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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1956, p. 15

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g-, - '~ * THURSDAY, JTAN. Igth, 1956 P.U . . Si ns U ForSpeaker at the annual meeting was Dr. W. G. Cosbie, medical director of the Ontario Cancer' Lia bility I nsu rance from tment and Reearh und- the Foundation in tryýingz to com- The Bowmanville Publie A tender of $4,563.57 fombai ignorance and worry.' He Utilities Commission 7 )cided Joseph Barton for a Massey- said that worrv, which is some- to take out public ial y and Harris tractor, backhoe and times unfoundied. can have a 'rperty damage ins tce at front end loader was accepted devastatmng effect on people. fta regular meeting eld on by the commission. It was the Education and consultation is Wednesday evening of last lowest of thrce tenders sub- therefore very important. lveek. mitted by local farm equip- Onmoin fComisonrmetdealers. The Sunshine Group of Bo%%- On mtio of ommssioer entmanxille. with about ten girls Milton J. Elliott the memberî Manger George Van Bridger present, held their annual din-, voted to obtain insurance frori was instructed to meet witý1 ner meeting on Dec. 28 nt the S. R. James giving up to $50,- representatives of the employ-1 home of Miss Jean FRundle. At 0 protection in property ees who are members of th"~ this meeting membçrs were pre-! damage clain-s and up to $100,- International Brotherhood aft sented with a silver caduceusý 000, in public liability dlaims. Electrical Workers to discuss pin, the caduceus staff having The P.U.C. also decided to terms of the 1956 contract. been adopted as the symbol of adopt a supplementary plan to The commission adopted thne the Cancer Foundation. The pins 'its present pension plan for recommendations of the Asso- presented bv the Oshawa unit., "P.UC. employees calling for! ciation of Municipal Electrical were pinned on each Sunshine IMincrease of 212 ber cent in1 Utilities on starting currents member by the president, Mrs. crntrlbutions made by both the , for packaged air conditionin., Syer. commission and the employee. units. It was also decided that ToAti Cneto home owners installing undeir-; oiewsrcie f t g round electrical connections Ntc!wsrce dofte oi ' îctures Petween their- houses and thc annual joint meeting of thc j ?.UC. lins oul beaîlww Ontario Municipal Electrical c an aountequl tathe osttJilities and the Ontario Mua- D n N n the P.U.C. of providing ove- Icîpal Electrical Association .o head connections for the neces- he held in Toronto February tT 27-29. Mr. Van Bridger, Mr. '\Nry distances up to 50 feet. Atit n hara .Rs T inity New Plasterlng Needed Strike. Q.C., plan to attend Sinc thre ias eentrobi,, tiis eetng.Those in this district who sawi Sinc thre bs bcîi roui'~ aismeetng.the wonderful Toil travelogue. I a l the ne\w laief-ont purnp- Electrical Departuient ac- "North Amnerican Caravan." in house %vitIî plaster falling fr0o couints of $23,916 for Novent- Trinitv United Church last 3eari theý ceiling and walls, fie c -ber tand S21,.351 for De -en-b!r wilî certainly not miss the nevý mission dcc:ded to withliold ;- :.ere passed for pavmnln. \V.rav-dogue of the Toll famnily to final S2,700 paynient ta t: ter Departmnent accouints of bc shown in Trinitv Church this MeamraCnnsý,tj-ctioli Con;- s26.288 foir Novemibet' and S3 Fridax- night. Jan. 2.0, at 8:15; pany until th:s is corrected. Ib 2-j7 for Decenib'r xvere .al<n kno-'a as "O]d Worl Caravan." 