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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1956, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TEE CAKADIAI STATUMAN. EOWMA~fV!T..T~ ON'I'AWfl 'k~TTTI~TIAV I'U~~ 9,iA IBIS EDITORIALS Durham County Again in the- Limelight Durham County has often been refer- red to as "the Banner Ceunty cf Ontario", due te the many things it has accemplish- ed in leadership by its native sens and daughters, and aiso in the various realins in agriculture in which it bas exceUled. The Statesman bas neyer been accused of its modesty in hiding these "lights urider a bushel". But a local newspaper has te bç careful in boasting about such matters for editors have a habit cf being super loyal te their own cemmunity by playing up the good deeds in their own bailiwick -which makes for friendly cempetitien and coruparison. Just te prove and illustrate our peint, ,as far as Durham County is cencerned, we came across several news stories in news- papers and magazines the past week about D urham boys. Most cf them have to do with rural folks. In the Family Herald and Weekiy Star 'we spied the photo cf Durham County's Apple King, Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Car- ruthers cf Bowmanville, in a group photo with the new directors cf the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Grewers' Association. On the opposite page in the same journal wvas the photo cf Durham Ceuuty's Champion Junior Farmer Maie Quartet in the rocent provincial centest, vi. Row- land Coombes, Jack Allin, Jim Coombes and Glenn Allun. The seme photo appear- ed in the Farmer's Advecate and Canadian Countryman. In the sarne issue cf the Farrner's Advocate xvas a group photo headed "Leaders and Experts Discussing Farm Organizations", in which Deputy Reeve Garnet Rickard cf Darlingten Township, representing Durham Ceunty Foderation of Agriculture, was shown. Then in the Globe and Mail a despatch reporting the convention of the Canadian Association cf Nurservmeu held at Niagara Falls two local nurserymen, N. J. Scett and George Downham, wvere elected direc- tors. Turning to sport, Maclean's Magazine in its February 4th issue had an article on "The Rise and Falcf Tom Longboat" in which it featured a full page photo showing our fellow townsman and wvorld champion runuer. Alfie Shrubb, startino- in a race with Longboat in Montreal Iu 1909. Then in the Toronto Star was a feature article about the recently formed Ontario Heart Foundation in which the Vice-Chair- man cf this group, Alfred N. Mitchell, a webl known native son cf Durham County, was interviexved. Of course, there may have been others in papers we didn't see. but these cern- ments wvil ho enough for one week to justify our clarmn that Durham County is really a banner county. This remiuds us that several years ago when the editor cf The Statesman was attending a banquet given at Ottawa by the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoc- iation Executive the speaker, the late Dr. W. A. Clark, Deputy-Minister cf Finance, wvas iutroduced as "an illustrieus son cf Giengarry Couuty." The chairman, Editor Harmon Rice cf the Huntsville Forester, later cornmented with censiderable glee, "thauk Ged ahl the illustrieus sens don't cerne from Durhamn County!" Al cf which proves one must be careful in boasting about one's native sons, lest it stir up the green mouster. Next te the three R's in the public school curriculum many contend music should be a must well up Ln the subjects taught the young hopefuls. The States- man supported that idea tiventy-five or more years ago when Durham County had the distinction cf being the first county in the province te teachi music in ail its public schoois. Later the Durham County Music Festival wvas established but it wvas dîscontinued during the Second World War.1 Thon for the past 10 years the Kiwanis Club cf Peterborough teck up the torch by holding a music festival ini the Liftlock City. This cultural venture has proven érninently successful and has grown in influence and popularity. Many contes- tants from Durham. County have contribut- A miner revolution in retailing seems 'underway in some tewns and cities in Ontario. The revoit is against laws which prohibit stores remaining open on week- day evonings, and the spark behind it seems te ho public demand for the con- venience cf evening shopping. Although there was the usual objection te Bowman- ville merchants shifting the old establish- éd custom from Saturday evening te Fri- day evening shopping