PAGE TWELVE TRE CANAr~IAN ~TATESMAN BOWMANVTLL!. ONTARIO TmTRS!iAY. .TAN. 2Oth. thîs amount, $500 was received1 from the estate of the late Fred If ancock. <I& A iacal&ë eoi.Mr. A. O. Parker gave his 27th <1/t /V wcade Y t4ze de4consecutive report as Church Treasurer. Receipts amounted ta $9,081.81, and a balance of Gordon Agnew, Ediior Ph 32 1,121.31 vas carried frad P onelO 2 The Repair Fund carrnes a bal- ance of $1,712.49. Mr. Charles Glenney reported 310 on the membership rail. T '~ 1 sion of faith. and eight by certif- Social ana rersonal unied aChurch PtLuCK ae hrewr 3b Dr. A, C. Hgbee and Mr. of the evening.S p e 13 marriages and seven funras and Mrs. Jack Higbee of Bur- Friends of MNrs. Chas. Finleie'S p e an nu lMt MrGenyrfred oth lingon ereSunay uess ýill e peasd t lern hat"splendid feeling of friendship i ngon ~ ec Snda gus s~ Ilbe leaed a larntîht [and good-will among aur people" 'tv:-th Mr'. and Mrs. C. R. Car- she lias recovered sufficientlyl The ano ual congregational membership of 45, a numnber of and our pride in the Sundav xd.from lier recent serious illness meeting of Newcastle United whomn attended Sectional Rally, School because of its growthi, Mr'. and Mrs. John Rickard. ta return tobrhoe io Church wvas held Friday evening, Presbv«Nterial, Whitby Sho oqadtego vr oeb h accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Memorizil Hospital, Bowman- Jan. 20th, following a pot-luck leaders, and the opening af the staff. He also voîced the 'ap- Lance Beath of Oshawa, at- ville. supper. new United Church Training 'preciation of ah ta Mr. Gardon tended the Ontario Shorthorn Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farro'. About 115 people sat down ta Sehool, and Conference Branch Gray the retiring Superînten- Club annual meeting in Loni- and Mrs. Brenton Farrowv spent the tables which were set, meetings. Contributions from de'nt, and ta Mn. Marloxv Han- don on the weekend. last Thursday visiting .vith Mrs. beauitifullvý decorated, ancý serv- ail sources sent ta Presbyterial cock for consentin g ta be the The flowers on the altar at George Smîith. ed by the men. After a nmeal of amounted ta $750. new Superintende'ht. the United Church on Sundav Mrs. E. N. Joli and Mrs. H. banquet proportions, a sing-song Velda Fisher reported for the Stewards w-r placed there in lovin- ~ erevstdw! uu was led bv Mr. Glenn Ailin. Choir. Receipts were $112.42. MsssAbetPacAfd mc-,mor%- of the late Mr. GeorgL sister and brother-in.iaw. lMi.. with Mr. Norman Williams at Mr. Nornman Williams was organ- Perrin, George Allun, Frank nmîth b' bs îe oothv. andj Mrs. A. H. Fi-lier, in Belle- t pao.Paer was offered ist and choir leader since Sep- Hoar, Alfred Graham, Howard Mi~ D:neBrax-aI 'ntbvvile a~ wek.bx the Minister. Rev. M. C. 1 tember lst. A Junior Choir was Toms. and Kenneth Dean we re rnt te v cnd viziti ', Fishier, éifter v. hich. 4a toast ta organized in November. apposnted stewards for threei i.ý 1hNL.Vla ~hra h Miýs Normna Hallo\ý, ;. 1 the Cliurch wvas proposed bv Mr. John Scott, new Sundàv years. Mr'. Frank Partridge was v.ited Ni';urch aFirsouage. George Smith Fînd M!ss M. C. iGarnet Rickard. and response Sehlool Seeretarv, reported an appointed for anc year.9 Ui;tiChýr(- prsnae. Fisher atteinded 'the W.A. nmeet- made b 1.M.C iseA Twrt -ou embers of tit e.M.C ihr average attendance of 127 at Historian and Observer Rep. Eiî.abehvi1e Frm Frumme rg in S*tarkviIle ast weei:. toast ta the Officiai Board was ud Sho' fte$63 rtth om f r. .where -Mrs. Fisher was proposed by Mrs. John Rickard, raised, $14342 xvas given ta Mr. Gardon Martin was ap- omdeon -Monday even-. gue.. speaker. and' suitable replies were made Missions, and $291.72 