1 '%vas also decided tbat a vjtc- p--ssed. The Novembei- waterl proofing coat of silicone base accounits included debentum- The pictures, as in ail the transparent treatment xiii :), paymcents of $18,315 in connec- Toil travelogues, are in col1or applled to the oubside walls ta tion with the new lakefront and are three dimrensional, giving prevent heavv rains fromn pen- water supply system and pay- a wonderful clarity and depth. etrabing the brick and block nment of $4,727 to A. E. Cole This time audiences are taken %valls This treatment was r- for a mile of watermain laid j along with LeRoy and Hilde- comrnended by the egneý on Concession St. E. eat of gar-de Toil. their two children, Proctor, Redfern & Laughlin. Liberty St. this summe[as Wendy and Brian, on a tour t hrough 21 countries of the Old1 Police Cruiser Ross Stevens New President St- Paijl'ç ÀMcn This exciting vagabond jour- i-ey lasting three months, wasý matie by tbc Tolîs in their their home on wbeels, comiplete with stave, refigerator anti air mattresses for sleeping. 9. 1%ýqu- '01- 1 Ç ' a 'y %WlI1j1The Tolis travelleti through the British Isles, French Mon- Approximate]y $300 tiaiage, At tbc firsb meeting o! bhe a cea, Algeria anti Tunis; bhnough was causedti t the Boxvman- Newv Ycar, heldthe bcS unday the Pyrenees, bbc Swlss and ville Police Force cruiser ear!y School Roani, Friday night, Jan. Austrian Alps; thc great Cîties Wetinesday morning xvben ft 13, new officers O! St. Paul's o! Europe including Londion, skiddeti an lcy pavement at the 1 Mcn's Club were installeti in an Paris, Rame and Venice, even corner of Wellington antiDix-!-j impressive cesemony canducteti through bbce Iran Curtain ta sion Streefs anti crasheti into a Vy Rev. Haroldi Turner. Vienna. bsec. The afficers are: President-I No anc wilh want ta miss this Constable Clarence Bradley Ke s Stevens; Vce-President- fine entertainnient xxhich willl was driving bhc car east on Kn Werry; Seccetar:v-Wilbenb be enjoyeti by bbc w'bole family. Wellington St. anti if skitidel Teeple; Treasuren Roy McGill. The W.A. o! Triniby is sponsor- on te 'cy pvemnt a neComn-ittee chairmen are: Ste- tî- ~ aeau.Amsin onuteisouavemontDivsoneSt.wardshp-N. Wagan: Memben- ingth rvlge Adiso turnd suthon iviionSt.shîp anti Attentiance-D. Wil- is 50C. The damage ivas donc to the liams, Program anti Recreation- front o! the vehicie. A. Cuthbentson; Publicity-G. cockm;. MashenGrovean 'l G idesA discussion on ways andti (Sir means of increasing membership iandtihbe type o! pragrarn mcm- W d ns Lead N~ ~ br eed Leaderst sec presenteti, RuaI devotional was in change of,Rurai oV 'irifg edirtlocal laBr rn Paks terabcngg.sdet as1aieGae 7 88 e d on al ladrs rnieeac-s trthe Bragg. id nRs Mw1Gr _ 7 88 an rlin Guide Caxupanies. Stevens, took aven thc chair, Enniskilien Sr. - 14 8639 r, '~sa fine service ta rentier there 'vas a discussion on e Blackstock %14 8066 TforÇ~OIwmanville young people. prajeets fan thec caming ycar. FornisilnJ. - 9 55 Mrs. A. J. Frank ativises tl-iat bbc past few ycars bbe club bas EnsilnJ. 9 85 additionil leadiership is urgent- cultivateti canning craps o! peas Tyrone 5 8137 ly neefd because or an in- anti corn for bbc local canning Hampton 4 7786 creetse j/i mcmbership. factosy. This 'vas again con- ghSnlRsAhtn3.1 There must be women in sidereti ant i vii be carrieci out ihSnlRosAhai33 Bowmnanville xvbo 'oulti enjoy if lb is bboughbta obc ativisable.1 High Triple, Keith McGihi, wonklng wîtb the girls, anti the Lunch anti a perioti of felloxvship 829. tinie requincti is on ly two bours concluded the meeting.Lenn eae-RssSlp a week. Bowmanviile is proud 91, K. Runtile 98, L. Skinn--r of its Brownies anti Girls * g *H.. 