it is now accepted as a welcome habit. In St. Catharines about 30 stores are reported open on Fniday evenings, among them 15 wornen's and chiidren's wear shops. Special by-laws were necessary te *aâliow the ciothing stores te stay open fer business and t is reported that men's wear stores are now petitioning for the same permission. Iu Windsor three super- .markets, ail independents, defied the local 6 p.m. ciosing on a recent Friday and the owners say they will appeal their case right te the Supreme Court if necessary. Some people who visited Moscow during the period of the "phouey peace" cf lasl *summer stili taik and write in giowing terms cf what they saw. Some were im. *pressed by the famous Moscow subway, but failed te note that the reason for its *existence is that Soviet workens, unlike workers in Canada, are unable te affon< automobiles. Others were irnpressed by the agri- cultural and trade exhibitions, but were ne boss remiss in failiug te note that the communist wvorld, ideally situated fron the standpoint cf clirnate aud geography *te grow wheat, has been forced te import wvheat and butter from Canada and other parts cf the f ree worid. * Still others were irnpressed by the grandiose plans described te them by officiais of the worid's biggest bureaucracy, but failed te note that seldom if evor were *foreignens invited te visit Moscow f ac- ýg st ýg :e dT .t r e ed and shared in the benefits cf this annual event. The syllabus for the Peterborough Music Festival te ho held May lOth te l9th is now available. It offers an opportunity te young performers te test their progress in public and in thé trained ear cf expert judges. It offers mature, advanced stu- dents a suitable occasion te subject their work te the highest critical standards. This is an excellent musical encleavour and valuable te a very wide district cf East-Central Ontario. Teachers, parents and perfermers should acqualut them- selves with the festival syllabus now. Copies cf syllabus may be had at The Statesman office, or write direct to Secre- tary, Mrs. A. D. Vaesey, 644 MeKellar St., Peterborough. lu Kitchener a survey cf public opinion turned up the fact that more than 75 per cent cf persons interviewed favored even- ing shopping. Ontario's early closing iaw dates back to the last century. It is a provincial statute that requires any mnunicipality te enforce a 6 o'clock clesing on ail stores in any field if three-quarters of the merchants in that field petition for an eanly ciesing by-law. Living conditions have vastiy altered since the law was originahly passed. Many wives like te shop in the evenings because thon they can get their husbands te go with them on a once-a-week shopping expedition. Also, se many husbands and wives both work, particularly when first married and saving te establish a home, and for them Friday night is a most con- venient shopping time. Living habits have changed, but the law hasn't yet caught up with that change. tories or Soviet homes. Perhaps the Most significant omission in ail the news stories and articles which have been written about Moscow in rocent mouths is the absence cf any reference te freedom cf speech. Nobody bas written from Moscow, as they do from London, te tell cf soapbox eratons denouncing the goenrnent and indulgiug in criticism cf iudustry, the army or the oducational systein. Fantasy, after ail, requires more iiterary talent than fact when it cemes te writing. The idea cf a soaphox orator in Moscow, however, 15 tee staggering a bit cf fantasv for even the rnost experienced writer cf fiction. Aaron Mosher Wants Miracle Canadian Cougress cf Labor President Aaron Mosher, like the Aarnnof Oid Testament fame, must believe in miracles. Unlike the biblicai figure who smote the rock with his rod and provided the thirst- ing Israeiites with water in the midst of the desert, labor's Aaron Mosher wants the Federal Covermemnt te perforn the miracle. Unfortunateiy for Mn. Mosher, the Federal Government possesses ne mystical powers. It is unlikely, therefone, that Mn. Mosher's demands, set forth in CCL's annual brief, and inciuding iower taxes, highen incorne tax exemptions, special ai lowances for wholly dependent chiidren, payment cf ail medacai bilis, free unem- picymeut insurance, abolition cf the sales tax, and a hostq of other incompatible re- quests, will ho met. Prime Minister St. Laurent and his cabinet coileagues, te be sure, waut te do weil by ail Canadiaus, inciuding union rnembers. Being oniy human, and fair- minded men at that, it is unlikeiy they wlll try te work a miracle along the lunes suggested by Mr. Mosher, when te try ta do se wouid be te undermine prosperity and prejudice national progress for ever and a day. In the.