TNLuu"DAT, -TAN. 28th, 1058 rsocial & (7kersoal Phone MA 3-3303 Mrs. J. Ross Stutt has return- !lets of five 5-cent stamps only. ed from) a pleasant visit with 'The machine can easily be seen relatives in Kentucky. ýfrom the distance by its flani- Mrs. Cudlip, Harnilton, vis-ing red colour. Ited a few days with her auni, Mr. Len Richards, Bowman- Miss Margaret Allen, Beech ville, was a prize winner at the Ave. 10th annual racing pigeoia Rev Caon lle, Okvileshow held in Port Hope last v. ConAlen. O i MrakvilAe, Saturday afternocn. Over 200ý Yiitd it Ms Mrgre A-exhibitors and visitors attend- len, Beech Ave., on Wednes-edhepgosow hchxa day. judged to be the biggest and Mr. L. B. Nîchols spent the best yet that has been staged weekend with his son, Mr. and by district b!leeders and fan- Mrs. Douglas Nichais, King- ciers. fiton. 1r.I U-- Several from Bowmanvill(, Stamp Club attended a meet- Ing of the Oshawa Stamp Club on Monday night. Mrs. Frank James, Mrs. B. Dunford and Karen, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fo- ley on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Papin- eau and James Loftus of Stuc- geon Falls, spent the weekend witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Papineau. Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. F. R. Cook were Mn. and Mrs. Cyril Smith and fam- ily, Fleetwood: Mrs. Edith Mar- low and Mns. Geo. Mutton. To wn. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti ne- turned by plane last week after spending an enjoyable month vacatianing with hec parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King at Jamaica, British West Indies. Mc. and Mrs. K. E. Cax, Town; Mc. and Mrs. John E. Wylie and son Brock, London, spent Saturday with Mn. Dan Cox, Downsview, and visited Mrs. Don Cox at Humber Mem- oial Hospital, Westan. Mr'. Fred J. Van Nest, To- ronto, was in town Satunday calling on bis sister, Mrs. Non- rnan E. Wright o! Enniskillen, Who is a patient in the Mem- ociai Hospital, the resuît of brcaking ber leg from a fail et ber home. Mrs. Frank Hocbleiner (the former Ruth Burgess) was pre- sented with an autamatic toaster by ber co-wonkens o! the Customs Office and Dom- Inion Dept. of Agriculturer e- centiy, foliowing her we&lîng o! Decemben 24th. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Courtice. onganist and choir directon o! St. Paul's United Church, is at home recavening slowly from the faîl which resulted in ber left leg being broken in three pla.ces. The accident occurred ootside hec home on Dec. 31. Mn. and Mrs. A. B. Hicks, Mn. Walter Hicks and Miss Kathenine Hicks, Concession St., have returned fromn an en- joyable motor trip ta their na- tive county o! Yarmouth, NS., whene theyr visited a number of relatives and old friends. Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Young, -Mrs. Eva MeMillan, Peterbor- ough; Mn. and Mrs. C. S. Wood, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. HIarold Salten and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Hampton, were dinnen guests o! Mn. and Mrs. C. A. Johns Sunday evening. As an added canvenience to residents, the Post Office has placed a handy postage stamp dispensing machine outside the south doon o! the building. This machine dispenses book- ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Sept uagesima 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il arn. - CHURCH SCHOOL il a.m.- MORNING FRAYER 7 p.m. - EVENING FRAYER The Annual Vestry Meeting wIll be beld on Monday, January 30, at 8:00 p.m. jWbile her husband, H. C. Rickaby, Deputy Minister o! Mines. was guest speaker at the Men's Canadian Club last Wednesday evening, Mrs. Rick- faby was a dinnen gocst o! Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Mary. Other guests included Mrs. C. W.1 Billings, Mrs. Harry Bailey and Mrs. Heber Souch o! Or- ana. Attending the annual con- vention of the Canadian Asso- ciation of Nurserymen at Nia- gara Falls this week fromn Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries are Mn. and Mrs. Norman Scott, Mn. Erie Densemn and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lunne- mann. Mc. Lunncunann wil give a talk on "The Storing ai. Rose Bushes". Durham County Club o! To- ronto, meets tonight (Thurs- day) at the I.O.D.E. Headquar- ters. A featuce o! the eveninLi will be a travelogue with pic- turcs a! a trip ta France by Mn. Kcith Spicer, son of Mr. and 'Mns. J. G. Spicer, (ne. Gertnude MeMullen, Kendal), Toronto, while he was attend- ing the Saebonne University o! Paris, last year. Keitb is ai student at Toronto University this year. Mns. Elizabeth Pattenson bas returned home from a six months' visit ta Eyebrow. Sask., with her sister and fciends, also at Calgary, Alta.. with ber nicces and stappinit off at Tnehern, Man., for 10 days with nieces and nephews and. many good friends. MrF. Patterson was surprised on reaching home ta be weicom- cd by a get-togethen o! neigh- bars and family at the resi- dence of Mns. R. E. Dinniwell. Mrs. Patterson was presented with a bouquet o!fiowers and a two-tier wall bracket. .1 Pniar ta the January meet- ing o! the Women's Canadialf Club on Jan. 16, Mrs. Wilbent Teeple entertained members o! the executive and the guest speaker, Dr. Naami Jackson of MeMaster University, Hamilton, at luncheon. Dr. Jackson is a first cousin o! Mns. Teeple. Dr. Gea. W. James and Mrs. James wenc special guests, Dr. James having been a high school classmate o! Dr. Jackson's mo- ther, the former Coralie Adain, at Bowmanville High School, Miss Catherine Teeple assîsted ber mother i entertaining the guests. - A new Girl Guide Company was farmed an Monday night at the Memonial Park Club bouse. There were 18 girls pres- cnt from the Ontario Street School district, and it is hop- ed before long ta have a fu Company. This group will be in change o! Mrs. George Ste- phen and Mrs. Howard Eff- mondson, wha have had pre- viaus expenience in Girl Guide wark. In order that the Pa- troIs may be campieted, i' is rcquested that ail girls inter- ested in joining this group do 50 immediately. Meetings wfl' be beld evecy Monday night at 7 p.m. and any girl o! il years of age is eligible ta join. Bob Fairey Heads Scoring For Juveniles Below is the individual scoc- îng statistics of the Bowmanville Juvenile Legionnaires. xvho are currently battling with Port Hope for top spot in the Lake- shore Juvenile League. B. Fairey ------- - 9 17 Richards ----------- 1l 8 M a on -- --------- 9. 6 Lane -- ---------- 12 0 T. Fairey 5 7 'Preston. 3 9 Cowling -- -------2 Osborne -------- 2 I Gould--------------- 1 1 Clarke ----- --- 0 2 C ale -. ------- t- K ennett -- - ------- sAdolescence - when a sops coilecting stamps 1su arts playîng post affice. Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - "God's Purpose and Claim" 7 P. M. - A motion picture "Fth of Our Faiuilios", A film to help build family worship rganist-Mr. Arthur Collson, Mus. Bach., LR.S.M a - ~ ,~ Gui des &Scou- Cal! Meeting At Newtonvill< Newtonville: In response the enthusiasm. o! the bc and girls !romn Port Granby Kendal, Guide and Scout Co panies and their Junli Brownies and Cubs are bei organized and will boid th first meetings as soan as Pl sible after the big gatheni JThursday evening, Jan. 26, 8.00 p.m. in Newtonviile Su day Schoal Hall. The wait. for this annauncement has be reminiscent o! waiting 1 Christmas in many hauseholi Mrs. Frank, o! Bowmanvil District Guide Commissioner bringing with hec a member the District Association spcak during the evening Guiding. Keen and quaifi leladers for the Cubs, Browný and Guides are ready ta reg ter those whose names ha been receivcd ta date.. It is passible thece will definite plans foc the Scai ready by Thursday. Hoxvev( evcryone interested in any w in this praject is condiallyi vited. The United Chunches o! t] Newtonville Circuit have spo sared this as an inter-denomi ational group-al! girls ai boys may join. No child nel hesitate