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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1956, p. 16

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- - PACME ;S..ZEm --""MCADMM STATESMr. owMA2wv=m, oTARmO ?NURSDAT. IAN. 2Oth. The Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. Robert Lunn returned 1 Mr. E. H. Samuel is attend- from Memnorial Hospital, Bow-1 ing lectures this uveek at thc manville, on Saturdav and 15 University of Syracuse, N.Y. staying with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Samuel and daughter Perc Lunn. Lisa are visiting in Toronto. Mr.Ji Hdonhsbn Miss Beverley Carr, Port visiting Mr. and MrS. Alan Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Duesbury. Dunnville. E. West and family for the Mrs. Foster Ferguson is viý -weekend. ifing ber sister, Miss Phemia i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood Hooey, Toronto, this week. 1were dinner guests of Mr. and Congratulations lo Mr' and IMrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmaiî- MrF. Brooks Cowý%an who cel-'ville. at a Family Reunion on hrated their Silver Wedding Suiiday. Einnjversary on Jan. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Miss Bertha Cain visited ivisited on Sunday with Mrs. J. M i ps Edith Dunn, Cohourg, on J. Jackson, Prince Albert, Sa îi-rda. £ormerly of Orono. Mr. Alan lfancock returned Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mouin,- Ioj Orono Hligh iSehool thlis joy and Mrs. Earl Dorreli of ,,veek after a month*.s absen.-e Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Perce dlue ta his tvý o recent opera- Pbilp, West Hill, visited Mrs. tions.1 Fostcr Ferguson. Mrs. Cha,ý. Wood spent Fr:-l Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Mylesi rlay with Mr. and Mrs. Fred i and Mr. LcRoy Myles are mov- Br'ooks and fanilsý, Oshawa. ing into the Butter's bouse. Miss Edith Sherwin in.Iured Mr. and Mrs. Harold Han- ler le- at ber home two weeks cock and farnily, Belleville, Rgo and bas heem in Mcrnorial spent Sunday with Mr. and Hospital, Bownanviile, since Mdrs. Egerton Hancock. Friclay for lirratmcneit. M.,rs. Raye Vest rrturried1 Mrs. Kcn Gan-4iv rmmmcrnci 'omc n Friday frorn Boy.- borne last uweek fromn Victoia, maniville. B.C., where she spcnt Ch rist- The Annual Conc gtoa mas and Newv Xcars with Mr. Meeting of St. Saviour's An- andi Mrs. E. Harris. glican Church was held last Mr. and Mirs. Brooks Cowan. weck. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs in Mrs. Geo. Crowther and1 Toronto lasi. week. Iarnic, Newvcastle, spent Tuer-1 Mr. Richard Morion. Agio- day with Mr. and Mrs. Cha-z.1 court. with his parents, Mr. Wood.1 and Mr!z. Alhert Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. M. Emor- cx'. Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and fam- Stafford Bras. ili. Mrs. Foster Ferguson sperît Saturday with Mr. adMr Monum nial orks Bert Hooey and family, Peter- Phone %V,hitby borlg9 MOhawk 8-3552 'Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Glanville, 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby and family moved to theirne. home wbich they built neaS FINE QUALITY their Feed Mill on Station St. MON RMETS DRcecent visitors with Mrs. MARKERSHarvcy Curtis were Mr. and Precioe workxnansbip and Mrs. J. L. Buckley, Peterbor- careful attention te dectail ougb: Mr. and Mrs. George are vour assurance when Armour, Hampton, and Miss ou choose from the wide Bertha Armour, Oshawa. doelecti Gcf ioted and 1The Annual Congregational omaesGrnistsck.d Meeting cf Orono United Marbes ii stck.Church was held on Wednes- day evening, Jan. 25tb. J anuary Sale GoodwîII Used Cars Due to the wonderful response to our present sale, we have decided to continue this sale for One More Week .Only Three Ouislanding One-Owner Used Cars wif h Goodwill Guarantee 1954 MERCURY SEDAN Excellent inechanically, beautiful inetallie bitte and ivory two-tone. 28,000 miles -Only 1,775.00 1954 CHEV. COACH lA(eptionally cdean and in A-i condition mechanically, beau tifu I brown and beige 2 1,0 0 il s -- --- O n ly 1 ,4 2 5 .0 0 1951 BUICK SEDAN Finished ini dark green -metallic and beige two-lone, motor and body ini cxceptionally Terrifie value at -ny1050 Many Olher Bargains fa Choose From wifh Goodwill Guaranlee, such.. as 1950 CHEV. ½/-lon PANEL Mlotor, steering, brake's exhaust conipletely ovcrhatiled, hody andtie in good condîition . t- ---unly 575.0 1950 PONTIAC COACH throuhoutOnIy 695.00 1951 METEOR COACH In glearning black finish. in excellent condit ion 1949 STUDEBAKER SEDAN Body and inotor