AT. .TAN. 2Rth. 105fl ?TT~ CA~AflTAN ~TAT~MAN. DO WMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN 1/w PewcadIE Gordon Agnew, Ediior riL a 'The Jeet o en at Nem uraday au, F Eleci tario. Introdt ckard, fizatiai stand erating is dei o Coni Thes teners a lu 19 en cat id the res lu C as $10, ade du id * it ere m( )pliance one hic und.1 ~rviceI builde prep; ee of îate fa( Follow owing raducte( uring ,are giN ýarn m te syst, dlue of îotion c 1for hi iformat' 1 by L 'as accc tation No, Naturs marker No. 2 lIa su zes tor Ice Field y and Carnival Magic-Link" was the bushel of Durham County Ap- f an illustrated address pies, Canada's best. the regular meeting of During the buginess part of Vcastle Lions Club an the meeting conducted by Lio' y' evening by H.G President, Rod Carveth, with ield Representative o 30 members lu atteudance. two tric Service League of guests, Dr. L. S. Miklas and IRoss Allun were welcomed. The aced by Lion Breuton- President called for reports of Mr. Sieau said his or- the stewardship of the mem- )n laid down the higli- bers in regard ta the Talent lard af electric wiring, Scheme being conducted by the 9 under the name of club. Twenty members have eal Adéquate Wirug', reported with total net pro- recomrnended, but not ceeds ta date amounting ta ýd, by the Ontario Hy- $188-80. mission. There was considerable dis- speaker informed his cussion on the protection of thet 6,074 fires in Cen- the e pproaches ta the loczl 55 were proved ta have school with the Civic Improve- .îsed by faulty wiriî-g meut Committee being author- property loss fro.m,- ized ta purche se whitebet for studn oiee n CanaaLa during the year udn oiemnedas 388,000. lu a survcy 'School Go Slow" sigus. iring 1954, the speaker Ice Field Day was found thet there Eric Jahuston eddressed the are than 80 differen' members in regard toa eplan- es an the market, end nied Ice Field Day or Carnival mre 64 appiances weie ta be held et the local Memror- Hie said the Electric ial Arena ou Saturdey, Febru- League gives assistance ary 11. The Field Day Program rs and suiehi architects wli ificlude the election af a ariug wiring layouts Snow Queen, e parade, skating charge ta insure adie-1 races and stunts and costume cilities and outiets. judging. The Club decided ta ing the address and back this enterprise and sup- of films, Mr. Sican ply the necessary prizes for ýd a question period eech class ta be judged lu age which the members groups. The whole event wîll ven an op portuuity ta be free toaell children 14 yeers are clearly th e intri- of age and under and a really em of wiring and tile big day is planne& The Special the Red Seal pien. A Eveuts Committee of the club f thanks ta the spcak- were authorized ta work with s most interesting and Mr. Johnston and Mr. Buxton ive address was mov- in meking the necessary ar- Àian Jerry Duval, auJ rangements for the eveut, the >mpanied by the pres- first of its kind ever ta be heldr ta the speaker of a in Newcastle. ___________________ The special events cammittee was alsa authorized ta look into the possibilities of arranging a musical program ta be present- ed iu the cammunity hall some- time durinig the month of Feb- Four members egreed toa t- L tend the Zone meeting lu Osh- Omhawa awa on January 20, and four couples! plenned ta attend the iorial Service Oshawa Charter Nite an Jeu- uary 24. il tone monuments Announcemeut of the annuel se and corner tones Past Presidents Night of the SHIGHWAY E. 0F Peterbarough Club in the Club CITY LIMITS Aragon ou February - 6 was SHAWA RA 5-6611 made, and 19 members of the me and reverse chargee local club signified their inten- tion of attending. WNOUNCEMENT - ue to iiiness 1 arn unable to carry--on my surance business and have turned it over to TED SPENCELEY R. R. 2 * BETHANY wish to thank al MY policy holders for the .pport you have