'rn 7R_,J.xx-. 'i t Guides. If you can spare the' 'al L'~~' time anti want ta hclp in this, ILocal Ladie excellent young people's vrork, phone Mss. Frank at MA -I ,i D,.JI --3 ant ihebrknow HA$ YOUR $ET BECûo4E A'WPUTE ELEPHANT'ý WE'LI. REPAIR ITFOR YOU--QUICV'%LY AND REASONABIY. MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE LNpert Uepairs to NlI1 b 3 Silver 'St. M. -34S2 BOWVMAN VILLI: -ýi IipJ Peu L/VU Work, Here Attending the annual meeting of the Ontario County branch of the Ontario Division of the Canadjan Cancer Society, held in Oshawa last week, were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syer and Mr. and Mrs. Stan McMurter. Mrs. Syer Is president of the Sunshine Group in Bowmanville, a group of 3-oung women who have been \vorking on cancer dressin-gs for some years in conjunction with the Society in Oshawa. The Ontario Countv branch, takes in tcrritorv through Bow- mianville and as far east as Cobourg. An important mile- stone in the Nvork being done in this area, is the opening of a "Red Door" office in Oshawva, at 84 Athol St., East. The Roeci Door is open to ail]\ho wisli advice or inflormation with re-ý gard to cancer. The Red Door in Oshawa is open ever '% Thursday afternoon, ivith 0r. . D. Freind, a nurse. in charge .Anvone wvishijng iii- 93, W. Griffin 90. The Statesman Sold Ai Foflowing Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright. Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonvllle C. Pethicc, Enfflskillen T M. Slemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barron. Hamnpton Truil's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon 1-. T. Saywell. Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono El. K. Reynolds. Kendal Gilbert Food Market. Millbrook Lenderson's Book Store. Oshawa î - BowvmanvU1le- R. P Rickabv -'Big 2V" W J. B er ily JacÈ's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Loveil Goheen's Handy Store The Statesman Office À&Attentionl, Teenagers~ "WES" AARUM from Buffalo, N.Y. i (Song andi Chois Leader ini the Leîgton ord Crusade. Oshawa) w~il1 appear ini person inijiJ Trinity Church Sunday School Hall Monday, Janu'ary 23 AT 8 P.M. MUSIC.- GAMES - QUIZZE S HOST 0F Trinity Church Young People THE CANADIAN S'rATEISMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO &eert Last Thursday the Teen Town Executive decidedti t have a dance on Fritiay night. It see that ib woulti be im- possible ta get xvord aroun-i n time, but cantrary ta thý., %ve hati a gooti crQwd. Things were slow in getting starteti anti as was expecteti, the boys went back to their usual corner for bhc first littie while. Then the basketball players annived aften the game in Osh-awa anti liveneti the cvening up considerably. Mary Joncs, Mistress ot Ceremonies, introducedtI th' chaperones. Mr. ai-cd s.Rainr--a Dlllin 'g, Mr. ai-id M.%rs. Art Con- stable anti Mr. ant i% Mrs. BUi Sinitb. Winner- o f the spiot diances werc Rcxa McGili, Paul Ledtiy, Betty Pake anti Jini Thonon. The Eastcr prom will be helti early in Apnil anti again this e ar, a Qucen o! the Bail will e chosen, with lots o! w-on- derful prizes for the iucky girl. The next tiance xvili be held on Friday, Jan. 27, ancexveek fram to-morrow. SOLINA Mn. anti Mns. Bob' Malcolmn, Bruce anti Elizabeth, Brougih- am, visiteti at Mr. John Knox's Mr. anti Mss. Ralph Davis anti Patsy, w'ere Saturday evening visitors at Mr. Lamne Iloskin's, Blackstock. Mn. anti Mrs. Donald Yel.low- lees, Taunton, visiteti at Mn. J. W. Yellowlees on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer, 'vere accampaniei by Mss. Atidie Tink, Mrs. Hai- ry Knox and Dean, to visit P-- terborough relatives. Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce Tink and tamily anti Mrs. Atidie Tin.ï visited at Mn. Bryce Brown's, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Langruait, Mn. anti Mrs. Charles Lan~g- maid, Manlene anti Sally, vis- iteti on Sunday at Mn. Lloyd Preston's Bowmanvilie. Mr. anti Mns. D. Flebt anti chiltiren 'vene Sunday visitons at Mn. Bob Flett's, Columbus. Mr. and Mns. Harny Knox andi Dean, were Saturday evening guests at -Mn. Bob F'1ett's, Columbus. Mr8. D. N. Spires, Bihlaýnjd Bob, Toronto, Mn. antiMd Keith McGregar, Mss. M Crousc, Oshawa, visibeti atMn E. Spires'. Mn. anti Mns. Russell"'ai- ton, Zion; Mn. anti Mns. t -cil Bush, Whitby, vîsiteti at Afr. A. J. Balson's. Mr. andi Mss. J. W. Dyer and Elizabeth, Mn. and Mrs. A. Bee- 'on, Oshawa, wece Satunday *vening guests at Mn. Ray Pas- coe's. Mn. Edwvin Ormiston, Ebene- er, visiteti at Mn. Tami Baker's. Mr. anti Mrs. Hugh Hamcr and Debbie, Harmany, visiteti at Mr. C. Hamer's. Mn. anti Mns. Bert Montgom- ery, Oshawa, visiteti aI M-!. Bruce Monbgomeny 'S. .Mn. and Mrs. Helmer Frei- Lag, Mr. anti Mns. Ken McMinn nd Lyntia; Miss Jean Crytier- man anti Mr. George Bittner, >shawa, visiteti at Mn. E. Cry- lermrnans. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Rw and chiltiren, Bowmanville, Mn. an Mrs. Wm. Knox, Brou- eharu, visiteti at Mn. Georgee c tc v e, c( c a: ai ti ai rr 0 di ai a] gl ai G te dE et a: bE ci, si Di se w! eâ Rc Rc in Di 'of c-i -i of y: fil he ai c.i gi tobb anti Patsy Knox; Read- ngs were given by Caral Anne tainton anti Gail Bakér anti lanne Tink askcd a number nf iddles. Everyane then omcd a large !riend!!ip cir- le to close the meeting xvitb aps. Solina Homne andi Schoolî tub xviii meet on Frlday exren-, g Jan. 20. Dr. George Werr ' vI fOshawa, xxill bc gucst speal:- r ant i llustrafe bis talk witi ilms an The Safet ' LeagU". mx-venars for thc program ýal, lu. anti Mrs. Bruce Tink andl r. anti Mss. Lloyd Broome.j Bratiley's . Cam.munity Club! eill meet Fniday cvcning, Jan. DThe main feature of the rogram will be caloureti sldes own by Mn. anti Mss. Ewart eask. Mss. Charles Lang-maid had ange of the miasionary pro- ra on Sunday at the open- Lg of the Sunday School and iught the littie ones several flion songs. Gai! Baker neaid stor,% anti Mrs. Langmaiti ex- lineti the purpose of bliî± rthday bock for the smaller l PAGF F'IFTEEN ciety showed a very lnterestina S o t tained 16 members of the Path. ¶ Recent visitors at the home of clearly illustrated how the Ja- î t their leader Mrs. J. W. Bowinan. ' Ni. Arthur Keir, Oshawiý. andi panese, even during the Co -, The election of nexv officers for, Mr. Clarke Marsh, Couirtice. munist invasion, protected therie r e rt 1956 was held. Ruth Prescott. Congratulations to Mr. and Bibeandmaesusrele a and Lorna Cochrane who xxere, Mrs. Alla'n Macklin on the ar. Ihow fortunate we are to live in charge 'of the meeting con-, rival of a baby boy and ta Mr. in a land such as Canada 1 Scout Mothers' Auxilîary mt ducted a verv inspiring worshif) and Mrs. Gordon WilbtIr on the %'here we have freedom of re- a t the Lions Centre on Jami- service. Mrs. Bowman gave a gif t of a daughter. liglon and of worshipping as ary 11 with several new mcm- yern- fine reading. The girls The milder weather and suri- we please. bers present. Mrs. Chas. Welsh, led in contests. followed bv shine ovc: the wvcekend was jNext Sunday, Jan. 22. Com- rslet presided. lunch ai-d the usual social time. much appreciated. and brou.ght tmunion service will be held.