-Dim and Distant Past Prom The Statesman Files 25 YEARS AGO (1931) Chxarles F. Rice was elected chairman cf Public Seheol Board for the fifth, year. Ho had been a axember o! the board for 25 years. R. M. Holingshead Ce., an- ticipated their biggest year's business since becatlng lp Bow- manvIlle'. Toronto and Bovi. manville druggists were invited, te the factory te inspect their Uineocf insecticides and were surprlsed at the barge range. Bowmanville Hlgh School students enjoyed a skating Party at Taylon's arena and Pe- terbere and Bowmanville In- termediates were playing here Saturday night. Weather must have been cold te keep the natural ice ln good condition. Fire cf unknown orngin did considerable damage te the floor of the Canadian Pacifie frelght sheds. Old papers and books wvene comlng te llght. Ex-Mayor T. S Holgate had a hundned year old volume of Christian Guard- ian files; A. I. Scobeli had an Engllsh Chunch Prayer Bock puhllshed in 1809. prcfusely il- lustrated with old weodcuts. it formerly belon«ed te John Bragg. Rev. C. e. Spencer had a Prayer Bock printed in 1731.i Mn. and Mrs. Gee. Rebinson celebrated their 25th weddlng annivenaary at Kilcolman, an ancestral home cf one brandi ef the Lovekin family. Mre. Robinson was the former Mry Lovekin, daughter et Mr. and Mrs. F. ]B. Lovekin. 49 YEARS AGO (1907) Mr. Robert Belth ivas ap- pointed te the Senate. Mr. Beith was known thnoughout Canada and the- United States I wonder who first thought up tue idea et having blnthday parties? It must have been a thoughtless child for ne one over tho age et twenty-one wants the passage et the years te b. noticed. And I wender what klnd et cbild wculd have had such a nightmane? It munst have been one who nover had been tbrough the strain befone. I have yet to see tue child whe thoroughly and completely enjoys bas on hon own panty. I have yet te see tue cbild wbe bas net at least four theusand frlends when the thought et a party cornes alcng.,, The list cf unknowns (te the parents) is truly amazing and although ne ene wants te say that any child is ineligible thene are limits te the ameunt the walls of a bouse can hoe stnetcbed, there are us- ually iinits te the seating ca- pacity and aise limits beyeftd which methen's nerves cannot cope. Excitement rtins bigh for weeks before as the massive lists are gradnally shertened, this sbcrtening bolng in direct ratio te tue compatability of tue cbildren at school. By the turne the great day arrive thc excitement is usually beyoud the bounds et parental centrcl and I'm sorry te say aise ba- yond the teacher's control alse. Oh, the angulsh when teacher breaks tue news that despite the added year the child must stay in to make up fer lest wAork. And oh, the anguish of the teacher when the other party goors eleet te stay in toe. Fanally they g et home, pres- ents are opened arnîd cries et glee and delight and there j3 always one littie speil sport who already bas twe et those and they don't work anyway. Mother's bard labeurs are devoured in large gulps and thongb the cake is nover as nice as the one soeene bad last year it disappears with amazing speed. Atter supper the children can get dewn te the werk at band ot enjoying the party but by that turne everyone is ini sncb a state of coilapse that nc two peôple want te do tht* saine thing at the saine turne se things are back te normal and atten a final skirrnish the par- ents bave to stop in and say that the war is oves. With studied politeness the chiîdren dopart with many pr's- testations ot having had a dc- as a leading herse fancier, a "Liberal of proncunced opin- ions," and a prornanent citizen. H. represented West Durhamn in the Heuse et Commons froin "The pioneers are passing away. Are their sons and dau- ghtens as happy and content- ed as the eld people were, Even wlth ail cour modern cenven- iencçs the mad race for wealth is depriving the present gen- eratien et haIt the enjoyments et lite." Sound tamiliar? This was written in 1907 In paylng tribute te Mn. and Mrs. John Van Nest. Mr. Van Nest was hemn in 1812 et U.E.L. stock. West Durhamn Conservatives elected their officers at a meet- ing in Bcwmanville: Pres.-T. H. Powers, Kirby; Vice-Pres.- S. C. Hiler; Sect.-Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle: Treas.