given me and I trust you will continue with Ted in the sainie mahxner. J. "Chris" Cummiskey PrCongr PO Telephone Local subscribers in Weicome w tbe niost miodern telephone seri by the newiy instalied Autoi Exchange. We are proud to 1 the progressive Port Hope Tel pany with'the equipment whii improved service possible. (CANADA) LIMITEE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC SALES (CANADA Heod Office; 185 Sorley Owve, Toont o~.L n.IIflDDC'Uthoughtful and earnest sermon AAA ~eIDrLe oRn irnov also the sweet snigo u Iee r t s 85 h Brh a junior choir, trained by Mr!!. Congregational Meeting Wilson and Mrs. Helen Mt- ..On Monday January 16, the Hoini. Sunday School was held 00 annual Congregational meeting at Il a.m. with the recor'. of Morrish church was held in number of 56. More teachers the Sunday Sehool at 2.15 p.rn. are needed to relieve Mrs. Aone 3621The meeting opened and closed Brimacomb. Bible Class: Mi:s. ?hoe 321with prayer by the Rev. A. W. Wm. McHolm, Senior Boys and Harding.Girls; Mrs. Harry Beckett, Jun- Mrs.Harr Bekett Sece- or Boys and Girls; Mrs. Helen Mrs.Hary Beket, Sere-McHolm, Kindergarten Ciass; tary, read the minutes of trie also an assistant for Mrs. F. C i p r an r n D olast meeting. McConnel, Supcerintcndent. C li per a d O ono D oReports were given by Daw- We offer our sincere sympa- son Beebe, Secretary-treasurer tyt Mrs. Fred akyith Bet er n eni r eug e or the Church, the Sunday thy to Wngofake in th School report was presented udnpsigo eoe Bettr in Senor L agu - Ma.Haoldsbore :D thehusband.Coa The senior town ioop teaS morning with the Bruins taking Ms ArldObosuadth rpise din nnver ary are beginning to get down to the Black Hawks 5 to 3. Mur- Mrs. Dawson Beebe. lre Asupiednrpatws real honest-to-goodness hoc- ray Martin and Larry Pearce ports were very satisfactorv. arrangeci by the family of Mr. key, according to the score of each scored 2 and Brian Rowe There was no change in th..ý and Mrs. Brooks Cowan of Or- the games last week when a 1 for the winners, while Brian Church officials, but the office ono, on January 15 in honor of two-goal margmn was the larg- Rowe scored ail three taliies of caretaker was left open for the 25th anniversary of their est in any of the four games for the losers. These two teams awhile. wedding day. Abqut 20 weý.e piayed. Though the Newton- will be at it again next Satur-1 There will be changes made present to enjoy à turkey diii- ville and Pansies squads stili day morning - in the Sunday School but as lier. Among other gifts, the hocith ladboh r n n Pee Wee Garnes ' " nothing definite could be a-r- happy couplewr rsne the Clippers are showing steady Inte eeWesre th rived at, it wvas decided to ar- with 25 silver dollars. Thosa imroemnti~ her la.Canadiens trimmed the Leafs range a me9ting wvhen re-ar-prenicued rsM.JO- with Orono taking its fir st win b o2soeo ensa rangements of classes in borne, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and the Clippers showing, some by a t wto scr ls Joseead- Church and Sunday School and Os~borne, Allan and Marioni, of last year's champîionshîp 9îghtth anduglas Jseiad providing of teachers for extra Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne cls.rgteCnde akmnclassescudb kdoe. and Karen and Mrs. Mary wit 2 talles while Verneclse odb tkdovr Tuesday nite, Newtonville Rowe, Larry Pearce and Don Several more teachers arc Uglow. took Orono by a 9-7 counit, Coîwiîî had one each. Brian needed to carry on this work On Tuesday evening, Janu- while the Pansies eked out a Rowe scored both goals fèr the satisfactorily. ary 17, the above mentioned 7 to 5 victory over the Clip)- losing Leafs team Mission Band leader is Mr-,. were present at a much larger pers. Friday evening it was a u ededysscngaeHay Bckt, Tmrne gathering when Mr. and Mrs.. different story when the Orono teRnesto