Only 895.00 Brand new~ turquoise paint. Body and iliterior like ncw. Motor in A-1 condition. .9.000 miles Only 495.00 1947 DODGE SEDAN M.Notor and body in excellent condition. Rtins like new, terrifie value at unly 350.00 1952 Hiliman Sedan 1950 Plymîouth Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Coach 1949 Plymouth Coach 1947 G.M.C. 3/4-Ion Pickup 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1946 Hudson Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1938 Chevrolel Coach 1937 Chevrolel Sedan Robson Mo tors Ltd. Pontiac - Buick Cars G.M.Crcksi 160 KIUNG ST. EAST NIA 3-5585 Si Orono Church1 Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Cowan Choir Elects ICelebrate I5th Wedding. New Officers Orono-On Wednesday even- ing, Jan. l8th, the Orono Unit- ed Chumch choir held their an- nual meeting in the basemnent cf the chumch after the regular choir practice. The Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. M. Rainey, opened the meeting and called on the secretary, Mrs. Stella Carson, for the minutes cf the last meeting wvhich Were appmoved as read fcilowed by the trea- surer's report. Report of the Flower Fund given by Mrs. M. Rickaby showed a small balance. Mcv- cd by Mrs. Rickaby, seconded by Neil Rainey an expression cf sympathy be sent te Mrs. Drummond in the form. cf a plant. Moved by R. Sutton, second- ed by Mr. W. Mitchell that ncv: music be purchased and that Mrs. Workman, Mrs. Rickaby and Mrs. Dmummond be ap- pointed a committee to attend ta same. Carried. .Mr. Mitcelel expressed bis tbanks ta the tenor section for their support ta the choir and Mrs. Rickaby cxpressed ber tbanks to the contralto section. Mml. Sutton was then appoint- cd ta the chair for the election of officers for the coming yea r. Officers elected as follpws: Pres. - Stella Carson; Vice- Pres.-Mr. W. Mitchell; Sec.- Treas.-R. Sutton; Treas. of Flowcr Fund-Mrs. M. Rainey; Librarian - Mrs. M. Rickaby; Organist and Choir Leader- Mrs. Workman.- Leaders cf Sections: Soprano -Mrs. Irwin: Contralto-Mrs. Hancack; Tenar-Don Staples; Bass-Jim. Pollard. Meeting adjoumned a f t e r which ail enjoyed a delightful P un ch. Short Course On Sandwiches, HeId By W.10 Maple Grove Women's in- stitute jcincd with the Bcw- manvilie Institute cn Wednes- day aftemnoon, Jan. 18, at the Lions Community Centre for tbeir annual short course whieb this yeam was on the subject: "Sandwiches for Ail Occas- ions." Miss Wishart fmom the ex- tension service cf the Depart- ment cf Agriculture, Wo11e.11. Branch, was tbe demonstrator. About 40 ladies were in at- tendance and fcund Miss Wis- hart's talk both interesting and helpful. Metbods et making party sandwiches, lunch box, "ho- man" and hot supper sand- wiches werc demonstrated by Miss Wisharl with Mrs. Gea. Alîchin cf Bowmanville, and Mrs. Ivison Munday cf Maple Grove acting as assistants. Be- sides gaining much useful in- formation, tbe ladies had the pleasure cf eating the good things made, along with a cî-ip of tea. HAMPTON 'Miss Glad.s Chapman, cf Oma ogeville, Spcn'. the weck- endi with Mm. and Mrs. Will IChapman. Miss Bertha Armour, Reg. N,, Oshawa, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mms. T. Wray were dinner guests at the borne cf their son, Jackson and Mr--. Wray, and daughters, Oshawa, on Saturday cvening. Mrs. Harold Salter and Mrs. ILorcnzo TruIl visited Mr. and! Mrs. Hamold Gully, Toronto, iast week. ited May Johos, Tyrone, vis- ilat Lorenzo Truli's and H. Salter's. Mm. and Mms. Kcnneth Sam- cIls, Nestieton; Mm. and Mis. Clame Staples, Mrs. L. Arnott, Lindsay, vcre guesls at Mer- l -%vin Mountjoy's at the weekç- end. jMrs. WV. G. Doidgc. Miss N. Horn, Miss Minnie Homn and l Mrs. Lottie Doidge were guests o f Mm. and Mrs. C. E. Hemn. O.-bawa, on Monday. 'IMm. and Mrs. H-arold Saiter [iand Mr. and Mms. Lorenzo Truli a'tcended a family gath- cmingc on Sîînday at the home cf Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanvillc. A number cf people bave bcn quite ili ýý"ith flu %vhicn liprevalent here as clsewhere j and sccms a sevemo type. The sympatby cf the com- imunity is extendod te Mrs. Luther Allin and famiiy in t ho death cf husband and father; also ta Mrs. Sarah Allun, matier. and bis brother Amth- ur. The funeral service was hol fromn the Northcutt and' Sidh Funeral Home, Bewr- manvilie, an Fiday afternoon with buial in the Hampton Cemeterv. The funeral was vcry largely attended wbich attested ta the esçteem in wbich be xvas beld. A number from Hampton attended the Toîl Travelogue in Tinity United Church, Bowmnvileon Friday even- A