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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1956, p. 12

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PAGE TWELvE TR1 ~NAVA ~ AD9%.MAT IYMAI£ VLA m. #%M'Y'At T <1k V'ew4cad/e91p64« G.ordon Agnew, Ediior Phono 3621 Social and Personal !Masse y-Harris Mr. imStark and îMr. and Mrs. Cccii Robino cd af Newîatn\iiie we'-e Sur, and Mr. Wm. Halîowel a o ofC~ T ýa guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neu-tonv'ille and Mr. and Mrs - erry Bowen and Darlene. Bruce Whitney %vere guests T f i i t '. he many fiends ai Miss wilb Mr. an Mrs. George Kim- fatItie Maon will be glad Io bls and family on Tuesda YC n e nay. :now. that, foilowing hec ce- i l Cary Buter vîsitedO p ent seions operation in Meim- MTorontoan ueay. td i rial Hospital, Bowmanville. Tomotoan Mmsa. .Cre The members ai the Newv- were ca, he wiil sbomtly bc able ta ce- Donn and Cvest castle Centennial Committee the gerý irn ta ber home. PeeD oa gnd ebesida ith were pleased ta iearn at their Jase.T Mr. and Mrs. Georg2 Mr. and Mrs. Eacl Carveth and meeting on Wednesday even- showeds dolph and daughtcrs Betty, famniîy. îng that, unless unforeseen cir- towardt ladys. Georgina and Marilyn Mr. Stacey af Bancroft is the cumstances arise, James Dun- successit fToronto, werè Sunday guests I new C.N.R. section foreman cari wiil be present for the Anyc ith Mrs. Edria Selby and Dor-i replacing Mr. Frank Ca wlard Centennial Celebrations end possessioi n. ;,who bas been movcd ta Peter-' will officiate at the open- post cai l"Ir. and Mr'I ls arw bruh ing c er e moaniecs on June th e villaý Two - Room Addition At Newcastle School Viewed by Parents 29tn. Mvr.jDju n c a n 5the President o! the world-wide indu.striai empire known as the Massey - Harris - Ferguson Compan:r, which was founded by the late Daniel Massey in Newcastle marc than 100 yeacs ago. A motion wau passed author- izing the sending o! an invita- tion ta Willard Dodd, General Chairman o! the Whitby Cen- tennial Committee, ta attend may be and his urged t Kelseya The N the chaii tie Butl, preparei all forn village. ed not L It wa Pres, t ' )ening alled on ta report by ncral chairmen, J. H. The committee reports signs of stcady progress the ultimate goal of a !ui celebration. citizen having in bis on old photographs or irds shawing scenes o! age in past years whicn Sused by the publicity stomy committees was ta contact Mrs. Dora as soon as passible. ;ames Committee under Jrmanship of Mrs. Net- cmr was authorizcd ta and mail invitations ta nec residents of the These are ta be mail- ater thari April lst. as announced by the large number of Newcastli into boys' and girls' wash- th.n.. metng.n.usd PubliCitY committee titt' I ed- Department of Highways will parents and interested citizens rooms. 'These feature the new January' 24, ta advise the flt emi heercia attended the "Open House' M semni-circular type of largebr fsmeo h xeriences norchemat the pocet the c the Newcastle Public School washbowls which enable a aihis committee i rhsa the suc-chs o h lrom 7 to 9 p.m. Monday ta,0 large number of children ta cessful Whitby celebration of ig, huh h 'aoe Betenwtoro adiinuse them at once. The main 1955. arches allow much greater maee t the e cto-oom adiotie on hlwa isbenrclearances than the railwav rnae t th scoolandothr foorhalwavhasbee re Beard-Growing Contest overpasses now obstructing th' extensive alteratians. painted light 'green ta harmon- A committee composed af D. highway at two af the en- The visitors were very fav-i ize with the new addition. G. Walton, Chairman, and D. trances ta the village. 