h e convener, Mrs. William Mc- B. Cowan were presented withi Rasangers4vitoyovr h Holm, and Cradie Roll, Mrs. a silver tea service, serving lads ~~Wig toka -tvcorove het wto onthe Red 2nd place Pansies' while the Wns4t ihDnRumnGog and occasional chair. Alsi Clippers lest out to Newton- getting 2 and John Cunningham GeorCgpreenefrm hisneghbur ville 6-5 in a close hard-fought and Rickie Rickard 1 each for Th omuno hood were Mr. and Mrs. Daw- battle with an exciting finish the Rangers, while Wende;1 . .. Service wiil be held at Mor- son Beebe. Mrs. Wxn. McHoLn Fisher and Klaus Hampstra tal- - rish early in October. which saw the Clippers goalieIt as ovd ndecdd and Miss Beckett. pulled for a six-forward, îast- lied one eachfo te losingtht$0 oadsTeAbr We wish this popular couple in upte sccr.ess er co tRdayingS ng t'ereCollege Extension Fund be paid rnany more happy anniversa - tie p te sore Ye, sme eal atuday moring thee -by the W.A.. The U ite es with their family, Francis, hockey is being exhibited forweetostusrerdd- Church Observer to be continu- Madaline, Beverly, Glenda and local fans in this local league the Rangers taking Canadiens *- do h vr anl ln Ronnie, and large circle of at only two bits a throw for a 5 to 0 when John Cunningham Mr. Harding thanked those friends. doubieheader twice weekly. with 3 and Wayne Megit with e _______________ present for coming, congratu- Bantain Action 2 put on a reai scoring spree < Th eodgmexa uh '-.- -lateci the secretaries for gclod Because they found some of doser affaîr with Klaus Hamp- -'- reports and wished all vorkers the bigger boys were monopo]- sFraofkteC.e Pethick ingin whotever office aohrse izn h lyi h e e.the only two goals of the con- Frn C #tik esflPer series, the league officials de- test thus shutting out the hap- W. A. Monthly Meeting cideci to organize a two-teamn less Leafs The Statesman joins with his wide circle of friends The regular monthly meeting Bantam eies for ttese fe- THIS IS GRATITUDE - !!in Bowmanville and elsewhére in wishing our fellow of the W.A. wvas helci on Wed- M iI II(ii~ owsy foleaviatter eloPPOI We are told there are 58 boys tow nsman, Frank C (Barber) Pethick; many happy returns nesday of last week at 215n gtnim or elit thee llWre rolied in this local mnor looli on his 85th birthday which he will observe on Sunday, terome o rs.nMro en_ mm A seres la ~f te o c le paltwce welo fet. Six January 29th. Up until Frank retired two years ago he wee presetand one vistor.n u D The first geme in the Bantam local ice alace ail fr freckeSt seris wa piyed n Sturdy 3ung men of the village are hcld the honor of being in contînuous business the longest PeietMs ar ekt ____________________on_________ giving freeiy of their time 1,0 of any merchant on King Street - whîch was over 60 conducted the meeting whichi train and coach these ilads, only years. He claimed the distinction of being tonsorial artist opend with the hymn, "The one of whom has a lad o f hîs to five generations of several local families. His friends pryer My Shepherd" and a iSu an rayown playing. Saturday morn- SIryr Su a Gr ying there were three parents will be glad to know, that except for slight difficulty in The roll was celled by Secre. s h 1 .1t of these 58 boys present to walking, he enjoys go health. He spends much of hi trU se theldOsore n President of cheer and encourage the lads timne in raig tcg his favorite television programns, anseredMr. Haol sorne aîîd ineadingspoatching!rent year. frth ur est in hei sprtand remniniscing about the good old days with friends who It was decided to cater for M iso a dfavor him with a visit. the W.I. annual meeting to be for .11 held this year at Morrish with Th anaymetngoIheW C TII \A/ii morning and aiternoon ses- Goldein Ruhe BMissiRon onthes *$1.00. A committee was form- United Church o JnuryBuy lotters N.ed t.