?HURSDAY, FEB. 9th, 1956 THfE CANADIAN gTAT SMAN. BOWMANVTLEJ. ONTARIOl ~Afl V~V Courlice Men Prove There Is a Santa Claus Shown above are the key men in the post-Christmas demonstration of good will which saw kindly neighbours and union men band together to build a new home for a Courtice Man wvhose home was destroyed with ail its possessions ear1lr Boxing Day. Lef t to right are Fred Owen, an employee of Roy W. Nichols Garage, Courtice, who started a fund to raise money for building materials for the new home; Ted Nichols, (no relation to Roy), the, New House Buit for Fire Victim Pictured above, is the new house of Ted.Nichols on Hancock Road in Courtice, built inside the foundation of his old home, which burned down the day af 1er Christmas with ail the family's possessions. A f und was started by sympathetic neigh- bors which. raised .$733 for building materials to erect a new house. Striking General Motors employees belonging to Local 222, U.A.W., C.I.O., contributed their labor to building the new home. They worked under the supervision of Alex Alexander, a rleighbçQr of Mr. Nichols ' and a carpe nter, who contributed his services. Mr. Alexander is shown at. lef t above with Mr. Nichols. St. Paul's Vestry Meeting LU - - -d - A - %m@AI, D& - O IW& riecurs mnhu, Bethaiiy: The annual vestry meeting of St. Paul's cburrhý mas held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening, with Mr. G. W: Meades acting as chairman! and Miss Laura Morton as the secretary, giving the vestry re- port. Two minutes silence Nas ob- served in memory of Mrs. Alice McGratb, Miss Annie Sisson and Miss Emma Revnolds, who had been valied members of icUNieprt the churcb. Mrs. Noel Wood gave the financil report stat- ing a most-successful year. John Palmer was appointed as the people's warden; Emory Smith as the Rectoc's warden; Robert Morton as the layv dele- gate 10 the Synod; Hope Ray- son 10 attend the Great Chap- ter; Glenn Wentwortb as audii- toc; Mrs. Noel Wood, lreasuî - er and envelope secretary: James Gay as organist: William KODAK CAMERA We have a good selection of the Iatest models prced as low as $ 2.95. Ask ta see the new Kodak Pony 135 Camera, Model C-a Sudget-priced 35mm. miniature that makes it easy ta get good color pictures. Has f, 3.5 lens and 1/300 flash shutter. Price of the "Pony C', - $39.75. Let Your Porch Lighi Shine 6:30 - 7:30 p. Wednesùy, Fehruary hIs MOTIIERS' 31ARCH ON POLIO JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 80 WMANVILLE man who was burned out; Darlington Reeve Roy W Nichols, who contributed $50 to the building fund; and Alex Alexander, a Courtice carpenter who supervised theý construction work free of charge. The Darlington Reevel is presenting the key of the new house to Mr. Nichols. He wiIl be able to move in with his family by the middle of the month..1 Vernon Malcolm and Ronnie Minsball are recovering froin the mumps: their brothers and sisters have also had tbem. Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine spent Fniday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mc. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- joy, Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. Melville Sameils, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests with Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs and Miss Anna on Sunday. Sorry 10 hear Mrs. A. Mac- kie and Dr. Bowles are both on the sick ]ist. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns, Mn. and Mrs. John Nesbitt spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emer- son and family, Toronto, were Sunday dinnen guests with Mn. