TfflJRSDAT, TETHEOth. 1958 STATESMAN. OWMANV T.LI, ONTARIO A s v j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell London, were weekend guestý of her mather, Mrs. Harry Rice Miss Edna Bottrell and Mrs E. J. Dopp, Toronto, spent thý weekend with their sister, Mise Mae Bottreil. *Miss Elizabeth Morrison Reg. N., Guelph, was a week. end guest of Mr. and Mrs Charles Denton. If you want to know whai farmers are thinking about thesE days then read the Farm Forunr reports in this issue. Mrs. Seward Dowson, Mn. and ~<Mrs. Alvin Dowson and sons, Glen and Arnold, visited friends at Victoria Road on Sunday. Messrs Jack and Glen Lan- der and Monty Goslett have been in Toronto this week at- tending the Hardware Show. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott and daughter Heather, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Candler ànd Sandra an Satur- day. Dr. D. M. James and Miss Jane Droppe, Toronto, and Miss E. E. McDonald, Philadel- phia, Penn., visited Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Tait, Sr., spent the weekend with their - _ ' i 1, meeting of the Womnen's As- ts sociation of Leaside United e.Church, Toronto. s. The annual I.O.O.F. bus trip 2to Toronto ta see the Maple Leafs ;s in action was enjoyed by almost forty members and friends on 1Feb. 4th, when they saw the 1Chicago Black Hawks defeat 5the Leafs 4-2. This outing has been sponsored by the local klodge for a number ai years. e Pastor and Mrs. Richard R. n Hutchinson, Cannington, are Svisiting ber parents, 4 and Mrs. Harold Carpenter, liaving re- d cently returned from a motor 3trip through the Ottawa Valley swhen Mr. Hutchinson ministered in Kemptville for Rev. Wmn. A. -Bowler and at Chesterville ewith Pastor R. Ellis. The mailing lists of The Statesman have been corrected J up ta Feb. 4th for subscriptions received up ta that date. Look tat the yellow address label now »and see if the date is correct. If not, please advise us. We greatly appreciate the hundreds ai readers who have renewed their subscriptions Sa promptly. Jim "Ticker" Crombie, who often collects fees for referee- ing in Lindsay, does pretty1 well in draws conducted in W~iI Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Snowden, Maple Grove, wiJl be at home to their friends and relatives on Tuesday, February 14, between the hours of 3 and 5 irn the afternoon and 7 and 9 in the evening, on the occasion of their 5Oth wedding anniversary. -Photo by Campbell Studio and Mrs. J. A. Wynn and fam. night his ticket in a draw be- Anothen Bowmanville boy i ily, Brantford. ing conducted by the Lirics3y hît the limelight when a photo Junior "C" hockey cubwas appeared in a Torontopar Parking9 Lot Mr Jme T Bow, ew drawn, and as a esult he won last week of Mr. Ernest Bt- (Continued from' page one) cslwas appointed Vice- a2-nhPilp eeiintnell, Port Perry, who with President of the HolÉtein-aFrîes- setpstelviio ianAssciaionof anaa t. three othen employees ai the Coun. Norman Scott suggested tianAscnvetion ifCnaToronta eea ebn iteBw Dominion Stores were present- that Mr. Stunrock also obtain thei covenion n Tioni Seera mebersof he ow-ed with Quarter Century Club ofiers ta purchase the Infantine last week. manville Badminton. Club comn- membership insignia by Mr. T. pnoperty on Division St. and the Report ai the Northumber- peted in the tounnament in Tren- G. McCormark, president aof le 1 Klarckpae land - Durham Health Unit on to a st Sddacurdynigf h andgve Dominion Stores Ltd. Ern 1e, .iso eprneS communicable diseases for theaspeddcoutithmevs who 'bas been manager af the tiso eprneS. "I canI Bowmanville entries came close PotI rysoefranme ota fyuwn otl bu week' ending Feb. 4th shows 4 in bath the men's double finals iPrtPrysaefranme ota fyuwn atl bu cases of Red Measles in Bow- and the mixed double finals, af years, is son ai the late spending a lot ai maney", Mr. manville, and 2 cases ai Scanlet wihGr ih n i ur: Thomnas Bottreil, and brother Stunnork said. "Thase people Fever. Gess rymniinghe en'sBiteam aiMiss Mac Bottreli af Bow- would probably sehi if they Mn. and Mrs. Leo Oliver and and Marian Swindells and Gary ninil.cudgteog oe" family, Oshawa, spent Sunday Tighe the mixed team. Many loyers af music in this Temnperance St. Parking with Mn. and Mns. Charl:e The Statesman1 joins with community who in years pa5st Mn. Sturrock brought ta the Dawny nd amîy. n. nd is nieds n hs n tiv twn enjoyed the singing ai the Old attention ai cauncil that persans Mon ns d JimiHyananM rl andh i Bwninlhininge on-Village Quartet will be sarry working in the Specialty Paper! Town, cm alled a h n y Ca ratuflwati ta M cn._.G.