'TNT.RSDAY, 3ANf. th 059 Deputy Minister Telis Canadian Club of Importance of Mining Of the many assets which we ter of Mines. He received an as Canadians have, the great- outstanding honour when he est, perhaps, is our mining ber-_ was chosen to represent Can- itage, stated H. C. Rickaby. ada at the mining convention Ontario Deputy Minister of in London, England several Mines, at the Bowmanville years ago. Men's Canadian Club on Wedi- Having been asked ta make nesday evening of iast week. some remarks of the possibil- In his address ta a very large ity of gas and ail araund this turnout of members, Mr. Rick- district, Mr. Rickaby ceplied aby stressed the importance.of that there wvas very little hopc. minerai wealth in the Canadian He stated that if one- were to economy. dig a hale in ta the ground in The guest speaker was intro- this district one wouid probab- duced by Rev. D. R. Dewdney ly find 100 ta 300 feet of gravel of Newcastle, a friend of long and sand, a few feet of shale, standing of the speaker. Mr. 700 ta 800 feet of limestone, and Rickaby was born north -if then the aid granite which is Orono and attended elemen- found in Eastern Ontario and tary school in Orono and New- Muskoka. castle high school. During The mining industry in On- World War 1 he served with tario has a tremendous impact the Princess Pats, and after on the whole economy of the the war entered the University province, since everyone de- of Toronto as a lecturer in the pends on minerais and metals. Faculty of Geoiogy. In 1954 the total value of pro- Was Provincial Geologist duction passed the one-half Later Mr. Rickaby jained the billion dollar mark, he said. mining department of Ontario One mark of expansion is the and became a provincial geoi- increased interest in mining. ogist, and later Deputy Minis- Last year there were some 16,- - mwq$ \\ITA // D //IDEA~ M I q -'-j Sticking dobrs can often be freed without plan- ing. Use a piece of cardboard to find out if the door is sticking at the top or botom.J . 1 Air %^ w \il ~Ifthe door is sticking) If the door is stickrng at the top, tighten the screws at the bottom, tighten the fastening the top hinge. bottom hinge. MOLSON' THUR. - FRIS - SAT. -r- JAN. 26 N~ 27 -28 Malinse Salurday 2 p.m. "!Rage At Dawn" (Technioolor - RANDOLPH SCOTT MALA -Good Western) - FORREST TUCKER POWERS Also "rzan I's Hidden Jungle" with GORDON SCOTT - the New Tarzan and VERA MILES Thursday, Friday - 7 and 8:30 Saturday, cont. 6:30 NON, - TUEl. - WED.-v JAN. 30 - 31 FEDRUARY 1sf (Technicolor) Top Farce Coniedy of tie year Shoms at 7 and 9 p.îni., 000 prospecting licenses grant- ed, and irom these 57,000 min- erai dlaims were registered. A dlaim is 40 acres of crown land which is taken out of circula- tion for one year. The total area of al daims which were registered iast year would be four tumes greater than 'the area ai Durham county. To stake a dlaim the prospec- tor must be over 18 years o! age, and have a license which will cost $5, the Deputy Minis- ter stated. This claim must be H. C. Rickaby marked off inta a section 40 acres in area by stakes and lines. After this be must go ta the recording office and pay another $5 for a permit for the land whichi is good for one 'c ar. May Sell Ciaim Tbe praspectar is now free ti try and sel bis dlaim ta soni investors, or if he is a rea prospector he will look for tbg minerais himself. If he mine. bis own land and at the en, of tbe year is able ta make a. affidavit in support ai hi work, he may re-apply for an other. If lie puts 200 days o wvork on bis ciaini Nwithin fivi years he may apply for a pa tent from the govcrnment. On the other band. if ni work is done on the dlaim, ori isn't reported at the end of thi year, then the permit is can ceiled and the land is agaii available f r any praspectars 0f the 57,0%00 daims last year 40,000 were cancclled. Mining in Ontario first be gan around the turn ai the cen tury, Mr. Rickaby said. In 1901 silver was discovered at Cobalt with the peak year being ii 1909. Last year $3,000,0 warth ai silver was mined ir Cobalt. Ontario's iirst gald discover3 was aiso in 1909 at Porcupine Red Lake, Little Long Lac, arn Kirkland. Since the peak yeai in gold, 1940, gold productiai has dropped. This decrease stated Mr. Rickaby, is due ta great extent ta the fact thal the price of gold was set ai $35 an ounce during the war Today the dollar is able ta buy less than in 1940 when the price was set, and sa gold is now in the doldrums and w1i continue ta be until the price is raised. Three Iron Mines At present there are thrce important mines producing iror are in Ontario. One ai