n~rrr -.--r-- - -- -~ -. r r r ~r~'.'r -~ r-r' - n - ~.s.. r 'W T - - - THURSDAY. M~. tnd. 1958 TRE CANADIA19 'rA'I'WqIAN. BOfWMANVIU7T.1ONTrARIO PAGE Br"* Miss Betty Jean Werry, En- Miskileén, was a weekend guest of ber cousin, Miss Heather James. The Scout Mothers' Aux- fiarY regular meeting will be held at the Lions Centre on Wednesday, February 8th, at 2:30 p.m. Miss Ruth Rombough, Tor- Onto General Hospital, spent a couple of days at home with *her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ]Rombough, this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns spent the wcekend with their daugh- ter and son-in.law, Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Ban- croft. Col. Lyall N. Carr, 42, o! Port Hope, commander o! 13 Militia Group with headquar- ters in Part Hope, has been promoted ta the rank o! brig- e' dier. ~'Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- cock, Orono, spent last Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. Victar Hancock and Brian of the Boys' Training School, Bow- manville. Lions hockey draw winners for Wednesday, Feb. 8th are Laurence Goddard, Myra Coop- er; for Saturday, Feb. 11, Alvin Stacey, Sr., lanie Raberts; Wed- nesday, Fcb. 15, L. W. Dippell, Jack Coole. Mrs. M. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackelton, Erie and Ruth; Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist, Ray, John, Kathy and Murray, Salem, were Saturday supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Poley. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Luxton Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Percy Luxton Jr. and Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Tomlinson. and Mr. and Mrs. Cv Ashton, Burketon, were recent visitons o! Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and family, Tweed. President Elmer Banting o! the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce was amang the 40 representatives at. the Lake Ontario Regional Develapment Association luncheon meeting in Peterborough last Monday. The Guide and Brownie Mothers' Auxiliary sponsored a very successful home baking sale last Friday at the Hydro Shop. A great deal o! credit is due the mathers for their help and the committee in charge of arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- cock, Orono, wcre guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hancock and fam- ily, Warkworth. and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock and Brian, ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Sexagesima 8 and Il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il &.m. - CHUkCH SCHOOL 7p.rn. - EVENING PRAYER Bowrnanville, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock and family, Belleville, last weekcnd. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar le! t Wedncsday by plane from Mal- ton for Santa Barbara, Calif., whcrc they will spend a month's vacation. While there they will nenew acquaintance with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Morrill, formerly of Bowman- ville, now residing there. Bowmanville Choral Society will compete in the Kiwanis Music Festival ln Eaton Aud- itorium, Toronto, on Feb. 14, and are scheduled ta be heard in their class at 9:45 p.m. The two selec- tions they must sing are, "Thou Who Art All Holy" and "Phan- tom of Delight." Accordîng ta the Northum- berland-Durham Health Unit report o! communicable dis- cases for the wcek ending, Jan. 28th, there are 100 in the United Caunties. Bawmanville is reported ta have two chick- capax, three red measles, one mumps and three scarlet fever. On Sunday evenîng Mr. Orv- ille Osborne took Trinity Young Men's Quartette ta Ashburn. With Miss Margaret Goheen acting as accompanist, the quar-, tette sang, "My Bannie Lassie" and "Quit You Like Men" at the Fireside Haur. The quartette is compased of Bruce Colwell. Harvey Webber, John