I'WTTRSnAY. TAN. !Rth. 1@MS ?FT~ CANADIA!~ STATESMA~. EOWMANV!LLE. ONTARTO PÂG~ THREU Coun fies' Health Unit Asks for $ 3,200 Boost To Retain Basic Staff Dr. Charlotte Harner, M.O.H. for Northumberland and Dur- ham, presented her report ta the United Counties Council >esterday and requested an in- crease of $3,200 ta bring up the grant ta $48,700 for 1956. The Provincial Department af H e a 1 t h matches whatever amount is given by the Coun- ties. In outlining the wark of the liealth Unit the doctor pointe] out that should the increase ke withheld it would mean "ýit will become necessary for us ta decrease aur staff by three public health nurses, clinie nurses, and clerical staff, who are on the 100 per cent fed- eral grant, as well 'as by pas- sibly one public health nurse and one sanitary inspector wh, -,re on base line staff, 50 per tent of whose exp.-nses arc paid by the Caunties. This would give us an averali re- ciuction of staff for this year of a minimum of four public health nurses, clinie nurses, one sanitary inspectar and clerical staff." Dr. Harner considered it ab- viaus that such a decrea--e would curtail "a programme which has been built up and developed over a period ai ten years." She pointed out that this could have repercussians ý.-s "the public have came ta ac- cept the services we have been able ta aifer." Repeating her annual plea for healtb education she nated that much of the unit's work was prevention, which in its nature produced no dramatic results and therefore passei unnoted by the public. Growth in the Caunties de- manded the increase said the M.O.H. "In 1955 aur base line was increased from three sani- tary inspectors ta four, and from twelve public health nur- ses ta 13. For 1956 aur base line bas been increased by the addition af one haîf-time mem- ber ta aur former clerical staff of three, and by the services for two bahf days af another doctor in addition ta the two medical officers of health. Dr. Hltrner said the increa-ý1 was due ta increased popula- tion. Campbellford Reeve Elected Warden of The United Coun fies The highlîght af first sessionl in January af the Unitcd Coun- ties of Northumberland and Durham is the election af a Warden for the coming year. According ta an unwritten la\v of long standing it is unde- stood that this honor alternates by electing a Warden fron- Durham one year and North-ý umberland the next year. lt was the latter's turn for 195.1 and Reeve Dauglas Maybee, 44, of Campbellford, was crawn- ed with the gawn and cap. The new warden was eleet- ed when the counties clerk in- voked a sectian of the Act which provides that when a tie exists the reeve of the munici- pality with the highest assess- ment ca ncast the deciding vote. It was an the faurth bal- lot with Reeve Maybee hold- ing 24 votes; Reeve George Gummer of Cramahe tawnship, 14; Reeve R. Bothwell af South Monaghan, 8, and Reeve 0. J. Robins ai Alnwick township, 2. The total of the opposing votes of Reeve Maybe&'s opponents was 24 and the deciding vote was cast by Reeve Charlie Jahnston of Cobourg. Old timn- ýrs do flot recail this accurring lefore, but a contributing fac- hor was the absence througflh ofx~a J. H. Morrow, reeve cf Ewighton. A roar of laughter went through council during the ral caîl. First man on the list, Reeve Argue af Manvers, had his mind on the warden's elec- tion and instead ai calling oat "'present" uttered the word '"Maybee." He quickly corrected himself but flot before council had a good laugh out of it. The nomination af Maybee was sponsored by Reeve G. Phillips of Part Hope and De- puty-Reeve F. M. Rutherford of Campbellford. Reeve Robins' nomination wvas sponsored by Reeve M. Sandercock of Hamilton town- ship and Reeve J. T. Brown of Clarke township. Mover and seconder of Reeve Bothwell's nomination were Reeve G. F. Harringtan ai Millbroak and Reeve C. Johnston