because o! financi difficulties. An active Grai Committee and Motbcr's Au iliary will be formed at tt meeting ta help with this ai other needs and problen which can be expected in ai 3*oflg organizatian. The Captain o! the Guidl wiil be Mrs. John Murphy, hi Lieutenant, Mrs. Jim. Caswe. Brown Owl, Mrs. Gond( Wrigbt, Tawny Owl, Mrs. Si Brown, Cubmaster, Mrs. Jo] Stark, assisting ber, Mcs. Go don Trim and Mrs. Brentc Farrow. Free Library (Contînued !rom, page one) ter accommodation is for tI members o! the Library ta ri quest the Town ta take ovi the Libcary and make it a fri public library." L. W. Dippeli, also pointE out that Bawmanville Librai is oniy anc o! three or fouri a town o! this population le in the province which bas n( changed aven ta the free libr ry set-up. Province Would Pay More It was explained by th chairman that under the fr- library arrangement, no mr bers fees are paid, and a larg portion o! the revenue ta ru the library cames from tovw taxation on a per capita basi! At present the board bas tai r- quest a grant annually frai Town Council which is flota large as would be realized o the per capita rate. Revenu aiso cames !rom provinciE grants based an variaus sci vices pnovided by the librar: Provincial grants, would bE highec under the free librar set-up. From secretary - treasure Gien Hughes repart, it wa shown that the Town Grant la-- year xvas $2500. Pnov. Gran $400, with fees, fines and balance on hand bringing tta rcceipts up ta $3452. Expense. bowevec, without paying ren ta the Town for the preser raom, amounted ta $3250. It evident therefore that the re venue under the present sys tem does flot allow the prgyi sion o! more adequate quai ite is. Figures Illustrate R. G. namlyn presentea fig: unes ta show that a per capit2 rate o! 85c, a tentative figure wi:bh Bowmanville's populatiar of 6300, wouid cealize revenuE o! $5355. This w',ould be aug. Imcnted by 40 per cent frair the province or $2142, makiný a total o! $7497. Thece woulè also be additional grants fror.r the province on books bought etc.. as arc now pravided, and otbeir higber grants because cl better services pcavided. The suggested 85e per~ capua would nat raise the tawn mil] rate bý' a full miii. yet wouî- give the library sufficient ce- venue to rent adequerte quar- ters. There is thecefore every advantage. Mc. Hamlyn point- cd out. ta be gained by tiie tawn taking avec the libràr: as ini pcacticaliy every othe. town this size in Ontario. lVould Not Require Until different ' quarters are acquired, hawever, the library though undec the free librarv set-up Nvîtb revenue provido.d bx' tow,%n taxation, would not requice as much as f5c per capita ta fonction in its preseni raom. It 15 most important however for the neasons ou', lincd. that langer quarters be acquiied as soon as passible. A letter from the Cbamnbeî of Commerce, read by the se- cretacy, offered the Library Board its support and assist- ance in whatever stcps it might take ta procure improv- cd facilities. Election o! the board for 1956 resulted inalal 1955 mern. becs witb the exception o! Rev. T. A. Morgan, being returned ta office. and Miss Betty Flax- man was nominated as the new member. L. M. Rathbun at a Imeeting of the board folowin- the aninual meeting, was r.ý clected as chairman, and Glen- holme Hughes as secretary- treasuren. T 1 IC RUE T 8 I TO EVERYWHERE IAir. Ral %r Steamship Congsul 3-77 J wmaT& 0VElLe L J JUR & L VieL 15Ra t %V.NIA 357 TRE CANADTAN STATEMAN. EROWMANMM !,ONTAMTO A (~tY~1 The devotionai opened with S pot nemover Meads 10-D Cod Liver singing '«O God Our Help in rOul 1.00, 22 .- m E, Ages Past". Mrs. C. Nicholis r 4 oz. »33 Meads PoIy-Vi-Soi- fM VE rread Psalm 127 and Mrs. A. Fo reg. 40e 3_ 3 , 1.85. 3.10, 4.75 U R M E N M Wlin edtetp on '*Kept -Meads Tri-Vi-Sol- mu!. M- M by 1 iwec of God." Mrs. Cecil 10 n~.Iloz. 1.45, 2.45, 3.85 PNCLI Ad" .Is led in prayer. ,ddI~ reg. 75ô ___ 59 i~C Meads 4 85I CLI ý s. H. Vetzel read a pocm 'FRUIT SAlIT'Masleum1.0,2.5,4.5a nd "Pra'.Ner in Monning". Mcs. Cari FUTSL MasOer Adams sang "0 How Sweet To1 P ..