~ÂIu iln sos-p re per pll ate noge Satisf action Miss Claremee Fisk, Toronto, Word hes been received of mentose. creo iarne 18th with 39 members in at- uy with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, the safe arrivai in Tampa, Flor- Thank you notes were read tendance. The new President, h hs ik do oelFli n le o hita he RIPOLIN o owi ali adEme orCrsta Cerboxes. Susn ra, peingth met ~Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sutton and Nesbitt. Mrs. M. J. Osborne kindly of- WHITE ENAMEL lu g with a poem entitled aiyPeebruh thM. M.adMs arRenls edh@hoefrheF - "Friendship Corner" and the The Jeuuary meeting of thefaiyPeeoruhwih r. rsHryRenlsfrdhrhmeorte e- members repeated the Mission Womnen's Christian Temperance and Mrs. Bob Kent and family. Gary and Paul of Lindsay, visit- ruery meeting. Scripture read- SPRED SATIN Baud Purpose in unison. 1 Union was held in the Board Mrs. Bill Barcherd and Lois ed Mr. -and Mrs. George Bowers. ing was given by Mrs. Morton The ymn GodSeestheRoom of the United Church on spent Thursday with Mrs. Henry j Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- Heuderson. Lesson Thought and LUXOR. Lthle SH3rown "od Ses sthe Thursday lest with ftie Presi- Bowen. jY, Blackstock, visited Miss Prayer by Mrs. M. J. Osborue. COLOUR ENAMELS LitleSprrw ai",wa sngdent, Mrs. T. G. Sowden con- Mr. and Mrs. C. Tueker visit- Rose Mountjoy. The president then introduced with Fred Graham at the pi'- dcigte meig hr drcnl ihM.adM Mrs. S. Steples, Cayeu, was our guest speaker, Miss Lamp- KEM GLO ano, and the minutes of the d tn h etn.Teee eetywt r u r.a Weekeud visitor with Mrs.mnechrfrH eEon lest meeting were read by were eleven members and one Bob Kennedy and daughter, Alice Forder. min cs fr Dur ham et"eboro SPE EMTN Nancy Stephenson and adopt- vîsitor in attendance. Toronto. Mrs. Wesley Campbell iss- 5o ndic oriDamCounte woo SPRKMT ed. The new slate of officers The President announced an Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pedwell itiug Mr. and Mrs. Grant Camp- adV cra m ost ntresiu ad HI were read. as follows: Past executive meeting to be held and girls, Toronto, with Mr. and bell and family. egeniug stalkof er workand The rpes an Pres - Douglas Jose. Pres.- in the Simcoe St. United Mrs. H. Pedwell. Miss Lynu Reid hes secured a elgtnn ako e ok TeDils an Susan Gray; lst Vice Pres.- Chureh lu Oshawa on January Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell position in Toronto. in counection with the 4-H George Rickard; 2nd. Vice Pres. 27th et 2.30 p.m. to which and Barry with Mrs. R. Branch. Donald Ellis has joined the Clubs. This was very mucli en- PRE-PASTED -Biliy Scott; Secretary-Nan- eech Union was asked to send Mrs. Bev. Jaynes, Mrs. Bill Army and is stetioued et Lon- joyed and a vote of thenks W LPPR cy Sephnso; Trasu __ three or four members. The la- Jaynes and Phiiip, Lake Shore, don, Ont. was given ta miss Lampmau ALPPR Wayne Megit and pianist- dies decided ta seud $25 to th? were visitors with Mrs. Bill Bar- Mrs. Cecil Wilson speut a with e ing. The meeting closed OUR ANNUAL Marilyn Beskervilie. The col- Budget Fund and ta purchase chard and Lois on Monday. weekend iu Toronto with lier wt hymn and prayer. lection was taken by Boboy and distribute 400 blotters to Mrs. A. Fisk hes been guest EaunicersWis n a d aDuinty thees servedhou byLPP and Brenda Brown witn the schoohs. . of Mr. and Mrs. Cahvert Bar- Cngratuilaons a re H- rs nd er son er. Wm. CLEARANCE SALE George Rickard leading in During the worship service ceded orCiorn hib.