for tise evening took charge and called on Ken Bragg who gave us two fn numbens on tise saxophone. ac- cornpanied by bis mother Mrs. 0. Bragg at piano. Mrs. Garnet Rickand tiser sbowed intcnesting slides o! tise trip sise and her isusband toohi ta tise West Coast tisis past sum- mer. Garnet pnovided an in- tenesting carnmentary as thse pictures were shown. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Brown also provided us with an enjoyable bal! houx in sirnilar manner with Mr. Bzywn telling us o! tiseir trip thfbugis interesting points ti tise U.S. and Western Canada last summer in cornpany witis Mn. and Mrs. Russell Bragg and Mns. Lena Hoar. Many fine and colorful pictures a! interest to aIl wcre shown. Mrs. Downey tbanked her cornmittee and tisose taking part. A deliciaus lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Brown and ber com- mittee and a social hour spent. 9- 9 y ;t six gallons Gai. Tax lue. Gal. Tax lue. Former Local Girl and Family Mrs. Reginald George Stapley, the former Mary Birks of Bowmanville, Is shown in a charming photograph with ber three children. The picture appeared recently in the Winnipeg Tribune when her husband, formerly Acting Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve was ap pointed Commander. The children are Margot, four; Anthony, three and Michelle, 13 months old. Mary is the daughter of Mrs. W. H. Birks and the late Dr. Birks. -Winnipeg Tribune Ebenezer W.M.S. Instals Off icers ut Jan. Meeting Ebenezer W.M.S. was beld :n S. S. roomn on Jan. 10. Mrs. Chas. Found presided at tise piano and opened the meeting with quiet music. Mns. Elton Werryconducted thse business and braugist this, New Year's tisougbt ta thse group: "Eacn day you shauld Widcn youn horizon" World Day of Prayer will be held in - Ebenezer Cisurch on Feb. 17. Rev. L. M. Sornerville conducted an im-pressive Instal- lation Service. Mrs. Canl Down and Mrs. Glenn Pickell present- ed the Study Book. Mrs. Down told of missionary work-, through vacation school, in a Japanese-Canadian scttlernent on the West coast. Mrs. Pickell stressed the importance o! Ratz's wvork at Halifax-meeting and befriending immigranis. Sise also took us ta an Indian Reservation on a typical Sun- day and gave a more detailed account o! an Indian Christ- M aS. Mrs. R. R. Gay was in charge o! tise worsisip service. Mrs. M. Osborne and Mrs. R. Muir sang "Tise Lord is My Shepherd". Mrs. Gaý read Psalm 27. She urged us ta live one day at a tirne, ta prepare for to-rnorrow and ta realize how mucis we nccd ta pray. In closing she rcad an article by Jane Scott followed by prayen. The meet- ing was in charge o! Mrs. R. R. Gay, Mrs. G. Tubb and Mrs. R. E. Osborne. Tise annual executive meet- ing o! tise W.M.S. was iseld on Dec. 28 at Mrs. Elton Wenry'E. Mrs. Sornerville opened witis a Kedron W.A. Reports Year 10f Activities Kedron-Kedron Womnan's As- sociation were guests o! Mrs. rGarfield Trevail, for the regular meeting, held Thursday a fter- noon with 22 members and scv- *eral visitors present. *Devotions on "The New Year" were led by Mrs. W. Snowden, with Mrs. B. Starr as pianist. They were assisted by Mrs. Woodward who gave a reading on the topic, and Mrs. Thomas who was heard in vocal solo. Rev. R. H. Rickard addressed words of appreciation ta the re- tiring officers for a duty well done in 1955, and installed the 1956 officers in a brie! service. The new President, Mrs. Grant Glover, took the chair for the business session. it was decid- ed ta purchase a dlock for the Sunday School room, and ta purchase drapes for the windows.! It was also decided ta have a pot-luck supper prior ta the congregational meeting, Thurs- day evening, January 19, when all interested in the church are mnvited ta attend. It was agreed that the next reg a1ar W.A. meeting would be hel at the ch urch on the alter- noon o! February 1, and that the World Day o! Praver service be held separately on Februaryv 17. It was agreed ta prepare for a spring bazaar. The 1955 Secretary, Mrs. H. Pascoe presented an interesting report, stating total membership 31, with an average attendance of 18. Seven members had per- fect attendance for the 10 reg - ular meetings held. That much tirne and effort was expended in W.A. work bv the ladies, was shown, when Mrs. E. Mountjoy in presenting the Treasurer's report, announced that a sum o! $1,760.899 had neen raised during the year. Most of this was paid out in donations and ta offset the building fund deficit o! the church. Guest speaker, Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Oshawa, is always warmly welcomed bv Kedron !Pdiesý. -er aic'dres.s on -New Vea r*s Resolui îorr \'as enjoYcd.' but it w,%asý regrettable that due ta the latenesa of-the Lour alter iselection from "A Lamp Unto My Feet" and prayer. The treasurer reported $7160.39 has been. forwarded from al