number cf ladies from ouir Women's Institute were guests of the Solina ladies on Thur- day aftemnoon when Miss Wis- hart from the Home Econemics Service, Toronto, gave a vcry intercsting domonstration o i sandwich making. A social baif heur was enjoyed afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Sandra and Donald, Peterbor- ough; Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and girls, Tx'rcne, were Sun- day gucsýts at N. C. Yelle-w- Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, popular Antioch couple were pleasantly surprised on two different occasions last week in honor cf their twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary, January 17th. On the Sunday previcus the family and 'immediate relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs., Cowan whc were attending church at, Orono, by preparing a chicken dinner in their absence. After dinner they weme presented with a china cup and saucer ccntaining twenty-five silver dollars, also a silver cake plate. On Tuesday, Jan. l7th, Vilda and Brooks went eut for the afternccn and returned home in the evening te find around one hundred and thirty-five friends and neigbbors gather- cd there. Tbe dining table was beau- tifully decorated with pink and white streamfers and centred with a tbree-tiered wedding cake made by Mrs. Ceeul Wil- liams, Port Hope. Mr. Austin Turner, New- castle, actcd as master cf ceme- manies in bis customary jovial manner and got the programn off to a good stamt. The bride and groom o! 25 years were invited te take the chairs decorated fer the o2- casion and were then presented with a corsage cf pînk carna- tion and boutonnieme by Mr-,. Cecil Williams and Mrs. Austin '#irner. Mr. Cecil White, Port Hope, provided two lively vocal numbers. Speeches were made by Messrs Robert Moffat, Har- vey Osborne, George Finnie and Jack Reid. Suitable duets were then given by Carclyn Jones and Glenn Allîn. Two humorcus recitations by Mrs. W. Mc- Holm cf Momrish was followed by a musical number by the White children. Mrs. Cecil Joncs, Oreno, rcad the addmess. A silver tray and silver tea service, alse a Kmoler plat- fcrm rocker was then presented by the ccmmittee in' charge. Vilda and Brooks made suit- able replies after which an enjoyabie lunch wvas semvedi along with the delicicus wed- ding cake. Friends present frcm: Tom- onte, Peterborough, Cobourg, Port Hope, Oshawa and Orano. Well-known in Grena and Bowrnanvilie districts, Mm. and Mrs. Harry A. Milîson \vere honorcd on Surtay, Jan. lSth at a family gatbering marking thiii golden wedding anniver- sy-. Mm. Milison was harn April 4, 1876 and spent bis bey- hood at Newcastle. As a ycung man cf 22 ho went te Cleve- land, Ohio. wboro be was cm- ployed in the pestai service. He retumnod te Bcwmanvîlie ta take as bis bride the former Miss Fannie M. Ellonor, daugh- ter cf the late Mm. and Mrs. Wmn. Elienor, Bowmanville,, Thieir marriago took place Jan- Uary 16, 1906, and the couple made their home in Cleveland for 19 years, fer the last eight cf which Mr. Milisan opemated bis own dairy business. The couple retumned to Can- ada in 1924 and Mr. Milîson became emplcyed at the Refor- estry Station cf the Depart- ment cf Lands and Fcrests, both in the office and outdoors. Mr. and Mrs. Milîsen bave beon living in Lindsay since the fal cf 1952. They are iiii good health and enjoying thoir rotirement. "~In all our wandomings we have found ne place quite sa satisfying as Ontario," Mr. Milîson deciared. Bath hemo!o pioncer stock they bave a fund cf memories cf early days in Ontarie and Durham ceuntios. Mrs. Milîson wbe, prier ta hem marmiage, taugbt sebool at Fal- lis Line near Miiibroek and other scboels in Durham Coun- ty, recallod summer helidays in Oshawa where she visited ber aunt, thec late Mrs. William Wîgg.# "The journey from Bowman- ville te Oshawa by herse and buggy took anything from anc te two boums, depending on the road, the weatbem and the herse," sbe laughed. Mr. and Mrs. Millson have al 33 King St. W. three children: Mrs. Douglas Carruthers (Ellinor) of Lind- say; Mrs. George Glassfordi (Margaret) of Oshawa, and Mr. John Milîson of Kingston. There are six zrandchildren. The anniversary celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Glassford, Central Park Blvd., North Osh- awa, with the imnmediate fam- ily and a few close friends in attendance. Mr. Robert Sherwin, Orono, proposed the toast te the bride and bridegroom cf fifty years ýgo, te which the bridegroom made a suitable reply. A guest of honor was Miss Letitia Wigg of Oshawa who was the