1t is orably impressed with the Extensive alterations have J. Cunningham, George Chard planned ta place shield-like $42,000 job af enlargement and also been made ta the Grades and Howard Quinney was ap- signs annauncing the centen- renovation carried out by Roy 4 and 5 roomn taught by Mrs. pointed ta coânduct a Beard- niai throughout the village ini Dunn, Oshawa contractor, uifi- George Stapleton. The former Growing Contest, ta begin on place of the arches. Book der direction of Architect Her- library has been taken out and March lst, with judging during matches carrying centennialj bert Cale of Whitby. the space gained added ta a the celebrations. An amount advertising have alsa been or- S Up until two years ago the former small classroom. The ai $25 in prize money "as dered ta be distributed throughi sclîool was a combined public walls of the enlarged room are voted for this contest. Char local and district retail out- and high schooi but it is now decorated in a light yellow men af the variaus comitee lets. used solely for public school shade, and fluorescent lightingj ,tudents travelling ta Orono or added. Bowýmanville for their second- H c e e m n A t o arvý education.Th fatht Other teachers at the New-. the entire school was flot large ciatie Public S caetprn D A enough for just the pubEc Kcipal ZMrs rd LycettMrs. espu te M ld W eather school pupils, and two newvKnehZmemnadM- rooms were necessary, is evizi- Murray Walton. The January thaw expier- We are infarmed the mnem- ence of the rapid growth tak- The School Board will adi ienced during the early part of bers of the Pee Wee teams are ing place in Newcastle. There a new fire escape an the north last week disrupted the New- not turning out toa, well ta the are over 200 pupils attending sçide ai the building in the castle hockey schedules with no games and the men who are the school. spring. games being played on Tuesday giving. freely ai their time ta Chairnian Welcomes Visitors or Wednesday evenings, and train and coach these teams Sc'hool Board Chairman Em- may we correct an error in are asking the ca-operation of erýon Fisher welcomed the I lat week's report. Town Lea- the parents in seeing that their vistos a te cholndvie-LIO nettes Cl.ub gue senior games are played boys are at the Arena Wednes- Ciior orde co Gand, i i on Tuesday and Friday, not on day's from 6 ta 8 and Stra IvCallouhGordon Raick rdjklWednesday as reported. mornings from 10 ta 12. v;cre present ta explain detailIN a rre ireciors Pee Wees Newtonvillc Leads League t ü the renovation work. Othzi Twa games were played In In the senior league, New-1 iki.ùibers of the Board are. the Pee Wee league an Satur- tanville climbed into top posî-1 Dog Walton, Mrs. Wiliam For This Year day morning with the Canad- tion in the league with a wiII ,oivKs and Secretary-Treasur iens and Rangers the victors. over the Pansies i rdy c-i ibdward Barchard. The Januarv meeting af th2j The first game iças a close, dauble-header, while Howard 'lue two new rooms, which., Newcastle Lionettes Club wasi hîgh-scoring affair with the Quinney*s Clippers came up eaîý used for Grades 1 and 2, held on Tuesday evening )f Canadiens taking the Red with their first win of the sea- are modern in every respect last week a, the home af Lion- Wings by a score of 5 ta 4. son over the last-place Orona and rnost attractive. The Grade' ette M.\rs. Orena Megit. wit., Verne Rowve scoring 3 and Don squad. It was. Newtonville1 1 room, of which Mrs. Jack President Mrs. Helen Carvethj Colwill 2 for the Canadiens, aver Pansies 7 ta 2, and Clip-a Crago is teacher, is decorated conducting the meeting. while Stanley Cobbledick, Gar- pers over Orono 9 ta, 4.r ini light shades (if green wita A number of -Thank You" field Miller, Klaus Hampstra League Standingsa a green and coral tile floor. notes fromi sick and shut-in and Peter Lake each slippe-1 Team Won Lost Pts. Large windows, fluorescent folk ai the community were one past Neil Voutt in the Newtonville - 3 0 6 ligh ting, acoustice tile ceilings, read by h ertr xrs-Cndien*s goal. ase2 1 4d roomy supply cupboards and y prcain oteie- I the secrotary exress- Can Clippers 1 2 2 large cloakroom compartment in aprciaio t th mm- In th seo ame HrryPases- ___t ispace are featured in bath the bers for remiembrances at Kpreyps the Reralsonto Orona--------O 3 0 iiew rooms. A special air con- Christnias time. wsp ree cput theRanerson tp _____________ oi*ioning duct in the cloakrooni The ladies are schieduled t aye h a bet e comnpartments dries out the cater for the lecture on orch- onae ir hewasage nt get childref's clotPhig. Nesbitt, ong Jana resete hind .Dick