- Annual reports wcre given. The anmual church congrega- rmanY skaters e;pecially v-oung The Dairy Doils met for their 'hwn ta urn1heps tional meeting w-as held on Mon- folk t0 bbe mill pond for a little fouth eeingat hehom ~year members catered for a da evening, whcn reports of'enjov-ment. Mrs. Maude Hamner on Jan.Lion.inr poieirfresh- tiheè variaus activities of the A' lovcly old landmark has» 9th. Durlng the business per- ments for Scout, AsSociation r churcli were presented, andi disappearei w-hcn Hydro men meetings and provided moncv items of business discussed.: saxv fit t0 remove the huge iod a tri to a dairy w-as dis- for Christmas treats for the Members of the Ladies' Bible" niaple tree in front of the resi- use. or the roll caîl eac. five Cub and Scout Packs. Th'! Class served refreshm-ents andi tenne of Mr. and Mrs. R. Farrow member brouglbt a custard and Auxiliary also helped pay the, a social haîf hour was enjoyed. lasI xveek. these were later judged. Notes expenses of the bus trip made - -_____ w-ere made on how to make a by bhe Scouts to the Jamboree Spanish cream and cornstarch at Niagara-on-the-Lake last pudding. There were 10 girls umr present. The meeting closel Bsummer.N with 4-H pledge, following a A numnber of tics were madie'B IJ L Z I~ tsylunch served by the host- for Cubs. Mrs. Mel Wiseman1 1ess. Next meeting Jan. 23 8,t gave a short talk on Auxiliary !l Rahe oDavis. eaerM,-.duties. inl lasi - ad .V. Dinsdag 24 Jan. Ralp Davs.for the homebaking sale helti meIngon Jan. 13, which was a greali as otu 8:30 n.m. i Bovenzaal van A Lîbrary Board metn success, realizing the sum in oi was held. on Jan. 13 at the $0 home of Mrs. G. 1-eal. Directors OffiwrsHeectl, atohetDeopeT for he earareMn.cember meeting were installedPo t H p 1 G. Hieal, Mrs. John Knox, MvirS. at r sflos rsd Onderwerp (Rev.) Reeti, Mrs. Rtoy La1îg- an re aCs fo. Wlsh: vpresi- maid, ir.Chas. Shortriu-ýýi det M - iso;sc s1 rnd r r. Hea a caimal. ti-i tary M,\rs. O. Plummer: trea.i- D WV n u rs officers are: Secretary, tirer - Mrs. Ross flchaîdr - J. HODDENBAGH >John Knox: Librarianl, *~-~ phoninig committce - Mrs. il, pec oeagv Kellett; Absistant, :Uî*5. tî Lt tfiladMr.ERud; D,.Lavis. îNew inenibors x-d.L:lac Mr .gac Pr xvelcomed at any tine. À .c Board ivishes everyone to kî:o\x $So Iýr !'ls OU(r'111-e nrai"13 there is a gooti suppiy oi uozpii pmnirsadi l 1ho,: in the liorary, xith many iiexcd fiat more intcrested C;îV) ones being added recenix. andi Scout mothers will joi im Tentative plans 'vere discusset atiinc es obi umbher. Th"iJ BOW M ANVI LLE regarcling a pro,,iai±n iii thc suxil;ary iieX nth CO near future.1 Wedn-esclay of every month a, j He may frend areplesed2.30 pirn. at the Lions Centre.B Y S O T 1 oknow Miss Lizzie Hockada.y is rnaking satlsfactory recov - ery following an operation in' AM TO- mewnani the hrli Ja.12M.sptathe om of rAf Solina W. I. met in the base- A mast enjoyable ex ening was*E omnvithechospitJa. 1 pn ttehm fM. f PA PE DIV Wes Yellowlees, presicient, was Randle on the occasion of hîs ini the chair. It was decided bu! birthday, Jan. l5th. Guests buy necessary new equipaiieiit ' present 'vere Mi-. and Mis. Geo. lot' the kitchen iii taeclcîurcal White, Bowmnanville; i\rs. A. F. an ;o-'vas votedti t buy ,na- Ruttan and MUr. WVn. Yeo, bath' stating al 7 p . 