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Congratulations 10 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfned Weatherilt, Cae- sarea, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, Feb. 7tb. Mc. and Mrs. E. Brown and Miss Marie Marlow, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson on Sunday. Mrs. George Bowers veny kindly invited the W.A. and W.M.S. ladies to ber home for their meeting Fcb. 16th in charge of Mrs. Ralph Sadlerxs group. Mr. Billy Johns, Stouffville, visîted bis parents on Sunday. B.H.S. Teacher Shows Movies At Bethany Bethany: The Young Adult Club of the United Churcn were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Long- field, seeing a travelogue pre- sented by Miss Ethel McKague of Bowmanviile, who last som- mer iourneved tb Eîgland. Scotland, France. Swilzerlarîd, Denmark and Norwav. Her pic- tures of rural scenes' buildings, parks, etc., were very en jo,-- able. Miss McKagtie was minro- duced and thanked by Mr. an-1 Mrs. Ross Davidson, bte pr~o- grarriconvenors. The worship service was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. MVervîin Porleous, wilb Mrs. Edgar Bec r i'eading the sci iptureles. - and gîving the explanation. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Po>rteoi,-,Z w-ere in charge of the recreit- 'ion period and arranged sev- eîral contests. Allan Beer sang .wo songs, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Edgar Beer. Lunch was served and a soc:ali hour enjoved. Tbe members were pleased 10 accept the in- vitation of Mr. and Mrs. Alian Beer to bold the next meeting at their borne. PONTYPOOI IPhillips, sexton. Mrs. Roy Jarvis reported 9 successfui year for the Wom- en's Auxiliary and Mrs. Robert Sisson gave a detailed account of the Ladies' Guild. These two groups bave done considerable work in renovaling the church during the past year. installing new flooring and panelling in the chance . F. Rayson ce- ported an increase in attend- ance at the Sundaxy school and Mrs. H. Raymon gave an en- couraging report of the Junior W.A. activities. On motion it xvaq decided È) send S100 to the Extension Funci at Toronto. Members expresse-1 their appreciation of the faitb- fol service of Mr. Ed. McDoni- aid, lay-reader of Peterbor- ough, wbo bad conducle-1 weekl , Sunday secvicé-s sine Ilhe Icansfer of the bRev. T. S. Gault to Fenelon Falls in Nov- ember. Lunch was secved and a so- cial bouc enjoyed. The following day word was received of the officiai ap- pointment of Mr. G. W. Meades of Peterborough as incombent. NESILETON The Nestleton W. I. met at :hc home of Mrs. George Bow- We were pleased to see onr ers Feb. 1lst* with 22 ladies and oldest citizen, Robert Corbet' three children present. Met-'wboisin bis nineties, shovelling ing in charge of Mrs. Bower's snow virecently. For the historv group. Hist 'orical Research con-lof this commonitv Ibis grandi vener, Mrs. G. Thompson, Wvas 1oid man can give you a tbhe, in charge of the program. Mrs.1facîs. W. Vine gave the motto. "I! ILO0L. No. 82 held anoîber isnot xw'at you start that coun'! I special meeting recentiv when but w-hat yo finish". Roll cali more applications wvere voted on. -iean Indian name. Ccr- At ]pas* seven wviil be initiatedt lent events %were given by mrs. on Feb. 131h witb the Tvrone L. Fitze. Plans were made to L.OI,. degree teamn in charge. entertain oîîr friends on thej Aftex' a lengthy' illness Mrs . e-vening of Feb. 22nd to cee-! Alvin B rown passed awav. Fcun-, brate ocîr 50 years in a qu;et eral w-as beld fî'om Millbrook wvay. Ladies to brin- some %ith interment in Pontvpool quilt blocks 10 the next meet- Cemeter.v. To those who mourn ing. 1111s. Bowers and group we extend our syrnpalhv. served a dainty lunch and cul) Mr. Wilfred Richardson is of tea. Ail %were given a vote making extensive altecations on off thankz. and ciap for another his new homne noî'th off the v'il- spiendid meeting in Mrs. Bow- * age. er~ i ome. Next meeting in, ' We wvere giad bo sec Rev. Bon- charge of, Mrs. J. Hoyec's steel. able to conduct church g gruup. services