of Cobourg. The nomination ai Reeve Gum- mer was by Deputy-Reeve D. HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue f/a cq'ue/tne Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa i Dingwvall ai Cramahe township and Deputy-Reeve R. Budge r)I Port Hope. The new warden, iollowingc his election, thanked 1-tis sup- porters and assured the couti- 'cil that he would co-operate in every way for the general good Douglas Maybee oi the two counties. He declar- ed that there was a challenge facing every member af the present counicil and councils ta came ta meet the problems oi development which would came with the new scaway. Warden Maybee, was congra- tulated by bis opponents in tbe election, al ai wham asserted fhey would work witb him fur the generai gaad ai the coun- tics. Warden Maybee's wife, the former Georgina Davidson ai Campbelliord, was calcd ta the platform ta sit beside ber bus- band. Mrs. Maybee is the dau- gbtcr ai the ate Charles Da- vidsan ai Campbelliord, who was warden in 1928. Ex-wardens who cangratu- lated the new warden were George Hooten, Harry Camp- bell, Herman Morrow, Milton Elliott, Reg. McCann, Norman Green, Hartley Lowcry, Alan Beer. Northumberland and Dur- bam's new warden is a native af the toIWn ai CampbellfÔrd. For the past eighf ycars be bas been a tobacconist and beforel that was an electrýcian. Ile bas been in municipal lufe for nine years ai wbicb thrce have been as reeve, one as deput and the remnainder a councillor. He is an basebýêil and hockey fý mem ber af the United he bas been married Iý and lias a daughter,1 Ana. age 8. $Save Now at out FOOT WEAR FOR Every member of the -fami Study Plans for New Counties' Building Pictured going over the plans for the new $373,000 Reeve Sidney Little of Bowmanville, Counties' Clerk- administrative building for the United Counties of North- Treasurer Kenneth Symons, Reeve G. F. Harrington umberland and Durham are the Special Building Commit- of Millbrook and Reeve Ory Rabbins of Roseneath. tee of 1955. Seated, lef t ta right, are: Alan Beer, 1955 Olmstead & Parker, Hamilton, are the contractors for the Warden of the United Counties and Chairman James T. new administrative building which is being constructed Brown, Reeve of Clarke Township. Standing, lef t ta right, one-quarter mile south of the Counties Home in Cobourg. are: Reeve Charles Burrison of Hamilton Township, -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Woman Rej Dep lorable Home for t (By MRS. JO. CARSON, i Port Hope Daily Guide) A corpse occupied a bed for a night and a day, and 12 men had ta accept the grisly com- pany in their darmitary at the Counties' Home for the Aged at Cobourg last December. The occurrence was brougbt ta lighit last week at the Counties Couin- cil sitting when a delegation ai the West Northumberland Women's Institute backed up its resolutian asking for a new Counties Home. "No one wants ta live with a corpse overnight and a day,"' said Mrs. A. Caînan, Graiton, aiter she had described condi- tions as sbe had faund them on a visit ta the home. With deep feeling the tiny waman added, "when there is overcrowding ta tbis extent something must be done." The statement was sbocking because if was made withaut any hysterical demands or con- demnation.-If wasn't presented for its dramatic efiect, it mere- ly followed a recitation af facts. Miss W. Ellis, former beadmistress ai Hatiield Hall, had cariier the same aiternooin referred ta, the "damning re- port" broughf forward by the grand jury in 1952 which urged the Counties ta condemn the home. I visited the institution yes- terday. It is nat a House ai Re- fuge, it is a punisbment for aid age. Mrs. Calnan's description ai the iacts was a truc anc. On December 9, 1955, during the night, Melville Gray died. He Nvas in a darmitary filled with beds occupied by inmates ai the home. There were