the masi exciting of the iran discoveries was at Steeprock which isa lake 12 miles long. In prelim- inary investigating the onl evidence of high grade iran ore -was some rocks scattered ir tbe bush soutb ai the lake. Ac- cordingly, sanie engineers in. vestigated the bottom of the lake and found ane ai the ma- jor ore producing areas in Can- ada today. A small towri which bas ben- efited from the discovery af iron ore is Marmora, the speaker said. The iran here was discovered by an aîrplane JWe're No Angels, Thre ai the most remark- jable cîtthroats ta ever escape from Devils Island wvill invade the Royal Theatre on Monday, January 3th wben Humphrey Bogart, Aida Ray and Peter Ustinov appear in 'We're No An)gels." The tbree may be the most unlikcly candidates for angel's wings an the face af the earth, but if you're in trouble and need a sale cracked, a thrbat slit or a signature forg- cd, just send out a caîl and they'l1 do it for yrdi. And they'li do it right, for they're the best in the business. The unique trio; whosa crum- mnal talants are surpassed anly by the carefully bidden size nif their hearts, are three of the stars of Paramount's delight- ful, ofi-beat dramia, baileri everywhere as ane of the most beguiling stories aver filmed. Pursued by police and blood- hounds, they take refuge in Joan Bennett's bouse intending, ta use any means, fair or fou], ta. secure their safety. BÙt is Christmas Eve, Miss Bennett and Lea G. Carroll, ber bum- bling husband. axe in trouble witb itheir obnoxiaus employcr, Basil Ratbbone, and the con- victs cant keep their hands off. Tbey go ta work ta rýelie'Ne the situation, using the talents that have gained themn a posi- tion at the top ai their respec- tive crafts-and a stretcb on Devil's Island. But against th,> wily Raibbone, thair skills arc nat enaugh and at this point a member af the cast wa havent mentianed before enters the picture. Named Adolphe, ba's AIda Ray's faithfol campanian, but ýou wan't gat ta sec bîm. He's the mysteriaus character 'vha finahiy finds the antidate to Rathbane's poisanous man- euverings, and judging by au- dience reactions thus iar you'I be completciv taken by bis sol- ution. Adolphe is a terror, but a delight, and he'll keep you tingling with suspense and ten- sion.I There are twvo sangs ain '\\'era eNo Angels,' ana of thein zung in trio hv Bogart. Ray anci Uctinov. That alone should be wortb the price ai a.m-saon ýo le RI le le In 'y 3 i e y~ r e using a mnagnetometer. Even though the magnetorneter re- corded a very high magnetic reaction, there was no iran or~ near the surface, and it wal necessary ta drilli thraugh the limestane. However, this dis- covery turned thiq sleepy littie town inta a prosperous one with new hauses and all year round empioyment. Sudbury Minerai Wealth An area in Ontario which Is famous for nickel and copper is Sudbury, which is one of the richest, if nat the richest, min- eralarea in the world. Nearly 80 per cent of the nickel usedi in the free world cames froni here. Each year over 16,000,000 tans of rock are handled. This is equal ta a coiumn of rock with a base 100 feet square and 3 miles high. Mining companies believed that there is still 18 ta 20 years af proven reserve i the minerais at Sudbury. Matachewan Lake, which is north af Lake Superior and is famous for its zinc and copper, was once a northern remote spot but now it has houses, ho- tels and a railroad. Blind River Uranium The uranium at Blind River was another exciting discovery. Although the uranium on the Surface gave a very high gei- ger counter reading, it was of no value for are. The idea evolved that the are on top was defective, sa engineers in- vestigated beiow the ground and thus found the greateszt known source af uranium in the world. At present there arc three companies operating four mines in Blind River. Eight other companies are carrying on investigations in the simiý area. A considerabie amounit of uranium bas also been discov- ered in Eastern Ontario. Fallowing Mr. Rickaby's in- formative talk, a film was shown which deDicted how th'? International Nickel Company ai Canada mines nickel in Sud- burv. The technicolor film was truly a masterpiece af photo- graphy sbowing ail the opera- tions necessary for mining, f rom the actual prospecting, and the drilling of the main shaff:ta the final stages af re- placing the cavities caused h.y Business Directory_ Àccouniancy RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville .(Abave Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Osiîawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Comm. J. Hunter, C.P.A. C h ir op rac fi c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: Specîalty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment De nifal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office:.Jury Jubilee Bldg. 4n King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. tb 6 p.m. daily_ the remaval ai the are wit-h sand. Alvin Davis, on behalf ai the club, thanked Mr. Rickaby for addressing the Menas Canadian Club. Mr. Davis stated that we ail sbould be thankful for the work done by the pioneers oi thîs country, who had no idea of the extent af their great dis- covery. Percy Corbett, president of the Canadian Club, expressed his delight at seeing such a large turn-out af members and new members. The new memn- bers at the meeting were Ralph Larmer, Neil Porter, Car] Billings. Phillip Passmore, and A. D. McMaster. st. Pa UI's W.M. S . Jan. M eeting St. Paul's W.M.S. met at thc home of Mrs. Kenneth Werry on Jan. l7th. President Mrst Harold Ferguson opened thui meeting with greetings and a message for the New Year: -T9 trust in God and ail would be rigbt ith tbe world if wel practice the love of the Di- vine". The worship service led by Mrs. J. A. Cox, assisted by Mrs. R. Wbitmee, Mrs. S. Mc- Allister and Mrs. E. Dilling, concluding xith the Lord's Prayer in unisan. The offering xvas dedicated by the president and Mrs. Harold Turner offer- cd prayer. Various reports..were submnitted and the allocation had been reachedi with a sur- lus. The studv book chapter, "N.) Vanishing Race, the Canadian Indian af todaY", was made very interesting by Mrs. H. G. Shaw. The missianary, James Evans, laid the foundation of Canadian Indian Missions in the Canadian North. At Norway jHouse hie established the Chris- tian village Rossville, near Hudson Bay Company's Fart. There are no pagan Indians In that territory. The James Evans Memoriai at Norway House, and the new church at God's Lake stand as a fitting tribute ta a wonder- fui missionary. PONTYPOOL We are sorry to report the passing ai Mrs. Charles Brown af Bawmanville. Deceased was a former citizen here. To her son George we extend aur sin- cere sympathy. The funeral ai the late W. H. Hoopar was largely attended on Tuesday. Rev. Bonsteel who canducted the service was assist- ed by-Rev. T. W. F. G. Andrews, son-in-law ai the deceased. Mr. Bonsteel spoke very highly ai Mr. Hooper's support ta the re- ligiaus, fraternal and the com- munity work while residing bere. After this service L.O.L. 82 conducted the last rites ai the Order. Interment was in th.a local cemetery. Several frorn here attended the Warden's election in Cobourg on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beatty. Toron- ta, and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Whitmee, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne. Wa extend aur congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bernie William- son ai Toronto wbo are celebrat- ing their Golden Wedding An- niversary. Mr. Williamson is a brother ai Mr. Lau Williamson ai this village. NESTLETON 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday The Nestieton W.A. and W.M. Closed Sunday S. met at the home ai Mrs. M. Office Phone MA 3-5790 Emerson, January l9th in charge House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ai the new officers with 19 ladies f - and some children present. 01<. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Meeting opened'with the Theme e Office in his home Sang and Mrs. L. Malcolm at the e 0 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville piano. Mrs. L. Joblin read the Office Haurs: l2lst Psalm. Mrs. M. Emerson 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dai]y read the devotional "The power 9 a.m. ta 12 noon WcdnesdaN' aio God". There were three Closed Sunday quilts on display ta be finished. Phone MA 3-5604 Mrs. C. Fallis vcry kindly donat- cd a quilt top and lining. Ladies DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. ipianned ta finish thema at a Office later date. The roll caîl was 23 Kinsh St. E. - Bowmanvile answered by 'Some interesting Office Hours: prajacts for 1956. The treasurer's 9 a.m. ta 6 p.ni. daily report for 1955 was: receipts 9 a.m. ta, 12 noon Saturday $ý419.16. expenses $181.03, ieav- Closed Sunday ing a balance of $238.13 wbichi Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 goes ta show 1955 was a good ycar. Therc were tbree warmn T i quiits finisbed for the bale. Sanie L L eg a 1 clothing was sent ta Korea and some ta Salvation Army at Bow- STRIKE and STRIKE manville last year. The programn Barristers, Solcitors co nsisted ai several readings: Notaries