only one present who had attended the wedding. The couple receîved a per- sonal letter from the Prime Minister, Louis St. Laurent, and a congratulatory telegra;n and a bock, "Pioneers cf On- tario", from the Premier of Ontario, Hon. Leslie M. Frost. Friends in Orono presented the couple with a radio: a wel- corne gift as Mr. and Mrs. Mill- son, both kecen readers, have flot become addicted te televi- sien. Their family gave them a refrigerator, and they receiv- ed many other gifts, cards and fiowers. Mrs. Milîson is a life member of the Woman's Missionary So- siety of Orono United Churchi and Mr. Milison is a member of long stbnding in the Masonic O rdecr. BETHANY Mrs. Bertha Preston cf Bal- moral, Man., is making an ex- tended visit with ber son-in- law and daughter, Mm. and Mers. Emory Smith. Miss Hazel Pres- ton, aiseo!o Balmoral, acccm- panied ber mother and will re- main for twe weeks before go- ing te ber new resîdence at Swan Lake. Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, wbo had been in Civic Hospital for sev- eral weeks, was able ta retumn te ber home in the village. On Wednesday, ber condition was rot se favorable and sbe was again removed te hospital. Mm. and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds and famiiy were in Tomante on Wednesday, guests o! Mm. and Mrs. Ivan St. John. Mrs. T. J. Jackson spent the weekend in Yelverton with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson. Mm. and Mrs. John Challice, *Millbrook, were Sunday guesis xith Mm. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds. Mrs. Thomas E. Shea is in Niagara Falls, N.Y., spending several weeks with her son-mn- law and daugbter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Corni .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk, Pe- terborcughi visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Monk on Sun- day. Mr. John Smith is spending the remainder cf the winter months with bis son-in-law and daughter, MWr. and Mrs. Ken- netb Braithwaite, at Cobourg. There were eleven tables of players at the progressive euchre party arranged by the members cf the Ladies' Goori Luck Lodge and held in the Orange Hall on Friday even- ing. Prizes for higb score went te Mrs. Sidney Powvers and Bruce MeGilI: colsolàtion awards te Carl- Smith and Neil Finney. The ladies plan a sim- ilar a-vent for February 3rd. The directors cf the, Unite-1 Cburch Quin-Mo-Lac Training Sebeol held a reunion in Beth- any on Saturday, with the la- dies cf the United Church Women's Association catering for the dinner Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Jan 15-22: Admissions Births, 4 maie, 4 female Discharges -.--- Major operations Miner operations Emergency treatments These facts are publiahe weekly in an effort to acquaik vices cf our hospital. It takes you te make an a gument.-Anna Faye. Dead Stock Remnoved Highest Prices Paid 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE COLLECT CO0BO0U RG FR 2-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2J-2080 s j t t Distributed by WATSON & GREEN LTD. 25 Ontario Street - Port Hope See your local dealer S. S. Morion & Son W. H. Brown Joe Darton Lunn's Hardware Mason & Dale Hardware Ted Woodyard Sid Lancaster McGregor Hardware Ltd. eted,. I 1956 MARCONI 21"I Marc oni TV Model 2551 Television Console $33 9.00 *21" Aluminized picture tube with tintcd safety glass *Tone control and large speaker for full fidelity sound *Cascode turret tuner for maximum sensitivity *Durable "Mastercraft" cabinet *ONE YEAR GUARANTEE U e i I MARCONI TV MODEL 2632 1956 MARCONI 17" TELEVISION Complete with rnatching base as shown $15 9095 Contr ollcd warm-up tubes *Aluminized picture tube *Attractive "MWàstcrcraf t" cabinet *AIl the latest features *ONE YEAR GUARANTEE Mr. &, Mrs. H. A. Milison Mark 5Oth Anniversary ue BUY THE FINESI ...BUY Electrohome: WITH A COMPLETE ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE! ..%THE SIMCOE"i 22 TUBES Full TRANSFORMER opera Led Exclusive "Up-Sound" TWIN SPEAKERS Sloping Armour-Plate SAFETY GLASS (No room reflectiens) $3 79.00 CALL US FOR Same Day Expert TELE VISION SERVICE We have the niost complete and up-to-date service facilities.' Our technicians are fully trained and completely equipped to save you time, incon- venience and money. Take no chances - our miodern equipment takes the gucsswork out of rcstoring a clear, steady picture to your set. Cal! us - MA 3-3883 for Sanie Day Service on Your TV. TlvisionSrviic o. Phone MA 3m3883 Iri3o MAT. JAN. 2fth, 1

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