aur missionary famlly. This is well above aur allocation. The hast- ess served a lovely lunch. Officers o! W.M.S. 1956: Hon. Pres., Mrs. R. E. Osborne; Past Pres., Mrs. Elton Werry; Pres- ident, Mrs. L. M. Somerville; lst Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. F. Os- borne; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Garnet Tubb; Recording and Press Sec'y, Mrs. Allan Down; Corresponding Sec'y, Mrs. R. R. Gay; Treasurer, Mrs. Carl Down; Assistant, Mrs. K. C. Pearce; Christian Stewardship Sec'y, Mrs. K. E. Courtice; Ci- tizenship Sec'y, Mrs. G. Ben- nett. Literature Sec'y, Mrs. K. Hopkins; United Nations Sec'y, Mrs. W. Bickle; Community Friendship Assoc. and Helper Sec'y, Mrs. J. C. Found; Assist- ant, Mrs. A. J. Gay; Supply Sec'y, Mrs. R. Muir; Mission- ary Monthly Sec'y, Miss Louise Osborne; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. Lloyd Down: Assistants, Miss Arnold, Mrs. Carl Down; C.G.I.T. Leader, Miss D. Som- erville; Assistants, Mrs. H. Tink, Mrs. M. Osborne; Explor- er Leaders, Miss Joanne Maclc- le, Miss Nancy Brown; Sr. Counsellor, Mrs. E. Down; Pi- anist, Mrs. Charles Found; Fi- nance Commnittee - President, Treasurer, Christian Steward- ship Sec'y, Mrs. Chas. Found, Mrs. Sam Vinson; Nominating Committee-Mrs. Hilton Tink, Mrs. Eric Courtice, Mrs. Keith Ormniston. a lengthy programme and bus- iness, the speaker had time ta use only a smaîl part of ber talk. A deliclous lunch was served by bostesses Mrs. F. Snowden, Mrs. M. Walter and Mrs. W. Werry, wîth Mrs. Trevail. Meetings in aur homes at Kedron always seem ta have a particular appeal. and the bos- pitality o! the Jadies who enter- tained the W.A. in their homes during 1955 is appreciated, with Mrs. Trevail, Mrs. H. Farndale. Mrs. R. Lee, Mrs. H. Pascoe and Mrs. P. Mountjoy included in the past year's hostesses. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. David Johns, Mr. and Mrs. George Johns spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Mappin ta watch tel- evision. Congratulations ta Mr. Fred Hyland who celebrated bis 85th birthday on January 1lth 1956. Glad ta know Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt have the ligbts turned an in their bouse and barn. Congratulations ta Mrs. Ken- neth Samelîs and Mrs. Herb Taylor wh-o celebrated their birthdays Jan. 16tb. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. David Johns. Mrs. Wm. Smith, Lindsay, who has been sick, has corne to stay with her daughter, Mr,,. Kenneth Samelîs for awhiie. We hope Mrs. Smith will be feeling better soon. Mrs., Rd. Rowan, Mrs. Jas. Rowan, Mrs. Yellowlees, Miss Ann Rowan, James and Cher- yle Rowan, spent a,'- ternoon and eveningc with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steel. The congregational meeting in the United Church hasernent wvas quite well attended. The year's reports were quite gra- tifying. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville, were supper guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm and family. The occasion o! Vernon's 6th birtbday on January llth.- Mr. Ross Beattie who lias been %vorking at Mr. Victor, NMâlrolni's si3ent Ithr weekend xhbis parents Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Beatty. Tweed. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Gibson and family, Punple Hill, werc supper guests of his mother, Mrs. Gibson and Mr. Orville Tripp. Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Burketon, also called on tsern. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Sam- eIls, Osisawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs. Don't forget W.A. and W.M. S. meeting at Mrs. M. Erner- son's home, Thursday, Jan. l9th, at 2.30, in charge o! tise officens. Mn. and Mrs. Elka DeJong have flown ta Holland for a few weeks' bolidays. We wisis themn a safe trip. Mn. and Mrs. Menvin Bird and family, Solina, spent Sat- urday evening with Mn. and Mns. M. Emerson. Sorny ta isean Mrs. A. Mackie bas been on tise sick list. Hope se is better again before now. R.C.N. Makes Presentation to HFigh School A former studen Bowmanville Higis ' Douglas Hughes, broughs aur ta his scisool and town wisen he won tise d tion of being tise best ai]- seaman in bis training aboard tise H.M.C.S. Coi lis. In recognition of bis vement tise Naval Boa Canada presented a book Distant Sisips" isy « Scisull ta tise Bowm Higis Scisool last Tisursc Tise presentation wvas hy Lieutenant Lang,1 who gave -a short speeci sisowed films about tise dian Navy ta tise student Doug is tise son o! Mi Mrs. Harry Hughes, 244 ty St. N., Bowmnanvilhe le!t tise local ii scis 1954 ta join tise Navy. nit of Scisool, .t hon- borne distinc- -round period )nwal- acisie- ard o! k "Fan Josephs ianville ýday. made R.C.N., chs and Cana- tbody. [n. and Liber- Cand ool in Presbyterion Church Holds 45th Meeting Mrs. A. E. Toombs of Camp- belîford was re-elected presi- dent of the Peterborough Pres- byterial Women's Missionary Society at the annual meeting held in St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Peterborough, on Jan, llth. About 70 delegates from the district and city Presbyterian churches registered for his 451h annual meeting. Mrs. C. G. Boyd welcomed the representatives. Devotions were in charge of the Cobourg Evening Auxiliary. Mrs. J. W. Burtt of Cobourg participated and Mrs. R. Skillen gave the dedicatory prayer. Annual re- ports, financial statement and minutes xvere presented by the various delegates. Highlight of the afternoon session was the discussion pe.