-.,c Percomorphum 1.10, 3.00 STREPTOMYCiN S Trust In .esus" accompanied bx il LDUssW Squibb 10-D Cod Liver Mcs. R. DeCoe on piano. Mrs ~iOul 1.00, 2.235t C. Simmons gave an intecesting E N U nydrogen Proxide Squlbb Special Formula q CE reading called "The Button Box'". Capsules -_--------_4.00 The ladies decided ta give E S N 4 oz. 8 oz. 18 oz. Vita Diet -------45 $l0.0 fr lca corc spp ~reg. Lo reg. 29o -et. 45e Waterbury Compound and bux' two dozen new hymn - -~---wlth C & G anid books for the chorch. It vwas TSTNG - L - c 23 9 lnrs -H-liborang.5 also decided tofinish pa 'ving fr5Vit3 C lebuy amins Ig 7 the paint for the basement and 1.00, 1.75 3.25 kitchen.I World Day of Prayer will bel observed at Ebenezer Church'on! Februarv l7th. PresbyterialPRS ITON A EC LY will be held at, NorthminsterPRSRTIN A SECLT Church, Oshawa, on February i 22. There will be a Mothens'i Luch ofasoli hAlexonFM cGrer Manh ofiheld oe cnvaFeral x ýcr g or tee ih charge. Theo nmi -g o, D rg ivll be a fiendship meeting o n Nve D~~e'jrYuID M ThurFdav e\.'ningj. Fehruary 16. lvrYoiLca . .. rugStrPhn MA 359 Corne and bning a friend. l A A~BLAPCSTOCK alter her operation in Commun- by Donald Bradburn. its Robert Mv orton BÙe.LULjf ity Hospital, Port Perry. Mrs. The following program was Bruce Ashton is home from enjoved: Piano solo-Elizabeth y Last Tuesday afternoon 50 Toronto General Hospital and Thompson;, song-Patsy. Joan O bserves outn B iorthday laies gathered at the United Mr. MarlowThompson is home; and David Wotten. Mrs. Ivan Curch S. S. raom ta take ad- from Oshawa General Hospital. Mountjav told the story "The vantage of an Institute Extension We hope these folk xviii soon be Borrowed Camp". Piano solo- e . Behany:Congratulations are village where they continued Course. Miss Isobel Wishart of ail recoveted from their illness-. Lorraine Dayes. Linda Kyte xded to another of Beth- ta live' until their only son, the Dept. of Home Ecanomics es.1 read a story '-Wilbur and Willie, to ay senior citizens. Mr. Rob- Charles, was married' and took demonstrated "~Sandwiches for Mrs. James Blackburn, Ux-j the Wooden Shoes." er otnwo n ody oe h hayedof famn.ail occasions", bridge. visited Mr. and M~rs. oý0January l6th celebrated his Retiring, they moved ta their CatrgtFmes Uno ThsBo an to ige ailbirthday. and has present home inthevillage sCnarewigt a creme Uin th M. wan on hmp A L R V 3m- ivedallhis lifetime in the about ten years ago. Mr. o nsrdaer- am nte M n Ms oieTo ors, Motonls-s heretîretbutHhslCa ast vveunesdav son 'entertained the United Brn omm n t he a m ho e tead f aiy sand neigh dbors he aevening. There were 12 table siChurch Choir on Thursday even- T em a ny fGROds iV ti eir Boerne nte r oeta aml n egbr aeaplayed and the following won ing last. The an y frni~~Jen s IMur-i )o-weehis brother Thomas and different opinion. Almost daily the. prizes: Ladies - high, Mrs. Teeaesil avcss o phy ilbf esorr Jatoeknourh -l sister Laura now reside, Mr. he walks the mile to his son's Allan Wilson, low, Mrs. W. hraestlmn'vcssofpywlb or oko e Mro aonofafamily ')f home ta help wt the farin Jackson. Gents' - high, Wilfridm psaogtechl lpsed away in the hospital at Mortochdrn ws on o thes mog hescookc ~. leenchldenbon a helatewrk Jackson; low. Harold Larmer. dren. Calteon E. nJn in Johnston Morton and bis wifE. Mr. Morton is very active in Door prize - Jimmie Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock 23rd. A number will remem- ee the former Katharine White. community affairs. For many At the Ladies' Lodge euchre Londen with Mr.on andM. ber hl a kingr the ile lssn one for Fart of this farm xvas sold for years hie has served as a Com- on Thursday night there were I Topo nSna. Sna o h il ls.H Ids. village lots. He attended the missioner for the Manvers five tables with Mrs. Ray Mc- The February meeting of the j also assistcd Rev. Somerville