Biersteker. Fin-ilReport s Featu re Thene Grde2 oom sp-by the CIL. in the Comn core Rangers 3, Maple Leafs Thr-ied new rackomst, p-ity Hall o aury2t.T i1. N proectwasdisussd a soieNewcastle W A t: is decorated la an attractive prjcwadiuse atom oark green shade with blue I iength, as was the matter c.if supply cupboards and cloak- election and installation of of-1 zoom iCompartnients. The floor Ierdt-% , 1ein.' St. G;eorge' Jan. M eeting i tie s ntheesads fgrey, wsdcdd h etmeeting ,l blue and coral. The new greeni should take the form af a din- ports The January meeting ai the, blackboards la each roomn ar-3 nee meeting and memibers oHe ars ReHou Woman's Association af th,> b l1,Igîted by spottîglits. tht Peterborough Club will b Newcastle United Churcli wasi -Before the new addition wa invited ta attend and assîst The Evening Branch of St. held in the Board Roam last 1 put inoa ue earlv this y'earý, w\ith the election. Georges Wornen's Auxiliarv Thursday afternoon with 25S the Grade 1 class wvas held in The members handed in met in the Parish Hall January members in attendance. The g the basement of the school, their list af names from which il for the annual meeting, meeting wvas in charge af the h %vhich is now used for a lunch- the officers will be elected at with 24 members and one nev Executive ai the A.Usociationo room, and the Grade 2 cla-;s the next meeting, with the, member, Mrs. Mabel Cobble- with Mrs. Clarence Allin lead- a w-as taught in St. George's directarate being chosen as dick, in attendance. ing the devational service. a P a rish H a ll.1 fo l lo %w s: M esd a m es D o ra K e l- E 'oll o i g t e o e i g p a - M s . A l n s s b e t m s .B Other Alterations Rick arirneKnot, hrot ers the secretary gave bier an- ginnings." Mis. Garnet Rick- C Ricard IeneRobrt, Jan ua report listing the officers, ard read Genisis 1 and 1 andB T'n he ld ecton f ta Rckad, aulne tors, aythenumber of meetings lheld St. John 1 and 1, and Mrs. AI- al schol neroom bath uIpstairs Stephenson and Dunreath VWal- and services atneaoglnepandhwtewr and clown lias been canxerted ton. with a report of outside ac "i- Ilthe beginning God," an IE ___ties. The treasurer's reporti "In the beginning the W'ord" ai was presented and the Dorcas should giv-e inspirational guid- w jSecretary reported the baleS ance for the caming year. Th'3 ai packed and gifts sent as \vell ildw'elliIlg Word and the Pow- 1 as the Indian girl*s \ardrobc. er of God sliould be the source se ~< ~ .. suplud b th Brnch A e-of ail activities in the days ta Jec slosed this part aiathe mAetin ~,~ ~ part was also presented by theicae A hmaad rar Flower Secretary. The adop- jlsdti ato h rV * ~ tion of these reports, moved by Business Conductéad s î the secretaries ing hm The business portion af the P ,v~ was seconded by Mrs. Doreen meeting was conducted by the E Lake and carried. president, Mrs. J. H. Jase. Congratulations Given After the various reports were gi nhe Rector, Rev. D. R. Dewd- given Mrs. G. Rickard gave a ni ney, was present and congrat- synopsis ai the. wark of the i Distributed by ulated the Branch on the work Association during the past1 done during the past year on year. Mrs. W. Hoimes read n W A ~ N & IR L I L Dbehali af the congregation notes ai thanks tram shut-ini P WATS011 & GREE LTD iand the Wardens, making spec and those wha were iii. Mrs. W 25 Ontario Street- Port Hope i;al mention ai the Choir'gowýns CecilI Ferguson and Mrs. Ch as. a nd the equipment purchasedi Cowan spoke af the \vork afiw See Viour local dealer bv the Branch for the platforma the flaw.