THURSDAY, .TAN. l9th, 1956 T~ CAWAT1IA!~ ~'rA'r~MAw 1~flW1~RA1'~TVTT.TW VWrA~Tn CSOCII & [ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Miss Nell Burk, Orillia, spent Lawrence Rehder and Roy Tcl the weekend with ber mother, ping, winners, Saturday. Ja M4rs. T. S. Holgate. 28tb, Miss Meda Hagerman ar Mrs. C. H. Mason left Tues- Ross Stevens; Saturday, Feb. 4t day on a trip to Florida and -Dick Widdicombe and John Lvi other points in the southern ing Sr. United States. With Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dil Mr: and Mrs. Sam Van Camp, pell for the weekend were: ML and three children are holida y-! Peggy Dippell, Toronto; M Ing with her sister in Fort Laud- f'Beecher Menzies, Clinton; IM erdale, Florida. and Mrs. Raymnond Muirheai Mr. Jack McCoy who recentîy Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Mui joined thc Canadian Navv leit bead left this week for Englan 0' last Sunday to begin training at where they expect to reside Ic Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. about a year. 1Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jones, Five members of Jerusalei Phîlip and Cindy of Ottawa, Lodge A.F. & A.M., No.3 visited his mother. Mrs. Giddus G.R.C., Bowmanville. attende Jones and other relatives last the installation of 1956 office] week. of Lebanon Lodge, Oshawa, la Mrs. Bun \Velsh. Paul aud week. Those present were Wci Patricia, left Sunday by plane shipful Master Clare Allun,V for New York City where they Bro. Charles Warren, W. Br( will spend a week with her Harry Freeman, Bro. Lloyd Ayr aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. and Bro. Bob Evans. .H. Hurst. Five persons frorn Bowmar ville attended the Retail SalE Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight Clinic beld in the O.C.C.I.i bave returned from Ottawa Oshawa, Monday and Tuesda after a four-weeks visit with nights and sponsored by th their daughter and son-in-law, Oshawa Chamber of Commerc Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Monroe and Radio Station CKLB. The and family. were Lloyd Ellis, Howard an Mr. and Mrs. Sid Scott, Mr. Gordon Sturrock, Mrs. Louis and Mrs. Reg. Jones and Mr. E. Lyle and Mrs. Lillian Denby. H. Brown left on Sunday by motor for Florida where they News of the sudden passing oc expect to spend about six weeks Jan. l2th was received here Sat visiting different resort centres. urday of Edna McGill, belovei wife of Dr. W. R. Hamblyo Attending the recent Presby- 293 Queens Ave., London, On terial at Peterborough frorn St. Entornent was in Forest Law Andrews Presbyterian Church, Mernorial, Toronto. Mrs. Hamt Bowmanville, were Mrs. A. G. ly wsad he fMs Scot. rs.L.T. cLaghin, McGill who lived in Bowman Mrs. Marjorie Ferguson and Mrs.vilarndte unoft Pery ortr.century. Deceased is survive, Bowmanville LionsClub hoc- by ber sister, Miss Kathleen M key draw: Wed., January 25th, McGill of Toronto. Citizens in Bowmanville ar district who are interested i ST» joHNS getting first hand information ci bow Alcoholies Anonymous cope with the liquor question are in vïted to the banquet at Lion Centre, Jan. 25, at 6:30 p.m. ThÈ meeting is sponsored by tt (Anglican) contribute several musical nun, bers on the program. See advt in this issue for further partic Third Sunday uas Mrs. Morley Vanstone enter- tained at a tea in ber home on A fier EpiphanV Jan. Il in bonor of Mrs. Ray- a mond Muirhead, the formei Marion Dippell, who with her 8 a.m. - husband left this week for Neu HOLY COMMUNION York fromn which they will sail for England. Mr. and Mrs Muirhead expect to be in Eng- 10 and il ar. - land for about a year where CHURCH SCHOOL Mr. Muirhead is taking special training with parent office cf 11 a.M.the Phillips Electric Company il an. -with whom he bas been in MORNING PRAYER Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winacott 7 p.m. - and Sandra spent the weekend EVXN PAE with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. EVENNG PAYER Everett Winacott. Lloyd and his family have rnoved to Toronto after spending three years in YOUTH FOR CHRIST in the IBOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL *Saturdaiy, January 28' AT 8 P.M. SPECIAL FILM "Hutchin son Crusade" (Presenting Dr. Jack Shuler) t "Jusi Tll iTomorrowî Song Service conducted by Mr. A. A. Merkley TOMORROW, FRIDAY, JAN-ARY 20th, 8:15 p.m. ToIliTravelogue "Old World Caravan" A three