(et ta earn ai the passing in Tz)- Company building are parking Town caledat he owny'sgratlatonsto r. . G (Brt)ronto last week ai its leader, ahi day in front ai it whihe there on Sunday. Hutcheson, Pont Penny, in be- Albert C. Chapman, aged 74 is a parking lot available at the According ta the Toronto I nPg pnescnted with a lufe meiih- yas "Chappie" as hie was rear ai the building. He sug- TeleramMrs A.R. irgiLdrsp iOshawa. Thshonorfailiiarly known by his egion gested a two-hour parking imit formenhy ai Bowmanville, was Loge, saa hshnro admirers was hast in Bow- an Temperanre St. between elected president at the annual was given in recognition af ma nville three yeans ago when Church and Wellington Streets. services rendered by Mn. Hut- he was guest at a Rotary Club Mayor Nelson Osborne stated chesan as a past District Deputy luncheon. On that occasion that this matter had been Grand Master and as a former he gat the membens singing brought up before council twa Master ai Cedar Lodge. lustiîy with a view ta îorming yeans ago and it had flot wanted ST. J HN' The second exhibition af the a bnanch of the Society for thc ta impose a two-hour limit on Taronto group ai the Sculptons' Presenvation and Encourage- the street at that time. A letter Society ai Canada on dispiay ment ai Barbenshop Quarte, had been sent ta the Speciahty during Febnuary in the reading Singing ai which hie was On- Paper firmn asking the emplayees room aof the McLaughlin Lib- tanio president. His genial and ta Park at the rear, however. C HURCH ray saa a an entry by jovial personality was infect-. A hetter was received from (Anglcan)erly ai Bowmanville. It is public and his sweet tenor High School, objeting ta cars <Agia)described in a report ai the voire rharmed and captivated parking on the south side' ai exhibtian, as "a subthy beauti- 1 many audiences in the 20 years Queen St. in front ai the school ful head ai a young boy in he and his quartet taured Cani- and abstrurting the view ai driv-1 Quainquagesima Jndiana imestone." Elford is ada and the U.S. Wc are sure ers coming out from the schoh a son of Mn. and Mrs. John "Chappie" received a -rousing parking lot. He asked that signs Cox. welcome hast week when h. be erected prohibiting parking 8 a.m.- It was afficially announced joined the "Chair Invisablc."' on the south side ai the street in hast week that Mn. A. E. In- It can also be tnuhy said of front ai the schaol duning schooh HOLY COMMUNION gram ai Pont Hope had been bim by his hast ai iniends: hours. appointed Registrar ai Deeds "The memory ai the depanted Reeve Sidney Little believed for East Durham and will be is sweet.p that parking was prohibited on1 10 and il a.m.- in charge ai the registry office the South side in that block at CHURH SHOO at ortHop. Ths wll illthe present time, but Coun. Tam the vacancy caused by the edrsadth pkigs death ai Hugh Camenon who TiIlK of BIlnd penmitted an the sauth side from, 7 p.. -pased aay bou a yar go.the Anena ta Ontario St. Thei 7 pm. - pssdNa ya bouncme t a s y e ag. umatter was reerred ta the Police EVENING PRAYER mNoeanoncement hsbeen D rinri \W hite Cammittee with power toacat. poînted Registrar fan West Librany Delegation Durha m at Bowmanvîlle. A delegation irorn the Baw- ___________________________________Cane Ol W V ekI manvihle Library Board appear- cd ta ask counicil ta consider The theme for 1956 Wrhite passing a resohutian asking that Cane Week, which is being held the local library be changed Y o u .. from a Public Library Associa- Februany 5-11 and is co-sponsor- tion ta a Free Public Librarv. cd