Dippel and Tom Park. Editor J. A. Vapni of The Leader, Davidsan, Sask., wno is President of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associa- tion, was a Sunday guest of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. G. James. Mr. Vopni cdaims he had ta came east ta get good apples and was delighted ta secure a bushel of Wilfrid Carruthers' prizc-winning quality Northern Spies. Local fire brigade member5 were interrupted from their dinner last Friday by a small grass fire which broke out on Jane St. south af the haspital. However a few squints of water from the truck put out the fire which was started by spanks fnam a nubbish f ire. There was no damage but Fine Chie! Hooper believed that the right thing was donc in caling the fire brigade.. Frank C. "Banb" Pethick was pleasantly surpriscd un Sunday ta receive a visit from the Grand Master of the 1.0. O.P. in Ontario, George E. Harrison of Ripley and Kin- cardine. Several local mcm- bers accompanied him. Mr. Pethick has been a member of the Order for almost 60 years and he and G. M. Harrison spent an enjoyable time ne- miniscing. Sunday was the 85th birthday o! Mr. Pethick. Reg. G. Lovekin, 203 Dunn Ave., Toronto, writes: Arn en- closing rcnewal for my Home Town paper. The people o! my native county have changed considenably and the oid fam- ilies of my youthful days a- round Newcastle are fast dis- appcaring. But I will assure you the Lovekins will nemain on "'Kilcolman Farn" like the brook forever - even in spitce of how the gavernment i3 making it almost impossible. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Keith (nee Marion Van Nest), Toron- ta; Mr. James A. Werny, Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Werry and dlaughter, Betty Jean, Enniskil. len, were Saturday dinner guests o! their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Keith showed beautiful colared slides an the scneen which they had Trènity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11 A.M. - "The Problem of Sin" aiC MR. W. PARLANE Chairman of the Toronto Businessmen's Association ~ An illustrated sermon. - rganist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.m. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - YOUTH FOR CHRIST -SPECIAL- See and hear "Veniriloquisi" ED. O'BRIEN and HIS PAL "GREGORY" TALENT DONALD CARLSON, Swedish Gospel Tenor THE MELODY MALE QUARTET EVERT SODERHOLM and His Violin BOWMAN VILLE Y.F.C. CHOIR Outstanding ?rogram BG WAN VILLE TOWN HALL 4 4 4 4 4 SAT., FEB. 4th m 8 p.m. I [ SocaIl&£/)ersona/ PhoneMA 3-3303 (Continued from page one) he continues hn the profession although now 83 yeans old. The Durham Junior Parmers have lincd up several projccts for the caming ycans which ln- clude attending the Leadersbipi Scbool for Junior Farmens ln Campbell!and, a drama festi- val, sponsoring a dance on Pcb- ruany 11, and a dnaw which will be held for the purpose o! rais- ing funds ta increase club acti- vities. Committees were naam- cd for the vaiaus projects and funther discussion will be giv- en at the aext meeting. President Bey Gray inforni- cd the club that thein member- ship ducs must be paid up by Marcb 1if1 any member wisbE s ta participate in any provincial Junior Farmer activities. 1955 Trophies Displayed A special feature o! las. weck's pnogram was the dis- play o! traphies which the Juri- ion Farmens o! Durham wt;n duning 1955. Ed. Summers stated that the trophies are al- ways on display ha bis office in Bowmanville, but he feit this would be an opportunity for people who didn't live near the tawn ta sec tbem. Dr. R. J. Taggert, Orono, presented tbrce miniature tro- phies ta the threc young mea wba won the dairy cattle jud- ing at the Royal Winter Fair last year, Clifford Bristow, Campbell!ord; Ken Buttery, Bowmanville, and Ron Brooks, Maple Grave. Clif! Bistow, who recentiy won a trip ta the Nation-il Junior Farmers' Convention in Chicago, told a! bis marvellous experiences at the convention. Besides enjoying seNféral. bani- quets and top-notch entertain- ment by great stars, Cli!! was taken on a tborougb tour al Chicago and bas brougbt back many souvenirs of bis trip. Peatured at the next meeting o! the Junior Parmers will be a panel discussion an rural lx! e. be placea wnere i oockea off access ta a section a! the ne- ference baoks. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, as- sistant libranian, made 550 ma- jor repains ta books and was also kept busy typiag cards for each aew book, ta be placed ha the catalogue cabinets. Story Hour under Mrs. Hutchinsoa's direction re-opened ha Octo- ber. This service is populan with children. The hour is fram 10 ta Il a.m. each Saturday morning, in the librany. Mrs. Bower also directed at- tention ta a teen-age stary hour, this anc heard aven ia- dia station CKLBI, Oshawa, an Saturday mornings at 11.15 a.m. The pragram, "Teca Age Book Parade", is sponsored by the Canadian Association o! Radio and Television Bnoad- casters and thnough intenesting matenial on books and authons encourages mare readin g through local libranies. Mrb. Bawer alsa necived fnom this association, a numben o! read- ing chants which go along withl the weekly pragrams, and is handing thcma out ta Young readens. Mrs. Bawer cxpressed the hope that school teachers, min- isters, and all those workin_ý with young people, as well as parents, would encourage bigb school studeats ta listen ta this weckly pragram, which en- Courages the neading o! good books. The sum o! $3749 was nealiz- cd fram the sale o! discarded books and magazines. invention The man who inventcd slow motion movies got bis idea while watching a Scotsman reach for a restaurant check. -~Man, Sandy, I tbocht you were in London," said anc Ab- erdonian ta another. "Sa I wvas," neplied Sandy, "but I couldna stick it. I wasna twa oors hn the place when bang went. saxpence." Kin Fathers' Dr. L. B. Williams, noted Bowmanvillle miniature camera! expert, was the guest speakeri at Tuesday's meeting o! the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club wbicb vas set aside as Fatb- crs' Nigbt. Sevenal o! the Kinsmen bad brougbt their fathers or a guest ta the meet- ing ta make the cveaing a mankcd succcss. Tbe fathers and guests pre- sent were: Jack Living, Clan- ence Hockin, Bill Lyfard, Fred Philip, Robent Preston, Wally Bothwell, Jack Smitb, Gearge James, John McGec, William Yeo, Bert Parker and Ivan Wooley. Dr. Williams spoke higbly af the work being donc by the Bawmanvillc Kinsmen and toc othen Kinsmen clubs acnoss Canada and be !elt sure that the Kinsmea will !urnish some o! the wondcn!ul pnogness whicb is coming ta Canada. Has Travelled lVidely Before graduating !romn the University o! Toronto with a dactors degree, Dr. Williams wonkcd as a teachen, news- paper publisher and a dnuggist ta belp pay the expenses o! his education, and through these vanied expeniences he bas ab- sorbed a great deal o! kaaw- ledge about Canada. Dr. Wil- liams bas also travelled ta ses'- eral parts o! tbe wonld and bas recorded bis travels on film. The theme o! the speaker's presentation was a camparison bctween Eunopean and Canad- ian life. Dr. Williams' slidu~s included such iten-. as uei Gaspje Cost land the wel,.il ;Night Coast, grain fields in Denmank and the Canadian Prairies, andi railroads la England and Can- ada. Wbile Dr. Williams gave a cammentary on each sldce, Mrs. Williams operated the prc.