%er and kitchen com- ~. . MRTO & ON .ASN &DAL HADWAE urtain in the Parish Hall. Mr. mittee. Very encouraging ce- Lt. . MRTON& S-N ASON&- ALE ARDAREDewdney announced the an- ports ai their activities were L W. I. BROWN TED IVOODYARD nal Vestry Meeting will [)e given by the leaders of each JOE BARTON SmD LANCASTER held this year an January 30. committee. unteered ta take aver th-! Wili be the centre of ail money - Little Heipers' graup tra raîsing projects oi the associa-, ~~RT ~~~the retiring leaders, Mrs. Lenatinorhecmgya.Atr May vve Eslimate Garrod and Mrs. Irene Cun- some discussion'it was suggest- ningham. The cammittee this ed ta the members that they On year wiil include Mrs. Mabel should each cnie hm n Cobbledick and Mrs. Hazel selves obligated ta do all the an Your Pumbing Crowtlher~.a on church visiting possible and se Hc YorPum igThere acre isuioi carry out the purpose of the M ofa a Card Pactyt be held i W.A., wvhich is tn band togeth cr h Fc; pp'v'-P<Ô and thue Parish Hall befoce the aIl the uomen af the congrega- Co Ai10% L I -Lentea seazon. The Dareas lion adtecammtinit .Ti IL' The Orono News Telephone 127 Recent visitors with Mrs. C. S. McLaren, Mr. Donald Mc- Laren, and M. and Mrs. A. McLaren were Mr. and Terry McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Moâney, Mr. and Mrs. John Mooney and family, ail uf Toronto. Mrs. Raye West is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayward, Bowmanville, fol- lowing hec appendix operation lest Thursday at Memorial Haspital, Bowmanvile. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittmer and family, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cotter visited Mr. Morley Cook and Miss Doris Cook, Colborne, on Sunday. The Cook's store and apartmnent above store was gutted by fire Sunday aiter-1 noan, Jan. 8th. Miss Marion McKelvey, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fred Brimacombe and Miss Catherine Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Cale and Mr. Frank Cale. Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Heber Sauch, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biilings, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and family, Mrs. Harry Bailey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson. Mr. Frank Hall and Mr. Rabt. Lunn are in Memarial Hospital, Bowimanville. Mrs. John Kitchen wvas the guest speaker at the monthîy meeting ai the Public School Teachers ai Clarke Township at Orono School an Manday afternoon. Mr. Jesse Truli, Calgary; Mr. Earl Truil and Mr. Angus Truli, Courtice, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Calter. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pigott and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry were amang the guests at the turkey banquet Saturday ev- ening at Canadian Legion, Bowmanville. Mrs. Unice McGrath is in 1 Memorial Hospital, Bowman-I ville. Orono W.A. and W.M.S. Instal 1956 Officers A combined meeting of the Aiternoon Auxiliary o! the Woman's Missionary Society and Woman*s Association ;was held on Tuesday aiternoon tin the Suriday Schoai room of the United Church. Mrs. M. H. Sta- pIes, President af the W.M.S. was in the chair and Mrs. Drummand presided at the pi- ano for the hymns. Mrs. Fred Bowen led in the worship service, around the theme a! the New Year, with the opening hymn, "Standing at the Partal", and offered prayer. The scripture lesson and an appropriate reading were alsa read by Mrs. Bowen which concluded the opening devotions. The installation service oif the officers o! the W.M.S. and W.A. was conducted by Rev. J. Kitchen, and Mrs. Staples ex- pressed thanks an behaif o! aIl memnbers ta Mr. Kîtchen. The anniual reports were then given and aIl reports were very gratifying. Treasurer's re- port showed that $824.09 hadi been forwarded ta the Presby- terial Treasurer. In the litera- ture secretary's report we Learned aur lihrary contains 181 books and 185 books haVe been read by members. A motion was passed that a letter be written. ta Miss Amy Schauffler, Missionary tin An- gola, Africa, ia appreciation af ha\-ing her parents living in Or- ono and' taking such an active and helpful part in ail church ictivities. During the meeting Mrs. Kit- chen, Mrs. Armstrong and Mi:. Barrabail served a cup ai tea and light reireshments, whilp M1rs. Stapies outlined sevecal ieasons for holding aur W.M.S. and W.A. meetings tagethor which was most intece-sting and helpful. Mviss E. Penfaund. recordine, ecretary af the W.A. present- ed the roil cail taken as mcm- bers came in and meported 80 'isits made siîice last meetin-. She then read the service ai presentation and hanoured Mrs. E.Rainey, president af the* Woman's Association with the it o! a lufe membeship cer- Jficate and pin. Mrs. Raineyý ,ade a suitable rephy and gra- iously accepted thxe gift. Thie study periad for the aiter- aoon %vas taken by Mrs. N. 