b.y the Canadian National Speaking for the delegatian, R. are lovingly invited to attend a Institute for the Blind and the G. Hamlyn stated that the pres- Canadian Counicil for the Blind et art iaes aie the Bardar F REE LECTURE 1 s"he hite Cane Creates .sgetting its quarters from the Ctotfihynina", but the Board on Lbrai ofC.N.I.B., obscnved tw etfe n hudtee "The greatest bannier ta the fore nat bc 100 citical. How- bind is immobihity." He ex_ ever, the library is looking for- C r s i n S i n ep"lained that when a Persan loses Sadt hedyweni 1a C h is i n c en ehis sight, the idea ai gaing an anPo sblyabtain langer quarters Give by- FrstChuch f Cris, Sienist Osawa whene, sametimes from anc roo fnom the tawn or same other Givenby - irstChurc of hrist Scietist Oshaa toanothr in hahuse, is in- ado. Lecturer- Harry B. MacRae, C.S.B. of Dallas, Texas, ;tolerable. The request for the change meniber of the Board of Lectureship of Thus anc af the major services 1 from a Public Librar.v Associa- the Mother Church, The First Church of ai the C.N.I.B. and the C.C.B. Mor aiaPubic r -eLibayis ChrstScentstof ostnMasacusets is ta provide motivation ion the a)ein g madeMr. Hamhy sid Chrit, cietistof ostn, Mssahustts newly sighthess. To get the with this move in mind sa that Subject- Christian Science: Its correct view of God sightless maving again the C.N. langer provincial grants can be and nanbrigs halig. .B. as orkhopswhih oet:obtairý,ed at that time and the~ and an rins helin. IB.easa-orkhanpasemhy pofr-Board will have suifirient iunds Place Regent Theatre, 48 King St. East, Oshawa ers,to-ha tipp emt a ro-reet ay rentaI. Unden the pres- Time - Sunday, February 12, 1956, at 3:15 p.m. and keep a persan buisy for sev- ntsYstem the library charges a eral hours a day, home tearhing membership ieai. S 1.00 per Doors open at 2:30 p.m. clse htda h ln aPersan front whielh it obtains A 15-mniýiute tape recorded interviewr with Mr. graup training in Braille and $300, the province gives a grant' Macae vii bebrodcat n Fida evnin. Fb- handirraft, forcing the pupîl ta ai $200, another grant ai $100 in MacRe wll b bradcat o Friay venig, eb- forsake his aovn home far the ransideration ai the town's grant ruarv lOth at 7:15 p.m. over Radio Station CKLB, classes several times a week, and ai $2,500, and a further $100 Oshawa. th enaound ai rerreation ofiered' grant ion book purchases. ~by the C.C.B. clubs. Larger Grants Available ------------------------------ "But more important stilh is Under the Public Free Library «'~'. .e.'* **~* 4~ ~c~*3* *V'S ffl* 4O~3~ the warmth ai the human exper- system, he said. the tawn would ~ienre the cane draws in as soon give a iixed grant ai aI heast 50 ailapears - the smile in the cents per capita and the pro-, ~~D a ~ voire, thetuho the arm," vinrial grant would be based oi] (. u c adMr.Beath"It ahi begins a certain percentage aith N 'jthe pcg, and get going. That's $300 ai the present $400 pro-~ whv w sa v, The White Cane vincial grant, but would neccivel Minister- Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. JCreates Confidence." another langer grant from the! province hased an the percent-ý 11 M-I om &H c~Ol age of the town's grant. This' cd eta e isin resesminthv with Homee&dyhSol for lange uane r bt and boas or I1I~II theLdira they Boar in ther desir A vey enoyabe evningwas hatthpy cary ntalfor 1ter 7P.M- soialevenng ad dnce t tedcate s punpss whchwilh; "Gd' Rm yFo Sn"ScamuiaylCngohStura rîthe mi ryaitheidee it A . erFeb. 