- jectar. Kin Ken Nicks thanked Dr. Williams and Mrs. Williams for their educational and informa- tive addî-ess. Kin Ken Hockin and Kin John Grabam led the club in! anc a! the best sing-songs af the year. Ivan Wooley acco- panied on the piano. An add-j cd feature o! the sing-song was a prevîew sbowîng of the bar- bershop quartet wbîcb will represent the local club ini Lindsay at the Kinsmen Quar- tet Nigbt, Februany gtb. The foursome are Irvine "Jake" Brown, Ken Hockin, Ken Nicks and John Graham. Presentations Made Birtbday spoons wene pre- sented ta President Li Parker and Kin John Werry by trie club registrar Kmn Hýarvey 'Slip" Rowe. Kin Harvey also reparted that the attendance at the meeting was 87.5 per cent. Ticket reports on the 1956 Buick diraw wcre given by each o! the tcam captains. *'m "Red" Swindells, chairmnan o! the draw, estimates that the Kinsmen bave distributed cloEe ta 10,000 books in the province. The Prit a! Gald draw was won by Kin Keitb Lathangue witb the special draw being won by Kin Lloyd Prestan. Mvlsters- man and cnitic for thie nigbt xvas Kin John WerrN. 1 nbebal! of the fathers and' takn astsumerwhleon a S five months' motor trip thnoughl Sratf o. d Shakespearean Theatre Europe and the British Isles. Rcv. and Mrs. S. J. Pike, Mrs. A. Wade, Mrs. J. Pearce and Mrs. C. Burley o! Newton- . ville called on Mrs. J. Lancai-x ter, Argyle Street, last Sunday and presentcd her with a gift fromn the variaus departments o! Newtonville United Churcli whcre Mrs. Lancaster 'vas an active member for many years before coming tg Bowa'ianvillei ta reside. Mrs. Lancaster pre- viously received the gift o! a cup and saucer from Newton- ville W.A. A supper party was held min honour o! Mn. and Mrs. Alfrpd Richards' 59th Wedding Ana.- versary at the home o! their son. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Rich- ards, Sunday evening. Amorv' those present were: Mrs. H.H. Todgham, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Richards, Mn. and Mrs. J. Robents and Douglas, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Len Richards, Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Richards and family, Mn. and Mrs. George Richards, Alan and Glen, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Rundle, Gloria and Donna. Among those who have en-______ tertained for Mrs. Alan G. Williams pnior ta her depant- une for Califonnia, are Mrs. W. '~ Leland Berry who had a tea at ber home, Liberty St. North, when many o! Mrs. Williams' fiends were present. On Maon- A Canada-wide appeal for $984,000 to build a day evening Mrs. J. W. Braden, permanent theatre for the Stratford Shakespearean Fest- Ontario St., entertained a ival has been announced by national carnpaign chairman number o! girl friends and former clas mates of Mrs. WiI- Col. M. C. G. Meighen, O.B.E. Col. Meighen is shown liarrs who presented her wikh discussing a seale madel of the praposed theatre xith Tom an addrezs book and individual Patterson, founder of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. gi!ts. Out-of-town guests la.. cluded Mrs. BillinIgram, Mns. iget rsn ttemeig Gardon Loxvery, Miss Majarie r riGuet rsn ttemeig Bnadt and Mrs. Ennie Brown, LiD I ]eorge James tbanked the Toronto: Mrs. Jack Bonrow- ' Kinsmen for a veny enjayable dale and Miss Aileen Gibbz, (Cniudro paen) evening. Mr. James commend- Osh&wa. On Tuesday after- . ciud rmpgeoe d the wonk being dane by the noon, Sunday School teachers ing the event. young club and congratulated of the Kindergarten Depant- D uring 1955, 360 new adult them on their past achieve- ment o! Tinity United Church books and 68 juveniles were ments and meeting their fin- gathered at the home o! Mns. placed on the shelves, as well ancial obligations. Jim Crombie and presentedI as 12 books donated. Mrs. Williams with a parting Ncw Cabinet Purchased There are twa kinds o! mcn gift. M ns. Bower pointed out that wbo neyer amount ta much- a new eîght-dnawen steel cab- those who cannot do what they inet for catalogue cards was are told and those who can do rpurchased for the library, but nothing clse.