-Janîeg Me- Connachie. The last three were of Bowrnanville. Prizes for costumes at the second ice carriivab of the sea- son wvent te Miss Edith Rich- ards and Mn. W. Oke; comic gent-Gea. Potten; girl under 15-Dora Percy; boy under 15 -Herscel Darch; best group -Percy and Frank William.:, Charles, George and Will Bag- neli and Arthur Frise. Royal Bank bnanch, Division and King Strets, opened for business. Miss Eva Worth who had been home receverlng frorm ty- phoid fever, loft tfon Rochester, Mnnesota, te take a position on the staff et the Surgical Hospital there. Engagement was announeed et Miss Mlldred Allen, daugh- ter et Rev. Canon Allen, Mill- brook, te Mn. Louis Winslow, the manniage te take place Feb. 7ofn &oup t Il ut s By "IF" lighttul turne and as they band together while boaving they de- cide tbey dcn't like her anyway and tbey won't ask hon te their Party. The Arena has filly breken down and hought a new record of "Gzod Save The Queen". Such a treat! The study of pbsychology con- tinues te amaze me. The latest method that bas evolved for studying people is te ask thein te draw fruit trees, that's right, dnaw fruit trees. Evldently it is a higbly successtul method of telling a persens charactenisties mainly hocause it is such a sim- ple one. When asked te per- form this simple teat the per- ron feels quit. reiaxed and pon- trays t very simply and easily and probably tbiuks that Lt is saine kind of gaine which is just tue relaxed attitude the psycbcbogist wants. Prom these simple drawings they can tel ail manner cf things tor an op- timist and a possimist, on a spondthnift and a miser would pentray tbern in entirely dit- feront wray. They can tel] if yen are happy or sad, an inte- vert or an extnevert, a travel- les on a stay-at-home and xnany more tacets of your character. Tbey can even give advice on whieh ine of work yen sbould be Lu, and give fonewarnnng of nervous disenders. AIl ycu bave te do now is draw a fruit tree. As yet I have ne funther infor- mation as te where te send yeux efforts. Smo.e we have Just cele- brated Rabbie Burns day I thought yeu might enjoy this story. A Scott went te the hospital te give blood to a very sick woman. The transfusion was suecesatul and the grateful woman sent the man 50 dollars. Several months later the doctor decided that another transfusion w~as necessary and sent for the same man. This time again. it was sue- cosaful and the grteful patient sent the man 25 dollars. A thfrd transfusion be- came necessary, again the Scot responded and a&gain It was sueceuful. By this time however the woman had se mach Scotch blood in her veins that she oniy gave him & thank you. ~Report £rom fkarliament EI-idI One cf the most interesting ham while sitting in my H-ouýje aspects cf a Member of Parlia- cf Commons office and an aff- ment'a lite at Ottawa is that h. ternoon of Politicai haggling. participates each day in such a Parliament Aroused wide variety et debates and As<-.ientioned last week, Par- evCflte. Il1asmsCn- WIde Range of Topies 1-ament as well sma aa dians has beèn aroused by the For instance, this week thc rrurders and attacks con youag range has mncluded farm prob- lemas, the sex deviation prb girls by psychopathicetmales. lem, shipments cf arms to e e, the lines of action ad- other countries, unemployment vanced vocally have net been insurances changes, prospective as oppcsed as in some letters health insurance for ail Cana- te newspapers. Most speakersi dians, cbcsed television circuits have been heated In theiri in Post offices, Immigration speeches statlng that thesel çolicy, a display et life n the 4"monsters" as one xnember iNorthwest Tirriteries, mv ai- called them. should be RivC-f tendance at a meeting in Duz- imprisonment, surgery or prac- tically anything else te stanli out the attacks. The Lawv h Adequate On Wednesday, Mr. Garson the !%1inister cf Justice, covered the details cf the criminal codi te show that the law cannot oe blamed too severely: that inde- finite detention can ho award- ed and, in fact, 20 prisoners in penitentiaries throughout Can. ada are already being confinec on that basis, wvhich couic amount te bife imprisonment. Adequate Protection Undoubtedly, a solution somewhere betwecn th e views cf those who suggest treatin,,, these misfits as the worst type cf criminals and those whic views their mental quirks as an illness, will have te Le found if society is te recelve adequate protection. Snooplng Television Several people have de. neunced the post office' s osi recent experiment cf providing closed circuit television. This is a cause which, of course, ap. peals te everyone's imagina- tioni. Imagine, working in a place where your every move- ment is watched by some snocper sitting in front eft television screen, ready to pounce upon you if you niake an errer. WiiI Replace Galleries In point cf tact, the situation is quit. a simple onc. Nonc raised objection te the con- struction cf expensive obser- vation gaIlerles xvith peep-hole slits Nvhich have been built into the largeý post officcs acros the country. The television idea is being tried as a less .:ý- pensive and more effective a!