4th. Music was by R thathort i cfadsrHy ovforthet Orcb a hs tr e the malet erbe efete t th Hopeciandpizsch ressgiveaurtionace Comm ittee for stufor Th7Cor i roie henuscs Tpon eiming ain dan e - abhe outite'euoes ounil wuld Jur~ior omnitv Crvdnce-rp nd r cosethem neguar cash grat' -&octa/ & [Personal Phone MA 3-3303 Bowmanvilhe, wilI be similar ta Bell Telephane for $1 30.45 for Mundav ramments. and adds, 1958. Town Clerk Aiirk Lyic 'Couhd il be a record?" h Se ekSpecial Plot ln 'Orono Cemetery Fc Old Village Pioneei John Armstrong and Charles hast year's grant, that is Miller, directors o! the *Orono per capita. The Cou Cemnetery Board, askcd the co- appointed Mrs. Hanolc operatian ai Clarke Township as their nepresentativea Counril at the manthhy council ton on the Bowmanville meeting Tucsday in establishing Board. a pioncer plot in the Orono Cem- Coun. Hartwell Lou eteny ta commemonate the de-. appointed as Clarke'si ceased in Old Eldad John's tative at the County i Cemetery whîch bas gneathy de- o! Agriculture meetings tcnionated in the past yeans._________ Thene have been no burials in the aId cemetery since 1888 and D the Cemetcry Board is asking Servie y that a suitable plot be madevie with a cairn constructed af ail (Continued f nom pag the aid grave mankers. This ChapeI St. Crossi plot, they said, would be ai great Alte a ee histonical value ta future gen- Aetnier stnieei a eratons.a question referned ta The council agrced to contact firm askigwehrt the Depanîment ai Health and r*lwy cking heth find out the procedure ta iollaw ecm end ai Chapel ý in setting up such a cemetery. pnivate or publiec mos5 Plan Joint Dump the January meeting A written agreement wihl be had been received fi drawn up between the munic- C.P.R. asking that it bE ipalities ai Clarke and New- cd a public crossing castle cancerning the construc- ai the fact that the pu tion ai a dump an the praperty using il. known as the Old Township Mn. Stnike statcdt Graveh Pit which is owned by deed at the negistný Clarke Township. showed that the land Newcastle Reeve Douglas Cun- tian had been granted1 ningham- agreed verballY at the Pinie and his sucresso Clarke Township Counril session are at present Howard that Newcastle would pav 50 per and Jack Leddy. Inh cent ai the cost ai bulldozing ion it is stihi a priva and pr".aration and would as- and sînre onhy Mn. Burx sumne the full cast ai mainten- Mn. Leddy anc using tl ance aiter construction. An ing they should be advi agneement will shorthy be drawn they wouhd be hiable, up and signed by bath parties. the town, should anya Clarke Township's yearly accur thene. grant ta the Memnonial Hospital, A bill was receivedf repairing the damage donc ta stated that the town was in*,' a buried cable on Middle Road conporated in 1857 accorlnÊ by a digging machine hired by ta bis records, but the ffrg :he tawn late last summer. On mavor did not take office utmtl motion ai Deputy-Reeve Car- 188. On. motion of Coun.( ruIlions this xvas reierred ta Scott Mn. Lyle was instructedi the tawn*s insurance campany. ta write ta provincial autholt' Coun. Kih Lathangue asked is ta lean in what year if the tawn has a map showing act ai incorporation for where bunied telephone cables tawn was passed. arc located. Mayor Osborne Due to a lengthy mneetl~ rcplied that it does not, but which lastcd until after nm1d. the Bell Company has anc and niglit, council did not haveJ - suggests that they be consul-,- time ta dîscuss the draft. gar cd before ditching i.s carnied bage by-law. A special fieet3 out. ing was set for Monday. 'Pt Civil Defence Disussed 20, at 7:30 p.m. ta take'up tii A letter was received from matter. The speciaq budge the Civil Defence Branch f meeting, when 1956 estmate the Ontario Depanment ai will be gone ve, w Il be heit. Planning and Development ad- n Fbruary 29th. visin.â t14. hLC £ cuu r al %a x, ernment will pay 50 per cent and the Ontario Government 25 per cent ai the cast ai civil defence schemes. It also oifered to send a speaker down if information on setting up a civil defenre organization is needed. Chamber Secretary-Managcr Ken Morris, who was present at thc meetng suggestd that the letter be referrcd ta Jack Elston, who is the chie! persan in town active in civil defence matters. He stated that the Chamber would co-operate in any civil defence aotivity. Ib was suggested that the Canad- ian Legion might be interested in civil defence wok. A letter rom the Memaial Hospital asking for a grant was reierred ta the Finance Conmittee. Mayor Osborne brought ta the attention ai council that several members ai the Chamn- ber ai Commerce had agreed Ia serve alang with Reeve Sid- ney Little and Coun. Lloyd Prestan on bbc tawn's Centen- niaI