-Cynus H. K. Cr Junior armers due ta Jack of space, it had to tis. Citizens 1 (Continued !nom page one) I have even been associatcd with", he declared. The stnength o! the fcllowship, he said, exists in the fact that it works on the centre-line phil- osopby o! mutual help. A.A. membens stick together and share thein experiences in the hope that expeniences wbich have helped anc member will help another anc. "A.A. is also a spiritual pro- gram", he dcclared. Although he had been brought up in a Christian home, he had not paid much attention ta spiritual mat- tens duning his drinking cancer. The second stcp in the 12-step prognam o! A-A. brougbt hlm face ta face with the nccessity for believing in a power greater than himsel! which could help him combat his destructive alco- holism. This step states "Wei came ta believe that a power greater than ourselves could ne.- store us ta sanity", and is an important step ina the Alcoholic Anonymous program o! rccav- ery. Tom told his listenens that he had taken this stcp and naw believes that a power greater than himself - which is God ta most A.A. members - will help hlm tp maintain bis sobniety. "I arn warm with ecstacy when I ask for help in the manning and thank Hlm for His help at night", he declarcd. The speaker pointed out that the first step ln the pragram is also vitally important. It states "We admitted we were power- less aven alcahol and aur lives bad become unmanageable." This admission is necessary for the compulsive drinker on alcoholic, he said, because a!ter he takes the fîrst drink an alcoholic can- not stap fnom taking the second I and subsequent ones. "We are just anc drink away from a dnunk", Tom declaned. 24 Hours at a Time Anather important essential of the A.A. ,pbilosophy is that the A.A. member does not quit drinking fonever, he is cancera- cd only with stayiag sober anc day at a time. "I might step out on the street tomornow and it would aIl be aven", Tom declan- cd. "Therefone why should I be MA33O03 tor WANT"AI SERVIC cJeen Tlewvs too concernied about rny sobriety two years from now or 20 years frorn naw. I arn concerned only with staying sober todav. A.A. is a road bounded bY disciplinel but the fence posts are far enough apart that you don't feel confined", he stated. Tom 0. was introduced by Rev. Harold Turner and thank- ed for his very gripping and in- formative address by Gordon Elliott. Alan Strike, Chairman of the Bawmanville Citizens Commit- tee, welcomed those present at the dinner and stated that the committee was especially pleas- ed ta sec the large number of High Schaol students and youngI people present. He introduced the head table gucsts: Rev. and; Mrs. Turner, Rcv. T. Arthurj Margan, Tom O. and his wife, Secretary-Treasurer of the Cit- izens Committee, and Alex Mc- Gregar.. Mr. McGregor led a sing sang, accompanied by Mrs. Otto Bragg, and Margot Rankine pleased the audience with her very fine vaice heard in twa papular sangs. She ,was accompanied by Mar- garet Gaheen. A list of 1956 officers, elected fallawing the meeting, appears elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Strike thanked the ladies' of the cammittee for helpie ~ta serve the enjoyable roast beef dinner and instructed the secre- tary ta write Mr. and Mrs. Wool- ley of the Balmoral Hatel a letter of thanks far praviding the splendid meal. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE pmopecenwSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVÇ AlilusceALL THIS WEEK NEW LOTION DISCOVERY doop flowing facial ci sanser Siopeile Spray Deodonant for women Its ef!ectlveness can't fade away 1 oz. 75e 21/ oz. 1.25 Stopette for Men 75c, 1.25 Vita Diet 7 Vitamins, 7 Minerals 100 capsules --------- 4.50 lors YOU GET 4 WAY VALUE on I.D.A. BRANDS 1. Quaflty 2. Quanity 3, Pnice 4, Guarantee Consistent high quality, maintained by careful pur- chasing o! ingredients and rigid laboratory control during processing, results in ready customner accep- e worMtance and volume selling, permitting generaus quant- - ities at the lawest