îngraotlat oed his thMrvin and rs. I r es. m prayer. Following the reading the members were favoured cadadfu hlrn hty adwoclbae i 5hMri n r.IaBbs IS STILL ON of a poem, "The Message oîf wîth a vocal duet "Whsp*i The Ladies' Club will meet et birthday lest week. The two Social Workers' the ew ear, te meber Hoe" y Loiseuuge ,Î Mrs. Elsie Fisk's next Monday, It is e Pleasure to repot o vngs held recently with the ew ear" th mebersHop" byLouse ughe an por I-I.e joied in the singing of 'Jesus Leidi DeWith end leter by an Jeun. 30, when an interesting mauy of aur villagers improving euchre were very successfui. J., î Loves Me". encore,, "Sente Lucia". Our meeting hes been planned. lu health. Mrs. John Proutt hes The next social evening will be Fo te tuyBok ero, usca utreisasuedwhn Lest Wednesday morning a been iii since New Year's with held ou January 26 et the homýe hi H' Forth Sud Bokpeio, ucal fýt uten asu sen bus was chartered and about 37 pneumonie but is much better. of Mr. and Mrs. George Finnie A B ERINETHY the members spîit into two ack edips ent as Lcois children and parents weut ta Mrs. John Dickey and Mr. andi when proceeds will be turued groups with Mrs. Megit tekiugadLeipoes as cho Peterborough .where they went Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy are slow- 1 over to the Welcome basebali Q nt& W lIII e the Juniors and Mrs. Brown girls. Setws e yo n a conducted tour of Weptclox ly gaining strength and severalr team. an iva iae the Primary, then aIl gathered Mrs. Clirvet ad sclsed yfat in the moruing and other local citizens are battling The regular service was held Phone MA 3-5431 together to repeat the MissioniMs avt n icoe through the Quaker Oats plant ejolds and flu. We trust the on Januury 22 et 10 a.m. There 85KnStW.Bom vil Baud Prayer ta close the ee-sm startliig statements. in the efteruoon where they re- bright sunny deys will do every- «1s aiverStgoodcongregation ing.J The Rev. M. C. Fse ceived samples. one a world of good. present ta enjoy a very _______________________brought ta the attention of the The, regular meeting of the_______________ members the supper meeting Home and School Club met.______________1______________5!_____________ Maelonand Mr. inStevushard et Mr.ohnthr's l us r.AStvn a tM.Jh tr' atTus Larry up ta the Sick Children's day evening with very good comingaong dfin, cec- apnati ur chchwomk eMre.ACP EE Hpitnd, Thureseda>o heck- rieresnati ean e os Mr.IC E up nalgfn arpeae esPke wnal ucharge andreports We hope ta see a large crowd given. Plans were made for the *uCcQ SsZ*s at the church Fridey evening current yeer and ahi showed 1 when Bey. Gray will show bis great interest for aur church.! vice, povidedpictures. Ladies served lunch after. ILAP Pvill now enjoyý Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martineil Shiloh W.A. met et Mrs. Jim!' and Kenny were ta Roseneeth Sterk's I.-st, week with a fineî -vice, provided aturday ta see ber brother, attendance of members and twa1 M tic Telephone Archie Blodgett, who was taken visitors. Mrs.. Ewart Robinson i____________ ta the haspital. presided. She expressed ap-1 have supplied Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens and preciation ta the past president; JpoeConi- sans had supper Suudey evening and executive for their work. * * lephone ~ ~~with Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Mrs. FaWher, Newcastle, was the M M__ - *e ich made this Swerbrick. guest speaker, teliîng of the M A MM M2 m mission work of the United STÀ&INLESSWSTEEL Church and the greater need for the work. The ladies decided ta I I I Ishare in the mission work and oaafite hw Pesbtheia. Mr.FLA TW A RE ir ohe Oaae wthte. Mr. Pike bas charge of aur mission- t LIN ary pragrams. Lunch was serv- ed by the ladies and the presi- M dent extended thanks ta Mrs. A) LIMITID home. Mrs. A. Dobson invited J w ll r % 16 the ladies ta meet et her home H IA-fDOIO »4oyJ-1nfew ro th is cammunitysPG ift Shop tO~,ONA N . VAN< this coext mouth 5603 J7 Om, THr - attended a social eveni ng et Mr. IBil.1 Reid'& laut Friday evening. >Av, JAN. 26thl 1050 TIM CANADIAN STATLFSMAN. BOWMANVII= ONTARIO PAGE THMTE