for sup- Ruoit hck so a te Uit- ing. After the radio prograin Mrs. Elizabeth patterson, r__ by Mr. Boss Allun. Chairman of plies.edCuhObrvradsc- liad been heard and discûseJcecntly returned froni Saskat- the Committee of Stewards, and TeCGIT ih2 ebr bv the miembers. a social trne chexvan, spent a fcw davs las' Mr- Charles Glenney, Clerk of TeC.... ih20mm ecd saie new subseriptions, and 'a 1noc o h remin e cek with lier daughitër and the Session. A toast ta the bad neceipts af $125.90 under the nenewals. ___________fot__________adisoth_______aspro leadership af Mrs. G. Gray. They Apeito soî-in-law, M-. u'nd Mrs. AI- ladies of the Churcb was pro- bcrt Pearce and family. posed bv Mr. John Scott and nreorg anîzederth. Appreciation sepesdt T 1 C K E T S The Bey. John Kitche n ,,d fitting response ivas made by The Raynsord sledev rs . pe chiandiorn ste mssn-t ro EVERYWHERE 0110ichn fOrn, and Mr. j Mrs. H. Jose. The toasts were T xloesildbsMs .te cr and argnit, the min-c %ir Ral o Stamsip ersDowchn of Orooi ~5îin terspersod with the following Hancock and Miss Ruth Ban-1itradhswftecuc Cr alornsuteashp c rDwioRev. ansi n M . stin, b;'Mr. Glenn Allun:athan, lbas 24 members; receipts ofcrteha se.adt Josl Ue ~ i ihRe,.nd av. 'M.reeC.o XVa.k" d ere S46.57. 1the men for the excellent sup- JURY& L VEL Fiheron ondy. Wiereotît a song,." ",and Newcasthe-Orono Y.P.U. re- per. 3owmanville The Rexv. Tîoz. Wallace o[ Mr. G"tado Mrtn va te ceived $53.83, and gave rnost af Ai the people were leaving the 15 King st. IV'. MA 3-5778 Giectibank, calleci on Mrs. 1 odnMrinIste their funds ta the Missionary chureb .tbey could be hieard ____ _George Smih on\îoîa cailed upon. Speaking in belhalf ý and Maintenance Fund. and ta eammenting. "Weil, that xvas a - ~~~~~~~~~~~~of the Officiai Board and the' unM-a apadt iego etn" - - Sunday School, Mr. Martin Quin-MTrangCmend aFire.dmetn" spoke of the wonderful work OaksMr. oainin C entre ay _____ ~~~~that Mr'. Gordlon Gray had done M' osAuSceav inteSudvSehool as its Treasurer of the Merrv Married N IL IhpeiSundavt during the îast Couples' Club rcported neceipts N O T I C E five vears. Mr'. Marlow Han- of $1,125.20. Three presentations __________________________Mr.__Gray of a play brought in $268.30 and Mn. and Mrs. Donald Prescott cfuig0wbsns o~with two large beautiful books. the turkey supper $357.05. This netidanubrothr - the b rbsies oth r.Ga ance f tbe vening. Clbepcst aanwforfindoeevigrcnl AfnI!~.t h m ntuetechlrninutsothsto e Sundav Shool pat GMr.eatd MapleG r owae Miss Elewv hetin wMre Js.T re ownbnther- Of Totacie vs er and9.83. wore nd «vistargstat .ats'. Effetive Febuary Istforni, and $100 ta the W.M.S. Joyce Abernethy. Peterborough, ive wish to thank our custorners for their patroixâge igi-egational Secretary, Mr. Harî'y; The W.A. held 10 meetings, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith. Hamp-' duigthe past 17 years and trust they w~il i . Jose. served suppers, had special ton, visited with the Donald and oui sucesorsconinud sppot. i~eReprtsspeakers, and purchased supplies Edgar Prescott families. Mr.AlbrtPeaceivii ontnuetosuply~ w~h Susan Grav. reparting for the for the c'hurch kitchen. They Several men formed a bee on Mr. lbet Parc wil cotine t suply ou ith Mission Band, stated thev had also installed two wash-rooms Monday and eut up a suppiy aIf Top Quality Dairy Products from Glen Rae Dairy. a verv successful year witb an in the Sunday School and piaced wood for the church. average attendance aI 35 at their a carpet in the Chunch. Re- See "Coming Events" for aurl metings, anîd neceipts amount- ceipts, apart from a loan, entetainiment Friday night. NE CA T E A BYin o 7.5.amounted ta $1,979.34. mThere wiil be a congregational Mrs. W. F. Riekard reported Contributions ta the Mission- meetin g at the close of the _________________________________________for the W.M.S. which lias a ary and Maintenîance Fund from church service, Sunday. 