dimensional presentation. Admission 50e Sponsored by the Trinity Woman's Association Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M..' Many Attend Newcastle School Open House Many parents and interested citizens of Newcastle er, shows an example of her pupil's work to Principal Mrs. attended the "open house" at the Newcastle Public School Fred Lycett, School Board Chairman Emerson Fisher and Monday night when they were shown the new two-room Councillor Fred Couch. The visitors were favorably addition to the school and other improvements made to the impressed with the resuits of the $42,000 building and oid building. Here, Mrs. Jack Nesbîtt, left, Grade 2 teach- modernization program. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope ý1 Quebec City working for the 5 Government at C.A.R.D.E. He 3is now in the samne work for DeHaviland in Toronto. Lloydl had a Boy Scout troop of 22 1boys and was Scout leader for past two years. He was present- ed with the gift of a pen and pencil set. He is now residing on North Yonge St., Toronto. 0f interest to aIl in this area is the opening of the "Red Door" office in Oshawa at 84 Athol St. East, by the Ontario County unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. The Red Door is open every Thursday after- noon, and Mrs. O. D. Freind, a nurse, is there to give *advice and information to ail who wish it. This office serves an area extending as far as Co- bourg, and aIl who are inter- ested are urged to avail them- selves of this friendly service. They will be made most wel- corne. P.O. Ronald Cole, H.M.C.S. Hochelaga, Montreal, spent the weekend at home with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edmon- stone. after an absence of seven years. On bis tour of duty, Ron bas been in many places in the East. including the Phillipines, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong: and bad many interesting exper-i iepen to relate. Present at the happy family ran4nion were Mr. and Mrs. A.* J. Allin, John and Elizabeth of Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cole, Billy, Mar- I aret. and Sanmv Mr. and rs Master-W. Bro. D. Bowins; D. District Master - W. Bro. J. Palmer; District Chaplain - Bro. Fenton Fallis: District Sec- retary-W. Bro. R. J. Payne-, District Lecturers - W. Bro. Offa Staples and Bro. Bill Mor- rison; District Marshall-Bro. George Smith. After the meet- ing lunch was served by Beth- any L.O.L. We regret to report the pass- ing of Mr. W. Harry Hooper of Toronto. Deceased resided bere for a long time, beîng the local 'Postmaster and store- keeper. , Prior to that he farm- ed at Drum and taught school for several years. While bere be was a very active member of the United Church and was always willing to help in any community work. He was a Past Master and Honorary Lîfe Member of L.O.L. No. 82 and was arso a Past Grand in the Odd Fellows being a member of Orono No. 436. Funeral ser- vices were beld on Tue-sday from the United Church with interment in the local cerne- tery. A large number were present at the dance in Ballyduff on Friday evenîng. L.O.L. No. 82 had a good meeting recently wben four applications were received. LONG SAULT Ross Jackman and Glen, town, Home and School Club, hela ralso friends and relatives. Ron Friday night, was well attended. is taking a three months' course Pres. Mrs. F. Partner conducted in Montreal at present and will the business. It wa's decided to rthen return to Victoria, B.C.. to have a social evening at the join bis wife and four children Bibruary meeting with the before being posted elsewhere. families of F. Partner, A. Millson and Penwarden as convenors. Mrs. J. Johnston was' chairman MAPLE GROVE for the following progran: Reci- Shirley. Alvin and David Johns- Symath ofthi cmmuity1 tn;trio by Jean, Harry and ëday) in the passing of his moth _Rev. Jackson displaved 0er, Mrs. Charles Brown. Aý magic work. The We welcome Mr. and Mrs. I-___»'-ý3ed with a song by Windsor and family to our com. older school girls. munity, having built a home Lupých was served by the pro- just south of Maple Grove gram committee and a social Church. time was had by all. The annual Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. O. Weber and meeting was held on Jan. 4th son, Courtice: Mr. and Mrs. F. with a fair attendance. Rev.: G. Smith and Grace with Mrs. Somerville opened the meeting' G. Kovars. with prayer, then called for nom- 'Wayne Marchent spent the i mnations for Supt. Lloyd Snow- weekend wvith John, Harry and den moved that H. G. Freeman Bruce Baker. be Supt. for' the ensuing year. __________ seconded bv Wm. (Jake) Laird, carried. Moved by Supt. that ,Wm. Laird be Jr. Supt.. second- h o B ar SecY-Treas.