- ternative. Ordinariiy, neither the gallery or the TV will be used. Only when pilfering uf the public mail is suspected will they cerne into operation and then, only outside inspcc- tors will bc allowed te make use of them. no local member et the Post office staff will be .permitted access te the viewing screen-not even the postmas- ter. Many factories are already using TV in the United States for similar activities. The Shipment of Armi Quit. an issue has been ra*s- ed ever the shipment cf arms te Arab and Iýraei countries. For a wvhile, until the full de- tails were presented, it did ap- pear that we were favoring the Arabs by permitting an or- der for 15 Harvard trainers te go there. Later, however, Mr. Pearson disclosed that carefut consideration is given te any requests frein outside countriis and that cver $2 million worttî cf nilitary equipinent had been shipped te Israel during the past twe years and $771,121 worth te Egypt. However, in view cf the storm which even these comparatîvely sinali shipinents have hlade here, it would net be surprising if ail future requests for aid from either country were turned down-at least until conditions there cool off considerahly. Ilealth Insurance Coming Biggest news cf the week has been the efforts of the fed- eral and provincial govern- ments te get together on some sort cf health insurance seheme. Officiai announcement cf the federal government's efforts te take part came on Thursday h/ the Prime Minister. It now looks as though within a year most Canaclians can expeet le- gislation which. will provide them with public ward hespi- talization as well as diagnostic services. Details at the mom- ent as net toc complete, other than in the realm. cf specula- tien. The governing body cf the Nôrthwe,.t Territories cf Can- ada which met there recently, was presented with a newv mace, designed and carved by the Eskimos. The beautiful rnace, as well as a non melting igloo, carvings, colored photos, a revolving table cf metals complete xvith rattling Geigzr counter were on display in the Parliament bui1dingsý and at- ers cf enalwthe Msatd nie I ile, ail weitherty ae- teso gared in n thedee nay chofor aoailon upesdayeen-i îg. forw a ami]ysuper mhaee- îg. tas a peeisureste hav i ev. occasMon. Red eent onha nrike ofio.then alil shot nataend et thes delceuws hot Ivrone enjoyed a perioci cfr leasant relaxation as Ewartt td Clara Leask showed manyc ovely celcured slides taken - vhile on their wedding trip.r f speclal intierest were the r ýenes of the illumination cfè iagara Falls, the White Hous t îtWashington, Fifth Avenu%~, id the amazing sk-yserapersji Pl be tit Sc irý in Rý Mi ev pl ai loi wl Of SC( Ni ai an mnt tYsrk ind the int oequs anntht'ed nwmStinLawence y, Sawng Ah voe of thawks Wce a] eawaî'.A otCfathansoweds tetonded tandCiaî'a who s o- dci vided the interestlng commen-a tai-y, interspersed with bits of sa humer.S Club was beid et the home At wALAà1é;týt on ~ a.. Mrs. R. Dlavis, leader, on Jan- nioon, February 4 et 2 c'clock. INext zmeat:hig et the hoeaf uary 23. A trip te a dairy %vas Several tarmers attended thc Mr. and Mrs. L. ]Byers. discused and suiggestion3 ne- Crop Improvernent SnOeetiiig3I A loveiy lunch senved by tt1î, eeived thet it might be.-I pa. in Toronto and saw the fine hostels hrought another vea.y terboreugh. The roil cail waz dizplay of imachinery.j enjoyable *vening to a 0103&, O0rono Church Heurs* Fine Reports at Meeting Orono United Church report- ci-ur(;h stood at 292, an incrcase ed a very successful year itsiof0 over the prcvious year. annual Congregational metingDuring the year 20 were receiv. hei on We nes ay evenn ed by profession f faith, four ]ast. The business of the even-I by transfer and one reinstate- ing was preceded by the show- ment. Baptisms during the year ing of a filmn entitled "And Now were 29, while burials alEo 29. I See". Memberschip on the Boardsu The minister, the Rev. John ofetEide-s, Trustees and Stewv- Kitchen, presided over the' ards, along with the Ushers, business meeting. ,8.fter a short were adjusted in vlew of devotional exercise the busi- deatbs and retirement during ness of the evening was enter- 19,54. Mrs. J. Hartwell Lower, cd upon. Encouraging reports of Kirby, was appointed as re- were given on the past year s peentative taPbte r work by the Session, Boards eo pefrehtr- Stewards and Trustees, the W. A unanimous vote cf cont ir M.S., W.A., C.G.I.T.. Explorer- dence was accorded the min's- Y.P.U., W.