3 teriaIs1 for the bazaar in hi of Hampton. The dfnner a lu. Attention Aas ciravn *,)'excellent and al wisheti hini the o ur extension course projecî' best that life can holi. AMany I xhich is '*Sandwiches for ail happy î-eturnis of bhc day, Alf. jurged ta attend saine in thei- weekend at the homne of MissayJ nu r 2 Hall ao- Jan. 19, xvhen lHan-p- 1 Janet Brown, Saginaw, Mich. ton ladies xii be our guesLs.1 Mr. ant i Mrs. C. E. Horn, Citizens are requested to have their papers tied in In the absence of Mns. trilest Oshawa, xisitcd at tbe homes of hockatiay, group Icader for Mrýîs. W. G. Doitige anti Mr. ai-d bundles and placed on the curb iu front of their Group 3, Mrs. ktalph Davis pi-- Mrs. W. W. Horn. sitiet for the prognani. Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Billett, homes. Your co-operation is appreciated. E. Werny xvery abîy commented t Douglas ai-d Jiîn, Toronto, Mr. on aur motta, "INobody evr Ilat-d Mrs. Keith A. Billett andi got indigestion by swallowiig fainily, Bowmnanx-ille; Mr. aitti his own pride." Mrs.. Spireýs 1Mrs. Wm. Ritidel. Orono, we re!r_____ ____________ gave an excellent reatiing on î Suntiay visitons xith Mr. at-id; Pl-oio, its prevention, care ai-d Mî-s. A. E. BilleI.t. treatruent. Mns. J. Baker invor-r cd xxith a vocal solo, "Ini An r' ls. Geo. Iiwin, Enniskillen AI w-as a necent visitor at A. W.L ~ 1i~ Ol-àhoe adi" anti Prescott's. FA nne l le ra c Mrs. C. Langmaid gave a vary . , L pleasant piano solo. The roîlý Mr. anti Mrs. 11'iton GraI. cil ,vasoianswered by ,~Wat Lotus. were Saturtiay visitorsaut, O F are wedig about Health Ser- Mr. Mei-xin Mountio-. S. vices lu Canada". Mý-r. C. J. Wray. Oshawva. visit C in Glassw.are - Books edA hetasty lunch ws eaîf- d M . h n edb h ru ncag nsti2~eercn iiosa h ims~a d W o pleasant chit-chat closoti an- 1 Mr. ai-d Mrs. M. Mountjoy a d W o meeing ofMr. andi Mrs. T.Daîcy« vanti meeing1 . and Mns. E. Stî-ong, Bo\w- AT GENUINE BARGAIN PRICES ? mani-ille.11 Gary Chant visiteti his par- BONE CHINA Ee t N wto Montreal for a short tune. Hle Rl c* expects ta go ta Calgary at thec u s a d S n e 5 O ff icers For eFranki wek Ty on.V Aanti s i BowFran iîîe, BO O KS - Haif price and Iess Mrs. Ternill Sr. lias returneti i 0 Nylon -~1 Tyroe-Te anualmeetng;froro visiting bier daughfers iii ofteWmnsAssociation w-as, Toronto.n helti January llth lu the SundayýMr-. ai-d Ivan Law, and Wool Él 5 School noom with 25 ladies Whitby, visiteti at Lorenzo - - bi 5 present. President Mrs. H. 1 Trull's lasI xveck. Philp presideti for business, ne- Sunday visitors at Lorenzo C h itm s ar sH f pie ports of the three groups xvhich Trull's ivere Mr. ai-d Mrs. Dîck Ch it a rdFal pic were very gnatifyîng. Boltan: Miss Muriel Turamontis, charge of the îvarship service1 Rex'. Colini Rutd of Toronto rn i q G a s Ceigat5 L. anti gave a reading on "Faith.' was a special speaker at the11l Mrs. Russell Wright presenteti a Sunday morning church services; oei n okoe hseadiayohriesa paper on "Thoughts for the New in the interests of the Bible'l oi i n okoe heeadîayohriesa Year". Readings by Mrs. Lloyd Society. Mter a short but in- Alldread andi Mrs. Kari Colbary. spiring message on the work of Officers for 1956 are as fol- th1e.British andt Foreign Bible ATTIC ROOMS! GAME ROOMS! BASEMENT ROOMS! Act Now m BUY AT WINTER PRICES YOU WILL BE AM'NAZED AT THE NEW WVALL M.NATERIALS AVAILABLE WHICII YOU CAN PUT ON ANY UNFINJSHED BASEIMENT OR ATTIC TO ADD NEW LIVEABLE SPACE TO YOUR HOME. For as Low as $10.00 Per MONTH and NO Oshauwa 1. -Wood MONEY Products DOWN Ltd. PLANT AND YARD - COURTICE MA 3-2130 or OSHAWA RA 3-4661 Damaged In Skil onf Ice

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