-Bill Laird: Asst.- BobBron: ianst-eanFlint- <Continued from page one) off Ast.Babar Bown Og- Principal Thompson was; anist- Jim Cryderman: Asst.- granted permission to ex- Les Collacutt: Teachers: Nursery change three French Horns f or -Mrs. Ken Flint, Asst.-Mrs. M. more suitable instruments for Flintoff, Kinder garten - Jean Public school pupils and the Flintoff; Primary A-Mrs. H. money received from the sale Bradey. sst.Mrs. W. .of the bass clarinet to the High Brown: Primary B-Shirley Cry- School could be used by Mr. derman; Asst. Lorraine Snow- Thompson for further instru- den: Jr. B-Mrs. Ken Summers-' ments if they are required. ford, Asst.-Mrs. R. Gimblett: Tettlrgsrto ntc Jr. A.-Mrs. W. H. Brown; lu- Bw- termediate girls-Mr. Wm. Laird; owanville public schools Intermediate Boys-MiAs Susie last Septemnber showed 128 r_- Laird; Adult-H. R. Foley. 0f- gistered in Kindergarten anîd ficers for Bible Class: Pres.- 988 in grades 1 to 8 or a total Mrs. Cecil Jeffery, Secy-Mrs. Of 1116 Pupils. In 1956 the es- P. Flintoff: Asst.-Lloyd Snow- timated registration is expect-I den: Treas.-Cecil Jeffery: Flo\v-I ed to rise to 170 in Kindergar- or Com.-Mrs. S. Jefferyi, .Mrs. ten and 1213 in the eigh Lou Hockin, Mrs. Roy Van grades or a total of 1383 pupils. Camp, Mrs. Arthur Burgess. At pr e se nt there are 31 class rooms in use but in 19,39 this is expected to rise to 38. PONTYPOOL Farmers Union Local met on Blind I% etina Thursday evening at Carscad- den School xith Past President Albert Bowins in the chair. A <Continued from page one) r1 st of resolutions from other and Durham, this Cmites Loca]s were deait with and portion of the total of $1,000 be-I created lively discussions. A ing $2.50. dainty lunch was served b,, In the report of the expenses the ladies. for the year made by Mr. Crvd- Manvers District L.0.L. met erman, it was shown that thist in Bethany Orange Hall on Committee shares the cost of 1 ,Tuesday evening with Wet salaries paid to the Field Secre- District Master Bro. Delbert tary, Mr. W. T. Simmons, and' Bowins in the chair. After the his staff, and the home teacher. reports were received and en- Personu Served dorsed. W. Bro. Offa, Deputy Report of the Field Secretary,j County Master, conducted the read by Miss Lena Tay-lor, show- election of officers and the ed that 65 persons in the Wes; following officers wvere instaîl- Durham area receive service or ed hxv W. Bro. R. J. Pavn.. aid from the Committee. The Couniy Maàter; )P District1 cases laJi int.o three categories. blind persop% registered with the investigated periodically but Committee of which there are vision found too high for e 've 22; prevention cases which re- care by the InstitLite, of which ceive treatmcnt for failing vision, there are 39. of which there are four; cases EN-e service including surgery Sets, StyleS, waves ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURI PERMANENT, " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WINDINGI $115 Coeploe KiD and provision of glasses for those unable to afford them was Ne Ivetr receiye the borne teaching of' ne rm aeOe Miss'Dobson who gives tann1(Continie rr aeOe in Braille reading, typing and'Mrs. Donald McDonald. various handicrafts. Five per- ThreotemndCam sons availed themselves of the[ herpr eiddCan Braille books and magazine pro-i ber members that a date book vided, and there are three v for events taking place in the machines for talking books, all town is being kept in the in use. Chamber office to avoid con- Thaaks Committee flicting dates for events sched- The Field Secretarv made uled by the many local service many home calîs whe*re prob- clubs and organizations. Chair- lems were discussed. and many men of such events or the se- routine contacts with pension cretaries of the organizations officiais, service clubs and so on. sponsoring them are aseed t'> Hundreds of letters were written check with the Chamber bp- and telephone calîs made. Num- fore setting the dates in orde? ber in Bowmanville and district that the Chamber will have a receiving the usual $3 Christmas complete