Public "The City and Country Store" by W. R. Strike, Q.C. Mrs. A. Mackie. "Suppose" wasi A. A. H. Strike, B.A. read by Mrs. G. Bowers. "'MY 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Timne" by Mrs. G. Johns. "The Telephone MA 3-5791 Little Scottish Girl" by Mrs. L. dahlia. "The New Year" by LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Mrs. Adelbert Beacock. Mrs.1 Barrister, Solicitor Emnerson. and ladies in charge Natary Public served a dainty lunch. Mrs. N. King St. W. - Bowmanville Marlow moved a vote ai tbanks Phones., Office MA 3-56RJ !talal for another splendid meet- Re.gidence MA 3-5553 îng in Mrs. Emerson's home. Mrs. G. Bowers very kindly MISS APHA 1. HODGINS învited us ta ber home for the Barrister, Solicitor next meeting, Feb. 16, in charge Notary Public ai Mrs. Ralph Sadler's graup. Temperance St.- Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr, Yelverton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolmi. M origages Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bow- ________________________manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO M. Emerson on Sunday. Phone 1 r 16 Mr. and Mrs. George Johns First artizage funds were Sunday. supper guests Residences * Ferme with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pres- ton, Lifford. Business Properties Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine attended a telephone auchra on Tuesdav Op io mefr y night at the home of Mr. and r Airs. Fred Middleton, Prince KEITH A. BILLETT Albert. Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîsi 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville taok a trip to Toronto on Friday. Telephone MA 3-3252 Mr. and Mrs. George Johns, Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta, 6 P.m. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin spent Monday ta Saturday Saturday evening witb Mr. and except Wedncsday, 9. 12 Mrs. John Nesbitt. Evenngs y Apaintent Mr. Robt. Sadier, Bowmnan- Evenngs y Apointent villa, spent the weekend with JOHN A. OVENS Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Sadier. Optomnetrist Mr. George Bow,%ers, Mr. andi Jury & Loveil BowmanviIle Mrs. George Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Phone MA~ 3-5778 L. Joblin spent Wednesday even- ing with Mr..and Mrs. Wilmer * Fitze. Glad ta sec Wilmer able Piano iunîng ta be uparound again.1 Mr. and Mis. George Wo'le Professictnal Piano 'Iuning and son.s. Blackstock. AereSun- ARTHUR COLLISON day supoer guests with Mr. and ,22 Pha MÂrk.t I-UOO . MM .L. JO"ln QUAKER INSTANT GATS 44-or. pkg. 36c CROWI< TEA BACS (Orange Pekoe) 100 Bags 87c TIDE DETERGENT 12e Off Rtei. Prie Giant Pky 63C JELL-O INSTANT Try the New Lemon Fiavor ROBIN HOOD ALL PURPOSE PUDDINGS SHIRRIFF'S WHITEFLOUR 5 Flavormi CAKE M131 24-lb. Erg 7-lb. a 2 For 21c Pktg 29c 1.61 47c FRESH PRODUCE ZESTFUL - FLORIDA - SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 96 Size 10( for 45c Best for Juice -- 252 size - Doz. elect No. 1 - Eastern - 50.-lb. bag Sunkist Oranges 39c Potatoes s129 Large - Firm - Jumbo Heads - Iceberg Palm Garden Brand - No. 1 Slect Lettuce 2 for 27c ,______________ FRESH MEATS SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED Ready to eat Cooked Picnics ILbC3 BONELESS Veal Lég Roasts CENTRE CUT Leg VeaI l. 69c Cutiets Sliced - Rindless - Bacon, i-lb. pkg. 39C HEINZ - TOMATO il-oz. 15-oz. ]Ketchup , 25c 32c JOHNSON'S - Red Band - Pint Tin Gbo-Coat 59c LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE Soup Mix 2 For 25c GOLDEN HOUR - Many Varieties Cello Candies 29C POST'S - 81/2-oz. pkg. Sugar Crisp 27c OLD DUTCH - New Giant Size - Bonded Cleanser 2 Fo 33C For slippery sidewalks use 5-1b. carton Ice Sali 21C Crisco Shortening LI). 35c OU/R FATUREVAWL/04 SWIFT'S PREMIUN Bologna SWIFT'S PURE Breakfast Sausage Igy Piece lb. 21C Sliced lb. 25c 1-lb. pkg. JFFY 5c Off Pie Crusi Mix 28C CAMAY - Bath Size Beauty Soap 2 For 27c IVORY Medium Large Soap Ilc 2 For 33C KRAFT - 8-or. pkg. Cheese Slices 27c- KRAFT -1/-1b- »kg. Velveeta Cheese- 31c PEAK FREEN Digestive ]Biscuits Pkg. 2k, SPRING Pkg. of 36 Clothes Pins 25c PARD - i-oz. tin Dog Food 2 For 25r BIIUSEYE~ FROZEN FOODS, New Low Prices ORANGE JUICE 6-oz. Ui 2 For 39c FRENCH FIES 9-or. pkg. 19C $2.98GREEN ]PEUS 12-oz. pkg. For 49C STRAWDERRIES' 15-or. pkg. 47c PURCHASE DESIGNS B UY A /S E-rO 4 TH ERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU - Yeo's Marketeria - Maple Grave Groceteria - Cornish Marketeria TRTE CA!fADIAN SATEPSMAN. OWMANV=tLL ,NTAR!O l PAGE m HABITANT PEA SOUP 28-e«. tin 2 ]For 29c r BOWMANVI ILE MAPIE GROVE ORONO Pr T N