compli- BROWN'S ty-reeve The January meetinz ai ýs tawn Brown's Home & SeboolFClu b ardent wvas hcid at the sehool on th lan. A evening ai Tuesday, January Churcli, lOth, 1956. In the absence af 4 years the sccretary,.Mrs. W. Cail ar -1 Barbara cd as secretary for this mccl- ing. It xvas moved that. bills which were presented should Sbe paid, and it was decidcd tri Icave over fi next meeting - any arrangemenIs for holding Sa card party sametime tl4is r pig The meeting wa,% turned over [ta Mrs. R. Simpson, who intro- -duced Mr. Karrs ai the Bc±l Telephone Company. Mr. Kars showed many intercstin. pir- tutres. which wcre vcry niierii enjoyed by ail those -present. j Mrs. Simpson thankcd Mr. Ka'rrs, and Mr. Bowen was S callcd on ta speak ta the meet- ing. Mr. Bowen also tbanked Mr. Karrs for the very cnja.y- Sable film, and mentioned ta ý.' the membersbip that he had ~received a letter iromn The SStatesman in regard ta taking1 pictures ai the sehool child- ren. Brownies e, The 1sf Newcastle Brown; -e 'Pack (Brawn's Scbooi Section h' as been organîzed for j~ three months, and on Saturday, I. anuary l4tb, at Brown's 'ly Cone in and stock up on footwear for cvery member of the family. Your dollars will go further è. here. Corne ini and look around and sec the shocs we 01 are offering at huge discounts. Lloyd Ellîs Shoes' 49 King St. W. Phone NIA 3-5941" Scbool No. 5, the Brown O)wl, Mrs. Hilda Cail, and Tawny Owl Mrs. Wilda Simpson, in- vited the District Commission - er Mrs. A. J. Frank ai Bow - manville. ta come and enrol their fourteen Brownies. They arc: Gloria Jean Case-, Nancy Simpson, Lillie Clark,1 Dorella Lancaster, Mary Dean, 'Lynda Caîl, Judy Pitt, Donna W%ýatson, Marlene Pelletier. Eli- zabeth Kozub, Nancy Laaja, Linda Parker, Heather Mattice, and Pack Leader Shirley Fra- ser. Tbe Brownie mothers %vere invited ta came and see tbeir girls receive their pins,. porter Describles KEDRON Joint Y.P.U. Meeting Columbus-Kedron Y.P.U. met Con dition ln at Kedron an Tuesday evening ai hast week with an attendance ai 14. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lave were in charge of the he A ed a Cob urg"Accepting Responsibility." Vice- cations about movîng the body me that "he is as strong as a President Eilecn Jebson, con- and the corpse occupied the bed bull terribly strong arms, and ducted business, with minutes until hate the iollowing after-1 her r ie hnh oe read by Sec'y Jeanine Werry. noon when an undertaker irom tr r ie hnh oe It was decided ta hold a Vahen- Bowmanville removed it. his temper." Mr. Duncan tine Party, and invite two other There is no place ta put a didn't vaice the fear. It was Unions ta join in the levening's body. Mr. Duncan said the to be seen in the locked door activities. The second and the bathroom was somnetimes used separating the men's and wo.iourth Tuesday af each month for the purpose. men's wards. were chosen as rogular meeting House ai Refuge for a man or stitution look on it as; their their share ai Missionary funds woman ta die in dignity. Pri- home. I talked ta Mrs. Char- and other Y.P.U. expenses. jacy cnb foddol ylteBat.Secm othe Holstein Meeting setting up sereens. Remember, institution in 1934. She is so this is not a hospîtal where a tiny she seems to hide in a cor- Walter Davis, Bbb Flett, Roy button can be pressed and a ner ai the chair where sale and Glen Hepburn, Ross Lee,l nurse will burry ta comiort spends most ai her day. But Murray Mountjoy, Clarence, the living and ease the dying. she told me she at least was Harold, William and Ron Werry There is no button;, there are "warmi and had pîenty ta e,,4. were among those who attended no nurses. Mrs. Walter Duncan, Tbings could be much worse" the annual meeting ai Ontariaý matron at the home, gives wbat I also talked ta Miss Nettie County Holstein Association held attention she can during the Helmer. She