Committee. Couin. Norman Scott asked if the centenniffl shauhd he observ ed in 1957 or Family Uses Same Phone For 48, Years Mrs. 1. Munday ham 4 cd an intercsting note ta f'j ste.ry of the Pont Hope Telce lanc Coin- pany which appeaxil in The Canadian Statesmaný issue of Feb. 2. Thý -Company began In 1907 and M ns. Munday. the former Ruhy Lancaster. relites that one af the 1907 teleph-)ines asin stalîrd la the heicaifhon fath- or, J. W. Lancnýst,, southeast of Newtonville. Thiis, elephane was used on the fai-:l 'ntil Mrs. Lan- castor, fallowiii,, ler husband's death. niovcd tin the vilha,ýe of Nexvtonvihho, v I bbcheinstrui- ment xvas m (ýv d îoo. it was tised bv Mrs. Lan.aster in ber home there iintil 1Navcmber of hast year whn '-he carne ta Bow- manville ta hjyr. One subscriber - sarnc tele- phone from 1907 ta 195r5, ?%rs. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVIÇE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALIITHS WEE Cascara Tablels Digestive tonic and mild laxative 5 grain, q 1o0's, reg. 39e --------- 3 C .D.A. Brand Special! Sio ach Powder Qickhy relieves gastric 4 oz., reg. 75ce- 16 oz., reg. 1.95- 59C 1.49 Sets, styles, waveg ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURL PERMANEN T " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE.SETING " NO TIRESOME WINDINGI $ 17 5 Cmdt Alex. We Deliver Valentine Gifis We have listed below only a few of the many delightful Valentine Gifts that your I.DA. Druggist suggests FOR HER Compacts by Stratton of England.-- 2.50, 3.25 Devilbiss Perfume Atomizers 1., 1.50, 2.25 Gemey 1/4 oz. Perfume -___1.75 Gemey Eau de Cologne ----- 1.75 Gemey 2 oz. Toilet Water 1.75 Shulton "Friendship's Garden" Charmer Set --- ---- 1.50 Toilet Water --- 1.25, 1.75 Stationery (boxed) 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Taylor Soaps, 3's 1.00 FOR HlM Gillette Blades in dispensers 50c, 1.00 Gillette Super-Speed Razor Kit------ - 1.29 Shaving Brush, 4.00 value for -------- ------ 2.98 Others 1.00, 3.50, 5.00 up Shulton Old Spice After Shave Lotion ------ 1.35, 2.00 Shaving Mug ------ 1.50 Sets ---2.00, 2.10, 2.85 C AN DIE S Cadbury's Chocolates 14ý-lb. 80e 1-lb. 1.50 Other delicious fresh as- sortments by such famed candy makers as Neil- son's, Willard's, Moir's, Rowntree's, Lowney's, etc. FOR YOUR VALENTINE_ CHOCOLATES Valentine Heart Boxes E CT N E $2.25 - $2.50 - $3.50 ,[ a Ia j k i ' NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES $1.00 - $1.25 - $2.00 - $2.50' . 10c - 25e - ý rik 4,&oe&4! MINIATURES -- $2.00, $4.00 OTHER ASSORTMENTS $1.60 - $2.00 - $3.20 to $6.25 TOILET WATER CONCENTRATE 50e Spray Tweed Toilet Water al you... .and ail 1 ybuir room.1 Spray il on from heod Io fot, clouds of fragrance whero'er you go! N I.D.A. Brand Special! Aromatic Cascare A pleasant, gentie toniý and laxative reg. 35e - ---_ 29( 6 oz., i reg. 65e --------- 49c I.D.A. Brand Speclal! Paper Napkins 70 whibe, embossed, large size napkins mn dispenser type box Regular 17e 15ic,2/9 1Wednesday, Feb. 151h McGregor, I.D.A. Brand Shaving Cream Soitens the beard, makes, shaving easy, comfortable tube- - - _____ 49C Siopeite Special! Buv the combination af negular $1.25 size of Stopette' or Stopette for mca with a free 47-day trial size. B oth sizes 12 Fighi polio Give generously to the Mothers' MaTch on Polio ___'~'2for 45c~ l'y 6:30 - 7:30 p.m W WMoCRIERmho thnony Othef koir dressmg i ,. o Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store DrugS. Phone MA 3-57921 j J, ,rs is, 35 cents mncii also d Gibson and diner- le Hospital wrery was represen- Fedenation Shop nt YOUR DRUG STORE - the safe, logical and dependable place to buy drugs, medicines and other' produets for health and beautv care. ~4aw ie one) ming ved inam nswer ta :the law the C.P.u. ýe norîli- St. is a ssing. At a letten from the ce declar- in view îblic was that thc y office in ques- ta a Mn. sors, who d Burgess bis apin- 7ate larte, rgess and the crosý- vised that and flot accidents from the PRESCRIPTIONS COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVIÇE i - .*-T-EMDA'r. M. m, 1958 b ovqpw OqAWA.Fwa"