- iod led by Miss Ruby Walker, regional secretary; Mrs. W- liam McEachern, synodical re- presentative; Mrs. D. T. Dip- lock and Mrs. Toombs. Mrs, McEachern, formier pre-1 sident of the Barrie P resbyter- lal, talked about each membr' responsibility in termis ni Christian stewardship and its phases-money, time and abil- ities. Abolish Allocations She said the present systemn o! allocation has been abolish- ed. Although allocations are a hardship to some groups, in the majority of cases allocations are just limitations. She stress- ed the fact that giving for mis- sionary work will have ta be increased if Presbyterian church is to expand its facili- ities and send more workers into mission fields in Formosa, Japan and Africa. The present giving by no means represents the potential of our members, she said. In 1955 the society's estimate wvas $257,000, and the 1955 couneil approved an estimate of $304,- 000 for 1956. It's up ta each member to determine her res- ponsibility. Rev. A. E. Tombs installed the new executive aftcr thec nominating committee's report wsrea. Threy a ~re: hoorar president, Mrs. D. Ewart, Mrii. H. Tate and Mrs. R. N. McCul- loch; president, Mr&. A. E. Toombs; vice-presidents, Mrs. T. E. Kennedy, Warkworth; Mrs. A. G. Scott, Bowmanviile; secretaries, (recording), Mrs. Scott Fife, Hastings; (corres- ponding), Mrs. G. G. Stephens, Campbellford; treasurer, Miss Margaret Lees. Peterborough. Secretaries for: senior auxil- iaries, Mrs. Roy McCullocli, Campbeflford, evening aux- iaries, Mrs. W. elewett, L.ake- field; young women's, Mis.A. C. Ellis; girls' organizations, Mrs. W. Perks, Peterborough; children's groups, Mrs. Rl. Breckenbridge, C e n t re vile; Home Helpers, Mrs. A. H. Clark, Lakefield; welcome and welfare, Mrs. Harry Morgan, Norwood; literature, Mrs. J. Whitefield, Cobourg-, glad tid- ings, Mrs. Milton Harper, Port Hope, press," Miss Mary Lees, Peterborough; supply, Mrs. J. Randaîl, Cobourg; life mem- bership, Mrs. C. E. Meikiejohn, Warkworth; library, Mrs. L. A. Hamilton, Port Hope:. hîstor- ian. Miss F. Galbraith, Bow- manville; members withoit portfolio, Mrs. J. Storie, Camp- belîford; Mrs. F. Rowan, Mrs. D. T. Diplock, Mrs. H. G. Mc- Kenzie, Peterborough; Mrs. Heustin, Millbrook, and Mrs. .. W. Foote, Port Hope. IStafford Bros. Monumental Works Phono Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Wbitby FINE QUALJTY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Pre'eise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assurance when vou choose fromn the wîde selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. * Bowman ville SCitizen s'Commit tee BAN QU ET LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE N Wednesday JANUARY 25th 6:30 pm Guesi Speaker of AlcoholicsAns STickets niay be obtained frorn Mrs. M. E.- Leask, Alex McGregor, Gordon Elliott, Alan Strike r', Please obtain tickets early to M facilitate caterers ~ADMISSION: $1.25 STUDENTS: 75e ! mu BRNGUS YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS If yau need cash ta pay medical or dental bis ... ta congolidate your debts . .ta buy an auto- mobile . . . or f or any other worthwhile purpose, we have the loan ta meet your needs. a a 0 A lowv-cost loan is the sensible way. ta salve your financial problems. Tailor-made to fit y-aur budget, it provides the cash when yau need it, witb a min- imum of red tape . . . aIlows plenty of finie for paynicnt. . . . The Bell-ue office is open ta assist anyv G.IM. employc *.Our expcriencedl advisors will cansider your problenis iii confidence ...helP yau %vork out the loan plan best suitid ta ýyour particular needs. Stop in and talk it over with us today. BELLVUE CORPORATION LTD, 29à SIMCOE ST. S. FINANCE OSHAWA G. H. WILSON; Manager DIAL RA 5.1121 OIGOR Cc SERVICE SIION Two miles North ai Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PROIE 3881, NEWCASTLE FREE GLASS WARE STOVE GIL t or your convenience, in suali quantifies availahie ai the station OPEN EVENINGS AND) SCND.AVS 1 TffuRSDATI :Alç. lm, 1958 THE CANADIAS STATESMAN, BOWILANVI=, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN 1

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