Ç.T.U. and Choir. ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen The Sunday School gave one were invited to continue wit'î of its best reports for a numi- the charge for another year. A ber of years. pleasing feature of the eveninýj Mr. W. J. Riddell, Treasurer was a present ation to Mr. ani of the Church, told cf the Mrs. Kitchen, and Mr. Kitchen Church's financial condition sultably replied. and showed an encouraging At the meeting thariks wvere balance at the end of the year expressed teail those who harn The Treasurer of the M. & M. contributed se much during Mr. E. R. Rainey, reported an the year to the carrying on ,,f increase of givin.-s on the 'Red of the church-to tIie Side' of the envelopes. Durin,% various Organizationis, top the f the Year the regular Annual Choir and Organist, the Flo,,%- assistance wvas given ta the er Conmittee and ta the Care- work of the Upper Canada Bi. taker. ble Society and the Ontario Following the Benediction Temperance Federation. lunch was served by members The membership of tht of the congregatien. Lin the &Iitors NMail P. 0. Box 96, Springfield, Vermout flear Mr. James, I received a letter frein yen sometirne ago, in regard te my L9Oth blrthday, wbich is Marcb »10, 1956, and intimatlng thal you would rneet me, if I return te my native tcwn for my birthday. Se I amn taking yeu at youn word. I arn saving my pennies in order te take the trip, and land in Bowmanvllle on that day. I expect I will be gcing by auto, as a couple will drive mz there. We are getting oun trip mapped out for us, and I amn anxlously waiting the day I land in Bewmanville, my home town, altbough do not know the exact heure in which I was born. I arn very well, and amn now planning te do my annual birthday stunt, ton this year. Ar nont sure yet, just what it will ho, but it will ho soinc- thing spectacular. My husband will net ho able te go, as ho had a sîlght shock last spring, and It bothens hirn te walk. W. meved down tcwn, where Lt would b. botter fer him. Please lot me hean frorm yen, and we hope we ivill have nice weather at that turne. I cannot finish my Lite Story until atter I make that long anticipated trip te my native town. Thon I expect te wind it up. With best wisbes for a Hap- py New Year te yen, I arn, Sinenely, Eugenia Dumas Frazier, Editor's Note - Statesman readens will necail that eaeh year when this remrakable la- dy has observed hon blnthday in recent years she has celebra- ted it by doing seme stunt for lier advanced years, such as niding a bicycle, ice and relier skating, etc. Considenable pub- licity, with photos, have been given in United States and Canadian newspapers, includ- ing The Statesman, te these anties. Goodness enly knowvs what eut of the ordinar skill she is planning for March lOth when she cernes here. Anyway, froma her past experiences we will be ready fer anythixîg tram bher jumping from cur highest skyscraper te runnin«. "'Your favorite dessert and the recipo". The next meeting will bp. hold at Mns. Hamer's on Feb- muary 6. The roll call, "À% child's menu I pianuod". Thre gnoup discnssed skits and the demonstration which could be used for Achievement Day. Each group thon went te the kitchen te make soup whichi was later enjoyed for lunch. National Filin Board pictures will b. shown in the hall on Tuesday evening. Februany 7. lVomen's Institute The Wernen's Institut. wili hold an open meeting wvhetn anyone will be welcome oan Thursday evening, February 9. The guost speaker Dr. Parkes ot Toronto, wiil have as bis suhj oct, "Mental Health". The program wwUl aise teature a humorons skit, "Managing Your Husband", and musical numberSevic ChsBuch ervicgoer - MBructh e Megrneroa- ramednthe Tempeacero- gram nnae sngattemoo ah end BakYelersg adsoa andywhic Gld stewede im-d potnce oficb soesnd th ig an portnceof! chns oorng he ng-t ins. etwa fis or inthcor tis. As was mon finde the~ thisg young oanfondtheic itamblod and drank and he coon becarne one of their gang, finaily losirîg aillbis rncney and clothlng. Retumning te his Christian homne anrd once again attending chureh with bis famliy ho necelved a personal message tram the ser- mn which made hlm surren- der bis lite te Chritt and entas the ministry whene he o uh' ,.,in othei-s for Cbrht. The- chusch Fc-vice xvas wcll ittencied and flev. Recdýr s.