1 all sources totalled S2.043.15. Of local Dairy Is Purchased By Glen Rae Mr. Reg. LeGnesley has an- nounced the sale of bis busi- ness, the Newcastle Dainy ta the Glen Rae Dainy in Bow- manvîlle. the sale ta become ef- fective on February lst. The LeGresley family found- ed the Dairy business un the spring of 1937 and have senved the needs of the people af New- castle faithfully in the inter- vening 17 yeai's. In an inter- view on Tuesday, Mr. LeGres- lcY said the daily output ')f milk in 1937 was 50 quarts and business bas grown continu- ously until the present outpLut on an annual basis amaunts ta about 500 quarts daily. Since the business wvas founded newv modern pasteur- izers and other dairy equip- ment have been added froM time ta time and several addi- tions bave been made tathie buildinîg ta keep pare with the incneased demand. Tivîý Glen Bac Daii'y has purchased the business and ahi equipnient, less the building, but deliver'- ies will be made from the Bowmanvillc plant. Mr. Albert Pearce xvho bas been makiîîo deliveries for the Newcaslè Dairy in recerît years, 'vill con- tinue to se"ve local customers for Glen Bac. Mr'. LeGresley hIil continue ta aperate bis Dairv and Fruit Faî'm, "Ebor Aci'e--". szituated in tbe south end of the v-illage-. Card Party Is Planned At St. George ' s The Evening Branch of St. George's Womnan's Auxiiiary nmet in thie Parisli Hall an Januarv I 8th wiî itw'enty-sev- en niembers ini attendance. The opening prayers were! folhowed bv a short business periad during m-hich fin ancial reports werc heard. The Pre.3i- dent, an bebaîf of the Ciiurchi Warden's invited the mnembers ta attend the annual Vest.ry Meeting ta be held in the Par- ish Hall on Januany 3Oth and the members made the gener- ai arrangements for a card pa- ty consisting af bridge, cuchre, 500, cribbage and canasta. which is planned for February1 Jan. Meeting The f irst mîeeting o f th e Friendshîip Club for 1956 w'as held in the Licrns Boom af the Comnmunity Hall con Wednesday evening. last. xvitlî the inconi- ing President, Mrs. Marjor'e Gray opening the meeting wvCh a î'eadîng for the New 'Year. The President led in prayer; anîd conducted the business; portion af the meeting. Tlîirt-v membei's answered the ral rail and mnaîy reported heariîr> from thîcir Sunslîine Sisteî's. Several IlIteî's af appreciatio)n for Christmas nemembrances delivened by club member3l wç,ere read fromn shut-ins. Planz- x\'ere discussed for assisting the, C.G.I.T. groupr with their an- îîuah Valentin e Tea and cater- ing for a wedding. Polic'ies for Ist ini the Parish Hall. Following the business meet- ing, pictures taken on lier Eu- ropean trip were shown by the Honorary President of the Branch, Miss B. Mclntosh These included photographs taken in England, Scotland, Holland. Belgium, Germany, Italy and France, foflowed by the showing of pietures taken in Newcastle and district. A vote of thanks ta Miss Mc- Intosh for a most enjoyable evenîng. was moved, on beh-ilf of those present, by Mrs. Kay Stephenson and the mneetingl was brought ta a conclusio.1 with the serving of refresh- ment s. Schedule NIONDAY- 6 - 8 - Bantam Hockey 8- 10:30 - Publie Skating 1 TUESDAY 7:30- 10:30 - Town League 1Hockey IVEDNESDAY 6 - 8 - Pee lVee Hockey 8 - 10:30 - Open for Renta! THURSDAY 6 - 8 - Bantami Hockey 8 - 10:30 - Public Skating FRIDAY 7:30 - 10:30 - Town League Hockey S ATURDAY 9 - 12 a.m. - Pee Wee Hofkey Afternoon and Eveiuing Skating SI'NDAY