is over 70 and has in the hall at Manchester on hast moments. been at the House ai Refuge Wednesday ai last week. Featur- I saw a man dying in one for 43 years. She remembers ed popular speaker was Dr. ai the cbeerless cubicies yes- no other home. Douglas Maplesden, veterinary At te en ai log ar at he rom Guelph Agricultural Col- terday. A h n faln But therare people te lege, who spoke on "Five Major corridor, he lay on the narrow institution that are bright and Diseases ai Dairy Cattle" with low bed surrounded hy other stili have the love ai lufe. If an open question period aiter- narraw low beds occupied by they are crippled with arthri- ward. The address ai the speak- the ohd men. There werc no tis or rheumnatism they stay ifl er, who bas a very full itinerary, screens. Deatb is no mystcry ta the upper reaches ai the home was greatly appreciated. the living old at the home_. which bas been termed a fire Awards and menit certificates They can see at first hand what trap by the fire marshal. Some were presented ta three Kedron they can expect at the end of are wheelchair cases. The farmers: Clarence Werry and their days. stairs are iran, three stories Son, who received twa Red Seal I will he honest and say 1 higb, winding and steep. Certificates for long time pro- have seen worse conditions, Personal corners consst Of duction; Harold Werry, wbo was but they were limited ta a few notbing but a bed. There is nflawarded a Red Seal Certificate people and were ai their own bedside table or chest ai draw- 1 on '11Alcartra Ormsby Jewel" a making and in the slums ai a ers for cherished possessions. cow with 110,640 lbs. ai milk big city. In the slums there was The management is not at l and 4,085 lbs. fat in seven lac- fi and borror and disease. fault. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan tations; and Walter Davis, who In tbe United Counties Home are caring for over 80 hnmates was given a Blue Seal Certif- j there is fia iilth and only the in a building designed ta bouse icate for. the cow "Sprueball! disease ai aId age. 40. Some ai these people are Segis Hartog" wbo gave 140,856 There is harror. Womcn anSI actually in need oif nursing lbs. milk in eight lactations with men have ta share their twi- care..-Others, as I mentioned 4,964 lbs. fat. ligbt hours witb lunatics. Mrs. previously, should be in mental Hockey Action Duncan told me that the cheery wards or hospitals. There is fia The East Whitby Township addition ai curtaîns on the'j dispensary, no hospital room Hockey League is creating pleas- cheerless windows couhd be in the bleak grey building. ant wintertime diversion. Brian dangerous "because ai same ai As I leit the depressing a'- Lee is playing on the local team. the people we have here."' mosphere I looked acrass a fecz. Miss Frances Tahany and Jack I saw them, senile creatures hundred feet ta where the new Knawles ai Dundas were week- desperate for the attention tî-it Counties Administration build- end guests in the Harry Rose sbould be pravided by the ing was already under con-- home. trained staff aif a mental insti- struction. Mrs. E. Kerr, mother ai Stanley tutian. One woman was màk- Kerr, bas heen visitlng hier son ing ber way down the stairs. A Compliment here, while Mrs. Stanley Kerr She bumped down thein in a spends a few days with ber sitting position, Step by step). An Aberdonian was askedl mother wbo is ili ait Bancroft. This wvas her amusement, "0 for the change ai a pound, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- ane interfered. replied, "I'm sorry I canna man and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mor- A mute is, a menace in the oblige ye, but tbanks for the gan were recent dinner guests ai men's ward. Mr. Duncan told compliment."- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rutherford, Taronto. I iMr. ai-d Mrs. Ross Lee were lit Oshawa, on Saturday evening. r ~ I~13)ik Mrs. E. Mountjoy was a recent -, ~ visitor witb ber mather, Mrs. W. ,X) $ ~' Langmaid. Oshawa. I Howard and Les Brown vîsit- W ed their sister, Mrs. R. D. Me- -~4-, Taggart. and Mr. McTaggart ai Cresswell who are bath iîl in Z - Port. Pcrrv. just confined ta children here about - sorry ta hear ai some \Irj ~W. H. Perry bias leit ta spend Sl'~it ( L.uJ . some time near Huntsville, in ,, logging aperations. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and ~ E~ ~ family were Sunday dinner E 1 guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I l ' , Davis, Marilyn and Peter, Osha- L i ' Mr. an(] Mrs. Alan Werry and Sandra were Suniday tea guests «'of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lee. Sunday evening visitars with the Harold Werry family in- "UN'USUAL CASE, CI-4IE-F-- PELLA, WPMTS US 70 TRACK Icluded Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DOWr'J TM-4 FL-BV-NGMT SCOUNDREL TH-AT SOLD Allen, and Lawrence Jr., Osha- kM SOr511NE MISFIT PLUM'BîIJG F-IITURES!" ,wa. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, Weell W Intol! e Srvce!WeGuaranteel pn the weekend at the home ofhrsister, Mrs. W. L. Mount- Alwoys Coli This PLUMBING CONTRACTOR o.Ad Snagus wr Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke and John, Toron- ta. a Sunday guest with the Harvey Le , ARKER &SONS tMs.W PUJMBING _HEA TING OIL BURNERS Pso aiy If you want something doni~ 47 KING ST. E. - BOWM.ANVILLE - MA 3-5651 g ive it ta a busy man. He'll il _-L tC. M C-n--e.4-ý, - Standing Committees. 1956 Coun fies' Council The 1956 Counties Counci] 1 Thomnas, Argue. Bothwell, for Northumberland and Dur- ebb, Harrington, Cunning- hama met at Cobourg last week ham, Phillips, Atkinson, Parr.. and set up the wvorking com- Legisiative and By-laws - mittees for the year. The strii<- Bothwell, Chairman; Robins', ing committee report was ac- Bedford, Morrow, Little, Ding- cepted as follows: wall, Ashton, Hooton, Brown, Finance - Gummer, Chair- Richards, Rutherford, May, Ni- man; Robins, Bedford, Sweet, chois, Cochrane, Wilson, Thoin- McKnight, Brown, Nichols, as, McGill, Webb, Harrington, Usher, Cochrane, Stapleton, Cunningham, Budge. Nelson, Argue, Bothwell, MeMaster, Diamond. Atkinson, Parr, Carruthers, County Property - Rickardb Maybee, Johnson, Budge, Mor- Chairman; Robins, Darling, row, May Thomas, Harrington, Morrow, Little, G u m meor' Cunningham. Sweet, Hooton, Walkey, Rich- Roads and Bridge - Hooton, ards, Rutherford, May, John- Chairman; Robins, Darling, ston, Sandercock, Stapleton, Goodrich, Little, Dingwall. Thomas, McGill, Bothwell, Sweet, Brown, Johnston, May- Webb, Harrîngton, Cunning- bee, May, Nichais, Usher, San- hami, Phillips, Atkinson, Parr. dercock, Wilson, Thomas, Ar- Equalization of Assessment- gue, Bothwell, McMaster, Har- Robins, Chairman; Bedford, rington, Cunningham, Phillips, Goodrich, Carruthers, Ding- Nelson, Diamond. wall, Ashton, McKnight, Wal- Agriculture-C a r r u t h e r s, key, Johnston, Maybee, May, Chairman; Robins, Darling, Riekard, Usher, Sandercock, Goodrich, Gummer, Ashton, Stapleton, Thomas, McGilI, McKnight, Walkey, Richards, Bothwell, McMaster, Harring- Rutherford, May, Rickard, ton, Cunningham, Budge, Nel- Johnston, Cochrane, Wilson, son, Diamond. When you have a Cod... * and fool Iow and misorable with dry, parohod throat .aw.. or whon the Doctor tells you ta tako "plonty of Iiquids"l there's no finer ..beverage than GINGER ALES NO OTHER GINGER ALE, AT ANY PRICE, MATCHES VALUE WITH WILSON'S FAMILY SIZE PERSONAL 30 OUNCES 75Z 18c 12 OUNCES 2 for 35C 7c Plus Depolt 56-1 nQ kcc1i q61ue streni tC rfr 1 onfy nio dration Luves t darm.é [con PauCRidter Zhe J-buse of dSca9ram Vfen zvho thin> of tomorrowv pracie moderation toda; TrICI SDAT, CAN. 26th, 1938 IME CANADTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO . PAGE TFMEI