liBethany public schooi and re- Municipal Telephone Systeni. Gi and Stanford Van Camp Blackstock Womcn's Institute one Sunday, ail in November. cails his first teachers were Every Sunday finds hlm in bis winning the euchre prizes and wiil be hcld at the Cammunity Mrs. Alex Creighton, Osh- 'sRobert Grandy and John Cor- place in the Choir of St. Paul's Keith Van Camp the door irize. Hall instead of the Church S. S.1 awa, spent a couple of days taI nyn and camments that pupi1ls Anglican church, whiere he ]S M.adMs u hraom. wt e osn r.F wl tohad a lot more ta learn in those also a Warden and for several . r n r.BdTompsonvt ecosnMr.FSw- onand Russell, Whitby, called on Miss Mabel Van Camp will 1ow one days. years, the lay delegate ta the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry on speak on her trip ta the British Mcr. and Mrs. Sam Castie, les Camparing prices of earlier Synod. He is a member of the Sunday. Isles on Fridav at a social even- Paul and Rager Castle, Mrs. xis years wîth those of taday, Mr. local Loyal Orange Lodge Na. Mr. and Mrs. John Argue, ing in the hall. 'Blake, Mr. Bllie Kaiser, Peter- ve Morton says that when th- 1022. Bowmanviiie, were S u n d a v Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn barough, were Sunday visitors present bouse was buiit on his A talented musician, he play- guests with MVr. and Mrs. Leslie and Jimmie. Toronto, with Mrs. with Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mil- father's farm in 1882 by con- ed in a local orchestra for a Mauntjoy. Wesley Bradburn on Sunda.y. dred and Bob Snowden. its tractor Frank Galbraith, the number of years and belongcd Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mount- Several from here attended Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp usbrickfo it cost aniy $100. The ta Bethany's first Brass band jay and Mrs: Earl Dorrel with the silver wedding anniversar.v and family, arrived home Tues- ,er, Bethany public school and St. organized axer 60 years ago. Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Onono, Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer day after spending a month ay Paui's Anglican Church were For a few years the Band ceas- last Thursday. atDvt'1al nFia vn .wt e itr tFr adr "'bath built the year Mn. Morton Pdito function, but in 1954 the There was a goad turn-out at ingz. Congratulations. dlFoia hyrpr hewas born. graup was re-organized and the United Church congregation- Mr.M rhmadMs d dFlim e eor te Fallowing his marriage ta Mr. Morton takes a keen dc- ai meeting at the church last Hars. withaermotedMrs. dwoeru ti. ?n- Miss Ada Nesbitt they moved lîght in helping the yaunger Friday evening and good reports J. E. Fleitht, Browmnvler . in ta a farm one mile south of the group along. Each Wednesday given. Miss Miria om Sani. Ohw, Ta wu ipn nd igh yo wil fnd lm ith Mr.andMns GergeRuter-with Mr. and Mrs. Leîth Byers Several billiard saloons in edhi carnet attending the week- fard and Ailan, Oshawa, with for the weekcnd. Aberdeen are being closed be- lai Burns N iI'.d. y practice session. Mcs. George Fowler on Suada.MisoBadcuetepvr bjtt i- urns ~ ~ ~ Astuc Cneraiv n One nink from Sunderland andMisoBadcsetepaesbjttai- lx- A ituc h Cnsevative nth oefcom Port Perry visited ýhe Twenty-nine chiidren and two ping the cues. hi,; <Cantinued from page one) Manvers township association lac ai curling club for a fiendiv leaders met for the Mission Band Shipwrecked sailor (ta coin- ns aeMP o uhm om adls erwsteeuea garne last week. Wcdnesda-.y in the Sunday Schoi room on panion w~ho is praying for heip this week is Bonspiel Day. Thursday with President Anne advwn alv et~ ny Hamilton. Scottish comedian tor for the district previaus tol Mr. and Mcs. George Prosser Gibson presiding. Mrs. C. Hill life): "Hold on, Jimmie, dinna fcom Toronto; bis accompanist, the ciection. went ta Toronto on Monday ta gave the worship stocy "Beauty commit yerself', I sec a steam- 'Mrs. Betty Laurie, Toronto, Jim