Family Skating - 2:30 - 4:30 Attention Farmers! SPECIAL , PRICES ON YOUR Spring Fertilizer EFFECTIVE UNTIL FEB. 29th Phone Newcastle 2376 or 2139 GEO. A. WALTON DEALER Available February lst to Newcastle Residents GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK AND CREAM IN NEW SQUARE BOTT LES WITH HOODED CAPS Starting next Wednesday Gleri Rae Dairy takes over Newcastle Dairy This means that Newcastle residents will now be able to get the best in milk an( ra handled by the newest of equipment and brought to you in the space saving square botties with the new sanitary hooded caps. Phone to-day for dailydlvr and notice the difference. The New SmaiI Top GLEN RAE MILI< AND CREAM will now corne to you in the new type, Small Top, Square Milk Bottie that has been adopted by the National Dairy Council as the standard bottie for Canada. CAPACITY IS EXACTLY THE bAME - one quart or 40 fluid ounces is the same as the old type botties. The amount oQ'f cream in each is also the same but because of the high shoulder on the new bottie it appears to hold less. SPACE SAVING in your refrigerator is one ALBERT Space Square PEARCE Saving Bottie of the chief advantages of this new bottie. NO DRIP - the special neck of this bottie facilitates easier pouring and will not drip. TO POUR f rom the new botties - grasp the bottie by the sides and slightly below centre. You will find this easier than taking it by the neck - especially for youngsters whose hands are naturally not as strong as an adult's. ON THE WEEKEND we f eel you will be particularly pleased with the space-saving advantage of the new bottie. Look how littie il costs for the Best of MiIk and Cream in Modern Sanitary Containers Milk - Cream Top and Homo Q uarts ----------- Pints----------------- 20c lic Chocolate Milk Quarts ----------------- 22c '2'Piflts ------------ 8c GLAEN 1 5C 1 7c Table Cream Pints -- -------- V2PintS ------- Perfect New MiIk with the Hooded Protection Caps EASY TO USE . *First put the palm of your hand on the top of the bottle. You must then lift the skirt of the cap a littie with your f ingernails - in order to loosen its grip on the bottie. *Then if's easy to turn the cap and hif t it off without crushing and spoiling it for replacing on the bottie. ASQUEEZE-IT'S ON! -Reseals As Often As Neea -.d Constantly striviiig to give you nothing but the best, Glen Rae Dairy now uses the Aluminuni Milk Hoods. This type of bond hrings you niany advantage!. The, cap is non-porous, non- fibrous and non-absorbent, pro- tecting botule tops froni rain, dust and sniall animais. They also pre- l 'vent absorption of refrigerator fiai ors. The new hood seals in ail the fiavor and the goodness of Glen Rae Milk and Creani and at the saine tume keeps out ail harniful bacteria and dirt. 35C 20c Whipping Cream Quarts --------------- $1.00 /2 Pints ---- -----------30c ADAIR Y Pito'ne MA 3-5444 in Bowmcinville for Daily Delivery M - NEWCASTLE 2173 Skim Milk Q uarts ----------- Buttermilk Q uarts ----------- RAI' 1Z5zouRuGLIP Q~AIL~3(~iTIGHLYI F nendship Club 'Holds PAGE TWEL'%rf TEt CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIlM. ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 28th, ý the coming year were decideci upon by the menibers. The business of the eveninig concluded, the members of Mr,.. Kay Powell's Group condj.icted a few games of Court Whiz-t with prizes going ta Mesdamr-s Margaret Rudman. Wilda John. son and Ruth Perrin. Refresh. ments were served by members of the group in charge, and the meeting wvas closed with a "Re- cipe for New Year's Punch". by Mrs. Kay Powell after which the members repeatcd the Mizpahi Benediction in un- ison. INEWCASTLE MENGRIAL I ARENA I 1