passible prices for you, the customer. Finally, every I.D.A. product is offered by your I.D.A. druggist on an unconditional guarantee of satisfaction or your money back. I SPEC IA LS! A.B.S. & C. TABLETS, 100's, reg. 23ec--19e c le ans- your siin p to 3 TIMES CLEANER thon ony soup - ony crecim by 7549$12 r? e b.Most effective and $-convenient MSTrIS treatment IP ENI CI LLI N end STREPTOMYCIN ." VaI e f 6 8 $1.50 BEEF, IRON & WINE with Vitamin Bi S16 oz., reg. 1.00- 79c COLD CREAM, Evelyn Howard Theatrical Style, 1 lb. jar, reg. 89c --------- - 69c EPSOM SALT, guaranteed fresh needle _____crystals, 1 lb. tin, reg. 25e- 19c IDOL-AGAR For constipation 16 oz., reg. 75e 59c 40 oz., reg. 1.59 1.19 WHITE EMBROCATION 4 oz., reg. 39e 29e 8 oz., reg. 69c 49c WITCH HAZEL Antiseptic Lotion 4 oz., reg. 30e 23e 16 oz., reg. 75c 59e Halibut Liver Oit Capsules 100'9 reg. 1.15 89e 250's reg. 2.29 __ 1.89 500's reg. 4.29 3.49 COUGH and COLD REMEDIES Analgesie Balm- 1 '/4 oz. - ---- ---- 0eo Baby Cough Syrup- 3 oz. - - --- .--------so Bronchida Cough Syrup 8 oz. ------. - - - 75e Bronehida Cold Capsules 30's.--------- --- 1.25 Children's Cough Syrup 3 oz- . ------- ------ 50e Idaphedrin Nasal Spray 2Oce ----------- ---95e Liquid,1. ---65c Idarub, Chest rub- 3eoz. - - --- 9 Idasal Tablets-- 100's 39e 300's 89e Syrup White Pîne and Tar 4 oz. 40c 8& oz. 75e Camphorated 01- 1, 3, 8 oz. 20c, 40c, 80c Friar's Balsalm- 1 oz., 2 oz.- 25c, 45e Save 14C o-n I.D... Tooih Paste reg. 57e 3 oz. tube 43e 2 for 85e VITAMINS Ced Liver Oul (higîx test) 8, 16 oz. - 90c, 1.50 Ced Liver 011 Capsules, 100'9 1.19 Idafer Capsules- 6'., 240's- 1.50, 4.50 Idamalt, 1, 2, 4 lb.- 75c, 1.29, 2.29 I.D.A. SHAVING CREAM Thick, finc-bubblc lather so!tens tougb beards Makes shaving easy, com- fortable, 21,à oz. tube 49e TOILET lTISSUE Pull size 750 sheet rails 2 relis. 25e WAX PAPER Heavy duty 12 inch, 100- foot rall in box with metal cutting edge -----29e PAPER NAPKINS 70 white, strong, emboss- ed napkins in a dispenser box - - ---- --- ------- 17e ;Bromo-Selizer - - - 29c, 55c, 98c, For Headaches* Stomach Upset1 Now! Your choice of. 3 Gilette S(IPER SPEED RAZORS! One has exactly thei right edgo angle, edge exposure and weight te match your face for superb shave,. Clean, comfortable, long-Iasting shaves are guarunteed. With Blue penser and Fe.turedc TV an - Blade dis i travel case. 1 2 Your choice ona Gillette's World Serim tnd Radio Broadeausa. NEWah , Waviste lotio.. NEW du& negtroqllo5. SUPER VEOl OFNTLI odor-free frizz-free trouble -Iiee awave con b. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 Saturday's bard time tiance gat started with a bingo dance. There were more present than usual and it was hard to dance without colliding with someane. It laaked for a while like there were going ta be several girls to every boy but a number of Osha- wa boys evened things Up. Bob Johnson and Ruth Hiller wvon the first spot dance. Then came the square dancing, follaw- ed by a schottische. Other spot dance winners were Ted Hilîman and Carol Wright, Merrill Brown and Wanita Young. There were frequent an- nouncements about the hockey scores ta keep all of the Baron fans posted. Bob Marjerrisan, M.C., and Ted Fairey did a swell job and saw ta it that the right records were played.. The Easter Prom will be on March 27, providing the orches- tra are free on this date. If not another time will be arranged. There wil not be another Teen Town dance for about two weeks because of the "At Home" at the High School sa if yau have nothing ta do this week-end, I recommend that you go ta Osha- wa Teen Town, C.R.A., on Fni- day night, or the Get-together Dance at O.C.V.I. on Saturday night. 1 Dr. L. B. Williams Shows Films at "EVERVONE WELCOME" Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local IDA. Drug -Store DRUG. STORES 1 eQ>eý. ' -1 - - - ý v -'Wý ý - -W -- - , F -- r- F --iuo- --- m