record of alI activi- Cheer cheque, was 21. Conclud- lies and conflict can be avoid- t'haânkeQthe è'Corm'itee for thiril work, and said that without such committees, the C.N.I.B. could flot carry on. Report of the Recreation Com- mittee, read for Aura Trewin by Mrs. J. E. Hobbs, showed that fiebidpersons are transport- ed to Oshawa twice a month by the Lions Club for business and social meetings;, a picnic was held at Lakeview Park; Oshawa Club were guests at the Star Free Concert and were served lunch at the Lions Centre: 12 attended a turkey dinner given by Oshawa Lions Club at Christ- mas time; a number attended the concert of Bowmanville Choral Society. 1956 Date Set Report of the sale of work held in the Hydro Shop was given for Mrs. W. R. Strike, by Miss Cryderman and showed $538.71 realized. Miss Dora Pur- don read the report of thé home teacher, showing three pupils re- ceiving instruction. Calîs were made to former pupils and a number entered in the Peter- borough exhibition where cash prizes are given which. encour- age the pup3ils. Following the adoption of ail reports, election of officers was conducted by Mr. Simmons and the new chairman, Mr. Donald Williams, took over. A regular business meeting followed when ithe dates for the 1956 canvass were set. These are Api7il 23 to May 5. getail Committee Active The Retail Merchants Com- mittee under Chairman Ken Nicks is lining up an active program for 1956 which may include special meetings for merchants only.-.with retail specialists invited to speak or bead up panel discussions. These may be held as luncheon meetings at noon. As a public service, the Chamber has undertaken to provide giant urn-type asti trays in the downstairs hall- way at the Town Hall where people can throw their cigar- ette butts instead of using the floor as is presently the case. It was pointed out that tht, hallway is littered Nvith butS, after every police court sessioni and the new ash trays should eliminate this. The report carried Treasur- er George Moody's financi3l statement for the nine-montýi "Iyear" of 1955. This showed that receipts for the period hRzd been $1.088, practically ail fromn membership fees; and dishursements had been $795, leaving a balance of $266 when outstanding cheques were iu- cluded. However, a typewriter and a good stock of stationery and office supplies were -pu:ý- chased during the year. Ail Chamber members are asked to be prompt in payment of their 1956 membership fees. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK Shop at YOUR DRUG STORE, the safe, logical and dependable -place to buy drugs, medicines, and other products for health and beauty care. Need Vitamins ? -nT I.D.A. Brand COD LIVER GIL CAPSULES 100's, reg. 1.19 -_________ ID A . BRAND 100's reg. 1.15 I.D.A. BRAND Pure, highly refined oil 16 oz., regular 89e 89C FretW -Air ( Wavi,,g lotio. fik-e NEW tizfe lono,'-fealeJ tro end ou lLL-JLe elIzifl. con b. 9 EGULAR SUPER $ 0 VERY OENTLE SFor Balancod Fitness PLEASANT TASTING "FRUIT SALT" ENO KLÉENEX PACUI OP 20c 20 tssles6¾x' ne0 tissues V x 0 MAN'S SIZE 12"xl2 35c Drugs' Phone MA 3-5792 - 69C1 -- '~ .à :PLI " Paper Napkins Box of 70 large white, embossed napkins Reg. 17e.- 15c, 2 Fo-29c ' Toilet Tissue Sof t, white, 750-sheet roll% Reigular lit3 2 for 25c -l--- -- or23 Milk of Magnesia Pleasant-tasting antacid and laxative 16 oz. 2c32-oz.49 reg. 35e - _--- _-- 9 reg. 60ec49 Milk of Magnesia Tablefs Convenjent to carry re.39e 29c -- Minerai 011 Heavy grade- Odourlesq - Tasteless 011 16-oz. reg. 55e 4-oz. reg. 75e .Wax Paper 100-ft. roll. 12 inches wlde in dispenser box Reg. 29e- 25c, 2/49c Cough and Cold Remedies Idaphedrin clears nasal passages-liquid 65c, spray 9.5c Bronchida Cold Capsules, 30s -- - - -1.25 Bronchida Cough Syrup, 8 oz. _____ _ 7.5c rdess th oMBuckley's Mixture ---------- 50c, 85c, AIex. We Deliver 44c 300's59 reg. 89Ce9 40-oz.8c reg. 1.1089 i ,, j ~, /. i I *. . L i _ ___COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE HIALIDUT LIVER DIL CAPSULES eG.230's'7 50. 34 89c reg. 2.20 1 l eg. 4.29 -----34 COD LIVER DIL Slomach Powder Qulckly relieves gastric distress 59C l6-oz. 14 reg. 1.95 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregoir, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store THIURSDAY, JAN. Igth. 1958 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PACLP qrvrm " 1. FRUIT] E N SSALIJ Ê!LO l::_ý_e