on Sundav after bis ne- c ent îllness. Svrnpath.ny zextended 10! A good cow\d wa.3 present In off hýs home *by Lire la3t Wed- Ion Saturdav evenînz. A siniilar neâday. . event Wiil take pLace on the lBth. Wildey Night Observed' By Bowman ville I.O.O.F Nancy, Ida. The Bethany Community Band went to Coboconk on Fni- day evening, playing for a car- nival there. Mrs. Ina Palmer spent the weekend in Peterborough with ronto on Tuesday where ahe will be employed with The To- ronto-Dominion Bank at their College and Bay streets branch. Miss Gayle Bristow, Oshawa. was home for the weekend with ber mother Mrs. H. Bristow. Odd Fellows in Canacla and that they can extend the hand ij M. and Mirs n. io y rvs - Buckeyean rizona hae an- the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Unitd Sate eacRyer oJfelowsip vis- Canadans e an Aizorn.,Lave Iaw&n- th ntdSaesec erjofflosi o e aain ited with their daughter and nouniced the arrivai of their honour the memory of the foun-! who have cut off the ties of son-in-îam. I'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph second daughter Martha Susan der of their Order on the North hmln n r okn o American Continent by ho medind an d arl. heeakeoking o Connor at Walkerton during on January 26th. Mrs. Dawv- a "Thomas Wildey Night". Mem- closing. emphasized that Odd the weekend. kins is the former Doris Driver *bers of Florence Nightingale Fellows, ,whose Order is founded Miss Marie Carr ]eft for To- of Bethany. Lodge No. 66, BowÀmanville, on! on the principles of friendship,________________________________ *February 2, marked the event love and truth, can imbue new- Fwhen they attended a dinner in corners with the spirit of de- the local lodge rooms, followed mocracy and set an example bY' by a short program. the practice of their principles,: P.D.D.G.M. Sidney Little, toast- so that there will be no room [ mastr, ntrouce hea tale1 for "isms" in the lives of our P.G.M., Brooklin; D.D.G.M. Alvin1 Challenge ta Organizations Blewett. Orono; N.G. R. Hutch- Bro. Milton Elliott, in extend- inson, Mr. Arthur Duncan, Bata- ing a vote of thanks to Mr. Duoi- wa, Bro. Walton G. Pascoe, Rev. can, expressed the sentiment of Bro. S. J. Pike. Newt onville. th e mem bers when hie said il Mrs. Edwin Wood preside d at theF had been a long lime since hie piano for "Grace" and "The. had enjoyed suchi an entertain- Queen", also accompanied for a:1 ing and thought-provoking ad- J I H a sing-song led by P.G. Wm. dress. It was a wonderful chai- L Shotter following the deliciouIs lenge to lodges and organizat ions, U. m A ~ dinner. A vote of thanks xvas and lie hoped immigrants would [ U U U E U extended to the Sisters of Bee attend our schools and churcl-es. *V.5 .U H.. 0 Hive Rebekah Lodge who caler-, that thev will be imbued wilh ed, by P.D.D.G.M. Wm. Corden. the Canadian spirit of democ- 1Mrs. Gordon McMurter, conven- racy. er, replied, on behaif of hier Enlarging Home commitee.Past Grand Master McKinney, Bro. Wallon Pascoe, introduc- refcrring to the focînder of the ing the guest speaker, Mr. Arth-, I. 00F. ini Anerica, said lie xa ur Duncan, said hie was born in 1 Ie frlol i ftrte ed l Erilan an edcaed n Tron 1and that the Homne Board of On-: to, was a Past President of Lions tario is drawing up plans for an International, and at present is extension 10 the Home at Barrie f Director of Public Relations for to provide needled accommoda- the Bata Shoe Co., Batawa. tion for deserving members of Interest in I.0.0.F. the various branches of the' LET YOUR PORCH LIGHTi Mr. Duncan in his opening re-, Order. marks. said hie had more than aF D.D.G.M. A. Blewett, District' casual interest in the Od Feî 4.1, broughî greetings from the SH iIN4E lows' lodge, as the first four other lod.ges in the district. He'ý members were sboemakers. He was accompanied by a good referred to a remark