ý age was emp.ciallv, for the ,uuth of today. The C.G.I.T7. and Explores in ther uiniforri3 occup'ed the front pews oet tire c:hnrch. Mns. \Vcs YeilowIces and Mss. Harvey Yellawleei sang a iovely duot "Beyond the Sunset". 100 yards against Alfie Shrubh, our 75 year old local worci champion distance runner. It's te b. regretted that none of the Dumas families ncw live i town, but we'Il see that the purple carpet is unrolled tr) give Mrs. Frazier a royal Car.- adian welcemne on Marcb 10.- G.W.J. 874 Manhattan Drive. Kelowna, B.C. Dean Mr. James, Tbanks for sending us a copY Of The Statesman coii- taining the most interestiný: article about Ray Dudley's ac- tivities at home and abnoad, iî the realm, of bis piano recitals. 1 ani enclosing an editorial clipping fnorn the Kelewa.e Courier, wrltten by the editor Ray P. McLean, who I under- stand is a native of Prince Ed- ward County lin Ontario, and is a brother of Wm. MeLean, edi- ton of The Picton Times. Its remankable how the famou:ý County of Durbam received such favorable and wide pulb- licity about its lusclous apples. With best regards, Hamry A. Perkins The article frorn the I<olow- na Courier reads as tclbows. ?4orthern Spies A tniend et mine of lon;g standing, George James, pub- lisher of the Canadian States. man at Bowmanville, Ont., lias been having a bit cf tun witli me. Bowmanville is in Durha-,'ý county, a naine quite apprQ ail ate as it recalîs te mind a ,î animal. The copy cf the Statesman h. sent along te me with pungent comment, carrled a stery thrt W. D. Canruthers, Dunhatai County erehardist, had wvon the sweepstakes and other topa pnizes at the Royal WLnter Fair in Torento. No mea-n achievement. Durhamn Connty bas eveny right te be prend. The winning entry was Spie3. I can't tell yeu how geod the.v wene because George neglected te rend along a sample. WIhic,'% was rather unfortunate because Spios are the b. w's favorite apple. And mine, tee. And 'va just ean't grew thern eut here like they grow thein in Ontario. And that's for sure. I suspect the inference ini George's effort was that On1- tarie apples are better tba.k B.C. apples.INo proof, this B.C. had ne apple entered in the cempetitiows At least as tan as I can find eut. For twc or three yeanrsB.C. Tree Fruits have bad a large display whlch wvas semething cf the bit et the show, but this was droppeci this year. Fan as I lcnow there wasn't a B.C. apple wlthin a hunrbred miles or more et the Toronto show. But, I'11 bet those Durhami County Nerthern Spies WERX gced apples. l'Il take George's word for Lt. Dalton Dorreil Host To Forum At Blackstock Biackstock Parm Forum met at the home o! Mr. and Mre. Dalton Donrebi and in spite of the heavy snewtail, there was a good tunnout. The discussion, atter listen- ing te the fine broadeast, %vas e nte:ed into with great zest. To do away with our Ca;ia- dian -way, ti-e Farnily Fanir, n-ot at all esirable, b,ýt expansion o!o the snmalier aee.e- age was teit ta be neeesary la order te niaintain more etfic- ont mnaehinery ta elluxinate long heurs and drudgery. We miust bend every effort ta rais. and maintain the h1gh standard et living comparable wvith our othen citizens. P'arMing b', a3 always, a tur,- darneritai but it demnandq rnoc-e and rnorc tif, Lest hrai-> t' OPCzal ' e. F .l<y. fort nvit tb.nade ije roeto it that nricer are raised an 1 maintained te a.;rure the fearmer anhix- b farnily a rLà- v.arir.g conPenýatý-on ,,Or their' la hC>n and -i v'eEtrnùe't. Mierrill Von Camp was chai:- Marn for the evening. Mr. andd Mns. B. Dorrell were ~1 .4 Music - The International Language Living Habits Have Changed :1 * -- i.., Visitors Find No Hyde Park in Moscow F ïDir Qattabian $tatesnan £tabbhed 135 wit, wl-ich s ineorpozoted rhe Bo~winü. News. The Newcntle Independeat and The. Oiono News lOlet Yeaz of Continuous Service fo the Town ol Bowrnanville and Durham Cou.nty AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SUBSCRUPION RATES 840 a Y*ar, strlctiy in advance $3.00 a Yeca ntheUnitd Statu. Autholead ce S.emd eu. Monl Post OUtce Dopotnt. Ottawo Puhilshd by TmE JAM SPUBLISING COMPANT Bowmanvlll., Ontazlo GEO. W. MAMES, Ezrror e *1~ -v I.. I L *=MDA'Y. PM. 2nd. 1958 1 - 1 PAGU T" THE CANADLAN STATESMAN. BOWIU%'V=Z. ONTAMO

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