'acter and Mrs. V. Robinson eha gave, iii a most interestingi vay, a resumne o! the lst chap. -aura Burgess ýs Honoured 4.t Shower Orono-On Thucsday even- ng af hast week Mrs. 0. Cow- n, Mrs. Robert Aluin, Mrs. foward Myles and Mrs. Victar lanning held a miscellaneous 'owan, Orono. ln honar ai Miss ha vas taken campleteiy bN' urprise. Mrs. Myles ushered Laura ti chair placed in the archway fthe living-roms. She was en presenteld wih a gaily ecorated basket fuil ta over- lwing with many useful and eautifulg its. Aiter the 'gifts were un- rrapped Laura, in a few well aû.en w~ords, thanked ail] those Iýescrved'Phone id peasat evningenjoy- ter o! the Study Book "'No Vanishing Race," and was hear- tily enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Kitchen announced 'Open House' ta be given bY the C.G.I.T. on February 4 at 2:30 p.m. and extended a hear- ty invitation toalal the ladies ta attend. Ti dé c1i tu Ai G of %Il ee For Your Family Health's Sake! GIen MiIk B ottes B ring You Daîry Cap Perfec tion for MiIk Protection! GLEN RAE DAIRY MA 3-5441 Bowmanville Mca. Foster Ferguson return- cd home, on Saturday irom a two-weeks' visit in Ottawa, with Mr. and Mcrs. Albert Ab- bott. Several icom Orono attended the -meetings during the past1 two weeks 'Fard Crusade' held in Simcae Unkited Church, Oshawa.à Mm. and Mrs. Harold Awde,I Toronto visited Mrs. Chas. Awde and Mcs. Frank Meneil- ley and attended the funeral aof their uncie, Mm. Harry Hooper in Pontypo-ol on Tues- day. Mcs. Laura Cooper and MrS. L. Lunn are visiting in Coe Hill this wcek. Mcs. C. J. Clemence, Mrs. D. Barns and sons, Oshawa; Mr. a~nd Mrs. Roy Powers, Scar- aora, visited Mcs. Cecil Powers o n Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. ani! Mcs. Hacry Milîson ai Lindsay,l formemly a! Omono, on theirl Golden Wedding Annivemsarv wvbich was held at the home Oi their daugbter, Mrs. Gea. Glassford and Mr. Glassfard, Oshawa, on Sunday, January 15th. Guests icom Ocono weme Mr. and Mcs. Madison Hall, Mr. Robert Sherwin, Mm. and Mcs. Harry Rowe and Mr. S. Hughes. Mr. and Mcs. Ross Taylor, St. Catharines. visîted Mr. and Mms. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. Mabel Brown, widow ai Charles Brown 'and niather aiý George, Bowmanviile, former- Iy ai Omono, passed away at Memocial Hospital, Bowman- ville, in hier 68th yeac on Jan. l4th. Intemment was in Fene- ion Falls Cemetery. Mr. Wm. Henry (Harmy) Hooper, husband af the late Isabella McIndoo, and fa- ther ai Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews, Toronto, br ot he c af Mrs. Chas. Awde and Mr. David Hooper, Orona, passed away in Toronto an Jan. 151h in bis 87th year. Fun- eral was on Wednesday aiter- noon from United Chucch, Pan- typool with intemment in Paon- pu IR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BôWMANVffIX. MNTAlqTft OPWVI"egv%àqw va" -ý .--- were with Mr. and Mrs. R. ENNISKILLEN MNI l Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bottrell, family, Port Perry, with Mr. iNewcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Cari Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Grills Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill,1 and iarnily, Courtice, were Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo. Bowmanvile, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, were with Misses Ruby Virtue Mr. and Mcs. Roy McGill and and Viola Williams,' Toranta. Reva, were dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton Mr. and Mcs. A. L. Wearn an Saturday evening ln honoriand family at Mr. and Mrs. A. of Messrs. Milton Stainton and M. Wearn's, Cl aremont. 0. C. Ashton's birthday. Con- Mc. and Mcs. E. Stainton, gratulations ta these two gen-_ Bowmanville, with Mr. and, tlemen. Mrs. Leonard Staintan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gingecichi Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and familY, Oshawa, were witlî Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbeat.- Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. er, Murray and Dale, Toronto, with Mr. and Mcs. A. Lead- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vance,ý Port Permy. Mrs. Margaret Mc- beater. Kay, Toconto, were Sundav Mc. and Mrs.; J. Calless, Ma- tea guests af Mr. and Mes. pie Grave, . were Satucday Fred Toms. evening visitors with Mr. a4 Mr. and Mrs. AI. Foster, To- Mcs. A. Leadbeater. onta, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. 1Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and Lamb and Mc. and Mms. Ralphl1 farniîy visited Mc. and Mrs. C. Lamb. Milîs, Part Perry. Mr.andMrs Cal FrguonEnniskillen Farmer's Union Mnd.fanM r s i Fer.usnd met Jan. 9 -with 24 present. ans.Donamilrrisitd Mr.and vNew mnibers were welcomed. Hms.ton Cc n aiy These officers were eiected: Haptn.President, Douglas Barton; jMr. and Mcs. Geo. Hubbard, \'ice President, Fred Griffin; Cecil and Ronnie, Raglan, - duauo ndLeilaie i I ~ ~ ~ ~ t ite Mm n r. .Oe ec tac, Raîph Simpson; Organ- We are pleased t 'porti ization and Special Problems, Mrs. W. Hawells is home from Johin Malette: Receational and Oshawa 'Hospital. bile epocrsI Social Dimector, Mms. Sydney feeling fine after ber operation. Comnish; Publicity Director, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mms. Donald Lamb. Ladies Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, served lunch. Next meeting in Wayne and Tercy, Mm. Harrv Tyrone Hall. Feb. 6. Ferguson, Osbawa, Mr. and Mc. and Mrs. Cecil Siemon, Mrs. Keith Fergusan and Da- Hampton, with Mc. and Mrs. vid, Bowmanvile, were guests Leonard Bradley. at a birthday party on Satur- Mc. and Mcs. Gea. Icwin, day night for Master Terry Donna. Gail and Rodney, vis- Lee at the home of bis grand- ittd Mr. ,and Mrs. Gea. A. parents, Mr. and Mms. Walter S cott, Oshawa. ierguson. Miss Shirley Milis, Nurse-mn- Mc. Allan Stainton, Haydon,, training, Peterboco, is spendîng Mr. and Mrs. Allauî Werry and a week's holiday with' hec mo- Sandra, were with Mr. and ther, Mrs. Harold Milis. Mr.s E. A. Werry. W.M.S. met at the home of Mr. ai-d Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Mms. L. Wearn with Mrs. E. Gloria and Janice, Nestîcton, Trewin presiding. Mrs. M. were Saturday evening guests Stainton, in charge o! the wor- af Mr. and Mms. Fred Toms. ship periad, gave many good We are vecy pleased ta me- tboughts for the opening meet- part Mms. Bruce Ashton, Pur- ing af the New Yeac. The rol pie Hill, is home fmom Toronto rail, payment af fees, was met Hospital and i. recoverin.' by a splendid response, Repor&s from a very serious operation fro the diffecent departments on hem cye. 4 unfolded a yeac ai cameful and Mc. and Mrs. Wilired Banks, conscientious effort. Special Grace and Beryl, Weston, were mention was made ai the work Sunday visitars af Mc. and ai Mrs. L. Ashton, reticing Mii- Mrs. John E. Griffin. sian Band Leader. Graup lead. Mc. and Mrs. Ralph Lambi cm Mrs. L. Stainton had charge Mr. and Mcs. Dan Lamb, Mrs. af the program. Study period, Lamne Lamb, visited Mr. and stories about the Indians, was Mrs. Garnet Tawns, Petel rboo in charge of Mrs. J. Slemon Master Ronald Fomsyth, Mm. assisted by Mcs. H. Ashton and and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, weme Mcs A. Wemmy. reading by Mrg. Sunday visitors ai Mr. and Mcs. Rowan and a piano duet bir Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. Mcs. L. Lamb and Mrs. M. Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron,- Mrs. Stainton. Mrs. O. C. Ashton Tom Sable, Taunton, were ce- discussed the 'United Nations cent guests af Mr. and M--s. Literature. Mcs. E. Trewin Allan Wcrcy. closed the meeting with a New Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton Yeam's prayer. and boys were with Mrs. E. C._________ Ashton and Mr. Bruce Ashton and family, Purpie Hill, on He did not came to conquer Sunday. by force ai armies and physical Mrs. Kay Hardy, Mrs. E. weapons but by lave piinted Prescott, Tymone, Mr. and Mrs. in the hearts o! individuals.- Fred Cawling, Blackstock, W. W. Melton. v Rae Bowmanville

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