by Mr- representation from the Orono Pascoe that the last lime lie xas Lod.ge. incheduled ll liadid ave Rint BrW ed.J.February 15e a leg 10 stand on". He* was at the piano for "0 Canada". e . Fe r a y 1 meeting of service clubs here, f but shortly before the date hie suffered a broken leg. However, BE THANY 6:30 Io 7:30 p.m. apicked hlmupatnthebospac isMede isoTrn a fred hmupaw ehith nab lance Fde Sson orn and brought him here - and his to, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fight Polio - Give Generously to the address was delivered from a Mark. sitting position - his other leg Mr. a nd Mrs. Bruce Ryley Mothers' March of Dimes Campaign being an artificial limb. left on Sunday, motoring to "A good sense of humour Is Florida, where they will spend needed as well as lears, we can a months-' vacation. promote a smile by good dlean Mrs. Leonard Merrick and humour" the speaker reminded children, Kingston, with Mr. With the compliments of his audience, and proceeded 10 Ernest Stacey. illustrate his point wîth a num- Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Meades ber of wholesome witticisms and are welcomed 10 the village, songs. moving here from Peterbor- Delayed Ploneers ough on Wednesday. Mr. Duncan said hie liked to Recent guess with Mr. and J a c k 'B ro u g h . think of D.P.'s as "Delayed Mrs. John White were Mr. and Pioneers" and Canadian organ- Mrs. Walter Monchief, Fraser- PLUMBING AND HEATING izations are faced with the great- ville: Mrs. Harry MeGee, Mrs. est responsibility of al l ime, in Neil Nelson and daughter Onply Ford Q/Jèrç aaîd yqourfamily(ý allithe safeqof g0Cfl. - ao'OQçO ...l 4Nl * : 1 LIFGUAR FORD'S NEW SAFETY STEERtNG FORD'S NEW SAFETY DOOR FORD OFFERSITHE COMFORT AND YOU CAN HAVE THE ADDED PRO- WHEEL HAS A RECESSED CENTRE LATCHES KEEP DOORS CLOSEO SAFETY 0F SEAT BEITS FOR ROTH TECTION OF PLASTIC-PADDEO TO ABSORS IMPACT! UNDER STRESS! FRONT AND REAR PASSENGERS! INSTRUMENT PANEL AND SUN Ford designed ilie famoum Everv '56 Ford is eauipped Safetv authorities agree thiat VISORS IN FORD! Lifegutard sîeenliiîg wheel %vith tue boub recessed 3 inche- be/oir t he im. lIn the event of an accident, thie oleep-centre construction acî.s as a cushion under imnpact, to decelerate the driver and give him extra protection against striking the steening coiumn. This wheel is standard equipment on ail of Ford'b 18 models! with completelv niew saety- liolîl door latches 'hiese lau-lies hiave a special plate iliat overlaps the rotor to prov-ide a doublec,,rip, and if the door-frame sîretches, as il is apt 10 do in a collision, Fonds safety-hold latches give added protec- tion against doors spnîng- ing open, help keep you within thie safety of the car! seat belîs, properly madle and insitalle(], can stîbstan- tially reduce ai'cident in- juriîes. 1'ord*s îiew seat belts are one-third stroriger than those required for commer- cial airliners and they're anchored to a doutle-rein- forced area of the floor structure! Tlhev are avail- able (at small extra cost) for both front and near seats. M any passenger injuries; experts concîtide, are caused by contact wit h he instru- rment panel or suri visors, so Ford devcloped a new ex- panded plastic cushioning for instrument panel and vusors that isjuve times more shock-absorhent than foamn rubber! Lifeguxard paîiding is available. at modc"î extra cost, on all Fond models. ..Iw cmr ar 1(1 Sseldnq l(>ft) sales iveord s Sales of the '56 Ford have broken alpeuu urs Y our Ford-Monarch Dealer is deternîined to keep up the sates-pace im ... 8o0iie's ready to give you a really outstanding value.buyl WE INVITE YOU TO SEE, DRIVE AND COMPARE THE 36 FORD AT YOUR F'ORD-MONARCH DEALER'S! CARVETH MOTORS Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 CON ONTHS ri FR-HE ES VLUS I UE *CA S DTU 56F -WITH LIFEGUARD DESIGN mon PAM "VU ý -iï