Two granddaughtecs, Katha- jain the rcst of the executive and and Stcength". Prayers were e commn' this way!" -Firth, President of the Bowman- leen and Elizabeth Ann Morton directors of the Ontario Fanm- read by Alice Taylor, Mary er What's a gratuitv, Donald?" ville Legion Branch, and Mrs. are a great dclight ta he and ers Union ta meet Premier Frost Bradburn, Nancy Hitton, Janic .e '"A gatuity, replied Sandy, ouFirth; Mrs. Jack Knight, and his wife and the chiidren loak and the Cabinet 'and present Byers. The offering xvas taken iswat an Aberdeen fermer i.Rcv. John Kitchen, Orono, Padre forward ta the daiiy visit of Union briefs. up by Judy Mountjoy and Shar-j disna gie a laddie for haudin' ai f the Bowmanviile Legion their gcandfather. Mrs. Orr Venning is home an Larmer. The prayer was said bis horse." r-Branch. 011 Excellent Entertainment CM EIIEPIE LSPROA EVC The Band President expressed C MEIIEPIE LSPRO A EVC his thanks ta the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary for senving the dinner, and the convenon, Mrs. Albert Piper, replied. He introduced Tommy Hamilton, who led in a hearty sing-song of aId favorites. Entertainment was provided by ,he Mn. Hamilton, Ernie Bruce, wo .e-. played a variety of instruments ,er as welI as the bagpipes. and DU TR 'e Scottish soprano Violet Murray, who sang a medley of Scottish_________________________________________ ýd and English sangs. Miss Murray £3' was assisted in one or twa num- .a d i!bers by the "Legion Barbershop ftQattt" cnitig o bSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE lot Mavin, Jim Fair, Jack Knight ALL THIS WEEK a- and Don Brooks. They were suitably garbed in top bats and . false moustaches. hpa YORDU The Pipe Band played several ~ pa ~ hpa ORDU ~eScottish reels betwcen the en- 'N W .I..Drand S eiI STORE - the sale, logical eetertainiment and dancing, for Qpcasaddpndbepaet uk relief from Choit Colds. which an Ajax orchestra provid- Til buy drugs. medicines and Lumbago, Neuritis. Nouroigie, n.e hemsc LOTION 00 jjfloa oa ther products for health StOatit., Ihoumate Ach*$ ed te msic.Col Crem gaP and beauty care. end Pi& DIC VERYJ decReg. Reg. LUCOZADE i. Police Car ragic 2 for 25a 12 for 1.49 Thek sprkling Glucose ni (Continued from Page One) facial 2/23c____12/1.29__ )n r niia cstofthe Plymouth. icie anse r e Coun. Scott feit that the low- CuhadCl al est tender should be accepted 3--. oghadOl 17-e'gardless, but when the mat- /en y. ter was put ta a vote At was Vour skin upt Coconut 011 Shampoo ALeALAdLÂs le decided ta purchase the Ply- y nouth. 3 TIMES CLEANER For Beautitul Hair I.D.A. Bronchida Cough Included as part of the con- 1I zrg 3 zrg 9eSrp8o ------ 5 r ditions of sale were the pro- thon any soup -ony eem 4ozrg 3e o.reeg. 49e yrup, 8o. - 75eol s visions that Palmer Motor2339 Capsules. 30's --- 1.25 ,t Sales would supply a car fori 3 9 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray nt police work until the new car Cicans nasal passages. VITA DIET CAPSULES a is delivered and that the com- Easy ta use - better for al pany obtain a speedometer cec- chiidren. Unbreakable 7esnilmn rl ',S tific7toessentiahl minerais th frthe hefactory on plastic squeeze battie 95ce- ntPurchase re Seidlitz Powders .Dos A.5 i'»rn otion of Coun. Keith b'~L, 75c *L'7'u Eeg. 29c_______50e__1_00_s__$4.50 ~.Lathangue it was decided ta I..A. hildren-------s 0 .purchase a, siren and a regu- 1462c2 4c ..Cg hrp t-50 r. lation flasher for the new crui-SV 6IDA apoae sec. also a ced "Police Stop" HALIBt T LIVER ou.4 Oit 20c, 40e, 80e lens for the rigbt front fender CAPSULES IDA ra' 100's 1.15 __ 500's_---sa---425cGET FAST RELIEF wl light, and ta have *Bowman 100 s i 15 5--s--4-29-e-DA. Fiars45c it ville Police" lettered in white _________________.D.A. Idarub - - --- 49c 9"on the sides. ",Eaal-Glos I.D.A. Idasal P L S - ta TownnnlerWAliTabLyetsw- "also instcuctcd ta write Coan U oor Whax ""T IA. Iied3c 9 Autmatve xpiinig te ran SZ~PYO7 P-B-q